Straight Man Slave

By slaveboy22222

Published on May 17, 2023


I went home, and I wanted to bust a nut so badly. My cock was hard the entire drive home. When I got home, I was determined to follow through on Sir's wish that I not cum. So I took a cold shower, which helped to extinguish the fire of my lust a little bit...until I was laying in bed and thinking about it, when my erection came back as hard as it was before. I resigned myself to a sleepless night (and maybe several sleepless nights), and got up. I decided that I may as well as put the plug in overnight, to stretch myself out. I got it in, and then settled in to watch some TV.

The next few days were much the same. I'd get home, take a cold shower to calm myself down a little bit, and then when I got horny again, I'd put the plug in my ass and leave it in overnight. I won't say that I didn't absentmindedly touch myself a little bit, but I did not cum at any point.

Friday morning, while I was at work, I received a message from Sir. "Come over right after work tonight," it said. "Before you get out of your car, take off your clothes. You won't need anything this weekend, except what I give you." "Yes, Sir," I replied.

After work, I drove home to get the plug I'd left there, and to grab a pair of tennis shoes (just in case - wearing dress shoes while otherwise naked just looks silly). I was in my house for less than two minutes, then headed to Sir's house. As I drove, I unbuttoned my shirt, taking advantage of a stop sign to take my top off, so that I was only wearing my pants when I pulled into Sir's driveway. I parked, and then slipped my pants and underwear off. I got out of my car, and found a collar on the porch for me like before. I put it on, knocked, and then knelt down in front of the door, just like the last time.

While I waited for Sir, I thought about my position. Why was I back here? What was I, a straight man, doing spending a whole weekend as the slave of a gay man, knowing that I would be sucking him, getting fucked, being tortured, and working for his pleasure? The only answer I could give myself was that I was clearly a pathetic submissive slut who was so desperate to serve that the circumstances didn't matter in the slightest.

After several minutes, Sir came to the door. He said nothing, simply clipped a leash to my collar and tugged. I followed him inside the house, crawling on all fours, since he had told me the last time he liked it when I did that. Sir led me into the kitchen, where he had me stand up. He checked that I was smooth, which I was, having prepared that morning. Then Sir said, "Glad to see you back here, boy. I'm in the middle of dinner right now. Let me get you ready real quick, and then you can clean the bathroom while I cook."

Sir held up a large ball gag. I opened my mouth, and then stretched it wider so that I could barely accommodate the gag. He strapped it tight around my head. Then he rubbed my nipples briefly before putting clamps on them, causing me to groan into the gag. He unclipped the leash from my collar, and led me to the bathroom by the chain between the clamps, pulling at my nipples. As he walked, he talked, "You will clean the bathroom from the floor to the ceiling. Everything you need is in there. You have about thirty minutes until dinner is ready. I expect the bathroom to be done by then." I simply nodded my head in understanding.

Once Sir left me in the bathroom, I looked around. Underneath the sink, I found cleaner and a roll of paper towels. I decided to start with the sink, the toilet, and the shower. I sprayed the cleaner on the surfaces, and then wiped it up, ensuring that I removed any dirt or blemishes. I used glass cleaner on the mirror, then I had to rewipe the counter, because I was drooling uncontrollably. I wiped it up, and then wiped my face with a towel out of the dirty hamper, to reduce the amount of drool that would fall off of me. I looked up and noticed a few small cobwebs in the corners of the room, so I used the broom that Sir had left in the bathroom to wipe them down. Then I turned my attention to the floor. First I swept it, and then mopped it.

I was fortunate to finish in time. As I was debating whether to use a towel to dry the floor, Sir walked up. "Done, I see. Well done, slave." Sir then unclipped the nipple clamps, causing me to gasp in pain. He clipped the leash back to my collar, and said, "Back on all fours." I got down and was led to the dining room, where the table reminded me of the first time I'd been fucked by a man.

