Straight Nick Gets His Domination Fantasy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 24, 2020


(Thank you all for sticking with us on this interesting ride, which is coming to an end. Anyone who wants to pick up the story is more than welcome to do so. And you never know: come 2021, the boys may be back. Stay tuned. If you search ropingtop in the magnifying glass box, you'll find my stories, old and new. Again thanks for reading, your comments, and your best wishes. I hope everyone has a safe, fun holiday). Curled up in Chuck's arms , nick felt safe. He also felt liberated, and for the first time in his life, he felt like he was where he belonged. Everytime Chuck ran his hand through nick's hair made that feeling stronger.

"So sorry you wound up here the way you did, nick-o. " Chuck said before he kissed nick . "But I'm sure as hell glad you got here as soon as you did. I woulda hated to lose you." nick buried his face on Chuck's shoulder and wept. "I'm so sorry Sir. I hurt you that weekend . I'm SO SO SORRY." "Easy nicky, easy. Hurt happens. You've hurt Sophie, she's hurt you, we'll hurt each other. Part of how it works. Important part is how it ends. Now get some sleep. It's gonna be a tough week. But you're not gonna get through it. WE'RE gonna get through it."


It shouldn't have surprised nick that Chuck knew an attorney who was experienced in these kind of cases. Chuck was laughing a little when he told nick about Robert "He's a sub. He needed to learn about it when his wife found out about he and his Dom, and sued him. Now he's kinda the lawyer of choice for this kind of case. " nick had a meeting with Robert later that week. After they went over everything, they made some decisions. nick wanted as simple a divorce as possible, and he wanted to be good to Sophia: he had done this, not her, not them. He had a place to live - with Chuck - so if she wanted the house, he'd turn over title. There were two cars, "his" and "hers," and she could have "hers" too. No problem. They had no children to worry about. Property? She could have it all except for his clothes, his jewelry, his personal effects. He'd need a day to clean everything out, he thought, but asked if he could have more time if he didn't finish. They agreed on no more than 3. The only sticking point was alimony. Sophia asked for what everyone thought was an exorbitant amount. And she wasn't budging. Now, Robert thought they would have a very good chance of prevailing if they went to court, given that nick wasn't contesting anything else, and he was ready. nick was not. "I'd rather not be in court. Can we negotiate this?" Chuck was with him when he spoke to Robert. "Hold on. I have an idea. How much is she asking for, and how much are you willing to pay, nicky? When Chuck heard the difference, he pulled out his phone so he could access his bank account. "We can do that. Give her the money. I'll make up the difference. Put a contract in front of me. I'll sign it right now." And that simply, the mechanics of the divorce were done. Sophia and nick agreed to a time when she wasn't there, so that nick could take his stuff. Robert had advised, wisely, that someone be there to keep inventory of what nick took. He didn't want ANY trouble which would, heaven forbid, get them on "Divorce Court" or "Judge Judy."

And then it was done. The stuff nick took fit into the back of Chuck's van, and they headed away. nick cried for a few minutes and then he stopped. "I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this, Sir." Chuck laughed. "Well, you may change your mind, ha ha. I took a look at you getting dressed this morning. You're ready for another shave boi." "I... I guess I am Sir." "And we're gonna do this the right way. You're about to become my man wife, and that means... you cross the threshold on my shoulder." nick felt a shudder go through him. He had fantasized about that for years. It was about to happen. It was a good thing that Chuck had him caged. He would've shot right there.

