Straight Nick Gets His Domination Fantasy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 6, 2020


Nick left Chuck's place on Wednesday satisfied, but confused. He was confused because he didn't think he would have gotten into the fantasy and roleplay as much as he did. And rather than his scenarios on line, this was REAL. He had the greased up butt plug in his ass as he drove home, and the cock cage in his pocket. His shirt brushed against his now shaved chest. He felt his cock grow as he thought about Chuck shaving him, and threatening to take his pube hair too. He hadn't figured out what to tell his wife about his smooth chest, and he didn't have to worry when he got home, because she had already gone to bed. He DID have a text message from Chuck:

"Send me a photo of your ass with the plug in it. " Nick gulped, answered "yes sir," then went into the bathroom to take a photo and send it. He got a response back right away "PERFECT. That stays in tonight, and I want a photo of the cage on your cock by 8:15 a.m. tomorrow. No excuses." Nick shot back another "Yes sir," but didn't hear from Chuck again that night.

The next morning, after he had showered, and avoided having his wife see his chest again, he took a deep breath, gulped, and locked the cage. He took a picture right away and sent it. A text came back. "Changed my mind. That cage stays on ALL DAY. It can come off when you leave your office. You send a picture every hour. I'm watching you..... And finish up and get the plug back in your ass." How did he know that nick had taken it out during his shower? He washed the plug off the way Chuck had showed him, put it back in, and sent the photo. The next answer he got from Chuck was a video of Chuck's cock, as he jerked off. Nick sat in the bathroom, mesmerized, getting harder, and feeling helpless in the cage.

"Everything ok, hon ? You seem to have taken longer in the bathroom than usual." "Oh yeah. Listen love. I have to tell you something. Someone told me that if you shave down, you can move faster, and burn more calories, so..." He unbuttoned his shirt and showed her. "OH. MY GOODNESS. You've been as hairy as a caterpillar since I've known you Nick. This is a change." "Do you like it?" "I think so. I have to get used to it. " She put her hand on nick's chest, and then she closed two fingers on a nip. "Remember how I used to tease these when we were dating?" He did. He had to close his eyes and think of some guy in a movie to pretend he was enjoying it. He gave his wife a long stare, and then kissed her. "I better get ready for work. See ya tonight, after the gym."

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Regardless of what he was doing or how busy he was that day, nick made it a point to get a photo of the cage every hour. He forgot once, and got a text five minutes later: "YOU WANNA HAVE TO WEAR IT FOR TWO WEEKS WITHOUT IT COMING OFF ONCE? " "Oops. Sorry Sir." "You get ONE mistake. That was it. Tomorrow you get wardrobe instructions." "Yes sir" "And our scene. And start looking at your calendar . You're gonna spend a weekend soon. Think of it as "Chuck gathers rosebud day." Nick blanched, and his dick grew as big as it could in the cage. He assumed rosebud meant his ass, and Chuck gathering it was... " At 6 he sent the last picture of his locked cock for the day. He added "Sir, it's quitting time. Can I take it off now?" The response that came back was "you going to the gym?" "Yes Sir." "After the gym . Make sure you check with me before you do." DAMN! Seeing all the guys at the gym made nick especially horny. He had felt how the cage just trapped his cock completely. Now, the gym and the cage... He drove to the gym, and when he got out of the car, he saw Chuck standing there, arms folded, leaning up against his car. "Uh, hi Sir. This is a surprise." "You got the cage on and the plug in?" "Yes sir." "Get in my car. There are cuffs on the front seat. Lock your wrists. You'll skip the gym today. I'll drive you back when I'm done. Nick looked around. No one seemed to see anything unusual in what they were doing. He felt Chuck's hand on his ass, gently pushing the plug in further "I SAID GET IN THE CAR." Nick did what he was told, and locked his wrists. As Chuck drove, he asked "So how's it feel to be becoming someone's bitch nicky boi?" "Someone's bitch. FUCK. He had dreamed of that for how long?" "It's not easy Sir." "A sub's life never is. You wanna end it?" "NO SIR" nick was surprised how fast he said that. "You're coming with me cos I need a blow job. And I wanna edge you. I wanna see you HURT you fucking closet case." When they got to Chuck's house, he pushed nick in and pointed to the bedroom "SIT ON THE EDGE OF THE BED." "Yes sir." Nick sat, and Chuck grinned as he dropped his pants. "Softest fucking mouth I've fucked in a long time. OPEN IT' Nick did, and took Chuck's hard cock. WAIT. Didn't he jerk off this morning? It WAS Chuck's cock. Nick had it etched in his mind. Did the thought of having nick make him, well, as excited as Chuck made him?" "SUCK THAT COCK BITCH. SUCK IT! MAKE IT GROW. MAKE YOUR WORTHLESS CLOSETED MOUTH DO SOMETHING GOOD TODAY." Nick was still cuffed, and the pressure of Chuck RAMMING his cock into his mouth plus the restraints, the plug, the cage, left nick feeling almost intoxicated. When the jizz started flowing down his throat, nick thought he'd explode. "Heh heh. My str8 cocksucker just did a good job. " He sneered. "you don't HAVE to nicky dicky, but you want to blow a load?" "OH FUCK YES SIR." "Lay back on the bed. " nick did what he was told. Chuck pulled out a key and waved it in front of nick's face. But he didn't open the cage right away. Instead he pinned nick down and began running his hand over nick's shaved chest. "my bitch. my boi. my slave cunt. That's what ya are nick." He bent down and began chewing at nick's nip, and then, moved up to nick's ear. "UHHHHHHHHGGGHHHH" was the only sound nick could muster, and when Chuck unlocked the cage, and put his hand around his shaft, that sound became higher, and more frequent. "Let's see if you can make it past ten minutes of edging, str8 boi. I bet you can't even make five." Chuck was right. After about three and a half minutes, nick screamed, thrust his hips up in the air, and shot all over himself. "Typical str8 boi. Probably brag about your cock and shit to your buds, and you can't even hold it for five minutes. Go wash the cage. And take out the plug and wash it. Then bring them to me." "Yes sir." Nick went to the bathroom and did what he was told. When he came back, he saw Chuck had a container of lube. "Gimme that plug. I'm gonna put it in myself." "GULP. " Nick knew that Chuck was NOT going to be gentle and he wasn't. 'AGGGGGGH. That hurt Sir." "GET OVER IT BITCH. On Sunday you graduate to a bigger one, so this one better feel like normal." He had nick dress and he drove him back to his car. "Now, take the damn cage and lock up when you get home. Keep it on till you're keeping wifey happy. " Then he handed nick a slip of paper. This is your outfit instructions for Sunday. And homework. There's a video link. Watch it. That's what we're doing on Sunday. "Yes sir." "Now give Dom Top Chuck a kiss." Nick felt Chuck's tongue snaking down his throat . Why didn't it feel this good when he kissed his wife?" He thought that again when he kissed her as he came in. "Go get cleaned up you shaved bear. Dinner's ready and you smell of the gym" Nick blushed, since he knew what that smell was. His wife laughed. "LOOK AT YOU. Getting all red faced and shy. DANG. There may still be some tiger left in you." "More like a caged kitten," he thought as he went to clean up. In the bathroom, he saw the instructions. "Tight jeans. Penny loafers or chelsea boots. White oxford. TIGHT. If you're not sure, it's not tight enough. Roll the sleeves. Loosened tie. Watch the video. You'll see the look." The outfit sounded so HOT, nick was getting boned again. He'd have to "do some work " in his study to watch video. At dinner, he also told his wife that, after church, he was going to need to finish up some paperwork at the office. "Ok. There's a new chick flick that just opened. I'll go and watch that. " His wife was going to a chick flick and nick went to his study to watch a dick flick. he put on his headphones