Straight Boy

By Dave Kellond

Published on Jun 2, 1999


This story is almost 100% true. The type of dope was changed to protect the guilty. Everything written here happened in 1994 and 1995. No names have been changed to protect anyone.

"Straight Boy - Part One"

The first time I saw Pat, I wasn't impressed. He was 19, skinny, and still had braces on his teeth. The earrings in both ears sort of confused me, since our common friend Roger told me he was straight. Then I began to notice his eyes. Deep blue and piercing, they often wandered where a straight guy's eyes wouldn't wander.

A few weeks later, while partying with my friend John, we ran out of pot. I fished Pat's number out of my wallet and called him. He said sure, he could set something up, but I'd have to drive. I picked him up around the corner from his parents' house and we drove across town to make the deal. On the way back, Pat said he wanted to party with me. When I told him I was hanging out at John's, he said "Oh, that's cool."

I didn't know what to think. Pat MUST know that John is gay -- the whole world knows John is gay! So, I decided to "test the waters". I told Pat that John has been wanting to suck his dick for a long time, and he'd probably try again. Pat just said "whatever".

We arrived at John's house to a skinny fag, hands on hips, bitching about how long it took to get the weed. Fuck you, John, just be glad I didn't take off and not come back. Then he saw Pat in my car, and all was forgiven. John started right in on Pat, complimenting him on his clothes, his hair, his body. I almost wretched. What did John see in this skinny straight runt? He was just here to smoke our weed and nothing more. Or, so I thought...

About an hour after sparking the first bong load, John had his shoes and shirt off, and was sitting on the floor next to Pat, who was on the couch. When I left the room to pee, I'm sure John totally propositioned Pat, `cause when I came out of the bathroom, they were walking into John's bedroom. John gave me the "shush" finger on his lips, so I just sat down in front of the TV and channel surfed. After a few minutes, they both came out of the bedroom, and Pat had a really strange look, while John was licking his lips, muttering about how good it was. John suddenly looked at me in horror.

"What?" I said.

"Hey dude, you can't tell anyone about this, OK?" Pat responded.

"Yeah, right. Just as long as I get to sample your sausage."

He just looked at me and said OK. I couldn't believe it. Pat, the "Don Juan in his own mind" just agreed to a blow job. I stood up and told him to "drop trou" and sit on the couch. I closed the drapes, and assumed the position in front of him. What I saw astonished me. Pat's cock was long! This skinny kid had 8 inches soft, and God-knows-what when hard. I sort of gulped, leaned forward, and grasped his cock in my hand. I licked up and down the shaft a bit, around his balls, then took the head into my mouth. Soft and silky at first, he got hard in a hurry. And moaned a bit, too.

Pat didn't last long. The steady stream of pre-cum that drooled into my mouth while I sucked him turned into a torrent of hot boy-cum down my throat. I struggled to keep most of it in my mouth, swallowing as he shot. John looked on in amazement, hands on hips in his typical queeny-bitch style.

"That was great, dude", an out of breath Pat whispered. "Thanks."

"You can have that any time you want, Pat." I said.


Straight Boy - Part 2

Well, I didn't see Pat for about a week. During that time, I learned that he had recently become a father, but didn't live with the girl. Perhaps that would have sent up warning flags, but it didn't. Especially when he called me late on Friday night.

"Hey dude, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, just burning some. What are you doing?" I said.

"I got my old man's car. Can I come over?"

"Sure, why not?"

About 30 minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Pat standing there with another guy. `What's up with this,' I thought. I checked out the other guy for a second. Not bad. Tall, cute, dark hair, nice smile. I opened the door.

"Hey Dave, this is my friend Tim." Pat said as he walked past me into my apartment. I should have pulled Pat aside and told him he had violated the common courtesy rule of bringing someone over to a friend's house WITHOUT first asking, or at least telling them. But, I didn't. I looked Tim over and decided he was too cute to worry about Pat's ill manners.

"Hi Tim, nice to meet you", I said as we shook hands.

"Yeah, cool, dude," Tim managed to utter.

