Straight Jock Boy Chronicles

By jasper adams

Published on Aug 5, 2019


love to hear from all of you. xoxo - jasper ps. don't forget to donate to nifty!

It had been two weeks since the wrestling team returned from its away game. Two weeks since Ryan, the team captain, won all three of his matches over two days. Two weeks since the alpha jock got bred by that old, overweight janitor in that storage closet before winning his second match, his jock pussy full of old-man cum. Two weeks since the jock cadet got fucked for hours in the middle of the night by that man, the man who overpowered the jock boy once again and fucked him so long and hard Ryan could barely stand and walk. Two weeks since the wrestling team's prime athlete scooped his abuser's thick cum out of his jock hole and swallowed every drop. Two weeks since Ryan won his third match of the weekend with zero sleep and a gaping, begging, empty hole.

For two weeks, Ryan's athletic, jock body burned for that man's abuse and domination. The memory of their very first encounter... the still tenderness of his hole and aching body from their second... He thought he saw the man everywhere on campus: From a distance, without fail, the jock boy's hole would quiver, cum would boil in his large balls, and his cock would grow so hard and wet. Though, it was never that man, and the bewildered jock had to seek refuge inside a bathroom stall, hating himself for wishing his abuser was there, for desiring the pain and the humiliation of his past assaults. The star wrestler would swallow his grunts and cries as he furiously - silently - pumped out ropes and ropes of thick jock cum...


Sitting in the last row of the bus, amidst napping fellow cadets and teammates, Ryan clenched his square jaws and held onto the back of the seat before him. He completely shut off his phone, unable to answer his long-distance girlfriend's messages of good luck!' and love you!' and miss you!', and can't wait to see you tomorrow!'. No. He had to turn it all off.

After seemingly endless hours of non-stop bro-ing, laughter and chatter, the bus fell gradually silent, leaving the alpha jock to his own dark, sadistic desires. As the bus bounced along, Ryan's socked toes curled inside his sneakers as he felt his bottomless well of cum boil within his balls... his thick, eight-inch cock turgid and red and angry. The giant, black butt plug lodged in his jock pussy probed and prodded with every vibration and bump of the bus.

Why? Why? Why? Ryan was beside himself - filled with so much shame and self-loathing. He couldn't help it. He was weak. He simply couldn't contain his excitement when he opened that anonymous package the day before, to feel the box's weight, the butt plug's girth, and to smell the familiar scent of his own ass and strangers' cum all over his lost butt plug.

Who was it?! Who the fuck is doing this?!?! Who knows?!?!?!?

The alpha jock was borderline hysterical, screaming at himself internally when he reluctantly and stealthily slipped the butt plug into his gym bag when everyone was packing for the away game this weekend. He could barely contain his body's uncontrollable shakes and trembling as everyone on that bus, for hours, goofed around and bantered, occasionally nudging his bag beneath his seat every few minutes to make sure the plug was still inside.

Ryan hated himself for succumbing. For being so fucking weak. For being so horny, so sex-crazed, so nasty, so perverse. When his teammates and coaches all dozed off or got entrenched on their phones and headphones, the jock cadet, nearly delirious with anxiety and fear, slipped the butt plug under his hoodie and disappeared into the bathroom next to his seat. His head was pounding as he repeated the words on the note he found in that anonymous package as he pulled down his sweat pants and black briefs. He had ripped up the note and tossed it out of the window of the moving bus hours ago, but he repeated those words over and over and over, screaming at himself for doing so: "Room 1701. 02:00. Room 1701. 02:00. Room 1701. 02:00..."

The trembling jock cadet planted the butt plug on the toilet seat and immediately got on his knees. It was like an out-of-body experience as he tasted and licked and slobbered all over the butt plug from tip to end like a dog in heat, remembering all the men who'd cum inside him, who'd fucked him, who'd raped him, as he feverishly stroked his cock. His free hand found its way under his hoodie, under his tank top, flicking and tugging and pinching and pulling on his nipples. Hard and fast and matching every pump of his cock. He was disgusted and horrified with himself, knowing his teammates and coaches are just a few feet away, but the team captain simply couldn't control his perversity.

