Straight Crush


Published on May 15, 2023


Please don't read this if homoerotic fiction offends you or is illegal in your area. The following story contains sex acts between consenting males. It is a fictional account with fictional characters. I hope the rest of you enjoy this and are safe with everything you do.

Straight Crush Part 7 "Awakening Storm"

It is the weekend again. Andrew still is being apprehensive. When I try to talk to him about it he just tells me that he doesn't want to do anything more with me and calls me a fag. I'm very hurt by his comments and I don't know what I should do. I know he's had a rough time of things lately. None of his friends other than Brad and I are talking to him right now after they found out about us. Andrew didn't go to class today, but instead sat in his room drinking himself into a stupor all morning. I'm getting kinda worried about all the beer he's been drinking lately, but he won't let me help him.

After work I find Andrew passed out in his bed again. I'm so frustrated with him I change my clothes and head over to Brad's dorm room. Joel and his girlfriend, Lia are there, but Brad is out. I talk to them for a while and they tell me Brad went out of town for the weekend. Damn I thought, now what am I going to do this weekend? I have Andrew, who won't talk to me and Brad out of town. This looks like it will be a pretty shitty weekend. I make plans with Joel to grab a bite to eat later on tonight and head back home for a while.

Brad had told Joel about the stuff that was going on with him and me. Joel thought it was kinda weird that a guy like Brad would want to have sex with me, but he didn't really care otherwise. I think maybe Brad needs some kind of affection since he is still getting over Kim. Brad and Joel are decent friends, but Joel told me he hasn't really opened up to him the way he has to me. Maybe he thinks I understand what he's going through more, especially now that Andrew is ignoring me. Lia doesn't like the whole situation. She thinks I'm stupid for going after Andrew in the first place and putting him at risk for all sorts of things. She doesn't like Brad at all because she thinks she is so much smarter than he is. I think she's just a spoiled little rich girl and I don't see what a nice guy like Joel sees in her. I think that maybe he is just getting complacent with his relationship with her. She's not bad to him all the time. She occasionally makes him dinner and says sweet things to him, which usually make me want to throw up. I just think he could do much better. Her parents always tell her that she could do much better too, but I highly doubt it. She's the kind of girl that could've had any guy she wanted in High School, but after the popularity contest ended she found out it's not as easy.

I met Joel at a club for a sandwich and fries. Thank God Lia didn't decide to come with him. I don't know if I could stand her for another minute. One hour a day was more than enough. Joel told me that he was worried that Andrew would do something crazy if he didn't cheer up soon. We both agreed to have Brad try to talk some sense into him when he comes back home on Sunday. I told Joel I was planning on going to the local gay bar tonight because I couldn't think of anything else to do. Who knows there might be a show or something cool going on. Usually I don't like going there very much. Sometimes it's a blast and I have a lot of fun, other times there are a bunch of trolls twice my age hitting on me and its pretty boring. I haven't been there in a couple months so I figured I'd try to mingle. Joel had never been to a gay bar before and asked me if he could join me. He told me it was clearly for the experience and had no intentions of hooking up with anyone or anything. I just smiled at him, thinking back to Andrew and Brad that under other circumstances would have said the same thing. I knew he wouldn't do anything though because he's too attached to Lia to throw that away.

I put on my fuck-me pants and meet Joel at the front of his dorm to go out.

He's looking pretty good although anyone could obviously pick him out of a straight line up. I ask him coyly if he's sure that he doesn't want a blowjob before we go. He just smiles and tells me he already got one today.

For the first time I felt kinda jealous of Lia, then I remembered what a bitch she is and the thought quickly faded. Joel isn't the hottest guy around, but he has a charm about him that is nice and relaxing. More of the boy next door type.

We got to the bar around 10 and I notice that there is indeed a drag show tonight. We pay the cover and head through the door. It says the show is supposed to start at 10:30, but if I know anything I know that queer time doesn't run with the rest of the world. We both get drinks and chat a bit while waiting for the show to start. There aren't that many people here yet, but it usually gets busy later on. Everyone is in his or her own little click. It's kinda frustrating seeing all the people separated, rarely converging. I thought our community was supposed to be about unity. Certainly not here at least. The lesbians are hanging out at the pool table like always. I always joke that you should never challenge one of them at pool because your odds of winning the lottery are better than beating a dyke at pool. The single guys are sitting alone on stools or standing and staring at the hot guys that are posing around the bar. The old trolls and sugar daddies are chatting in their groups and all is right with the world.

