Straight Crush


Published on Jun 9, 2023


Please don't read this if homoerotic fiction offends you or is illegal in your area. The following story contains sex acts between consenting males. It is a fictional account with fictional characters. I hope the rest of you enjoy this and are safe with everything you do.

Straight Crush Part 9 "Practice"

I awake to Andrew making good on his promise. The clock says 9 when I feel Andrew's hard wet cock prying at my hole. I feel his body heat behind me. Andrew maneuvers me onto my stomach and I'm brought back from the dream world by his strong physique on top of me. I feel his cock mount me as he pulls the covers off and I'm struck with the feeling of cold despite the tremendous heat on top of me. I try to adjust, but he takes me too quickly and I yell out to him in pain. Andrew pulls out of me and spits on his dick some more than roughly shoves back in me. It is less painful, but my ass is still sore from the play last night and the large intruder isn't helping it any. I relax my muscles and he bottoms out more smoothly.

"See, you need some more practice. I don't want to have to use so much lube all the time. I want to be able to take you more easily with just spit. That's what your new toy is for. Make sure you use it everyday. Actually you should use it every couple hours. Trust me man, you'll enjoy me a lot more this week if you do." Andrew spoke and then began slow thrusting into me.

I was in a lot of pain because he didn't open me up like he did the previous evening and he didn't use any lube other than spit. I know he wants me to get used to it, but it is very uncomfortable right now. I usually enjoy being plowed by his dick, but it is too painful right now and I try to tell him, but he just ignores me.

"Just relax and let your man in, you'll get used to it. Practice makes perfect." Andrew said emphasized the last phrase with a quick grind.

My dick was unable to get hard this time. I begged Andrew to use more lube, but he just continued to pound away at my ass. Fortunately he was ready to nut as I felt a wave of cum fill my ass as he still fucked me hard.

Andrew's cum lubed my ass nicely and his dick began to fill a lot better as it began to shrink in my butt. He gave me a warm hug as it did and despite his rough behavior I was already starting to respond to this empathy.

"Sorry, Jax. I know fucking can be painful for you sometimes, but that's life. I want to fuck you and it feels nice when you are so tight. You need to learn how to adjust to the pain and accept it. Focus it. I know we still have a ways to go, but I know by the end of the week you'll be ready. Feel my cum lubing you back up. I bet that feels a lot better huh, dude. Just keep me cumming and you won't have anything to worry about." Andrew said.

The way Andrew spoke gave me mixed emotions. I knew I could take the pain even if I didn't think I could at first. I still wanted to make him feel good and I knew that this week was all about his pleasure anyway. As I felt his warm cum deep inside me making me feel better I saw what Andrew was trying to do. He wanted to connect my pleasure with his. I felt pain, but it stopped when he came. He wanted to give me a new kind of pleasure. I already took great pride in pleasing him, but now he was trying to change my perceptions of pleasure and pain. Most guys think of sexual pleasure only in terms of their dicks. The straighter the guy is the more likely they are going to fall into the trap. I think they are missing out on the other areas of the body. There are many alternatives and this situation has made me realize how important it is to explore them. It might require some altering of perceptions and patience and sacrifice are needed, but the rewards are there and are worth it. I believe if you give up something long enough you begin to appreciate it anew and allow for a more well rounded and healthy individual. Maybe Andrew didn't intend for me to have a sexually liberating experience from this, but he inadvertently released something inside me that has been lacking for so long. My vitality has been rejuvenated and it took a shock to my system to accomplish it. Pain or pleasure, call it what you will. Everyone experiences different sensations.

Those we find enjoyable are usually delegated as pleasurable, those we would rather avoid painful. Whatever we call the emotional response connected to the experience makes no difference. What matters is the feeling. Strong feelings make us feel alive. I've been dead inside for so long that I can't even remember when I felt such strong feelings. When you are empty you long for something more. Andrew replaced the void with something wonderful. If you gage pleasure purely based on who is fucking whom, or who is getting the greatest orgasm than Andrew would certainly be classified as using me. Perhaps there is a deeper pleasure that I am getting from the experience that no one can take away. The rush of submission is much more intoxicating to me than almost anything else. Our relationship isn't based on a perfect equality, but it doesn't have to be. We just fit together, Andrew and I. I can't really express it any better than that.

