Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 13, 2023


Well, folks, here we are. The end of the line for our stars, brad and Hal, co-star Lyn, featured players Selma and Ken and of course, my usual cast of thousands. I had a ball writing the story and if you , as reader, had half as much fun as I did, then I'll consider that I did a good job. Enjoy our conclusion xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The dynamics of the relationship between Hal and brad changed a bit after that night. If brad had any doubts as to who was in charge , he didn't anymore. Nor did Hal. In Hal's mind, this had happened because he had not been diligent enough as a Dom. THAT would change, and it did.

The next day, Hal made sure that brad was wearing a collar, nice and tight. Then he relocked the chastity cage, grinning "Say goodbye to your cock, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. You won't be seeing it for a month." He circled a date one month out on the calendar. "You'll get half a day of freedom when we get there. IF you don't misbehave.

Hal also instensified the buttplug play: brad now had to wear either a 6 inch or an 8 inch plug every single day. He could choose which one he took, as long as he wore the 8 incher at least four times a week.

For the time being, Hal held off on piercing, and going to wax to remove brad's hair. He kept the candle, and a tit ring on the bed table, right next to the tit rings, which he used on brad just about every other day.

"Lyn with a dick." That phrase stuck in Hal's mind. In a way, he didn't disagree with brad: he could understand how a man, with a roaming eye and a taste for all different kinds of cock, would be hard to keep down to one man, at least in the oral department. That problem was an easy one to solve. One Friday night, after brad had come in from work, Hal called out to him "Go change. Your outfit is on the bed" "Yes sir." "We're going out." When brad went into the bedroom, he saw his outfit: the tightest jeans he owned. A metal band for his right arm. The black jock that always got him hard. And one of his new tshirts: one that said MANBITCH. And laying alongside the clothes, was a leash, and a blindfold. "Sir, where are we going?" "Heh heh. Wouldn't you like to know? GET DRESSED CUNT" "Yes sir. " brad put on the clothes and, even though Hal hadn't said anything, he knew. He put his hands behind his back, and Hal cuffed them. Then brad felt the leash going through a link on his collar, and from behind, Hal lowered the blindfold on him.

"Now, let's get some pictures. They MAY be useful in the future. "Please Sir. Don't.. OUCH." Hal had just smacked the cock cage. "You have no rights anymore brad bitch. In fact, if you don't thank me after tonight, you may be wearing that cage another month." If brad weren't blindfolded, he would have seen the wicked smile cross Hal's face. "We're going to a buffet tonight, you and I. But you're gonna be the only one eating." You've got that figured out, haven't you? brad, however, was still lost in the pain of the smack, the loss of perception, and then the tit play going through the shirt that proclaimed him a MANBITCH.

Hal had him in the backseat, lying down so as to disorient him more. At first, brad thought they were going to Pockets, but this was taking a LONG time. Then Lash, which was further away from their house, but no, this ride was taking even more time.

"Private party brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. The invitation said "BYOcs": bring your own cocksucker. I decided to bring enough for the party. brad felt the air hit his face as he was led out of the backseat. Hal pulled the leash taut, and they ended a loud room, smelling of pot, lube, and beer. Blindfolded, brad tried to navigate by sound, however difficult that was. He heard Ken's voice. 'WHOA HAL. I think you more than broke him. You fucking CRUSHED HIM. May I?" "Go ahead." brad felt his nips being twisted, and Ken's nasal voice. "So these are sensitive , huh?" "ANSWER HIM MANCUNT. REMEMBER HE'S A DOM" "Yes Sir Ken. Very... You're making me hard." He heard another voice, one he didn't recognize. "But you can't do anything about it, can you str8boi slave?" "No Sir. I'm caged. " He sucked in his breath because this new guy was twisting them even harder. That went on for about fifteen minutes. He even heard a voice that sounded like a woman and felt some longish nails. "Ok, time for the buffet. What's the voting folks? keep it on, or take it off? "KEEP IT ON! KEEP IT ON! " The chant was loud, and decisive. "Ok, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Get on your knees." "Yes sir. " "You're gonna suck the first fifteen cocks that go in your mouth. And if anyone cums, you swallow it. "FIFTEEN? SIR." That got a whack to the side of his head. "HAVE WE FORGOTTEN WHO'S IN CHARGE?" "no sir," came the meek answer. "If THIS doesn't break his craving, nothing will. Hal thought. Then they lined up. In the past, brad would've been in pig heaven. Now, he was scared. REALLY scared. What if someone took out Hal? Would he become, like, the sex slave to the entire club? His thoughts were broken up because, at some point (he had lost count), a "cock" came up that was really a pussy. "HEY LOOK AT THAT. STRAIGHT BOI HASN'T FORGOTTEN HOW TO MAKE A GIRL HAPPY." "Technique doesn't mean skill boys," came the female voice. "SHIT. " thought brad. "Is that SELMA? Did he just... He didn't get to ask because the next cock went into his mouth.