The jock boy barely lasted a minute when he shot ropes and ropes of cum into his hand. Covered in a fresh coat of sweet sweat, he didn't know why he was doing this, since there were no further instructions in that package (he had looked over and over for any clues or signs or indications of what the fuck it was all about), but instinctively, Ryan coated the saliva-covered plug with his thick, creamy jock cum, got on his feet, turned around in the tiny bathroom, and urgently sat down on the big, greasy black plug.

The jock was so desperate to feel full he didn't even finger or grease his hole first.

The jock watched himself in the mirror in disgust and covered his mouth to keep from moaning or whimpering (instantly regretting it as he tasted his own cum on his palm and fingers). His cock bounced red and hard again as the tip of the well-lubed plug slipped inside his anus. Deeper. Swallowing his cries and sucking his palm and fingers clean like a cum slut, the sense of euphoria swept over the sweaty athlete as the entirety of the plug finally popped and lodged deep inside him.

Nobody on the bus even noticed the jock boy slipping back into his seat, damp with a whiff of sex and cum and ass about him. He propped the window open and gripped the seat before him, regretting everything and feeling the intense and perverse pleasure every bump on the road gave him.


The team had arrived at the hotel hours ago, and the jock boy, the alpha, the team captain - with his ass greasy with his own spit and cum and insatiably throbbing around the butt plug - barely survived their team meeting, the night-before-the-meet work out, the giving of pep talk after pep talk to pump up his friends and teammates, the pre-game phone call with his girlfriend... Nobody sensed the jock boy was on the brink of a nervous breakdown nor the barely, barely perceptible way he accommodated the giant plug in his ass as he walked, as he jogged on the treadmill... the way he tucked his turgid cock underneath the thick bands of his jock strap, the wide spread of his beefy legs as he lifted weights and powered through sit up after sit up.

Fortunately for Ryan, his team captain status afforded the jock a room to himself when there was an odd number of guys traveling. In the dark, he'd sat on the edge of the bed waiting for 02:00 for what felt like an eternity. He was paralyzed with dread, excitement, and fear. He sat there unshowered in his workout sweats, hearing his own shallow breaths and pounding heart beats, smelling his own sweat and a hint of his cum and ass and precum, feeling his hard cock bounce within the damp pouch of his white jockstrap as his boy pussy tightened and quivered around the butt plug. At 01:55, with a baseball cap drawn low over his eyes and his hoodie up, Ryan, clad in his gym sweats and sneakers, avoiding the elevator, ran up 15 flights of stairs, leaving behind the floor of snoozing wrestlers and coaches.

Room 1701 was located at the end of the dimly-lit hallway, at the top floor of the hotel. The door was slightly ajar. Dark. The panting, sweaty jock trembled as he stood there, waiting for the clock on the wall to finally turn 02:00. His stomach turned and his cherubic cheeks flushed bright red with guilt and shame when he realized he'd been hoping the man would suddenly appear from behind him, shove him inside, tear down his sweats, smash his face into the ground, rip out his butt plug and rape him.

It had to be him. Ryan never questioned it once since the butt plug was returned to him. It had to be that man. He knows everything. It had to be him. He was there for the jock's first leave from campus that weekend. He was there for the team's last away game. It had to be him, right? It had to be him. How the man humiliated him that first weekend... forcing him to suck off everyone, to swallow their cum, to be covered in their piss. The brutal way the man fucked him afterwards... his reward. How the man fucked him two weeks ago. How the man owned his body. How the man fucked with his mind...

How the jock's body burned with desire to be overtaken, to be used, to be abused, to be forced to submit, to hurt, to have his legs and feet shake uncontrollably in the air when the man's giant cock finds the deepest point of his jock hole again and again... It had to be him. He must work with NCAA, or national wrestling, or was he a coach for another team? But how'd he get his hands on the butt plug...? The jock's stomach turned as the thought of someone like that man, on the military academy campus, in his barrack, finding his plug... But Ryan didn't care. He couldn't care. He needed it so badly. His body needed it. All of it.