I only saw one plate on the table, and gave Sir a look. He must have seen me, because he said, "Do you think a bitch like you is going to eat at the table like a person? No, there's your food." And he pointed to a bowl on the floor under the table. I bowed my head, knowing that I was going to have to eat like an animal, and that I'd feel very humiliated. Sir bent down to undo the gag, leaving my mouth free. I worked my jaw for a few seconds to relieve the stiffness that had set in. "Go ahead boy, eat up. No hands." I crawled underneath the table and got to work. I learned pretty quickly to pick up a piece of food with my teeth, pull it into my mouth, and chew it. As I ate, Sir's feet were on either side of the bowl. I was naked, kneeling on another man's floor, eating food out of a bowl literally at his feet, without being allowed to use my perfectly good hands. Rather than talking to me, Sir let me stew in my humiliation, and the more I thought about it, the more degraded I felt...which caused my cock to get harder. "God, I'm pathetic," I couldn't help thinking.

I finished, but could hear Sir still eating. Since he'd completely ignored me all dinner, I figured that there was no reason to think he'd want me to announce that I was finished, so I simply stayed on my hands and knees under the table. Soon, Sir apparently finished his plate, because he stood up and walked away. It wasn't long before he was back, though now his pants were off. As he sat down, he said, "It's time for dessert. Yours is right in front of you, slave boy."

I looked. The only thing in front of me was Sir, and, more specifically, Sir's cock. It was pretty obvious what he wanted, so I got to work. I started licking his head, but quickly started to take his cock into my mouth. I quickly worked back to where I had been, able to take about three-fourths of his cock down my throat. At that point, I continued at a steady, but not fast, pace. Sir must have been content with it, because I heard his fork clink as it touched his plate, as he continued to eat his dessert while I had what was supposed to pass for mine (I suspect that his tasted better, of course).

Eventually, I realized that I hadn't heard a chink from Sir in a little bit, and realized that he may be waiting on me. I started to speed up my pace, bobbing my head faster, sliding his cock down my throat until I started to gag, and then sliding it back out, over and over again. Sir began to moan, and then he must have been close, because I felt his hand on the back of my head. He pushed me down further on his cock, causing me to gag. He held my head there, and thrusted once, then twice, then a third time. With his cock filling up my throat, and me fighting a gag reflex, I felt his cock spasm and his cum spit down my throat. I swallowed it, because if I didn't I was going to throw it up. Sir held me there a little bit longer to make sure that he was done cumming, then he released me.

"That's good, boy," he said. "We'll have to work on that gag reflex, but in no time at all you'll be taking this dick like a born faggot." I thoroughly blushed as he reminded me that I really shouldn't be here, but I couldn't help myself. Sir was dominating me more thoroughly than I'd ever been dominated before. Sir instructed me to get up off the floor and bend over the table, which I did. He promptly inserted the plug in my ass, and smacked my ass. "Clean up from dinner, slave. You know where the kitchen sink is. When you're done, crawl into the living room. If you need something to drink, there's a cup of water by the sink." Sir walked away as I stood up and got used to the plug filling my ass yet again. Then I promptly cleaned the dishes, making sure that I was thorough, but quick. In about fifteen minutes, I found myself crawling into Sir's living room, to see that he was sitting on the couch watching a TV show.

"Good, you're here," Sir said. He pointed to the area in front of him. "I'm in need of a place to put my feet. I could put the recliner up, but why wear it out when you'll do just as well?" So I crawled over to the spot he was pointing at, and stayed down on all fours. Sir then put a blindfold over my eyes. "You haven't earned TV privileges yet. Now stay still." So I stayed there and listened to the show while focusing on not moving so that his feet, which were now resting on my back, would be most comfortable.

When the show got to a commercial break, Sir muted the TV and started talking. "The other night was special. There was no downtime, so to speak. But that's not realistic or sustainable. If you're going to be my slave, you're going to have time where I'm not actively dominating you. You will have some freedom to pursue your individual interests during that downtime. At other times, you will be called on to serve like this, by being an object. A footstool, a coatrack, a seat. But at all times, you will be in service to me, and subject to my desire. Think about that."

