Straight Roomies During Lockdown

By Logan Prejean

Published on Aug 21, 2022


Straight Roomies During Lockdown Chapter 3

Let me know what you think!  Drop me a note!  Love you guys! or follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean  

Lets get further into exploring these straight guys dealing with a COVID and MONKEYPOX lockdown and figuring out how to use each other to solve their blue balls…  

Also, this is my creative work, so you know.  Don’t be a dick.

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Straight roomies during lockdown | Chapter 3  


Where we left off…

“Monty, so there is going to be a next time, huh?  Fuck, just saying that and my dick is getting hard again, roomie!” Chase says as he leans over and kisses me again and holds me close in a bear hug from top to bottom.

“Chase, I know how I am going to spend the rest of my birthday money.  In addition to lube I am going to get us some toys from the adult section of Amazon.  If this is going where I think it is going, I don’t want it to hurt.”  I say with a dirty smile on my face.

“What are you going to get?”  he says with an equally sexy smile.

“You’ll see!”


I hear a knock at the door, it must be a mail call as we just got our morning food delivery.  They don’t want us to answer the door right away so we are supposed to give it a full two minutes before we open the door.  We have been in lockdown now for a week and a half.  Things have been so easy between me and Chase.  We like the same movies, we like the same shows and since we are both taking almost the same load of classes it has just been… well easy.

Chase gets me, and I really get him.  Man he had a fucked up childhood that he is going to have to work through for a while.  When he had his first crush on a girl his parents terrorized him reading him the riot act about staying pure and making sure he didn’t get her pregnant and how that ruines his life as well as his eternal life.  He was fucking 11 years old.  Damn that shit isn’t right.  Last night he told me all about this.  He cried for an hour recounting all he went through.  His father is a real prick and his mom clearly hates men with ever fiber of her being.  They must both have their own trama and the took it out on Chase.  It got worse for him in high school and as he started to make friends.  However the worst of it was when COVID hit and they basically locked him into his bedroom, and didn’t allow any contact with his friends and certainly not any girls.  I held him in my arms and just let him cry.  I didn’t even know what to say, but to just be there for him.

As he calmed down a bit, and really relaxed he asked me about what it was like growing up and well, I lost it too and cried my eyes out.

I honestly am still fucked up and I haven’t haven’t come to terms with it at all.  Until perhaps tonight.  

See, while Chase lost his grandparents to COVID, I lost my best friend.  Ron.  Fuck, Chase was there for me and he hed onto me as for the first time I really allowed myself to dealt with losing Ron.  

Ron was my best friend since kindergarten.  That first day some asshole kid stole something from me, I don’t know what it was but I know I was really upset about it.  Ron showed up and punched the kid and gave it back to me.  Ron was my hero.  As we started growing up we were inseparable. Ron wanted to play baseball, so we both joined little league. We had a blast.  The second year they tried to separate us and both of our dads pitched a fit pointing out how good we played together on a team.  The coaches finally just gave up and we always played together on the same team from that point forward.

We convinced our parents to send us to summer camp together. Junior high was a blast because we both started wrestling and track.  Ron really excelled at wrestling and I crushed it at the hurdles, turns out I was a fast little fucker.  I suppose I held my own in wrestling as well.  We just supported each other, we were close.

We made it to high school and freshman year Ron insisted we try out for the football team. As he grew he started putting on a ton of muscle.  Man, I wish I had his body.  He was just thick. He could bench press twice as much as I ever could, just solid.  I tried out with him and with my speed and agility they ended up putting me on the team because I could smoke almost everyone.  Ron would block them, I would go long.  We became heroes of our team.

We were in wrestling season when we first started hearing about COVID19.  We heard that kids didn’t have to worry about it so long as we were healthy.  They said we had to worry about the old people.  Then, we started hearing about the cases starting to grow here in Louisiana.  It was scary because it seemed like just overnight we heard about cases far, far away in like Washington State and Oregon, but then it was all about right here!  Just as we heard the announcement that the school was going to go virtual, close for a few weeks and that they expected us to be back in a month.  

First sign we knew it was serious, wrestling season was canceled.  

Ron and I were pissed about not being able to wrestle, I mean fuck this was our senior year!  We wanted to go out strong.  We didn’t go back in a month, we didn’t go back at all.