Literally counting down the seconds to 02:00, Ryan realized a wet spot had formed at the tip of his tented sweat pants as he stood there in the hallway. He'd normally be horrified and wouldn't be caught dead standing in public like this, but tonite the alpha jock was too crazed, too excited and too scared to do anything. When he finally slipped inside and shut the door behind him, the jock cadet instinctively paused. He was leaking so much precum, his hole throbbing and sucking uncontrollably on the butt plug... his heart pounding so fast. The blond jock felt his entire body red with shame and desire. Hating himself for what he was about to do, the alpha jock swallowed hard and nervously cracked the door slightly ajar, just as he'd found it.

The teenager dared not turn on the lights as he slowly traversed the large hotel suite. Dark and completely silent.

Is he fucking with me?! Why is he fucking with me?!?!

Ryan didn't know what to do. He was hyperventilating, his heart pounding so fast he thought he'd pass out from anticipation.

In the middle of the suite, the jock boy kept his clothes on - the hoodie, the cap, his sweats, socks, sneakers, jockstrap - and got on all fours. It had to be him. Right? He'd want to tear off my clothes again, right? In that moment, the jock boy felt something on the carpeted floor underneath his hand. A blind fold.

Without even thinking, Ryan slipped it on over his eyes and knelt there, his juicy ass cheeks resting on his ankles, hands clasped before his covered, rock-hard cock, thumbs twirling with anticipation, his hole sucking and swallowing that butt plug with every breath and gulp, and waited.

And waited. And waited.


After what seemed like an eternity of kneeling in complete darkness, Ryan begged himself to just leave. Just get the fuck out. Just go. Leave it all behind. But his body wouldn't listen. His cock leaked so much precum, drenching his jockstrap and creating a wet spot down the front of his sweats so large he looked like he'd soiled himself. His hole twitched and ached for that man as it tightened around the plug, harder and harder. The alpha jock hated himself so belligerently he wanted to cry...

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Footsteps. Ryan couldn't breathe - his heart nearly exploded inside his thick, hard chest when he heard the footsteps approached him. He thought he'd heard a light switch flip, but he didn't care, relieved to be blindfolded.

Yes. Yes. YES. Fuck me. Fuck me. Push me down. Fuck me. Use me. Rape me...! Get it over with. Fuck me. Use me. FUCK ME. RAPE ME...! The delirious jock cried on the inside for his abuser but dared not make a sound or move.

Ryan felt his baseball cap removed and his hoodie gently peeled off his readily outstretched arms. The man carefully returned the cap - this time backwards - onto the jock's blond, sweaty head. The jock boy shook when warm fingers traced the outlines of his naked biceps, triceps, his wide shoulders down between the tight groove between his full, thick pecs, around every tight, lean ab, tracing that V line down into his crotch.

JUST FUCK ME! JUST FUCK ME! JUST FUCK ME!!!! Ryan could only gasp; no words could escape his throat when the man gently guided Ryan to his feet. Shoe by shoe, sock by sock carefully and deliberately removed. The jock boy swallowed hard when he felt his sweats gingerly pulled down, his hands placed at attention against the small of his back and above the two glorious mounds of jock-framed ass cheeks as sweats were peeled off from his ankles and bare feet.

Why won't he just fuck me?! Just take me like last time?!?! Why??! Ryan felt so exposed standing there like this, wincing in humiliation as he felt his turgid cock bounce out of the confines of his precum-drenched jockstrap pouch.

Soft lips, stink of cigarettes and whiskey, were planted on the jock boy's full red lips. Why is he doing this to me?!?! The tortured jock reluctantly kissed back, confused at the indulgent mouth on his own, the gentle groping his his muscular arms, the kneading of his perfect ass.

"Ughn..." Ryan whimpered when the hot mouth broke away from his own, feeling the man before him lower, licking every inch of his sweaty jock torso, his hands traversing down to his tree-trunk thighs and calves. Lips and tongue lapping at his quarter-sized nipples, trading off right and left and back to right again, sucking at them, blowing cold air on them, licking them, gently teasing them. Pissing precum, the alpha jock whimpered like a girl, "Ughn! Ughn!! Ughnnn!"

The measured mouth and tongue licked every drop of sweat forming on the jock boy's sculpted torso, audibly inhaling the jock's musky, sweaty pits, licking every inch of him from face down to his abs, hands groping his back and ass and thighs and calves over and over, up and down and up and down again. The jock tasted so sweet and fresh, so masculine and ripe... his body so hard from hours in the gym and training, his large ass cheeks so firm and round and muscular, his skin so smooth and hot.

