Straight Housemates Fool Around

By T H

Published on Sep 29, 2022



Straight housemates fool around

By MxAussie

For Thad

"Fuckin' keys," swore Rhod under his breath. They were in his backpack somewhere. He rifled though it on his front step, pushing aside his towel, water bottle, his football boots and socks, somewhere under all this shit was his house-keys, the search made all the harder by the football tucked under one arm and the desperate signals coming from his bladder.

"Fuck, come on, I gotta piss!" he urged himself. "Shoulda done it at the pub..." Finally, he heard the jangle, his fingertips brushed metal, and triumphantly he pulled them out.

"Come on, come on!" he fumbled as he searched for the right key, trying his hardest not to just piss himself then and there on the steps. He found the right one, jammed it in the lock and turned, and burst into the house. He threw his stuff on the floor, ran down the hall to the bathroom and without bothering to closing the door, pulled his cock out and pissed like a race horse.

"Fuuuuhuhuhck," he laughed to himself as the relief took over. "Def thought I wasn't gonna make that," he thought. Rookie mistake. Sunday afternoon football followed by a couple of cheeky pints at the pub, not his first rodeo. Definitely should have taken two minutes to drain the lizard before heading back home.

For Rhod, 24 years old and just out of uni, home was a share-house, a boys den he shared with Sam, Thad and Perri for a little over a year now. Rhod loved living with the lads. The four of them were thick as thieves, and had created a bit of notoriety for being the best straight-boy party house in town. In reality though, their lives were pretty quiet, each of them doing their own thing during the day, coming home at night to hang out as mates, chat, share some food, watch a movie, and occasionally planning the next big house party to keep their wild boys reputation in tact.

And only he and Perri were actually straight. Sam was bi and Thad was gay, something else Rhod loved about living with his mates. Growing up, he'd never known any guys that weren't straight, at least none that were out at the time, and Rhod found the whole concept of two guys getting naked together fascinating, if he was honest with himself. He'd spent many nights up late after a few beers grilling his queer mates about what, exactly, two guys could do in bed. Surprised to find that it sounded kind of fun.

But he was straight as, a steady girlfriend, Cassie, whom he was pretty sure he was going to marry one day. Still, he loved his dick, his best pal ever since he was 13 and discovered how good it felt to rub a load out. He'd never really stopped. And he couldn't deny there was something about watching another guy jerk it. Or maybe, something about another guy watching him while he jerked off. It'd never happened. But sometimes, when he was alone at night and too horned up to ignore his dick, he'd bust a load thinking about being watched by a guy. Something he'd never told anyone.

His dwindling piss stream brought Rhod back to reality. "Fuck mate, you think about dick all the time lately," he laughed to himself. He shook the last few drips off his uncut cock, flushed. He went to tuck it back into his shorts but figured, gotta have a shower anyway, so slipped his shorts down off instead, pulled his shirt over his head, turned the shower on, naked apart from his sneakers.

He went to close the bathroom door, and hesitated.

He didn't really understand why. It was new, but it wasn't the first time he'd showered with the door open. Never when his housemates were home. He wasn't crazy. But there was something that had come out of nowhere the last few weeks, something kind of hot about knowing he might be caught by one of the lads, naked. He didn't really care who.

He knew that Sam and Thad were away for the weekend, and Perri was working late, so he had the house to himself. He boned up a little and thought, fuck it. He left the door open.

While he waited for the water to heat up, he caught his reflection in the mirror. Though he'd never admit it to his mates, he was proud of how he looked. Gym most days, football every weekend, was careful how he ate, and aside from a couple of beers at the pub every now and then or their occasional party blow out, he didn't really have any vices. And it showed. Lean waisted but broad muscles in his chest, covered by a strong mat of ginger hair that ran down to a thin line dividing his ripped stomach, ending in a thick bush above his cock, hanging between muscled thighs. He flexed a little, looking at his biceps pop.

"You vain bastard," he chuckled to himself. Didn't hurt to be proud though he told himself, he worked hard to look good.

Rhod kicked off his sneakers and socks and got under the shower. It felt good to have the hot water run over his body, still warm and muddy from football earlier. He soaped up and lathered down his body, and couldn't resist spending extra time soaping up his cock. Meaty, milk white, a dark blue vein pulsing down from his uncut tip, disappearing under his thick red bush of pubes, underslung by low-hanging nuts. A solid 7 inches when hard. He'd measured. And rapidly getting boned.