May 20th.  I will never forget that day.  I texted Ron like 10 times, we were going to get together to study but he wasn’t answering my text.  Fuck, I bet he snuck off with one of his many girls he was fooling around with… but no.  His mom called me and said he tested positive for COVID and that he really wasn’t feeling well.

We face timed a few times over the next few days, but he kept sounding worse.  What the fuck?  He is young, why the hell is he getting worse?  His dad called me a week later and they said they were taking him to the hospital, Our Lady of Lourdes, he couldn’t breath and he had passed out.

Two days later, my best friend in the world was put on a ventilator and I never got to speak to him again.  He fought so fucking hard, I would face time him late at night. The nurses would put his iPAD up for me so I could talk to him.  I told him to get up, to fight this.  FUCK, I needed my best friend. This lasted for two months until all of his organs shut down.  Ron died July 4th, alone in a hospital bed.

I recounted this story, for the first time, to ANYONE. I never confided how I felt to anyone.  Guys are supposed to be tough.  Guys are supposed to just push through. Chase held me and he cried with me.  He asked to see pictures of Ron.  Who fucking does that?  What macho 18 year old guy is so caring that he asks to see photos?  Who?

My new best friend Chase, that is who, fuckers!  Jesus we bared our souls to each other.  We both were a mess.  We had cried so much about our own trauma that we lost our voices.  At one point the guys next door pounded on our wall because my crying was so loud.

We held each other all night long, in my bed.  Skin to skin, safe. Best friends.  So fuck COVID.  If we have to stay in this room together for the entire year, then fine. I was here with this amazing man who completely gets me.

So this is why, before we even moved in together, we agreed we would get tested for everything under the sun.  We wanted to know we were both safe, that we couldn’t get sick from each other for anything.

Two minutes had passed now, so I went to the door, looking out the peephole and it was all clear so I opened the door and saw the damn Amazon smiley face logo!  I was so excited for this box!

“Chase, bro!  It’s here!”  I had to get his attention, he had his headset on playing Call of Duty or some shit.  “Bro, it’s here!”

“No way!  Guys, I have to go, Good luck!”  Chase said as he signed out of the game.  “So Monty, my man, open it up!  I wanna know that the secret is!  Also, I fucking need that lube cause you have almost rubbed my dick raw, remind me we need to talk about moisturizer for those hands of yours!”

I crack up laughing and rip the box open.  I had several things in it.  First were the two bottles of WET Platinum.  Best lube ever, fight me!  Then a few other boxes.  First, was a knock off FLESHLIGHT.  Fuck I have always wanted to use one of these.  It had a mouth on the front of it and that looked so fucking cool.  So I take it out of the box and Chase is a bit confused until I screw off the lid and have him slide his finger into it.

“Holy shit, I got first dibs on that!” Chase says, as he takes the lube and puts it on the nightstand by my bed.  The beds are small, but we have just taken to sleeping together in my bed, and we watch TV, study and stuff on his bed.

“OK, now I don’t want you to freak out on this, but you know that I love it when you play with my ass!  Ever since this skank Sarah shoved her finger in my ass while she was blowing me in junior year, I have loved playing with my ass, as YOU know!  Well I know you like it too so I got us these.”  I open the next box and it is a set of butt plugs, a set of 5 of them, each a bit bigger than the last.  The small one is a little bigger than my thumb and I show him that one first, and as I keep pulling out the bigger ones until I get to the last one which is quite huge.  

“So the set was cheaper than buying just two individually…” I say as I see his eyes get huge.  

Chase puts his arm around me and says “I'm down for trying anything once!  But shit, you could do some damage with those things! Be careful with my delicate flower!”  We both bust up laughing.

“SHIT!  We have our next class in 5 minutes!”  I say, “And fuck, we are both getting bricked up!”  

For such a conservative upbringing he always has such fucking saucy ideas, he says “Let’s edge all through class and then break in these toys after we are done!  But you can’t nut during class and you HAVE to keep your camera on the entire time!”

“Fuck, fine!’  I say, loving where his head is at.

The lecture was boring as fuck, but at least we were in our dorm.  We sat next to each other and had these trays with legs that the university had given to us last week on one of our food delivery days.  They had legs so we could put our laptops on the tray and had clearance to keep stroking below.  Kinda was perfect.  So we logged into our class.

Chase had palmed the new lube and had to open it by pulling off the cap and then pulling off the seal, when he did that though he lifted it up so anyone in the zoom looking could see plain as day that he was opening an 8oz bottle of lube.  I busted up laughing.