What is happening?! Why is this happening?!? Ryan was so confused, so horny, and so surprised when he felt the man's mouth wrap around his eight-inch cock. All he could do was clasp one hand over his other wrist against his lower back, his hard muscles bulging and flexing as he felt the pleasures of the most voracious and sloppy blowjob he'd ever experienced, from any of the drunk men from that bar last summer or women, his girlfriend or all the random MILFs he's hooked up with since high school.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! FUCK! UGHNN!!" Ryan hadn't felt this particular kind of pleasure in ages and was already on the verge of cumming. His jock hole squeezed and clenched around that butt plug, desperate for it to probe deeper and deeper. "UGHNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNN!!!"

"JESUS! FUCK! UGHN! FUCK!" No. No. NO!! NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!! Ryan cried on the inside as he desperately tried to hold back his cum, but the man's throat was too expert for the 19-year-old athlete. No! NOT LIKE THIS! Ryan lost balance as he suddenly spurted ropes and ropes of cum down the man's throat, his body buckling and flexing as the hungry man ignored his cries and trembling body and spent the next minutes hungrily and methodically sucking the jock dry and clean.

Ryan, completely bewildered, felt the man withdraw his mouth and heard him spit; instantly, the jock boy felt his toes and feet coated with own hot, thick cum, strands and strands of cum and saliva drenching his size-thirteen feet. The confused and unfulfilled jock felt the man before him lower to the floor, licking and sucking and tasting every musky, cum-covered crevice of the jock's foot. So hungry was the man he laid down on his back and raised each of Ryan's feet up so he could inhale and taste the jock's sweaty, stinky soles and long, cummy toes. The jock couldn't hold himself back any longer.

"(Fuck me sir! Fuck me! Just fuck me!!!! Fuck me sir! Fuck me! Use me daddy! Fuck me!!!)" Ryan grunted as he kicked away his feet and crawled on top of the man, reaching behind him and ripping out his butt plug with a sloppy plop. Straddling the man and desperately grinding his hole against the man's exposed cock, wishing the man would just use his body like the previous times, to make him hurt, to fuck his brains out, to abuse him, to use him for his hole.

Ryan gasped and froze. Horrified with himself. It's not him. It's not him. It's not him. The man between his legs was fat with a huge, hairy beer belly and caved-in chest. A tiny cock probed at his desperate jock hole. SHIT! SHIT SHIT!!!!!!

"Faggot boy. I could only afford to to suck, but if you're throwing your ass in for free, ride away baby boy," The gravely voice of an old man. Ryan was in shock as he ripped off his blindfold, at first blinded by the brightly-lit room but finally seeing a total stranger, old and fat, underneath him between his thick muscular legs. The jock boy's big blue eyes instantly wet with humiliation and rage.

"UGHN!" Ryan yelped as he felt the man beneath him starting to push inside him. "No... No! This was a mistake...! I... I can't...! Ughn! Ughn! Ughn!!"

"It's okay baby boy - I won't tell your pimp. Ride me, baby boy, ride grandpa... lord you're a looker ain't you..." The jock wanted to throw up as he felt the man stroke his face and chin like he was a child. So confused. He knew all he had to do is get up and run, but his body betrayed him, obeying the stranger instead by swallowing that pathetic excuse for a cock with his hole and impaling himself on it as deep as he could. Ryan couldn't bear look down as he felt his hole probed by the old man's small cock, wishing he'd kept the blindfold on as he rode the old man's cock li as hard and fast as he could, slamming his muscular ass down on the old man, feeling the tiny cock rub against his cummy jock pussy as he felt his embarrassingly-hard cock flop with every bounce. Grandpa held onto the strap of Ryan's jock for dear life, and within seconds, Ryan heard a soft grunt and felt his hole wet and full.


"Thanks for the fuck, baby boy..." Ryan gagged when the old man kissed him goodbye. The jock noticed the he wasn't even undressed save his exposed, shriveled cock. The man left the flabbergasted and stunned jock on his knees, completely unfulfilled despite cumming just minutes prior, hating himself for what he'd done... for being so desperate, so easy...

