Straight Man Slave

By slaveboy22222

Published on May 12, 2023


This is the first of what I hope will be multiple chapters. I welcome feedback on it, which I may incorporate into future chapters. All of the characters are over 18, and all acts depicted are legal where I live. The story will contain descriptions of slavery, bondage, humiliation, oral/anal sex, pain, and a variety of other kinks. If these acts are offensive to you, or you are not permitted to view them where you live, you view at your own risk. This is a work of fiction.

For the first time in years, I was living by myself, single, without any obligations (except work, of course). I had been married for 10 years, but recently divorced. I'd always been interested in BDSM and slavery, but during my marriage hadn't been able to do much with it. She wasn't interested, and I wasn't willing to be unfaithful. Now that we weren't together anymore, though, I saw no reason not to try stuff.

I was living by myself in a small apartment, and it was hard finding women who were interested in dominating me. Before getting married, even though I'm straight, I'd experimented a little bit with serving men, because they were more willing to try sex out without a commitment, so I'd given a couple of blowjobs, but it really hadn't been anything more than that. So I found myself, one evening, creating a Grindr profile.

I'd always wanted to be submissive. For as long as I can remember, I have had fantasies of being tied up, naked, ordered to serve others. And it hasn't just been sexual, or at least not explicitly sexual. I've wanted to be ordered to do housework or other types of labor. Really, I just wanted to be controlled.

It became apparent that most people messaging me thought that "submissive" meant "free blowjob." They weren't interested in much more. Some would agree to tie me up. But there was very little desire for any form of extended control. Several nights later, though, I got a message that piqued my interest. The profile didn't have a picture (that didn't bother me - I didn't post one, either, because of my job), but the header was perfect: "Looking to Control." The profile information was that he was 51 years old (which meant 16 years older than my 35), 6'2" (one inch taller than me), 240 pounds, and that his cock was 7.5 inches. His message said, "You're looking to give up control to somebody like me. I'll tie you up, use you for my pleasure, and not give you any say in the matter."

Well shit, that was exactly what I wanted. Or at least it could be. "Use you for my pleasure" is a little vague; what exactly would his pleasure be? So that's what I wrote back: "I'd love to hear (in a general sense) what using me for your pleasure would be. I'm straight, but I find serving and kink sexually appealing, regardless of what my partner's gender is."

He responded, "Assuming you're attractive, I'm going to want to tie you up, force you to suck my cock, and fuck you. But I can do other things, too. I will enjoy making you humiliate yourself for me. I'll make you do work I don't particularly want to do. I'll torture you and hurt you."

Much better. I expressed my satisfaction, and we exchanged pictures. He was apparently satisfied with my looks, because we made plans to meet up the following evening at his house. For my part, I can't say that I find myself particularly attracted to men, but he was fairly handsome, and he was fit, but in a way that a normal guy would look fit, rather than like a guy who spent all his free time working out.

The next evening, I came home from work and set about getting ready. My play date, who told me to call him "Sir," had given me some instructions to follow, and I set about following them to the letter. First, I showered, and shaved my cock and balls for the first time in years. I had forgotten how being bare down there left you feeling just a little more naked, at least until you were used to it. Then I put on a pair of underwear that I had purchased on my lunch break - white briefs, one size too small. I definitely felt my cock and balls trying to push out. I then finished by putting on jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I slipped my feet into some loafers, and then I was out the door to drive the 10 minutes to Sir's house.

When I arrived, I saw that he lived in a relatively small house in a clearing in some woods. I pulled into the driveway, then I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it, and it was a message from Sir. "No pants for slaves on my property. Leave them in the car." So before I even got out, I took my pants off and folded them, leaving them on my front seat. I got out of my car, shivering slightly at the cool evening air on my bare legs. My cock was straining against the fabric of my briefs, both in anticipation of the evening to come, and in excitement at already beginning to surrender control to Sir.

