Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 1, 2023


Hal looked at brad, "are you sure about this, brad?" his voice was almost a whisper "Yes sir. I want it. I want it bad. I always wanted it. Please. Please fuck me." Hal began to run his fingers over brad's nips, to stimulate him more, but he asked.

"Have you ever had anything up your ass before, brad? I know you've never been fucked by another man." brad was moaning from the nip stimulation "I have some toys at home Sir. Small ones. I've tried them. Butt plugs. And I've tried to put my finger in, but.... I got scared."

Hal smiled. "Ok. We're gonna take this very, VERY slowly. And until you get used to it, you get to stop it if it hurts. But you pay attention to me, and you do what you're told. Clear?" "Yes sir.." Hal could tell: brad was very, very frightened, but also very desperate.

"Ok, I'm gonna tie your wrists to the headboard so you don't move around too much. First, get out of your clothes. Buck naked. Strip for me. " He untied brad's hands so he could take off his clothes. Brad wasn't in pain, but he moved as if this were an effort for him. When he was nude, with his cock ramrod straight in front of him, Hal told him to lay on the bed, face up, with his wrists up above his head.

"You're gonna tie me like in that movie 'Something Wild' Sir?" Hal smiled. "Exactly, brad. If you wanna think of yourself as that handsome guy in the movie, go ahead. Just don't think of me as the woman." "NO SIR. I've had your cock in my mouth. " Hal tied brad's wrists securely. Then he stripped. Brad could see the smile playing over Hal's face. He began to have a change of heart, but the ropes were secure, and he could tell, Hal was not going to let him back out of this. "Let's get you a little relaxed, handsome." Brad climbed up and straddled brad. He bent down his head, and first kissed both of brad's nipples. Then he moved up to his mouth, and kissed him, very, VERY slowly, until brad opened his mouth. Then Hal moved his fingers back to brad's nips. He began to moan, and Hal caught the sounds in his mouth. He wasn't going to let brad out of this.

He smiled as he slid down brad's body. He ran his finger up and down brad's balls, and brad bucked like a wild animal, and nearly screamed. "OH GOD. Those are so sensitive. OHHHHH." He almost swooned as he felt Hal's tongue play over them, licking, before he pulled brad's legs up in the air. "Remember when I told you about eating pussy, stud? I'm gonna eat yours." Brad felt Hal's tongue began lapping around his ass. "OH FUCK I'M DYING" he moaned, as Hal's tongue did its work, getting him looser, and opening him. "You're really tight brad. You're not ready for my cock. Yet. Let's try this.." Hal pushed his thumb against brad's prostate. Brad yelled again 'CRACK ME OPEN SIR. BREAK ME FUCK ME." Hal's thumb had an effect, and brad opened a little bit. Hal went back to work with his tongue, and as brad moaned, his hole opened, just a little more. Just enough for Hal to get his skinniest finger in.

'SHIT... OH MY GOD. " "Want me to stop brad?" "NO. NO. IT'S JUST.. OOOOOOOH. I never thought it would feel that way." "It's just my finger brad. There's more to come. " Hal could feel the muscle walls relaxing and he moved in another finger. Brad didn't scream this time, he just moaned. "Like how that feels brad? You're getting finger fucked. First step." Brad was breathing heavily. "Sir.. Sir.. It hurts. But it hurts good. Don't stop. Please. Don't stop... " Hal saw brad try to spread his legs further. He smiled to himself. He was gonna win this one. "Two fingers brad. You're doing great. I'm gonna get up and get a dildo. It's bigger than your butt plug. " "Yes Sir. Please. "

Hal came back with one of the smaller toys he had in the house. He lubed it generously, and then began slowly pushing it into brad. He twisted it every now and then, which made brad gasp with pleasue. "If it starts to hurt, tell me brad. It's gonna hurt a little, but if it hurts a lot, we're done." "Yes sir. It feels good. OH, it feels like what I need. What I've needed for a long time..." Hal had broken in straight virgins before. Personality wise, brad was special. Hal liked him. But when it came down to it, everyone's anus reacted the same way. He pushed gently, retracted, pushed again, and soon... all six inches of the dildo were in brad.