They both sat down on the couch and ogled over my bong and the tray of weed sitting next to it. I told them to go ahead, consider it a "buffet". Pat fired up a bong load, passed it to Tim, and we soon were getting very stoned. I put on an Enya CD for background music, and began looking Tim over. He seemed a bit nervous.

Finally, Pat spoke up.

"Hey Dave, I told Tim about our little party over at John's."

"Really? I thought you didn't want anyone to know." I replied.

"No, it's cool. Timmy and me have done the jerk off thing before, so I figured it was OK to tell him about it." Tim nodded and kind of grinned as Pat spoke.

"I see. So what do you guys wanna do tonight?" I asked.

Tim looked at Pat. Pat started to say something, then looked back at Tim. Then Tim just looked at me and grinned some more. At last, he spoke.

"Well, look, dude, I was wondering--" his voice trailed off.

"Sure, why not," I said. "But, tonight's gonna be the last one-way street, OK? I like participants, not spectators, if you know what I mean--" Both guys smiled. They knew what I meant. I told Tim to stand up, and I reached for his beltbuckle and opened up his pants. He was wearing CK briefs, and I slid them down along with his pants to reveal a semi-hard 8 or 9 inch monster, cut, with bushy dark brown pubes. I'm sure my mouth was watering as I licked the head and slowly took his length into my mouth.

"Oh, yeah! That feels so good!" Tim exclaimed.

I started to get a good suck motion going up and down his long cock, and I saw out of the corner of my eye Pat taking his pants off. Pat was stroking his cock as I was slobbering all over Tim's. I reached out and took Pat's cock in my hand and started stroking it for him. Both guys were uttering low moaning sounds.

Now, at this point, I'm in a somewhat uncomfortable position, sort of wedged between my coffee table and couch, on my knees, sucking one cock and stroking another. I thought - shit, we should be in the bedroom. So, I released Tim's and Pat's cocks, stood up, and motioned for them to follow me into my bedroom. They almost stampeded me to get there first. I took a moment to get undressed, and the boys shucked their shirts so we were all laying naked on my king size bed.

I looked at Pat and he knew what I wanted. Nervously, he reached over and grasped my hardening cock. I felt a tingle go through me like none before. Here was this straight guy with his hand gripping my hardon! At the same time, I resumed sucking on Tim's lengthening rod, and began playing with his balls. Tim, to my surprise, started feeling my balls, and then a finger strayed to my butthole. This guy is supposed to be straight, I thought? He zeroed in on my asshole like he had radar.

Meanwhile Pat was continued to stroke my dick, and looking at Tim. They exchanged some kind of non-verbal message just before Pat shocked hell out of me by swallowing my cock. Judging by his lack of technique -- too much teeth, and not breathing through his nose -- I figured this was the first time he'd ever sucked a cock. I was in heaven, though, sucking a straight guy's dick while his buddy is sucking mine, and for a bonus, having my asshole frigged at the same time.

Tim didn't last long, and began spurting his hot teen cum into my mouth. I sucked and sucked and swallowed, not losing a single drop. He also inserted a second finger in my ass, and I knew I was about to unload in my rookie cocksucker, Pat's, mouth. I decided I should give him the option of tasting cum or not, so I told him I was about to shoot. As expected, he pulled off, but continued jacking me off until I shot.

After another round of bonging, we returned to my bed. This time, Tim wanted more than just to be sucked. I soon found myself on my back, with Pat's cock in my mouth, and Tim lubing up my hole. I could not believe my good fortune. Here were two horny 19 year old college boys that I only knew through my pot connection, taking bold steps toward a new definition of their sexuality. Pat's cock tasted wonderful, and he was much more relaxed as he knelt by my head. Tim, meanwhile, had three fingers stuck up my ass, causing my cock to drool a bit of precum. He really surprised me by taking my cock in his hand, and spreading the precum around the head and stroking me a bit.

As Pat began a steady moaning from the oral service I gave him, Tim placed his cock at my back door. I felt him gently shove just the head into my love chute. Now, ordinarily, I'd insist on a condom, but somehow I rationalized that this young kid from the rich suburbs was not likely to be diseased, so I said "what the fuck", and let him have me bareback. He slowly slid more and more of his huge cock into me, until I felt his pubes tickling my ass cheeks. He gripped my ankles, now high in the air above me, and began stroking in and out. Pat was about to come, as he began fucking my face and really grunting and moaning.

