Straight Guy

By Ross Murphy

Published on Jun 9, 2004


This is a true story which contains sex between consenting gay male adults, if this type of thing offends you please hit your back button now. This forms part of a series of stories, The Characters including myself are real. Your feed back is appreciated please email me

Straight Guy?

There's a guy at work called Stuart, He's 21 and I've worked beside him for two years now. He's really nice looking, about 5ft 10' 32 waist and a really cute face with piercing blue eyes, short dark hair and neatly trimmed sideburns. Sounds like a kinda guy you want to get off with? Yeah so have I for two painful years, pity is he is or at least was straight.

He has a girlfriend and lives with her in their own flat and he's always on about his babe this and babe that.

One day he was talking about how good she was in bed and I said "yeah but bet I can give you a better blow job than she could ever imagine" (he knows I'm gay) he laughed and said "aye right m8". Anyway as time went on and he talked more about his sex life I couldn't resist teasing him and offering my expertise. Even if I say so myself I do give an excellent BJ, I have been told this by anyone who has been lucky enough to receive one.

We work in an office and have to wear a suit to work and he always looks sexy in his shirt and tie, but one day we had to come in a Saturday to move office. Stuart turned up dressed in really tight denims and a tight top, fuck I nearly shot my load inside my pants when I saw his arse covered in this tight denim. I swear my mouth must have drooled as I gawped and this heavenly sight before me. I moved round to the front to see his crotch and he had a fair package and I could make the outline of his dick it didn't look that impressive but I wanted to get inside those denims.

As we moved furniture from our office to the other he was talking about how he'd slept in and woke up with his bird sucking his dick, then said she couldn't finish it off because he was late. I said "that's cool m8 I'll take over where she left over"' he smiled and said no thanks She'll be waiting when I get home.

He bent down in front of me to unplug some PC's and I couldn't resist a feel of his arse, so I patted his bum and said oohh lovely butt Stuart, He replied "yeah I know all the girls say that". I was amazed that he didn't even flinch. In fact he just got up and carried on. All day every chance I patted his bum and only once did he say "hoi leave my arse alone" but he said it with a smile and a giggle that I couldn't be sure how serious he was. For about 3 months every chance I got I would touch his arse and every now and then I get the reply "hoi".

We were chosen to go on a two day training course to learn some new computer programmes and were sent to Manchester to attend. We had to stay for 3 nights in a Hotel in the city centre; I prayed that it would be at least a twin room, but no luck 2 singles. After we unpacked and had a shower we agreed to meet in the bar.

He arrived at the bar before me and his first words to me were "well guess this is your lucky night then Ross" I nearly choked on my first mouthful of beer and gasped "fuck the drink your room or mine" he then explained that he didn't mean in it that way and went on to tell me that the place was full of gay guys, even the bar staff were gay he said, I asked how the fuck did he work that out and he said he'd been several drinks in the space of ten minutes so it was obvious. At that I leaned over and rubbed his leg all the way up his thigh whilst noticing he was wearing his tight jeans and whispered "well you do have that effect on guys" he moved my hand away and said "fuck off" we then both laughed and the vultures attention was taken off him, they assumed we were a couple (I wish). Any we had a few beers and some wine at dinner and a lot of chat, as we drank more the chat inevitably turned to sex.

He was asking questions like what's it like shagging a guy or sucking a dick. Me being me suggested that it was probably the same as shagging a bird only tighter and that there was nothing to compare sucking on a guy's dick. I suggested he could try it if he wanted proof. He seemed to think about it for all of a second and then decided he was tired and wanted to head to bed. I said ok lets go then but he quickly said "no I mean I AM GOING TO MY BED ALONE!!!!"

Fuck I thought this guys hard work, I wandered over to the bar and was approached by a guy about our age not bad looking of mixed European race nice bod lovely smile his name was Matt, We got chatting and he asked me if my boyfriend was waiting for me, I explained all about Stuart to his surprise. Anyway one thing led to another and Matt and I ended up showering, sucking and me fucking him we spent the night together (another story for another time perhaps)and it turned out he was on the same course as us.

