Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch

By Devon Guy

Published on May 9, 2023


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Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch Part 6.

The two Men had me wait on them as they ate. Fetching drinks and napkins, always kneeling as I had been since Jayden had first ordered me there. It felt like years ago. Had he seen something in me? Some weakness that I'd only half hidden? I don't know. All I know is that when he stood over me and casually explained that he was going to be using Mitch for head whenever he wanted, I had never felt so erotically alive.

I was confused, of course. Who wouldn't be? But Jayden had taken command of my impulses as easily flipping as switch, and I knelt.

Until I'd met Mitch I'd been with only two other guys, a college boyfriend and a solitary, anonymous encounter in a mens room at the local municipal park. The boyfriend, Mikey, had been cute and friendly and a great first boyfriend. The relationship was never particularly deep but we had fun. We discovered sex together and it was fine, but we soon found that we both leant to the submissive. We drifted apart and called time of death after six months. I blamed myself for a while, wishing I had been more dominant, believing that I could have been. He found his daddy a few months later, and while I had to wait a few years I eventually found Mitch.

Of course Mitch was no daddy, and I soon found myself in a similar situation with Mitch as I had been with Mikey. The one important difference was that I was smitten with Mitch in a way I never had been for Mikey. I wanted to do anything for him, give anything for him. Mitch was 100% bottom, so it was up to me to be the top. Just being with Mitch made it by far the best sex of my life, so what if I wasn't getting exactly what I wanted? At least Mitch was. That was my rationale, the paper I put on the cracks. That paper was useless against a sledgehammer like Jayden.

"Clear this shit up, retard. We gotta make room for what's next." Said Frank, Jayden's father. I could still taste the the semen that he had so recently fucked into my throat. The muscles felt strained, almost torn, and swallowing was difficult. As a result saliva had pooled in my mouth, and some had spilt over my bruised lips. This had earned a big laugh from Jayden and his father, and even Mitch laughed a little. It had also earned me my latest name, retard. Is this what Jayden had seen in me? Was this the weakness he had spotted? Regardless, I hurried to clear the detritus of the meal that I had payed for, but that had been enjoyed by the Men, with a little for Mitch if he asked nicely, which he did, kissing Jayden's feet as the handsome, straight jock smirked down at him.

"Hope you're not getting pizza boy cum on my shoes, slut." He said. The boy had unloaded on my face and the three of them had watched as Mitch licked up and swallowed every drop. He licked it from my mouth, cheeks, nose, tongued it from my eyelids, sucked it from my hair. Despite the fact that we had an audience, including at least one camera, it was the most intimate I'd felt with him in months.

After the college boyfriend I dated a few times, but it never led to the bedroom. Maybe I was still a little hung up on Mikey, or maybe the guys just weren't what I was looking for, or I them. I can't put a name to the second man I had sex with. I can barely put a face to him. I'd been playing soccer in the park with a few buddies one afternoon, early in the spring when the day can go from sunshine to sudden rain in a moment. They'd gone to meet up with some girls and I'd been heading home when I felt the rain, first on my forearms, and then through my t-shirt. I decided to run to the nearby bathroom and wait it out. Those things usually blow out in a few minutes.

I walked past the cubicles, the place looked empty. Might as well sit, I thought, so I picked the cleanest looking cubicle and sat. Minutes passed as I listened to the rain. I heard feet, getting closer. They sounded heavy, booted maybe. I suddenly regretted not closing the cubicle door. A figure appeared in the doorway, a tall, broad silhouette against the bathroom's strip light.

"You a cocksucker?" The man said. Before I could think for myself something had spoken through me.

"Yes." I'd said. The man proceeded to use me, right there in the public bathroom. The whole experience is both vivid and blurred in my memory, like all encounters with predators are, I guess. He came in me, raw, and as he did he suddenly grabbed the back of my head and forced it in to the toilet bowl. Then, with near perfect timing, he pulled the flush as he unloaded, drenching my head as well as my guts. He pulled out and I dimly remember my t-shirt being tugged and I realized afterwards that he had been cleaning his dick. Then he just left. As time went by I found myself recalling this stranger more than I did Mikey.

I returned from the kitchen after clearing away the last of the remains of the Men's dinner. I had also made sure that they had fresh drinks and anything else. Maybe this is what Jayden had seen, a need I have to please, to please those who are above me. Looking back I'd always been kind of that way. I was always first to offer to help a buddy out, whether it was homework or chores when I was younger, or driving or lending cash or a place to crash as I got a little older and more secure. I'd always seen it as being a good friend. Maybe Jayden had seen something more. Damn, I'd offered to take him climbing, hadn't I?

