Straight Boys Next Door

By Joe Schmo

Published on Mar 3, 2020



This story is for 18+ and is completely fictional. Will contain a lot of butt fetish fantasies.


Moving to a new town when you're young is already depressing. Worse, I think, is moving when you're a senior in high school. Senior year is supposed to be the last big hoorah before college that you spend with all of your best friends you've made. But now I need to be the new kid at a new school, where everyone else already has their lifelong friend groups. I was afraid I'd be alone and feel like a loser.

But I can't say much to my parents who are already stressed about their job relocations as well. They found a nice house in a generic neighborhood. They keep telling me the school will be good. As we're finishing up unpacking, neighbors come over to greet us and I'm dragged into a series of forced small talk where I have to pretend I'm not feeling good about this place.

Then, a small group of people arrive, three adults and two guys my age. Both of the guys are tall. One of them is pale with a soft round face, strong jawline, short blonde hair that curls a little bit near the front where it's longer...he's slim wearing khakis and a dark flannel shirt. His blue eyes twinkle a bit smiling toward me. The other guy is a little taller, and his tight shirt shows off his buff muscles on his arms and torso, each arm covered in thick brown hair just like the top of his head and the short beard that outlines his face.

The blond one said "Hey dude, welcome to town. I'm Cole, and I live right next door."

"And I'm Josh" tall dark and handsome said, "and I live left next door." He chuckled, "Cole's my best friend and we've always lived one house apart from being next door."

"Yeah one of us could have moved over when this house went up for sale but you had to ruin it!" Cole said with a smile of bright white teeth. "What's your name?"

I realized I was getting lost in their dreamy eyes, "Oh, I'm Sam,"

"Ay Sammy boy I like that."

We chatted for a bit. As they said, Josh lives with his dad in the house to the left of us, and Cole and his parents live in the house to the right. They're both jocks at school and in general, both in football and like to play and watch different sports for fun, they love going places to snowboard, often go to the gym, etc. Even though I didn't share their interests for most stuff, they were really cool guys who said they'd help show me around school when it starts. And they invited me to hang with them and their friends this weekend.

After they went home, I laid in bed thinking about how this was a lucky turn of events. Living between two hot guys. I couldn't help but start to stroke myself thinking about their smiling faces and trying to imagine them naked. Shame though, they wouldn't be into me at all, and we'd only be friends.

Or so I thought.


At my old school I was kind of awkward, and had a small group of close friends who, like me, weren't really a part of any club or team or other stuff. I wouldn't have expected jocks to hang out with me. So I was happy when Josh had us over at his house to watch old movies. We laughed at dumb comedies while he brought out beer that he snuck from his dad's fridge.

I was nervous, "your dad won't get mad?"

"He has so much beer he doesn't pay attention when I drink some." He winked.

I never drank before, and was kind of afraid of how it would feel. But they seemed relaxed, so I thought maybe a couple wouldn't hurt. I sipped beer with them while we kept talking and telling stories and watching bad movies.

Then Cole started venting about some girl that he tried dating but didn't work out. "She seemed cool at first and you know she wanted to cuddle a lot and a couple times she'd start to like...touch my dick, so I'd get really into it but then she'd stop and say we're going too fast. Then we had sex once, was cool, but like two days later she ignored my texts, and then today she says "leave me alone"."

"Shit man that's rough," Josh frowned.

"I know. Like, I don't know what I did wrong. Girls are hard to read. Wish I had a stable girlfriend like you."

Josh smiled again, "Yeah. Amanda's great. You'll have to meet her, Sammy, she's really chill and funny."

Then Cole put me on the spot, "Did you have a girlfriend back in your old town."

"Oh, uh," my face started to get hot, "No, I didn't,"

"Ay then we gotta show you the girls at school dude, get your fishing pole ready cuz there's plenty of fish," Josh laughed.

"Or, oh," I didn't know how they would react, and didn't want to make the evening awkward, but I couldn't lie to them, "no I'm...not into girls."

"Oh," Cole's eyebrows raised. I felt my stomach twist for that quiet moment, but then he said, "Well there's gotta be plenty of guy fish too,"

I started laughing. Cole continued, "Plus you know what I'm kind of jealous, i'm sure it's easier for you to get with guys. Girls feel like they're on another planet, at least with guys you can be straightforward like yo I wanna fuck or have fun tonight no strings attached,"

"Sure but I don't know there's still drama sometimes," I shrugged.

Josh said, "Let's talk types, I'm really into blondes and pink nipples. Like cheerleader types that always want to have fun and their tits bounce around."

