Straight Jock Boy Chronicles

By jasper adams

Published on Sep 29, 2019


love to hear from all of you. xoxo - jasper p.s. don't forget to donate to nifty!


"I... I gotta go..." Ryan suddenly turned into a different person. Instantly gone was the sweet, shy boy; gone was the depraved, fisting-bottom sadist slut. Even his voice dropped an octave or two. The two men watched, confused but enjoying the sight, as their jock whore pulled his sweat- and cum-covered body out of bed, rummaging around for his clothes and hastily getting dressed, limping only ever so slightly.

We should've asked him to wear his jockstrap, the two men simultaneously thought when the jock bent down to pull on his soiled jockstrap. They couldn't believe that cummy ass just had both of their cocks and a fist inside... With his sweats, hoodie, and baseball cap on, the two men barely recognized the masculine jock in front of them. Ryan couldn't bear to be in that hotel room a second longer; the limping jock grabbed his shoes and socks and headed barefoot to the door.

"Wait!" Daddy #2 felt the hurtful sting of their jock boy's ice-cold, angry stare as he nervously held up the black butt plug. "Is this yours?"


Just like that, the two daddies watched their jock disappear out the door.


Ryan took his anger and rage out on both of his opponents the following day.

"Bro! That was insane!"

"Shit man! You were a fucking monster out there!"

"Dude! Beast mode much? That was incredible!"

Every one of his teammates were astounded by Ryan's sheer dominance on the mats today. The team captain easily destroyed his first opponent to no one's surprise, but the second guy from Oklahoma State - an equal match for the jock boy by all accounts, if not higher ranked and more feared - was taken down by Ryan in such a decisive way the entire auditorium burst out in cheers and applause.

During both matches, Ryan felt men's eyes - from somewhere in that auditorium - on him. Of course, the anxious jock had no idea whether those old men - who'd just bred him hours prior - nor his sadistic, abusive manipulator... his pimp... was even in there (or whether that man was even the mastermind behind last night's depraved perversity...). With his paranoia so intense, the jock boy's body burned hot to prove to his team and the audience what a dominant athlete he was, how strong, how skilled, how ballistic...

Deep down, the straight jock cadet was furiously angry and ashamed of how weak he was, how full of regret he was about what happened the night prior. What he did. What he let those old men do to him... how he cracked and what he made those men do to him. How pathetically unfulfilled his crazed sexual cravings still were, how badly he just wanted to suffer underneath that man, to have his legs kick behind, to feel an arm press down on the back of his neck, to feel the pain of rape, to feel his hole and body dominated, assaulted, destroyed...

Every inch of the 19-year-old jock's body - every muscle, every toe, every finger, every orifice - ached for the same pain and humiliation of absolute defeat he had dealt to his opponents. Nobody - not his coaches, his teammates, nor his opponents - noticed how sleep-deprived the star athlete was, or how shaken he was during the whole meet, how close he was on the verge of crying. With every slam against his opponents, the alpha jock regretted leaving behind that butt plug. Every struggling movement of his opponents, ever strain of their muscles, every animalistic grunt... Ryan wished he was in their place. Ever second he pinned his opponents down, he felt his own jock hole gape, desperately empty and hungry despite taking three loads and a fist just late last nite (or was it early this morning?).

After the meet, his coaches didn't think twice when Ryan asked for permission to celebrate his victories with his girlfriend. Though, they hesitantly gave their star jock permission to be driven back to campus by his girlfriend instead of taking the team bus, a rare treat and privilege reserved for only the most alpha, most celebrated, and most decorated team captains in the military academy's heralded legacy, a once in a blue moon, unspoken reward for a job well done.


Ryan couldn't believe it. He stood there, unable to move. He hated himself. He couldn't believe he lied to his teammates and coaches. He felt so guilty for lying to his girlfriend. Somehow it all worked. The jock was on pins and needles, seeing his girlfriend drive away from the hotel just minutes before his teammates and coaches descended into the hotel lobby to check out.

"Go fuck that pussy, Ford!"

"You earned it, man!"

"You lucky bastard!"

Ryan was dying. What the fuck was he doing?! Tortuous bantering, bro-ing, laughing... jocks being jocks, bros being bros, cadets being cadets.... The team bus finally drove off, leaving the jock boy alone in the city, rushing to the nearest bus stop to catch the next bus back to campus. He had no plans. He didn't know what he was about to do. He was broken. He had cracked.


