Straight Boy

By Dave Kellond

Published on Jun 18, 1999


Straight Boy - Part 5

My dick began to harden immediately when I heard the knock at the front door. I checked the peep hole and saw my two smiling young college boys. Damn, I hadn't realized just how cute they looked together. I wonder...nah, they probably aren't ready for THAT! Or, are they?

As expected, Pat and Tim made a bee-line for my bong, and loaded it up with "some killer stuff" Pat brought. I checked it out, and took way too big a hit, nearly coughing up a lung in the process. The weed had mellowed Tim a bit, and he slouched down in the couch, a bit chinese-eyed with a noticeable hardness growing in his pants. I realized I was staring at it when he began laughing.

"Can't wait, eh, dude?"

"Oh, shit, sorry -- didn't mean to stare. OK, yeah I did." I laughed.

Pat already had his shoes off, and pulled his shirt up over his head. He really needed to bulk up a bit. I could see his ribs, and he sort of had "bony girl arms", to go along with a complete lack of hair except in his pits. Tim was a bit better developed. His pecs had a bit of definition and his arms had begun to take a tight muscular shape. As he removed his shirt, I once again feasted my eyes on the treasure trail leading from his "inny" navel down to his boxers. Yeah, I had seen enough to be fully hard. It was time to play!

I decided to tease them a bit when I said, "OK, last one naked is a flaming queer fag!"

"Fuck you, Dave," retorted Pat, while Tim just grinned as he stripped.

"Hey, I think that's the idea, isn't it, Pat?" We all laughed, and casually made our way into my bedroom.

I followed Tim and, as soon as he turned to see where we were, I put my arms around him and drew him in to a hot lip-lock. He returned the kiss very passionately, groping me all over as we did tongue dances in each other's mouth. Yep, it's going to be difficult to think of him as a straight boy anymore. He was so into making out, and his stiff cock was already drooling precum.

"Geez, you guys ought to just get married," observed Pat.

"Can't. It's illegal," Tim replied. Again we all laughed, and sort of fell on my bed in a tangle of arms, legs, and rock hard dicks.

Tim whispered in my ear that he wanted me to fuck him. At almost the same time, Pat said out loud that he wanted to fuck me. I could have died right there, and passed on as the happiest man in the world. I had two cute teenage college boys, naked in my bed, plotting the night's sexual adventures. Now I was sure life could not possibly get any better.

While I was already mostly hard, I needed to get to that "steel rod" state before attempting any anal action. I motioned to Tim to suck me. He dove on my cock like a kid bobbing for apples at a Halloween party -- minus the teeth! Well, well, this boy had listened and learned, and now I was enjoying a nice blowjob from the hot stud. Meanwhile, Pat knelt next to me, and began tweeking my nipples, his cock swinging just inches from my mouth. Mmmmmmm, time to taste boymeat again! I inhaled his semi-hard dick and began to deep throat him.

Tim had settled into a rythym of steadily sucking up and down my cock, and I was starting to get real hard. I paused in sucking Pat's cock long enough to wet two fingers with saliva, and reached for Tim's hole. He groaned -- or moaned, I'm never sure what to call it -- as I slipped first one finger, then two into his tight virgin ass. Pat was now literally fucking my mouth, as the three of us became one hot, horny, and sweaty tangled mess on my bed.

Suddenly, Pat jerked and slammed his cock deep in my mouth and shot several spurts of hot cum down my throat. I almost gagged, but managed to recover and swallow his boyjuice. He yelled out loud, then rolled over his back, breathing hard and just staring at the ceiling. I pulled my cock out of Tim's now talented mouth, and reached for the KY. As I began smearing it into Tim's hole, he sort of giggled, commenting on how cold the lubricant felt. Then he watched intently as I coated my rock hard cock with it. I kept two fingers in his hole as I pushed his legs up and put a pillow under his ass. He looked me directly in the eye while I aimed my dick at his soon-to-no-longer-be-virgin butthole. Tim kinda smiled and Pat looked on, still panting.

I was amazed at how easily my cock slid in. Tim barely whinced, and certainly didn't complain. He began a rocking motion as soon as I was buried all the way up him. I slowly withdrew my dick to the last inch, then slowly slid back in. I repeated this motion several times, then asked him, "are you ready to get fucked?"