I wandered down to breakfast rather bleary eyed to be met by Stuart looking rather annoyed,"where you been" he asked in a sharp voice. Uh? I said, "I've been looking all over the fucking hotel for you since 7.00am I even got security to open your room and your fucking beds never been slept in, so where the fuck did you sleep?" "Hey wait a minute" I said "I am 21, a big boy now and stayed out if that's ok, not that it's any of your fucking business". He went on about how I should have called him and who was the slapper I was with etc etc; I thought fuck is there a ring on my finger or what? Anyway as we started breakfast Matt walked into the restaurant and asked if it was ok to join us and winked at me, as he walked off to the buffet, Stuart said "you fucking shagged him? Didn't you? Prick" I said "hey hey what's your problem?" "Nothing just thought you had better taste than that half cast ugly cunt" was the reply. "Oh fuck are we a wee bit jealous" I said, "jealous of that minx no fucking way he couldn't lace my boots" he said, MMMMM??? I thought differently.

We made our way to the course and Stuart was livid to find out Matt was on the same course. It made matters worse when he was paired off with Matt for an assignment in the afternoon.

As we walked back to the hotel Stuart was very quiet so I suggested we go to the bar for a beer before getting changed, Matt agreed but Stuart declined saying he had to call his bird, after a beer Matt and I agreed to meet at 8.00pm in the bar and I headed to my room.

As I walked passed Stuarts door and approached my room he came out of his room. He was dressed only a pair of black boxers that tented at the front. I stopped and he said "hi have a nice drink with matt?" yeah I said "why is there a problem?", "no, I was just asking" he said, "ok cool oh! And were meeting at 8 in the bar before dinner if that's ok with you, probably eat about 9." "Ok" he said "that's 2 hours away yet, fancy a drink in here just now?, I got room service to bring a couple bottles of that wine you, I mean we were drinking last night." Ok I said just let me dump the suit and get some shorts on first. Cool he said.

I got the suit off and had a quick shower put on a footy top and some shorts and headed to his room. He opened the door still in the black boxers and invited me in. We had idle chat about this n that then suddenly he asked "well is Matt as good at sucking cock as you are?" I said "nah no one is" Then he asked me what we had done the night before, as I told him I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his boxers, he got up and lay on the bed. The bulge was getting bigger and I gasped as one of his buttons popped open, he was red faced and I mentioned this to him but he blamed the wine. Then out of the blue he said that he was missing shagging his bird and getting sucked by her, normally I would have jumped in there, but after his earlier outburst, I just half smiled at him and he smiled back. He then said "If I don't shoot a load soon I'm gonna burst my balls", I couldn't resist I said "You want me to take care of it?" "No way he said I'll just have a wank". I thought you fucking useless tease. At that I got up and said "I better go get ready and let you have that wank then".

As I walked towards the door he grabbed me and started to play wrestle with me and pinned me to the floor he was sitting on top of me tickling me and teasing me saying h you gonna get all pretty for Matt and things like that. Next thing I know is his dicks getting harder and is out his boxers, he didn't flinch and moved up onto my chest and points his dick at my mouth and says " so how good are you really". I opened my mouth and he teased my lips with his now fully hard dick, I managed to push him off me and onto his back and at the same time got my mouth onto his dick.

It was about 6 inches uncut really thin at the top but thicker at the base. I pulled his skin all the way back and licked he sides and tip of his dick he was moaning as I swallowed his full dick into my mouth and worked up and down on it all the time he was moaning and writhing and tried to fuck my throat. I pulled off him and he tried to wank himself But I grabbed his hands and held them, the pre cum was oozing from him as I grabbed his balls and squeezed them tight, he let out a yell as I went back to work on his dick head with my tongue and totally hands free, as I felt his body start to tense I took his tool all the way in my mouth and worked it with my throat I felt spurt after spurt of hot thick str8 cum in my tonsils.

He lay there with sweat oozing out of every pore on his body his face was scarlet and he was panting like a dog on heat. As he re-surfaced he said Wow that was the best ever blow job, I said you aint experienced anything yet.

With that I left to get showered and ready for dinner, we still had two nights to go!!

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Next: Chapter 2

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