Straight Roomies During Lockdown

By Logan Prejean

Published on Aug 19, 2022


Lets get further into exploring these straight guys dealing with COVID and MOKEY POX lockdown and figuring out how to use each other to solve their blue balls... or follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean

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Straight roomies during lockdown | Chapter 2 ---------------------------------------- Where we left off...

This sets me off and I fire so hard but since I was leaning into Chase, my load fires off and lands on his arm that was stroking me as well as on his belly a few times. My load was huge and seemed to just keep firing. "Fuck that was hot! Oh shit, though. Sorry I got my cum all over you." As I say this I pick up his arm and I lick off my cum that landed on his wrist.

"Dude, do you eat your own cum too? I do that all the time, I hate the fucking clean up, not like I can use a sock or my clothes my mom would see that." As he says this he reaches up and takes a full finger full of cum that landed on his belly, and he brings it up to his mouth and licks it off before I had a chance to stop him.

"Bro, I think that was part of my load that you just tasted." I say this looking him right in the eye.

"Wow, really. Well you taste good, Roomie! Glad we got tested for everything before moving in! As small as this place is, I don't doubt this will be the last time your cum lands in my mouth." He says this so matter-of-factly that I just shake my head in agreement.

Fuck, what have we just done. What does this mean? ----------------------------------------

Chase decides to take a shower and given that he will be on full display, I decide to sit back and watch him. He is already wet and realizes he forgot his soap and shower stuff and asks me to grab it for him. I look down and realize the time, the student union is going to close soon so we need to hurry if we are going to get dinner. I grab my soap, shampoo and hop in the shower with him.

"Hey roomie, we need to hurry up if we are going to make it down to the union to grab something to eat, mind if I join you? I didn't see your stuff, so here is mine. It's kinda tight in here so let me help." I take the shower gel and start lathering up his back and reach around and wash his stomach, this brings his back and my chest together and wow, his ass is nice. Not one hair on it. Wow. Fuck, what am I thinking. He is a dude. "Here you get me," I say as I turn around.

He soaps me up, gets my back really good and reaches around like I did and soaps up my chest and goes down to my stomach and just doesn't stop and he soaps up my dick and balls, which have begun to rise again. Not wanting to get back into that again, I grab the shower gel and turn around and say "OK.. let me finish you up"... standing face to face, I lather up his dick and balls which has gone down quite a bit and then I lean into him to reach around and get his ass. I wash his ass just like it was mine and not even thinking I slide my finger into his ass into the second knuckle. I do this all the time to myself, it kinda feels good but I always want to be clean, everywhere.

"Oh shit, sorry... I was just washing you like I wash myself." I say, completely embarrassed but fuck, I just had my finger inside my roomie. Shit what is happening?

"Don't worry, Monty my man, I do the same thing. I like to be squeaky clean. Here let me return the favor." And he does, reaching around me, pulling me back into a hug reaching around and I swear he slid his index finger all the way into me and he moved it around several times, clearly he had a process and who was I to argue.

We rinse off and hurry each other, grabbing our towels and drying off. We both throw on a tshirt. I go commando, and he puts on a pair of compression shorts and then we both get basketball shorts and we grab our wallets, put on our masks and we head down to the union.

We get there and it's not as packed as I thought it would be. But for the few people that are here less than half have masks on, which makes us both nervous. Shit, I was more nervous about what we just did than masks at this point, which is saying a LOT!

We both get Subway and head over to a table off by ourselves as to eat me don't wanna be by others. I can't help thinking about what we have just done. I have never done anything like that ever before. Fuck, what does this mean? I am not gay! Fuck, I love women. I love everything about them... well, except how dramatic they can be. But fuck, I just jacked off my straight roommate. While I have known him for more than a year, this is the first time I am seeing him face to face and within a few hours I am pulling his pud? Fuck, this is messing with my brain.

"Look, Chase. What we just did, that is kinda weird, right? I mean, fuck it was hot. But it's kinda weird right? I mean we both are straight but we just," I say as I look around and whisper to him "jacked each other off and fuck I came on you! I don't want this to be weird between us... I mean are you regretting what we just did?"