"Yeah, fuck me, Dave -- fuck my hole!", Tim hissed.

I didn't need an engraved invitation to answer his request. I began slamming my cock in and out of his ass. Tim sort of grunted and moaned, and jerked his own cock for a bit. Then, to my surprise, Pat reached in and took over for Tim, jerking him every bit as hard as I was fucking him. Tim rolled his head to one side, and just groaned real low, smiling, and obviously enjoying the sensation of having a man's dick in his ass.

About a minute later, Pat's stroking paid off. Tim shot a geyser of cum all over Pat's arm, his own chest, and some even landed on his chin. When he shot, his ass totally clamped down on my cock, and I knew I'd be spewing soon. I just kept stroking, and the Tim's ass contractions continued. I slammed deep one last time, and spilled my load up this teenage ex-virgin stud's ass. Spurt upon spurt accompanied an orgasm as strong as any I can ever remember. I pulled out and rolled over on the bed, exhausted! I kissed Tim lightly on the lips and whispered, "Thanks, bud, you are really hot."

"Fuck yeah, dude, that was awesome!" Tim exclaimed. It looked like it would take a crowbar to pry the smile from his face. He looked truly happy and fulfilled. Well, filled, at least!

"Yeah, I'm glad ... you ... liked it," I said, gasping for air, sitting up, enjoying the moment, and noticing cum leaking out of Tim's ass. I laid back down, still in my post-orgasm pant. Pat, meanwhile, had grabbed the KY, and was unscrewing the cap from his new position, between my legs. I could see his cock was standing at full mast. I still hadn't caught my breath.

"Pat, let's wait a little while for that, OK?" I suggested.

"Aw, man, that was so hot, I'm ready to go now."

"Well, I'm not -- give me a few minutes--".

Tim interupted, "Hey, dude, I'm ready -- I wanna do it again right now! Come fuck my ass, Pat."

Ah, the resilience of youth -- tireless in play! I watched as Pat lubed his cock, then placed it at Tim's entrance. My shrinking dick suddenly came back to life when I saw Pat's cock slide all the way into Tim's ass in one stroke. Once in, they were like rabbits! I had a front row seat for the hottest sex I've ever seen between two young guys. If I'd had a video tape of this, it would be worth a fortune.

Tim and Pat fucked away for almost ten minutes. During that time, a few barriers came down. Pat, who had twice before rebuffed my attempts to kiss him, was now initiating deep open mouth kissing with Tim. As their orgasms neared, Pat sped up, and the room was filled with sounds of his cock pistoning rapidly in and out of Tim's cum-filled ass. Finally, Tim shot a long rope of cum between them, spilling out on to the bed (damn, gotta change the sheets AGAIN!), and judging from Pat's grunts and moans, he unloaded his cream into Tim's overflowing ass.

I lit a cigarette, and kinda stared at the scene in my room. I imagine I had a look of total bliss. Could it get any better than this?

Straight Boy - Final Chapter

Tim and Pat and I sort of collapsed together on my bed and slept until early Sunday morning. Pat was the first to wake up, when Tim's knee found his ribs. The abrupt yell woke us all up, and we quickly realized it was shower time.

I went first, and was soon joined by Pat. He wasted no time in demonstrating that his straight days were over. Although he still wore braces on his teeth, he could kiss. He kissed me everywhere, and finally engulfed my cock in his mouth just as Tim climbed in the shower. I realized this wouldn't work for long because the shower was not big enough to accommodate us all. When I jumped out, Pat just grabbed Tim's dick, and continued sucking.

Pat and Tim fooled around a bit longer in the shower, then got out and joined me in the living room for a morning bong. It was 8 AM on a Sunday, and we're wearing towels, smoking pot.

"So, what are you guys gonna do today," I asked.

Tim looked at Pat. Pat looked at me. I looked at Tim. Finally, Pat spoke. "How about if we hang out here with you?"

Damn, I thought, what have I created, or, at least, inspired? These two are going to wear me out. Oh, well...

"Sure. You guys can do whatever you want."

