Straight Jake

By Male Lover

Published on Apr 3, 2002


The following story is fiction. All are created and written based on my imagination and desire. If the characters below happen to match someone's life experience, it is purely by co-incident. I apologise in advance if the work offends anyone.

Although my initial plan was to end at Straight Jake 3, there were a few mails that were written sweetly enough to encourage me to reconsider my decision. After days of consideration, I present to you now the next installment. There were some suggestions for me to write Jake's confrontation with his father, the local priest. But bear in mind that I am writing from Leo's angle, so, it would be tough to work the dialogue between Jake and his dad. Moreover, I have yet to make my decision whether to 'gay' Jake or not. I thank you guys for the words of encouragement, esp to Walter and Gary.

For further discussion on Jake and Leo, or Adam, Billy and Jeremy, I would advise those who were following the stories to write their opinions at my yahoo group. Let me move on to the story.

Again, I apologise for my grammar. I only intend to share my story, not my English. If you like the stories, do let me know at

It was in the 3rd installment that we find Leo had helped stud Jake, his goody Christian friend, to experience his first sex with a female - Donna. But instead of being happy for Jake, Leo realised that he was envy of Donna. Leo had to swallow the truth. As much as he wanted to believe he was still a straight guy, he had fallen for his best friend.

Title: Straight Jake 4

By Wednesday, it had been 4 days since I talked to Jake. Four dreadful days, and even more dreadful nights. I busied myself during the daytime, but when night time came, in my room, on my bed, or wherever I tried to turn to, I was left alone to face my baffled mind and disturbed emotion.

Jake and I did say a few hi's and exchanged our smiles in school. But we could not bring ourselves close enough to talk things through. It was like, there was this fate separating us. None of us could be man enough to make the whole effort to see each other, face to face.

It all started on the Sunday morning. After our Saturday night, we had only 3 hours to sleep before Jake woke me up for church. It felt wonderful to wake up with my arm, resting on his naked body. But time was short and we had to scramble to wash up, put on fresh clothes and rushed to the church. We made it just in time to see those chit-chatting outside the church began to move in.

I sat with my parents, who had reserved seats for Jake and me. But Jake preferred to sit in the front row as always. He greeted my parents and excused himself. Marilyn, 'the one' for him, moved aside to let Jake have a seat beside her.

I felt my ears burning. Jealousy? I regretted not joining him in front. But I knew I would not be able to keep my eyes opened. So, third row was definitely a better choice than the first, as I feared I would be snoring in front of the priest.

The morning sermon started with the substitute, Father Rykes (Jake's father was out of town) wishing us well and making a few announcement. Father Rykes had served as Father Thompson's assistant, taking up the duties of the latter, whenever he was in need. Young he might be, compared to the others in the church, but he showed a strong faith. He was transferred here two years ago, and stayed a few houses away from mine. Father Rykes was only 34, but his ability to recite the bible quotes by heart, made him an admirable figure among the priests and the church-goers.

And of course, his dashing look made him a favourite of the ladies and young girls in town. Dark hair, tanned and well-built, he was drawing attention of the single ladies, who wished he was not a man of God, and men, who wished to know how he kept himself in good shape. Even my mom had talked non-stop about him for days when he was first introduced to the local people. Surely there were a certain appeal about men in uniform; firemen, policemen etc. Father Steve Rykes would have been a hunky catch. His broad shoulder and wide chests made him looked outstanding. I wonder how many women were lusting for him. How many sins were created as he walked by those who admired him or when he stood in front there, for the eyes of those sex-hungry to devour his appearance?

But looks aside, Father Rykes was a serious man. He was a man of a few words, except to those who were close to him. Sometimes I even caught Father Thompson telling him to relax and not to use the bible to interpret every issue, as it would scare some half-believers. Father Thompson could be labeled as a moderate man. But the same could not be said about Father Rykes.

Upholding the words of God was the priests' utmost duty. To Father Rykes, it was his life.

So, that morning, just like any others, ladies and girls would occupy most of the seats in front. Father Rykes started his sermon sharp on time, according to schedule. Punctuality was another obvious point about him.

He talked about Father Thompson being out of town for a meeting. He talked about the charity events in town and the generosity of the people. And a few more blah, blah, blah.

But suddenly, his tone changed and he began to speak seriously on, ironically, the 7 deadly sins as an opener, slowly narrowing down the topic to lust. The topic arose, as the town knew Mr. Swenson was caught having an affair with his neighbour's underage daughter, Miss Pern.

I knew then it spelt trouble for Jake and I. I tried to catch Jake's face expression, but all I could see was the back of his head. Slowly, as Father Rykes condemned what he branded as a shameful act, Jake's head began to bow down slightly. With the mention of God, and his almighty love for one and all, and his sacrifice for the mankind, I knew the sermon had gotten to Jake. Father Rykes continued his bashing on what he called as an unspeakable act, to give in to lust, especially after all the sacrifices God had done.

' becomes ungrateful for he forgets what the saviour had done for him...'

' should not give in to lust, desire and sex because by doing so, one gives himself to the demons...'

' is so easy to lust but IS THAT THE WAY TO REPAY GOD?!!!'

Jake's head was bowed even lower. Running his hands over his hair, he looked like he was in great remorse. Like he regretted what we had done over the weekend.

It was the first time I felt alone. Alone in the battle, but what battle?

I had fallen in love with Jake. But did I expect him to fall for me as well? I did not. Jake was straight. He would not even go down on me. He was just in the male sex with me for himself to be relieved. So, this could never be a battle of he and I, against the belief that male sex was wrong. But yet, upon hearing the condemn of lustful act that morning, I lost a hope that had not even begun.

Jake could never be mine.

By the time the morning service was over, I felt I was completely bashed inside by the words of the sermon. I felt weak. When I looked at Jake as he got up from his seat, his face expression told me that he was too.

Marilyn whispered something to his ear and I could Jake forcing himself to give a smile to her. She held his hand and patted it lightly, before her friends and her giggled as they hurried out. Marilyn ignored me, as she knew that I had bedded my girlfriend and she would never approve of such thing. She only hoped that Jake would not mix with me that much. Well, I wished I could spoil her fun by telling her that I was the one who took away Jake's virginity, the Jake she so admired.