He looked brad in the eye and smiled. "You know you've got six inches in you stud." "REALLY? OH WOW. GOD. It feels good. How many is your cock. Hal smiled. "I'll tell you later. But now... " He pushed the dildo back and forth. "Are you doing ok? Are you relaxed?" "Yes sir. I am. I really am. OH WOW. Six inches. Hal wasn't going to tell brad he had 8.5 inches. If the man couldn't tell that he was more endowed than most of the men he had sucked, he wasn't going to tell him now and intimidate him. Instead, he reached for more lube, and a condom. He knew he was clean, but he also knew how easily brad could get spooked. "Protection, for you and for Lyn, stud. But it's ribbed. It'll feel MUCH better." Now, I'm gonna give you something to bite down on. If things hurt, but you don't want me to stop, bite down on it. If you DO want me to stop, spit it out, and tell me." He put a wad of balled up cotton in brad's mouth. Brad bit down, and then... Hal lifted brad's legs over his shoulders. Brad could feel the tip of Hal's cock at his anus. Hal just kept it there, and smiled. "Easy does it brad. Easy does it. Suck it in. Suck it in like a good bottom.' "Yes sir." brad's ass began to slide down around the cock head. When it was in him, Hal began to push. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" "Too much brad?" "Keep going Sir. Keep going. I'll yell STOP if I can't take it." Hal pushed another inch or so of his cock into brad. He saw brad twisting his head from left to right, and he saw him sweating. He also thought brad was beginning to cry. He pushed in another inch.' "You ok , brad." "Sir. I'll tell you when I'm not. MORE." "Heh heh. Ok, tough guy." Hal RAMMED about three inches in. "OH SHIT OH SHIT. THAT'S TOO MUCH THAT'S TOO MUCH. TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT." "Ha ha. No way stud. You wanted more, and you got it. Now relax. Just relax. Yeah, that was a shock, but you can handle it." Brad bit down on the cotton, and soon he was moaning, the way he did when Hal's cock head entered him. He shook his head up and down as a "yes." There was very little of Hal's cock left to enter him and he pushed it in. "Sweet boy, that cock you love sucking so much? That cock that chokes you? It's all in you. Brad's not a virgin anymore." "OH GOD SIR. It feels so good. TAKE ME PLEASE." Hal began to rock, back and forth, as he slid in and slid out. "Damn. Are you SURE I'm your first, stud? You ride that cock like a pro." (In fact, Hal knew that he had just taken brad's cherry. But he also knew that saying something like he just did, always encouraged a bottom to try harder. It worked. Brad moaned and tightened his ass around the invading cock. "How about I bend down and kiss you, stud?" "Yes sir. OH GOD, yes." Hal leaned over and shoved his cock down the mouth of his new bottom. "MMMMMMMM. Brad moaned louder, and Hal could feel brad's stiff, stiff cock against his own belly. He should bring this boi off. He really should. He closed his own eyes, and thought about how hot brad was. How he had lusted after his ass every time he saw that closet case in the bar. "Shit Sir. What did you just do? Feels bigger." Hal's cock was thickening as it was stimulated by his thoughts. He began to think about what other things he could do to keep this man in his control. He thought of the chastity cage. Brad didn't know about that, but that was on the agenda for the week. So was lots of bondage, and role play. And. and...

'FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" Hal screamed as his semen began to shoot from his cock, into the condom. He pumped brad, who smiled, and moaned as it happened. Then Hal grabbed brad's cock and began to squeeze it. "SHOOT FOR ME STRAIGHT BOI. SHOOT FOR ME. SHOOT FOR YOUR GAY MASTER." 'YES MASTER! YES YES YES YES YES . OWN ME. OWN YOUR SLUT BOI." Brad didn't scream, but he moaned, deeply, as his own jizz shot out, all over his belly." Triumphantly, Hal pulled his cock out, took the condom, and poured the contents onto brad's jizz. He mixed it up with his finger, and put some on brad's lips. He put some on his. "Now you're mine, brad. The first man to take a str8 guy, always has ownership rights. I claim you. You're mine." Brad wasn't sure what it meant. He was turned on, and scared. He gulped. But he ran his tongue around his lips to take in the salty mixture.' "How do you feel brad? Are you hurt?" "Yes , but, but... it's like I feel after I push myself at the gym. Sore, but I feel like I'll recover. " He paused. "GOD. I'm not a virgin anymore, am I Sir?" "Nope, not anymore. And the next time is gonna be easier. And there is gonna be a next time. Real soon." He heard brad gulp at THAT comment.

