Straight Roomies During Lockdown

By Logan Prejean

Published on Sep 11, 2022


Please let me know what you think about our boys here exploring their boundaries and helping each other with their blue balls. I answer all emails at and on twitter at @LoganPrejean drop me a follow and I will keep you posted on when I publish.

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Let's get further into exploring these straight guys dealing with a COVID and MONKEYPOX lockdown and figuring out how to use each other to solve their blue balls...

Also, this is my creative work, so you know. Don't be a dick.

HUGE thanks to my amazing editor for his help, friendship, and guidance - his twitter is @trappedinthecl1

Straight Roomies During Lockdown | Chapter 6 ---------------------------------------- Where we left off...

"Fuck, I am really ... close dude... imma nut inside you... again. Inside my best friend. Fuck, you ready, stud? We blowing?" Chase says in the cadence his hips were pounding against my hips and his cock so deep in me.

"Fuck yes, I am cumming NOW! Fuck, Chase! YES!" I say, nearly incoherently, and I can feel my ass clamp down hard on his cock as I feel him pumping inside me. I will never get over how good it feels to take a load! Fuck.

As I toss my shorts on the floor I grab the comforter and sheet and pull it over us. Chase starts to fall asleep. He doesn't pull out of me, and, well... I kinda like that.

I wake up about a half hour before our alarm is set to go off. Chase fell out of me sometime during the night, but I do remember feeling him inside me in the middle of the night. I wouldn't have believed it if you would have told me even two months ago that I would crave the feeling of having a man fuck me, well not any man. Chase. He is so incredible. I don't know what has been happening between us but it has been amazing.

He must be waking up as he pulls me back into him and hugs me really tight. His morning wood is like a heat-seeking missile back there, but we don't have time for that at all right now. We have class starting in an hour and we really need to take a shower and get up. I also need to make sure that Chase is going to be ready for tonight. Tonight, I get to have his ass.

"Morning stud!" he says as he starts to stretch and wake up.

"Morning! I don't know when you fell out of me last night, but I did wake up halfway into the night and I felt you still hard inside me, that was kinda hot! How long do you stay hard?"

"What can I say, it's a choice ass! Surprised I ever went soft, actually." I stand up and stretch, my hard on pointing right at Chase. He sits up and licks the tip of my cock, then grins at me.

"Dude, we so don't have time for this..." as he sucks my cock into his mouth. Jesus, he has gotten so good at this. Fuck he feels so good. "Hey, let's hop in the shower!"

Chase goes in for his last lick, then stands up, hard as a rock, and pulls me into his famous hug. I just melt into his arms. "It is so nice to wake up to you, Monty." He keeps holding me. Fuck, I am not going to pull away from him. He pulls back a bit from me and takes my right arm and pulls it down to his ass.

"Monty, my ass is yours today, I am so excited for this actually." I take a good hold of his ass cheek and allow my index finger to go right to his hole and I just keep my fingertip right on his rosebud.

"Chase, I have been looking forward to this. You sure you are ready?"

"Monty, I am with you. I trust you and if it is half as good as you tell me, then fuck yah I am ready. Kinda pissed it has taken this long." He slaps me on the ass and we get into the shower. Chase turns it on and it starts warming up. I go over and grab the largest butt plug we have along with the lube.

Our showers have become a bit routine, certainly not in a bad way, but in that I haven't washed any part of myself since we started doing this together. Chase scrubs me down, and I get to take care of him. It's very intimate and a lot of fun. As we go in for our hug, I reach around and go to wash his ass like usual. This time though, it's special, there is an electricity combined with anticipation that I know we can both feel. I run my fingertip over his tight ass. I rub in small circles as he leans his head down onto my shoulder and neck. I slowly slide my index finger into him as he nibbles on my shoulder, which is so fucking hot. I slide in my middle finger alongside my index finger and soap him all up. Fuck, this ass is mine today. I can't wait. "This ass is mine today, stud!" I say to him, which gets another nibble on my shoulder from him.

He washes me up really well; he washed some of his cum out of my ass as he fingered me really deeply. Noticing the time, I know we gotta speed things up. We rinse off and grab our towels and get all dried off. I hold up the butt plug to our boy. While #4 was the same width as chase, #5 is my size, which is significant. "You ready for this?"

"Fuck yah, I am," he says almost playfully, and he hops over to me and kisses me. Jesus, this kid. I don't know what is going on, but wow, that kiss. Something different just happened there. We pull back and look at each other, and there is something different. Wow. I don't know what that just was, but it was fucking amazing. It was electric. Fuck.