A lot of the guys at the bar are checking out Joel, as he is the new meat. I think most of them figure out he's a breeder though. A couple of the Drag Queens are running back and forth in panic trying to get their last minute details ready. I was pretty good friends with a couple of them. Before I came out I was kinda turned off by the whole idea and didn't really think that I'd be able to be friends with someone like that. I guess fags can be prejudice just like everyone else, we're not immune. Most Drag Queens I know have such different personalities when they are dressed up. They get into a character to hide from their own world or at least that's what I've been told. Becoming another person for a while can be a magical dream. I have no desire to dress as or be a woman, but I've often longed to be a different person. I guess everyone dreams of being more than they are sometimes. I also wonder what I'd be like if I had been straight. Would I have been married with rugrats by now, or would the circumstances of my life cause me to be just as lonely and miserable as I am right now. I can't help but wonder what is the worst depressant in these surroundings, the alcohol or the jaded individuals that surround me. From what I know of them, most are not happy, they all have their artificial cures and most are fake. It makes me sad to see these guys dredge through their empty lives. Occasionally someone breaks out of the cycle and I hope to someday, but the rest could remain bitter aging fags forever. Maybe I want too much or put too much hope on the human race, but it feels like there should be something more than hooking up with a stranger in a bar.

After a few failed attempts or guys trying to pick up Joel, the show starts. I really enjoy drag shows, probably my favorite part of coming down here. I love music and while the performances aren't the best here they do put on a good show. It is almost 11:30 when the first performer comes out, right on time I say. Joel doesn't get the joke until I point to the large poster hanging up with the date and time in big letters. I go over and buy Joel and me a drink and the bartender, who is a casual friend of mine, gives us some free shots.

I tip a few of the performers although Joel is too shy. I think he was unsure about the peck. I teased him a little by telling him some of the Drag Queens looked better than Lia. He just responded by telling me Lia would be jealous if one of them kissed him. As bitchy as most of them were, I still felt the Drag Queens had less attitude than her. The place got busier and the show finally ended about 1:00. There was still a couple hours left before bar close, but Joel told me he wanted to head home. I made him dance for one song before he left, but then he took off. Here I was alone in a room full of people. I debated on whether or not to go home, but I decided to stay because I had a nice buzz going. Gay Bars are always more tolerable with a nice buzz and tonight was no exception. I danced alone for a while, but then I saw one of my exes across the bar. I didn't notice him before and figured he must have just came in. His name was Arik, and he was the one that I had tried to fuck, but it didn't work out so well.

We ended up breaking up a few days later. He came up to me and started dancing with me. Well the alcohol starts to make him look really good now. I figure I need some affection in my life so I end up going home with him. I'm not sure if I'm making a big mistake or not, but I don't really give a fuck at the moment. We don't say much to each other, it's plain to see in his eyes that we both just want to fool around and not have to have any emotional bullshit. Funny how guys can have sex with someone they don't care about so easily sometimes.

Arik is taller than I am probably about 6' 2" or so. This annoyed the hell out of me when we were going out because I always felt uncomfortable kissing someone upwards. I'm a lot more comfortable kissing a guy the same height as me or slightly shorter. I dunno, it just feels right. He has sandy blonde hair and a cute face, unfortunately he is dumb as a rock. He partied too much in college and ended up getting kicked out when he partied all night instead of going to his finals. He moved away, but sometimes comes back to flirt with guys because he knows a lot of people and can get free drinks all night. I know he sleeps around a lot so I figure that no matter what we do I'm going to use a condom. He was the first guy that ever got me off without me jacking off. I never much cared for blowjobs, and I remember he wasn't that great before, but now he's gotten quite a bit better. He sucks my cock for a while and I look down hazily into his green eyes. He has a tight skinny body and I feel in control of the sex with him. I let Andrew do pretty much what he wanted, but with Arik I don't have the desire to submit to him. It feels much more mutual. He greases my rod up over the condom and opens up for me. I have flashbacks to the time when I hurt him doing the very same thing, but he has loosened up since then and we take it slow anyway just in case. It feels weird to be fucking for the first time successfully. It is a situation I have imagined before, but I'm still kinda nervous because I'm more used to being in the receptive roll lately. I reach under Arik and jerk him off while I slowly fuck him. He lets loose a stream of jism all over the sheets. I pull out of him and remove the condom and jerk off around the same spot. I feel release, but I still feel the pangs for Andrew and I start to get depressed. The sexually euphoria with Arik doesn't last long and I know that our relationship has passed and can never be rectified. I don't feel anything for him at all. I just used him to try to push my feelings for Andrew out of the way.