Sir had said he would leave a collar for me on his porch. I located it, and put it on. Then I rang the doorbell, and decided to "show off" a little bit, by kneeling in front of the door. Sir made me wait for a few minutes, continuing to shiver, before he opened the door. He was wearing athletic shorts, and judging by the bulge in the front, there wasn't any underwear holding down his cock. He also had a t-shirt on. Sir laughed, "Yeah, you'll be a good boy for me, I'm sure of that. Since you're already down there, crawl in here."

So I obediently crawled into Sir's house. I could tell that, despite being small, it was well-made and taken care of. When I got through the door, Sir closed it and ordered me to stop. I did, and felt his hand cup my ass, then squeeze it. "That's a nice ass, slave. I'm going to enjoy fucking it later." Then he reached between my legs and fondled my cock and balls. "Not too bad. Enough here to torture. We'll get there, too. But first, I just finished dinner. You've got dishes to do." He then clipped a leash to the collar, and led me, crawling behind him, into the kitchen.

He tugged up on the leash and I stood up, so that I was standing in front of a sink with several dishes. "Wait a second, slave. I'm going to make this a little harder." Then he took a ball gag off the counter. Knowing where that was going, I opened my mouth, and he strapped it on. Almost immediately, I started to drool. Then Sir placed my wrists in a pair of metal handcuffs. Next, he tied a rope around my right ankle, then attached the other end of the rope to an O-ring that had been screwed into the area underneath his cabinet. He repeated the process with my left ankle, spreading my legs out so that he would have easy access to my cock and balls while I was working. "Alright, slave, get to it. Wash, rinse, and dry. I'm going to watch."

I immediately set to work. Of possible chores, doing dishes is one of the ones that I like best. So I was focusing on scrubbing each dish, getting them perfectly clean, and then rinsing them off in the empty section of the sink. It wasn't long, though, before I felt Sir's presence behind me, and then felt his hands running up my side under my shirt. My skin tingled, and I paused in washing a plate. Sir stopped and smacked my ass hard enough to elicit a gasp from me. "Did I tell you to stop working, slave?" he asked.

"No, Sir," I said, as best I could around the gag. I went back to washing the plate, and then moved on to a bowl, while Sir continued to touch me. He ran his hands up and down over me, then reached around to run his hands across my stomach and chest. His fingers found my nipples, and he pinched and pulled at my nipples, causing me to moan in pain and pleasure.

After I had washed all of the dishes, and rinsed them off, I began to take them out of the sink and dry them with a dish towel that had been left in reach. I had to be careful to keep my drool, which was coming down from the gag in copious amounts by now, from getting on the clean dishes. After I'd done a couple of dishes, Sir said, "Stop for a second, slave." When I did, he pushed me in the back, encouraging me to bend over at the waist. I did, exposing my ass to him even more. He started by dripping lube on my asshole, then I felt the pressure of his finger at my ass, lightly pushing. Sir got more insistent, and soon he had a finger inside my hole. I've had toys there before, but to be practically helpless and getting fucked by a man's finger was entirely new, and the sensation was enjoyable. Soon, Sir was using two fingers, then three. I was moaning while being finger-fucked, the dishes all but forgotten.

Well, at least I had all but forgotten them. While he continued to take my ass, Sir used his other hand to smack my ass. "Back to work, slave, you've had enough of a break." He didn't stop, though, so now I had to try to concentrate on drying the dishes properly while having my ass reamed by Sir's fingers. I was definitely slower now than I had been.

When I was about halfway through drying the dishes, Sir removed his fingers and replaced them with a large rubbery object, which I later saw was a butt plug. At this point, I only felt it, but it was even bigger than Sir's three fingers. I didn't think he was going to be able to get it in. I was starting to cry out in pain, and was trying everything I'd read about to get my asshole to relax. Finally, with a "pop" the pressure eased, and the plug settled into my ass, filling it up. It felt like the biggest object I'd had there before.