I lube up the plug really well and then I tell Chase to assume the position and he lays down on his back on our bed and lifts his left leg up and places it on my shoulder. I rub his hole really good and get his ass lubed up. I am moving two fingers in and out of him and decide to go for a third. Chase is just looking at me and smiling with this really loving smile. I don't know how to describe this, but there is an electricity between us that may have been here before, but never this strong. I don't hate it.

Three fingers are moving easily in and out of my best friend. He is taking it well and really enjoying it if his leaking cock is any indication. So I palm the #5 and I hold it between my legs to warm it up while I continue to play with his ass. Fuck, he is so warm inside, his ass is just perfect, it's beautiful actually. Fuck, I have no idea why this is so exciting... I mean, we are just two guys helping each other out, right? Or is there something...?

"Fuck, that really feels good Monty, you are really stretching me and you are being so gentle, fuck man this is really fun. Shit, I wish we didn't have class today. Fuck, yes, keep going," Chase says to me, almost pleading. Fuck, I can't tell him no, maybe we could...

"So, it's only a lecture today, and they will be loading the video up onto the student library... we could just take the absence since we haven't done that before... that is, if you are up for that?" I point out for him, he is too much of a good boy, though. He won't want to skip class. But I hope he will, so I turn up the heat and the action on his ass by reaching up and stroking his beautiful cock.

"I don't know Monty, that sounds too... oh crap, that feels so good. Do that again. Oh wow, we really should go to class Monty... but holy crap..." Chase says, he is grinding his ass onto my fingers now. I keep pushing him, stretching him and I make special work of his prostate, rubbing it slowly with my index finger as I move all three of them in and out of him. Chase starts to moan and that sound goes right to my dick. Fuck, this is so God damn hot.

"God, Chase, you feel so damn good. Your ass is perfect!" I say to him as I reach up and stroke his cock again.

"Monty, we really shouldn't, but I can't wait any longer, we'll send a note to the dean saying we overslept... I really want you inside me, Monty. I need you inside me." Chase says, and I am shocked. This good boy folds up his dirty clothes, he barely curses except when he is having sex. He never even hits the snooze button. But today, today he is saying we should skip a class because he wants my dick. Fuck, THAT is so damn hot.

"Chase, if you are sure, then let's do this."

"I am so ready, I want to give you this and, frankly, as much as you enjoy it, crap! I feel like I have been missing out."

"OK, let me properly prepare your fantastic hole," I say as I slowly pull my fingers out of his ass and I take my shorts to wipe off the excess lube from his ass with them. I turn him a bit so his legs are not dangling over the edge, allowing me to get up on the bed and in between his legs. I help him lift his legs up and I push his ass up in the air, resting his ankles by his ears and splaying the most beautiful hole I have ever seen.

I'm teasing his hole and diving my tongue as deep as I can. Fuck, he tastes so good. Never in a million years would I have thought I would get off so much eating a guy's hole, but fuck, the combination of smells of musk and sex, along with the pure taste that is uniquely Chase, has me dripping onto our sheets. I keep elevating his ass and stretching and licking into my best friend. It's not just to prepare his hole for me... but also because I want him to feel so good... and it works, as he is writhing with pleasure. Pleasure that only I can give him.

I slowly lower his legs and I move up closer to him so that our pelvises unite together as his thighs drape over mine. I wish I had my camera here; what I am seeing is too perfect.

"Damn, I wish I had my phone, we need a photo of this!" I say.

"Fuck, here, use mine," Chase says as he grabs his from the shelf above the bed.

I wipe my left hand of lube and grab his phone and I snap several photos. The first is this perfect man, my best friend, laying on his back, his 9" of steel cock laying looking extremely large and impressive. The second snap is of both of our cocks and his hole. My cock head is resting right at the juncture of his right nut and his right leg. Fuck, my dick looks huge. How the hell is it going to fit into this tiny hole of his?

"Dude, you have to let me get a photo of you so we both have a photo showing our point of view for this. I know we are not going to want to forget this, babe." He say this in a rich, sexy voice, but fuck, he just called me babe. FUCK, that was actually hot. Damn this kid, what is he doing to me?

He takes the camera from me and starts snapping a few shots of me, and not gonna lie, that was fucking hot. Shit, two weeks ago even thinking about taking a photo of me with another naked and hard guy would have made me fighting mad. Now, fuck, it has my cock leaking. While we certainly won't be making an OF with these, they will be special to us.

I grab the lube to re-apply to his ass. I don't want to hurt him, fuck, I can't hurt him. That would destroy me, so making sure he has plenty of lube is imperative. I would love to take him with just my precum, of which there is plenty, but I can't have his first time leaving pain or soreness. Besides, I want to take several rides on his ass today, like he did mine.

