Straight Crush


Published on Jun 3, 2023


Please don't read this if homoerotic fiction offends you or is illegal in your area. The following story contains sex acts between consenting males. It is a fictional account with fictional characters. I hope the rest of you enjoy this and are safe with everything you do.

Straight Crush Part 8 "Stoic It Hard"

I wake up late Saturday afternoon. The rough fuck Andrew threw me really took a toll on my body. My ass was sore, but it felt nice in a way because I knew what made it that way. I was exhausted after the exchange and I slept later than I wanted too. Andrew wasn't around when I got up. He left a note saying he was going to the gym. I wished I were there to watch him work out his gorgeous body. I spotted him a couple times before and it was always one of my favorite activities. I loved to watch his muscles flex in the light and expand. I would check them afterwards and they would be bigger than before. It turned me on to know that his body was mine again. I thought I might have to compete with a girl for his attention, but I figured I'd come out on top in the end. After all I know I'm better at giving head than some young slut Andrew could bring home.

When I woke up I had a huge hard on. I lightly stroked it as I stood up and headed into the bathroom. I thought about Andrew and all the encounters we were likely to have in the future. I thought about him pumping up his awesome pecs as he lifted the bar above his head. I longed to put my head in between his amazing thighs. He might be doing crunches right now to further develop his washboard abs. I regretted that I didn't wake up earlier so I could go with him. I thought about jerking off because I was horny as hell, but I figured that Andrew would be home soon and he'd likely be pretty randy from all the exercise. I decided to listen to some music and clean up around the house a bit. Andrew generally keeps the house pretty clean, but there were some dishes and some dusting to do. I threw on some shorts, but left my shirt off as I worked. My head ached a bit from being dehydrated from the alcohol last night. Even so I never felt better. My relationship with Andrew, as fucked up as it is, was starting to become more satisfying.

About an hour later Andrew came home with a new girl that he met at the gym. My feelings were crushed again. How could I think that he would ever just be with me? Andrew talked to me a bit when he came in. He didn't say much, but he told me that he was just using her to get off and she looked fucking amazing in her tight shorts. He said he'd make sure to be safe. His testosterone was raging and he couldn't help it if he got boned starting at this chick. He then smirked and grabbed his crotch and told me that there would be plenty more for me later. He went into his room and clicked the lock shut. I heard the girl moaning like a bitch in heat while Andrew plowed his thick dick into her. I wondered how she felt getting used by my Andrew. Did she feel the same thing I felt or was she just using him too? Would she even know him if she saw him next week. I hoped not. I didn't want Andrew to break another heart. I realized that I couldn't change the man. I had to live with him the way he is or forget about him entirely. I guess I could live with him fucking girls every once and a while. In fact it seemed to make him even hornier when he was around me. In that case it worked out to my advantage.

They finished up in a half and hour. She just left without a work to me. Andrew came out of the bedroom in just his boxers. I could see his dick was still half hard and the front of his boxers had a small wet spot on them. His body was sweaty and he came up to me and gave me a kiss. I could smell his manly scent from the double workout he just had. I liked the sweat from his arm as I took in his manliness. He tasted salty and I wanted to help him wash off. He gave me a big sweaty hug and I felt his cock twitch a bit against my stomach even though he was spent. He was one horny guy and was always ready to go again at a moments notice.

"Jax, you're starting to get me horny again dude. I want to wait a while before I cum again though. Give me some time to do you right, man." Andrew said in a fatherly tone.

He took off his boxers in front of me and I had a nice view of his flaccid cock before he turned and I was treated with a view of his ass as he headed into the bathroom. I heard him turn on the water and hop in the shower. I wanted to be in there with him to help him clean up, but I figured he might want get too worked up if I was with him.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and night hanging out. He didn't really mention sex or anything and seemed to be his old self again. His cocky attitude had come back and he had a playful spirit. I thought maybe he'd never be the same again, but I guess his sexuality was tested and he had to take steps to redeem whatever masculinity he lost.

About 9 the conversation took a drastic turn. He mentioned that he was starting to get boned up again. He knew that I'd be willing to help him out, but he mentioned that he wanted to try something new. I had flashbacks to the night I moved in. Helpless, tied up, for Andrew and Brad's pleasure. It turned me on, but I wondered what he had in mind.

He wanted me to do something that I was sure to find difficult. Andrew told me that he wanted my senses to be heightened by next week for what he had in store. I was told that I couldn't orgasm for the next week. I didn't think I liked the idea too much. I was happy to provide him with as many orgasms as he wanted and I didn't really mind so much if he didn't get me off directly. He was insistent that the wait would be worth it. He also told me that I would be expected to get him off as usual, but that when the time came for me to cum it would be the best orgasm of my life. He explained that part of the plan was that I was always more submissive and good at giving him pleasure if I was horned up. In a few days I'd be so horny I knew he'd be using me at every opportunity to get off. He warned me that if I didn't accept his challenge that he'd find some more chicks this week to fuck instead of me. He conceded that if I did what he asked that he'd refrain from having sex with anyone else, but me for the orgasmless week. I knew this week would be hell. I would be so horned up and wanting release, but unable to. I was about to tell him to fuck off, but then I thought about it for a second. I could take this opportunity to reach a different state of sexual arousal. It could be a new sexual awakening. I have also never gone more than a day or two without an orgasm since the day I discovered how my dick works. It might be good to see what happens when I take time to build up a healthy load.