Peeling himself from the ground, the jock cadet - still hard - made his way to the bathroom, angrily kicking off his cummy, sweaty jockstrap and tossing aside his baseball cap along the way. He turned all the lights off, unable to face his own reflection in the mirror as he turned on the shower, gritting his teeth, furious with himself for being manipulated into being a whore. Again. Where is he?! Where is he?!

No more. Get cleaned up. Get the fuck out of that room. ASAP.


The sight before them. The blond jock's muscular, perfect torso was glistening in the dark, steamy room, his nearly-hairless body wet from a hot shower with a white towel wrapped around his slim waist. The two men's jaws dropped upon seeing the jock. He was more beautiful and perfect than they'd ever imagined. That boyish, cherubic face, flushed red with short, cropped blond hair, the big blue eyes, the broad shoulders and thick pecs, the quarter-sized nipples, the tight, lean abs... the meaty calves, the big feet, the long toes...

When word got out that a military jock boy was in town and taking clients, the two middle-aged, married couple were at first reluctant. But after clicking on the link and viewing the video of the jock - dominating his opponent on the wrestling mat coupled with pics of the boy, clad only in black briefs during a weigh-in - emailed back and made the wire transfer right away. The two men didn't care if it turned out to be a scam.

How shy and innocent the jock boy looked. The near-naked boy was trembling when the two married bears - round bellies and bushy beards - gingerly reached out for his hands, drawing the reluctant and physically-shaking jock between them in an embrace. He looked so young, his cheeks blushing so red - a stark and perverse contrast to his muscular, ripped body.

How sweet the boy's hair smelled after the shower, how smooth his hot skin felt under their rough, thick fingers, how hard his muscles felt, how incredibly deep the grooves between his abs, how shy the jock was when one man leaned in for a kiss while the other pressed up against his back, kissing the boy's neck and behind his ears.

"(Ughnn... ughn...)," Ryan was mortified. When he exited the shower looking for his clothes, the two men were standing there waiting for him with all the lights on. He didn't want to be touched. He didn't want to be kissed. He didn't want the tenter affection from the two old men. He couldn't move. He just froze between the two men, feeling one tongue in his mouth with another tasting his neck and nape. Ryan shook with self-hatred and bewilderment as he felt his wet towel drop around his ankles.

"You sweet thing..."

"Your daddies will take care of you tonite, boy."

"Do you love your daddies? Damn you got an ass on you boy," Ryan winced when he felt two hands rubbing his muscular and fat ass cheeks.


"Shy boy... tell your daddies how much you love them." More kissing, hands exploring his athletic body, his flaccid cock, his abs, his hard arms, beefy thighs...

"(Ughnn... ughnnn...)"

"Don't be shy, son, fuck you taste so sweet..."

"Come on boy, tell us how much you love your daddies...? God broke the mold after making you, son."

"(Ughnn... I... I love my daddies...)" Ryan felt his face hot and red. He hated himself so much, hating his body for allowing this molestation.

"Good boy... good boy..."

"(Oh God...!)" Ryan closed his eyes with dread as Daddy #1 resumed kissing him, deeper this time. The jock boy cursed at himself for whimpering, for making that sound into the man's mouth in reaction to Daddy #2's tongue traversing south. Ryan's toes curled and let out a gasp when he felt a wet tongue probing his hole. "Ughnnn...!"

"Sweet, sweet thing..."

"How's his hole taste?"

"Delicious. Boy's got a beautiful clean hole." Daddy #2 buried his tongue deeper, lapping at the jock's smooth ass crack, licking and blowing on the pink, quivering hole.

Ryan was in hell. Kissing Daddy #1 and feeling the pleasures of a humiliatingly-tender rim job, feeling the men's bushy beards on his face and ass-crack, the gentle caress of soft hands on his hard body. It felt like hours of torture until the two men finally stopped slobbering all over the muscular jock and guided Ryan, holding his hands, onto the king size bed. On his back, Ryan shut his eyes in dread as he waited for the two men to undress. Why am I still here?! Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out!!!!

