Straight Crush


Published on May 8, 2023


Please don't read this if homoerotic fiction offends you or is illegal in your area. The following story contains sex acts between consenting males. It is a fictional account with fictional characters. I hope the rest of you enjoy this and are safe with everything you do.

Straight Crush Part 6

When I woke up I noticed that Andrew was gone from his bed. Last night was incredible and I thought back to the great time I had with Andrew and Brad. I looked over at the clock and I saw that it was nearly 11. Andrew must have gone to work and didn't want to wake me up. I yawned and stepped out of bed naked. I had some killer morning wood and I went into the bathroom to pee. My ass was really sore, but it was a good soreness, I definitely put it to good use last night. Damn that was hot being sandwiched between two hot guys.

I got into the shower and felt the warm spray on my back as I fantasized about my next encounter with Andrew. I was living with him now so I was sure to look forward to many more sexual encounters. Andrew was starting to become more romantic even though he still needs a lot of work, but it was his cocky attitude that I fell in love with to begin with so I can't fault him that. I grabbed my dick and started to jerk it while feeling the water spraying down towards my ass. My ass was stretched beyond its normal limits recently and the water felt really good. Damn Brad was thick, I couldn't believe I was able to take it so easily. I guess I had a good teacher in Andrew though. He fucked me at least once a day since that first time and often he would stay hard and fuck me again right away. We were both so young and horny that we could go forever. We'd eventually become spent and lie in each others arms and cuddle before moving on to something else or falling asleep. I thought about Andrew's muscles and cock as I jerked off into the swirling water. I felt myself longing for him as this was only the second time I came without him being near in the past week.

My post-orgasmic state was crushed as I heard the phone ringing loudly outside. I quickly got out of the shower and grabbed a towel and ran for the phone. I got to it just in time. To my surprise it was Brad. He wanted me to play some ball with him for a while. I didn't have anything else to do before Andrew came home so I agreed and met him at the park by the school.

We played HORSE for a while and then had a 2 on 2 game versus some of Brad's friends. Every once and a while Brad would catch my eye and stare at me lustily, but for the most part he was good. His friends were Joel and Jason. They were both Sophomores in college and were both cute in their own ways. Neither of them were as traditionally hot as Andrew or as buff as Brad though.

Joel was kinda skinny and had kinda big ears, but he had a cute face with not a bit of hair on it. He was on the track team and was Brad's roommate this semester. He has a bitchy girlfriend that no one else really likes, but he puts up with her because he's such a nice guy and is used to getting abused. Joel was also a singer in a band that plays at local bars and clubs. His music is a little rough, but he's a great singer and has a few hardcore groupies. I'm sure someday he'll dump his girlfriend for one of them, but only time will tell. I've been to a few parties with him and his girlfriend so I know him fairly well. I've sat in at rehearsals and made suggestions to him before as well.

Jason is about the same size as Andrew, but a little taller and not quite as built. He plays football with Brad a lot, but doesn't work out nearly as much and is a heavy beer drinker. He's pretty relaxed although he looks kinda intimidating. He has a goatee and short-cropped hair. He grew up in a rough neighborhood and has a scar on his cheek from a fight he was in a few years ago. He has a nice smile and is a pretty nice guy although I've never really had a chance to talk to him away from a group setting.

Brad is another story entirely. He's a pretty buff guy for being relatively short. He probably weighs about 180 pounds that is almost all muscle. I look like a wuss compared to him although I have a pretty average build. He is one of Andrew's best friends. I actually met him in class a few years ago, long before I knew Andrew. He is a senior majoring in management. He's a nice guy, but he gets average grades and isn't into talking about intellectual stuff. He mostly talks about the typical beer and bitches kinda stuff that many college guys talk about. Andrew and I can have a conversation about what is in the news or on controversial issues, but I doubt I'd ever have one of those with Brad. He's really playful though and likes to be active with pretty much anything he does. Brad had a steady girlfriend for a long time, but they broke up about a month ago. Andrew and Brad have been hanging out more in the past few weeks and have been on the prowl for some chicks for a while. I guess Brad decided that I'd be the next best thing when he came over last night. I was really surprised that he wanted to hang out so soon after that though and thought he might be weird about it. He didn't act differently at all though.

