Straight Roomies During Lockdown

By Logan Prejean

Published on Sep 5, 2022


Please let me know what you think about our boys here exploring their boundaries and helping each other with their blue balls. I answer all emails at and on twitter at @LoganPrejean drop me a follow and I will keep you posted on when I publish.

SUPPORT! Please throw a few dollars over to Nifty so we can keep this amazing service free!

Let's get further into exploring these straight guys dealing with a COVID and MONKEYPOX lockdown and figuring out how to use each other to solve their blue balls...

Also, this is my creative work, so you know. Don't be a dick.

HUGE thanks to my amazing editor for his help, friendship, and guidance - his twitter is @trappedinthecl1

Straight Roomies During Lockdown | Chapter 5 ---------------------------------------- Where we left off...

The next thing I feel is indescribable. Chase bottoms out inside me, grunting this animalistic series of grunts, and his cock swells inside me as I feel him blasting inside me. I feel every shot. Because he is so deep inside me, I can feel his whole shaft pushing that hot load up inside me, pulsing as it fires shot after shot deep inside me. There are no words to describe how good this feels.

We both get done shooting and have just a little bit of cum dribbling out of us, and Chase collapses on top of me, still balls deep. I hold him tight in my arms.

What the fuck did I just do? What did we just do? He is still so deep inside me... and if I am being honest with myself, I don't want him to pull out of me. ----------------------------

"So I don't give a shit how gay this sounds, but Chase, don't pull out of me just yet, stay inside me. I kinda don't want this to end. Sometimes after sex, people pull back, they act weird, and I can't deal with that right now, so until we have to go and do this damn laundry, stay inside me," I say, almost unable to look him in the eye.

Chase pushes me up into the bed, remaining deep inside his best friend as he rotates behind me and pulls me into one of his famous bear hugs. Chase takes a beat and nuzzles up beside my head, and says, "Monty, a lot has changed. A lot." I start to recoil as I hear this, scared to death for the next words that will come out of Chase's mouth.

"Hey, I can feel you pulling back. Bro, what I mean to say is... You are the closest person I have ever had in my life. In less than two weeks, we have gone from little more than internet `friends' to the best friend I have ever had. Now, I don't give a fuck, yes, apparently now I am a fornicator and a curser." It's kinda cute because he just made himself giggle. "Monty, I love you. I literally could not be any closer to you now physically, but I know we can only get closer intellectually and spiritually, and I am excited for that. Look, the elephant in the room is... what is this called? What are our labels? FUCK THAT! You hear me? No good can come from us freaking out about putting a label on things. Here are two labels I am sticking with and I hope you will too. LOVE - I love you Montgomery Meaux, and the other is Best Friend with massive benefits."

This gets us both laughing. He hugs me tight. I feel his love; I hope he feels mine. This kid has just become so crucial to me. I have had friends before, good friends. Hell, even a best friend. But whether it was from being forced together for this lockdown, or the budding friendship that started a year ago in a group project in Bio, this kid has redefined love for me and he certainly has taught me that taking a chance and going with what feels good can get you fucked... in a VERY good way.

But I am still so attracted to girls - I mean nice pair of tits... fuck they're nice, wet... they are hot. I don't really feel the same when I see a dick or a guy's ass.

"Chase, this is just weird, it's not like I am some newfound gay guy that wants to get fucked all the time. I am still attracted to girls. I see myself chasing tits and ass... I don't think of guys and get horny at all. But... Fuck, I see your dick and I see that my work is cut out for me. My job is to make you feel good. Because you make me feel so good. This is just so weird, but that said I just had to say it. I love you so much and I wanna make you feel good. Maybe I can play with your ass a bit more too?" I say as I reach over and kiss Chase with an evil grin that I know he can decipher. I squeeze my ass really tight on his cock.

Neither Chase nor I have gone soft from our mindblowing fuck yet. He is staying bottomed out in me and I have started to leak precum again as I feel that pulse of his dick again.

"Monty, fuck, your ass just holds my cock and like milks it. Dude, this feels soo good, I may have to..." Chase trails off as he moves his cock in and out of me just a little bit.

"Chase, do it. Look, I am leaking again like crazy!"

