Straight Man Slave

By slaveboy22222

Published on Aug 2, 2023


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After I decided to become Sir's slave, and he gave me rules that I would have to follow, I left his house and returned to my apartment. Immediately after entering the door, I stripped completely naked, and deposited my clothes in the laundry hamper. I was exhausted from a weekend as a slave, but I was too exhilarated to go to sleep immediately. Not only that, but this new chastity cage was less than perfectly comfortable. Not from a fit standpoint or anything that I'd heard of before. I wasn't being pinched or anything. But simply having my manhood locked away was an entirely new form of discomfort for me that would make sleeping difficult. But I had work in the morning, and it's not like I could masturbate, so I knew I had to at least try to sleep.

I laid down in bed, naked, something of a weird feeling, although having spent the last two nights that way, it wasn't as strange. I laid awake for several minutes, and then without even realizing it, I dropped off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke and did my morning routine naked - I showered, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day, and only dressed right before I walked out of the door. I spent the day at work like normal, then came home and promptly stripped naked. I made dinner and ate, then I got a text message from Sir informing me to check my email. He had sent me an email with a link to a porn video, and instructions to watch it that evening. Not having anything else to do, I connected my laptop to my television, and played the video.

It was a gay porn video. In it, there was a male who was clearly the slave, and another who was clearly the dominant. The dominant gave the slave numerous sexual orders, making him perform for him, before impaling his ass on a dildo while the slave was standing, and subjecting him to a lengthy whipping session, followed by the dominant removing the slave from the dildo, tying him up and fucking him hard. It wasn't the kind of video I would have watched, but it was hot in its way, when I imagined myself in the slave's place, and Sir using me like that. My cock even tried to get hard, which, given its imprisoned nature, was rather painful. After I watched the video, I put the TV on another program and watched it for a little while before going to bed.

The next day was much the same, at least until shortly after I got home from work. As I was standing naked in my kitchen, trying to decide what to make for dinner, I heard my front door open. Since I was naked, I poked my head around the corner and saw that Sir had come into my apartment. As soon as I confirmed that it was him, I got down on all fours and crawled to him. He instructed me to crawl to my bedroom, where he would soon join me. I did so, and in a few minutes he had joined me. Judging by his footsteps, he had quickly inspected the apartment before following me to my bedroom.

I hadn't noticed that he was carrying a bag. Once he was back in my bedroom, he located a place on the wall where he affixed a board that had a long screw sticking out of it, and a small ring just under the screw. Then he reached into his bag and pulled out a long dildo, one that was probably a little longer than his cock. Sir used the screw sticking out of the board to attach the dildo to my wall, along with a little glue along the screw to ensure that the dildo wouldn't be removed.

"There, boy, now you have something to practice on," Sir said.

I didn't know what else to say, so I said, "Thank you, Sir." He was definitely following through on his promises. Invading my home, putting a dildo prominently on my bedroom wall, these were things he was certainly entitled to do by our agreement. But I found myself resenting it a little bit.

Then Sir pulled a metal collar out of his bag. "This is the collar I said I would provide for you, boy," he said. It was metal, with a leather lining, with a ring on each side, presumably for bondage purposes. He put it around my neck, and it was a perfect fit. It wasn't so tight that it cut off breathing, and it wasn't so loose that it would move around. It had enough weight that I wouldn't forget it was there. Sir said, "Remember, you are to wear that at all times in your apartment. I will allow you to remove it when you leave, which is why I'm not using a padlock to lock it shut. Now, let's test this out."

He removed a double-ended carabiner from his pocket and clipped one end to the front of my collar. Then he pulled me to the dildo, ordering me to open my mouth. I did so, and tried to swallow the dildo, but between the rubber taste and the size, I found myself unable to get much of it down my throat. Sir then pushed my head down the dildo, causing me to gag, until he could clip the other end of the carabiner to the board. Now I was stuck on the dildo, gagging. Sir brushed my hair and reminded me to breathe through my nose.

