Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 17, 2023


Dear readers: apologies for the last chapter. Know how the computer always tells you "save your work? " I didn't. And I didn't even realize it was all gone until it was posted. So, I'm going to reconstruct the rest of what you should have seen. Hope you enjoy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brad got off the phone, frustrated. However passive he was in sex with men, he was used to getting what he wanted in just about every other area. Hal, however, seemed to "have his number." It wasn't Hal who said that they should have the night off: Brad did. And what did Hal do? HE WENT AND GOT ANOTHER DATE! Brad couldn't get his head around the fact that this man was dating someone else , even for a night. Someone else was gonna get that cock! Wasn't it HIS cock to service? He realized: it wasn't. He had no claim to it. Brad had read, in some of his magazines, stories about guys submitting to other guys: becoming their permanent sex slaves . In some of the stories, the two pledged to be faithful to each other. Hal hadn't brought it up, and Brad had only thought about, well, having a Master every now and then. He didn't think he was ready. Now, he began to consider it. He wanted to be with Hal that night. It had been nearly 10 hours since he had jerked off in the shower, and he was horny again. He got even hornier when he thought about how Hal had fucked him, the way he worked his nips, and everything else. He thought he would hate Hal taking control of his wardrobe, but he actually found it very erotic. Hal had better taste, and he DID look better. He sighed. Maybe a gym trip would clear his head. He packed up his stuff and took a folder of work. He spoke to his secretary.

"I didn't get there this morning, T, so I'm going to head out, and get my workout in now. I'll work on the presentation at home. "Nothing new about that Brad. You enjoy your night. Incidentally, Brad, whoever got you that new shirt, reads you like a book. Best looking shirt you've worn in years." Brad blushed. It was one Hal had picked.

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While Brad was on his way to the gym, Hal was just finishing up his day. He checked his phone to see if there were any other messages or texts from brad since the one where he hung up. None. Good. That meant he was steaming. It was time to step things up a little. He had prepared "just in case" brad gave in, and came over. He had pulled out a few toys the night before to get ready. And now, he was using his employee discount to buy some more clothes for brad. In working through brad's wardrobe, he realized that like a lot of straight men, he had plenty of really casual clothes, and then his work clothes, but nothing in between. Hal liked going out, and his man was going to look good. He liked the idea of being with a man who was better looking than he was, and also letting anyone who watched them, know who was in charge. He picked up some dark oxford shirts, way more casual than the ones brad wore to work. They'd look good on him. After he had paid for them, he turned off his phone. No harm in stopping at Pockets for a drink. Who knows? Maybe brad would be there. Maybe he wouldn't. In any event, and again, Hal smiled, brad was going to be in his bed that night. And this night, he was going to get fucked.

Brad didn't go to Pockets after his workout. Instead, he showered, seeing how stiff he was when he thought about Hal, dressed, and sat in his car, stewing. His competitive side was telling him "don't do it" His horniness was telling him "you lost." He sighed, and texted to Hal "you win.I'll take my penalty. Can I please come over Sir?"

Hal saw the text as he finished his beer, and smiled. Now, let him stew for a few minutes. After 15, he went outside, so brad wouldn't hear bar sounds. He went to his own car, and called brad. "OK. OK. YOU WIN. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO" Hal's voice crooned. "Oh, you'll find out. It's more what I want to do to you. So, here's where we start. You get to make a choice. Either I come over to your place, and we sleep in your bed tonight. If we do that, keep in mind that, since you're the girl in bed, you sleep in the girl's spot: your wife's. I'll take yours. On the other hand, you COULD come over here... and that punishment, I'm keeping quiet about it. "

Brad gulped. "You're the girl in bed" hit him harder than he thought something like that would. But it was true. He bottomed. Just like his wife had done, when they used to have sex. Hal was the aggressor, the way he had been, when their sex life was more active. And all the while... he was thinking of what the sex would've been like with another man. Now he knew. He liked it. He liked just about all of it. He had nosy neighbors, No one would say anything, but they'd notice a man going in his house at night, and not leaving until the next morning . Lyn was easy to fool. The box under the bed? He had convinced her that these were heirlooms from his family, for use IF he ever died suddenly. She never touched them. He doubted she had any idea about his trips to the bar. But the neighbors... no, he couldn't take that risk. "I'll come over to your place Sir. I'll accept the punishment." "GOOD. Now I'm going to have to go because I don't want to disappoint my date. I'll see you later, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad." That last extension of his name sent chills up and down brad. Good ones. Whenever Hal spoke to him like that, it meant... OH GOD.He was leaking . Think of something else!

Brad really couldn't, so he drove over to Hal's house. Maybe he was there. Just before he took off, he tried to make himself look as hot as possible. He took off his tie, folded it into a jacket pocket. Then he opened a second button, rolled up his sleeves, and tightened his pants. He had spent the workout on chest and butt exercises to get a pump. He got to Hal's house, and it was dark. The door was locked. Hal hadn't told him when he would be back from the date, so he didn't know. Brad sighed, and sat down on the stoop. He had a bottleof water, and his phone for entertainment.