The past hours were a mere blur. Ryan felt like a complete idiot when he boarded that bus, for stupidly thinking this bus driver would desire him like the last one, even though he was nowhere near the town of his last away game. The jock somehow convinced himself that the gas station at the rest stop would be the same as the last gas station, that men would make him submit, use him, abuse him.

He wanted to cry, so desperate to feel something. Anything. He wanted to sob from shame, for sitting bare-assed in a bathroom stall with his sweatpants around his ankles and with the door unlocked for what it seemed like hours. He choked back tears of regret when he heard his bus depart the gas station. His cock hardened immediately when he heard someone enter the bathroom. His hole gaped when he heard another truck pull up. His toes curled and flexed inside his socked sneakers every time he heard a man piss or take a shit next to his stall. His cock was leaking so much precum a pool of sticky, clear fluid formed in the deep grooves between his chiseled abs.

Impatient and crazed, Ryan eventually stripped himself completely naked, leaving the heap of clothes and sneakers in a heap on the dirty bathroom floor, drawing his baseball cap low over his piercing blue eyes. If someone, anyone could just see him like this... his naked, shredded body - not an ounce of fat... so smooth and lean, muscular and cut. The jock, hating himself every second of this depraved experiment, desperately spread his thick, tree-trunk legs wide in the air, with his size 13 bare feet planted against either side of the door, with his pink boy hole winking in the air. His long toes hesitantly pushed on the door just a little, a crack, wishing to catch someone's attention, for anyone to just see him splayed out like a whore, to desire him... to just take him. His knuckles were white from gripping tightly the handicap railing on either side of him... his thick chest heaving deeply, his hard biceps bulging. Ryan was afraid to touch his red hot, turgid cock, which was ready to explode with jock cum at any moment. He was afraid to graze his sensitive, quarter-sized nipples. He was too cock hungry... too afraid to finger himself, to feel the desperate, emptiness of his jock hole and the insane predicament he'd created for himself.


No. Nobody. Nothing. Panic began to set in. If he'd start walking now, he might be able to get back to campus by midnight, if he was lucky. The jock was so angry, so flabbergasted with himself, so desperate to cum, to be filled, to feel pain and domination. He waited, feeling the the rush of anticipation, one painful minute after minute... Every little noise made his hole twitch, his long toes curl, his hard cock jump and leak precum. The jock boy held on to the railings for dear life... begging... praying...for anyone. Any and all remaining shreds of decency and dignity were gone by the time the horny cadet finally pushed the door wide open with his foot.

For anyone to see, the mirror by the sink revealed a hyperventilating and writhing mound of sweaty blond jock in a stall, on a toilet; his pecs heaving, nipples red and hard, eight tight abs glistening with precum, an eight-inch jock cock bouncing against the shredded abs with anticipation, a smooth, pink hole quivering and gaping between meaty thighs and glorious ass cheeks, long toes curled in the air, desperately waiting to get fucked.


No. Nobody. Nothing.


It was already dark out when Ryan finally - reluctantly and completely humiliated - got dressed and emerged from the bathroom. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. There wasn't a soul around. Shit.

Left with no other choice, no sadistic fulfillment, the defeated jock boy started walking, resolutely, back to campus, trying to forget as quickly what he'd just done.


An hour into his lonely walk without passing a single car or bus or truck, Ryan felt his sweaty body tingle when he finally heard a car approaching in the distance. He couldn't make it out at first, since he'd been living in his own rage-filled, frustrated silence for so long. He couldn't really see the headlights of the vehicle approaching, due to the winding road and thick trees. No. It was a truck, pulling towards him. The jock boy was near hysterics when he suddenly realized that he'd hoped and craved so badly - this entire misguided journey - that the man would come for him. The man would come find him. The man would come rape him.

"Need a ride, kid?" The bearded trucker rolled down his window. He was maybe late fifties, thick and broad. Redneck. No. No. No. Not him.

"No... no... no I'm okay, Sir," Ryan stammered. Incredulous and overwhelmed with resignation, with disappointment, with shame. Rage.

"You sure, kid?"