I look down at Chase, and he is just smiling and looking up at me. "We ready, stud?" I say.

"I am so ready. God, I want you so bad!" he says and winks at me. Fuck, that wink.

I move up closer to him and position my cock at the entrance to his winking hole. I skin back the head of my cock and apply some pressure, and my cock head easily slides into him. I just hold there with the rather large head of my cock just inside my best friend.

"Chase, I am inside you. Fuck you feel so damn good!" I say, with a bit of excitement and anticipation in my voice. "You think you can take some more?"

"Fuck yes, give me some more. Oh my God, you are inside me. You feel so good, damn. This is better than I thought it would be. Your cock feels so warm. FUCK yes, give me some more. OH SHIT. Monty, you just hit my prostate, fuck. Dude! Why have you been holding out on me?"

This is next level, I have had my share of pussy and this is no pussy. This is tight, this is manly, this is... fuck, I think this is better. Fuck, what am I saying?

I'm about 3-4" in him right now, and fuck, his ass is a furnace. He is hugging my entire dick and holding it tight, I know this could cause him issues moving forward too fast so I want to take this slow. I reach up and massage his thighs, I try to grab his cock, but Chase stops me.

"Oh shit, don't do that... I will bust immediately! Give me some more, I am good. FUCK, you are stretching my ass out so good. FUCK. Your cock is so warm inside me. Fuck those butt-plugs, I want your dick from now on!" Holy shit this kid, he is so fucking hot, I am now more than halfway inside him with 5" of my thick cock inside him. I give him a bit of a pump and his eyes fly open.

"SHIT, are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?" I ask, really concerned that I just ruined this.

"Oh my God, no! This is PERFECT. Damn, this feels so fucking good... give me another pump!"

So I did. I give him a few, and in fact, I slip in a bit deeper than I had expected to do, and Chase seems to be loving it. So I lean down on top of him so our chests press together. His huge cock is nestled in between our abs and I whisper in his ear, "Fuck, Chase, you are amazing! I have never felt better than I do right now. I am going to give you the rest of me, are you OK with that? Can I go balls deep inside you?"

"Fuck yes, Monty! Give it to me!" So with that, I slowly give him the last two inches of me as my pubes make contact with his taint. At this point I don't know what took over me, but I don't give a fuck, this is fantastic. I dive into him and start making out with him. Our tongues are battling for control as I hold his head with both of my hands.

"Chase, I fucking love you. Fuck, this is the most amazing I have ever felt. Fuck, man, I love you so much."

His ass feels amazing and holding him so tightly as I start pistoning in and out of him is the most intimate thing I have ever done. First, I have never fucked without a condom, so this is so fucking hot on that level alone. Second, I have never really cared for any of the girls I was with; sure, I was nice to them and all, but they knew nothing about me and I knew very little about them. Chase and I are connecting on a level I frankly never thought possible, and frankly I am pissed that I never KNEW this was possible. Add to that the fact that his ass is holding my cock from tip to the base. His ass is so warm hugging every inch of me, I have never imagined anything this good.

I whisper in his ear, making full body contact as I fuck my best friend. "Fuck Chase... this is... well it's next level babe... I will not last much longer... I am sorry I can't ... make this last longer... but this is only the first load... I am going to breed you with today, OK? You want my nut?"

"Yes, babe, breed me. Cum inside me!" Hearing his permission, I get this tingling that starts on the crown of my head, and it shoots down through my entire body down to my toes and then back up again and right to my balls. I can feel myself start to shoot inside him before I am even in full orgasm. I push as far in as I can, I am so deep inside him now, I begin shooting so hard, I can tell I am firing out a huge load. As I do, I dive down into the hottest, most passionate kiss of my life. Chase's eyes appear to be rolling into the back of his head as I feel him start to shoot between us, landing between his abs and mine, painting us fully on the outside as I paint him from the inside. This orgasm just doesn't seem to end as I fire at least 10 shots into him, and my cock wants to keep shooting to the point where it is almost painful.

I finally remember to breathe again; apparently, my cock robbed me of my breathing, so I take this huge gulp of air and collapse onto Chase. He takes his legs and wraps them around me and pulls me into him even tighter. Fuck, what was this, a hug upgrade? I'll take it!

"I love you too Monty, I love you so much... Monty... I am... Monty... I am in love with you. I don't want this to end..." He trails off and as I pull up from him he has tears rolling down his rouged cheeks.

"Oh fuck, Chase, don't cry! Please don't cry! What's wrong?"

