Straight Nick Gets His Domination Fantasy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 16, 2020


It was so quiet in the country, that nick had trouble sleeping. He woke up very early - it was still dark out - and he felt Chuck's hairy arm around him, smelled his musky smell, and began thinking. "A man just fucked me." He didn't know whether he was proud, ashamed , embarrassed, what? He felt Chuck pressed against him. His cock was half hard, and it felt good. "That's the cock that fucked me," he thought. He played the whole night through his mind. Chuck was right, of course. If he had to wait until Sunday, nick would have been nervous all weekend long. By doing it the way he had, Chuck had gotten that out of the way. Now nick knew what it felt like. And he liked it. But now he was "officially" owned. All the videos he had watched were clear about that: if a man fucked you, and he was the first one, you belonged to him. He belonged to Chuck. Chuck had said that. nick knew that it would happen this weekend, and when it was over, he'd be Chuck's but... "I'm gonna fuck you again boi. " He heard Chuck's deep voice whisper in his ear, before he felt his tongue licking that ear, or Chuck's hand come around and cup his cock. "Damn I forgot to lock this. But that's ok, heh heh. " He squeezed, just until nick was on the edge of pain and pleasure. "Gonna fuck my nicky again. Maybe right now, " nick struggled, but some tickling under his arms totally undid him, and he was on his back, underneath the stronger, taller man. "Didja like my cock, boi?" nick didn't know how to answer. He told the truth. "Yes sir. I did." "Gonna like it better now that you're not scared." He pressed his lips to nick's. "You were an awesome fuck nicky. I bet you're gonna be an awesome one the next time. And the time after that. And every time." "Thththththank you sir. I thought it would be harder." "My cock? HEHEHEHEHEHE" "Nnnno Sir. Taking it. Taking all of you." "Well, you were prepped nicky boi. Ya did everything right. And now, you know what?" "You own me sir? I belong to you?" "THAT's RIGHT. " He kissed nick again. "All of you is mine. Including that neck. That's what I want right now." "Yes sir." nick moved his head so Chuck could move in. He felt the beard stubble, the teeth, the tongue , tracing lines over his neck. Then he felt Chuck gently biting his chin. "AGGGGGH. OH. AGGGGA.." nick didn't know that his chin was so sensitive. He was getting harder from that, than anything else nick had done in a while. Chuck felt nick's rod getting harder. "WOO HOOO. We're gonna have to get this guy under control soon, but what about THIS big guy?" nick could see Chuck's hard cock. "Whaddya think nicky? Ready for round two?" nick wanted it. He really did. But he was getting scared again. "No sir. Not for a while." Chuck laughed before he grabbed nick's balls. "You think you got a choice nicky boi?" "OWWW . NO Sir. No. I don't. I just... I don't want it yet." "Yeah, ya do." Chuck ran his finger back and forth over nick's ass crack, and nick began to moan. He whispered "FUUUUUUUUCK" "You wanna see if you can get me harder first, boi? How about sucking your MAN?" "Yes sir. Please. Please fill my mouth." nick thought that if he could bring Chuck off, he'd lose interest in his ass. He took Chuck's thick, sweaty cock, and got to work. It was too early. He hadn't had enough sleep, but he tried. He tried to bring Chuck off, and resisted when he began pulling out of nick's mouth. "First one is hard, second one is a breeze, handsome nick" He grabbed nick's ankles and threw them over his shoulder. It had never stopped amazing nick that chuck could just overpower him so easily. He was short, but he had a strong body. Chuck just had no problem with him. Every single time. nick felt Chuck's finger probing at his ass. He felt the thick, rough index finger go into him, then his middle finger. He began to move them around in nick, teasing his insides. "Who's my boi?" "I am Sir. I'm nicky. Master Chuck's boi." "GOOD. What does a Master do to his boi, nicky?" "He.. He fucks him when he wants to." "You're gettin 100 on this quiz. Now, last question. Know what I want right now?" nick gulped. "My ass, Sir?" "PERFECT SCORE. You get a ten. hahahahahaha." Chuck's cock was still wet from nick's saliva, and he began sliding in, again without a condom. nick wanted to say something, but he didn't. He tried to tighten his sphincter muscles to push Chuck out, and Chuck just laughed. He grabbed nick's nipples. "I know what you're doing nicky boy. You want me to tie you down, tickle the shit outta you and then fuck you?" "No sir.. (not in that order, nick thought)" Then just... fucking.. relax..." he began to slide in "OOOOOOH. OH MY GOD SIR. OOOOH." "Much easier now, huh boi?" "Yes sir. YES. I want some more Please." Chuck smiled and pulled out. "Hey aren't you the boi who just tried to shove his Master's cock out of his ass?" "Yes sir. I'm sorry. I'm OH SHIT . " Chuck had just rammed his WHOLE cock into nick. He was watching. If he saw any discomfort on nick's face, he'd stop. He didn't. He began pumping. "Not the piledriver this time, sweet nicko. Something long and slow and... something that gives me a chance to kiss you.. MMMMM" nick wasn't tied down, so when Chuck got closer, he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. The motion made Chuck's cock go in further, and nick gasped. "Am I hurting you boi? Tell the truth." "No sir. No.. " Nick smiled. "I was surprised, but... it didn't hurt." "If you pull me closer, you're gonna push my cock further into ya nicky." "Let me pull you as close as I can Sir. PLEASE. I want more of you. " "GRRRRR. Chuck pushed in one time and the jizz started flowing. When he shot, he was digging his bristles into nick's neck. THAT hurt, and nick would carry that mark for a few days. "Oh shit. What am I gonna tell my wife?" He said later that morning when he saw it. Chuck wrapped his arm around his middle. "Why don't you tell her some big, hairy, rough stud took you prisoner and fucked you so hard you thought you'd die. But you escaped." nick laughed. "She might believe me and file a police report."