I stood at the edge of my row, waiting for the crowd in front of me to clear. When Jake walked by me, he gave me a weak smile. That confirmed that I had lost, a battle that had not even started. My heart felt like it had crashed into pieces. I forced myself to smile back.

The whole ride back was a quiet one.

I tried to ask Jake what was going to happen to us then. He said he did not know. He was sad. He knew I was too.

I asked again but he told me that he needed time to think. He could not answer me yet.

He needed space.

I got the hint. My heart was crushed, but I pretended I understood. But I did not. I felt betrayed. The more I felt I had to face the situation alone, the more I felt as if life had raised its axe and chopped me into tiny pieces.

Upon reaching his house, I told him that I'd got something to do back home and had to go back. He nodded, without looking at me. His eyes were still cast low. I hurried up the stairs and grabbed whatever things of mine that I could see.

When I rushed down, he was nowhere in sight.

I left his house without a goodbye, but with a broken heart.

I did not hear from him the whole afternoon. When I woke up from my afternoon nap, I asked Mrs. Krishna immediately if there was any call, but there was none. I was halfwishing for one from Jake.

Neither did I hear from Lori.

Donna called me to complain about me leaving her all alone the night before. But she cracked into a little laughter when she told me that she did wake up wanting for more. Since I was not around, she called her neighbour, Alfred, to join her for a few rounds of fuck in the motel before checking out. Before she hung up, she made a fuss over me opening her pussy even wider with the dildo.

I did not tell her it was Jake's thick cock, not the dildo.

By midnight, I accepted the fact that Jake would not call. I did not know how to react to that. I felt sad, but yet I forced myself not to. I was at a lost.

On Monday, I saw him at the school corridor. We exchanged weak smiles, but he hurrily turned to another corner, as if he was avoiding me. I was somehow grateful for that, although sad. Sad that my friendship with him had gone to such a level. Grateful because I did not have to confront him. It was too soon to face him.

After hours of lying awake on my bed the night before, my heart told me that it would be unfair to him, if I were to expect him to change for me. Yes, I had fallen for him. But how could I force him to fall for me too? I knew he was not interested in gay love. It won't work.

There was a sense of guilt as well, because I changed him. I opened the door of sexual pleasure for him. I introduced him to sexual acts that he had avoided so successfully for many years. I converted him, helping him to taste the first bite of the forbidden apple. I knew no one forced him. But I was the temptress. I had made him into becoming someone he regretted.

To repay him for all my wrongdoing, I preferred to stay out of his way. I wished not him to have a friend like me, a liability. If he had to change back to whom he used to be, I should play my part. That was what best friend should be, a support through hard time.

I took my seat in a different corner from where he was sitting. We did catch each other's eyes looking in the same direction once in a while. By the third time, I forced myself not to look any further. Besides, I felt the jealousy arose again, as Donna was beginning to flirt with Jake. The flirt did not last long, as Marilyn coolly stepped in, between Donna and Jake. It was not helping much of my feeling. I was equally envy of Marilyn.

I saw Lori, my blonde, small frame girlfriend, but with a huge appetite for sex with me. Somehow, I found my lust for her was almost zero. Just like desire for Donna. It was sign that my problem had subdued my eagerness for any kind of sexual contact. Not if it did not include Jake.

Seeing him there, as he casually entertained every word of Marilyn, I still felt the rush of lust for that guy. Jake was wearing a loose shirt, but his V-shaped body could still be seen clearly. I had to swallow in my saliva. I was scared I would drool, especially watching how his jeans hugged his bum and thighs tightly. I quickly diverted my attention to Lori.

It was surprisingly easy with Lori. She saw me, ran towards me, gave me a huge hug, mumbled something about great New York and great weekend and then hurried to her girlfriends. In between, she told me that she would busy this week as her New York relatives came for a visit, and she would make it up to me during the weekend.

Donna teased me of being blown off by my girlfriend when Lori rushed to her friends. She breathed hot air on my ear as she suggestively invited me over to her place. I politely declined. It was Donna and a few more classmates, and not Lori, who accompanied me for recess. Lori was at a corner table, chatting and giggling to girls' talk. Once in a while, a few friends of hers would look my way. Donna sensed it too. Donna felt bad for me and she became more serious in her conversation, instead of her usual flirts with the guys. I knew Donna was trying to tell me that it was ok Lori was not giving me the attention I needed that day.

Little did Donna know that I was dying for Jake's attention, but he was too busy with his church friends, including Marilyn, at another table.

That day, although I did wait for Jake's call, my heart refused to admit it. I got calls from a few friends to hang out or to play games, but I rejected. I tried to sleep, but my mind was too bothered about Jake, for me to take a proper nap. I kept waking up, thinking there were calls from Jake.

He did not call.

On Tuesday, I sensed Jake was calmer. He still looked my way and smiled when our eyes met. I returned his smiles too but I was not sure if he caught them or not. He looked away too quickly. I had planned to approach him the minute the last school bell rang. I bumped into him, walking away with Marilyn. Marilyn was giggling to his jokes as the two of them walked out in a hurry. He turned around and saw me. He waved.

I felt the blow. I was hoping to meet him alone. But Marilyn was there. So, instead of waving back, I did not know why I suddenly turned another corner, and did not wave back. A few steps later I realised that it might be interpreted as I was angry with him. I rushed back, but Jake was out of sight.

In the afternoon, I went over to see Lori. She was alone. The rest of the family members had gone out for a game, and knowing Lori, she would prefer to sleep than to soak in sweat out in the sun. To her, her skin complexion was more important than almost everything, except her hair, dresses and monthly allowance. My affection for Jake had made me bored of Lori. By comparison, Donna was more exciting, but then again, Donna slept with far too many guys to get serious with.