Andrew lay on top of me and eventually drifted back to sleep with his cock still up my ass. It was difficult to sleep with the big man on top of me, but about a half hour later I managed to doze off again. I slept another couple hours with Andrew on my back before I felt him stirring on top of me.

I couldn't believe it, but the young stud was ready to go again. His cock began to harden inside me and he slowly grinded it into me as it rose. I didn't know we were going to have quite the sexual marathon he intended during my week of self-denial. I figured I had enough of Andrew's cum in my body already to have gotten pregnant a few times over if it was possible. Now this randy dude was riding my ass again. It didn't feel quite as painful as it did earlier. My ass must have gotten used to its playmate in the past few hours. I could feel his dried cum inside me as he slow fucked me in the late morning light. It was a much more sensual fuck than we shared lately. He was very gentle.

"I can play the nice guy too, bro. I want you to experience every fuck my dick can dish out this week. I want you to know what my body feels like in every way. Nice slow fuck, man. I'm going to take my time this morning. Tell me how it feels, man." Andrew asks.

"It feels good, Andrew. Your cock feels full inside me, but it's not so painful this time. It feels like the dildo did last night, but more intense. You feel so warm and strong. I want you to cum inside me again. I'm giving up my orgasms this week for yours. I want to feel your orgasm filling me again. Millions of you inside me forever." I tell him truthfully.

I submit to his probing cock as he kisses the back of my neck with his luscious tongue. He is hitting my button and I'm starting to respond very sexually now. It is such a different fuck than the previous one I wonder if it is the same man behind me. The thought is quickly dispelled as I hear him speak again.

"Tell me who the man is Jax. I'm your man and I'm fucking your pussy ass. I can fuck it anytime and anywhere I want. Just take it, boy. It's all you can do now," Andrew demands.

Lost in the feelings of his dick plucking against my pleasure zone I respond, "Make my ass yours, Andrew. Make me feel good with your prick. You are the man. You get me so horned up just by fucking my ass. I want to cum with you inside me, but I'll wait for you. I'll do anything for you."

"That's what I wanted to hear." Andrew says as he rams into me deep and hard. "I want you to submit to me."

Andrew leaves his cock fully inside me for another minute then pulls all the way out. I feel lost and am shocked at why he would pull out without depositing another load inside me.

"Your ass has had enough of my big cock for now." Andrew tells me. I try to get up, but he pins me down and straddles my back on his knees. He grabs his cock and jerks off on my back. His cock shoots and he pulls up so some of it lands in my hair. I try to turn my head and am greeted with the remnants of his cum on his cock as he pushes it past my lips.

"Suck it all clean." Andrew orders

I finish my task and try to get up to go wipe the cum off the back of my head. Andrew seizes the opportunity and begins to tie me up again. He quickly ties first one hand and then the other to the bed rail.

"Andrew, what are you doing?" I ask him unsure where this is headed

"I have some errands to run, but I want to make sure you don't jerk that cock of yours while I'm gone. I don't trust your resolve yet. Maybe tomorrow I might be more trusting. Prove to me that you won't play with yourself and I'll be more conceding. For now though I'm going to tie you up. I'll be back in an hour though." He explained

My hands were tied above me, but my legs were still free. I wanted to go take a shower and get rid of the sweat and cum, but I couldn't now. Before he left, Andrew took my cock and got it hard and slipped the cock ring over it. What a bastard. I was in such torture. He wasn't even here, I was rock hard and horny and I couldn't jerk off. I guess I knew he wanted me to stay horned up, but I thought he might give me a break. He did just fuck my brains out after all.

I tried to get my dick to go down, but it wasn't working with me. I had too much sex with Andrew too recently without spilling my seed for that too happen. I remained horned up for the next hour and a half until Andrew came back. He looked at my hard cock and grinned.