About an hour later, he heard Hal drive up. If he had a tail, brad would have been wagging it. Hal pulled in, in front of his house, and smiled when he saw brad. "Well, well, well. . Look who showed up." Hal smiled, and snuck a finger inside brad's shirt,circling his navel. "Still wet. Gym and shower?" "Please Hal. Please. Can we go inside?" "You embarrassed brrrrrrrrrrrrrrad? " "A little. But I'm fucking horny. PLEASE." "Ha ha ha. In good time, fucktoi. In good time." He opened the door. Brad rushed in, and tossed his jacket on the sofa. Then he went over to the bondage chair.

"Not so fast brad. Take this bag. I did some shopping for you today. Get to the bedroom. Put on the dark blue shirt. And your faded jeans. Then come back out here." "Yes sir." Brad smiled. He was gonna get tied up! Who knew what else?

In the bedroom, he pulled out the shirt. It was a dark blue oxford. Really lush fabric, and it fit him snugly. If he tucked it in, he'd have to suck his gut in and... THAT WOULD POINT HIS NIPS OUT!" He finished getting dressed, and came out. Hal smiled at him.

"Did you look in the mirror? Did you see how pretty you are?" "No Sir. Does it really matter? What matters is you think I look good." "Well, I do. But if you think you're hot, the scene will be hotter. Go look." Brad did as he was told, and went to the window. "Hell, I might even top me" he thought. He saw Hal come up from behind him, and gently, but firmly , take his wrists. Brad couldn't see, but he heard the click, and he felt the metal. He was handcuffed. "FUCK. " He thought. He fantasized about being cuffed so much, that all of his screen names had "cuffed" in them.

"Let's get you to that chair, fucktoi." "Yes sir," brad answered meekly. Once brad was in the chair, Hal got to work. From behind, he began nibbling at brad's ear, sliding a hand over his left pec. "So... did you think about what I might do to you tonight, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad.?" "Yes sir. I thought you'd fuck me." "Well, you're right. But I'm not going to fuck you until I have you BEGGING for it." Roughly, he pushed brad's head to the side. His neck was exposed, and brad felt his beard rubbing. He began to hyperventilate. "Wouldn't it be the height of humilitation brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad? You go to work. Your colleagues know, your wife is gone. And you've got a hickey. Heh heh heh." "NO. DON'T DO THAT. PLEASE. PLEASE SIR. DO ANYTHING ELSE, BUT... " "Anything else. You know I'll do anything else I want anyway, don't you?" "Yes sir, but.." Hal interrupted. "We're going to get to public humilitation, just not yet. Open your mouth." "Why? OW" Hal had smacked his crotch, and when his mouth opened, he fit a gag in - one brad didn't know." "It's a ring gag, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad." It keeps you quiet,but... there's a great big space here, for me to shove things in, like my finger." He put his finger to brad's mouth and ordered him to lick it." "Or a cock. I can keep you nice and silent, and fuck your face at the same time. Sounds like fun." He took the wet finger, and a finger on his other hand, and ran them up and down brad's nips. Moaning, brad pushed out his chest. He spread his legs, and Hal shoved his knee in , rubbing back and forth. Brad thought he was going to die. He didn't think his nerve endings could handle much more. " "Let's get to the bedroom. Cuffs will come off, but you're still getting tied up." Hal paused for a minute. "You like the feel of cuffs brad?" "MMMHMMMM MHMMMM" Brad shook his head up and down. "Yeah, the plus is that it's hopeless to fight them. The minus is that the bottom doesn't struggle. We'll be using them more." Brad felt the metal release from his wrists. But he knew there were restraints on the bed, and Hal secured them. He looked down at Brad. "You know, stud, you look just so fucking hot spread out that way.I don't want to ever let you up." He began opening brad's shirt buttons, and as he did, he licked his nips, and his chest. He nibbled each tit until brad moaned. "You ain't got a lot of fur brad, but enough for someone to notice if it were gone. I just wonder if there's a shaving in the future." Brad tried to shout out "uh uh. uh uh," but they were just gurgles, as Hal went back to his nips. When he finished, they both heard a buzz. It was brad's phone. Hal had a big grin on his face. "Know who it is? It's Lyn." "GRMPHGGGGKDLMDPDOGOGPA" brad struggled, but it did no good. Hal answered the call. "Lyn? Hi this is Hal. I picked up the phone because, well, brad is all tied up right now. He's really in the middle of something, and I'm not sure when he'll be done. Is everything ok?" Brad heard his wife's voice and then Hal smile. "Well, I'm really glad you're having a good time with your family Lyn. " Then as she spoke more, he began stroking brad's belly. There was a big smile on his face. "I'm sure he's not going to object to you being away for another week, Lyn. " Another pause. "Ha ha. No, no no. I'm making sure he eats well, and that he doesn't spend too many hours at the office. Yeah, you can't kill a workaholic spirt, but at least he's in a place where it's more homey. " "Yes ma'am, it's a big house, and there are four bedrooms, and three baths." "Dinner? Well, tonight I was gonna feed him sausage." Brad raised his voice, and made more incomprehensible sounds. Hal spoke to Lyn. "Could you excuse me, Lyn? I put a tea kettle on and it's old and crotchety. Let me just tune down the noise." He put the phone on mute, and then he pressed his elbow into brad's crotch. HARD. "You haven't gotten your punishment yet, and if you don't stop acting out, it's gonna get worse. Clear?" Brad sighed, and shook his head yes." Hal went back to the phone. "Well, Lyn, I really should get to feeding your husband." "Ha ha. No, it won't be too greasy, I promise. How late will you be up? Just an hour ? Well, ok, if he's not done, I'll make sure he calls you first thing tomorrow, before he goes to work. "Yes, he's staying with me. I convinced him that the last thing you need is a house that looks like a pig lived there for a week. You enjoy the rest of the visit, Lyn, and I'll make sure he calls tomorrow."