Lori jumped into my arms and stripped my pants off with her hands. Squatting by the sofa, she found my semi hard-on and although I was not really in the mood, her mouth on my dick changed my mind. But before she could make me cummed, we heard cars driving into the driveway. Her family was back. Reluctantly, I pulled up and zipped back my jeans. I was beginning to think that after knowing how I felt for Jake, I won't be able to get it up for any girls. I was glad to know that I still could, but the family spoilt my complete my old joy.

We went out to greet her family. I knew Lori's parents and siblings well enough. Lori's brother, Stan was a year our junior. Her sister was away, working in New York. And I met for the first time, Lori's uncle and aunt. We exchanged greetings and the adults quickly rushed in, with excuse of wanting to get to the bathrooms first.

I was introduced to the reason for Lori's busi-ness, her cousins Mark and Greg. Mark was a year older. He was my height, good-looking with a slim built. He had dark brown hair, unlike Lori, who was a blonde. Mark was really cute, alright.

But what took my breath away was Greg. Greg was an amazing hunk. I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from him as I shook his hand. He was slightly taller than Mark, and his well-developed body made him stood out greater than Mark. He was wearing a florescent light green tank. His bulging arm muscles, although not like those body-builders, were delicious enough to tempt me to take a bite. Tanned, handsome and breath-taking.

And these two brothers had those dashing smiles, which would make one's heart to skip a beat.

Greg was in his final year in a foreign university. Mark was in his first year. They studied in the same U, and came back for holiday just 3 weeks ago. They would be here for a week, with their parents.

I excused myself, as I did not want to interrupt their family gathering. Although Mark insisted that I joined them inside, I was not in the mood to chat much. So, I bided my goodbye to them.

That night, again I lied on bed, cursing that Jake did not call. I must had shut my eyes for only 2 and a half hours before the alarm clock rang. I woke up feeling tired, and sad. But what I did not know was that Jake came over with my clothes, washed and neatly pressed by him. I had left them at his place when I rushed back home on Sunday. He came over when I was at Lori's place. My dad did not tell me. He did not think it was anything important.

On Wednesday, I tried to smile to Jake. He smiled back, but it was a weak smile. I felt the anger growing in me. What was it? Things seemed to be better the day before and then, suddenly it looked as if it was back to square one. I walked over to him, as he bent forward to drink from the water cooler. I needed to know what was going to be for the two of us.

A few feet before I could reach him, Donna slipped in between us, and grabbed Jake's ass. Jake jumped. The people around laughed. I was stunned too, but quickly regained my thoughts and forced myself to laugh together. Jake laughed too, but hurrily moved away from Donna. Marilyn was not happy. Neither was Tony, who had an eye for Donna.

Jake and I met again at our swim practice in the afternoon. We nodded to one another, when he dashed into the changing room late. Although I wanted to talk to him, the coach gestured us to go ahead to the pool. The coach stayed back, to ask Jake to pass a massage to his father.

Jake and I were placed in different groups, so, we did not say much during the practice. Anyway, I felt the time and place were not right.

When the practice was over, I wanted to ask Jake to stay back. But this time, I was called by the coach. The coach wanted me to ask my father to contribute to the town's church upcoming event. I was asked by the coach to deliver the details of a meeting concerning this, to my dad. I kept nodding and uttering 'uh-huh' as my eyes watched Jake disappeared behind the door. But the coach caught me not paying attention and I had to repeat what he had said. I got it wrong and had to listen the whole details all over again. And the lecture about my lack of attention. I kept nodding and made the expression of 'guilty-and-learnt-my-lessons'. It worked. He let me go 10 minutes later.

I rushed to the locker room, to find that there was no one in the locker area, but the shower was still running. Still hoping, I took my towel and stripped my swimming trunk off. I bolted to the shower area.

It was Jake. He was alone, and had just turned off the shower. He heard my running footsteps and turned around.

We stood there facing one another. None of us knew what to say. Both wanted to speak but no words came out of our mouths. All around, the room was quiet. I could only hear my own breath. The silent was deafening. I felt like my eyes were begging him to say something. His eyes were telling me he felt the same too.

Jake stood there, with his body wet. Droplets of water dripped down from the ends of his hair, onto his naked shoulders, trickled down his naked muscular chests and his washboard abs. His 5 inches soft but thick cock hung low, dangling in front of his big balls. Standing in front of me, this guy's body seemed to ooze sex appeal, and I doubted that Jake knew how good he really looked like.

I was not prepared to get a hard-on. Seeing Jake naked again, since I last touched him, made my dick took control of my body's reaction. My dick was rising, and Jake could see that.

Before I could tell him to ignore it, or that we need to talk, we heard the door opened. Jake quickly grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist and dashed out. I was left there, stumped.

Devastated, I stood there alone. I heard Jake said hi to someone and a few minutes later, I heard he said goodbye and then the door opened and shut. I felt cheated.

I was not alone for long. A few seconds later, Colby came into the shower. Colby Sael was our teammate, but he was one year my junior, Stan's classmate. Colby, a blonde hair kid, took pride in building his body and stamina up, by doing plenty of exercise. Usually, after our practice, Colby would go to our school's small gym for a few minutes of weight-lifting before shower. So, I was not surprise to see him, although I was disappointed.

Colby would have been a popular guy in the school, if it had not been the rumour going around that he was a gay. And Colby was not bothered with the rumour as he did not seem to be eager to get a girlfriend to prove the rumour wrong. He was more of pretty, boyish look, something that the girls went crazy over. But slowly their crush over him vanished as Colby did not show any interest in return.

'Hey there!' Colby greeted me, as he walked in with a towel around his waist. He smiled, but his smile disappeared when he saw my hard-on. Despite my devastation, I was still hard from seeing Jake's naked, hard body. I was so caught up with my thoughts and my frustration of Jake walking out on me again, that I forgot to cover up my hard-on. I forgot someone else was in the locker room too. And I was not expecting myself to be caught by anyone, especially not Colby, one that the male teammates preferred to avoid.

Colby was a nice guy. But back then, before I had male sex, I could not bring myself to be near him. Especially not in shower, alone, with him.

Colby's surprise expression turned to a wicked smile.