"Cool," Pat said. "How about if we all take turns fucking each other? I think I wanna try getting fucked. Tim says it's the best." He looked at Tim as he said it, and Tim smiled a real sheepish grin, then laughed.

"It IS the best, dude." Tim exclaimed.

After a couple more bongs, we adjourned back to my bedroom. Instead of changing the sheets, I just threw another clean sheet on top of what had already dried. I figured laundry was laundry, and I'd be doing more than my share after this weekend was over.

Pat had cleaned his asshole really well in the shower. I found that out when I dived between his legs and began licking his hairless pink pucker. It smelled good, it tasted good, and I was about to fuck my second virgin in the last twelve hours. Tim, meanwhile, was getting in some sucking practice on my cock. He had become a natural. His ability to suck my cock to the root without getting his teeth in the way had improved dramatically.

I found the KY, and began lubing up Pat's ass. My dick was fully hard now after Tim's mouth and tongue had done the trick. Pat had this really relaxed look on his face, almost angelic, as I pushed his legs back and placed my cock at his hole. Slowly, I eased my dick into him. He tensed and contorted a bit during penetration. Pat began to smile when my cock was all the way in. I returned the smile and leaned over to kiss him. He was hot! He licked my face when I pulled away from kissing him and started to slide my dick in and out of his devirginized hole. Damn, this boy is tight!

"Oh yeah, Timmy, you were right, this is the best. Come on Dave, fuck me. Fuck me good. This is awesome--", Pat commented, almost under his breath.

I continued a slow, steady fuck of my skinny young friend. He looked me right in the eye and smiled a blissful smile, while I glanced periodically at my cock engulfed by his tight little ass. What an amazing feeling. Tim, meanwhile, decided to take a turn at rimming, so I had the additional sensation of having my ass tongued as I fucked Pat. The sum of both feelings built up an intense surge in my balls, and I quickly unloaded a blast of cum up Pat. He must have felt it, because his assring clamped down on my dick, and he shot all over himself, even getting some on his face and in his hair. I held my dick in him, and leaned over to lick the cum off his face.

When I pulled out, Tim announced, "My turn!", and almost knocked me out of the way, guiding his hard dick toward Pat's stretched and cum-dripping hole.

Pat grunted a bit when Tim entered him, but began to rock back toward him, and urged him on, "Yeah, dude, that's it, fuck me with your monster cock. Fuck me good!"

Once again, I had a front row seat for hot teenage boy-sex. They went at it for about 5 minutes, then Tim sped up, grunting and groaning, and finally spewing another hot load up Pat's behind. We all sort of collapsed together, panting, grinning, and stroking each other. Tim's face was inches from mine, and we attracted like magnets, kissing and licking at each other.

Damn, this kid was hot!

Pat got up and found the KY. When I felt his cold fingers at my backside, I knew what he had in mind. He didn't cum from Tim fucking him, but still had a big hardon. A moment later, his dick was buried up my ass while I laid on my side. Although much thinner and shorter than Tim's, Pat cock still did the trick. I spewed something that resembled a load, while making out with Tim, and then felt Pat blast his cum in my ass.

I was done. Fucked out. Beat.

And, so were Pat and Tim. We all cat-napped for a couple of hours, then took turns in the shower before they left. I didn't even have enough energy to hold a conversation about when we would all do this again. They just left, smiling.

I didn't see much of Tim and Pat after that weekend. Pat moved in with a friend from high school, and Tim became a regular in his bed for a while. Unfortunately, Pat also got into some trouble with the cops after being stopped one night. It seems he had been "loading" our bong hits with flakes of freebase cocaine (no wonder that shit was so powerful!). He wound up doing some jail time, and Tim moved with his parents to southern California a few months later.

I've lost touch with both guys over the years, but I often think about that magical weekend when a couple of straight college boys discovered their true sexual desires, and enlisted me to turn them from virgins to men. I doubt I'll ever have as exciting a sexual experience again in my life, so I figured writing it down will just have to do.

I hope you enjoyed the story --- it's as true as I can remember, and something I will never forget.


**** THANKS to everyone who gave me feedback while I was writing this story. Your comments and kind words were appreciated.

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