He looked up from his cock to the open bathroom door, unable to shake the hot, thick feeling of desire in his stomach, fantasising about one of his housemates standing there, watching him. He started running one hand slowly up and down his boned-up dick, fist wrapped around his shaft, deliberately making his foreskin slide slowly up and down his cockhead. The soap ran down his body in rivulets, watery white streams, not that different from the loads of cum he busted over himself most nights when he wasn't with Cassie. He closed his eyes and leaned against the shower wall, fantasizing.

But he wasn't thinking about Cassie. He was thinking about someone else's hand on his cock. Someone else's mouth maybe. Or more. One of the boys. Fuck he wanted them to see him right now so bad. He moaned a little, couldn't help himself. He took his time. No rush. Felt wave after wave of pleasure pulse from his dick into his body, slowly feeling the load of hot spunk brewing in his heavy nuts. Felt like it was gonna be a thick one.

A sudden noise snapped him out of his reverie. The fridge opening. One of his housemates was home. Perri. Must have got home from work early. Fuck.

He could hear his housemate fucking around in the kitchen, cupboard doors opening and slamming, the tap running, and suddenly Rhod chickened out. What the fuck was he thinking? Imagine if Perri caught him jerking off with the bathroom door opened? He'd never hear the end of it. At best, Perri would think it was fucking hilarious and tell everyone and anyone who'd listen. But he could also freak out. Perri was as straight as he was, no way he'd get turned on by it.

Rhod quickly washed the soap from his body, turned the shower off, and quietly as he dared, closed the bathroom door before Perri walked down the hall.

"Fuck mate," Rhod thought, as he towelled off. That was a close one. He laughed a little at himself: when guys are horny, they don't think straight. All his mates knew that.

When he'd dried off, he realised he had another problem: he had no change of clothes, and he had to walk through the kitchen to get to his bedroom. All with dick that stubbornly refused to go down past a semi despite the close call. He'd been in the bathroom now too long, Perri would start wondering what the fuck he was up to.

"Fuck it," he said to himself, and pulled his football shorts back on, commando. The outline of his semi was pretty obvious, but if he just went straight through the kitchen, say a quick hey on the way through, and got into his room, he could safely deal with his dick in private, and his mate wouldn't know shit about it.

Fuck, having a dick got you in trouble sometimes, Rhod laughed to himself.

He had a last minute mirror check: yeah sure it was obvious he was half-boned, but he'd be quick.

Rhod opened the door, walked down the hall and casual as fuck, walked into the kitchen, dirty clothes under one arm. Sure enough, Perri was there.

Good-looking, darked-skinned, broad shoulders, athletic body under a loose black tank top and light grey track pants, his curly hair pulled up in a top knot like always. All of the lads liked a work-out but only Perri came close to Rhod for sheer athleticism. Rhod could bench press more, but Perri could do a backflip, which frankly was more impressive than Rhod's weight stats at parties. It was how Perri pulled chicks, and rarely failed. The boys joked that Perri's smile got a girl's eye, his arms got their attention, and the backflip got them naked.

But fuck. Perri was at the bench, making a sandwich, blocking exactly where Rhod needed to walk through to get to his room. He'd have to make conversation.

"Hey! Perri mate!" Rhod chirped, a little too enthusiastic, "you alright?"

"Rhod, hey mate," Perri replied, half looking over his shoulder. "Good man, yeah. Just making a sandwich."

"Yeah I can see that mate," quipped Rhod. "My eyes still work."

Perri laughed. "Can never be too careful with you mate, you are the house himbo after all."

"Sure, yeah mate," replied Rhod, started walking through. "I just gotta go through, get dressed..."

"Oh yeah, football. How was football?" Perri turned round now, started eating his sandwich off his plate, still standing right where Rhod needed to go. Godfuckingdammit.

"It was a draw mate, one all, good game, had some beers at the Lady Grey with the boys after." Rhod subtly moved his handful of dirty clothes down to his crotch, trying to conceal his semi that for some reason was now trying its hardest to go back to being a full-blown hard-on.

"Oh yeah nice, sounds fun," Perri said, mouthful of sandwich. "Was Micky there?"

