Straight Guy

By Ross Murphy

Published on Jun 17, 2004


Well, thanks for the support everyone, Sorry it took so long to finish this chapter. I've been busy with work n stuff. This chapter doesn't have much sex in it, but it does have a lot of tension. As usual the story is real and the characters are real also. If you are not a consenting adult or male to male adult sex offends you, then please hit your back button now.

As always comments are appreciated

Straight Guy chapter 4

I woke up with Stuart's hand on my dick. He was snuggled right up to me and I could feel his hard dick against my arse. As I awoke I could feel the non mistaken rhythm of my foreskin being pulled back and forth. I let out a sigh and Stuart giggled. I tuned round to face him and he just smiled his big bright smile and said "thanks for last night".

He stretched and said "hey if I was with my Bird right now she'd being giving me some serious blow" I replied "what? you didn't get enough last night?, besides you said it was the best suck you'd ever had". "It was" he said "but just to be sure it wasn't a one off I'd like you to do it again" I didn't hesitate one little bit, in no time I had the covers off and was down on him like a shot. I teased him as I had done before with my tongue, but he wasn't the impatient guy he'd been the night previous, instead of thrusting like before he lay there like a lord with his hands behind his head saying "go on suck it boi".

I licked him furiously and took his length all the way down my throat, He was close to coming and suddenly lost his composure, he grabbed my head and fucked my mouth furiously, with a shudder he came, it wasn't as much as earlier but enough to taste. In typical straight male fashion I guess, he got up and without saying a word wandered off to the shower with his limp dick dangling between his legs. I heard the shower running and left him to it.

All the time I he was in the shower I thought about how the last 36 hours and turned out and smiled when I thought of the straight macho guy that was; and how he'd be when he returned home. After all there was still 24 hours to go. He emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped round him; all that was showing was his treasure trail, upper body and a pair of fine hairy legs. "I asked him why the towel stud." His reply was "OK you've had your fun so leave me alone!" "Excuse me? I've had the fun? Like it's been a nightmare for you right?" He just looked straight at me and shook his head. He gathered his clothes and left the room without as much as good bye.

I was stunned and speechless, I went to the shower and had a long hot steamy shower, I actually felt dirty, I felt guilty, I felt like a rapist or some kind of pervert, I couldn't believe what had just happened, it was almost like the scene out of "pretty woman" where he threw the money on the bed and walked out. Only this was different, I hadn't picked him up off the street and I certainly didn't try to buy him. As I soaked under the hot stream, I thought; had I forced him into this? What was this all about? I couldn't think straight nor could I hold back any longer, I called his room, no answer. So I called his mobile, he answered saying "look fuck off and leave me alone, haven't you done enough?" I was shaking and shivering standing in the room naked with water dripping, I was staring at the messed up untidy bed with stains in several places and I saw clothes strewn everywhere, some of which weren't even mine.

I saw the clocked showed 8.05 am and knew I had to get dressed fairly quick if I was to have any chance of having time to grab a lite bite before the course started. I got dressed and headed to Matt's room. There was no answer so I headed on down to the dining room and saw Matt sitting alone. I grabbed some juice and cereal and joined him. He looked fresh and really happy with himself. He greeted me with "hi sexy where's yer boyfriend, He still prettying himself up?" I just looked at him and could feel the tears fill my eyes. "Hey what's wrong? Asked Matt. I told him what had happened and his reply was simple. "That's a bulimic straight guy that wants to have his cake and eat it, and then the next day regrets what he's done and wants to throw it all up in yer face." Never a truer word I thought.

The conversation I had with Matt made me fell a whole lot better. He had seen this type of thing before.

There was still no sign of Stuart as we headed to the course, so we started off on our own. As we entered the room I could see the back of his head in the classroom and noticed he had moved his seat to be beside a young lady that was attending the course, as we entered the room he turned and said "hey guys, I thought you had overslept" I was fucking furious and gob smacked, Matt sensed this and sort of held me back from saying anything, all the time Stuart was smiling and actually winked at me. He was playing a game WI my head. All morning every time I looked at him he just smiled and winked at me. I was going to throw up I needed to go to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom, I looked in the mirror, my normal sallow complexion was pale and there were beads of sweat on my forehead and running down my face. As I leant over the basin, the door opened and who should walk in but Stuart. "Are you ok mate" he said. I looked at him through the mirror and shook my head in disgust. "Hey I was a bit fucked up this morning, it's just when I checked my phone I had several texts from my Bird from last night and this morning and one of them actually said hope your not having too much fun with Ross, and that freaked me" he said. "Well maybe you should tell her that I give a better blow job then" I retorted. "You Know I can't do that Ross" was his reply. "Ok then don't you ever, ever Make me feel like a cheep tart or fucking pervert again" He walked over and patted my bum, kissed my neck and see you back in class.

I tidied my self up and headed back, as I entered the room they were breaking for lunch, the tutor suggested only 30 mins break and we could be clear of the course by 3.00pm.

We decided to go to he centre café, all the way down Stuart was walking and laughing with his new `girl' friend and Matt was walking by my side. Matt was really concerned after my wellbeing, and the sort of guy that I would want for a boyfriend, he put his arm round me and said "you ok Babe" I was and I told him what had happened in the bathroom, Matt was shocked and said "well he's gonna hear me later", I smiled at him and thought what a cool guy.

Stuart ignored us completely throughout lunch, in fact everyone did, but it was almost as if everyone was looking at Matt and I and sneering at us. It didn't bother us; we were both out and proud to be gay. Matt was getting more and more agitated by the looks from the others and suddenly got up from the table and walked towards Stuart, My heart sank as I thought oh fuck here we go! He simply said "enjoy your cake Stu"? And walked on to the loo. What a man!!!

The course finished at 3.00pm and we headed back to the hotel. We had one night left together in the hotel and who knew what the future was going to hold.

Next: Chapter 5

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