Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 16, 2023


Brad was an early riser and he woke, wrapped in Hal's arms. he felt Hal's cock against his back and that feeling was arousing him too. He remembered Hal's instructions the night before: he expected a morning blow job. Part of brad was rebelling at the idea of doing it, but only so that he could get forced to. He wanted cock in his mouth. He hadn't given a blow job in too long.

"Get to work, bitchboi," he heard Hal whisper in his ear. "Yes sir." He answered. He didn't want to seem too eager, but there was more than one morning where brad woke up, next to Lyn, wishing he had a cock to suck. Now, there was Hal's: standing up at attention . "I said get to work brad. You're not outta here to the office, until I shoot." "I'm sorry I was slow Sir... " Brad pushed off the blankets, and moved down the bed until he could get his mouth around Hal's cock. "OH YEAH. Nothing like str8 boi mouth early in the morning," Hal chuckled. He reached down until he got some of brad's hair in his hands, and pushed his head forward. Other guys had done that when he was in the backroom at Pockets, and he didn't much care for it. Now, though, he didn't have much choice. Hal didn't seem to care, and he had him pretty securely in postion. Brad's gag reflex was a good one, but as Hal flexed his hips up, he began to choke a little. "Take it bitch. Take every fucking inch of it. You know you want it." Brad did. He wrapped his tongue around Hal's cock, and licked, sucked, and otherwise did his best to stimulate him. He loved sucking cock, but he had to get to work too. That was in the back of Hal's mind, and his wicked streak was holding him back, because brad was going nowhere, until he shot. At one point, brad stopped and looked up. "Please Sir. I have to get ready for work." "SHUT UP AND GET BACK TO MY COCK, FUCKTOI." "Fucktoi" seemed to be a trigger. Brad just answered, meekly, "yes sir," and got back on Hal's cock. "Oh yeah. A str8 boi tongue. Getting me nice and hard. Only thing better would be to roll you on your back, and FUCK you." "OH shit." Brad thought . "If he decides to fuck me, I'm here for another half hour. Mind you, it was NOT late. Brad's competitive nature just made him feel he had to get to the office before everybody else, especially everybody in his department. This cock sucking was great, but he wasn't going to beat some of the other guys in, unless Hal..." He had a thought. It might get him in trouble, but.. He ran his finger underneath Hal's balls. It worked. He felt Hal's hips convulse, once, and then felt the cum going down his throat. He drank it all in. The slurping noises he made just got Hal to laughing. "You sound like the pig you are brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Should I call you Wilbur instead of my bitch?" "How about calling me brad." Hal imitated his voice. "How about calling me brad? Know what? I may call you Dunphy, because you remind me of that dad on 'Modern Family' I always had a crush on him" "You have a crush on me Sir?" As soon as he asked, brad regretted it. Hal pushed him on his back and pinned him. "Damn right I do. I have a crush on you about the size of your big mouth. I just wonder how many cocks it can hold. Maybe we'll find out sometime." He laughed as brad squirmed under him. "Good thing I'm not playing with your tits, brad boi. You might REALLY squirm. " "Please Sir. Can you let me up? I really wanna get to work. " "Sure... " Hal ran his finger around brad's navel. "I just wanna go over what we're doing tonight with you." "We're not doing anything tonight. I'm going home." Hal thought about that answer for a minute. He was about to gamble. He had a feeling brad was getting addicted. "Ok, sure. You can spend the night alone. But here's the deal. If you call me, and want to get together, then either.... I come over and sleep with you in YOUR bed, OR.... and he smiled. "I have a special penalty planned for you. Keep in mind if I sleep in your bed, since you're the girl in bed, you sleep where your wife sleeps. I sleep in your spot." Brad laughed. "You're not coming over, and there's not gonna be any penalty. " "We'll see bradford..." Hal laughed. "You get one night off. But I expect you back here on Tuesday. And if you don't come willingly... I'll come and get you." That thought got brad kind of excited and he muttered "Just try."

In the shower, brad thought about everything that had happened to him that weekend. He was having a LOT of his fantasies fulfilled. Not the one about being shipped out to another country , but Hal seemed to "read" him. He kinda liked the idea of being blackmailed, and he LOVED how Hal just broke him down, little by little. He thought about how he had fucked him the first time, and his cock sprang to attention. He found himself soaping it, and stroking, as he thought about that morning blowjob. If he and Lyn had sex once every two weeks, it was a lot. And it wasn't as much fun as it was with Hal. Would sex with Lyn be more fun if she had on a strap on, and..." He had to stop thinking that way. It was killing his erection. He switched back to the bondage game, and the nip play, that ended with him getting fucked by the dildo. It wasn't as much fun as taking Hal's cock, but... the thrill of it was...