'Thinking of Lori, huh?' he asked, as his eyes moved from my 7-inch to my naked torso, and then to my face. He was checking me out.

I just smiled, as I moved under a shower head. Turning on the water, I hoped the cool water would do the trick of toning me down. Colby took the one down the corner. I soaped myself quickly, but as my palms brushed my skin, my hard-on refused to subside. My heart was beating fast. I was nervous. I did not wish to let Colby have any ideas with me.

I heard Colby's shower turned off. I turned my head to his direction, surprised he would be able to finish washing up so fast. He had not.

Colby picked up his shower gel and towel and moved to the shower head beside mine. I knew what he wanted. But the thing was, was I willing to give?

I thought of Jake. I thought of Lori. And my mind went back to Jake. I liked Jake too much to cheat on him... Cheat on him? My mind told me that I was crazy because Jake certainly did not take me as his. So, how could it be cheating?

Shower sprayed down on Colby. He turned his body to face me, as he continued to rub his body all over. As I was standing sideway to him, he had a clear view of my hard cock. I was no longer getting hard from my touch only, but from his hard stare too. My dick jerked a few times. It was too obvious. I used my hands, trying to cover up, but it was pointless. My hands wrapping around my stiff dick were only making Colby even more excited.

'Having problem, Leo?' Colby asked, as he ran his palms over his chests and abs. His cock was already standing hard. He was not shy over this fact. Since that I was hard too, he figured that he might as well join me. His cock was thick and beautifully endowed at a size of 6 inches. Donna would have killed for his dick. I quickly moved my eyes away from his dick. I did not know if I wished to welcome his open door.

'Buzz off, Colby!' I snapped at him, as I turned my body back to him.

'Hmmm....' I could hear him admiring my bubble butt.

I had no choice but to turn back and face him. I did not want anyone to have what Jake had. I might be angry with Jake, but I still considered our encounters special. Until I cleared my confusion over Jake, or get my feelings over him, I would never allow anyone to come near what Jake could.

I placed both my palms on my hips, and stared at Colby angrily. It would be more convincing if my dick was not standing straight, hard.

Colby broke into another smile, but he retracted. 'Okay, okay! Cool down... Just thought I could help you out! Is not like Lori is here, right?'

'Fuck off' I snapped at him again, as he turned to face the wall.

Satisfied, I went back to running my hands over my aching muscles. I poured some soap on my palm and scrubbed my body. When my palms almost reached my groin, I hesitated. I watched Colby from the corners of my eyes. He was still watching my cock, especially when my hands were so close to it. His right hand was busy stroking his hard cock. I could not believe I was standing two feet away from a gay, cute as he might be, who was stroking himself.

My cock jerked again. Colby saw that.


'What?' I went into a defensive tone.

'Just let me help you. I promise I won't tell anyone.'

I ran my palms around my hips, raising my left thigh for scrubbing, and then, the right one. I could not believe I was thinking over his offer.

'No, Colby!' I tried to keep my voice stern over the request, although I knew I would love for a release.

Colby became quiet, as I continued to expose my naked hard-on to him. He watched as I worked my hands down to my feet. I knew his eyes were checking my butts as I bent down. I quickly straightened back up. My heart was beating even faster.

As I ran my hands over my chests, Colby asked again.

'Just let me help you. Just my hands. Hands only! You don't have to return any favour.'

I turned to snap at him again for even thinking of me returning favour. But when I looked at that gorgeous face, my heart mellowed down a bit. As the water ran down his body, my eyes were checking his build in a glance. His hard cock was still in his hand. He was jerking off, unashamed of his act. It was beginning to be a sight that turned me on.

When I did not answer, but yet continued to stare at him, Colby took his first step closer to me. I knew I had given in.

When he touched my cock, wrapped his fingers around my hardness, those few moments took my mind off my longings for Jake. It felt good to have another person's hand on my cock, after the few days of solo beating off to the images of Jake.

I did not allow Colby to touch any other part of me. Just his hands on my dick. Neither would I allow him to come any closer to me. He understood and continued his stroke on my cock, as his other hand relieved himself.

The two of us cummed together. As our cum hit the wall, moans were released from our mouths, filling the otherwise quiet locker room.

When we walked out together, I reminded Colby of his promise not to tell anyone. He promised again. And he even invited me to call him anytime Lori was not available. I did not answer anything to that invitation.

I went over to Lori's place for the evening. On my way there, I was Father Rykes jogging in the opposite direction. This man was not only religious to his belief, but to the temple of his body too. He wore loose clothing. I bet if he was wearing tight ones, more housewives and ladies would be coming out to their driveways to watch him. There were already a few, who purposely stood around in their compound, pretending to water their flowers or playing with the kids. They waved as Father Rykes jogged past them. Father Rykes waved back with a smile, out of courtesy, but hardly stopped for a chat. As he strolled away from them, they would take a peek at his nice ass and giggled. I found myself to be joining them too, minus the giggling.

I reached Lori's place to see the family members almost at the end of a monopoly game. I could see how close the whole family was. In fact, both parents pampered Mark and Greg so much that I would not be surprise if any stranger would think they were long lost sons of the family. I felt kinda left out, but I did enjoy watching the two brothers, especially Greg. He was simply a stud. I would still prefer Jake, but Greg was a mind-refreshner. Even Lori and Stan seemed to enjoy Greg and Mark's companies so much.

When I reached home, I did not realise that there was a note for me. Jake left a message through Mrs. Krishna, our housemaid. As I threw my old magazines away, I threw his note into the dustbin as well. I spent another sleepless night, struggling to cope with my emotion. I knew I had to get over Jake.

On Thursday, I was getting irritated with Jake for not trying to approach me. Jake seemed to distance away. He would smile at me, but turned away before I could return his smile. The fact that Marilyn and her friends kept surrounding Jake was not helping my courage to approach him at all.

Lori kept me accompanied for the rest of the day. She would crush her body onto mine. Our lips met without shame, wherever we were. At first when I knew Jake noticed too, I decided to kiss Lori harder, to show to Jake that I did not need him. The kiss got Lori excited and she responded by pulling me even closer.