"Yeah Micky was there, he said to say hi." Micky said nothing like that, Rhod just wanted the conversation to be over so he could get out of the kitchen before Perri noticed the tent he was pitching. 
But Perri seemed oblivious, and kept chatting on, Rhod just offering a "uhuh," and "yeah mate," every now and then, psychically willing Perri to get the fuck out of the way or for his dick to calm the fuck down.

But Rhod found he couldn't stop starting at Perri's arms. His biceps, flexing every time Perri lifted up his plate to eat that bloody sandwich. Rhod's dick was now back to being its full 7 inch fuckstick, straining against the flimsy fabric of his football shorts. He pressed his bundle of socks, undies and t shirt against his crotch, feeling like they barely covered his raging boner.

"So work canceled my shift last minute, I got the afternoon off, pretty sweet yeah?" Perri said, finishing off the last bite of his sandwich. Thank Christ, Rhod thought.

"Oh sweet, what did you get up to?"

"Uh... I was just... in my room. Fucking round."

There was a moment. Perri made eye contact with Rhod, and then looked away. The air in the room suddenly got really thick. And Rhod realised two things.

One, Perri had been home this whole time. In his room. Down the hall from the bathroom. The bathroom he would have had to had walked past to get into the kitchen. The bathroom that Rhod had been naked, jerking off in, for a solid ten, fifteen minutes. Perri absolutely saw him.

Two, Perri was rock hard too.

Rhod realised he could see the outline of his mate's cock through his track pants. Perri had obviously tucked his boner into the waist elastic. This whole fucking time he'd been standing there, cool as ice, bricked up as fuck.

Rhod felt the thick, syrupy feeling of lust starting to build in his nuts again, working its way up into his stomach and into his dick, which felt so hard he could feel it throb pressed against his body. His housemate had a fuckn boner for him. Fuck yeah.

"Oh yeah? Fucking around doing what?" Rhod grinned, looking Perri right in the eye. If he was wrong, he'd get an innocent answer, the conversation would be over, and Rhod would finally get into his room. But if he was right...

"Uhh... I mean, you know mate," Perri laughed awkwardly, locked eyes with Rhod.

That was it. Moment of truth. Rhod took a breath. And dropped his hands away from his crotch. His rock hard cock pointed straight out, tenting something fierce under his shorts.

"Yeah I think I know mate," replied Rhod. Perri stared at Rhod's crotch, mouth a little open, then back at Rhod. He didn't say anything. "Go on, show us," smirked Rhod.

Perri chuckled nervously.

"Fuck mate, I..." he trailed off, crossing his arms over his body.

"You show me yours mate, and I'll show you mine." said Rhod. Perri didn't say anything. "Again."

At this, Perri looked up, guilty. Rhod smirked. He watched as his housemate dropped one hand down to his waist, and started nervously fiddling with the elastic.

"Just a quick look," said Perri. "And don't tell anyone. Especially the lads." Rhod's mouth was dry, his heart was pounding.

"Only if you want, mate." he replied.

Perri didn't say anything. Instead, he pulled the elastic down from his tracks. His meat, rock hard, sprung downwards and out, a thin line of precum strung between Perri's stomach and his cut cock. First thing Rhod thought was, "fuck, that's thick," and it was, easily half as thick again as Rhod's own cock. A rose pink mushroom head glistening with slick precum, contrasting boldly at the tip of a coke-can thick dark dick, pointing out almost perpendicular from Perri's body, under a black bush of tight curly pubes and a tight pair of nuts. Shaved.

Rhod couldn't help himself. "Fuuuuck mate," he breathed out.

Then, quickly as it came out, Perri's dick was back in his tracks, tucked under the waist band again.

"Okay, you seen it now," Perri said with a nervous laugh. "Show us yours."

"Ha mate," laughed Rhod. "Doesn't really seem fair, you got a show and I only got a glimpse."

Perri laughed now. "Nah mate, you just said I had to show you. That's it. I showed you, now you show me."

"Fuck," chuckled Rhod. "Only `cause you're my mate."

Rhod snapped his shorts down under his low hanging nuts, almost feeling relief at having his dick out in the open instead of pressing hard against his shorts. The tip of his cock was just visible under his foreskin, a thin film of precum clearly visible over his slit.

Perri stared.

"I've never seen an uncut dick before. Not hard. Not in real life." He said.