Sir then ripped off my shirt, making me gasp in surprise. "You're taking too long, slave. I'm going to beat you until you're done. You'd better hurry, because I've got a lot more that you're going to do tonight." Then I felt a flogger connect with my back, and I gasped again. He continued to hit me with the flogger, striking me every few seconds, not rushing, but not exactly taking his time between blows, either. I tried to work faster on the dishes, but made sure that I wasn't letting the quality of my work suffer.

Finally, I put the last dish on the counter, dry. Sir hit me two more times with the flogger, presumably just because he could. "Well done, slave bitch. You did a good job on those dishes." His compliment made me feel perversely good, and I tried to give him a smile through the gag. Sir bent down to untie my ankles, letting me pull my legs back together and move them around to get some of the stiffness out.

After I'd had a few moments to collect myself, Sir ordered me back to all fours. I got back on the ground, and Sir again took the leash and led me out of the kitchen and down a hallway. "You're going to get to see my dungeon, boy," he said as I followed him into a door. Inside the room, which was clearly intended to be an extra bedroom when the house was built, the room had a rubber floor, and the walls were lined with a variety of bondage and s&m gear, including ropes, gags, whips, canes, and all sorts of things. There were also two pieces of furniture in the room, an x-shaped cross against one wall, and a bench with padding that looked like a spanking bench. Sir led me to the cross, and tugged up on the leash, so I stood up.

I allowed Sir to put my wrists and ankles in cuffs attached to the cross, so that I was spread wide for his use. He removed the ball gag, saying, "I'm about to hurt you, and I want to hear you scream. The room is soundproof, so I'm going to be the only one who hears you. You can beg to stop, but I won't." (I should mention that we had agreed on a safeword, so I understood his remark to mean only that he wouldn't stop if I was begging, but that he would if I used the safeword).

The next thing I knew, I felt him squeezing my balls, and the pain was intense. I tried to bear it for a bit, but Sir just squeezed harder, and I was soon whimpering in pain. Sir released my balls and turned away. Within moments, though, he was back, and he was holding a whole bunch of wooden clothespins. At the mere sight of that many clothespins, I started to whimper. "Please, Sir, please don't, please."

Sir ignored me. He pulled on my left nipple first, and quickly snapped a clothespin shut on it. I gasped and whimpered, knowing that begging was going to be useless. Sir did the same thing to my right nipple. Then Sir moved back to my balls, which still hadn't recovered from the squeezing he had just given them. He put clothespin after clothespin on my balls, quickly taking up all the loose skin. When my balls had been clothespinned to death, Sir moved on to the underside of my hard cock, which really caused me to scream.

"Sir! Please! Take them off! Please! I can't!" I begged, knowing even as I did so that it wouldn't matter. Then Sir put one on my cock head. That almost made me use my safeword, but I was determined to take it. Instead, I screamed, I writhed, I cried. Sir stopped adding clothespins at that point, but he started touching the ones he'd already put on me, moving them, pulling at my skin. He never gave me a chance to get used to the pain, to let the pain subside, but he was always changing it, making it hurt more. I continued to cry and beg him to stop, but he just laughed and kept on going. I felt so helpless, but at the same time, I was incredibly turned on, and my cock was rock-hard.

Finally, Sir stopped playing with the clothespins. "You sound like you're having fun. I'll let you keep on having fun for a little bit. I'll be right back." Then he walked out of the room, and I was left by myself, tied to the cross and in pain. After what felt like ten minutes (but was probably just two or three), Sir came back. "Let's take those off of you. Unlike earlier, I don't want to hear a sound out of you now. If you make any noise, the next part will be much less pleasant for you." Taking him at face value, I nodded my head to show that I understood.

Sir began to take off the clothespins on my balls. They hurt a little bit coming off, but I knew more pain was coming. I managed to stay quiet without too much trouble. Then Sir removed the clothespins from underneath my cock. That hurt more, and I was wincing, but managed to stay quiet. Sir then went to my nipples. That fucking hurt! But I was still quiet. Finally, Sir removed the clothespin that he had placed on the head of my cock.