After the game we said goodbye to Jason and went back to Brad and Joel's dorm to shower. Brad asked me if I'd take care of him again and I told him I would. He confided in me that he was having a hard time without his ex, Kim. We've talked about relationship issues in the past, but he didn't know I was gay until recently. He helped me get over a girl I used to date when I was unsure about my sexuality. He told me I was a good listener and hoped that I was ok with what went on last night. I told him it was great for me and that I'd like to have sex with him again. He grinned and gave me a big hug that almost took the breath out of my body. I was kinda surprised at seeing this new side of Brad, but I guess he was still devastated about losing Kim and that maybe he was trying to use me to rebound.

I went in behind him into the shower and went to work on his thick pole as soon as we shut the door. I figured Andrew would be home soon and I wanted to get back soon. Brad just groaned and let me do all the work and I made him feel as good as I could. His dick was hard to suck because it stretched my mouth so wide, but he was much easier to deepthroat than Andrew. I pulled off of Brad's head and started rubbing it between my fingers before bobbing my mouth back on it. Brad wasn't as hands on as Andrew usually was when it came to blowjobs. It was a nice change of pace, but sometimes it's nice to be instructed what to do. My practice must have been paying off though because after about ten minutes of work Brad was spurting his juice out of his rod. I pulled my head almost all the way off so I could taste his jism as it hit my tongue and I swallowed it down as best I could. The water was running off my face and I looked up at the handsome stud above me. I reached my hand around the large shaft and pulled the remaining cum from his cockhead. I stuck my tongue out and lapped the head as he pulled out and started to soften. I opened up and engulfed his cock one last time as it deflated in my mouth.

We finished showering and I could still taste Brad while he thanked me for the blowjob. He invited me to a house party tonight. I told him I'd see if Andrew wanted to go and get back to him. I drove home thinking about how much my life has changed.

When I get home I see Andrew lying facedown on the couch. It looks like he is crying.

"Andrew, what the hell happened to you, man?" I asked him

"I got jumped on the way home some fuckers found out I was having sex with you and decided to beat me up," Andrew said.

He still wouldn't look up at me though. I ran over to him and put my hand on his face. He had a black eye and his mouth was bleeding a little. He looked down away from me. It was like he didn't want to look me in the face. I didn't know what to say. I just grabbed him and held him in my arms. He cuddled up against me and hugged me.

After what seemed like forever he finally told me what had happened. Some guys overheard him when he told Brad what he was planning to do with me last night and they don't like faggots in any form. 3 guys came up behind him as he was walking home from work. The worked him over pretty good. I knew he knew who they were, but he was too proud to tell me. One of them had a big ring and repeatedly punched him in the stomach. Another one jabbed him in the eye with his fist and connected with another to his jaw. They kicked him to the ground and then bolted as some other people arrived to see what was going on. It could've been much worse if they would've had their way. They could've killed him. I felt so incredibly bad for what happened to him. I felt irrationally like it was partly my fault. I then felt an intense anger swelling up inside of me. If I knew who did it I would probably fly off the handle and go try to hunt them down right away.

Brad called later that night and asked if we wanted to go out. I told him what had happened and he was furious. Andrew wouldn't tell him who had beaten him up either. His pride was hurt perhaps even more than his body. Brad wanted to come over and talk with us for a while, but I told him to go out. There was no point in him not having any fun tonight. I refreshed Andrew's icepack and we got ready for bed. Andrew told me he didn't want me to sleep in his bed tonight and I was kinda hurt, but also kinda understood. He was starting to express himself more towards me and now he was shutting me off. I wanted to kiss him and hold him and make him feel better, but he wouldn't let me. He didn't say much and I didn't really know what was going through his head. I wish I could do something to help, but I guess his world is in upheaval right now. He doesn't know if he's gay or straight and now he has guys almost killing him for being gay.