"Monty, you are really over-thinking this. We are sharing a room smaller than my closet at home for a year together. So we jacked off? So we helped each other out? Fuck, it was hot and it was nothing more than that. If you don't wanna do it again, I get that and it's cool. But fuck, it was kinda hot and I am not going to stop jacking off for a year. I gotta cum at least twice a day bro!" We both start laughing, and I guess I am feeling a little easier about this. If the super religious guy isn't caring about this, then who am I to question it. Fuck it, it's cool. This guy is cool. We are good. Fuck, it was hot.

We finish eating and then we head back to our room, both of us refilling the huge sodas to take back to our room since neither of us brought anything to drink. Tomorrow we have to stock up and we need to get a small fridge.

Back in the room we finish putting all our shit away and we talk non stop. Our families, friends, girlfriends. Poor Chase always had an adult around whenever he wanted to be alone with one of the girls he was seeing. They all somehow or another were from his church. That must really suck. While it has been a while since I got to fuck, at least I know what I am missing.

I don't even think about it and I drop my shorts and am putting things away completely naked and hanging all out. I notice Chase checking me out from time to time and finally he says "Fuck this!" and drops his shorts and skins off his compression shorts! He kinda scared me, but we both start laughing. "This is now a clothing optional room!" he pronounces.

We decided to call it a night, and we set our alarms for 8am so we can go and walk around the campus. While we expect everyone to be out exploring tomorrow, Sunday, since classes start Monday morning. Chase wants to make sure he knows where he is going so he doesn't get lost and I promise I will help show him around.

Fuck, our alarms go off together and both of us jump up. At first I don't even recognize where I am at... then it all comes flooding back. College, dorm. Roommate. We both sit up in our beds and I stand up and stretch. Fully boned up. I always wake up with a bone and normally it is dripping so clearly I've been hard for a while.

"Fuck sake Monty, that big thing ever go down?" Chase says as he is laughing. As he stands up though you can see he is half hard as well.

"You should talk, long dong silver! I look like a pre-teen compared to you man! Fuck, i would kill for a dick that big." We both keep laughing and then our phones go off again and we both look at each other. The university wide alert system is going off.

"Students should shelter in place in their dorms. Do not leave your rooms until further instruction. Check your student email for a mandatory university wide zoom at 9am."

"Jesus, the fuck is this?" I say, kinda concerned. Last year while I was on campus twice the system went off. One was they thought we had an active shooter situation but in reality some dick shot off two M80 fireworks. The second time it was an alert that we lost water on campus.

"Dude, this seems serious. What do you think is going on? Shit, glad we have our own bathroom here! Speaking of which, dibs!" Chase says as he gets up and opens the shitter door and just steps up and lets this strong stream of piss go into the pot. He doesn't even close the door. He pees for a long time and then shakes it a few times and flushes.

He walks over and just plops on his bed. Meanwhile I fire up my laptop and check email. Nothing yet. We continue to shoot the shit while both of us are clearly nervous. We don't hear anything outside. I open up our window, trying to see if I hear anything. Fuck August in south Louisiana, so damn humid. I end up closing the window rather quickly. At least we have good AC in the room.

Finally I get a sound and I see I have a new email. Yup it's from the administration and there is a zoom link that has a unique code, we both check and see it is different for each of us so we figure they must be taking attendance and we need to log in separately.

"Fuck, I guess we should put on shirts but fuck if I am getting all dressed up for this. They likely just wanna read us the riot act. I bet some assholes had a huge party last night and they wanna set the tone early." I say as I grab my tshirt that I wore down to the union last night and I toss Chase his.

Chase then says "Fuck bro, just don't stand up as you will give everyone a show!" We both cracked up laughing. "Free balling it is. Business casual up top, party down below!" I say and slap his ass. His near perfect ass, fuck and he has a tan line where his compression shorts land. Fuck that is kinda hot. Shit, what am I thinking!

Ok it's 9am and we all get let into the zoom room. Everyone is muted and the cameras are on. More than a few folks I recognize and some you could tell were out late the night before.

Next thing we hear is the University President gets on and announces that effective immediately they were locking down the campus due to a large number of people testing positive for COVID. Apparently since folks started moving in to campus a week ago they have been testing the waste water and have caught a huge uptick of COVID in the water. This is troubling for sure, but something we have all grown too used to. He goes on to tell us that there are now 4 confirmed cases of Monkey POX on campus as well. Chase swings around and looks at me and says "Bro! Fuck!"

The University President seems to want to control the concerns of people and dispel myths says that of the 4 cases of Monkey Pox, three are women and none of the 4 have been in contact with each other, so they appear to have brought it with them to the campus.

