Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch

By Devon Guy

Published on Apr 25, 2023


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Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch Part 2

The sounds of morning filtered into my dreams, the undisciplined orchestra of bird calls, the growing thrum of traffic and, somewhere, a radio sending snippets of song on the breeze. I turned over, feeling my hangover slosh about in my head. Why did my mouth taste like old socks? Man, I had too much wine last night. Last night..

I sat bolt upright, suddenly very much awake as I remembered what had happened with Jayden the night before. I remembered how he had ordered me to my knees and had abused my throat. I remembered the way he had talked to me and what he had called me. Faggot. My dick began to rise and I casually reached down, replaying the moment before remembering what had happened next. The video, and Dan. I quickly searched around for my phone, patting the bed sheets and scanning the room before reluctantly dragging my extremely sorry ass out of bed to check the sofa.

There it was, on the floor, half slipped under the sofa where I had knelt last night, taking my straight roomie's dick in my mouth. My pussy mouth, he'd said.

I swiped it open and looked at the dash. There was a message from Dan. Shit. Shit shit shit. How could I have let it happen? I thought to myself, but I knew deep down that there was little else I would have done. Jayden had been right, I could have said no when he ordered me to suck him, I could have stopped him recording it, grabbed his phone, something. But I didn't. I had knelt like a good little cocksucker, just as Jayden knew I would. It was a fucking mess but it was my mess and I had to own it.

I opened the message.

"Mitch, I think we need to talk. I can come over after work at 4. Will you be home?"

No kiss, I noticed. Fuck. Dan always put kisses, he was that kind of guy. It's part of why I fell for him. He was kind, nurturing and always supportive of me. A nauseating wave of guilt rose up at this thought, of betraying a man like Dan. I could almost see the look he must have had when he saw the video of me professing how much I loved Jayden's big, straight dick. Fuck, why was I getting hard again?

I texted back

"Yes I'll be home. I'm so sorry. I want to explain."

Sent. There was nothing I could do but wait and try to fill the hours until four o'clock. I looked around the room. There were some empty bottles and other detritus of the night so I decided to start my penance by tidying up. I guess Jayden must have been up and out before me, I think he'd said something about a hiking trip, because after cleaning the living area I found the remains of his breakfast lying out. I washed that up with the rest and felt at least a little satisfaction to assuage the anxiety that was growing in my guts.

As I was finishing with the vacuum cleaner I spotted Jayden's socks lying under the coffee table. I picked them and, after thinking for a moment, put them to my nose and inhaled. They say that the sense of smell is the one most closely connected to memory, and so it proved as images of last night returned more vivid than ever. Jayden had made me worship his feet after he'd blown his load in my mouth. I'm couldn't remember how long I'd spent down there, lapping and kissing and massaging his big, straight alpha feet as he drank a last beer and watched TV, but the faint rug burn on my legs did. He'd said I could jerk off, so I'd shucked off my shorts and beat my meat with my face pressed into his sweaty soles, breathing in that hot fucking straight boy smell.

"You're gonna cum harder than you ever did with Dan, aren't you faggot?" Jayden had said as I got closer and closer. "You're gonna be thinking about my feet the next time he fucks your faggot ass, I promise you."

Damn if I didn't come right then, waist down naked and kneeling at Jayden's feet as he talked me lower and lower. Remembering how hard I'd cum I made a mental note to get some rug cleaner.

Figuring I'd accomplished all I was going to domestically I decided to head out for some lunch, hoping a break from the flat and from what had happened would help me get some perspective. I felt somewhat better after a shower and chucked on some clothes.

The cafe down the street was busy but I found a table in the corner to eat the tuna melt I'd ordered. I sipped at some strong, black coffee as I waited, contemplating seeing Dan later on.

Dan and I had been together for over a year now, which is happily married in my peer group. We'd spent our first anniversary in Bali on a trip that would have been too extravagant for me alone, but Dan had a good paying job. Not that I'd care if we'd celebrated with a bottle of prosecco in the park but I won't deny that the island was as beautiful a place as any I'd seen. Exactly one year to the moment of our first kiss we stood ankle deep in the cooling ocean water, fingers interlinked and gazing into each others eyes before kissing at the stroke of the minute. The whole milky way was out to watch us that night, and I saw it reflected in Dan's deep, blue eyes as if he held the whole universe inside of them. It was the most in love I had ever felt, and the thought of that moment brought new pain and guilt and wretchedness to me as I sat, desolate, awaiting my fucking tuna melt. The waitress gave me a concerned look as she finally brought it over and, while thanking her, I silently wished her a horrible death.