I was curious somehow that Lori's best friend, Kelly, was looking at us in a strange way, but I did not care. I was more concentrating on Jake's reaction. A few repeats later, I began to feel bad. I did not have to do this to rub Jake off. He might not even be upset, for it was me who fell for him and not the other way around. But the way his face expression was showing, I felt it was more proper for me to talk to him about my frustration and not to rub it on his face that I had a girlfriend to get me off, and he did not.

Donna had toned down her advances on us. One, Lori was with me the whole time. Two, she was paying more attention to Tony. The two of them were seen snuggling up to one another. Tony looked extremely happy, but was still unhappy when he thought someone was checking out Donna. He was so jealous.

Lori invited me over that night but I was not so sure. I was feeling bad for the way I treated Jake earlier on with my kissing exhibition with Lori. Jake might not even be bothered, but I thought I should apologise. I was planning to do it that night.

I reached Jake's place that evening, just in time to see him walking off with Marilyn. So, perhaps I was right. He was getting closer to Marilyn. So, the brain-washing by Father Rykes had managed to get to him, so much so that he was avoiding me. Perhaps Jake was 'settling down' with Marilyn as his first girlfriend, testing the water of a relationship.

My heart was crushed. They were not holding hands, but somehow in my heart, I knew it was coming. I wished I could cry, but I could not. I had not known such emotional reaction.

I spent my evening at the shopping mall, but I bumped into Lori and Greg's parents. They told me that the kids were at home and maybe I should drop by. They told me that I should not be alone, looking so isolated. I thanked them for their concern and excused myself.

I looked for Tony before going over to Lori's place. His new stepdad was a pharmacist, and I wanted sleeping pills badly. I could not take another tiring, sleepless night.

After getting the pills secretly (I did not want to be asked any questions), I went over to Lori's place. My cock was itching for a blowjob, and I was thinking of willing Colby. But I was not ready to explore male sex with another guy. Maybe not yet.

When I reached her place, I saw Lance walking in the opposite direction. I could recognise him from his size. He was small-sized too, just like Lori, but he was also sharing Lori's genes of looking good. I watched his ass as he strolled away. He was unaware I was there. I would not mind having that nice piece of ass if I was not dating his sister. I snapped myself off my thoughts and made my way to find Lori.

Lori was not in the living room. Lance must had locked the front door. I made my way around to the back. Before I could open the wooden gate to the back entrance, I could hear a male voice laughing, followed by soft voices. They were using the pool. I could hear water splashing.

The pool was sheltered well by wooden fence from any prying eyes. I looked for any crack on the wood. I was hoping to be able to see Mark or even better still Greg's body, without them knowing. I could get a better view if I just walked in, but I could never explain to the guys if they caught my eyes checked them out in the open.

I found a small opening, behind the nearby bushes. I squatted down and peeped through. I could see Mark. With the pool litted up nicely, and my area was dark enough, I knew I would not be caught. Mark was wearing a blue swimming trunk. He was drying himself as he chatted with Lori, who was wearing bikini. Her breasts looked even bigger with the tiny material.

Mark was saying something to her, and she laughed. She was sitting by the pool. The laughter died down and slowly, Lori lifted her legs off the water. She lied back on the tiles, by the side of the pool, with one hand on her exposed stomach, and another hand was playing with the water. Mark paused in rubbing his hair with the towel and just watched Lori. They were saying something but I could not hear it. They broke into a giggle again.

Mark walked towards Lori. Standing over her, he stripped down his trunk and I saw his semi-hard cock, pointing down at Lori. Lori got up and took his cock in her hand. She gave it a few pull before taking it into her mouth.

I should be upset. But then again, I had cheated on Lori too, with Donna and Jake. But as ego ruled, I felt I was right to be upset. I caught her cheating. And above all, this happened when I was having trouble with Jake, and Donna was cooling off any possible encounters.

My excitement to see to see Mark in all his nakedness was greater than my bad mood. His hard cock must be around 6 inches but it was thick enough to choke Lori each time he slammed it down her mouth.

They kept at it for a few minutes before I saw Mark's butts tensed. Lori tried to push Mark away, but Mark was holding her head close. I could see Lori busy gulping down his manjuice, as Mark kept groaning his pleasure.

The show was not over. The stud, Greg, came out of the house.

He walked out with a towel around his waist. There was a huge dent on his towel, made by his hard-on. He said something and Mark laughed. Mark had released Lori from his grip and she too, turned to look at Greg. Cum was running down her chin.

Greg patted Mark's back like congratulating the latter on a job done well. Mark moved aside, laughing, before diving into the pool.

Greg turned his attention back to Lori who was still on the ground. He said something to her, and she lied on her back. Raising her hips, she slipped her bikinis off. I watched as Lori lied there, offering her whole body to her cousin Greg.

Greg dropped his towel. His cock was straining hard. It looked huge, must be around 8 inches. The head looked big and forceful. Greg lowered himself down, onto Lori. As he kissed Lori, he placed his cock at Lori's opening and with one forceful thrust, he buried himself deep in Lori. He pumped her into moans, again and again. My eyes never moved away from his beautiful cock, reappearing each time he pulled back from her cunt. I watched his yummy bum as it raised up and down, plunging his big cock into her. I longed to put my hands on his ass.

Mark was watching his brother fucking Lori too. It looked like Mark was stroking himself under the water.

Lori kept moaning her cumming but Greg did not seem to slow down. He thrust her again and again with such force, that Lori's body was sliding away from his. Each time Greg felt that, he pulled her body back, slamming his groin onto the hers. Lori yelped with extreme joy.

Greg was like in a marathon with all that stamina. He kept fucking her for quite sometime, before he yelped and his body fell onto Lori's. I watched as his body tensed, and his ass muscles clenched as he pumped his cum into Lori.

Somehow, I wished I was in the receiving end of Greg's fuck pole.