so his wife couldn't hear what was going on. He called up the video. It was actually an excerpt from an old TV shoe, long cancelled. An actor much younger than nick was, was walking down the street, wearing exactly the outfit Chuck had specified. "That shirt must've been PAINTED on him. I'll have to shop tomorrow" nick thought. He saw a guy come up to the younger one, in the opposite direction, smiling. The camera focused on a gun. The young guy saw it, looked at the older one , who gestured with his head in a direction. The film changed to the young guy, bound and gagged in the back of a car, being taken somewhere. Then dragged into a house, where he was left tied in a chair as the goon called someone for ransom money. The film ended with the goon saying "And if the money's not here soon enough... It may be time to have some fun." nick got out of his chair and ran to the bathroom, and blew his second load that night. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Saturday morning, he got another text from Chuck "You watch the video?" "Yes sir." "Good. Meet me at this parking lot." Nick knew the lot. It was for a store, closed on Sundays, but which was opened for drivers to park on Sundays. It could get pretty crowded, so he hoped he could get his car in. He had gone shopping for a shirt that met Chuck's specifications. He wore it to church, and he had to suck his gut in through the whole mass, to keep from popping a button and taking out someone's eye. His wife loved it. "Every woman in the church is gonna be jealous of me sweetie." She ran her hand up his arm. "Between your gym bod and that hot ass of yours. OOOOOH" The mention of his ass reminded Nick of the butt plug that was in there. And he was getting a bigger one today. He sighed. He had no idea what Chuck had planned for him . After mass, he drove his wife back home, kissed her, and headed to the parking lot. Before he got there, he pulled over to roll up his sleeves: very far up and tight, like a 50s movie idol, and put on the skinny black tie. Yeah, it was very 50s. He hoped Chuck would take a picture of him and send it to him, like he did for the other scenes. He made sure that the plug was lodged securely in his ass. He knew the cage was on, because he was hard. As he pulled into the parking lot, he saw that Chuck's car was already there. There was also a parking space right next to it. Chuck hadn't given him any instructions on where to park, so he didn't know: was he in trouble if he parked somewhere else? Was he in trouble if he parked next to Chuck? One way or the other, he knew Chuck would find a way to punish him. He laughed to himself "Like that's a bad thing." "You got something to say boi?" He had seen Chuck's car, but he hadn't seen that Chuck wasn't in it. Now he was behind him, pointing something hard into his back. "Don't worry nicky boi. It's not a gun. It's a sex toy. For today. Now get your hands behind you stud." "Ok sir. Yes sir. I'll do what you want." "GOOD BOI. You memorized some of the dialogue. I'll tie you up extra tight for that." Once Chuck had nick stretched out on the backseat of his car, he gagged him. "Yeah, it's the cum rag from Wednesday? Think I forgot. HEH HEH HEH' As Chuck drove, the smell of the gag mixed with nick's feelings: nick did things to him , like stuffing his mouth with an old, cum soaked gag, should be making him sick, or want to run away. But after ever scene with Chuck, he wanted more. He had been thinking about that weekend trip, like a kid going away for the first time. "Time to get out, handsome." nick was confused. This wasn't Chuck's house. It was a neighborhood he didn't even know. "House sitting for friends. They took their new boi away for the weekend. Training him. We'll be up there soon. "MMMMPH." This was the first time Chuck had said that the weekend was out of town. nick couldn't spend too much time thinking, though, because Chuck was pushing him into the house. "They've got an extensive playroom downstairs. That's where we're going bitchboi." He grabbed nick by the forearm, and started pushing him down the stairs. When they got to the bottom of the flight, he pulled nick