"I was hoping you would say that, Monty," as he starts to fuck me again. This time it feels much more passionate. He has both of his arms wrapped around me and we are holding hands, fingers interlaced, as he starts nibbling on my left earlobe.

"Fuck your ass is perfect, fuck I love being inside you, roomie. I can feel you hugging my dick from the tip all the way to the base, and sliding in and out of you is the best feeling I have ever had in my life. You have to promise me, no matter what happens in life, we can always have this. My dick is always home inside your ass," Chase says and we both giggle like kids.

"God, yes, you can take my ass for a spin whenever you want with that huge horse cock of yours. Chase, fuck, you feel good." As I am saying this, I feel Chase reaching to grab something, but his arm is blocking my view. He has picked up the lube as well as the Fleshlight, and he lubes it up and then slowly slides it down on my cock.

"Oh fuck, yah... I am ... not going to... last long like this..." I say, clearly in sensory overload.

"Well, we have 15 minutes before we have to leave, and we are going to use all of that time with me making sure I fuck you properly and that you shoot deep inside this toy so that I can get a good taste of it. God, you feel good, Monty. And this stroker on your cock, imagine that it is MY ass you are inside! Fuck, slowly streatching me open. Taking your extra time because I am a bit scared, but I know you would never hurt me. Through everything we have tried you have never let me down." As he says this I can't help imaging just how I am going to be fucking him soon. That his perfect ass is going to be opening up for me, only me. He may own my ass, but I am soon going to claim his ass!

"Fuck yah, Chase! You are going to give me your ass, huh? You want my thick uncut cock inside you? It's thicker than that buttplug still inside you, stud. It's gonna stretch you really good."

Chase is picking up his pace, fucking me from behind. I lift my leg a bit and lean forward a little so he can really get to pounding me. I love the forcefulness. I love the hardness. I love that we are men. We are fully men, not playing any roles. Men being men.

Chase rolls back into me and starts really going to town not only on my ass but also on my dick with that stroker. He has synchronized the fleshlight with his thrusts deep inside me. He says half panting, half grunting, "Here I cum bro, ...cum with me. Fuck I love you, Jesus I love you, I love your ass!"

Completely in sync, we both fire off our loads at the same time and I can feel Chase filling my ass yet again with another huge load. Fuck, I love that he comes so much and so deep inside me. We continue to hold each other for a few minutes until Chase blurts out, "Shit, we have 5 minutes to get down to the laundry! We gotta go!"

"I am going to pull out of you slowly, but you are gonna want to tighten up as I am coming out because you are full of the two largest loads I have ever shot in my life," he says with the most shit-eating grin I've ever seen. As he says this to me, he takes the fleshlight, pulls it off my cock, and then brings it up to his mouth and tilts it down so he can lick some of my load out of the toy. Fuck, this kid.

As he is keeping my attention with the rim job he is giving to this silicone toy, he slowly pulls all the way out of me. Fuck, I now feel so empty, but I do tighten up back there as I don't want to have his load dripping down my leg. But also, I don't really want to lose his load, not just yet, at least.

So we both get up and Chase makes another pronouncement. "I need you to quickly insert the #4 plug that WAS going to go into you before you took advantage of me." We both crack up laughing. "I need you to put it into me. I want to take your cock, I want us to share that very soon, but the only way that happens is if I am ready for your thick cock. So... No funny business, just replace the old with the new."

Chase, with his perfect ass, leans over in front of me and all is can see is the base of the #3 buttplug deep inside him. Wow, both of the times he was fucking me, he had a buttplug in his ass tickling his prostate on each of his trusts. Fuck, that must have been so hot.

"Focus, Monty, we gotta get going." So I lube up the new one, slowly pull out the old one, and immediately start pressing in the new one. I get more than halfway in right away, but then, going slowly, I keep steady pressure on it and gently slide it in until we hear that final "plop" that lets us know that it's in all the way.

"Hey, look... I kinda want to keep your loads inside me, so I am going to get this #5 plug and slide it into me to hold your loads in there." The number 5 plug was bigger, sure... thicker, and about an inch longer coming in at 6" or so... the thickness was just slightly thicker than Chase's dick, and just slightly thinner than mine. I get it all lubed up and start inserting it, and frankly, it just slides right in. A slight stretch, but pop, and it is in.