Tim didn't last long. He moaned as he sped up, and I began to tighten up my hole as I was so stimulated from his pounding of my prostate. I knew we were both close. Pat shot first, half in my mouth, the rest all over my face and hair! Then I clamped down on Tim's huge dick and shot all over myself, just as Tim pounded me harder and let loose his hot teen cum up my ass. He continued fucking me, and I experienced more contractions and sort of shot a dry load that maybe had a bit of precum in it -- it was kinda weird. Finally Tim pulled his cock out of my ass. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself off.

Pat was the first to jump off the bed and head for the bong. I was busy wiping off Tim's cock when I got another surprise. He looked me right in the eye and said "That was so cool. I hope we can do this again." I continued to look into his eyes, and they gave away what he was feeling. A moment later, Tim and I were locked in a very passionate kiss, standing naked in my bedroom. I don't think I'll classify Tim as straight anymore.

We kissed for several minutes, and didn't even notice Pat walk into the room. He didn't say anything, then left to hit the bong again.

Straight Boy - Part Three

It was all I could do to get Tim out of my bedroom. Although I couldn't see Pat, I could sort of feel him seething as he helped himself to my weed and bong. When Tim and I finally emerged from my room, Pat gave me a look that seemed to say, "You fucking fag! You've recruited my best friend, damn you!"

Tim was still on a euphoric high from having what was probably the best and most intense sex of his young life. Clearly, he had wanted to do everything we did. He seemed to initiate most of it, so I didn't hold back. Pat, on the other hand, had the look of a confused guy who was remorseful over having just sucked another guy's dick for the first time. It was a very awkward situation, to say the least!

Finally, Pat spoke. "Hey Timmy, you ready to split, or are you gonna stay here tonight?"

The silence was deafening. Tim was struggling with what to say. On the one hand, Pat was his friend and his ride home. On the other, he'd just had great sex, and the prospect of more showed in his eyes. At the time, I was a bit annoyed at Pat for assuming it would be OK for Tim to stay the night. Tim looked at Pat, then at me, then back at Pat. I must not have had a very approving look on my face, because Tim answered, "Yeah, I guess we better head out."

Pat said he had to "drain the lizard", and went into the bathroom. While he was gone, I told Tim that although we hadn't even talked about it, he was welcome to spend the night. He realized he had only a minute before Pat returned from taking a piss, so he grabbed me, and initiated another kiss. Damn, this boy was hot! I pulled back, and said, "Should I take that as a yes?" He just smiled.

When Pat walked back into the living room, Tim was sitting in a chair across from me, with his shoes off. Pat noticed and asked if he had changed his mind about leaving. Tim said he was going to stay. I tried not to look directly at Pat, but I could feel his stare burning a hole in the side of my head. Pat had taken the first steps a week earlier, in discovering his sexuality, and seemed to enjoy it. Now, he actually appeared to be jealous that his friend was willing to go further with it than he had. Pat made for the door, saying "OK, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Call me tomorrow, Timmy, OK?" Tim nodded to Pat as he closed the door, and I deadbolted it behind him.

What a night! Here I am, doing bong hits with a guy I just met, who has already fucked me up the ass, and who I'll be sharing my bed with tonight. I'm starting to wonder: Just how did I get myself into this mess? OK, it's not really a mess. Tim is a hot guy. He's about 6'4", maybe 180 pounds, dark brown hair and eyes, more zits than whiskers, a really cute smile, and none of those stupid piercings or tattoos. I should be celebrating. But, time will tell if this is anything more than an experimental fling for my new young friend.