close to him. "Those biceps of yours are fucking hot nicky, and you look so goddamn sexy in that outfit I should make you wear it everyday. " He pulled nick over to a hook hanging from the ceiling. He untied nick's wrists, and then retied them after he had them over the hook. He had an evil look on his face. "See that switch over there nicky? It lets me operate this thing and pull it up. How'd you like to be on your tippy toes, studsub?" "MMMPH . MMMMPH. MMMMPH. " nick was shaking his head NO. He was already feeling strain on his arms. He had no idea how long Chuck was gonna keep him like this, but... As Chuck put his arms in position, nick's shirt untucked. "AH. what a great thing to happen nick boi. Gives me some ideas I didn't have. " He slowly unbuttoned nick's shirt. He smiled when he saw his bare chest. "Damn Greek blood in you. It's already growing back. GOOD. A shave on our weekend away." Stretched out as he was, nick could do nothing as Chuck began tickling his armpits. nick tried to move out of the way, but he couldn't move much at all. Chuck dug into his pits, and then ran his fingers down his side. Nick was laughing - hard - and it was hard to breathe with the gag in his mouth. "Lemme take that out bitch. You're gonna have to do some representing soon anyway." The gag came out, and he got back to tickling nick. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE . HAHAHAHAHAHA. I CAN'T BREATHE. STOP... ANYTHING ELSE. " Chuck stopped and came around, looking nick right in the eye. "More tickling, or 40 whacks on your ass? "The spanking Sir. Please. The spanking." "Heh heh. You forgot you got that plug in your ass. Too late now though." SHIT. Chuck was right. As the paddle hit his ass, it felt like the plug was going in, further and further. "Had enough boi? We could go back to tickling" Chuck asked as he finished twenty. "No Sir. No more tickling. I can take it. PLEASE. "If you could only see how fucking RED your butt is. " nick heard Chuck take out his camera. "And now you will." " Fifteen more." When they got to 30, nick started to tear up. "Please Sir. I can't take anymore. PLEASE. ANYTHING ELSE. TICKLE ME. SMACK MY COCK... FFFFFFUCK ME. " "Nah. We're gonna finish this, because I got some more surprises for ya. " nick thought that the spanking got a little easier after that, but he didn't know if he had floated off somewhere or not." "One more shot of that beautiful ass." Then nick felt Chuck pull out the plug. "SPREAD YOUR LEGS BIG BOI. There's more than one way to lubricate an ass. " He felt Chuck's tongue enter him "OH SHIT. OH SHIT.' Chuck stopped. "You better NOT go there bitch, cause if you do... you'll sing soprano in the choir." "No Sir. No. I just meant, it feels. OH.... " "Remember this? " Chuck shoved the same thing into nick's back that he had in the parking lot. He brought it around to show nick. "Six inches. Six BEAUTIFUL inches to get you ready for rosebud picking..." nick winced as Chuck began twisting the dildo into his butt. "STICK YOUR ASS OUT HANDSOME. It won't hurt so much." "Yes sir." nick felt almost a "snap" as Chuck put the thing all the way in, and smacked his sore, red ass. "Same rules as last week, boi. " "Yes sir." Chuck reached up and was about to take the rope down, but he changed his mind. He left nick hanging and began to play with his ears, and neck. "You feeling hard boi?" "Yes sir. I wish the cage were off. " "Well you're gonna get your wish. In a minute." Now Chuck did take him down, and led him over to what looked like a massage table, only with restraints. "Get your shoes and pants off. We're gonna use ALL four fucking cuffs this afternoon." nick got himself ready and after he was locked down good, Chuck unlocked the cage. "Now what happens next will determine what you do with the cage next week." He took another dildo, this one battery powered. He had a roll of tape as well. "This dildo can run for about 30 minutes. " He positioned the tip at nick's ass, and then taped the body of it to his leg. "Let's see how long my boy can go without jizzing. I'll just pull up a seat and read this magazine." nick saw that Chuck was reading a magazine devoted to bondage fiction. The first five minutes were relatively easy. Then things got rougher. The sensation didn't vary, which was part of the problem. "SIR PLEASE. TURN IT OFF, PLEASE." Chuck just smiled and went on reading. "PLEASE. PLEASE SIR. IT'S TOO MUCH. MY ASS WANTS TO EXPLODE. I MEAN MY COCK. I MEAN I MEAN. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Nick shot so high, some of the jizz caught his chin. Chuck began to laugh. "As the TV show might say "that was a pitiful 8 minutes. Pitiful. "Sorry Sir. Sorry. I was just too... excited. "Well, you'll get some training this week. You got zoom on your computer? " "Yes sir. " "GOOD. We're gonna do some zoom sessions. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Saturday you're here. Each day, you're gonna show me you taping the thing to your hole and we're gonna time how long you can handle it. You'll be caged beforehand too. " "Huh? I don't understand Sir" "DAMN BOI SOMETIMES YOU'RE AS DENSE AS A BAD CAKE. You'll fucking wear the cage, and prove it for six hours before we do the session. Then you'll unlock, and we'll start. " "I understand Sir. Sorry. I CAN be dense. My wife says it all the time. " "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR WIFE SAYS. SHE'S PROBABLY DROOLING OVER HOW HOT HER HUSBAND IS DRESSING NOW. Heh heh. One day, I'm gonna meet her. And you're gonna introduce us." Nick said nothing. He was afraid of that happening. "Now it's my turn, studmuffin. No, no cocksucking today. You had enough fun. Chuck got close to the massage table, and dropped his pants. nick saw his hard cock and wanted it. He wanted it big time. "Only way this cock is going in you today, is in your ass. You want that boi." "No sir. Not yet." Then... Chuck started toying with nick's tits, as he jerked with one hand. He kept on talking filth to nick about what was in store for him. "My jizz. The jizz you swallow, going so far up your tush, it covers your lungs. OH YEAH. OHHHHHHH FUCKING YEAHHHH" And Chuck's jizz came out, covering nick's tits and upper torso. Chuck rubbed it into nick's skin, slowly. Then he began untying him. "In our wednesday session, have your calendar. We're gonna set up a time for you to go away with a gym buddy to take a weekend bootcamp class. " Chuck laughed some more. And it WILL be bootcamp. Trust me. " Nick got cleaned up, and then they cleaned up the room of the friends' house. In the car ride back to the parking lot, nick fell asleep. "Poor baby. He's trying to take it all in. I may have overloaded him today. " Chuck mused to himself. "He's hot. Tries everything. Can't wait till I take his ass." "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD." "OH, OH, SHIT. I fell asleep. I'm sorry. So sorry Sir. " "Nah, don't be. Listen. Are you gonna be alright. You think you can make it home driving, or should I take you? "I think I'm ok Sir. " "Nah, that ain't good enough. Gimme your keys. " nick sighed and complied. He knew Chuck was right about this. "Get in the passenger seat." "How are you gonna get back Sir?" "Welllllllll.. one of two ways. You can ask your wife to drive me, OR... I'll get a taxi and you can reimburse me." "I'll reimburse you Sir." nick was NOT ready for his wife and Chuck to meet." "Knew you'd say that. You should thank me for giving you a choice." "You're right Sir. Thank you. I forgot my manners." "I'll even park a block away from the house. Park it closer to the house later." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." As they parked, Chuck patted nick on the leg. "You did real well today boi. Looked good, performed well, you're making an excellent sub." "Thank you Sir. I have a lot to learn," nick answered, but he was beaming inside. "Yeah you do, but you're sucking it up the way you suck up my jizz. Now kiss me baby cakes." After the kiss, they got out. "Hey, look at that, a cab right away." Chuck held out his hand to hail it. "Monday. Watch for my text." "Yes sir." As Chuck got in the cab and drove off, nick walked to his house. Something was happening to him. Something he didn't understand. But he loved it.

Next: Chapter 4

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