We both grab a pair of basketball shorts; noticeably, Chase doesn't put on his compression shorts, but opts to freeball with me. Hot! We both are throwing everything we can find that needs washing into several pillowcases so we can run down to the laundry room at our prescribed time. Who knows when we will be able to go again?

We grab our masks from a hook on the door; as we go to leave the room, I reach over and pinch Chase's right nipple. This gets a cheeky response out of him. "Damn you, that is plugged directly to my cock man, and I can't hide that thing in these shorts!" We both crack up laughing and make our way to the laundry room on the 1st floor of our dorm.

As we get there, we see there is another guy in there rushing to pull his stuff together, knowing he is over his reservation time. He doesn't have his mask on as we look at him through the window in the steel door leading in. He is a bit shorter, but he's got a great body. He is wearing a pair of basketball shorts too with flip flops, but unlike us, he has on a tshirt. His chest is stretching out the front of the shirt, and his arms are hella nice. He turns around to look at us and for some reason, my eyes go to his crotch... where bingo - he is freeballing just like we are. Well, hell, it is laundry day.

When I look up and look him in the eyes, I recognize him: that is Asher from wrestling! We walk into the humid laundry room and scope out the other side opposite Asher, and finally I say hey to him.

"Hey, you are Asher, right? Asher Comeaux? Did you wrestle for STM? I'm Monty. Monty Meaux from New Iberia," I say as I lower my mask so he can see me. "Oh, this is my roommate Chase. He is from Alexandria, but don't hold that against him." I get a play punch from Chase again.

"Monty, wow! It is good to see you, man! It's been since before COVID, right? Dang, I see you are still keeping in shape! Nicely done!" Asher says as he gets closer. I notice he briefly looks up at Chase, who towers over him, before he extends his hand to shake mine... I hold up my hand to signify "stop."

"Hey, bro. No offense, but COVID has ripped both of our families up, so we are taking all the precautions to be safe," I say, not wanting to be rude, but also, not wanting to have any issues. Chase and I promised each other no unwarranted risks.

"Oh my god, of course. No worries; shit, I lost my mask! Dang, you guys kinda smell ripe... you been out fucking some ladies or something?" Asher says as he wrinkles up his nose a bit.

"Ha, if only! Man, we were just in our room killing time working out until we got our laundry slot and didn't have time to shower," Chase says as a quick cover for us both; I'm aware that our poker faces suck, as both of our faces have turned a bright red being called out like this. "Besides, with me around, I will be pulling all the ladies and Monty will have to be happy with sloppy seconds."

I start to nervously laugh at Chase's joke, and by doing so a bit of Chase's load escapes my ass and starts running down my leg. I don't feel it right away because it is so warm, but I suddenly become aware, my eyes wide as it trickles its way down to my calf muscle. I had turned away from Asher to throw all of our sheets into the washer just as I felt this, and now I turn around and I catch Asher looking right at it. It looks for a second like he is going to say something, and a million thoughts run through my mind about what I will say. Luckily, Asher seems to reconsider and just stops.

"Well, you boys have fun down here. It will be nice to have clean clothes again. Look, I am in Room 517 if you ever need help with anything. If you knock first and tell me who it is, I will be sure to mask up for you before opening the door," Asher says with a bit of a canaille look on his face. Fuck, did he know? Did he know we had been fucking? That I have cum leaking out of my ass? That it's Chase's cum dripping down my leg?

Chase looks quizzically at me as I appear to be glitching out as The Matrix reboots. "Good meeting you, Asher. We must be right across the hall from you; we are in 514.Never hesitate to reach out if you need something.

"Great, thanks. Oh yeah, I guess I did hear you guys exercising as I walked past your room and headed down here. Look, Monty, look me up on socials. If you are still wrestling, I would love to get a rematch finally. I was robbed last time."

I laugh half-heartedly, and tell him I will. Tell him to do the same, and he makes his way out. As he exits I grab something out of one of our pillow cases of dirty clothes to wipe off the back of my leg. Turns out I grabbed one of Chase's compression shorts. Fuck. This has me starting to bone up a bit.

"Dude," I say, "I have your cum dripping down my leg, and I swear Asher clocked it and knows what it was! Fuck, and he heard us fucking as he passed our door. Wow. Jesus."