That night, I slept a good sleep. After jerking off to the images of Greg, and then Jake, and then Greg and Jake, and then Greg, Jake and I, I cummed hard. Taking the sleeping pills, I dozed off until the next morning. I did not know that Tony called to check on me. Neither did I know that Jake called me too. Sometimes, I believed dads were not born to pass messages. Well, mine just caused me another agonising day.

The Friday was a painful and yet somehow refreshing day for me. For one, I had decided to break up with Lori. Before I could tell her, she pulled me aside and told me as gently as she could, that she wanted a cooling off period. She swore there was no other guy (bitch!) but she wanted to spend more time with her family and cousins. She asked me not to tell anyone yet, as she was still thinking through what we meant for each other. (Bitch again!)

I was glad to let her go, as I did not feel for her the way I felt for Jake. So, I was free, but free for no one. That made me sad. Even if I could let Jake knew I was available, it would not mean that Jake would want me. He was too straight for a male love.

Jake pretended to be busy with anything whenever I bumped into him. I swore there were hurtful eyes looking at me but I thought I was supposed to be the one who was hurt. I could not ask him, as he kept sticking close to Marilyn.

The day I chose to be free from Lori was the day Donna decided to be Tony's girlfriend. So, I decided to stay away from Donna, although she told me that it would not change anything between she and I. I was planning to keep my handsome face intact, so I wanted to play it safe by not disturbing Tony's girl.

Tony was laughing with Donna, over my inability to wake up due to the sleeping pills. I just smirked at them.

Colby was eyeing me the whole time during recess.

Lori's girlfriends were giving me that pitiful look.

I was totally confused. And felt lonely. I needed Jake.

My frustration grew as the weekend came. I wished that the weekend would belong to Jake and me. I could not stand knowing that I could not have him for the two beautiful weekends. And the thoughts that perhaps he would be spending the two days with Marilyn to build a closer relationship were tearing my mind apart. I even went further to think that he was fucking her. Sliding his beautiful thick cock in and out of Marilyn's virgin cunt. I swore I almost gave myself to insanity that moment.

So, I swallowed my pride plus whatever argument I had with myself in my head. I headed for Jake's place.

I was late. I saw Jake, Jake's dad and Marilyn got into a car with their luggage.

I stood there, feeling my world came crushing down on me.

I locked myself in my room the whole weekend, blasting music from Linkin Park to Puddle Of Mudd. Knocks on my door kept asking me to tone the music down. I did, but turned the knob clockwise again when I felt my parents had left the house.

It was my mistake. Jake did call me. I did not hear the phone ring. Even if I did, I refused to answer any call. I was angry at life.

By Monday, I was more relax. I totally avoided any eye contact with Jake. I guessed Jake was stunned by my coldness. Even my friends were too, since that I was close to Jake for many years. Donna tried to ask how I was, but I was not answering. She took it that Jake was being an asshole, which I did not bother to correct her. I was not happy with him, especially with Marilyn sitting closer to him during the break.

Even when we got back our computer assignment, Jake and I got the highest in the class. There was a certain awkwardness seen in Tony and Donna's faces, as they knew Jake and I were having problem. And with my cooling off period with Lori, Donna pitied me even more.

But that did not stop Tony that day from playing a trick on the class nerd, Jimmy. If Jimmy was not such a jerk in class, I would have thought it was wrong. But Jimmy liked to snitch on the classmates. So, during the break, when Jimmy was not watching, I did not stop Tony from slipping powder, of sleeping pills he had smashed, into Jimmy's drink.

That poor kid slept and drooled in the last class. But old Mr. Jenkins was not really paying attention to the class, so anything could slip by him. When we left, only two close friends of Jimmy were still trying to wake him up, despite cold water and a few slaps on the face. They were puzzled over Jimmy's tiredness. The rest of the class knew. It was a good laugh.

And that was maybe what I needed. A good laugh. I knew I needed to avoid Jake. Everytime I saw him, I felt so insane, burned by jealousy. It was often Marilyn with him. I could not take it. My heart could not take it. I hugged my pillow tight and drifted to sleep, feeling sad.

But the following day held a surprise for me. Jake was not having his meal with Marilyn, unlike his recess time for the past few days. Not only had Jake joined our basketball friends at their table, Marilyn was looking sad. My mind was working hard, wondering the reason.

But I was feeling too cold for Jake. Despite the new turn-around event, my mind kept reminding me not to ignore everything, scared of another heartbreak later. I tried very hard. A look at him and his pleasant smile reminded me that I would not be able to ignore that easily.

In the evening, Colby came over to my place. I knew what he wanted. Instead of making him uneasy in the presence of my parents in the living room, I invited him to my room. He was so happy with my offer.

Upon reaching my room, I turned to face him after closing the door.

'I don't want anything, Colby,' I told him. Of course I lied. More than anything, I wished to fuck Colby's mouth. But I was scared that Colby would tell other gays in the school. I needed to be careful with him.

Colby lied too, by telling me that he was only there for a chat and wanting to get to know me better. I knew he drooled for my cock to be in his mouth.

The temptation was strong. Even as he bent to look at trophies, I was checking out his butts. I knew he had a juicy one, and my cock was stirring. I was imagining him naked, the way I saw him before in the shower.

Colby spent almost an hour at my place, the last few moments were of him begging and pleading to touch my groin. I kept a firm 'no'. He even tried to bargain a price with me, promising to let me know the closet gays in the school.

'What about me? Am I a closet gay?' I asked Colby, wondering if I would be in his list.

'You? No way...' Colby answered. 'You are with Lori, and the whole school knew how you two fucked each other's brains out.'

Colby flopped down on my bed, with his feet on the ground.

'What we had was just a moment of sex-relief. You needed someone to jerk you off, and I was there,' he added. 'Nope, you are not,' said Colby as he shifted his body, resting on one side, while his hand supported his head as he looked at me.

I felt relief my secret was still safe. I nodded my head, pretending to agree with him.

After a few more begs, Colby left, by trying to bribe me with names again. I shook my head, pretending to be uninterested, although my cock was rocking hard, watching his lips. Thank goodness for loose Bermuda.