Then he said, "I have a buddy who installs in-home security systems. He's on his way here to help me install cameras so I can monitor you anytime I please. You will stay here while we work. When he's done, you will need to pay him for his time, and he's not interested in money. Do you understand, boy?"

I couldn't do much more than look at Sir and give him a very slight nod. He must have been satisfied, because he ruffled my hair and smiled. Then he took a blindfold out of his bag and put it over my eyes, so that my world was dark. He also pulled my hands behind my back and cuffed them there.

Several minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. I heard Sir move to answer, and I heard Sir's voice and another voice speaking.

"Thanks for coming," Sir said.

"No problem, man. Where is the little fag?" Sir's friend asked.

"He's tied up right now. Literally," Sir said with a laugh, which his friend joined.

"Fair enough. I'll see him in a little bit. So let's walk through and look at what we're going to need," said the friend. I could hear them moving through the apartment, talking in a low tone about what would be good where. Then the front door opened again, and a few minutes later, Sir and his friend were working around the apartment. I could hear the sounds of them putting in the cameras, and calibrating them, adjusting them so that they were properly set up. They went from room to room, putting up (it sounded like, and I later confirmed) several in each room, so that the room was fully covered. While Sir and this stranger were turning my apartment into their personal studio, I was kneeling naked, a rubber cock stuffed down my throat, unable to see or do anything except wait.

Finally, they entered the bedroom. Sir's friend said, "There's the straight faggot. I will never understand faggots, but I'm sure glad they exist." I could feel his eyes looking at me, staring at me for a long while, when he finally said, "Alright, well, let's get this room set up." I could hear them talking much better, but it was technical details about positioning and so forth.

I do know that my whole body must have turned red when Sir suggested putting a camera right over the dildo currently stuffed down my throat, "So I can monitor his cocksucking practice." Sir's friend, after laughing at my reaction, agreed, and as he worked, he made no effort to keep his crotch, with his semi-hard cock pushing at the fabric, out of my face. So now, not only was I naked and bound in front of a total stranger that I couldn't even see, I was further humiliated by having the stranger's cock shoved into my vulnerable face.

Finally, they had finished. Sir said, "Just wait until you see it, boy. I can see every inch of your apartment anytime I please. Plus, it's streamed through the cloud, so I can share you with anybody I want. Like Steve here. He will be able to watch all the depraved and perverted shit you're going to do for me, too." In my condition, I couldn't do anything, except feel embarrassed, and I did plenty of that.

Then Sir unclipped the carabiner, and I was finally able to take my mouth off of the dildo. I sucked down several quick breaths, now that my mouth was free, then Sir said, "Don't forget to pay Steven, boy."

Of course. I'd almost forgotten that Sir expected me to compensate his friend for "helping" me. But how? I decided to ask. Staying in my kneeling position, my hands still cuffed behind my back, I said, "Steve, how would you like me to repay you for your generosity today?"

Steven and Sir chuckled. Steve said, "Not bad, man." I assumed he was talking to Sir. Then he responded to me, "I think a nice slow blowjob would be a good start, and maybe I'll follow that up by pounding your ass."

Yeah, that's about what I expected. I'm sure Sir had promised him that he could use me however he liked, which was why he went along with it. Plus, Sir now got to push my humiliation one step further. Not only was I allowing him to fuck me, but I was letting him pick other men to fuck my ass, with no say on my part, despite the fact that I had no interest in gay sex. "Of course. Would you like me to begin right now?" I asked politely.

I heard Steve's pants hit the floor. "Indeed I would, faggot. Get to work." I moved towards his voice, and quickly found his semi-hard cock with my mouth. It was definitely smaller than Sir's. I began to suck on it, taking my time, since he said he wanted it slow. Despite my slow pace, Steve's cock stiffened in my mouth. Thanks to my recent forced practice, I was able to take it all in my mouth with only a small gag when he was all the way down. Steve and Sir continued to talk about the cameras and how they worked. I tuned that out, focusing on the task before me. Occasionally, though, Sir or Steve would interject a comment, like Steve saying, "He's a pretty good cocksucker for a straight bitch," or Sir reminding me, "Take your time, boy, he still wants to fuck that straight ass of yours."