"I still you're still boned up huh, dude. Here I'll let you get soft for a bit, but Brad is here to breed you now so your dick might betray you yet." Andrew told me as he released the cock ring.

Brad stepped into the bedroom and wore a cute smile on his face. I could see the mighty bulge in his shorts in anticipation. I was still pretty horny and I wanted the stud's cock bad. Mouth or ass I didn't really care. I wanted Brad's thick pole soon. I knew Andrew wouldn't be ready to go for a while, but he stood there and watched as Brad took off his clothes.

"Andrew told me you guys made up. I just got back into town and figured I'd help you out a bit since you're so horned up. You get to feel my cock now. Too bad you can't cum yet. Andrew has something nice planned for you next week though." Brad said.

"Don't worry about that now, Jax. Today you'll concentrate on our stiff cocks and the cum in our balls. Brad here has had a couple days without sex so he's ready to bust a nut. Go give him that dick, bro." Andrew spurred Brad on.

Brad untied my hands, but quickly retied them so that I was facing the other way. I looked up at his sexy body and wide cock. I parted my lips as he gently gave me his pole. Andrew took the dildo out and got it cleaned up while I sucked hungrily on Brad's cock. My own prick stood at attention wanting desperately to cum, but unable too. Andrew put some lube on the dildo and spread my legs open with his firm hands. I went to work on the manly tool in front of me while Andrew inserted the phallus up my anus. Andrew used a fucking motion against my ass as Brad let me bob on his dick. Brad's dick stretched my mouth out well and I had to adjust myself to account for the larger girth.

I knew my pleasure for now was based on making the man in front of me feel good. I sucked on the thick rod for all I was worth. I wanted Brad's cum in my mouth and I wanted it bad. If I couldn't cum I wanted someone too. Brad wasn't thrusting or being aggressive at all, but was just passively letting me blow him. He sometimes brushed past my hard dick with his legs and I moaned in response. I wish he would just jerk my dick a few times and release my sticky cream, but he knew Andrew would be pissed if I ejaculated early. My ass was getting used to Andrew's thrusts, but it was not to last much longer as Andrew pulled the toy from my ass.

"Ok dude. I want to fuck you now." Brad stated succinctly. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and had me spit on it a few more times before putting my legs over his shoulders. I felt like submitting to this amazing man and opened my hole as much as I could for him. Brad speared into me slowly and it took time for my ass to adjust to the vastly increased girth. The pain was incredible, but my ass was already adjusting to Brad's massive meat. It was probably good that my hands were tied or else I'd be really tempted to jerk my cock while this stud fucked my ass good. Andrew noticed my discomfort and nodded to me. He seemed to be reminding me of what happened earlier when he fucked me nearly dry. It was more painful than this so I could handle it. I tried focusing on the feeling of Brad's cock in my ass like Andrew suggested. I started to be transported into a world away. The pain was altered and made into a really good feeling that was indescribable.

I hardly noticed the big man fucking me and just focused on the extreme feeling I was receiving. I enjoyed getting fucked before, but this was a new sensation. It was almost as if I was feeling his pleasure through my ass.

Brad plowed my ass as if it were virgin pussy. I felt the veins of his blood filled unit and bucked back on it when I could. I had a sexual high from the onslaught of my ass and I loved it. I wished to cum, but I knew I wouldn't be able to yet. My rectum received its pleasure from being pounded by my two men and that is all I was allowed. I was to be the bottom for these two top studs and I relished in my submission to their dominant forms.

"Yeah Jax, you like Brad's big cock fucking you don't you. Tell him how bad you need his cum down your throat and up your ass." Andrew demanded.

"Brad, your cock makes me feel wonderful, don't stop fucking me. I need your hot cum. My ass is yours, please fuck me faster, dude." I responded.

"Yeah, take my hard pounding. Going to give you what you need really soon.

Your ass is just begging my cock for its cream." Brad said.