"Sounds generic," Cole laughed, "literally that's every guys type. I like the sophisticated girls who wear glasses and read books, and they'll act serious and in charge in general but like when I take over in bed."

"Keeping things classy," Josh nodded, "What's your type Sam the man?"

"Oh," my face was burning, this was the most I'd shared about my sex interestes, and I'd never talked to straight guys about it. "I like, uh, well I like jocks,"

"Ah so that's why you wanted to hang with us so bad." Cole said. Josh started laughing.

I said, `No it's not like that'

"Just teasing man. Go on,"

"Well, I don't know, I like when guys are hairy, I love butts,"

"Damn you like hairy?" Josh's eyebrows rose. "Wouldn't that feel weird? Or smell worse?"

"I...I like the stink."

"Hah you're a dirty little boy!" he smiled, "nah I get it, I like how girls smell without perfume and stuff."

"Nah but, hairy and butts? What if a guy's ass is really hairy."

I shrugged, "I think that's hot."

"Ah you're nasty," Cole giggled "i feel like the male ass region is the grossest part of all humans."

"So you're like, into rimming and stuff?" Josh's eyes widened.

"Yeah that's..." I couldn't help myself because of the beer, "that's like my kink. I love rimming."

"Damn dude," Josh smiled, "that's kinda gross but awesome, live your dream," he clinked beer cans with me. "I mean I've always wanted to try it and feel what it's like but girls really have no interest in my hairy hole."

"Same," Cole said, "But like, not the hairy part, I shave. Even then it grosses them out. Plus I always smell after practice or the gym or whatever. Even when I shower and wash up back there girls still don't want to try."

"Maybe I could help you guys some time," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

They burst out laughing "slow your role."

"New kid's thirsty as hell,"

I laughed too, nervously and with my heart beating in my ears, but they went on talking about girls at school and their plans for senior year and somehow the things I said didn't make them feel uncomfortable.

That night I laid in bed again, worrying that I'd said too much and mad that I let myself loose with the beer. But the guys didn't seem to care much or treat me different than before. I needed to relax.


The next day I went out with them to a local pizza place with some of their friends. The group was cool. After hanging out, Cole told me he wanted to show me some video games he had since I told him I didn't have the newest playstation.

It was just the two of us in his bedroom, which was a mess of dirty laundry on the floor and old pizza on paper plates, and a few game and football posters. We played a few rounds of some generic shooting game.

"Hey dude," he said after a quiet pause, "I kinda need to talk to you."

"What's up?"

"I didn't ask you here just to play games." He seemed reluctant to continue, but then he said, "I keep thinking about what you said last night. About how you like rimming,"

My heart was about to fall out of me. "Yeah?"

"I've always wanted to be licked down there," He kept talking, "Like I keep seeing it in porn and it looks so hot. But you already heard my spiel, girls won't do it. I know we just met and, I don't know I don't think I'm gay or anything but I'm seriously into this idea..."

" rimming you?"


We were quiet for a bit. I didn't want to make our friendship weird or anything. But how could I say no to him?


He chuckled out of nerves, "Oh that was easy."

I laughed too, shaking, "like you said, easier with guys than girls,"

He kept laughing, "ok so, uh, ok let's do it,"

Cole got up from his beanbag and started taking off his clothes. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there. I think my body was in shock from how sudden this interaction came and went. A minute ago, we were just chilling and playing games. Now I was about to let this straight boy experiment with me. How could I get so lucky?!

His body was toned and smooth looking, hairless but tough. He had on tight maroon boxer briefs that hugged his butt cheeks and crotch. I was drooling at the sight. He moved his comforter over and he laid down on the bed on his stomach.

My body floated over to the bed and slowly got down by his legs. I looked at his butt, his gorgeous cheeks, being hugged by his underwear.

"Oh shit dude," he chuckled, "can't really lick my skin when it's covered, sorry," he seemed flustered. It was so cute. But I stopped him before he could pull them down. Slowly, I kissed each cheek, and I nuzzled my face into his crack and took a sniff.

"Sorry I didn't shower today, should I wash first?"

"No, you smell great," I felt so warm, my nose in his butt, smelling musty and sweaty.


Then I pulled his underwear down and revealed his big cheeks, smooth and pale with some short light blond hair peeking out. I ran my hands over it.

Our hearts were beating fast. I pulled his cheeks apart and saw his pink hole, like a little flower. I pressed my nose against it, and got lost in his ass cheeks for a moment, before I got to work doing what he wanted me to do.