But now, nick was pulling out. And there was the issue of nick's raging hard on. "Now, there's a new rule since I own ya boi. For you to cum- wherever you are - you gotta get my permission." "Oh boi," nick thought. "he means it too." "Can I shoot sir, please?" "I'm gonna do ya boi. I'm gonna make you SUFFER. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROWL." He pinned nick down and began running his finger slowly over nick's cock. It drove nick crazy, because Chuck would ask him questions like "Who's got nicky's rosebud?" Or "you a butt virgin anymore nicky? " Or he'd lean into nicky's ear and whisper things like "you were asking for it in that store that night ricky. You just kept on shaking your slutty ass at me, waiting for me to take ya. Know what you are, a slut CUNT. A slut MANCUNT. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OH SHIT. " nick began to shoot like a geyser. Chuck caught some of it in his hand. He held it to nick's lips. "EAT IT. Eat your own goo boi. Make you good and strong." It wasn't a question. It was an order. nick followed it.


"So, here's the plan nicky boi." Chuck was talking after he brought them scrambled eggs and toast with their coffee. "We're gonna go for a nature walk. Pretty deserted this time of year around here, so don't be surprised if I get kinky.. hee hee hee." And then, we'll come back here, maybe have some lunch, a nap, and you never know what can happen in bed. Then a little rope bondage before we go out." "Can I ask where we're going Sir?" "SURE. It's a restaurant called Shirley's . There's not much up here, but Shirley has the fanciest restaurant around. " "Did I bring the right clothes Sir." Chuck took his hand. "Stud, anything you wear is the right clothes. I just wanted to test how you'd listen to me. Yeah, you got the right clothes. This is where people go to celebrate." He smiled. "And you and I bud, we got reason to celebrate." He saw nicky blushing. "Hey. That's sexy. You stop it. You're gonna make me take you to bed again, boi." "Was I easier to get than other guys you've had Sir?" "Hmmm. Now that's a good question. The answer is , on one hand, yes. You didn't resist for one minute when I laid down the law. BUT... on the other hand.. I knew you were gonna be special, so I took it slower than I usually do. " He smiled. "It was worth the wait, you fucking bottom hunk." "Fucking bottom hunk." Nick held onto that phrase forever. He smiled. "Anyone ever beat you at wrist wrestling Sir?" "NOPE. And if I were you, I wouldn't challenge me." "Why not, Sir?" "Cause if you lose, I'm gonna tie you up and tickle you buck naked for an hour. " nick smiled. "Should I just throw the match now, Sir?" "Ha hahahaha. You wanna get tickled for an hour today? Naked?" "I do Sir. But I wanna feel like you overpowered me. Like I'm your captive. " "Hee hee. You're a bigger perv than I am."