I was so lost in the feeling that I barely noticed when Brad's cum filled my love chute like a waterfall. I clamped my ass down around him as his orgasm subsided. He bucked his hips back into me in appreciation. It felt like a huge load and some of it fell out of my ass when Brad reluctantly pulled his still hard dick from my fucked ass. My ass wasn't vacated for long, however, because Andrew took the opportunity to stick the dildo back in me. I moaned, but it entered me easily given the fuck I just received. Andrew stuck it all the way in me and then had me sit back down on it. I felt full and slightly uncomfortable, but I got used to it. Brad untied my wrists and looked down at my throbbing cock.

"Sorry dude, no release for you yet. You need to concentrate on the toy plugging your butt," Brad said. He looked sorry for me as he could tell I was mega horned up. He enjoyed the sensations his body received because of my man-crazed state, however. My cock ached for release, but I submitted to the fact that my denial would make me better able to serve these guys and any other guy that needs to cum. My dick was leaking precum as I maneuvered the dildo underneath me. I was glad I had something up my ass because in my horny state I needed something plugging me and it was the next best thing to a horny young man.

Andrew let me put on some shorts, but left the dildo in me. We gathered in the living room in our boxers and sat around and watched a movie. Andrew was next to me and every once and a while would fondle my asshole and move the dildo up and down. Thankfully the cock ring was off my dick, but each time Andrew played with my ass my dick started to react. We chilled out for a while and had a few beers and just bullshitted most of the rest of the night away.

My ass was starting to get sore from keeping the dildo in my ass for so long. Andrew roughly yanked it out and cleaned it for tomorrow. He looked down at me and I realized he was ready for another blowjob before bed. Brad looked at us and I saw the glimmer in his eyes as well. Andrew pulled out his dick from his boxers through the open hole and Brad did the same. They lightly stroked their pricks to hardness and began slapping each other's dicks over me. Brad poured some beer on his dick and I licked it off. This made both guys laugh and Andrew did the same. This became a game as both dudes competed to try and get me drunk off of sucking his dick. Brad's was able to hold a bit more on top because of the expanded head. It gave a new meaning to the term "beer can" cock. I sucked the beer from their huge staffs and balls and they even poured some in their belly buttons. I wasn't sure if I could get drunk by swigging on their cocks, but I tried my best.

I alternated between sucking off both of the stiff poles in front of me. They got jealous of each other and at some points I had both dickheads in my mouth at once. They tried bucking farther inside me, but it didn't work. I used my hand on one guy while the other one fucked my face. Andrew played with my nipples as I sucked down Brad. Then I'd switch positions and I had Brad's mouth on my neck. The time passed by quickly as I serviced the two hot studs in front of me. I wish I was able to release my sexual frustrations, but my constant horniness only made me hotter for their bodies.

As I was tonguing Brad's nut sack I heard him moan and tell me he was ready to cum. My mouth moved up to his head so I could taste his sweet load again. I felt five spurts cum out of his dick and land in my mouth. Andrew told me to keep it in my mouth for a bit longer. He then came over and deposited another load from his own dick. Brad and Andrew's cum fused together in my mouth and both guys looked pleased at the transition I was making. I wasn't sure if I could distinguish their unique flavors, but I thought I could.

Brad left shortly afterwards. Andrew and I took a quick shower before we went to bed. I was finally able to wash the cum out of my hair. It was dry and sticky, but I had forgotten about it earlier. We made out a little as we washed each other's bodies down. I squeezed Andrew's tight balls and I knew they had to be nearly empty. He had cum quite a few times today and I wondered how long my young stallion could keep up at a pace like that. Andrew slipped his finger up my ass and commented that I was loosening up a little. He then told me to make sure I practice and hone my skills at being a good bottom boy. I knew he was one of the greatest tops ever as he continually proved to me how great it felt to be underneath him.

We fell asleep naked together. I loved the feeling of warmth and security in his strong arms. His soft dick nested sweetly behind my ass cheeks right where it belonged. I knew I had to go to work tomorrow, but I wished I could just spend the week entirely with Andrew.

Thanks to everyone who has written me. Paypal donations appreciated ( Tell me what you like about my stories. Remember to put the title of the story in the subject line. If you like this story check out my other ones: "Whim" and "Ace".

Next: Chapter 10

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