“Dude you just showed the entire class that you were opening a lube bottle.”  He swore nobody could have seen it, but I swear I could see it on mine.  Anyhow, we both kept edging ourselves.

From the looks on several of the guys' faces, I could tell they were doing the same damn thing as us.  Since we were both on our own laptops and the background was just the dorm wall nobody could tell we were in the same room.

At one point the professor opened it up for questions and a guy I thought I recognized from High School wrestling asked a rather long question.  Well I turned down the volume on my computer and had Chase do the same thing - he was in a room close to us!  I wrestled this guy, we were in the same weight class and he was in one of the door rooms close to us.  I couldn’t tell which direction though.  Maybe if this lockdown ever ends I will get to see him again, I think he played for STM, Saint Thomas Moore here in Lafayette.

Class is finally over and both of us slam our computers closed and we both jump up and rip off our Shirts we had on for class, back to nude!

“Your bed or mine, Stud” I say to him and wink.  He cracks up laughing.  We hop over to my bed and I get both the fleshlight as well as the first two sided butt plugs.  

“Look, since this was my idea, I will use the slightly larger one and you can take this smaller one, but I want us to insert these first before we start using the fleshlight, I think it will feel good.  I love the loads I shoot after rubbing my prostate.  It’s hot as fuck!”

“OK, what should I do?” he says, well hell if he is offering to help, then he can lube this one up and slide it into me.  So I talk him through this, I tell him that this isn’t about moving it in and out of us, necessarily but to push it inside to rub our prostate so that as we fuck the flesh light we have more stimulation.  He agrees and grabs the lube.  Pours a little too much on his hand but then starts applying it to the #2 buttplug.

“You better put some of that lube on my ass too, and be gentle.  While I have played with my ass, this is going to be new for me too!” I say, but I am so excited.

“Damn bro, you are hard” and he strokes my cock a bit, skinning back my dick and sees that I am leaking pre like crazy.  He leans down and licks it off, “Fuck I love how your Pre tastes, bro!  OK, here i go, I am going to go really slow on this, hold my arm and squeeze me if I am going too fast, and ease up if you want more.”

He puts the tip of the buttplug right at the opening of my ass and takes just a little bit of it and starts playing with my ass.  He applies more lube so it is really wet and slick and he starts applying a bit of pressure and I can feel it going inside of me. The really skinny tip of this starts to taper out and I can feel it stretching me open.

“Fuck, bro.  God I love the feeling of being stretched like this, I don’t know what is is, but fuck this feels good, just keep going slow.”  He does, he keeps playing with my hole while looking me right in my eyes and then back to my ass.  

Chase, almost in a trance says “Bro, this looks so fucking hot.  Damn, your ass looks so hot opening up like this for me!”

“How much is in me, man?  Is it almost to the fattest part?  It’s going to plop into me once you get past that thick part.  This plug is about 4” long or so or maybe a bit less.

“Bro, it’s almost to the thick part.  Do you want me to keep going, or do you need a break?”

“Don’t you dare stop, fuck this is hot.” I say to him and instead of squeezing his arm, I am just kinda rubbing it.

“OK bro, here comes some more pressure.  Fuck this is hot!  Oh shit, dude this is in you all the way!  FUCK that is HOT man!  How does it feel!”

“Shit, I feel full, oh man when it popped in it was like I couldn’t take any more stretching and right at the point where I wanted it to stop, it did and popped into me.”

At this point Chase pushes on the base of it a bit as my eyes roll back into my head “Fuck bro, do that again that felt amazing!”

“What, this?” he says with this evil grin.  My cock belches up a large drip of precum and he swoops down and licks it up.  Well that almost makes me cum right there so I stop him and I go to stand up.  As I sit up, it pushes into me a bit more and fuck does it feel amazing.

“Bro, you have to feel this!  It’s your turn.  Assume the position!”  Chase jumps down onto the bed and lifts his left leg and as I get in between his legs he places his leg on my shoulder.  Shit, I have to admit, this is the most I have looked at his ass, normally I have his dick in my face when I was fingering him.  His ass is perfect.  The perfect pucker and with his leg on my shoulder… I get a shiver through my body.  Fuck, this is so fucking hot.