Feeling the heat of a large, naked body, the jock whore gagged when he felt Daddy #1's tongue down his throat again, feeling the man's hairy, heavy belly resting on his tight eight-pack abs. The jock loathed himself as he let the man clasp his hands, feeling Daddy #2 manually wrap his thick, muscular legs around Daddy #1 thick waist, clasping Ryan's ankles together. Daddy #1 kissed the jock deeply, passionately, intimately for far too long while cradling their whore boy, relishing the jock's sweet, musky scent, full lips, and soft gasps before finally burying gently the tip of his short, fat cock inside the jock boy's hot, smooth hole via cautious strokes.

"Ughnn! Ughnnn!!!!!"

"Shhhhh, sweet thing, it's okay son, daddy's got you... open up for daddy... open up baby boy... open up... FUCK! Damn... hot hole, boy... JESUS! FUCK!!" Daddy #1 gasped when he felt the jock hole tighten around his cock. The boy was magnificent. So sweet. So docile. So Innocent. His hole... so tight and hot and wet from Daddy #2's saliva.

"You like daddy making love to you don't you son?"

"(UGHN! UGHN!" Ryan nearly threw up when he heard those words, feeling the man wrap one arm behind his neck, drawing him up into an intimate kiss. The second man rubbed Ryan's feet tenderly, kissing them, licking them, tasting and inhaling the jock's sexy funk. Hearing those words made the jock's blue eyes well up with angry resentment. Too intimate. Too real. Too gentle. Too loving. It's like how he fucked his girlfriend. No... it can't be like this.

Ryan hated his two daddies. The jock absolutely loathed getting fucked so slowly and gently. Worse than the tender fucking, the whore boy despised confronting what he truly wanted and what a sadistic slut he really was... how depraved his needs, how insatiable his ass, how violent and vile his sexual appetite, how submissive he needed to be, how he just wished the two daddies would just fuck him harder, their dicks bigger, their tender words turn into defiling, demeaning insults, their kisses turn into slaps and chokes...

"(Harder...)," the furious jock boy tearily broke Daddy #1's kiss and managed to whisper with a grunt, the inner wall he'd built for himself came crashing down.

"What's that, son?" Daddy #1 felt the muscular blond athlete shuffle underneath him and pulling his sweet, hot hole off of the man's small, dripping cock.

"(Harder... daddy... please...)," Both men noticed the jock's teary blue eyes and flushed cheeks as he repositioned Daddy #1 on his back and climbed on top, straddling Daddy #1 and engulfing his cock with his wet hole. Daddy #1 groaned in surprise and pleasure when Ryan started riding him, feeling the boy's expert hole tightening and relaxing and tightening harder and harder around his cock. The two men looked at each other in awe as the beautiful jock pulled Daddy #1's hands up to his thick pecs, clasping the man's fingers tightly around each nipple.

"Jesus... Jesus Christ son! FUCK!" Daddy #1 felt the boy's nipples harden instantly between his pudgy fingers, feeling the boy's rhythm rapidly increasing, harder and deeper, feeling the boy's cock swell instantly turgid and bouncing between them.

"Yes sir... ughn! (Harder...!)" Ryan was so ashamed of himself, hearing his own voice beg the two men to pleasure him the way he craved.

"Tough boy huh...? Even harder?!"

"Harder! UGHN!"



"Naughty little boy ain't you?!"

"HARDER!!! UGHN! UGHN!!" Ryan just wanted to get him off. Get him to cum as soon as possible. To get out of there. He swallowed his pride and slammed his ass down on the man over and over, faster and faster. The sweet, innocent teenager of a second ago instantly turned into a screaming slut. "UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNN!"

"Damn you're a wild one ain't you boy?!" Daddy #2 was flabbergasted and so turned on when the writhing, whimpering, sweaty mound of blond muscle pulled him around behind him, placing Daddy #2's arm around the his throat as he rode Daddy #1 like a bitch in heat.

"UGHN!! UGHN!" The jock was covered in sweat... Daddy #2 leaned in and inhaled the sexy stink of a jock riding his husband harder and faster by the millisecond. Daddy #2's eyes widened in awe when Ryan reached behind for his cock, stroking it roughly and positioning it against his cock-full hole. "(Daddy I need more cock...!"

"Shit son... shit..."

"UGHN! UGHN! I... please..."

"Holy fuck boy... are you sure??!"