I still don't understand how I managed to remain quiet. I know that I was wincing so hard that tears were running down my cheeks. I know that my mouth was open. But no sound came out. Sir rubbed my cock gently, massaging it. It hurt, but I knew it was helpful.

"That's a very good boy. I guess the blow job you're about to give me will be nice and easy."

I thought about telling him that he could use me however he wanted, but thought better of it. After that torture session, I wasn't sure how much I could handle. And I'd never given a blow job before, so maybe nice and easy would be a good idea. Instead, I just said, "Thank you, Sir," and gave him a weak smile.

Sir untied me from the cross. "Hands and knees again. I like it when you're crawling like a little bitch," he said. I blushed and obediently got down on my hands and knees. Sir led me into the living room, where he dropped his shorts and revealed his cock to me for the first time. He sat on his couch, and pulled me to him. When my face was right in front of his cock, he set his head against my lips. "Open up, boy. Worship my cock."

I obeyed. I won't say that I love sucking cock. Like I said before, I'm not really attracted to men as men, and I don't enjoy homosexual acts for their own pleasure the way I enjoy sex with a woman on its own. However, I was attracted to Sir as a dominant, as a person who was taking control of me. I appreciated the act of sucking his cock as an act of service to a dominant person. And the humiliation of being a straight guy who was reduced to sucking cock out of a pathetic desire to please somebody who had already tortured me and used me for free labor turned me on, too.

Sir recognized that. As I slid my mouth down his cock, taking in about half of it on my first try, he said, "Look at you, a little straight boy down on his knees in front of a man. You must be a special kind of pathetic slut to get off on this, and I can see that you're getting off on it. That cock is every bit as hard as mine, boy." I blushed as I continued to work his cock, slowly getting more of it in my mouth each time I swallowed it.

Sir seemed content with my pace. He didn't tell me to speed up, or take hold of my head and go at his pace. But he took the opportunity to talk to me, if you can call it that. "Mmmm, I've never had a straight fag before. But it is fun. I love knowing that you're doing this because you get off on being a little bitch. I like that you're so fucked up that a total stranger's happiness controls your satisfaction."

I didn't respond, but he was right. I stayed focused on the task at hand, worshipping his cock. By now, I was taking a little more than three-fourths of it, and seemed to have hit a wall. Sir wasn't complaining, though, or telling me to take more. He was starting to breathe heavier, and his words were now interrupted by pauses of pleasure. "That's it, boy. That' You're going to get to take's seed....down that straight little throat of yours. My cum is be in your stomach." My cock twitched as I sucked his. Fuck, this was humiliating, but that's what made it so hot.

Finally, I felt Sir's cock start to spasm, and he moaned, followed shortly afterward by the feel (and taste) of his semen landing in my mouth. Part of me wanted to pull away, but I forced myself to keep his cock in my mouth, and accept the spurts of cum landing on my tongue. "Don't swallow, boy. I want to see that cum in your straight fag mouth before you swallow it," Sir said.

I obediently kept his cum in my mouth as his cock spasmed one last, weak, time. I opened my mouth so that he could see it in there. I wasn't looking forward to swallowing another man's cum, but I was eager to get the taste out of my mouth. Sir made a show of looking at it, and finally he allowed me to swallow it. I closed my eyes, and with a big gulp made it disappear down my throat and into my stomach.

Sir sat back and caught his breath, while I stayed on all fours in front of him. After a few minutes, Sir said, "I'm not the machine I used to be, and it's going to take me a little bit to be ready to fuck you. But I am going to fuck you and send you home with a load of cum in your straight little ass tonight. In the meantime, I want you to sweep the kitchen and the dining room. There's a broom next to the fridge. And I'm going to put these on you while you do it." Sir held up a pair of handcuffs with a chain that was a little longer than usual between them. I gave him my wrists and felt him lock the cuffs on. Then I found the broom and started sweeping.