"I just, it's just... I want to call this what it is. Fuck, Monty. I love you, I really love you. I never thought I could or would want this, but you are everything to me. Fuck, I am sorry if you don't feel the same way... I guess I am breaking our bro code."

"Fuck the bro code! Chase, fuck. I love you too and I am in love with you too. I don't know what or when it happened but I am still 8" deep in you right now and I never want this to end. You know more about me than any other human on this planet. You care about me more than anyone ever has and you always put me first in all of your considerations. Fuck, bro. That is love."

Sobbing now, Chase says, "But what does this mean, are we gay now? Fuck, what will my parents do? How will we be treated?"

"Babe, I don't give a fuck what anyone says. YOU are my family now, you hear that? YOU are my first and you are my last. I want you, I want only you, and I need this just as much as you do. We are in this together and even if everyone turns their backs on us, and they won't, but even if they did - we have each other. I have your monster hugs to come home to. To get me through rough times, and in the good times. We got this, we are in this together! I love you Chase. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Chase pulls me back down into a hug, one of his famous hugs, only this time I am still inside him and he is full of my cum. I am deep inside him. He starts kissing me deep, the most passionate kiss of my life. We literally feel like we are merged, like we are one flesh. He grabs my face in both hands and looks me right in the eye and says, "Yes, I am your boyfriend. YES, I wanna spend every moment with you."

Hearing him say this to me, knowing he means it completely, makes my dick throb a bit.

"Fuck, what was that? Holy shit, is this what you felt when I pulsed my cock in you? Holy fuck! You gotta fuck me again, babe. Give me the full Monty!"

I grab his hands and pull them up above his head and we interlace our fingers together and I start to make love to my boyfriend. As I begin to push in and out of him our lips meet and we are perfectly joined, we are built for this. We are made for this, this is exactly where we should be.

"Fuck, you feel so good, Chase. Your ass has a solid hold of my cock, all 8 thick inches are yours, and your ass is now officially mine. I wanna make love to you daily, fuck, this is amazing." , "Monty... yes... yes... give me your dick, you feel so fucking good.... Take... my ass. It is yours, my guy." Chase is out of breath and I can feel his cock leaking again, joining the huge load that is still between us as we rub together.

"Fuck... Chase... You are my boyfriend... Second load... but first in my boyfriend...I am not going... to last long... this... this is so hot... Fuck babe... your ass is amazing!"

"Babe... I am going to cum... fuck... your stomach on my cock... your cock... fuck me, Monty!"

Chase begins firing his second huge load onto his stomach and, in doing so, his ass clamps down on my cock like nothing I have ever felt before. This sends me over the top and I push as far into him as I can go... and I fire. I nut so hard my toes curl, and I empty into my boyfriend so much it feels like I am giving him my soul, and perhaps I am.

"Monty, fuck... I can feel every... shot of cum... holy fuck this is so hot. Damn... I can feel your loads inside me, it is so hot!" Chase says as he starts to come down from his orgasm.

He has this angelic look to his face. This must be what love feels like, because every bit of every piece of me is head over heels for this boy. Fuck, a boy. I'm in love with a boy. I lean back down to him, staying deep inside him to kiss him.

"Fuck I love you, Chase. Promise me that we can get through this, that no matter what we are going to be together, right?"

"Monty, I love you and we are going to be together forever as far as I am concerned. Things may be tough at first, but fuck, I am with you. I love you. You are my world, Montgomery Clifton Meaux."

"I haven't told you this, I don't think. But my uncle is gay, and he has been loved, accepted and part of our family completely. My family will be there for us. In fact, I am kinda scared how excited my mom is going to be when we tell her. I know that won't be the case with your family."

"Monty, I am scared about telling them. I won't tell them face to face because they will try to disappear me to some reprogramming camp. I promise you that is not a lie. I don't count on them for anything, they haven't given me anything. I got scholarships and student loans so we don't have to worry about them. They are toxic, and I won't let them hurt you like they have hurt me," Chase says in the most loving but determined way I have ever seen him.

"We got this, Chase. We. Got. This!" I say to him. I am still hard inside him and I start to move a bit. "Now how about I try to knock you up again?" I say. Chase giggles and I continue to make love to him.

5 Years in the future... That was 5 years ago to the day. Today, I am marrying the best friend I have ever had in my life: Montgomery Clifton Meaux. This really couldn't have happened any other way than it did. If we had met any other way, this just wouldn't have worked. But that first day we were assigned to work together on a project for Bio, I just felt drawn to him. Then we were able to select each other to be roomies sophomore year since we were robbed of our freshman year due to COVID.