"Yes, I'm fine... I'm almost there..." Ryan's big blue eyes were watering. He'd just barely, barely pieced together a semblance of a normalcy after his complete breakdown: his lying, his pathetic, depraved and unsuccessful attempt at soliciting sex in gas station bathroom. He'd started to lock it all away in the deep, perverse abyss of his depraved mind. By foot, he was maybe 30 minutes away from campus, from his life. Every step he took produced a brick to rebuild that wall inside himself, the wall that had come crashing down this weekend. "No... I'm fine... thank you, though."

"..." The truck engine stopped.


"Are you a faggot, son?" The eyes were stern and cold.

"Ex... excuse me?!" Ryan swallowed hard. His heart pounding.

"Are you a faggot, soldier? Attention!" Ryan's body immediately snapped to attention, feet wide, hands behind his back. He was horrified to look down and realized he was hard, his eight-inch dick tenting in his sweat pants.

"No... No... Sir..." Ryan heard his own voice crack. Fresh sweat poured from his pores. He was hard. A wet spot started to form at the tip of the tented sweats.

"Strip, son."

"What...? What?! Sir... I... I..."


"I... No. No... I... I can't..." Ryan suddenly woke up from his sex-crazed fever. He started picking up his bag from the side of the road. "I... I gotta go, Sir."

"You go when I say you go, faggot."

"UGHN!" Ryan winced when he felt the door open and slam into him, knocking him off balance. Suddenly, Ryan heard his own voice yelp when he was pinned face first against the side of the truck, his cock hurt from getting slammed into the hard, cold metal. The jock boy started pissing precum. "UGHN!"

"Slut," The man was taller and stronger than Ryan had expected, roughly tearing down the teenaged jock's sweat pants and underwear. His calloused, cold hand instantly reached around and found Ryan's full, low hanging balls. "When I tell fag soldiers to strip, they strip."

"UGHN!!!!!!!!!" Ryan howled in pain when the Redneck squeezed his balls hard, his rock-hard erection slamming against the side of the cold truck over and over again as he was manhandled from behind, leaving sticky strands of precum everywhere. "STOP! STOP! UGHN! I'LL STRIP! STOP! UGHN!"

"Filthy whore." The man roughly pulled the hard-bodied jock around to face his abuser by his balls. Tripped up by his sweats and underwear around his ankles, Ryan fell to his knees with a pathetic yelp. "Already begging for it, huh faggot? Strip."

Everything happened so fast. Split seconds. Ryan was hysterical when he obediently pulled off his hoody and tank top. They were so close to campus. Anyone could drive by at any moment. Yet he just knelt there, nearly naked, watching in dread as the old redneck pulled out his cock. Before the jock boy could process what had just happened, he had wrapped his full, red lips around the stranger's thick cock.

"You fucking little piece of shit..." The Redneck had spotted the jock cadet from afar, but in no world did he imagine that this seemingly masculine jock would turn out to be a total submissive slut. He was just fucking with the teenager at first, verbally mocking a straight jock for shits and giggles. However, when the jock's piercing blue eyes instantly widened and watered and his cock clearly hard from the verbal insult, the Redneck counted his blessings for the chance of a lifetime to own and use such a perfect physical specimen. He'd never seen a boy like Ryan before. With his deep, baritone voice, his perfectly symmetrical face at once chiseled and boyish, his body screamed pure sex: like a Greek statue, hard muscled and smooth, thick yet sinewy... not a trace of fat save perhaps a light jiggle to two hard mounds of glutes.

"You're shit at sucking cock, Faggot."

Ryan fell on his hands, gasping for air, after the Redneck skull fucked him senseless, trying not to throw up but feeling his hard cock swing between his muscular thighs the whole time. His cherubic face red from the man slapping him every time he gagged on the giant cock or tried to spit the cock out. How did I get here?! Why am I like this?!?! Tears welled up and the jock began to sob uncontrollably in front of his redneck stranger as he - without reason or cause or instruction - leaned down on the Redneck's dirty work boots, licking it, kissing it between short breaths and tears . He'd lost. It was over. He had snapped. Ryan knew he was doomed when he heard a second car approaching in the distance.

Seeing the headlights, the Redneck dragged the sobbing jock onto the back of his open truck bed as the second car approached in the distance. Pulling off the naked jock's sweats, underwear, sneakers and socks, finally stripping the submissive cadet completely naked, the Redneck positioned the horrified jock on all fours so he could see the incoming headlights, greased up his shockingly thick cock with more spit and brutally shoved it inside Ryan's quivering jock hole.