They dressed warm and went off to the woods. Chuck threw his arm around nick's shoulders, and pulled him close to him. "Now listen up buddy. You're gonna have to get used to me holding you like this. Cause I don't want anyone getting any ideas about who you belong to. " "I understand Sir. I like it when I feel like, well, like you own me. " Chuck paused for a second. He moved his hand to the back of nick's neck. "Then get your hands behind your back, boi. Pretend you're tied up. nick's cock jumped when he felt Chuck's hand. And when he massaged the back of nick's neck... he could have had anything he wanted. "Big rock up ahead. Let's sit and take a break." When they sat down, Chuck took off his gloves. He squeezed nick's thigh. "I love those jeans on you. I love that sweater. I just love everything about you." "You love me Sir?" nick kept his eyes full fixed on Chuck. For the ONE time in their relationship, he had the upper hand. "Yeah, I do.." He put his hand behind nick's head, pushed his lips into his, and kissed him furiously, eventually putting him on his back on the rock. "GEEZ. Feeling you on top of me now is... is..." "I love you nick. I love you. I'm fucking jealous of your wife. " Nick whispered "kidnap me and take me to another state Sir. Someplace where no one knows us. " And out in the cold, with no one around, Chuck took nick's ass a third time.


"You tired nicky? Chuck asked when they got in. "Are the choices a nap or ropes, Sir?" "Yup." "Ropes. Tie me up after you beat me at wrist wrestling." "you better put up a good fight nicky." "you rather wrestle me freestyle, Sir? " FUCK. What a great idea." They shucked their clothes. Nick had wrestled at school, like all the Greek boys in his neighborhood did. He knew how to handle himself on the mat, and he knew how to handle big guys. But he didn't know how to handle a big guy like Chuck, who fought dirty, and who got him excited every time he saw his cock. "PIN" you lose nicky boy. Time to get the ropes and the tickling toys. It didn't take long: nick was stretched out, naked on the bed, and with his ankles immobile, Chuck just went to town. "I got permission. You lost. " Nick laughed so hard, it must be said, that he peed himself. Chuck wasn't keen about that, and he made nick do laundry on Sunday before they left. But when they were done, he lay down next to nick, ran his hands through his hair and said "I wish I were younger nicky. Cause I wanna take you again. I wanna fuck you SO HARD for number 4 it isn't funny. But ya know, the old cow can only produce so much milk. "You're a steer Sir. A prime Holstein steer. Prime for breeding. I'd be preggers already if you had your way with it. Chuck buried his nose into nick's neck and tickled him with it, making animal noises. Then he kissed him again. nick looked at him. "I was serious about being kidnaped Sir. Take me away from all of this." "Heh heh. Working on it boy. Your Topman always has a plan. And speaking of plans. Time to get ready for dinner."


"Sir, pink or yellow?" nick came out with his two shirts. "AW FUCK. Making me make a choice like this? That ain't fair nicky. I want ya to wear one and change into the other one. DAMN. You don't have to wear fancy pants tonight nicky. Jeans are fine. "But I want to look good, Sir." "I SAID jeans are fine." "Ok Sir." Nick was not always so quick to pick up a clue. He came back wearing the yellow shirt, his jacket, the tight jeans. "Sir. Do I look ok?" "OH SHIT. DO YOU LOOK OK? DAMN IT TO HELL I GOTTA PUT YOU ON A LEASH." " You got one Sir?" "Hahahaha . I do. Maybe if we were going out after dinner, yeah, but not at Shirley's. "Sir. Is this a..." "Yeah, it's a gay restaurant. Shirley is Shirley Booth. It's named after the maid Hazel. You'll see why when we get there. Chuck was wearing a white silk shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a black blazer. nick was thinking "He more than cleans up good. " And he began to fantasize about being kidnaped again."

The drive to the restaurant was about half hour. The host, who Chuck seemed to know, gave them a smile. "Good evening Chuck." He looked at nick. "You must be nick. Chuck told me you'd be coming tonight. I have the perfect table for you." He led them to the table, and yes, they did get checked out. nick stopped for a minute when they were close to the table. There were five dozen roses, in different colors. "Happy rosebud day, sweetie." "OH OH MY GOD. CHUCK!!!!" nick nearly jumped into the bigger man's arms, and hugged him . He hugged him hard. He grabbed Chuck's hand when the waiter brought over the champagne. "You planned this you sneak didn't you?" "DAMNED right I did. Because if you didn't say yes... I WAS gonna kidnap you." nick snapped his fingers. "SHUCKS. I NEVER make the right choice. Chuck looked at him. "Should I be hurt?" nick reddened when he realized what he had said. "NO NO. That's not what I meant. I'm serious. Spank me when we get back." There was a band, and it started playing. Chuck looked a nick. "I know you've had a lot to take in this weekend boi, but.." "I'd love to Sir." And they slowed danced , with Chuck's hands gradually sliding down and kneading nick's ass.


And gentle readers, as Julia Child so often said "That's all for today." But yes, we'll be back in the country house soon. With spankings, number 4, a leash, more ropes, and lots of fun. Join us in the sixth part.

Next: Chapter 6

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