Sir then paused and turned the show back on. The commercial break was over. He sat in silence until the next break, while my arms and legs, and my back, got tired and it was getting harder to maintain the position I had been put in. Then Sir muted the TV again, and spoke again. "This weekend, I will control everything. But in the future, you my be instructed to simply keep the house clean. You will be responsible for that, but how you do it will be your choice. However, failure will be punished. I haven't punished you yet, but I can assure you that whenever you are punished, you will hate it. Now, if you decide at the end of this weekend to become my slave, I want you to be aware of what that means. I want you to think about it as you spend this weekend under my supervision. I'll talk about that at the next break."

Sir repeated the cycle again. By the time he next spoke, my arms and legs were starting to shake. "If you are my slave, that will mean several things. First, you will not be a live-in slave, at least not right away. However, you will be subject to my call, and expected to be here at any time I want you here. I will also control you in your own home, and I will do that with security cameras that I will install in your home, and that I will be able to view at any time. Everything you do, even including the clothes that you wear, will be decided by me. That will be done in fairly short order. Your orgasms will be strictly controlled. You will be locked in a chastity cage, and released only if I want you to be. You will have sex only with the people I want you to have sex with, and since I'm gay, that means that you will be gay by my choice. I get nothing out of a woman using you."

Before I had a chance to respond, Sir turned the TV back on. Fuck, how much longer was this show? I wasn't even listening to it anymore, but couldn't think about anything other than what he'd just said, and the pain in my arms and legs. I fought so hard to keep still, and I managed to make it to the next break. Sir muted the TV again, but before I could tell him that I had to stop, he started talking again. "Obviously, I know you work, and I'm sure you have some sort of social life. I won't interfere with your work, and you will still be permitted some of your social life, although I will be a priority. Now, I see that you're barely able to keep on going. This show is over, and I have to piss. Crawl to the bathroom, and kneel in the tub. I'll be in there shortly."

"Yes, Sir," I gasped, grateful to be able to move. I was nervous about what was coming next, because I'd never done any kind of watersports play, but I knew that it wasn't really my choice anymore. I slowly crawled out of the room. Once I was in the bathroom, I stood up and stretched briefly, before climbing into the shower and kneeling back down. I took the opportunity to sit back on my legs and get slightly more comfortable than I'd been in the living room.

Within minutes, Sir came in and dropped his pants. Sir was holding his flaccid cock, and said, "You're going to drink my piss, straight from the tap. Don't spill anything. I suggest swallowing as fast as you can." Sir grabbed my hair to hold my head in place, then placed his cock head in my mouth. After an anxiety-ridden few seconds, I felt his hot urine hit my throat. I coughed, and spit up a couple of drops, then got myself under control and gulped down the rest, more out of nervousness than actually liking the sensation. The piss was disgusting, and I couldn't believe that I was drinking another man's piss straight out of his cock. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"Not bad for your first time, pissboy. But you still spilled some, so I'm going to have to punish you. Out of there," Sir said, in a stern voice. Nervous, but knowing that I really had no choice but to submit myself to correction, I got out of the tub and crawled behind Sir to the playroom he had tortured me in a couple of days ago. He led me to another piece of bondage furniture that was in the room, a spanking bench. Sir helped me up onto it, and then used cuffs to attach my arms and legs to the bench. Sir also put a strap around my waist, and used a metal restraint to attach my collar to the bench. When he was done, I could barely move.

Sir walked in front of me with a cane. He swished it through the air a few times, and I winced, knowing that it was going to hurt. "You only spilled a little bit, so this will be fairly light. Five strokes. If you'd spilled more, you'd be getting more strokes. But they will hurt. Feel free to scream, boy."