My bed feels very cold and lonely as I settle into it. I hope Andrew warms up to me again. Maybe those guys threatened him to stay away from me though. Andrew used to be so full of confidence, but tonight he is a broken man. It hurt me because there was nothing I could do for the man I loved.

As I get ready for work Andrew is still sleeping. I try to wake him up before I go, but he just ignores me and turns over. He has some bad bruising and I figure I'll let him get some rest.

It is difficult for me to concentrate at work because I keep thinking about my broken Andrew at home. I somehow dredge through another god-awful day and make my way back home. Andrew is there with beer bottles spread across the room. He is totally pissed out of his mind. I walk in and he looks up at me with his marred face. He is still beautiful, but his face still looks pretty wrecked. It will probably heal in time, but he obviously looks like he was on the bad end of a brawl.

He hands me a beer and I take it and sit down. He's not much for conversation right now though as his words are very slurred and his breath is rank with the smell of beer and vomit. It looks like he was busy drinking since the time he woke up until I came home. He goes to get another beer for himself and I stop him because I'm worried that he has already drank too much for his own good. He tries to fight me, but is in no condition to and he sinks back on the couch depressed.

I give him some water and as the night wears on he sobers up a little. I take him to his bed and make him lie down on his side in case he vomits again. He is still sore on his right side so I put him on his left. He groans everytime I touch a sensitive spot, but finally settles down. He tells me not to sleep with him because he doesn't want to be a faggot. I just look at him and go to my room. I figure it is just the beer talking, but he has been through a lot lately. He might be overreacting to the beating he took. I feel kinda depressed though because now I finally have Andrew to myself and he doesn't seem to want me anymore. I hope he gets over it soon, but a part of me is doubtful.

The rest of the week goes on pretty much the same way. Andrew doesn't say much to me and we don't have sex or any intimate contact at all. His face is starting to look better and his body isn't as sore, but his ego is as wounded as ever. He feels that if he was a real man he'd be able to take his attackers. I tried to explain to him that being ambushed by 3 guys isn't a fair fight and that most "real men" wouldn't have been able to do much about it either.

On Thursday Brad invites me over after his class. Our conversation immediately turns to Andrew and our mutual concern over his change in mood. Andrew hasn't said much to Brad either and still won't tell who his attackers were. Afterwards the conversation gets lighter. We decide to go have a few beers and go bowling. Brad is a horrible bowler, but he enjoys playing anyway. I'm very competitive so that's fine with me. I win the 2 games we play easily.

We stop back and my place and we find that Andrew has left. He scribbled a note saying that he went out to a local bar. I was kinda worried about him, but I was that he didn't drive so I figured he'd be ok.

I invite Brad into the hot tub and he starts to come onto me again. Brad is very flirty, but I know he just wants me because he doesn't have Kim anymore. Andrew was never really in a steady relationship and has had many brief encounters with women. Brad is a complete opposite. He's only had 3 girlfriends and all of them have lasted over a year. It takes him a while to get comfortable around a girl so he's not the type to fuck around much.

