Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch

By Devon Guy

Published on Apr 26, 2023


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It felt so good to drop my shorts at last and let my dick spring free as the shower ran from cold to hot and steam began clouding the mirror. I looked at myself as my reflection fogged over, taking a moment to contemplate the situation I had found myself in. If I'd thought that Jayden had put me on my knees easily it was nothing compared to what he had just done to Dan. My loving boyfriend, who just a short while ago had arrived to try and work through the infidelity I had committed with Jayden was now on his hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor at Jayden's direction. I knew full well, having cleaned the whole place that morning, that it was already spotless so I guessed that Jayden was just fucking with Dan at this point, revelling in the power he had over us both, just by dint of his straight, alpha authority. I didn't think my dick could get harder but something about how easily Jayden had out-manned Dan and put him in his place made me throb. It was an insight into Jayden's character, his self belief in his superiority and, fuck, it was hot as hell.

"I'm a bad, bad boyfriend", I thought to myself as I put a hand under the shower to test the water.

It's not like Dan had put up a fight, though. It was clear now that he wanted this as much as I did, had fallen under the same spell. I stepped under the flowing water and it felt electric on my skin and, shower gel in hand I began caressing and cleaning myself all over, determined to be ready for whatever Jayden and his mysterious friend had planned. From his instructions I could take a guess on at least one thing, I was gonna get fucked at some point, so I took several minutes to make sure I was as clean as I could be inside as well as out. I lingered at my ass, letting a finger, then two work their way in, imagining that it was Jayden getting my cunt ready to fuck. I had to stop myself from jerking off right there, but I didn't want to lose this feeling yet and, besides, I don't think Jayden would like it is I came without permission. Fuck, that thought drove me insane and I figured I should get out of the shower fast. After toweling off I contemplated getting dressed again but decided against it and came out of the bathroom with just a towel around my waist.

"Took you long enough, faggot." Said Jayden from his place in the armchair. Dan had presumably brought him a beer before getting on his hands and knees in front of Jayden so that the he could put his feet up. Dan looked so hot like that, his round ass up as he arched his back under the weight of Jayden's feet. "Hope you weren't playing with yourself in there, boy." Jayden continued. "I know what you fags are like."

"I wasn't." I replied, before deciding to be honest. "Well, I played with my ass a little."

Jayden smiled. "Figures." He said. "Don't worry, faggot. Do a good job with our guest and you'll get your fix of alpha dick soon enough." Jayden's phone buzzed and he glanced at the message.

"Speaking of which, he's outside. You," he said, lifting his feet from Dan's back before giving delivering a kick to his ass. "Go downstairs and let him in.

"Like this, sir?" Said Dan, looking shocked and a little scared. Jayden gave him a swift backhand.

"Yes, like that, cuck. Now, be quick about it, bitch boy." Said Jayden, leaning close to Dan's face before hawking a wad of spit on to his cheek. It rolled down his face until it stopped just above his jawline, a glob of it hanging down a little.

"Yes sir." Replied Dan, meekly and he went to stand. Another slap from Jayden.

"Did I say you could fucking walk, dipshit? Now go crawl like a good bitch and let him in." Jayden's voice was raised and even I felt a little afraid, though I was stood a safe distance away. Dan cringed back and said "yes sir" before turning to crawl towards the front door, reaching up only to open it before continuing out into the hall. If it hadn't been for the hard-on that was even now wagging side to side as he crawled I would have felt bad for him, but as it was it made me even more desperate to kneel in front of Jayden, to demonstrate to him that his is the only dick, the only desire that mattered.

Fortunately for Dan the building was not large and we were just one floor up. He would have to pass two other doors before reaching the main entrance to greet whoever was waiting there, but still I listened for voices, those that I recognised or those that I didn't, but heard nothing except the distant sound of the main door opening, a muffled sentence, and then approaching footsteps and Dan's pad pad pad.