"There is no way he knew that was cum, but let me see it dripping out of you. Fuck I bet that is hot." He takes his finger and runs it up under my shorts and finds another drop and pulls his finger out and runs it right up to my mouth and feeds it to me. FUCK. This kid.

"Dude! Fuck, now I am chubbing up! SHIT, you are too!" I say, rather overwhelmed about this.

"Look," Chase says, "he is a college kid completely obsessed with himself. I am sure other than remembering that he reconnected with the guy he once wrestled, he has moved on to whatever else is plaguing his brain. Trust me, it's not us, and certainly not what we do in our own room." He comes up beside me and pulls me into another one of his bear hugs to reassure me before I spin out of control in my head.

"Besides, I think he kinda has the hots for you. He wasn't completely soft in those shorts, my friend," Chase says with a knowing smile on his face.

We have three loads of laundry going now. Glad our moms taught us something about this! Lights, Darks both washed in cold water. Then HOT water for sheets and towels! Washers are going strong and so we both take to scrolling on our phones. Since we spent the majority of the day fucking around, well, and actually fucking, we both have a bunch of pings to check out.

After I scroll through texts from Mom and Dad, and some emails that are mostly spam, I hop over onto Instagram, where, after some looking, I finally find Asher. His screen name is CajunAsher18 on insta and he has a link tree in his bio. So I click on it and find his TikTok. Holy crap, it's nothing but a bunch of thirst traps!

"Chase, get your ass over here, you won't believe this!" I say as he makes his way over to me and leans in as I show him my phone. "Check this out, Asher is posting a ton of thirst traps on his TikTok! Keeps saying his spicy link is in his insta bio."

"What's a spicy channel?" Chase says, genuinely asking. Wow, he really is sheltered!

"It typically is like an OnlyFans account where folks get naked, model, jack off, and even have sex and people pay to watch," I tell him rather flippantly, not realizing this is going to shake this kid to the core. I am sure his mom had a platinum porn blocker on his phone AND his wifi.

"No way! He is making money off letting people watch him? Fuck, we have to check this out! Click the link!" Chase says with a bit too much excitement in his voice. This is rather intriguing. I have never personally known anyone that has their own OF. This is certainly the same Asher that was just in here, hell, he even is wearing a singlet in several of his photos, albeit not an STM branded one.

"Shit, he is charging $14.99 per month to join his channel but he says he doesn't do PPV."

"P. P. V. ?"

"Pay-per-view... some girls charge you like $9 a month and then any videos they send with more nudity, masturbation or outright sex is charged an additional fee. Others, apparently like our Asher here, just put everything up there on their channel and don't charge extra."

"No way! We should join! I will split the cost with you," Chase says, getting all curious. "I mean, I am just amazed people do this, I wanna see." So I click join and it goes right through. I already have an account on OnlyFans as I have about 4 girls that I follow, so I had to save my card information in there. I don't think Chase notices that.

The loud buzzer goes off on the first washer with the other two close behind, I am sure. So we set down our phones and transfer our wet, clean items into dryers, toss in two dryer sheets each, and set them going to dry. Then we go back to my phone. Chase hoists himself up onto a washer and pulls me over to him so he can look over my shoulder as I scroll through Asher's page.

Lots of nude photos of him posing, lots of different really sexy underwear and singlets he is modeling, most of them with his hard cock clearly visible. He looks to be smaller than both Chase and I, but it's a decent sized cock, nonetheless. There are a few videos uploaded in the past few weeks. This makes us both curious.

"He has videos of himself jerking off it seems, but where is his roommate?" I say looking back at Chase. I click play on the most recent video.

It's of Asher as he is stroking himself in his dorm bed. And he is talking to someone! "You might as well just join me! I know my viewers would love to see you! You have a hot body, roomie! I'll make sure we don't show your face!" You can hear some whispering and then a loud "YES" as Asher gets up and heads over to his roommate's bed.

There stands a nice 8" uncut cock, kinda looks like mine but I am a bit thicker than him. He is slowly stroking. You hear Asher complementing his roommate. "Damn, that is a nice cock there roomie! Let me help you with it," he says, as he reaches down and grabs hold of his roommate and starts stroking him in earnest. Clearly he has done this before. SHIT, what else have they done?!