I proceed as he did with me and I start playing with the slightly smaller plug and his perfect ass, and I keep adding lube to it and reaching up to give him a courtesy stroke from time to time.  I get more than half of it in him and he is moaning.  “Fuck bro, I know what you mean about the stretching part!  This does feel good, fuck yah.  I can take some more of it!”  And I slide it almost all the way in to him, leaving only a little bit left and I keep playing with him, moving it in and out a bit just so he can enjoy the stretch. And then plop, it’s all the way in.  Chase’s eyes pop open at the same time.

“Feel good, bro?” I ask him, generally concerned as I hope I didn’t hurt him just now.  

“FUCK bro, I am so fucking glad you are my best friend cuz I never would have though… fuck I never would have tried any of this.  FUCK who knew your ass was connected directly to your dick?”  I push on the base of his a bit, clearly it is hitting his prostate too and he loves it.  I look down and in addition to being completely hard as a rock with all 9” of dick.. He, too, is precumming and it is dripping down his dick, I lean down and take it into my mouth as far as I can go… my nose almost hits his pubes, fuck I have to get it all into my throat, my best friend deserves that.  I suck him deep and a few strokes until he pushes my head away.

“Bro, it’s not blast time just yet, fuck you are getting very good on my dick man.  Fuck, that is awesome!” He says.

So I push him up onto the bed and I lube up the fleshlight, then I get onto the bed with him so we are facing each other.  I line up his mammoth dick at the opening to the flesh light, and I slowly start to slide it onto his dick.  And give him a few pumps with it.

“Holy fuck this feels good, but it’s kinda cold in there!” Chase says.

“Fuck, it said we should soak it in some warm water first to warm it up.  Is it ok?”  

“Fuck it is amazing.  Feels great!  Fuck, you better pull it off, here let me do you.” he says clearly getting close to blast off.

He pulls it off his cock and then lines it up with mine, and as he slides it down onto my cock, I lean into him and start kissing his chest, it feels so fucking good.  I reach his nipple and lick his nipple and he starts moaning.

“Damn it, that feels so good!  Fuck!  My ass and my nipple is connected directly to my cock!  FUCK keep doing that.”  I start sucking on his nipple and running my tongue over it while he pushes the fleshlight up and down on my cock.  He starts speed up with the stroking, and I switch to his other nipple.  This is just too fucking much.  I finally tell him I am going to blow.

“Fuck yah, Monty.  Give me that load.  FUCK yah, blast that load!”  Chase says and I am shooting deep inside the fleshlight.  I lean into him and kiss him deeply, fuck this was amazing!  I have to move my hand down on top of his so he stops the stroking, as I can’t take it anymore.  Fuck, that was too much.

I finally get my composure and I reach down and take the fleshlight and slide it off my cock.  I see some cum start to drip out, so I tilt it up so as to not get it all over the bed.  I consider going and cleaning it out, but then I think fuck it.  I want my cum to lube up his ride on this thing.

I reach down, take hold of his monster cock, line it up with the fleshlight and slide it down onto him in one full thrust!

I lean in and whisper in his ear. “How's that feel stud?  

“Fuck it feels amazing. Oh my god, what are you doing to me, bro.  FUCK this is like sensory overload.  I keep stroking him with the fleshlight and I get back to his nipple and start sucking on it. I notice when I go harder on his nipple he moans louder.  So I think, well maybe I will nibble on it, I love it when my ear is nibbled on, if he doesn’t like it, I will be able to tell.  SO I do, as soon as I start nibbling he immediately starts to cum.

I can tell he is blasting hard into this damn toy, and he is grunting hard.  He seems to just keep firing into it.  Fuck that is so hot to see him like this.  His “O” face is just so damn hot.  He finally comes back around and I just look him in the eye, smiling at him and we share a moment.

I let go of the toy and pull his head into me and pull him into a passionate kiss.  We devour each other with a dance of our tongues, me sucking his, he then sucking mine into his mouth.  When I finally pull back from him I say - “So, was that work using up all my birthday money?”

“Fuck yah it was!”  I pull the fleshlight off his dick and I stand it up on the desk so the cum stays in the bottom of it.

“We have lube all over us, quick shower and then I need a fucking nap!” I say to him as I pull him by his hand and we get to the shower together, he turns on the water to warm it up and I go back and get the fleshlight.  As the water heats up, I step into the shower with Chase and I bring the fleshlight up and I turn it upside down and I let our cum drip out of it down onto his chest and over his right nipple.  I lean down and lick our merged cum off his chest and I focus in on his nipple that goes from soft to hard as a rock within a second flat.