Dan appeared first in the doorway, still on his hands and knees, with an unreadable expression on his face. He was followed by an older man, perhaps in his mid forties. The man was tall, a little over six foot I'd guess, and stocky. He'd clearly had a very impressive body at one time, but middle age had added a gut and had rounded the edges. Still, he was impressive as he was and his demeanor seemed that of a man in his prime, his thick arms disappearing into the rolled up sleeves of a well filled flannel shirt, his greying hair trim beneath a trucker's cap. He seemed somewhat familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Hey Dad, glad you could make it." Said Jayden and the jigsaw fell into place. "Take a seat, the cuck will grab you a beer "

Dan immediately altered course for the kitchen.

"I see you've been busy, son." Said the man who I now knew was Jayden's father. He took a seat on the sofa, stretching out his legs in the same way Jayden would. This day seemed like it couldn't get any stranger, though a big part of me was now really hoping it would. This was some kinky shit.

"Dad, this is Mitch, the fag roomie," said Jayden as he casually reached over to me and pulled the towel from my waist, exposing my naked body, my hard-on only slightly abated by the surprise. Jayden's dad appraised me for a moment but said nothing to me. "And that over there," he said, gesturing to Dan who was now knelt with a beer in hand next to Jayden's dad, "is the cuck bitch. Boys, this is my Dad, Frank."

Frank turned and took the beer from Dan, giving him a look of disgust as he did so. "You've got this one well trained." He said.

"It was fucking too easy." Said Jayden. "Had the cunt kneeling in five minutes. At least Mitchy boy here got a taste of my dick for his effort, this dipshit can't even touch his own." Frank laughed at this and Dan blushed red under their scrutiny and scorn.

"Son, where did you learn this awful behaviour?" Frank said, smiling and then taking a long drink from his bottle.

"You know full well, dad." Said Jayden sharing the smile. "That little faggot at the campsite when I was fifteen, as I recall."

"Ah, yes." Said Frank, reminiscing. "He was a useful cunt." He reached down and rubbed at his packed crotch. "So, who do I have to slap to get a blowjob around here?"

"Take your pick, Dad. You're the guest." Jayden seemed genuinely pleased to be able to offer this to his dad and he was suddenly boyish for a moment. "Mitchy boy has got one nice pussy throat but, like I said, I've not tried that one out."

Frank thought for a moment. "Well, I like to break them in a bit, so I'll take the cuck here." It was incredibly erotic to be stood there, naked, as my boyfriend and I were discussed like a cheap whores, but then I guess that's what we were. So cheap it was free. Dan seemed a little nervous at the prospect as Frank unbuckled his jeans and pulled out his fat, uncut dick and big, low hanging balls. Yeah, definitely an older dude's junk. I don't mean that in a pejorative way, but there's something in the look of a dick that has lost count of the holes it's fucked that has a certain gravity. "Ok cunt." Frank said to Dan. "Get your faggot lips around my dick, I need to nut."

Dan shifted into position between Frank's open legs before leaning forward and taking the thick head in his mouth. Dan had many admirable qualities but dicksucking, I knew from experience, wasn't one of them and I anticipated that this was going to be tough for him.

"Don't worry about giving him a slap if he needs it, the cunt seems to need reminding sometimes." Said Jayden. Frank now had Dan's head in his hands and was slowly forcing it further down his thick cock. I could see Dan's lips and jaw stretched open as he tried to take it. Mine and Dan's positions were now reversed, somewhat, as I now watched him sucking down on a big, straight dick. This was different, though, as Dan had been given no choice.

"Teeth, cunt." Said Frank, giving Dan's head a slap and Dan readjusted his jaw a little to pull his teeth out of the way. Spit was pooling at the corners of his mouth and tears were running down his cheeks. He choked and coughed for a moment, blinking to send new tears along the paths of the old.

Frank was unrelenting despite the obvious difficulty Dan was having, in fact it seemed to turn him on to see Dan struggle to take his big meat.

"That's it, cunt." He said. "I'm gonna open that throat up good." Dan was now three quarters down what looked like eight inches of daddy dick, still struggling to contain his heaving as Frank started humping away. I knew some of what Dan must have been going through, having had Jayden's dick do the same to me the previous night, hitting at my tonsils until it forced it's itself all the way into my throat. Dan was was less experienced that me, though, and it was clearly going hard on him.