Hal got off the phone, with a BIG grin across his face. "Well, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, that changes everything. Having two weeks with you gives me SO MANY MORE opportunities to train you." The look of anger and frustration in brad's eyes varied with a sense of excitement. "Now,let's show you how well that gag works. First, though, let's get you prepared." Hal pulled off brad's shoes, and then slipped off the jeans, and the red jock. "Hmmm. I'm gonna put this to the side, brad. Might use THIS as the gag tomorrow. Or my own. Or both. " After he had brad's jeans off, and brad's cock was standing at attention, he stradlled brad's chest and pulled up his head. "See how easily my cock can get in there? Get your tongue around it stud. Get it nice and wet. Cause that's what's lubing you tonight. Whatever you put on the cock.

Brad gulped. He had a feeling Hal wasn't gonna be as gentle tonight as he had been. He moved his tongue around, trying to get fluid on every inch of Hal's cock. Hal was smiling. "Oh yeah. You learned a lot from your backroom days, bradford... " He slid back and forth, and then came out. He reached behind brad's head, and unlocked the gag. "No need for this now, and I wanna hear you scream.

"I hate you fucker. I hate you, and I want you. FUCK ME. You're a bastard. You're a first class JERK. But I want your cock." "Well, brad, I didn't think you cared. I'll be especially rough now that I know." "Oh shit..." brad whispered . He thought "I've got to stop being mouthy. Then he grimaced as Hal went in. He was right. He WAS being rougher tonight.

"I even took a pill today brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. I knew you'd be back." "Of course he did ," brad thought. "He's got me figured out like a chess game." Right now, though, it wasn't chess Hal was playing. He was using one piece, a thick one, and it was sliding back and forth. At one point, he brushed a spot that made Brad buck up. "OOOOO. Did we just find a hot spot." He went back and rubbed his cock back and forth on that part of brad's wall, and brad almost cried. "Let's keep that in mind. brad's man pussy has a g spot." "OH GEEZ this feels so good." Hal pounded Brad's ass sliding faster and faster. "You. Are. So. Fucking. Hot. YOU ARE MY BITCH" Hal screamed as he shot into brad. The phrase "you are my bitch, set off brad, and he followed. He hadn't climaxed too often without touching himself, and it was an amazing one. "Oh shit Sir..." brad was breathing hard. "that was awesome. So fucking good. " Hal slid his hand up and undid the restraints. "Get into the bathroom. There's a cum rag there. Clean up." "Yes sir. " Brad wondered what was next. He still hadn't gotten punishment. When he came out of the bathroom, though, he saw what the punishment was. Hal was holding a chastity cage in his hand. He tossed it to brad. "You're gonna wear this tomorrow. All day. Maybe a second day. And you'll definitely wear it during the softball game. "The hell with that," brad spat back. "You have a choice. You can put it on yourself, or I'll hold you down, and lock it. Trust me brad. If I lock it, I'll be less gentle than you." "Yes sir." brad had read about chastity belts, and had wondered how long he could go without shooting. "The key." "Yes sir." Brad handed him the key to the cage. "How well you behave, and how well you obey, will determine how long it stays on. But you'll be wearing it for at least a day. You'll wear it to dinner, you'll wear it to the gym. " He paused. "Because two weeks gives me time to break you completely. This first week is orientation. Next week, we get hot and heavy, and you WILL submit. You WILL become my str8 boi sex slave." brad gulped. He was about to get something he had always wanted. Now, he wasn't sure.

Next: Chapter 8

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