Rhod playfully swung his hips a little, making his dick swing side to side, slapping against his skin.

"You like it mate?" he asked. Perri grinned, a combination of awkward, nervous, and sheer fucking horny.

"Uh... I mean, yeah, sure," he answered, not taking his eyes off Rhod's dick.

Rhod ran one hand along its length, pressing hard against the base of his dick, making the veins in his already throbbing cock stand out even more.

"You want to feel it, mate?" Rhod asked. He took a step towards Perri, close enough that all his housemate had to do was reach out and touch it. Perri lifted one hand, but as soon as he did, Rhod pulled away and laughed again.

"Nah mate, fairs fair. You wanna touch it, I gotta see yours at least."

Perri looked conflicted. Rhod said: "how bad you want to touch it, mate?"

His house mate swallowed, then once again, pulled his thick wet cock out of his tracks.

"Attaboy mate," smirked Rhod. "Go on then. Feel it all you want."

Despite his bravado, Rhod was nervous as fuck. His mouth was dry and his heart was pounding. Lust had taken him completely over. Perri reached out his hand, wrapped his fingers around Rhod's shaft, and started slowly stroking his housemates cock.

The feeling on Rhod was electric. All he could think was "no fucking way, no fucking way this is happening." But it was. Bolts of pure pleasure ran from his cock into his body, and involuntarily Rhod's head fell backwards, his knees buckled a little.

"Fuuuuuuckkkkk," he moaned out loud.

Encouraged, Perri started stroking with longer strokes, watching Rhod's foreskin slide up and down easily over his slicked up cockhead. Rhod couldn't help but moan louder.

"Fuuuck mate, awww fuck, yeah," came the moans, breathlessly. Seemingly without thinking about it, Perri's other hand moved to his own cock, and he started stroking his thick 6 incher in time with the strokes on his mate's dick.

Rhod watched him as Perri's arm muscles slid up and down with each cum-building stroke. His housemate's biceps bulging out, the muscles in his forearm slipping under his skin, down to the strong hands wrapped around his cock, Perri's dark fingers contrasting with Rhod's white cock and thick ginger pubes. Without thinking about it, Rhod started running his hand over his hairy chest, rubbing his nipples on the tips of his defined pec muscles.

"Take your shirt off," said Rhod.

Perri looked at him for a second, and then just slid it off. Underneath was a body Rhod had seen dozens of times before, but never like this. Perri was an athlete, through and through. Broad shoulders, broader than Rhod's, strong chest, and a flat stomach. Unlike Rhod, Perri was almost hairless except for a dark thin trail that started around his navel before blossoming into the thick bush that crowned his mouth-watering dick.

Perri tossed his shirt to one side, and went straight back to stroking Rhod's cock.

"Fuck," thought Rhod. "He really wants my dick."

The thought spurred Rhod to new heights of greed for Perri. Wordlessly, he reached out and grabbed Perri's cock. Perri's expression went to instant surprise, followed closely by sheer lust, the look of a guy who couldn't stop what was happening even if he wanted it.

"Awwwwww fuuuuuck....!" moaned Perri. "Fuuuuck me, fuuuuck..." Rhod felt Perri's grip on his cock get harder, the strokes start coming a little faster.

"Feel good, mate?" asked Rhod with a grin.

"Uhuh... fuuuck..." replied Perri, barely able to speak.

Rhod reached out and started running his other hand over Perri's chest. Feeling the muscles flex and flow with his mate's strokes. He ran his hand over Perri's nipple, and down his stomach. A thin sheen of sweat covered Perri's skin.

"You ever stroked a guy's dick before?" asked Rhod.

"Nah... never..." came the breathless reply from Perri. "You?"

"Nah mate." said Rhod.

"Feels good, right?" asked Perri.

"Mate, feels like nothing I ever felt before," replied Rhod.

The two mates stood in the kitchen, pants halfway off, too engrossed in their circle jerk to give a fuck about anything except the pleasure they were giving each other. Sometimes Rhod would spit in his hand and slide it up and down Perri's cut mushroom head: he knew enough from late night dirty talk to know that cut guys liked that. Perri for his part, couldn't stop fucking around with his housemate's foreskin. No chick had ever done that to Rhod, and he couldn't believe how good it felt.

Minutes went by, neither lad could say how long. Neither of them wanted to stop. And neither of them really noticed how close Perri had moved to Rhod, til they were standing hip by hip, both their cocks almost touching.