As I did, I thought about my evening. I was slaving away for a man I didn't feel a physical attraction to (though I will confess that everything he did was deepening the psychological attraction I was starting to feel). He had tortured me mercilessly. He had said degrading things to me. He had required me to perform oral sex on him, and to swallow his cum. He had stuffed my ass with a plug that was still filling me up. I was doing manual labor for him while I just waited for him to get ready to fuck me. And my cock was still hard, still pointing straight out.

While I was sweeping the floor, Sir came in and watched me. He just sat at the table and watched. He didn't say anything, but every so often he'd play with his now-flaccid penis a little bit. Finally, he got up. I continued to work. A few minutes later, Sir walked back in. "That's good enough, boy. Sweep the dirt up into the pan."

"Yes, Sir," I said, as I bent down and did that. I turned around with the pan to take it to the trash can, and saw that he was now holding several ropes. Without commenting, I took the dirt to the trash can and threw it away. Sir then told me to come over to the table.

He bent me over the table, and took the handcuffs that were in front of me, pulling my arms forward. He tied them to a leg on the other side of the table, then pulled my legs as far apart as he could force them to go before tying them to legs of the table as well. Sir pulled the plug out of my ass, which was much easier than putting it in, and set it down on the table, where I saw it for the first time. No wonder it had been difficult to put it, it was rather large...but still not as large as Sir's cock.

I felt more lube being pushed into my asshole, followed by Sir's hands on my hips and a pressure at the entrance to my hole. "Relax boy, I'm going to enjoy this," Sir said, before gently sliding his cock in. I gasped in a mixture of pain and pleasure (in that order). I felt Sir slowly thrust in, followed by slowly pulling out. He went slowly, and soon I was actually feeling physical pleasure at being fucked by another man, for the first time.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck...yes...yes...yes," I was moaning, as Sir slowly increased his pace and the depth of his thrusts. After several minutes, he was definitely fucking me, and I was screaming in pleasure. "Yes, Sir...thank you, Sir...thank you...yes...yes...oh god, yes!"

"That's right, boy, enjoy having your ass owned by another man. You're a real faggot, doesn't matter if you think you're straight," he said. "Beg me to fuck you harder, boy."

By now I was too far gone in the depths of pleasure to do anything but obey. "Fuck me harder, Sir. Please fuck me harder!" And Sir obliged, pushing his entire length into my asshole without abandon now. He was clearly enjoying himself, too, because soon I heard him yelling.

"Fuck yes...fuck yes! I'm going to cum in your ass, bitch boy!" And no sooner did he say that than I felt him cum with his cock buried deep in my ass. Sir laid on top of me as his cock continued to spurt cum into my hole. I felt his cock soften up, and cum start to dribble out and down my leg, when he stood up and picked the plug back up off the table. He didn't bother with lube this time, but stuck it straight in my asshole, sealing up the cum inside.

Sir untied me, and we had a conversation about where we went from here. "Slave, I'd like you to serve me again, if you're willing. I'm free this weekend, and if you're free, I'd suggest you come here Friday evening (which was three nights away), and we'll make a weekend out of it. If that goes well, maybe we should consider a longer-term arrangement. What do you say, boy?"

I was still collecting myself, so I was slow to respond. Sir waited for me, and eventually I said, "I think I like that idea. I'm free this weekend, so I'll be here Friday night."

Sir smiled. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Tell you what, you take that plug home with you, and put it in each night between now and then so you're properly stretched out. I'm not going to put you in chastity tonight, but if the weekend goes well, I want to lock your cock up. Between now and Friday, I'm not telling you that you can't masturbate, but I'll be impressed if you wait. And impressing me means good things, I'll tell you that."

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sir. I understand. I'll...try, though I'll admit that I'm really fucking horny right now."

Sir laughed, and we said our goodbyes. I went out to my car, slipped my pants on, and left, eagerly looking forward to Friday night.

Next: Chapter 2

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