"UGHNNNN! OH GOD! UGHNN! SLOW! UGHNN! UGHNNN! SLOW!! OH MY GOD!" Ryan was blinded by the approaching vehicle. His ass burned as the Redneck wasted no time burying his thick, nine-inch cock all the way inside. With no time to get used to then's girth and length, Ryan screamed when the Redneck bottomed out. With no time to catch his breath, the straight jock boy gripped the edge of the truck bed for dear life as the brutal fucking commenced. "UGHN! UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNNN!!!!!"

"Damn you fucking little slut. Open up for daddy. Fucking faggot. Open up." The sounds this boy made: the jock's deeply previously masculine and baritone voice was quickly replaced by pathetic, girlish whimpers when the Redneck started fucking the best piece of ass ever stuck his cock into. Not only was the teenager's huge ass round and hard, smooth and hot, but the boy could take a pounding... as deep and as hard as the Redneck wanted. No mercy. Brutal. The disconnect between the jock's perfect, masculine physicality - the hard muscles and thick legs and chiseled everythings - and his girlish screams made the Redneck fuck and pound and ram even deeper and harder.

"UGHN! UGHN! UGHNNNN! UGHNNN!!!" Ryan couldn't breathe. His heart was filled with dread as he got fucked doggy style in open air, watching the approaching truck in horror. He heard his own whimpers scale the octaves, practically yelping like a little girl getting fucked for the first time. The disgraced jock buried his eyes in his forearms when he heard the engine stop and headlights shut off, feeling his hole stretched and pounded and filled and gaping and full again. The pain of penetration, of a hard, thick cock ramming inside him over and over, the aching of his rock-hard cock swinging and bouncing with the Redneck's every thrust, the splattering of precum between his eight-pack abs and the dirty truck bed floor...


Relieved not to have to face the new man, Ryan groaned when he felt the Redneck pull his cock out of his ass. Obediently getting back on his feet, his legs and knees trembling the jock boy turned to face his abuser, who immediately bent the jock's muscular, naked, glistening body at 90 degrees, forcing Ryan to swallow the ass-juice-covered wet cock. Tasting his own ass on the Redneck's enormous cock, Ryan suddenly squealed like a pig when he felt a second cock - thin but long - push inside his wet jock hole.

"You don't mind sharing, man?"

"Fuck the faggot. Use that sweet pussy. SUCK!"


"OPEN UP BOY!" Ryan instinctively spread his beefy legs wider, his shaking knees bent awkwardly to accommodate the shorter man behind him, his long toes dug into the dirty floor of the truck bed.


"(UGHNNNNN!)" Chocking on cock, the jock boy nearly came when the second man forcefully pulled his wrists behind his back, clasping them tight, bottoming out deep inside his boy pussy and began pounding in and out. "(UGHNNN! UGHNN!!!! UGHNNNN!!!)".

Red-faced and covered in his own sweat and saliva , the jock cadet cried when the Redneck slapped him repeatedly across his beautiful face, feeling the calloused hands eventually wrapping around his throat as the Redneck shoved his cock deeper down his throat, muffling the jock's whimpers and screams.

"SHUT UP BOY!" The Redneck pulled the jock up by his hair and spit on the teenager's red face before shoving him back on his wet cock.




"UGHN! UGHNN!!!!!!" Feeling his wrists freed but forced down on all fours with his beefy legs spread as wide as they could by the man fucking him, Ryan gagged on the Redneck's cock again before being pulled up by his hair to meet his abuser's stern eyes. The jock was a sight to behold. Crying and whimpering and screaming from getting fucked, his big beautiful blue eyes wet and crazed - high - Ryan gasped when the Redneck spit on his face, slapped him, spit on him again, slapped again while his hole got ravaged from behind. "UGHNN!! UGHNNN! UGHNNN!!!"


Ryan hated his whimper when the second man's cock was ripped out of his jock hole.

"Bitch is hard as a rock, man..." The second man was maybe in his forties. Skinny. Tall. Bland by all accounts save his 11-inch cock covered with spit and Ryan's own ass juice.

"(UGNNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNNNNN!!!!" Ryan's screams were muffled by the second man's cock buried deep in his throat. Slaps on his ass, fingers twisting his nipples, the Redneck forced his cock back into Ryan's wet, open hole once more. The jock boy couldn't breathe, with every thrust from behind the jock gagged and choked on the greasy, ass-juice-covered cock buried in his throat. Tears streamed down his handsome, boyish face as he got spit-roasted, rough and deep without compassion. His knees and elbows hurt, bruised. "(UGHNNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNNN!!!!!)"