Then Sir walked behind me. Without warning, he brought the cane down across my ass, hard. I accepted his invitation to scream. Loudly. Sir said nothing, but brought the cane down a second time.. I screamed again, "AAAAAHHHHH, fuck!" Sir struck me a third time. Now I started to cry. Sir followed it up with a fourth stroke. I screamed and cried some more. After the fifth stroke, I couldn't speak coherently. I was not used to being spanked, and this way worse than being spanked. My ass felt like it was on fire. I was sure there were welts.

Sir rubbed my ass gently until I was able to calm down, which took a few minutes. "I think you should thank me for disciplining you," he said. Yeah, sure. Being reduced to tears because I hadn't perfectly swallowed another man's piss wasn't humiliation enough, I had to thank him for doing it to me, too. Of course, if I was going to be a slave, that was going to be my lot in life. I couldn't expect to be treated like a normal person. "Thank you for punishing me, Sir. I will make sure that I do a better job drinking your piss in the future."

Sir chuckled. "That's good. Now you've gotten me all turned on again. I'm going to use your mouth. Open up."

I opened my mouth, and Sir placed his cock on my tongue. Of course, bound as I was, I couldn't properly suck it, but he already knew that. Sir placed his hand on my head and thrusted his cock in. He gave me a few warm-up thrusts to get used to him again, but within seconds he was pushing his cock down my throat without regard for my gagging. While he fucked my mouth, Sir talked to me.

"I'm glad I found you. You're a good slave, especially for a straight boy. Still a fag, though. I mean, look at you. Tied down naked to my bench, not even able to move, the taste of my piss still fresh in your mouth, soon to be replaced by a second load of cum today, and your cock is hard. You want more, even though you want to tell yourself you don't. You want to be my little bitch. You want to give up pussy and serve cock for the rest of your life. And I'm going to make that happen for you, fag." The worst part was that he was right. I wasn't attracted to Sir, but I really did want to be his slave. I wanted him to take control of me, to own me, because I knew that he would do it right. I knew that I would be sucking his cock or getting fucked in my ass everyday, and I was willing to do it, because Sir made me feel like a slave. Then I felt Sir's cock start to twitch. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and sprayed it on my face. After spurting a couple times on my face, he shoved his cock back in my mouth and held it there, finishing himself off on my tongue. He left himself in my mouth as his cock softened, then pulled out. He unbound me from the bench, took the plug out of my ass, and helped me down. "Go to the bathroom. Do not clean your face off. Then crawl back to the living room."

"Yes, Sir," I replied, and walked to the bathroom. I hadn't realized how badly I needed to go, but now that I was here, I was taking advantage of the opportunity Sir had given me. While I pissed and shit, I reflected on where I was. Did I really want to be Sir's slave? Or was I just horny? Was this really the right move? He was pushing me fast, but I couldn't blame him. I'd been responding to everything he was doing.

When I was done in the bathroom, I crawled out to the living room, Sir's semen still covering my face. I crawled up to Sir, who scooped some of the now-cold cum off of my face and held his finger out. "Clean yourself up, boy," he ordered. Blushing, I obediently opened my mouth and took his finger in, sucking it clean. Sir pulled it out, and repeated the process until my face was clean.

"Alright, boy, it's bedtime. Crawl behind me." Sir walked out of the living room, with me following at his heels. We got back to his bedroom. Sir put leather cuffs around my wrists and then attached them behind my back with a 1-foot-long chain. Then Sir put a strap around the base of my cock and balls, followed by a blindfold over my eyes. "This is how you'll sleep when you're with me. That strap around your balls will deliver an electric shock at 6:30 a.m. It will start off fairly mild, but will continue to increase in intensity until I shut the alarm off. As soon as you're awake, I want you to suck my cock to wake me up. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I said.

"Good," Sir replied. He helped me to lay down, and then I felt him lay down next to me. He settled me in, wanting my head to rest on his chest. Soon, I heard Sir snoring. Unsurprisingly, it took me much longer to get to sleep, but since I didn't really have any choice, I soon drifted off.

Next: Chapter 3

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