When they got to Chuck's house, Chuck smiled. "Ok, nick-o. Hands behind your back." "Yes sir." He felt the rope binding him. He was in a t-shirt, so there were no buttons to open. Chuck put him in a fireman's carry, nick laughing all the way. Chuck's hand was on nick's ass. He growled. "DAMN I fought hard to get this. It was fuckin worth it." They crossed the threshold. Chuck put nick down in front of him, smiled and ran a finger around nick's lips. "These are mine." He squeezed his ass cheeks. "These are mine, " and he squeezed nick's cage. "This is mine." He did that to every part of nick's body. Then he pushed him to his knees and opened his zip. "And this.... this is yours. TAKE IT." "Yes sir. " and nick gave Chuck his first blowjob as a part of a gay couple. "I'm gonna go get your stuff. You get to the bedroom. Get undressed bitchboi. Get on the bed. Get your wrists in those restraints. You're gonna get the full treatment. I want my manbitch SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH, even if he is a hairy Greek. " Chuck brought in what was only four bags. He lay them on the living room floor. Then he got to the bedroom where nick was... dressed, untied and smiling. "I know what my man likes Sir." "HO ho. OH YEAH. You bring your prize home, and then you gotta work for it.." He dove into nick and fought dirty. His fingers found everyone of nick's ticklish spot, until nick could barely breathe. "STOP. STOP.. I GIVE . I GIVE. I can't." "You belong to me nicky?" "Yes sir, I do." "Get your shirt off" nick complied, and Chuck just smiled. "OH MAN. And it's MINE. All mine. " He pushed nick back and got the restraints on him. Then he got nick completely naked and got out the shaving equipment. Truth is, nick's hair had not completely grown back in, but there was enough for a "trim." Soon, his chest was like a boy's. Then, Chuck unlocked the cage. "It's time, stud. Gonna make you clean, everywhere..." nick saw the blade and tried to keep very still He was SO boned, and having Chuck's warm , strong hands on his cock, was not helping. "Now I'm gonna do your pits do, sub boi. But... you see, here's the thing. I KNOW you gotta cum, and you're gonna. BUT I'm shaving those pits. My manbitch is SMOOTH. And after guys jizz, they get more ticklish. Whatcha wanna do? " He smiled. "See? I would LOVE to make you suffer even more, but I'm giving you the choice. "Shave me after I cum Sir. Make me suffer. Make me know I live for you." "Fair enough. Don't say I didn't warn you." If nick assumed he'd be jerking himself, he was wrong. Chuck didn't release him, and he jerked nick at HIS pace. Slow, Making nick feel every stroke. Evoking groans that nick hadn't made since his honeymoon - his FIRST one. When it finally happened, nick yelled something in Greek that he explained to Chuck, later, meant "OH MY GOD THAT WAS WONDERFUL" "Ok boi, now remember. I warned you... " Chuck used a regular razor and some creme to do nick's pits. And they DID tickle. nick fought as hard as he could NOT to squirm or to laugh and he was fine.. until Chuck finished and dug in. "DAMN IT BOI You drained me dry. Can't fuck ya right now, but I gotta get my jollies." And he did. He kept nick tied down for most of the night. They got up at one point to eat take out food, and then he tied nick down again. He released him when they slept. nick didn't wake up during the night. It was the first time he didn't wake up, or have a nightmare at night for years.


So , gentle readers, let's move forward a year. Yes, Chuck and nick are still together. They shop at Wegman's together. nick continued at the gym and bulked up considerably. He neeeded new clothes. They went out together for that too. Chuck picked everything. He wanted nick dressed the way he liked him. ALWAYS. At work , nick replaced the photo of he and Sophia, with one of he and Chuck. They had gotten professional pictures taken after their "coupling" as Chuck put it (nick wasn't ready for marriage again , at least not yet). The picture he chose for his desk, sort of summed things up. They're standing next to each other. nick is looking up at Chuck smiling and Chuck is smiling back. You can tell, a kiss followed - in fact, more than a kiss followed that day! Every two weeks, Chuck ties nick down really tight, and shaves him clean. That's the only time he takes off the chastity belt. Usually, he's the one who brings nick to climax, but sometimes he lets nick do it himself. They've gone back to the country cabin a few times. nick likes it much better now. He especially likes it when Chuck stretches him on the rack, like in all those old "sword and sandal" movies he watched as a kid. And perhaps the biggest news: one night, they did something that all couples should do. They figured out their finances. They thought that... well, it's coming. They went and visited a CPA, a very pleasant young woman named Barbara who, at the end of their meeting said "Yes, if you wanted to, nick could give up his job and stay home all the time." "Like a full time wife?" Chuck said, which embarrassed nick AND Barbara. She laughed. "Well, I wouldn't use that as an example, but yes, yes indeed." nick submitted his retirement papers. He gave 4 months notice and then he WILL in fact become a "man wife" to Chuck. They've both started "bookmarking" old movies about Romans conquering the Greeks to use as models for roleplay. And according to nick's records, they broke 250 times a while ago, and are clearly on their way to 500.


I hope you enjoyed this little mini series gentle readers: a sort of "big fat Greek gay courtship." I'll be writing more stories soon, and I hope you'll look at those too Be well, stay safe, and enjoy your holidays

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