"But for now, you're gonna get showered, I'm gonna get showered, and we're gonna get to bed. You need your rest.

"Yes sir."

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While brad was showering, Hal picked up the spoiled clothes, and the condom, put away the lube bottle, and tried to make the bedroom look as "business as usual" as possible. His experience with taking str8 versions was that there was a "freak out" period after they had lost their cherries, and it took many forms. He had no idea how brad was going to react.

When brad had finished, dried off, and came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, Hal teased him. "No need to use the shower brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Ya ain't gonna wear it to bed tonight, so..." "Uh, about that Hal.... Does your sofa open up to a bed?" "Nope. You're sleeping in this big ole king size. With me. I just had my dick in you. You're gonna have problems sleeping with me?" Brad blushed. He didn't quite know how to react to what Hal had just said. "Listen up stud. I told you: I've got a whole week where I've got you to myself, and I intend to use it. So, you just get yourself comfortable in bed, and I'll be joining you after my shower. There's booze in the living room in the liquor cabinet if you want a night cap, and yeah, the sofa does open up, but you are sleeping in this bed with me, if I have to tie you back down. Clear?" Brad looked down at his feet. "Yes sir." "I want you in that bed, with the towel gone, by the time I come out. So get yourself a drink if you want, but you know where I expect you to be." While Hal showered, Brad took a look around the house. He couldn't figure out how Hal could afford a house like this: it was a nicer house than his, and he couldn't imagine that Hal made any kind of real money as a salesman at a clothing store. He went to the liquor cabinet because he thought a drink might help him with his stress. All top line stuff. The furniture was beautiful, the art on the walls seemed authentic...

He winced for a second when he saw the handcuffs Hal had used on him, sitting on the coffee table. He went back to the bedroom, thinking that he MIGHT be able to sneak out of the house. He couldn't find his clothes. "SHIT." He was stuck here.

The water went off in the bathroom. "You in bed yet, sexy?" "Uh, just getting in now Sir. I couldn't make up my mind about a drink. " "Still time. Drink fast." Sighing, brad got into the bed. When Hal came out, he was smiling, and his cock was erect again. "Don't worry brrrrrrrrrrrad. It don't mean a thing. I won't be ready for you again until tomorrow morning." "AGAIN? You're gonna fuck me again?" "Hell yeah, brad. Now that we got the maiden voyage done, it's clear sailing. I figure... hmmm. It's Sunday tomorrow, so it may happen twice, and then, well, a whole week." Hal got into bed and pulled up the covers. He smiled at brad. "C'mere sexy. When's the last time someone held you while you were sleeping?" "Geez. I can't remember Sir. " "Well, it's happening tonight. I'm a big, BIG cuddler. Especially when I've got a hunk like you to cuddle." He wrapped himself around brad, and kissed his forehead, then smiled. "You are just so goddamn sexy brad. I could drown in those eyes of yours." Brad began to sob a little. "Geez, what did I say wrong, stud?" "You didn't say anything wrong, Hal. I'm just wondering... why are you doing this to me?" Hal laughed. "Why am I doing this to you? Does that mean why did I fuck you?" "That's part of it." "Well, you ASKED me to fuck you brad. I told you I wasn't going to unless you did." "But... but.. you worked me over until I did." "Worked you over? I played with your nips, kissed you, gave you the bondage you wanted, you were hard the whole time. You make it sound like I kidnapped you and raped you." "No... no, that's not what I mean." Hal maneuvered himself on top of brad. "Know what I think , brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad? I think you're embarrassed because someone called you out on what you wanted, and now, you don't know what to do. " He paused. "Tell you what? You wanna go home now? I'll drive ya. I didn't hide your clothes. I put them on that chair over there." He pointed. "So they wouldn't get more wrinkled. I thought we'd get some fresh stuff at your house tomorrow, but if you wanna go home now, I'll get dressed and start up the car. " The weight of Hal on top of him was making brad horny again. "I... I don't wanna go home, Sir. I just don't know if I wanna get fucked." Hal laughed. "Well, as we said at home, that cow is out of the barn, brad. You GOT fucked." He smiled. "And, know what? I will bet you lunch that you're gonna wanna get fucked again. Especially if I..." He began playing with brad's nips. "STOP THAT. PLEASE STOP THAT. PLEASE.. PLEASE... OH SHIT.. OH FUCK... GOD. Keep doing it. Please. " "Not tonight brad. Busy day tomorrow. So now, why don't you just come into Hal's arms, and cuddle? I guarantee, you'll sleep better than you have in a long, LONG time." Hal was right about that.