"UGHN! UGHN! I... Daddy... harder... harder..." Ryan roughly pulled Daddy #1's fingers around his nipples again, squeezing his boy tits harder and harder.

"Are.. are you sure, son?!?" The two men were incredulous.

"We don't want to hurt you, son..." Daddy #2 whispered as he licked the jock's broad shoulders, feeling his husband's cock against his own...

"UGHN! UGHN!!! YES DADDY! GUHNN! UGHNNN!!! UGHN! (More... yes... please... more...)" Ryan heard his own girlish screams and pathetic whispers, finally, feeling the second man's greasy cock pushing against his already-full hole. The jock boy gritted his teeth and shut his eyes as he sat down on Daddy #1's cock, burying it as deep as the short cock can go. He held in position... waiting...

"(Please just fuck me... both of you... fuck me daddy... fuck me daddy...) FUCK ME! FUCK ME! UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNNNNNNN!!!!!!" Ryan cried out when he felt the second cock slowly stretch open his jock pussy.





"You okay boy? Kiss your daddy." Ryan winced and gagged again when Daddy #1 brought him down for an embrace and sloppy kisses.

"(Please just fuck me... fuck me... cum in me... I want my daddies to cum in me...)," Ryan couldn't believe the words falling out of his mouth. "UGHNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNNN!"

"You are something else, sweet little slut," Daddy #2 started pulling out and pushing his cock back inside, feeling his husband cock and the jock's wet, hungry hole engulf both cocks. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST BOY! JESUS!!"

"(UGHN! UGHN! UGHN!)" Ryan cried into Daddy #1's mouth as Daddy #2, with his hands on the jock's slim waist, finally delivered a semblance of a semi-decent fuck.

"Tell your daddies you love them..."

"(I love my daddies...) UGHN! UGHN!! UGHNN!"

"You know your daddies love you, don't you son?!"

"(Yes.. yes daddy...) UGHNN! UGHNNN! HARDER DADDY!"

"You sweet little thing, sexy, naughty boy... FUCK!! FUCK!"


"Shit! Shit! Babe I'm gonna cum! Babe! FUCK!"


"Me... me too.. cum with me. Cum with us, boy...! FUCK! FUCK FUCK!!"

Ryan's two daddies barely lasted two minutes inside Ryan's ass before blowing their loads.



"UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! UGHN!!! "


"(Choke me...)"


"(Choke me... daddy...)"

"If you say so boy...")

"UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNN!" One limp and leaking cock fell out of Ryan, but the disgraced jock didn't care which one was left inside him as he kept riding, feeling the wetness overflowing, the twon men's cum leaking out of his hole down his thighs. But he didn't care as he positioned Daddy #1's hands on his nipples again as he tightened Daddy' #2's arm around his neck. "Harder..."

"Sweet heavens boy..."

The two men became mere observers now, despite their hands on the boy with a cock buried inside. They watched in awe as the sweaty jock whimpered and moaned and rode the deflating cock like a deranged slut, his impressive 8-inch cock so hard it pointed to the ceiling, dripping wet and glistening hands free.

"Shit he's pissing precum..." Daddy #1 reached down to stroke the jock's red, hard cock, but Ryan instantly grabbed Daddy's hands and repositioned them on his swollen nipples.

"(Harder...)" The mortified Ryan choked back humiliating tears as he slammed his cummy hole down around one of the daddy's softening cocks, gripping the arm around his neck and choking himself tighter while the hands around his nipples harder, showing his daddies how he liked his nipples to be pulled and abused, how he wanted to lose oxygen, to black out, to cum handsfree like this...

"Fuck son... you're dripping wet..."


"Shit... babe I think he's gonna cum like this..."


"HARDER!! UGHNN! UGHNN! UGHNNN!!!!" Ryan screamed and cried as he impatiently and roughly showed his daddies how to abuse his body. "UGHNN! UGHNN! HARDER! UGHNN! HARDER!!"

"Baby boy..." Daddy #1 panted, out of breath as he felt his finally flaccid cock fall out of the desperate jock's ass. "Daddies need a break... you wore us out son..."

"(Please... I'm so close... keep fucking me... please... I'm so close...)"

"Son... you drained your daddies..."