"Oh," he let out a little gasp when my tongue brushed his hole.

I licked his crack a bit, massaged his hole, then pulled out "how do you feel?"

"Awesome man,"

With that, I went back in. I had my arms wrapped over his hips, pushing his cheeks together against my face, while my tongue started to poke into his hole. I felt him squirm and adjust and heard him make little noises. He started pushing back and pressing his hips against me, as if his butt were begging my tongue to go deeper. I was rock hard in my underwear and started to hump the bed.

He got excited too. After a while, he pulled me away, drool dripping from my mouth and still keeping me connected to his ass crack, "I'm sorry man but I'm about to burst," He leaned on his elbow and showed me his dick, red hot and throbbing against his stomach passed his belly button. I didn't think he would be so big! Precum had left wet spots on his sheets, and I saw it shine on the head of his cock.

"I can blow you if you need it," I blurted out.

"Oh I need it," he laughed.

Barely getting those words out, I leapt on that cock and sucked it down. I gagged a lot, but kept it down, feeling his cock get squeezed and massaged in my throat. I couldn't see his facial expression but I heard him moaning and gasping. Sure enough, he `burst' quickly, filling my mouth with the strong taste of cum. I swallowed and swallowed, sucking out each new pump of cum. He shivered and swore under his breath, laying down as I kept sucking on his softening cock. My heart was still going like crazy, my face was burning red, and my own dick was hard and drooling.

I pulled off of him, drool all over my face. I wiped my mouth and smiled. I accidentally burped, and he laughed.

"How was that?"

"Better than I thought it would be." Cole sprawled back with his arms up, hands holding his head and his light armpit hair showing. "I guess we don't have to be done though, I kinda wanna feel you licking me again." He noticed my hardon and said, "if you want you can use one of the socks in that drawer."


"To jizz you know,"


Trembling, still in a state of shock, I reached the dresser and pulled out a sock that had yellow stains. One of his personal cum rags. I went back to the bed where he was back on his belly and his butt was up, he waved it back in forth for me.

I felt dirty putting his sock over my dick but I still stroked myself for a minute while diving back between his cheeks. Not for long because the wave of joy rushed over me and I came a lot, my face wedged in his ass crack. For a moment my eyes rolled back and my tongue got tired, but then I pushed myself to lick his hole a bit rougher.

I have no idea how long I did that for him. It might have been a full hour. My jaw was aching and my tongue was exhausted, but I didn't want this moment to end. I looked up over the curve of his lightly fuzzy cheeks and saw he was on his phone scrolling through reddit. I rubbed his back while I kept licking his asshole.


"Hey," he stopped me at the door on the way out, "don't tell Josh about this, ok? He might be weirded out."

"Don't worry," I smiled. "I won't tell him,"

I went home giddy and weak in the knees. I kept masturbating at the memory of his smell and how warm and tight he was around my tongue. I didn't know if we would do that again or if this were just a one time thing. No matter what, I was happy.


The next day, Josh texted me saying that Cole was coming over to his place to watch movies if I was interested. I said sure, and headed over. I was kind of worried that Cole would be awkward around me now, or that he wouldn't talk to me as much. I hoped he at least had the acting skills to pretend nothing had happened.

But it turns out, that didn't matter, because when I got to the house, Cole wasn't there. Josh greeted me with a big smile. "Hey, what's up."

"Nothing. Cole on his way?"

"Oh, uh, no," He blinked, "nah he bailed."

"Oh. Ok then." I shrugged and went in, kicking my shoes off. Josh stood by me, fidgeting his hands about, before we went to his living room.

We sat on the couch, I told him about my day and some weekend plans with my parents. He nodded along, but didn't say much in return. It felt...weird. Like there was something wrong, or that he had something on his mind he wanted to tell me. Could he have found out about Cole and I?

I wasn't going to say anything, but the silence between us made the atmosphere uncomfortable. I tried laughing at the dumb jokes in the movie we watched, and Josh barely made a chuckle come out.

I couldn't take it anymore, "Is there something wrong dude? You seem kind of off today."

"Yeah well," he smiled, "I, uh," he coughed, "I'm sorry dude I kinda lied to you."


"I didn't invite Cole over. I wanted to be alone with you."

"Oh, uh, why?" Here it comes, I thought, he definitely knows about yesterday and was going to air out his opinions,

"I can't stop thinking about what you said, about how you love hairy butts..."

My eyes widened, my heart started pounding, and my dick got hard. I already knew what he was about to say.

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