We are close to each other in the hot water and I reach over and paw at his shorts and cup his balls. I start rubbing his crotch and he looks over at me and smiles. I briefly feel his tight abs and he tells me to squeeze his biceps as he flexes. His guns are awesome and I'm tempted to lick them, but I restrain myself. My hand then reaches inside his trunks and I feel his thick meat come to life under the water. I untie his shorts with my other hand and pull them off of him. I lift myself out of the water and put my hands on his shoulders as he pulls my own trunks off and throws them across to the other side of the hot tub. My dick rises up and is right in front of him. I'm momentarily tempted to stick it in his mouth, but it's not really my style. Instead I feel for his hard cock under the water and push it down as I sit on his lap. I can feel his cock hitting my butt and longing to go inside me. Brad pushes me a little further off of him and turns me around so that my back is towards him. He then grabs his stocky dick and feels for my hole. His giant head finds its intended target and he thrusts up a little bit to push it in. My ass, which hasn't been used in a few days, relents and I'm in pain again although it is a good pain since I like the man delivering it. His cock stretches my ass as I slowly impale myself on it and slide all the way down and into the water. I can't believe how full another man can make you feel when they are fucking you. The feeling is incredible, a mix of pain and pleasure that is entirely arousing. I love the feeling of this man penetrating me deep inside.

I grab onto the side of the tub and ride him long and hard. Brad occasionally moans and spurs me on, but rarely thrusts or takes control. It is quite different from when Andrew fucks me. My cock goes in and out of the water as I try to please the stud underneath me. I jerk it slowly, but try to refrain from cumming quickly because I want the feeling of Brad's big unit inside of me to last and feel good.

After several minutes of me riding Brad's cock like a horse I pull myself forward. Brad's cock follows me for a bit, but then plops out. My ass is upturned in the air and Brad grabs his dick and points it back towards me. He thrusts the head back inside and I moan as I'm filled with the head's girth.

"C'mon and buck yourself back on my dick dude. Make me feel good" Brad says.

I respond by bracing myself and pushing back onto his beautiful meat. I submit to the invading member again and Brad starts to become more forceful in his thrusts. He is starting to fuck me no and I can tell he is finally ready to nut. He puts his hands around my hips and grinds into me quickly. I try to open up as much as I can for him and alternatively squeeze as tight as I can against his already thick dick. He finally lets lose with a wave of semen that my ass accepts without any resistance. He thrusts in me a few more times as I drain the remaining juice from his dick with my ass. He pulls out and pushes his softening cock up and down my used crack. He slaps his dick on my back and a few more drops of cum are deposited there.

I wash his dick back in the water and it is still semi hard so I put it in my mouth and start to furiously jerk off. His dick starts to tighten in my mouth again. He is quite the mouthful and I start to suck him again. As he gets to full mast and fully within my mouth my dick explodes from the pressure of my hand rapidly stroking it. I pull off his dick and stroke him to another orgasm that hits me in the face. I love the feeling of his cum on my face and I wipe it off and swallow it. I start kissing his huge cockhead again and clean it off for him. He looks down at me appreciatively and sits back in the water. We are both exhausted and hot from being in the water and the awesome fucking and sucking. We dry off and head back in the house for a bit.

Brad tells me he's going to go pick up Andrew from the bar. I decide its better if I don't go with him considering Andrew's recent reactions towards me. I sit and watch tv for a bit and Andrew stumbles back in with Brad and some slutty looking blonde girl behind him.

Andrew goes into his room and starts to take off his clothes. The girl follows close behind him and takes off her bra. They are both clearly smashed and ready for sex. Brad told me that he wouldn't leave without her and he said something about not being a fag and going to prove it. Andrew's door was still open and I saw him take off his pants as he pulled the girl over to his crotch. She began sucking him and then he slammed the door shut.

Brad told me to look after him and then left back to his dorm room. About an hour later the slutty girl came out of Andrew's room and stumbled out the door. I was confused by the whole ordeal. I wasn't sure if I should go and talk to him or not. He obviously wanted to use this girl instead of me. I was hurt even though I knew something like this would happen.

I just went back to my room and turned off the lights and went to sleep. I figured I'd just ride it out and move out in a couple months once I found a new place if I had to. It seemed my dream guy didn't need me anymore and I was crushed.

Thanks to everyone who has wrote to me and encouraged me to continue with the story. I'm considering starting another story soon. Let me know if you want this story to continue. I'm not sure what direction I want to take it from here. Donations are appreciated, as I'm a starving recent college graduate. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care guys.

Next: Chapter 7

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