After fifteen, Hal was massaging his shoulders. "How you doing big boi? You get enough cock tonight?" "Maybe Sir. Definitely enough pussy." "Ha ha. Surprises on top of surprises. How much more cock do you want?" "Just one Sir. Yours. Here. " Well, THAT surprised Hal. brad had just called him out. He COULD exert Master privilege, but chants started again "FUCK HIS FACE FUCK HIS FACE." Hal smiled. It was brad challenging him again. Well.. He unzipped his pants and grabbed the back of brad's head. He ripped off the blindfold. "YOU BETER DO A BETTER JOB ON ME THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THIS BAR " And that is exactly what brad did. He held up his head proudly, as Hal yanked his cock out and shot all over brad's face. Just before he closed his eye to prevent the jizz from getting in, he saw a woman in a black leather dress. If that wasn't Selma....


Hal took the blindfold off on the way back. "Next time you feel like you want more variety, just say so. The club is glad to oblige." "I think that was too much even for me Sir." "Does that mean what I..." "SIR CAN WE STOP PLEASE.." Hal stopped the car and jumped out to help brad empty his guts. When brad was catching his breath, Hal took off his sweater and draped it around brad. "you ok babe?" "I am now Sir. Thank you. I feel much better. Would you mind if I slept the rest of the way home?" "Not at all. " brad nodded off, and rested his head against Hal's side. Hal smiled. He ran his hand over his lover occasionally, and decided that sex tonight wasn't in the cards. Nor was softball tomorrow. Instead, they spent the morning in bed, and when brad whispered "fuck me Sir. Please. Take my manbitch ass" Hal did. Vigorously. brad played softball the next week, wearing the "owned slave" t shirt, and tight red shorts. Everyone thought he was referring to Lyn. Everyone but Ken.

After the game, and lunch, Hal drove them to the sex shop. "What are we getting Sir?" "Anything you want, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. I figured you'd need some new reading. Some new fantasies. And if we see a toy or two..." "Do they have a back room Sir?" "They do. Do you want to use it?" "Only if you put your cock through a hole Sir. I think I'm done with anyone's cock but yours. " "Ha ha. Maybe I'll build a glory hole in the bathroom at home. Make you feel like you're out." brad found about 12 magazines that caught his eye. Hal spotted a leather vest that he thought would look GREAT on a bare chested brad, especially with nipple clamps. And there WAS another event coming up at the club. As they were paying , Hal heard brad say "HOLY SHIT" He looked up, and didn't know what had provoked it. "Two guys just came in who work at the level above me at the company. They saw me and left right away." "Can you spot them in an array?" "Yes sir." "How's about... we take a look at your company directory, find them, and then... just in case you need ammo when it's promotion time." brad looked at him. "Lyn was right. You have a conniving mind. You think like a woman, but FUCK like a man." Hal smiled. "And in that brad, you have all my secrets."


So there we are folks. What happened to everyone? Well, you probably could tell. Yes, that WAS Selma at the club. She had left Lyn because she was "too vanilla and too clingy." How many of you can relate? After her affair with Selma though, Lyn settled into a sort of asexual "earth mother " role. She volunteered at a service that helped battered women, and then one that she founded: women who's husbands are gay. Eventually, she went back to school, got her MSW, and now, she counsels both men and women who have a spouse who turns out to prefer the other gender.

The kids grew up to be absolutely normal. Brad Jr. finished high school, and in college, found he had absolutely no head for the kind of thing his dad did, but he was a whiz at science. He's a shoo in for medical school. Brad's daughter took a bit more time finding her niche, but she volunteered at Mom's practice group for a while, and thinks she may want to be a school teacher.

Ken? Well, he just went on being a slut. It suited him, he loved it, and he loved being able to walk into brad's office and embarrass him with tales of "what I did last night."

And Hal and brad? Well, no, they never married. It didn't seem like the right thing to do: Lyn had been through so much, and brad wanted to make sure she got what was his. Hal had no objection. He was more than well off. Their sex life never stopped being satisfactory. brad is now up to wearing the chastity belt for 3 months, and is seriously thinking about asking for the weld. Hal tries to find a fantasy they can both live with , and play out, every week . And of course, when they're not doing roleplay, the ropes are still there, brad is still getting tied up and fucked, and there are few days when he doesn't have sore nipples. Did they ever fulfill Hal's fantasy of tying brad up in the locker room and fucking him there? Uh, yes. But you can fantasize about that on your own . Maybe write your own story.

So there we are folks. If you enjoyed the story, how about a little donation to Mr Nifty for making this possible?

This writer has other stories up, and a new one is in the offing. Look for the story of Dave King: the veteran who goes back to school, and finds out what studying certain fields can bring you.

Ciao for now.

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