The jock boy came. Ropes and ropes of thick jock cum gushed out, splattering on the metal truck bed, as his two holes got filled and fucked. Every sinew, every cut of muscle on the sweaty jock boy tensed as he shot his load, gagging on cock and raped from behind, writhing and trembling as waves of pleasure and pain coursed through his body in a seemingly-endless orgasm.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT! SUCK!" Ryan, near comatose from his still-surging orgasm - his cock still leaking cum and body shaking uncontrollably - whimpered liked a wounded puppy when both cocks got torn out of his two used holes, getting shoved face first on his stomach on the dirty, cummy floor of the truck bed. Manhandled back to face the Redneck, with his face slammed between the bear's fat, hairy thighs, the jock responded to his command immediately and wrapped his swollen lips around the Redneck's cock. "DID I SAY YOU CAN CUM, FAGGOT? HUH?! SUCK"

"UGHNNN!!!!!" The second man wasted no time as he shoved his cock back into that glorious jock hole, somehow still so tight despite all the abuse, pounding away ruthlessly as he gripped Ryan's glorious mounds of ass as lever. Ryan felt the Redneck's calloused hand pull on his short, sweaty blond hair like a handle, impaling the jock's throat deeper over and over before pulling him off for a brief moment of air.

"Switch with me, man... his hole is way better than his sucking..."

"Fuck! A little more, dude. Fucking pussy is wet for my cock."

"Let's open him up, man...RIDE ME FAG!" The Redneck would not take no for an answer as he pulled Ryan up by his throat and off of the second man's cock, forcefully positioning the quivering jock over his lap. "RIDE ME FAG!".

"UGHNN!" Ryan burned crimson as he obliged, straddling the Redneck as he felt the second man press down on his shoulders, forcing his muscular body down on the Redneck's thick cock.

"You fucking little pussy boy," The Redneck slapped Ryan's still-hard, dripping cock, looking up at the muscle jock in all his physical glory, seeing his red face contort with pain and pleasure, his lips agape like a whore, his shredded torso covered in dirt and cum. The Redneck noticed Ryan's cock bounce with excitement when the second man grabbed both of Ryan's wrists and pinned them behind the naked jock once again. "Deeper! Take all of it!"

"UGHNN!!!" As soon as Ryan bottomed out on the Redneck, the crazed jock felt the second man position his greasy cock behind him. The Redneck's hands wrapped around the jock boy's throat.

Yes, yes, yes! The jock boy was in hell and heaven, feeling the man beneath him choke him with both hands, forcing him down on the cock as deep as possible, holding him there as the second cock entered him.

"UGNNHNNNN! OH GOD! FUCK! UGHNNN! UGHNN!! UGHNN!!!!!" The jock was sobbing, losing air and feeling his ass stretch open by the two cocks, when clear streams of cum squirted from his cock. "UGHNN! UGHNN! GUHNN! UHGNNNN!!!!!"

"You fucking fag." The Redneck was genuinely surprised by their jock whore's sudden, second orgasm. Gathering the boy's hot, clear cum with one hand while choking Ryan with the other, the Redneck spread Ryan's own cum all over the jock's red, wet face, slapping him repeatedly before choking him with both hands again. "DID I SAY YOU COULD CUM AGAIN!?!?!"

"HARDER! HARDER! HARDER! UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNN!!!!" Ryan couldn't contain himself anymore: The jock boy cried and screamed inconsolably,, yelping, whimpering like a little bitch as the two men fucked him together, using his hole and body like a sex toy. In his crazed state, Ryan barely noticed a car drive by, heading towards campus, slowing down ever so slightly as it passed the truck. No. He didn't care. He couldn't care. Not when he was receiving the hardcore fucking - the relentless double penetration - that he was craving all weekend. Not when he felt his two abusers suddenly started fucking in unison, deeper and harder, groaning and moaning, choking him tighter, gripping his wrists behind his sweaty back harder, pulling on his hair rougher... Not when he felt the two cocks swell more turgid and swollen inside his wrecked hole... No. He couldn't care. Not when he felt cum filling him up. So much cum. Filling him. Overflowing. His ass gripping as tightly as he could, desperately holding in the men's cum and gradually deflating cocks as the car drove by.

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