The lock down is going to last for 4 weeks, to start. And these rules are effective immediately. He goes on to inform us that dorms with private bathrooms, ones like ours and ones that have 4 bedrooms and up to 8 people are all not to leave their rooms for any reason unless it's an emergency. And IF there is an emergency everyone is to mask up. He goes on to give rules for the older dorms and the communal showers talking about shifts, distancing and masking even while showering. Don't know how that will work, glad we don't have to figure it out.

He ends with sharing that we will get food delivered twice a day to our rooms. It will have 3 meals, snacks and bottled water. More info soon.

Shit. Shit Shit. This was kinda our worst fear when we all came back to campus.

Chase and I just looked at each other in disbelief.

"Jesus dude. What do we do now?" I said to Chase. I closed down my laptop, he closed his and I stood up and I just reached for him and gave him a huge bear hug. Fuck this was scary and whether we like it or not, this dude and I are in this together. Chase crushed me, fuck he gives perfect hugs. We stayed holding each other for far too long, but I don't give a fuck. I needed this.

So we settled in, we got used to being together. We joked around, it came so easily. I kept finding more and more reasons to really love this man. He was such a good guy, and we clearly became best friends, brothers.

A week had gone by at this point and while we jerked off several times a day, we didn't go any further than just jerking off beside each other. Until one Saturday night we got to talking.

"Man, I gotta tell you. Maybe because we are stuck together, or maybe it's just cuz you are a great guy but you are are the best friend I have ever had and I gotta tell you I love you man!" I said to him and he stood up, both naked of course, and he pulled me into a bear hug and just held me.

"Monty, you are my best friend, no matter what, you are my ride or die, brother, and I love you too" and just held each other. But we both started getting hard. I felt him getting hard too and we pulled back a bit from each other.

"Circle jerk?" I said to which he responded with "Hell yah!"

"Fuck, dude I gotta order us some more lube. You may not need it but I am going to rub the skin off my dick!" he says as he strokes himself a bit in front of me.

I lean in and say... " ever wonder what it feels like to be uncut?"

"Fuck yah, I am kinda pissed I don't have a built in stroker like yours!" he says as I reach down and stroke him a few tugs.

"Let me try this... it's called docking, I read about it once and fuck, I kinda wanna try it... go with me here." I take his fully hard cock and with my rather ample foreskin and put our cocks together, head to head and I then slide my foreskin over the tip of his cock.

All he can mutter is "Fuck dude. Fuck that feels so good. Shit dude, I am kinda inside you!" I started stroking us together, sliding my foreskin up over my thicker cock. I can only get his head into my sheeth but fuck it feels so good, and I can tell it feels good to him. I lean in and just put my head on his shoulder while I keep stroking us. "Lets get more comfortable" I say as we both hop into my bed.

We are face to face and he is continuing to stroke us together... I am leaking a gallon of precum making it all that much easier for him to keep up the stroking. I pull him in closer to me and pull him into a hug, each of us laying on our sides and I run my hands all over his body.

Chase has been sorta quiet on this, but for several moans. I pull his head in towards me and we are cheek to cheek and I whisper, "this is fucking amazing bro."

Chase finally speaks up and sits up letting go of our cocks, which I was starting to get close and I am kinda pissed he left me hanging.

"Monty, look. We are going to be stuck here for at least four more weeks and bro, I need this human contact. I know we are both straight but I don't see a woman anywhere close and even if there was, fuck, I woudn't touch her with a 10' pole! So I have a proposal. Let's fool around a bit more... you know in prison they call it `gay for the stay' - but dude, I need to get off and stroking each other isn't enough."

"Chase, omg I totally agree with you bro! Fuck, I have been feeling all kinds of ways lately and I didn't wanna fuck up our friendship but bro, I need more than a jerk off. I love your hugs. Fuck man and having your cock inside my foreskin was amazing. So yes, I guess I am kinda gay for you!" We both laugh.

"Bet. Then we are going to do this. We will never do anything the other doesn't want to do... but we will have fun together. And it starts now! Monty, flip around here on the bed, i wanna see your dick up close and personal!"

I flip around so we are both face to face with each other's dicks and we situate ourselves so we are comfortable, Chase reaches out his hand and leans forward and licks the top of my cock. FUCK that felt good, Jesus. "Yes, bro Fuck that felt good" He grabs hold of my dick and skins it back and I lean in and kiss the tip of his cock then I got back in and suck in the head into my mouth. Fuck, he actually tastes good!