Monty's loving family is hosting us in New Iberia at the Myrtles, surrounded by college friends as well. Ashton is here with his plus one of the week. I honestly don't know why Monty is such good friends with him. My cousin Sarah, the only member of my family that decided to come to our big day, hugs me and says, "I'm sorry they wouldn't come, you know they do love you, they just..."

"Not today," I quip. "Today is Monty's and my day and I will be damned if those hate filled, prejudiced parents of mine are going to ruin this. I love you so much for being here, as I know they will shun you for this. Now, I'm off to marry my best friend." I get a tear in my eye. Monty and I walk in from the sides to join together in the center in front of our best friend Rebecca, who is officiating for us.

10 years in the future... We are in a labor and delivery room where Monty is helping to deliver twins. Poor woman is going through excruciating pain, but Monty is calm as ever. The nurses take each of the babies and clean them up, check them out, and make sure they are healthy. From their crying they certainly have strong lungs!

I'm sitting off to the side as our charge nurse, Justine, brings the babies over to me. I have my shirt off as we know it is so important to have that skin to skin contact when we first meet our babies so they can bond to us. Monty, having cleaned himself up and made sure the birth mother was OK, comes and joins me, tears in both of our eyes as we kiss.

World, please meet Isaac and Isabel, our children.

15 years in the future... Monty drives slowly down our street where we just moved into our new house, which we designed and built ourselves, as I look back onto the twins.

"OK, you two are going to be good today. Isabel, you are going to look out for your brother, OK?" I say, wanting to make sure they stay together.

"Yes, Papa!" Isabel says in a light wisp of a voice.

"Good, now Isaac, you are going to look out for your sister too, isn't that right?" Monty says, looking back at them through the rear-view mirror.

"Yes, Daddy!"

Monty and I get the kids out of the back seat and we walk them into their first day of Kindergarten. We hold hands as we see our kids, who are growing up way too fast, walk up and disappear into their classroom, all too ready to have some fun.

20 years in the future... "Status update?" I ask as I walk up to the Nurses' Station. I had just finished rounding, and something compelled me to head up to the floor where I was told my mother had been admitted.

"There has been no improvement, Doctor. I am sorry. We are continuing to see diminished function of all of her major systems. I am sorry to say that I don't think she will make it much longer. You may want to go in finally, and say goodbye."

"Thanks, Adam. I guess I should." Adam had been caring for my mother since she was admitted three days after suffering a massive stroke, a large vessel occlusion that has left her completely unconscious and not able to recover. Father died several years ago of a massive heart attack. I never spoke with him again after I came out to them in a letter.

I walk in to see my mother. She is a withered shell of the woman that she used to be. She looks almost angelic. It betrays the hatred she holds, the bigotry and vitriol she spewed. I sit down beside her on the bed and I hold her hand. "Mom, I am so sorry that you never got to really know me, your only son. You never got to know your son-in-law and you never even got to meet your grandchildren. But as you transition to whatever is next, I want you to know. I am happy. My husband is happy and our children are happy, healthy and loved. I am sorry you missed out on that. Even through all of this, Mom, I still love you. It's OK to go now. It's OK. Go be with dad."

A tear falls down her face, so maybe she can hear me. I get up and I leave the room, certainly sad, but for so many reasons.

50 years in the future... Walking down a live oak-lined street with moss hanging from the branches and blowing in the breeze, I interlace my fingers with his, just like we did when we first got together, and say, "I love you." I pull up his hand and kiss it.

"You know Monty, today is 50 years since we committed to each other, and every single day of my life I have grown to love you more than I did the day before. Your heart, your patience, and your passion have been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you so much, my Monty."

Monty kisses the back of my hand, "Chase, my beanpole, from the moment you walked in our room that hot August day, you jumped into my heart, and I have never wanted to spend one minute away from you. Here we are, and in all of these years, we have only spent 8 nights apart. My life couldn't have been any better. We have two beautiful children who have given us six grandchildren, at least thus far. You are my world. I would not change one single thing, not one single moment. Fuck, I love you stud. How about we go back to the house and try to make some more babies?"

"I'm certain you know that is not how that works, Doctor!" I say as I playfully lean into Monty.

"Fuck, you never know until you try! Now let's go so I can knock you up!"

---------------------------- T H E E N D -----------------------------

Thanks to my friend and editor, he's at @trappedinthecl1 on twitter.

If you enjoyed this story fresh from my smutty mind, please follow me here on nifty or over on Literotica at and rate this story... I am writing a lot these days and have more stand-alone stories AND series coming!

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