Lunch done I took a walk through the shopping arcade, suddenly filled with the notion that if I found just the right consumer product then Dan would forgive me and everything would be fine, but that was just a passing folly. This wouldn't be fixed with flowers. Discouraged I reluctantly headed back to the flat at about half three, hoping to mentally prepare myself. It didn't work, and when the intercom buzzed at four I was so on edge that I jumped.

"It's me," said Dan's familiar voice. His tone was flat and neutral and gave little of his mood away.

"Ok," was all I could find to say and I buzzed him up, opening the door to meet him.

Dan greeted me with a weak smile as he got to the door but he looked like I felt. We swapped glances and I returned his smile but we were silent as we went into the living room and sat down.

"Listen." He said, breaking the silence. "I don't know exactly what happened last night, and I'm not sure I want to know."

"I'm so sorry, Dan, I.." he raised his hand to stop me.

"Just listen. I've been thinking about this a lot. All day. Been thinking of nothing else as I'm sure you can imagine." His tone was still neutral, but his posture was closed, sitting as he was with his body leant forward, elbows on his knees and his face in his hands so I couldn't see his expression. "And at the end of it I decided that, as hurt as I am right now, and you bet your fucking life I'm hurt, I don't want to lose you, not over something like this.

My heart sprouted new, green shoots of optimism, too delicate to touch yet, but they were a sign that there was light on the horizon. Dan turned his face up to me, his blue eyes now a little softer then when he'd arrived, or perhaps it was the tears that were springing there. I could feel my own coming too.

"I love you, you know that." I told him and he smiled again, this time meaning it.

"I love you too." He said and he reached a hand to my cheek, brushing the tear that had spilled there with the end of his thumb. "We'll find a way to move past this."

I felt so grateful to him. But of course this was how he would react, I thought. I didn't deserve him and I knew it, and as we fell into a hug I held him tight.

Pulling back, the tension gone he said, "I can't really blame you, anyway. We've both seen Jayden. It would be a test for anyone."

At that moment, almost as if someone had scripted the whole thing, we heard the front door latch turn as Jayden arrived home.

Dan suddenly looked tense again as I mouthed to him, "I thought he was out all day, I'm sorry."

"No," said Dan. "It's best we clear the air."

"Hey honey, I'm home." Called Jayden from the hall. "Sorry about last night. Hope your throat's not too sore."

Dan was turning silently red. I heard the bathroom door open. "Your throat felt fucking nice though, mate. I got a bit carried away." Continued Jayden before we heard the noise of him taking a piss, the heavy stream in the toilet bowl sounding thunderous in the tense silence that had suddenly descended over Dan and me.

"Hope Danny boy wasn't too put out", said Jayden as he finished up in the bathroom, the flush masking his steps towards the living room. I could almost hear Dan's teeth grind. He hated being called Danny. "Oh, hey Danny." Said Jayden, finally seeing him. "How's it going? Like the vid I sent you?"

Jayden was so nonchalant it was almost comical.

"I thought you were out all day." I said to Jayden, trying desperately to change the topic of conversation.

"Yeah, plans fell through. Shit happens. What are you boys up to?" Jayden had grabbed the milk carton from the fridge and started gulping.

"What do you think we're doing?" Said Dan, finally. "We're trying to save our fucking relationship." He was half way to standing, fists clenched.

"Sit down, Danny." Jayden said and Dan paused half up, half down, clearly fighting some internal battle, before reaching ba resolution and sitting back down. Jayden looked satisfied.

"Listen, Danny, you can't blame the boy for wanting a real dick for a change." Jayden said, stepping into the lounge area with us but remaining standing. I was reminded of how intimidating he could look, arms crossed, with a serious expression on his face as he addressed Danny. Dan. Shit, he had me doing it.

"I don't blame him," replied Dan. "I blame you." He had tried to sound defiant, but I guess he felt as small as he looked as Jayden stood over him, because sounded more like a question than a statement.

"No one forced him to suck my dick or lick my feet. If you'd seen how hard the faggot came as he chowed down on my toes you'd know he was fucking loving it." Jayden said, now leaning in towards Dan who had reflexively backed further into the sofa. Dan turned to me in surprise at this.

"Mitch, you didn't say you..." He trailed off. Jayden picked up the thread.

"Didn't tell you that he used the mouth he kisses you with to slobber all over my feet?" Jayden said, looking over to me. "What's up, Mitchy boy, didn't you tell him you're a fag for my feet too?"