After attaining another good buzz from the weed, Tim and I went back to my bedroom, and removed our clothes. He grabbed me and we fell together on to my bed, locked at the lips and moaning a bit as we went. I could feel his hard cock pressed up against my leg, as well as my own pre-cum drooling onto my stomach. Damn, this kid was hot! I paused a moment, then re-engaged our make-out session like this was our last chance to have sex before the nuclear bombs fell. Tim reciprocated, running his hands all over my body, particularly my ass and cock. After several minutes of this, I pulled away, and sipped on a glass of water, offering Tim some. As he drank, I decided to taste his manhood again. Turning so that I was facing his feet, I dove on his rock hard, pre-cum dripping, eight inch tool. In doing so, my cock wound up just inches from Tim's face. He put down the glass of water and moaned slightly as I engulfed his dick, burying my nose in his pubes. He leaned toward me and began to lick the shaft of my cock. I almost came on the spot, but continued sucking the giant tool attached to this sexy teenager.

Tim was clearly on an adventure. It didn't take long after I began sucking his cock that he decided to try sucking mine. Now, mine isn't real long -- only about 6 to 6-1/2 inches, but it's pretty big around -- somewhere between 5-1/2 to 6 inches. He had some difficulty taking more than half of it into his mouth, and he hadn't figured out how to keep his teeth from scraping my shaft, or how to breathe while sucking continuously. All of this was to be expected, as he was a young guy sucking cock -- my cock!! -- for the first time.

I felt Tim jerk a bit and buck his hips upward just as he let loose his load of teen-spunk into my sucking mouth. Four or five hot thick jets of his cum shot into my mouth, and I had to react quickly to keep it from dripping out. I wanted to taste this boy, and enjoy his hot slippery load. Mmmmmmmm!!!! Damn, he tasted good. He seemed to lose his desire to suck me when he came, and released my cock to focus on stroking the last spurts of cum from his own cock. I sort of rolled over and laid there, licking my lips, enjoying the remnants of his teen juice.

"Damn, Dave, that was fucking great!" he said, a bit out of breath, "Thanks, dude."

"Hey, anytime. You're really hot, Tim. I like sucking your dick. Perhaps I could offer you a lesson?" I said, hinting that he could improve his technique, without directly criticizing what he had attempted.

"Yeah, I guess I really don't do it as well as you, huh? How do keep your mouth on it the whole time? And what did you do with my cum?" he asked, innocently, just wanting to know.

Wow. This kid was hooked. I sort of reflected on that for a second. Here I was, a thirty-something manager in a high tech company, having sex with a 19 year old college guy who had never been with a man before. It struck me that I sort of had a responsibility to be not only sex partner, play toy, and cum receptacle, but also to be mentor, teacher, and guardian as Tim discovered the intricacies of gay sex.

"Here, Tim, let me show you. First you have to make sure your nose and sinuses are completely clear before you start sucking. You have to breathe entirely through your nose, or else you'll expend all your energy quickly, and have to stop to gasp for air. Get it?"

"Yeah, sure, that makes sense, now that you explain it."

"The other thing you need to do is extend your lips, upper and lower, so that they cover the tops of your front teeth. That way you don't scrape your teeth along the guy's dick." Tim had a look of not understanding, so I said, "Let me demonstrate." I took hold of his now softening cock, and sucked it a few times as I would normally. Then I said, "Now, I won't cover my teeth." Immediately he felt the difference, and said, "Oh, wow, that's what I was doing to you -- I'm sorry dude, I hope it doesn't hurt too bad."

I dropped his cock from my mouth, leaned over and kissed him. "Don't worry about it. You did fine. And I'm sure you'll continue to improve your technique." He reinitiated our make out session, and we held each other, our dicks growing harder as we ran our hands all over each other, locking in a passionate kiss.

Tim pulled back slowly, and asked "Dave, what's it like to get fucked?" Oh boy! Was he serious? Could I be this lucky?

Stay tuned for part 4. Does Tim lose his cherry? And what happens to Pat?

Straight Boy - Part Four

I sat there on the bed, my arms around this really cute 19 year old guy, trying to figure out how I should answer his question. I decided on the scientific approach.

"Getting fucked feels really good, Tim. It's because the guy's dick is sliding across your prostate from inside your rectum -- your asshole." I paused a moment, as Tim had a confused look on his face -- gosh, imagine that at a moment like this! I continued, "OK, think about the last time you were kinda constipated, and you had to strain a little to shit out a big ol' fat turd. Didn't you also notice a tingly feeling and maybe your dick and asshole throbbed a little bit? Maybe you even leaked a little pre-cum?"