I have to say, "Dude you taste really good" and I start sucking him. I have to warn him a few times about his teeth but having had a few blow jobs in my life he is already doing better than any girl who slobbed my nob before.

His cock is just huge and I am so envious of it, but fuck. His cock is mine now and I fucking love that and I have to show him I know what I am doing here. Shit I am the one with experience getting a blow job, I should be better at GIVING them too, right? Fuck, he just moaned with my dick in his mouth. Fuck that was hot. I could feel the low vibrations coming through my dick right down into my balls. I reach down and start rubbing his balls. I can tell he trims his balls, but I think I might need to show him how to shave them. They are so much more sexy than just trimmed. Damn, he is a quick study on my cock.

Feeling a bit adventurous I decide to roll on top of Chase and kinda feed my cock to him and I go to town on his. He is so fucking long there is no way I am going to get to deep throat him all the way down, but that doesn't stop me from trying.

Fuck he is really going for it and he reaches around and starts playing with my ass. Fuck that is hot. I mean, ever since I slid my finger into his ass in the shower over a week ago, I have known somewhere in the back of my head that I wanted to get more close and personal with his ass. But fuck this was wild.

We both lick our fingers and return them to each other's holes and we keep going to town on each other's cocks. Finally Chase is the first to say he is getting close... "Fuck, me too" I say as I quickly swallow his cock again.. We both knowing full well we are about to cum, we keep going and soon my best friend in the world is shooting down my throat and I taste that first big shot of his cum and fuck I am hooked! Damn he tastes so good, I can't hold off any longer and I fire deep into his throat as well. Shit, I must have shot 8 times into his throat and mouth. He kept up with my huge load, and extra large load for sure. Damn two of the largest loads of my life have been with this boy right here. Fuck.

We both are breathing hard and fast as we come down from our orgasms and as I do, I roll off the bed and swing around so we are face to face, cum still in my mouth and I lean in and kiss my best friend... immediately he opens his mouth and we are sucking on each others tongues. Fuck this is hot. Fuck, I don't know what took over me, I am kissing a dude. Fuck. Wait, I am kissing my best friend after he just gave me the best O of my entire life. And shit, he kisses better than any of those one night stands I have had with those girls from who knows where.

We stayed in each other's arms for a while and kept kissing. Finally I get up and go and grab us each a bottle of water from our mini fridge that I got with some of my birthday money off Amazon. I hand him one and we both sit down together on my bed. We intertwined our legs and our arms in a post orgasm pile and we just held each other.

Chase breaks the silence with "Monty, that was fucking unbeleivable. I never thought in a million years I could feel like that... with a guy. Fuck, with you Bro. I mean... Damn, feeling you shoot your load in my mouth was amazing. Knowing that I was giving my best friend that amazing orgasm... that it was my work that got that nut given to me. Fuck bro. I am mighty proud. But this has to stay between us cuz if my parents even catch a whiff of this I am going to some Christian reprogramming camp in the woods in Texas!"

I can tell he has legitimate concern and while he was partly joking, he was being real about it.

"Bro," I say, "I would never let that happen to you and while I agree that we gotta keep this on the down low. I want you to know I have no regrets whatsoever and I am so glad that I can make you feel that good. I hope you noticed that I got at least 75% of your cock down my throat and next time I will get more! I have to repay the favor cuz that blow job you gave me curled my toes, bro!" I mean every word. I don't know what the fuck is happening to us, but I don't give a shit. We have at least three more weeks locked up in here, and I will be damned if all I do is rub my dick raw under my covers. Fuck no!

"Monty, so there is going to be a next time, huh? Fuck, just saying that and my dick is getting hard again, roomie!" Chase says as he leans over and kisses me again and holds me close in a hug from top to bottom.

"Chase, I know how I am going to spend the rest of my birthday money. In addition to lube I am going to get us some toys from the adult section of Amazon. If this is going where I think it is going, I don't want it to hurt." I say with a dirty smile on my face.

"What are you going to get?" he says with an equally sexy smile.

"You'll see!" ----------------------------

Part 3? Let me know if you wanna hear what happens next. You can also follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean and I will flag you when I have new stories posted there... I really enjoy hearing from you so drop me a follow or a note via email!

Be my next DM! I answer all messages!

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Next: Chapter 3

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