"You looking forward to having a pussy throat like your faggot boyfriend," Frank said to Dan, hitting his throat again and again. "Ready to get your face hole cunted?" And with that he forced Dan all the way down until his nose was buried in Frank's thick, black pubic hair, balls at Dan's chin. Dan was trying to cough and wretch around Frank's dick, pushing away but to no avail, Frank was firm. "That's right, work those cunt muscles on my dick."

Frank held him like that, apparently oblivious as Dan was pushing and beating at his thighs. He just leant his head back, eyes closed in a private moment of pleasure, feeling Dan's throat convulsing around his cock. Dan's protestations became weaker and weaker as he struggled to breathe. I made an instinctive move towards him to help but Jayden, who had also been watching, rivetted, caught my arm and stopped me.

Frank rutted at Dan's face as his body began to go limp, each thrust harder than the one before, shaking Dan, until finally Frank tensed every muscle in his body and spent his load in Dan's throat. Leaning back Frank released Dan's head and it flopped to one side on the older man's lap. My heart was in my mouth as Dan lay momentarily unconscious, but with relief I heard him breathing and saw him come, coughing spent semen from his lolling mouth, mixing with the snot and spit that now coated his face. Frank gave him a few slaps to the face. "Wake up, dipshit." He said. "I'm out of beer."

Dan's eyes looked unfocused for a moment but he seemed to have regained most of composure as he murmured "yes sir," his voice cracking a little before he unsteadily crawled to the kitchen. I looked at Jayden but he was watching Dan's ass disappear around the counter, a smug grin on his face. Finally he turned to me.

"Did you enjoy that, faggot?" he said, before clicking his fingers and pointing at the floor by his feet. I knelt.

"I, err..." I started, not really knowing what to say. My dick was still rock hard and there was no denying what that meant, but I found it hard to say the words. I mean, how could I? How could I say that I liked seeing my boyfriend choked out and used as a cum rag by Jayden's dad?

"You can say it, fag." Said Jayden, reading my thoughts. "It's not the first cunt my dad's choked out, and they all come back for another round. Ain't that right, Dad?" Jayden looked to Frank, who sat there with his still engorged junk hanging out of his jeans, slimy with Dan's spit and Frank's own cum. "Every single one." Frank said in answer. Dan reappeared with Frank's beer, who took it without thanks. He simply pouted at his crotch and said. "Clean."

Dan got back between Frank's legs and began diligently, almost worshipfully licking every square centimetre if his cock and balls.

"See," said Frank, looking at me directly for the first time. "Your boyfriend's already addicted to it." Dan lapped faster at this. Fuck, we were both every stereotype straight dudes had about gay dudes, so fucking desperate for straight dick that we'd seemingly do anything for it, and the fucked up part was that I wanted to be that stereotype, for Jayden, for his dad. Fuck it, at that moment I'd have been that faggot for any straight dude who happened to walk in.

"Go on Mitchy boy," persisted. Jayden, his hand now at my chin, his fingers playing into my mouth. "Say 'I love it when my cuck boyfriend gets choked out on dick'", he moved my chin up and down with the words puppet like as he mimicked my voice. I gulped, my dick spilling precum with every new humiliation Jayden found.

"I love it when my cuck boyfriend gets choked out on dick." I said, Jayden's fingers still in my mouth. He laughed.

"That's the spirit, Mitchy boy!" He said, pushing his fingers further down my throat until he tickled at my gag reflex, deliberately forcing me to dry heave. Jayden then pulled out his spit slick fingers, wiping them across my hair, his eyes locked on mine the whole time. "Because otherwise tonight is gonna be hard for you."

You can send feedback to if you like, I find it encouraging and horny to hear from guys who liked the story. I also have a tumblr with shorter stories and captioned pictures. Special thanks to @aussiealpha on Tumblr for providing inspiration and encouragement.

Next: Chapter 4

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