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Brad was up first the next morning, and his stirrings got Hal up. He had brad pulled into him. He smiled, kissed him. "Morning you sexy beast. Sleep well?" "Morning. Yeah. I did. You were right.." Hal smiled. "Yeah, I can usually figure that out. So... here's what I think. If you don't mind wearing those clothes for about 15 minutes, we'll drive back to your place, get you some clothes for the day, and the week, and if you want, you can get your run in." He reached down and squeezed brad's cock. "OH WOW. Someone gets morning wood." "Clothes for the week? HUH?" "Well, ok, we don't have to do that, but then I'll pack some stuff up and we'll stay at YOUR place. I just didn't think you'd take kindly to me sleeping in your marital bed." He laughed. "Especially since you'll be sleeping in your wife's spot and I'll be taking yours." 'I'M NOT YOUR WIFE." brad growled, and Hal squeezed his cock harder. "No, but you're my bitch." brad blushed, because he knew Hal was right. "Ok, let's get to my house. After my run, maybe we can get some breakfast?" "Sounds perfect."

Brad's clothes really were in a state of shambles: the shirt was not no iron, so it was wrinkled up pretty good. His pants were ok, but not great. Thank God they were driving! If they walked, it would have been the "walk of shame" for Brad. Hal was waiting at the door when brad came out of the bedroom. "Let's get a move on stud. How about handing me those cuffs?" Brad sighed, and then gave them to Hal. "I know it's more uncomfortable, but you look so much sexier with your wrists cuffed behind you stud." "Thanks. I guess." Hal laughed. "Get used to it, stud. I got a feeling there are handcuffs in brad's house somewhere." Brad blushed. There were. They were in the "toy box" he had next to his porn collection.

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"If I pull into your garage, brad, is there a door that leads right into your house?" "Uh, no Sir. We park in the driveway and go in the front. " "Well then, now, let's see. That means I either gotta get your housekeys out of your pocket, or I gotta uncuff you before we get to your house. Hmmmmm." "AW COME ON HAL. Don't take me into my own house like a criminal." "Sexiest criminal on the block. I'll make a deal with you. I'll uncuff you, if you blow me after your run." Brad sighed. "Ok, sure. We have a deal." "ha ha. You were gonna do it anyway. But now that you agreed to it, I'll uncuff you when we get there."

Brad was glad that he agreed, because their busy body neighbor was outside, sweeping her porch. She gave him a look as he and Hal went into the house, and he didn't return it.

"So, why don't you just go and get yourself your run, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad? I'm gonna look around your closet and pick some sexy clothes for you." Brad gave him a look. "You're just gonna take everything you sold Lyn ." "Not all of it. We can always come back during the week. Best get started brad. Those tight little onion skin shorts, and I bet you're gonna put on a t shirt because you're afraid people are gonna see what I did to your nips. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY NIPS?" Brad realized, he hadn't looked . Hal just started laughing. "I think I'm gonna nickname you Princess Paranoia. Hmmm. OOOOH. I didn't sell you this. " He pulled out a white Lauren polo shirt. "I bet this is gonna look good with.. DAMN. How old are these jeans, college?" Another blush. "Yes. I wear them when I'm..." "Heh heh. Well, I think we have your Sunday outfit. Now go run. I want you back here in an hour, no later." Brad took off. On the one hand, he wanted the time away, but on the other hand, so far, Hal had pushed all his buttons, and had forced him to live out some of his fantasies. He'd be losing that time when he exercised.