Finally, Steve pulled his cock away from my mouth, and I felt hands underneath my arms, lifting me up, only to push me over my bed, so that I was bent at the waist with my ass in the air. I felt some lube being shoved into my ass, followed by Steve's cock, which couldn't fill me up as much as Sir's did when he fucked me. Unlike the blowjob, where Steve had passively let me set the pace, Steve spared no mercy on my ass. He pounded away, making his fucking more painful in some ways than Sir's more patient sessions had been. I was gasping and crying by the end of it, when Steve let out a loud moan and I felt his cock spasm inside my ass, depositing his hot cum.

After Steve pulled out, he completely ignored me. Everything he said, he directed at Sir. "Thanks for the hot straight piece of ass, man," he said.

"No problem. I'll let you know when I have things planned for him if you want to tune in. Thanks for your help," Sir said.

He and Steve exchanged a few more pleasantries as he walked Steve to the door, then Steve was gone. Sir came back. "That was a good job, slave. Let's take that blindfold off, so you can see all the cameras that are monitoring your life." He took the blindfold off, and I looked around the bedroom. Besides the camera just above the dildo, I saw three other cameras, including one pointed directly at the bed. I walked through the house with Sir, and each room had at least three cameras (there were only five rooms), with the bathroom having a camera just for the shower, and another one monitoring the toilet. Sir explained that they were all wired into the electrical system, so they wouldn't need batteries changed, or to be charged. They also only transmitted when they detected movement or a human body (or on demand by a user), so it shouldn't clog up my bandwidth...but if it did, that was my problem.

I began realizing that as Sir's slave, I really didn't have any privacy. Even using the bathroom, I would be subject to monitoring by him or one of his friends. And somebody could be watching at any time, with no way for me to tell.

Sir stood in front of the couch in my living room. While he unbuckled his belt, and dropped his pants to the floor, he said, "Alright, boy, I've got places to be, but watching you suck Steve's cock made me want those straight lips around mine. But I'm not taking my time today." Knowing what he wanted, I got on my knees and crawled to him. I placed his cock in my mouth, and began to suck. But no sooner had I started to suck on it than I felt Sir's hand on my head, and he began to pound my mouth like Steve had just pounded my ass. Sir's cock penetrated deep into my throat. I gagged on it, but Sir didn't care or slow down. Within minutes, Sir was moaning heavily as he continued to thrust, and shortly after that, he used both hands to push my face all the way down his cock, until my nose was pushed against him. Sir held me there while he came, spurting his cum down my throat, and I had no choice but to swallow it.

When he was done, Sir let my head go, and I pulled back off his cock, gasping for air. After about a minute, Sir and I had both returned to relatively normal breathing levels. "Well done today, slave boy," Sir said, while he pulled his pants up. "Starting tomorrow, you'll spend at least thirty minutes a day sucking cock. Either a real one I provide for you, or the one I just installed in your bedroom. I'm going to turn you into the best straight cocksucker ever."

"Yes, Sir," I said in acknowledgment, feeling tremendously ashamed. Here I was, in my own apartment; naked, not allowed to wear clothes; my cock caged, so that I couldn't get hard, touch myself, or cum; my every move subject to supervision by cameras that could be watched by literally anybody Sir was willing to allow to watch; my bedroom occupied by a very obvious dildo attached to the wall, which had no other explanation than exactly what it looked like; having been used by two men, with their cum in each end of my body, neither of whom I was attracted to, and one of whom I had been simply given to, whether I wanted him to fuck me or not. How much lower could I get?

Next: Chapter 6

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