I look back at Chase and he wraps his legs around my waist and pulls me into him, hugging me. "See, my dear Monty, it's not so strange for us to be fooling around, the boys across the hall are doing it too!"

We watch, rather mesmerized by what is happening, and how Asher is really going for it. He takes the camera as he is still stroking his roommate, and redirects the camera to his own leaking cock, and then back to the stroking action. The roommate is a vocal cummer; as he blasts, you hear him moaning and saying, "fuck yah, fuck yah." He shoots an impressive load out, really thick as it slides down Asher's fingers. Asher brings his hand up, showing us the fresh roommate cum as he brings it up to his mouth. You hear the roommate say, "no man, don't do that, come on!" as Asher licks it off his fingers. The video ends.

"See, and they even like cum as much as we do!" Chase says.

Dryer buzzers go off, and shit, we only have ten more minutes. We decide to put everything back into clean pillow cases and take them back to the room to fold them. Grab our masks and put them back on and head back to the 5th floor.

As we get to our floor we both check out which door is 517. It's diagonal across from us, out our door and to the left. We just look at each other, shake our heads, and head into our room.

"Bro, what if he knows that we subscribed to his OF?" I am kinda freaked out about this and Chase can tell so as he does he works to calm me down.

"So, who cares? Again, he is more likely to be freaking out than you should be! I mean he is out there naked, stroking, and stroking his roommate for the world to see! He had over 100 likes on that video. Shit, that's... well that is nearly $1,500k per month! Just if only 100 people are paying him," Chase says as he tosses our clean clothes on his bed and he kicks off his flip flops and drops his shorts. Dang, he took to being naked fast!

"Yeah, I guess, Chase. But, wow" I say, following his lead and kicking off the flips and dropping my shorts. Chase starts folding our clothes, making piles of his and piles of mine, since we didn't have that much, really. I take to making up the beds. We only sleep in mine, so I fold up his sheets to save for swapping mine out when we get them too... crusty. I make up my bed getting everything ready for sleep.

We make quick order to all of that and it is way late. "Time for bed, roomie! But we should re-lube these butt plugs if we are going to keep wearing them," I say to him, though I don't know if I wanna keep wearing this big one.

"I think I want to take mine out to sleep if that is OK with you. Also hoping I can big spoon you," Chase says as he yawns and stretches.

"Of course, that is a great idea." I say as I pull out my plug that just doesn't want to let go of my ass. As I do this, I have a bunch of cum running out of me, so I quickly hop on the shitter. After I flush, I hop in the shower for a quick rinse off. And I pull Chase in with me; we both stink and there is no way I want our sheets to get all stinky. We soap each other up, and when I pull him in for his hug and his ass washing, I stick one ... then two fingers in his ass as far as I can go.

"Can I play with this more tomorrow after class?" I say as a whisper in his ear, and then I take his ear lobe and suck it into my mouth and give it a playful nibble.

"God yes, Monty! Let's do that." Fuck yes, I am going to get laid tomorrow... well I am going to fuck tomorrow... or do the fucking. Ah, hell, it's time for bed. I don't want to overthink this and ruin our first time with switching roles.

We hop out of the shower, grab our freshly laundered towels still warm from the dryer.

"Hey, before we fall asleep, grab your phone and let's scroll through Asher's sex account." Chase says with a naughtly look on his face.

"It's called Only Fans, and OK. I wonder what else he has on there? Shit, I wonder how long he has been posting. Fuck, was he posting our senior year when I wrestled him? He was definitely 18!" I say, genuinely curious. Fuck, if this would have hit me when I was in high school and I found out what he was doing an OF, and more than just showing himself but jacking off another guy, I don't know how I would have taken that. Fuck, cut to now. I bet I still have some of Chase's load in me! Fuck.

Chase hops into bed and holds the sheet up for me, I make sure I check where I put the lube, just in case we need it, and I crawl into bed with him, naked as usual, with my back up against his chest so he can look over my shoulder as we scroll.

I've never had this level of intimacy. Never. I don't ever remember even being held as a kid. My family was rather stand-offish about physical affection. Now don't get me wrong at all, I know my mom and dad love me and support me and work their asses off to provide for us. But, that said, I just don't ever remember being this close to someone, physically and emotionally, let alone being comfortable with that. Fuck, it is nice.