“Monty, fuck that is hot, come here” as he pulls me up to him and with my mouth full of both of our cum, he kisses me deeply clearly trying to suck some of that cum out of my mouth so that I don’t have all the fun.  We are both boned up again and I drop to my knees.  Fuck this, I am going to deep throat my best friend, he fucking deserves my best effort.

I lick his perfect cock, as the water cascades over his perfect body.  And I start going to town on him, taking more and more of his cock into my throat.  Jesus he is big.  Fuck, I know I can do this, I never fail at something if I try my hardest.  I can’t let Chase down.  He has been let down by everyone he loves so many times, I will be damned if I will be the next.

Further and further down I go and Chase is moaning so loud, I just know that our neighbors can hear him.  Fuck them, he is my roommate.  He keeps saying, “Yes!”  “Fuck”  “Yah, you can do it”  And then I do it.  I am all the way down.  My nose is now in his pubes, and he begins fucking my throat.  Something just clicked, I relaxed and I was able to take it.  “Fuck bro, fuck… yes.  Oh fuck, I am going to cum soon, get ready” Chase says in a half moan and half excited voice.

At this point I reach around and I start tapping on his but plug, reminding him that it’s there and that his prostate is there.  This pushes him over.  He fires deep into my throat and holds my head as I bottom out on his cock.  Fuck, this is hot.  He shoots down my throat.  Even though this is his second load, it still is huge as I have to come off his dick a bit. The last 3 shots of cum land on my tongue and I shoot up and lock lips with this man, feeding him his own load.

Chase, having sufficiently tasted his own load, drops to his knees and takes my dick into his mouth.  He uses a completely different approach and his tongue gets to work between my foreskin and the head of my cock.  Jesus, he swirls his tongue around polishing my knob perfectly.  It's almost sensory overload but he starts pulling my ass making me thrust into his mouth and then his throat. I swear I see stars, Jesus this kid is a fast learner.  He starts stroking me as well as sucking me with a perfect rhythm.  Shit, I am not going to last much longer on this at all.  He reaches around to my butt plug and pulls on it so that it starts to come out a little, stretching me.  Jesus, he knows the right buttons.

Between his excellent sucking and his stretching my hole, I don’t even have the chance to warn him before I am firing down his throat, my second load of the day.  We are both panting and he shoots up and gives me some of my own load via a deep kiss. I pull back from the kiss a bit and I apologize to him for not warning him I was going to blow.

“Fuck, don’t ever appologize for nutting bro!  Not around me… or hell in me.  Never!  I want to make you cum man.  It’s my goal.  I am just getting started!” And he leans back in kissing me.  We soap each other up and get all the lube and cum off of us.

I slowly pull out his butt plug, and he looks me dead in the eye and says - “Take yours out and slide it into me!  Let’s switch!”  Fuck, this guy, what is he doing to me.

I lube up his butt plug that is still so warm as it has been in his ass for the last 45 minutes and I have him pull out my butt plug and as soon as mine comes out I slide his into me.  “Fuck yah,” I say. And I get mine and I lube it up really well.

I pull Chase into me and he lays his head on my shoulder, reaching around him I start to push my butt plug into his ass.  I go slowly and Chase starts biting my shoulder as I slide it in.  Fuck that is so hot, fuck.  Why is his biting me turning me on so much?  He says “Go for it” and pop, it slides all the way in.

“GOD that feels good!”  I just hold him trying to replicate his bear hug as the water continues to pour over us.  I pull away and rinse out the fleshlight and set it on the shelf.  I turn off the water and grab my towel and start drying Chase off.  He reaches over and grabs his town and returns the favor for me.  We both step out into the room and continue drying ourselves.

Chase says, “Fuck man I need a nap,” and he hops into my bed and pulls me down with him.   “flip over, I want to big spoon you!”  

We both leave the buttplugs in, his in me, mine in him.  Fuck, this just feels nice.  I pull the blanket over us and pull my best friend into my chest and we fall to sleep.


Part 4?  Let me know if you wanna hear what happens next.  You can also follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean and I will flag you when I have new stories posted there… I really enjoy hearing from you so drop me a follow or a note via email!

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Next: Chapter 4

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