Straight Intoxication

By moc.oohay@4837nikanA

Published on Dec 20, 2005


Hey again to everyone. I just wanted to thank you all for responding to this story. Hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Chappter 2 Confessions

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I couldn't get him off my mind and I know I wouldn't be able to for the rest of the day. Just thinking about him got me hard. His brown eyes, well defined chest, his cut six pack, and that light treasure trail that led to something that I have been longing. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself `Can you do it today? Can you talk to him and get everything out?'

I hope so.

I finished getting dressed and headed out the door and went to work.

Throughout most of the day I kept toughing myself because I had this hard on that just wouldn't go away. The only thing that saved me was my desk. I knew I had to take care of it soon so I got up and went to the bathroom. I locked the stall and pulled down my boxers and dress pants. I felt all over my chest and stomach as I pictured him. I wanted him to be here with me, touching me and kissing me. I started to stroke my dick slowly at first as now my left hand started to rub my balls. I could feel him now just licking my nipples and chest going down my abs. I started to stroke a little faster. Then he went back up and started kissing me and his hand started to stroke my dick. Now I'm close. Gosh I want him so bad. I could feel myself about to explode.


The door swung open. `Why couldn't they wait just a little longer?' I thought to myself. I waited until the person was done. Once he walked out I started to stroke it once again and now I knew I had to hurry up. How long have I been away from my desk? Oh I could feel it now. Then it happened. I shot load after load into the toilet. Gosh that was great. I cleaned up and went back to my desk.

5 O' Clock^Å Time to go to practice.

Practice came and went by super fast. And now it was time. I was so nervous. What am I going to say to him anyways? What else is there to ask? What was that dream all about? Am I rushing things? But that conversation we had on the internet was just to smooth. Do all straight guys respond to gay guys like that when they confess their love to them? Love^Å Ha that word has to be the most confusing ^Ö

"Alex can I talk to you when you get a chance?" a voice said from behind. It was him. I turned around and he was wearing this tight black tank top that was drenched in sweat and white basketball shorts. He looked great.

"Sure want to talk now?"

"Yeah but not here, not in front of anyone," he said.

"You want me to take you home today? That way we could talk in the car. What do you think?"

"Yeah that'll be fine. Let me get my trumpet."

He turned around and walked away. His ass looked great. What did he want to talk to me about?

I waited for him in the car as he said his good-byes. Once we started driving things got quiet. I knew this was going to happen.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Alex I've been thinking about you ever since the letter. What you wrote was just amazing and after that conversation online^Å I know it's hard to talk to me about these things and I'm sorry. I seriously am. I wish there was something I could do but I don't think there is. I'm sorry."

"It's okay^Å we're still friends." What the fuck did I just say? Don't hold back Alex just tell him everything. We're already close to his house. "Andy?"


"Nothing's going to change between us so don't worry. Well we're here so I guess this is good night?" I can't. He looks at me and I look at him. Look at those eyes.

"Alright then^Å Good night."

He stepped out of the car and I waited for him to go inside. I always do. He waved assuring that he got in and I drove of, my mind bitching at myself for being so damn afraid. I got home and checked my E-mails and saw that there was a fraternity party this upcoming Friday. I hurried and checked the list to see if Andy was going to go. He was.

I got there about an hour late. Damn traffic. Once I got in the house though it smelled like beer and pizza, your basic college needs. I said my hellos to all my brothers and then I walked round and mingled. Where was he?' Then he walked through the door. I guess I wasn't the only one late. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a screened tee that said I'm a keeper.' He looked funny. Then behind him walked this girl. Damn he brought a date. Oh wait there's Danny. The girl turned around and grabbed Danny's hand. Yes! He came alone!

"Hey Andy"


He said his hellos and mingled for a while. About an hour later and six beers he was a little drunk. I on the other hand had gotten alcohol poisoning about a month ago a still was a little afraid to drink and get sick again.

"Hey Alex^Å Did I ever tell you you're a great guy?" he said to me from across the room.

"Um^Å okay?" I answered back and walked to him before he said anything that could ruin the night.

"Come here and give me a hug"

Great, what am I suppose to do now? In front of all these people? Well they all know me so why not right? I gave him a short manly hug and he looked at me.

"Can we talk really quick?" he asked. I could smell the beer on his breath.


We walked outside and started to go around the block and I asked what he needed to tell me.

"Alex, when I received that letter and I talked to you that night I lied. I got scared when I read that letter because I knew that everything was going to change and here we are acting different to each other. Alex I need to tell you the truth."

Great what is he going to say now that's probably going to hurt like hell. This has to be the beer talking.

He continued, "Alex I know I'm a little drunk and that's probably why I'm going through with this but I just wanted to say that maybe I do want to give this a shot and try this out."

WTF? He's totally drunk! He's gone mad! This can't be my best friend!

"Andy do you know what you're saying right now, do you understand what might happen?"

"Yea^Å but I want to try and work this out Alex. I guess I have to confess a few things too. When I was smaller I had this neighbor which I use to fool around with and one day my dad caught us and he screamed and yelled at me and told me I was going to hell. So this scared me for a couple of years and I decided I wanted to hide that side of me. But I'm done Alex; I'm done hiding myself to everyone and hurting myself in the process. I just can't take this anymore."

Wow, the giant fell, the building crumbled, here he is, my dreamer, crying and confessing his darkest secrets to me. What do I say? What can I say to someone so hurt and confused? Nothing.

I hugged him then like I've never hugged someone in my life. I cried as well that night along with him. I tried with all my might to transfer the pain that he was experience to me. I guess I wanted to be a superhero. I looked into his brown, now red, watery eyes and he leaned forward and kissed me. I could taste his tears that had run down to his lips. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I finally kissed those lips that I desired so.

"Alex, thank you for everything." He said.

We kissed once more that night. And then I took him home. Gosh I'm scared now of the obstacles to come.

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