"Yeah! That's exactly what happened to me last week. I was so hot, I just gripped my dick and jerked off while I shit, and in no time blew a huge load", he said excitedly.

"Bingo! That's a short preview of what it's like to get fucked."

Tim sat there looking at me, seemingly lost in thought. I figured he was thinking over the evening's events. I was beginning to sober up a bit, as we hadn't hit the bong in a while. Maybe Tim was sobering up too, and re-evaluating his sexual limits.

"Earth to Tim," I finally said.

He looked right into my eyes, pulled me close, and kissed me. Not an ordinary kiss, it was a really passionate, let's fuck til we drop kind of kiss. Once again, I was in heaven. This is a hot, wiry, fresh young stud -- and he's naked in my bed. Life is so damn good at this very moment.

Unfortunately, that would change very soon. My dick failed to cooperate. Tim and I made out for quite a while, until he told me he wanted to get fucked. I stroked, he sucked, we ground together, but nothing worked. Not even a crane would have done the trick. Sometimes I wonder if it's the weed somehow affecting me when this happens. It doesn't happen a lot, maybe 5 or 10 percent of the time, but this was just plain bad timing.

Tim and I finally pulled a sheet over ourselves, fell asleep, and didn't get up until almost noon on Saturday. It was a cool overcast morning, the kind that makes you just want to just stay in bed. Of course, looking over at Tim and recalling our night together made me really want to stay in bed all day. We did fool around a bit when he woke up, but he had to be at work at 3, and I had to drive him half way across the county. The shower we took together was fun. We soaped and groped, and didn't get out until the hot water began to run out.

We didn't talk much on the drive to Tim's parents' house. He took my number, and we agreed to get together again soon, but didn't nail down a specific time. I wanted to set a date and time, but figured I'd better not put any undue pressure on Tim. After all, he probably needed some time alone to reflect on what had happened in the last twelve hours. I dropped him off around the corner from his house, and headed home.

On the 50 minute drive back home, I realized that I had no easy way of getting hold of Tim. He didn't volunteer his phone number, and I didn't see exactly which house was his. Well, I thought, I can just get in touch with him through Pat, right? Hmmmmmm, that's no guarantee, either, considering I don't think I got a good read on Pat's state of mind when he left last night. OK, Dave, just don't worry about it. This will all work out, I told myself. I think I mentally crossed my fingers, too.

When I picked up the phone at home, the broken dial tone I heard alerted me to new messages. I called voice mail, and there was a message from Pat. He just said to call him. I dialed his number, and he answered right away.

"Hey Pat, it's Dave."

"Hey dude. So how did it go last night? You really like Timmy, don't you?"

"Yeah, he's a fun guy."

"Right! He's a fun guy with a big dick. I couldn't believe he fucked you, dude. That thing is so huge."

"Like I said, Pat, a lot of fun."

"Cool. Hey, do you think we can do that some time?"

"Maybe. I guess you're OK with everything last night, huh?"

"Dude, I must be. I get so fucking hard thinking about the stuff we did. I must be gay or something. What do you think?"

"If you have to put a label on it, sure, you're probably gay. But, you're also a horny young dude, with lots of sex drive."

"Yeah, I got that all right, dude! Hey, I gotta pick up Timmy from work around eleven. Can we come over? I even got a bag of the killer buds today I'll bring with..."

"Sure. Just give me a call when you're on your way, OK?"

"You got it, dude! See ya tonight!"

"Later, Pat."

Damn! I AM the luckiest guy in the world. Not only does lanky, big-dicked Tim want me to fuck HIM, but skinny punk Pat wants to fuck ME! So now, my dick gets hard. I swear, hardons can be just like cops -- never around when you need one, or they pop up at the damnedest moments. Go figure.

Eleven o'clock came and went. Shortly before midnight, Pat called and said they were just leaving the restaurant where Tim worked. I asked Pat if Tim was excited about tonight. The next thing I heard was Tim screaming "LET'S PAR-TEEEE!!!!" in the backgound. Well, that answered that question. And, right on cue, my dick got hard again.

They should be here in about 45 minutes. Anticipation!!

Stay tuned for Part 5

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