"(Put something in me... please just fuck me...)," The teary eyed jock begged, pleaded.

The jock whore looked so pathetic, so slick and wet with sweat and his cock apparently ready to blow. Daddy #2 cautiously inserted two fingers inside the jock's gaping, wet hole.


"Fuck... son..."



"YES SIR! YES DADDY! PLEASE DADDY! PLEASE!!!" Ryan couldn't believe he was squealing like this. Feeling another finger inside him, the jock started riding Daddy #2's fingers, every second tightening his arm around his neck and gripping the exhausted Daddy #1's fingers around his nipples harder and harder.


"More?!?! I'm four fingers in son..."

"Babe... put the whole thing in... he's gonna cum like this... he likes it..."

"You sure son...?!"


"Holy..." Daddy #2 watched in astonishment as his knuckles slipped inside their sweet boy's cummy hole, feeling the jock's wet hole throb and open and tighten and loosen and tighten again around his hand and wrist.. The jock boy swallowed the whole hand with his jock pussy like an expert as he started pushing against his daddy's hand. Slowly at first, with tears of pain and shame and pleasure falling from his big blue eyes, then faster, harder... teary whimpers readily became pleasured grunts and moans and squeals.


"Shi...shit boy!" Goddamned depraved little shit.


"Damn, son..." The two daddies, never in their lives, ever imagined manhandling such a physically-perfect jock. Everything about their whore that night was contrarian - masculine and submissive, reserved and crazed, muscular and passive, angelic and sadistic.

"Babe, he's gonna cum... babe don't stop!" Daddy #1 finally figured their jock whore out, pinching and tugging away at Ryan's sensitive nipples, watching the beautiful, boyish jock's rock-hard, red cock bounce and splatter streams of precum between them, as Daddy #2's fist punched and pounded in and out of the gaping jock pussy.

"YES! YES! YES! HARDER! HARDER!!!" Finally letting go of Daddy #1's hands, feeling him pinch harder and harder without supervision, Ryan gripped Daddy #2's arm around his neck with both hands, choking and suffocating himself beyond the line Daddy #2 had drawn. His ass burned from the brutal assault. His nipples hurt so much. He was so close. Almost cumming. Almost blacking out.



"Sweet naughty thing..." Daddy #1 kissed the panting jock's sweaty head as the blond muscled teenager collapsed on top of him after shooting ropes and ropes of thick jock cum between them, hands free.

"Sweet, dirty boy..." Daddy #2 gasped as he felt their jock whore push his hand out of his ass with a slick pop. The naked jock before him, heaving and wet with sweat, his hole gaping and slimy with ass juice and cum, draped over his husband like an innocent boy. Daddy #2 crawled in bed and cradled the jock boy between himself and his husband.

"Spend the rest of the night with us..." Daddy #1 stroked the comatose jock boy. "What's your name, son?"

"(No... I... I gotta go...)"

"It's late, baby boy... it's almost 5AM..." The two daddies, though exhausted, couldn't keep their hands off of blond, sweaty muscle between them.

"(No... no thanks...)"

"It's alright, baby boy, we won't tell your pimp..." Gentle kisses. More tender strokes of the jock whore's hot, smooth skin.

"I... I gotta go..." Ryan suddenly turned into a different person. Instantly gone was the sweet, shy boy; gone was the depraved, fisting-bottom sadist slut. Even his voice dropped an octave or two. The two men watched, confused but enjoying the sight, as their jock whore pulled his sweat- and cum-covered body out of bed, rummaging around for his clothes and hastily getting dressed, limping only ever so slightly.

We should've asked him to wear his jockstrap, the two men simultaneously thought when the jock bent down to pull on his soiled jockstrap. They couldn't believe that cummy ass just had both of their cocks and a fist inside... With his sweats, hoodie, and baseball cap on, the two men barely recognized the masculine jock in front of them. Ryan couldn't bear to be in that hotel room a second longer; the limping jock grabbed his shoes and socks and headed barefoot to the door.

"Wait!" Daddy #2 felt the hurtful sting of their jock boy's ice-cold, angry stare as he nervously held up the black butt plug. "Is this yours?"


Just like that, the two daddies watched their jock disappear out the door.

Next: Chapter 15

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