Until Perri pulled Rhod in close enough to start rubbing the underside of Rhod's cockhead against his own.

Both guys moaned out loud.

"Fuuuuuck mate, that's so hot," moaned Rhod thickly.

Perri didn't say anything. Instead he pushed Rhod's hand off his cock, then put both dicks in his hand, pressed hard against each other, and started stroking them up and down.

Rhod could feel the heat of Perri's thick wet dick against his own. It felt so hot it should burn, but it didn't; it just felt like the most amazing, fucking hottest thing he'd ever felt in his life.

"So fucking hot watching you stroke your dick mate," breathed Perri. "I was watching you for ages. Couldn't help myself. Surprised you didn't see me."

"Yeah?" Rhod could barely speak. "Yeah mate. I pulled my dick out and watched as long as I could."

"Fuuuuuck," moaned Rhod.

Perri leaned right into Rhod's ear: "I fuckn busted a load there in the hall mate. Watching you. Still drying on my stomach."

Rhod was reduced to a wordless mess, just moaning over and over again with each stroke his housemate gave both their cocks. Rhod put one muscled arm around his housemate's neck, resting his forehead against Perri's, both of them unable to take their eyes off their cocks. Perri started bucking his hips, his moans got higher and louder, and then, without any warning, a thick, white jet of cum shot straight up in the air, hitting Rhod on his chin. A second thick wad sprayed out harder than the first, catching Perri on his cheek, almost in his eye, the third arcing up and hitting Rhod on his chest.

That was it for Rhod. He'd felt his load building rapidly ever since Perri had started rubbing their cocks together: feeling his housemate's hot load dripping down his body pushed him over the edge.

"FuuuuUUUUUUCK!!" shouted Rhod, and a huge spray of nut shot hard out of his slit, and landed thickly right on Perri's upper lip. Heavy wads of white cum kept spraying out, shooting over Perri's chest, then, stomach, then cock, where his housemate's load was still thickly spurting out and running down the side of his thick fuckmeat.

Rhod's knees were weak, Perri didn't stop stroking, Rhod had no idea he could cum that much. He watched as Perri ran his wet tongue over his lip, getting all of Rhod's thick white nut in his mouth.

"Aw fuck, fuck mate," said Perri, eyes wild with lust, and before Rhod knew what was happening his housemate was on his knees, his mouth swooping over Rhod's cock, desperately milking every drop of nut from Rhod's balls directly into Perri's mouth.

"UUGH!" Rhod moaned, snapping his head back in shock, before giving in, Perri's head running greedily up and down Rhod's shaft. Rhod kept pumping the remains of his load into his housemate's hot wet mouth. It felt better than any bj he'd ever had, like he was gonna cum all night.

Finally though, the waves began to subside. Rhod could feel Perri's cum dripping off his chin and down into Perri's hair, where his housemate had pulled Rhod's dick out of his mouth and was now licking the rest of his load off his nuts. With every dart of Perri's tongue, Rhod shuddered. He'd never cum so hard in his life.

Perri was the first to speak. "Haha, fuck man," he said, looking up at Rhod. "Dunno what came over me."

Rhod grinned evilly. "I know what came over you. Me."

Perri laughed, a real genuine laugh.

"Yeah I guess you did, mate." He stood up, and they took each other in. Both their dicks hung wet, semi from their bodies, each absently stroking the other's cock, still enjoying the feelings they could make in the other.

"So the truth now," Perri said. "Did you want me to catch you jacking it? Before? In the shower?"

Rhod blushed at the direct question.

"You fucking did, you sneaky fuck!" Perri laughed.

"So yeah, what if I did?" laughed back Rhod.

"Nothing mate," replied Perri. "I'm just surprised I caught you doing it. I've been doing it for a month but you're too clueless to notice."

Rhod stared. Then laughed.

"No fucking way!"

"How bout next time we just ask each other for a hand, right?" grinned Perri.

"You got it mate" grinned back Rhod.

"Guess you best shower off again Rhod mate, you're covered." said Perri, finally letting go of Rhod's cock.

"Ha yeah I guess... you wanna join me?" Rhod replied wickedly. He felt Perri's dick start getting hard all over again before he'd barely finished the sentence.

"Thought you'd never ask mate."

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