"OOOOOOOOOOOO" Hal laughed when he heard the scream come from the shower. He thought "wait until he's in a position where he CAN'T do that. " When brad came out of the shower, he saw that Hal had laid out an outfit for him: a pale blue shirt, a pink tie, a light gray suit. He had packed up gym clothes too. "I usually wear a white shirt to work." "Well, not today brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad." "Since when do you decide what I wear?" "Since I said so. GET DRESSED." "I want a WHITE shirt." "You'll wear blue. I bet you look HOT in blue, and I've never seen you in it. I've seen you in white. Put on the jock." He pointed to a bright red one. "Then get dressed. Before you put on the jacket, let me see you with your hands behind your back." The blue shirt DID look sexy. He knew it was a tighter fit than he was used to, but he was liking the way the more tailored clothes looked. He finished getting dressed. Hal came behind him and adjusted his tie. He whispered in his ear. "You may find yourself opening that tie today, sexy. The shirt is that tight." He made brad turn around, and hold his wrists behind him. Then he moved his fingers up and down brad's nips. "Who tops you, bitchboi." "You do Sir." "Don't you forget it. You want a night off? Better not find yourself at the bars. If I find out you were there, it won't be pretty." "No Sir. I'm not going to the bars. The only cock I suck is yours. Unless you tell me to suck another one. " Hal sneered. "You're gonna have my cock in more places than your mouth brad. Sooner than you think. And you'll be kissing me goodbye before you go to work too." Brad hadn't thought about that. He figured that getting fucked was in his future, but the thought of kissing Hal. It made him kind of, well.... "Hey. Hal.." Hal had turned his back for a minute. "Yes, straight boi." "Have a good day." Brad planted a kiss on Hal's lips and then grabbed his brief case, his gym bag, and sprinted to his car. Hal didn't do anything. He was surprised, and pleased. Apart from seeing that it was going to be far easier to break brad than he thought, he began to think how far he could push him. He didn't want to break up the marriage - no way - but... He began to smile at all the evil things he could do. Force brad to wear a dildo to the office... put those nip stimulators his friend Peter had given him under brad's shirt. The cock cage - the cock cage was happening this week. Now... what should he do when brad lost the bet tonight - because he knew he would.

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As he drove to work, brad could smell Hal's scent about him and the car. He had jerked off pretty seriously in the shower, so he wasn't going to get that aroused so soon, but he was smiling. He liked the smell. He was competitive, but losing to Hal at every challenge, was not that bad. He began to think about the night - except then he realized - he told Hal he wasn't coming by that night. He was sticking to that one! . Determination in his face, he got out of the car, and charged into the office. "GREAT TIE brad!" His secretary called out to him. "Oh, thank you . Lyn got it for me. She talked to a salesman at the big men's store. He recomended it." "Did he recommend the shirt too?" She smiled. "You NEVER wear anything but white." "That's not true. I wear.. stripes. Ok. I wear white striped shirts. " "Good thing Lyn is away. She might make you throw it out . You look wicked sexy in it." She made brad blush. "I gotta get to work on the Simons deal." He went into his office, and turned on his computer. He half expected some kind of obscene email from Hal. Nothing. "Probably before he goes to work or at lunch" he thought. Nothing. "What the fuck? Am I just some piece of meat to him?" He called Hal, and got his voice mail. "It's brad. What the fuck are you doing? Why are you ignoring me?" At 3, with no answer, he sent a text. "ANSWER ME. SIR" Nothing. He was pissed. REALLY pissed. He called again. This time Hal picked up. "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Shouldn't you be hard at work?" The way Hal teased him about his name both wrankled brad, and got him excited, because he was too submissive to tell Hal not to use it. When he dragged out the name like that, brad did begin to get erect. "Why aren't you returning my messages?" "You told me you wanted a day away. I'm giving you that." "I said I wanted a night away. NOT A WHOLE DAY" Hal laughed. "Well, you're too late to invite me to lunch, and you're not gonna cocktease me all day, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. I know you've done that to some guys, but not me.." Stymied, brad sputtered out. "Well.... can I take you out for a drink after work then?" "Sorry, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. I think that would violate the deal, and since you were taking the night away, I have a date." "WITH WHO" "It's whom brad. Have a good night." Hal got off the phone.

Next: Chapter 7

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