Choosing clothes didn't take Hal very long. He pulled out two suits - all of Brad's suits were either solid blue, or solid charcoal, three ties, and then four dress shirts: white, blue, striped, and one that would piss brad off, but he looked forward to that: yellow. He thought about humiliating brad by not letting him wear underwear that week, but ... .NAH. That'd come later. He moved all of that to the car, and then he went back and reached under the bed...

Yup. Two boxes. the porn box, and a small box of... a dildo, a pair of clothes pins, a gag, an old black jock. A pair of handcuffs, and a little rope "Hmmm. Minimalism at its best, but I bet it did the job for Mr. brad" Hal said to himself. He took the box, and moved it to a place in the living room where brad wouldn't be able to see it.

On the street, brad thought about running and not stopping. What good would that do? He thought. He knew about at least SOME of the pictures Hal had: what if he had more - he probably did. He knew how to reach Lyn, and he had probably found brad's business card, so he knew how to get in touch with his office.

"He's got me," Brad thought. He didn't find that completely unpleasant. He pumped harder, sprinting, seeing if the run gave him the same sensation that Hal playing with his nips did. It didn't. He thought back to how gently, and how softly Hal had taken him the night before. His ass didn't hurt this morning, and he had to admit: Hal had checked in with him every step of the way. And Hal had a point: brad had asked HAL to fuck him. Did he want to get fucked again?

Yeah, he did. He began running back to the house. He thought about his deepest fantasy: the one where he was kidnapped, and boxed up, naked, and sent to his new owner's house. He'd live the rest of his life as a dungeon slave, being taken out to be used, and then put back. Never wearing clothes again, becoming, essentially, a "cum dump" for a brutal top man.

He knew that wasn't going to happen with Hal, but Hal had his own ideas, and... well... DAMN he was tenting in his shorts.

Brad got back to the house, huffing and puffing. Hal was waiting for him.

"Good run." "Yeah. Excellent." brad was breathing hard. "How's about you get cleaned up so we can be on our way." "Yes sir. I'll do that." When he came out of the shower , he saw what Hal had left on the bed: the polo shirt, the jeans. "OH SHIT" Brad thought. The black jock. Athletic socks. An old one, pulled out of the laundry. "He found the toybox." "You're a little kinkster, brad. My preppy kinkster." Hal was looking him over after he had gotten dressed. "DAMN your ass looks FINE in those old jeans. And look at those biceps. How they show off in that shirt. And it's just tight enough to suggest..." He smiled as he ran his fingers up and down brad's nips. Hal had tied brad with the rope from the toybox. He moved his hands from brad's nips to his ass cheeks.

"Now, how about preppy boi slut gets on his knees, and takes my cock. And if I were you, I wouldn't want any of my jizz to fall on the carpet, so... I'd try to swallow every last drop." Brad sighed and then said "yes sir," before he took Hal's cock in his mouth. This was the cock that had been in his ass the night before, and that seemed to make brad hornier, and harder. He sucked as if his life depended on it, and soon, he was swallowing what tasted like hot salty cream down his throat. "

Hal gave him an evil look. "I'll let you cum when we get back to my place. MAYBE. For now, though, you're gonna have to drive your car to my place, while I drive mine. Don't try anything." He held up his phone. "Yes sir." "And you know, I have all the toys you have, and more. But I think we're gonna use yours. Clothes pins.. How retro. I may give you a set of nipple clamps before our week is over. A remembrance of our first dates." Brad wanted to say something smart assed, and then thought not. "I don't need to tell you to lead, do I Sir?" "Nope. Just get in your car, bottom. Follow."

Hal had thought about doing something like tying up brad and locking him in the trunk to get him home , not knowing how much that would've been a part of brad's fantasy life. But they did need two cars for the week. He chuckled to himself. Threatening to sleep in brad's marital bed had been brilliant. In some ways, this boi was gonna be the hardest one to break, and in other ways, the easiest.

Next: Chapter 5

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