We'd met a couple of weeks earlier when Mitch had invited me over for the Game of Thrones marathon we'd put on hiatus while he'd been moving and settling in. Jayden had been there too and we seemed to hit it off well. Mitch had warned me that Jayden was a looker, and a charmer, but nothing really prepared me. He had that easy confidence of someone who manages to be both magnetic and bullet proof. I'm pretty sure he noticed my attraction, but seemed to play it off as something of such inevitability it's not worth mentioning. He must get it a lot, I'd thought.

"Just in time, retard", Jayden exclaimed as I entered the lounge. He had removed his vest and was stood barefoot by the coffee table. Frank was still sitting but had taken off his jeans and shirt, that fat dick hanging half flaccid over the waistband of his boxers. I eyed it nervously. Mitch, however, was now on his hands and knees on top of the table. "We decided you need some remedial lessons. I'll be your teacher and this here," he said, giving Mitch a hard smack on the ass, "is my teaching aid. Welcome to fucking 101, retard."

I felt Frank's hand at my hair and he dragged me forward so I was right next to Mitch's ass. I could feel the warmth from his body and saw his gently bouncing dick making an acute angle with his stomach. "Lesson one." Jayden announced. "Preparation."

Jayden moved behind Mitch, his nine inch dick sticking out menacingly. "Ok, retard. It's your job to provide lube for when I nail your boyfriend. That means you need to get that cuck tongue busy on his pussy, get it nice and sloppy wet for me."

Gratefully I dived into Mitch's waiting ass. This was at least familiar territory. I had used my tongue to get Mitch ready before and knew just how to get him in the mood. Not that I could ever compare myself to Jayden, so I took particular care to tongue as deeply as I could, working as much spit into Mitch's hole as I could. Mitch was soon gently moaning and pushing his ass back against my face, but I wasn't allowed to enjoy it as Jayden took this as a sign that I'd done enough work.

"Lesson two. Where does the dick go? Ok, retard. I want you to show me where you think I should put my dick. Take hold of it and point it at where you think it should be going?"

My hands were trembling as I reached up and gently took Jayden's huge dick in my fingers. I knew, somehow, not to touch it more than was absolutely necessary to accomplish what he'd demanded. I gently guided it to the crack between Mitch's round, lightly haired ass cheeks, then down along it to where his wet hole lay waiting, twitching. Mitch was panting in anticipation of Jayden's dick, and I was reminded again of how much bigger Jayden was, of how much more of a man he was than me. I knew, at that moment, that I couldn't fuck Mitch again. I would always be reminded, as I was sure Mitch would be too, of how badly I compared.

"That's a good retard." Said Jayden, laughing. "See, you're not a complete fucking vegetable after all." Focused as I'd been on Jayden I hadn't noticed Frank get up, but he appeared at Mitch's head and wordlessly fed his dick into my boyfriend's mouth.

"Lesson three is begging." Said Jayden, pulling my attention back. "A good bitch has to beg nicely for a Man's dick, but since Mitchy boy here has his mouth full you'll have to do it. We already know you can do that, don't we, retard?"

My mouth was dry but through my strained larynx I croaked out, "Please, Sir. Please, fuck my boyfriend's cunt hard. Please, give him the kind of fucking that I never could Sir. He deserves better."

Jayden gave me a slap, it stung and I knew he meant it. This wasn't play.

"He deserves what I give him, retard." He angrily jammed his dick hard into Mitch's ass and the yelps were muffled by Frank's dick. "And whether it's my dick." He jammed it in another inch. "My feet." Another inch, then Jayden hit Mitch's ass again. "My abuse or my spit." Jayden spat down on Mitch's back as it arched from the assault his hole was recieving. "He would chose it over you any minute of any day." And with that he went balls deep. Mitch groaned a deep, gutteral, primal groan that I'd never heard him make before and I knew that Jayden had reached a place inside Mitch that I could never go.

"Now, retard. Watch and learn how real Men fuck." Jayden then began pumping into Mitch's stretched hole. It looked obscene as it hugged Jayden's thick cock, the lips pulling back in what almost looked like a kiss as Jayden pulled his length out, trying to hold on to it. Mitch was moaning nearly constantly and I imagined the head of Jayden's member hitting that sweet spot inside of him. I felt a strange kind of jealousy, one that had hung around with the wrong crowd and had gotten into bad ways. Where I should have felt angry I felt aroused, where I should have powerless I felt at peace as again and again Jayden gave Mitch the full measure of his manhood. I could describe the fuck all day but I'll leave that to more qualified person. To truly understand the significance of that first penetration you would have to ask Mitch.

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