Arik invites me to spend the night, but I don't think I can handle it. I've started to sober up after the sex and feel that I can stumble home fine. It is about 2 in the morning when I get back. I check Andrew's room to see if he is around, but there is no one there. I was curious to see if there was some chick in there working his big beautiful cock. It made me really sad that he felt he didn't want me anymore. I got rid of my clothes and hopped into bed to go to sleep. The room was a little dizzy, but I finally managed to pass out all right.

I sleep for a couple hours, but then I'm woken up abruptly by a sharp pain in my chest. I slowly open my eyes and can hardly see anything in the dark, but I feel Andrew sitting on my chest. His cock is hard in front of me and it pokes me in the mouth. Andrew uses his fingers to open my mouth and before I can say anything or even realize what is going on he sticks his cock passed my lips and just leaves it there for a bit. I start to gag and he pulls it out for a second.

"Andrew, what the fu...." I start to say, but he plugs my mouth again with his powerful tool. He then pushes my body down further on the bed and gets into a push up position. He starts to fuck my mouth, thrusting his hips up and down while pinning my body down with his strong arms. I'm still pretty groggy, but I start to respond to his domination. I'm starting to get turned on by getting used by Andrew again. It is what I wished for earlier I realize. I open my mouth wide and stop resisting. This causes him to penetrate my mouth fully with his unit and I can feel his pubes brushing across my lips. He continues to thrust violently for a while and even though it is hard for me to breathe my dick starts to become erect at the thought of pleasing the man on top of me. He lets go of my hands and I put them around his tight ass muscles and feel the powerful bucking motion that he is using to drill my mouth. He reaches around and flips the light switch and looks down at me while I examine his face. Our eyes lock together and he slows down his assault a bit while penetrating me with his stare. He pulls almost all the way out and just leaves the head in my mouth. I start to follow it and he changes positions with me following his dick. He rests his ass against my bed as I lick his cockhead up and down. I try to follow it all the way down, but I'm not as successful as when he face fucks me. He grabs the back of my hair and jerks his thick cock with my outstretched lips. I quickly cover my teeth as I bob up and down on Andrew. He is guiding my ever motion and it makes me feel great.

"Jax, you are taking my fucking cock, man. Fuck yeah fag. Suck the cum out of my balls." Andrew tells me. It seems that he is reinstating his trash talking, but I'm so lost in the moment that I don't care right now.

I suck him for a while and he forces my head down on him all the way as he fills me with his pole. I start to gag, but he just tells me to take it all. He finally lifts my head up so I can breathe, but then flips me around so that I'm lying down on my back.

"I know you can't live without my cock now Jax. I may have gotten my ass kicked before, but I know that I own your ass and that I'm not some little fucking pussy faggot. I think I've just been too soft on you lately." Andrew announces his new approach. "Those bitches I've fucked can't compare to your sweet ass though. You are so fucking tight I love every second. I want you to make me feel good. Open up, here comes my big cock.

Andrew lifts my legs up over my head and spits down on his dick before ramming it against my hole roughly. It hurts like hell and I try to expand my ass so as to accommodate his girth, but it is still painful. Andrew makes deep long strokes against me and the friction starts to drive me insane until he finally starts hitting my sweet spot. He looks at me as he rides my ass and grins. I know there is nothing I can do to stop him. I want him anyway I can get him right now. I may be fucked up, but at least I know what I want. There really isn't anything I want more right now than Andrew's meaty cock plowing my ass into next week. I finally get used to his pounding and use my ass to make his cock feel even tighter. Andrew starts to slap my ass and then pulls me closer to him and pushes my legs all the way to my chest. He keeps up a quick pace the whole time, but is unable to last much longer. He withdraws and I moan as I feel his cock taken from me. He lets my feet down and jerks his cock over my mouth. It doesn't take much and I'm swallowing his salty cream as it jets out of his hose. He flexes his cock again and I take it into my mouth and clean it all off. The fucking turned out to be a pleasant surprise considering how bad I felt earlier. It was a little rougher than I'm used to, but it also turned me on like crazy because I was with Andrew again. The cocky straight bravado that had attracted me to him in the first place was back. He leaves the room without another word and I'm left with a raging hard on to take care of. I quickly jerk off with the taste of Andrew's cum in my mouth and the thoughts that everything was starting to go back to "normal". I'm exhausted from the exchange and fall back asleep after I blow my wad all over my chest. I'm so tired I don't even try to clean up.

Thanks to everyone that has written me. Check out my new story "Whim" if you like this series. Donations appreciated. Tell me what you like about my stories. Remember to put the title of the story in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 8

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