"I know this will be hard on you, Jax, but trust me it will be worth it. This is for both of us. I know you don't understand now, but you will. This will be the best week of our lives." Andrew said optimistically. I wasn't quite as keen on the idea of giving up my orgasms for the week as he was, but I did really want to know what he had planned. A number of ideas flashed through my mind, but I still couldn't figure it out.

The torture of not being able to cum started soon enough though. I knew Andrew would be ready for some action tonight and shortly after our conversation he pulls me close to him and starts French kissing me. We both get pretty boned up feeling our tight bodies pressed so close to one another. I start to regret my decision as Andrew pulls off my clothes. I am naked in front of him and feel very exposed. Andrew has his clothes on still and I try to get him naked, but he doesn't let me yet. He says he has a present for me first. He brings out a brown paper bag from his room and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I ask reluctantly.

"Open it, dude," Andrew answers, "It is something that will get you in the mood,"

I reach inside and find two objects. One is a 5-inch dildo that is fairly thick, but nowhere near as much as Andrew's monster. The other is a cock ring. I've never used either of them though I assume their purpose in Andrew's master plan.

"I want you to wear the cock ring all the time this week. You can take it off at work if you have to, but whenever you are around here I want it on, I want you to be horned up this week. Remember not to cum though. I'll be really pissed if I find out that you didn't make it until next Saturday." Andrew tells me.

"What about the other thing?" I ask shyly.

"Just because you can't get off doesn't mean you can't have pleasure. I want you to use that whenever you need something inside of you. You can think it is me if you'd like. I know it's not as big as me, but I don't want a toy stretching you all out. I also want you to use it in some of our sex play this week. I want you to focus some of your energy away from your dick and I figure your beautiful ass is a nice place to put it. I want your hole to open up a bit though. I want to make sure you are ready to take me whenever I need you to. I talked to Brad today and I know he wants to fuck you again too. Remember not to cum with him either though. I want you to concentrate on your other feelings not your dick, ok. So what do you say? Why don't we try out your new toys?" Andrew says.

Andrew reaches for the cock ring and slides it down over my shaft. It is the soft kind, but Andrew secures it snugly around my dick. My cock is leaking precum as Andrew handles my meat, but I try to ignore the urge to cum. The bet just started and already I'm dying for release. I begin to regret that I didn't cum earlier when I had the opportunity. Andrew has me open my mouth up and coat the dildo with saliva so he can stick it up my ass. He tells me I'll get used to taking cock without much lube easier if I practice with my new instrument. Andrew, still fully clothed, has me bend over the couch and sticks one of his fat fingers that he spit on into my puckered hole. I begin to get used to the unusual taste of the dildo and start to pretend it is a hot guys cock. The texture is the same, but the taste leaves something to be desired. Fortunately I knew that I would not want long for cock as I had a horny guy behind me to service for the next week. I opened my hole for a couple of Andrew's fingers and he twirled them around inside me. My ass juices started to work and I felt Andrew trying to poke my prostate with his fingers as his cock has hit many times before. I twitch when he hits it and he settles his hand out of my butt. He pulls the fake dong out of my mouth and puts it at the entrance of my ass.

"I want you to pretend it is me plowing your ass. You seem to be able to open up good for my big cock, this should be no problem for you bro," Andrew says as he pushes it past my rim.

It feels almost like a cock, but not quite. I wish it was the real Andrew in me, but I guess I'll have to settle for the alternate version for now. Andrew stuffs me full of the fake prick and starts to slide it in and out. My own prick is standing at attention in front of me and is unable to go down. After a few more thrusts at my sweet spot, Andrew leaves the dildo lodged inside of me.

"Sit down on it on the couch." Andrew orders. I do as he says and can feel the dildo tightly in my bum. My ass is sore, but is starting to adjust to the new foreign object. I've had much bigger inside me lately so it's not that intense. Andrew strides in closer to me and reveals his chiseled chest. He brings his armpit close to my mouth and I lick it clean. It is not sweaty like it was this afternoon, but it still a bit pungent. Andrew's scent turns me on incredibly though and the sensations in my ass and my cock are almost too much to take. I reach out to unzip Andrew's jeans and he lets me pull them down and flip his cock out. He is only half hard, but jams his dick into my mouth anyway. He bucks a bit on my face and his cock rapidly expands into my throat as he gets turned on seeing me impaled on the phallus.

"I love when you are horned up and giving me a blowjob, dude. I can feel you sucking the cum from my nuts. I'm going to cream you twice as much as usual. It'll all be worth it, man, you'll see. Aw fuck dude, my cock is so hard. I like that you do what you're told, Jax. Taking that fake dick good, man. Your boner looks like it's going to explode. Hold out dude, I know you can do it." Andrew toys with me as he speaks.