On Wednesday, Tony spiked Donna's ex-boyfriend's drink with Viagra. Tony had stolen a few pills from his stepdad's cabinet. Tony heard that Bob, Donna's ex, treated her like a jerk, and so, in the spirit of proving his love for her, he threw two-mashed-ones down Bob's drink.

An hour later, Donna, Tony and I laughed as we watched Bob adjusting himself in his seat as he grew uncomfortable in the classroom. Only the three of us knew. Of course eventually, the rest noticed his obvious hard-on in class, but they took it as he was being horny as usual.

I skipped the swim practice that day, which caused Colby to come over to my place again. He came over after the practice to check on me but I was going out at that time. As we both walked out of my house, I saw Jake. He had seen Colby with me, and instead of approaching me, he turned away. I did not know whether to chase after him but had decided that it was a little too late of him to show his concern.

Deep inside I wanted to chase him and asked him the reason he stayed away all this time. But I had decided something in me was dying. I could not afford another heartbreak, as I knew I still liked Jake very much.

When the last day of the week came, I was relieved to have another 2 days to myself. I needed the getaway. Being alone was painful, but to see Jake each day and knew that I could not have him, it was more painful. I wanted to break free.

During recess, I was asked by the principal to assist my coach to complete a list of the school's game equipment. The coach was behind his schedule and the list was to be completed for state report on Saturday. That meant I could skip classes. Of course I jumped at the offer.

I was given my share of list to be completed. It took me nearly an hour, before I handed in mine.

I was making my way back to the class, when I bumped into Tony who was on his way back from the toilet. The corridor was empty. On seeing me, Tony pulled me aside. I turned to face him as we stood under the school's staircase.

'Guess what?' he asked me. He had that naughty smirk in his face.

'What?' I whispered back, surprised at the sudden secrecy.

'You know, Donna told me that Christian boy was being a jerk to you,' Tony said as his eyes looked around to see if there was anyone coming.

'She told you that?' My voice was raised in a surprise. Sure, I felt Jake was a jerk for ignoring me, but that was between Jake and I. No one else was supposed to accuse him that way.

'He's not,' I voiced, in defense of Jake.

'Oh...,' Tony made a pause in his words. 'Oh well... too late now, I guess..' Tony said before he broke into a small laughter.

'Too late? For what?' I was eager to know.

'Well... remember Bob?' Tony said before pausing to see if I caught his hint.

I was showing my puzzle face. Did Bob think Jake was the one who had spiked the drink? Did Bob hurt Jake?

'Hmmm...' Tony hummed, giving up on waiting for my reaction. He brought his lips closer to my right ear as he whispered, 'Donna and I spiked Jake's drink with viagra...'

Tony broke into laughter, a little too loud.

I was too stunned to react.

'YOU TWO WHAT?!' I almost screamed. Loud enough to suddenly put fear in the two of us that teachers would hear us.

'Oh.. you're no fun!' Tony pushed me off, as he walked away.

'Wait!' I called out to him. 'Is he ok?' I was worried. I could not imagine Jake going through what Bob had gone through, two days ago.

'I don't know,' Tony answered, as he turned around, walking backwards as he spoke to me. 'He disappeared from class 15 minutes ago.'

All my mind could think of was poor Jake. I imagined how difficult the situation would be for him. Jake never masturbated himself. And with the viagra effect, this would be very uncomfortable for him. He was not used to such an idea. If there was any sexual act by Jake, it was provoked by me so far. That guy never even used his hands to relief himself, for the fear of sin. My mind imagined the worst, that Jake was in agony, in pain.

I ran as fast as I could. To anywhere I could imagine he would be.

I ran to male toilet. No one was there.

I ran to the locker room. Only coach was there, counting the number of bats and gloves.

I ran to the nursing room, but I knew Jake would not go to such a place. He would be too shy to do so.

I ran to the school hall. It was empty.

I was lost. I did not know where else to go to. As I panted for breath, standing outside the hall, thinking of places Jake could go to, I realised there was still one place to check.

I dashed back into the hall, and ran to the backstage. I jumped on every second step of the narrow, spiral staircase, to find myself facing the a narrow, dark corridor. There was a unisex toilet at the end of the corridor. Weak light was escaping from the gap beneath the toilet door.

I was sweating, but I could not care less about it making me sticky. My mind was on Jake. I needed to know he was alright.

When I turned the knob and pushed the door open, I saw Jake.

The toilet was a small one, stuffy and litted by a dim light. It was usually used only when the hall was booked for events. The sink and mirror were to the left of where I was standing. On my right, it was 2 tiny stalls, one with a broken door.

Jake was sitting on the floor against the wall, exactly opposite where I was standing. His knees were raised up, pressed against his body. His arms were wrapped tight, around his thighs. He was shivering.

Jake had looked up when he heard the door opened. I found myself to be looking at a guy who looked so fragile and weak. I had seen Bob's reaction. I knew Jake would not be able to take the effect like Bob could. My heart felt sorry for Jake.

His eyes were still looking at mine. The moments were awkward as his eyes were like crying out for help from me. Like they were begging me to take him away from all this pain. I could not take it. I could never see the guy I was in love with to be in such agony.

I did not know what to do. But I knew Jake would not want anyone else to find him this way. No one would come to this area when the hall was not in use, but just to reassure Jake that I understood his wish to remain undiscovered, I shut the door.

I flicked the light off.

'The light could be seen from outside,' I told him as I walked closer to him. With the light off, the toilet depended whatever little light that sneaked in through the small window. The room turned dimmer.

I squatted down in front of Jake.

I could see his eyes, watery. They were holding back the tears of the pain he was having from the hard-on he'd got from the viagra effect. His thighs were shivering and I could see he was trying hard to suppress his agony.

I placed my right hand on his kneecap.

'Silly you,' I said. My voice was weak. My heart ached to see him that way. 'Why don't you just jerk it off?'

Jake did not answer. He continued to stare weakly at me. But I knew he was glad I was there with him. His faint smile told me. But my question was redundant. I knew he would not touch himself sexually. He had never initiated any sexual act before our sexual encounters, and I doubted that he would changed that.