I don't really have a word for it. It's perplexing. I mean, guys are not supposed to do the stuff Chase and I have done, unless they are gay. Now that is cool if you are gay. Seriously. I have heard stories of kids going through nightmares with folks judging them. I have known gay people all my life. I really don't see them any different than straight people. It's just that I don't care who they fuck, cause everyone is up in other peoples' business. It's just that I value people. Period. Red hair? Cool! Bum knee? That sucks! Rich? Fuck yah! Gay? Cool, who are you hooking up with? It's just normal with the friends I ran with and certainly with my family.

But this. This right here. My best friend in the world, fuck, he is MORE than a best friend. I don't know what that is called. I just feel so fucking warm, loved, safe with this beanpole. I would take a bullet for him with zero hesitation.

"Hey, Chase? I love you. I really mean that. I know guys aren't suppose to have this level of closeness, I mean unless you are gay, I suppose. But I love you, and I love that we have this. I don't know what the fuck this is, but I need you to hear this. I love you. I have never been this close to anyone and I fucking love it." He pulls me in with more strength than I knew he had, and I can hear him softly crying.

"Wait, what's wrong? Fuck, Chase, I didn't mean to upset you!" I grab his hands and pull them close to my chest.

"I'm not upset. I love you, bro. You mean the world to me, too. Thank you so much for being so open with me. This has been the best two weeks of my life." He hugs me even closer and tighter. I can tell he is OK, but I also think neither of us have ever had this level of closeness with anyone. Certainly not with his fanatic parents.

"OK, let's see what smut our Asher has put out there." I begin scrolling through his page and stopping mostly on the videos. But he has some hot photos. Appears that he bulked up a bit during the first lock down. Chase reaches over and scrolls back when I move too fast, and he starts liking stuff. Fuck, can Asher see my likes?

I've been so involved in the scrolling, I didn't realize Chase had palmed the lube and had lubed up his cock and was rubbing it between the cheeks of my ass and starting to breathe a little harder. I feel him starting to breathe purposefully into my ear and on my neck. His warm breath. A determined breath. His humping gets a bit stronger, and finally, he whispers... "Can I..."

Before he even gets both words out of his mouth I say an emphatic,"YES! Fuck yes!!" and I immediately feel Chase pull back, line up his cock, and slowly start to dive deep into my ass.

"Fuck... that feels... so good... Chase!" was all I could sayas my best friend sinks all the way into me. Fuck this feels so good, I drop my phone. Chase is doing a number on my already kinda sore ass. Fuck he is pumping me good. We both have forgotten about Asher. Who needs him when we've got us!

"I am about to blast you full again, roomie. You feel so fucking good Monty! Jesus, your ass is perfect."

I'm grunting now myself, and I grab my own cock. Fuck, this kid feels good inside me and I love him being behind me like this. He's holding me, while at the same time stretching my ass out! I quickly realize that I will be cumming soon, and, not wanting to ruin our sheets on the first night, I grab my basketball shorts and lay them on the bed in front of my dick.

I tell Chase that I want to cum the same time he does, so we have to time this right. We both are so close I can just feel the electricity between us.

"Fuck, I am really ... close dude... imma nut inside you,,, again. Inside my best friend. Fuck, you ready, stud? We blowing?" Chase says in the cadence his hips were pounding against my hips and his cock so deep in me.

"Fuck yes, I am cumming NOW! Fuck, Chase! YES!" I say, nearly incoherently, and I can feel my ass clamp down hard on his cock as I feel him pumping inside me. I will never get over how good it feels to take a load! Fuck.

As I toss my shorts on the floor I grab the comforter and sheet and pull it over us. Chase starts to fall asleep. He doesn't pull out of me, and, well... I kinda like that.

HUGE thanks to my amazing editor for his help, friendship, and guidance -his twitter is @trappedinthecl1

Part 6? Let me know if you wanna hear what happens next. Please let me know what you think about our boys here exploring their boundaries and helping each other with their blue balls. I answer all emails at and on twitter at @LoganPrejean drop me a follow and I will keep you posted on when I publish. You can also follow me at

Next: Chapter 6

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