I start to move up and down on the phallus as Andrew plugs his cock in and out of my mouth. My cock is at full mast, but I don't dare touch it for fear of exploding. The feeling in my ass is incredible. I try to take Andrew's advice and focus the energy that I usually feel into my ass. I feel Andrew's veiny cock brush past my lips as I suck it to the best of my ability. I realize how much I'm actually submitting to him now. I'm giving up part of my sexual pleasure to make his better. How much more dominating can one guy get over another than to deny him the right to cum? That thought invaded my thoughts as Andrew's cock invaded my mouth. Andrew didn't hold out long tonight and as I was thinking about denying myself the release and pleasure that comes with orgasmic bliss Andrew reached his threshold. I felt his white juice hit my tongue as spurt after spurt came out of his cockhead and into my waiting gullet. He pumped my mouth a few more times before he pulled out obviously spent.

"Sorry dude. I know you won't understand now, but you will next week. You just keep concentrating on getting me off when I need it and I'll take care of you right." Andrew said.

He looked down at my rigid prick and chuckled. He bent down and his lips came into contact with mine briefly. He flipped me on my back and started working the cock back and forth in my ass.

"Yeah, feel that, dude. Open up for that cock. Focus, man." Andrew encouraged.

I felt like I was drugged up or something. All the talk had given me a sexual high without the release. I wanted to feel something more in my ass. I wanted Andrew to fuck me, but I knew that he had just come and probably wouldn't want to right away. He spent the next ten minutes massaging my ass with the dildo. He would give me lustful looks occasionally, but other than that just concentrated on giving my ass a great feeling.

Andrew suddenly withdrew the dildo from my used hole. It plopped out along with some of my ass juices. It was unexpected and I felt completely empty. I didn't notice, but Andrew's thick pole was ready to go again. He spit on his hand and slick down the front of his cock. My hole was still fairly open to intrusion and didn't resist much when he popped his head passed my sphincter. He took me all the way with the initial thrust and I whimpered from the pain of the expanding of my ass. I realized that the dildo was nothing compared to Andrew and he set about proving his strength that I had admired earlier. My ass got accustomed to the pounding it was taking and my dick was as hard as ever with the cock ring wrapped around it.

Andrew started in with his sex talk again. "Take my fucking cock. So much better than the toy I bought eh, Jax? I'm glad I'm here to show you who the man is in this room. You have such a nice pussy, oops I mean ass. Keep it tight, bro and I'll let you have some more of my juice you love so much."

He thrusted in me so hard I nearly fell off the couch a couple times. Andrew really wanted to prove his manhood tonight. He wanted me to feel his powerful cock and muscles and submit to his cocky attitude. He pushed my knees to my chest and began plowing me in the new position. I just focused on the feeling of his cock drilling my ass for all it's worth. It was a surreal mixture of pleasure and pain, of agony and bliss. I tightened my ass muscles around him and felt him push past me faster. I knew that the only sexual pleasure I would be feeling for the next week was going to be through my ass so I made sure to take in as much as I could get. Andrew then stopped his thrusting and demonstrated his power over me by lifting me up into his arms. I sat on his cock as he slowly grinded his hips into me. I was still pretty heavy and he didn't hold me much longer although he certainly made his point. I may have been older, but he was the man in the relationship. He laid me back down and began to do pushups over me as he thrusted. I could see his muscles flex like I imagined earlier as he entered and exited me. He was starting to sweat again and I licked some of it off his forehead. My cock was pinned between us and it started rubbing against his abs. I was worried that I might shoot accidentally and ruin the bet we had made, but Andrew readjusted so he wasn't touching my cock anymore. I put my hands on his arms and felt the powerful beasts as we fucked.

Words lost me as I took Andrew's rough fuck for another 20 minutes before he finally unloaded a sticky reward into my ass. We lay together like that for a while longer while he composed himself. Andrew was totally spent now. I unfortunately never lost my sexual high. Andrew yanked off the cock ring from my dick, but it still didn't subside. His cock finally softened enough for him to pull out and I was empty once again. Some of his cum drained out of my ass when he pulled out, but I kept most of it inside of me.

"Time for bed dude, I'm spent. You're going to sleep in my bed so I can make sure you're not jerking off. Maybe if you're lucky I'll give you a length while you're asleep, heh" Andrew said coyly.

I sighed, "Ok, I want to sleep in your arms then."

"No problem, dude." Andrew said as he gave me a soft kiss.

I saw a glimmer of the sweet sensitive Andrew shine through in that moment. It wasn't a common occurrence, but Andrew had a knack for being insensitive one moment and really sweet the next. He seemed to be more prone to these occasions after his testosterone levels subsided. I fell asleep naked against Andrew. My cock still wanted release, but it eventually became soft as I lie with Andrew's soft dick against my crack. I wondered what other challenges await me as I drifted off in his powerful arms.

Thanks to everyone that has written me. Check out my new story "Whim" if you like this series. Donations appreciated. Tell me what you like about my stories. Remember to put the title of the story in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 9

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