"Is it true?" Dan said, incredulous. I turned away from him and looked ahead.

"Yes. Kind of. I, well, it was just in the moment." I said, not really believing it. Jayden didn't either.

"Bullshit, Mitch." He said, laughing as he crossed the room to the chair opposite. He shouched down into it, his muscular frame filling the armchair, his thick thighs parted and his big, sneakered feet pointing up from the carpet like sinking titanics.

"Ok, faggot." Jayden said to me, but looking towards Dan. "Show your boyfriend here what a slut you are for straight, alpha feet." And with that he ostentatiously pulled his sneakers off, filling the room with the smell of him. Not overpowering, but definitely masculine, definitely a man's smell. He threw the sneakers over to Dan, not hard, but enough that they bounced off his chest and into his lap. Dan, for his part, seemed stunned for the moment and was dumbly looking back and forth between Jayden and me.

For my part I was suddenly transfixed again by Jayden's masculine presence, as I had been since he'd walked back into the flat. The contrast between the moment I had shared with Dan just a few minutes earlier and the charged atmosphere that arrived as soon as Jayden had appeared was like the difference between the two men. Jayden was magnetic, and he knew it, and like a compass needle there was only one direction this situation was going to go.

I looked away from Jayden for a moment and back to Dan. Our eyes locked and I found myself saying "I'm sorry," as I slipped from the sofa to my knees and crawled the short distance to where Jayden's feet waited. I looked up at Jayden, expecting some sign of approval or encouragement, or any signal at all, but he was still looking straight at Dan, a smirk playing on his lips.

At last I crossed the Rubicon and planted my first kiss on the other side. Jayden's socks smelt of sweat and shoes. My tongue met the fabric and I enjoyed the feeling of his firm, warm soles slipping beneath. I took a moment to breathe in deeply before continuing to kiss and lick at Jayden's hot alpha feet, beginning to forget my boyfriend sat behind me. I hadn't quite, though, and glanced quickly around.

Dan was still sat as he had been, stock still, but seemingly entranced by what was happening. I didn't need to see a hard on to know he was turned on, I knew him so well, and when our eyes briefly met I sent a questioning look. Dan flashed the smallest of smiles and nodded.

Our moment was interrupted by Jayden.

"Get your shorts off and kneel." He said and I took my mouth from his foot and reached for my waistband. Jayden gave me a soft kick to the face. "Not you, faggot. Him."

I looked up at Jayden and then quickly around to Dan. He was sat there still, clearly going through a considerable internal conflict. After a few moments pause he abruptly stood up and seemed like he was going to head for the door. Perhaps he was, but before he could Jayden said. "Now."

Then a strange look passed Dan's face. It was like resignation and resentment at the same time, resentment at Jayden or me or even at himself I didn't know, but a moment later his hands were at his waistband and he pulled down his shorts, stepping out of them.

"Undies too, cuck." Said Jayden, letting the word fall like a boulder into the middle of the room. I guess Jayden was on a power trip at this point or something, but with just a flicker of hesitancy Dan complied and added his boxers to the pile by his feet.

"Now kneel." Said Jayden. I looked at Dan. His six inch dick was standing out from under his shirt, the head glistening with precum. It bounced as he gingerly got to his knees on the rug. I noticed with some amusement that his right knee was in the wet patch. Definitely need rug cleaner.

"Now," said Jayden who, by his expression, was loving every second of this. "Mitchy boy. Why don't you show your cuck boyfriend here how much you like to throat my big straight dick. That way he won't have to imagine what we're doing behind his back, because he'll know."

Jayden flopped his meaty dick out. It was as big as Dan's already though it was obviously not fully hard yet. I knelt between Jayden's legs, with Dan just off to one side, unable but to watch. I leant in to put my lips on the end, determined now to give Dan a show. Jayden stopped me.

"Not so fast. Remember you've got to ask nicely, faggot." He said, his cock pulsing enticingly just inches from my lips.

"Please, Jayden. Please let me suck your big, straight dick. I want to feel it in my throat. Please, my pussy mouth needs a real man's dick." I wasn't sure if I was laying it on too thick, but it seemed that if I wasn't going to lose my inhibitions in that moment then I was never going to lose them.

"You want it more than your boyfriend's little pecker, huh?" Jayden said. He'd grabbed his dick with his free hand and was ever so gently brushing my lips with the fat head, coating my lips with his precum. "You need that alpha dick your cuck boyfriend can't give you, Mitch?"