'Let me see...' I told him as I brushed his messy hair. I was not sure if he would allow me to, or not. But then, he loosened his grip around his thighs. I used both hands to part his knees. His hands fell onto the floor, as his legs opened wider for me.

There, in the pale light, I could see the outline of his cock, straining hard in his jeans. It was pointing to the right and was thick enough to show me that he was really hard down there.

'Are you ok?' I asked, as my eyes moved up, to look at him. His eyes just looked down sadly at his crotch. Even in this state, his handsome face continued to steal my heart away. But this time, at least my heart was not aching. I was with my Jake.

It was a stupid question. I knew he was not. Jake was trying hard to hold back, to fight the temptation of masturbating, something he was not used to.

I hesitated. I wondered if he would let me touch him. Since that Sunday sermon, I never knew how much things would change between he and I.

I reached out and cupped his hard-on. Jake did not move away. He just let me do it. My fingers ran along the outline of his thick cock. I felt the cock jerked. Oh, how much I longed for his cock.

Jake shifted his ass. The hardening cock was making his sitting uncomfortable. I removed my hand away and patted his kneecap. I wished I could tell him that he would be alright, just to calm him down, but that would be a lie. Jake was still shivering. His hands made fists as he struggled to hold back the pressure.

'Come, let me help you up,' I told Jake as he shifted again, to find another more comfortable position.

Jake looked at me as I stood up and brushed the dust off my back. I offered my hand and after a short pause, he gave me his. He must had sat down for quite some time, that his knees were weak. His body was still aching from the hard-on.

As I pulled him up, suddenly it seemed as if all the heartaches of missing him came together in one moment. I pulled him close to me as I slipped my arms under his and hugged him tight. I could feel the warmness of his hard body as I held him close. I did not care if he did not hug back. I longed for Jake.

He just stood there, without any reaction at first. Then, I felt his arms rising as he enclosed them around my shoulders. His body was still trembling. I heard him mumbling something.

I pulled back, and looked at him in his face.

'What?' I asked softly.

'I miss you,' Jake repeated, in a sad tone.

If I blinked my eyes then, I swore tears would run down my cheeks. I needed to know what Jake had just said. I wanted to hear that. Jake saw my watery eyes. He pulled me close into his arms again.

He held me in his arms for what I could feel like eternity. I prayed the feeling would never end. I prayed it would always stay like that. But Jake was panting harder. His hard-on was getting to him.

I released my hug and lowered my hands to his groin. Even when we were hugged close together by his arms, I could easily slip my hands in between our groins and feel his hard cock, still trapped inside his jeans. As I massaged his cock a few times, he groaned.

I felt his arms letting me go. He pushed his body back, as his eyes looked down at my hand caressing his hard dick. His hands moved down too, to join mine, as they unbuckled my belt.

Before I could say anything, my jeans' buttons were yanked open by his strong, but shivering hands. Jake turned my whole body and pushed me into the stall. My jeans were slipping down my thighs.

Jake locked the stall, which managed to contain both of us just nicely. I was forced to bend forward, and pressed on the wall with my palms for support. In another yank down, I felt my jeans fell all the way to my ankle. My brief came down next.

I heard Jake unbuckling his belt, followed by the sound of his zip torn open. His left hand was placed on my hip, guiding my exposed ass to move back. My asscrack felt the tip of the too familiar cockhead. It was wet with pre-cum.

'Just let me do this...' I heard Jake whispered in a slight trembling voice.

I was not going to say no. I longed for his big cock.

His cockhead found my assring, and pushing him slightly into position, Jake thrust himself hard into me. The cockhead was moist enough, to make the mushroom head slippery, breaking the ring, and entered in one hard push. I growled. Jake groaned, as if a great weight was about to be lifted away from him.

'Hold still..' he whispered as my knees went trembling as my asshole tried to swallow his thick shaft in. His another hand held on to my hip as well, and together, he pulled my hips back, breaking in deeper into me. I felt the stretch and pain. It was too much pleasure for me. More groans were uttered, by us at the same time.

Jake retracted a bit, and then slammed in more. The pain was an ecstasy. I yelped. Jake's thick shaft felt warmer as the viagra was still having its effect on Jake's hormone.

He began the tempo of fucking my ass, at first gently and then picked up the speed as he lost his patience. His dick slipped in deeper and deeper, but before I could feel him all the way in, I felt his cockhead expanded. I felt violent shots of cum inside me, filling me up. Jake's body jerked so violently, that he fell onto my body for support. He hugged me tight and tighter as his hips jerked, as his dick shot more cum inside me. He was panting hard.

My hands pressed even harder on the wall for support. I just let Jake rested on my back, as body started to tremble less. His stiff cock was still stuffing my ass.

He held me in that position for a while. None of us said anything, but I knew he was feeling better. But viagra effect would not just die away with one ejaculation. I felt his hips rocking again, thrusting his cum-soaked big dick in and out of me.

It was less painful the second round. His thick cum had eased the slide of his cock in my anus. Jake took it slow this time. As he pressed his body onto my back, he raised his hips gently, and then slid his cock back into me. He worked his way, until all his 9-inch entered deep in my ass. My asscheeks could feel his pubic hair, tickling me.

So, there we were, only the two of us in the isolated toilet, still dressed in our shirts, but our pants way down our ankles. Jake continued to fuck me in my ass.

I loved every part of Jake. I would not mind if he was going to take forever with this. My whole 'me' was for him.

'Leo?' I heard him mumbled.

'Yes?' I said, with a choke in my voice.

There was no answer. It was quiet. We could only hear our own breathing, as he continued grinding gently his hard cock into me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Jake could not bring himself to ask me. I knew what it was. I wanted that, too.

'Stay at my place tonight, Jake,' I told him. 'Will that be alright?'

By asking him that, it was as if I had taken a heavy burden off him from having to ask me. His head rested on my back, as he continued his thrust. He let out soft moans of joy. His arms hugged my waist, tight. He did not have to answer. I knew it was a yes. My heart lept with joy.

At last, Jake would be mine again, that night.

THE END Date: 3 Apr 2002

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