Fuck. Jayden was pushing buttons I didn't know I had. I was rock hard in my shorts, the kind of hard that gets a little painful.

"Mmm, yeah. Please, Jayden. I need a real man to use me. He can't make me feel the way you do." They say never a truer word than one said in jest, but maybe they should change that to lust, as I was prepared to confess to anything to taste Jayden's dick by then. Happily I felt his hand leave my forehead and move to the back.

"Go for it, faggot." And with that I sucked down on to his fat, straight dick like I was a stranded scuba diver and this was my rescuer's mask.

"Hands off your dicklet, cuck." I heard Jayden say and saw Dan's hands move quickly to his sides. "You don't touch that fucking maggot without permission. Got it?"

"Er, yes, sorry." I heard Dan say. Jayden had me by the hair and was working my head up and down his shaft so it made it difficult to see what was happening clearly but I heard a slap and heard a gasp from Dan.

"It's 'yes sir' to you, cuck." Jayden said.

"Yes sir." Dan quickly stammered out. Jayden's dick throbbed harder in my mouth as my boyfriend said this, as my boyfriend called him 'sir'. For some reason this just fed my desire to throat Jayden's dick, and to do it right there just a foot or two from Dan. Now that Jayden had gotten me to the rhythm and depth that he liked he let go of my head as it bobbed up and down to maintain it. His hands fell to his sides and he leant back to enjoy my mouth on him.

"So, you see what I mean, cuck?" Said Jayden after several minutes of heavy silence between us, the only sounds being Jayden's slow, sure breathing and low moans, the rhythmic slurp and slobber of my mouth and throat as I worked Jayden's meat, and Dan's gulps and muttered 'oh my gods'. Jayden continued. "Mitch here was born to suck alpha dick. Now, I have no problem with you two seeing eachother," he paused at this, "but you need to understand that he's first and foremost my cocksleeve. You understand that, don't you Danny?" Jayden sounded almost kind. Almost. There was a hint of mocking to what he was saying that Dan can't have missed.

"I understand." Said Dan. He sounded defeated, which I suppose he literally was, but a quick look at his dick told me everything. The drips of precum had become a string that now led from his cock head to the floor, his dick bouncing harder that I'd remembered seeing. I heard another slap, and was quick enough to see Jayden's hand moving back from Dan's face, the cheek now glowing pink from the stinging impact.

"I understand sir." Dan said, quickly.

"Good cuck." Said Jayden before continuing to lazily hump my tonsils, hitting the back of my throat easily now with only the occasional gagging fit from me. As Jayden was once again pressing my face into his crotch, pushing his cock as far as it would go, I became aware of the familiar buzz of a mobile vibrating somewhere near my head. Jayden reached a hand into his pocket and grabbed his ringing phone, answering it.

"Alright mate, hows it going?" He answered to whoever it was on the other end. I was struck again by Jayden's complete lack of inhibition. Maybe it was just me but it seemed somewhat, I don't know, scandalous to answer the phone while you're getting head.

"Not much, mate. Just at home with the roomie, hanging out." The person on the other end said something and Jayden laughed. "Yeah, that's the one. He's actually sniffing my pubes right now as it happens." He laughed again and the person on the other end said something else.

"Alright I'll prove, dickhead. Switch to video." Jayden flicked the screen significantly. "See, told you." He laughed as he pulled me up off his cock. "Say hello, bitch." I smiled and tried to say hello with as much dignity as possible to this stranger. I guess the camera must have taken in Dan knelt there at the side because a male voice came out over the phone.

"Who's the dipshit on the right?" The man said.

"That's just the fags boyfriend. Don't worry about him, he know the score." Said Jayden, turning the camera to Dan's face. "Ain't that right, cuck?"

"Yes sir," said Dan, learning. His face was a pretty shade of pink by now but his dick didn't go down for a second.

"See," said Jayden, turning the video off and reverting the phone to normal so that whatever the guy said in answer went unheard by Dan and me. Jayden listened before saying. "Sure mate. Well there's beer in the fridge and a spare mouth so come over whenever." Another pause as the other man spoke before, "cool, bring whatever you want to make a night of it. My plans fell through and these boys aren't going anywhere. Alright. Bye, mate." And with that he hung up the phone and pulled his dick out of my mouth.

"Right, we've got a guest. You," he said to me. "Go shower, and wash your ass out good or your boyfriend will be eating shit later. And you," he said to Dan. "Tidy this place up. It's a mess in here."

Feedback welcome at thanks for reading, horndogs.

Next: Chapter 3

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