Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 4, 2023


After he dropped the information that he had found he WAS ticklish in two spots, brad regretted it immediately. Hal didn't say much, but brad knew - he had been dominated by this man for long enough - that he was obsessing about finding those spots. So far, he hadn't done anything. Their life together proceeded generally along the same path: nearly every night, Hal devised some kind of bondage scenario - sometimes a roleplay out of porno, or something out of brad's stash of porn, or just something out of his head - to torment brad, bring him close to the edge and deny him release, followed by a good thorough fucking. Brad had come across a line a kept woman had told her man once "you've spent enough in me to float a battleship." Indeed, there were times he felt that Hal had done that, and that he had swallowed enough jizz to fill a bathtub. Hal showed no signs of relenting. And brad was enjoying it. Even when his cock was caged, he felt like he was living his sexual life for the first time. Hal seemed to have a talent for finding ways to humiliate him, that felt, afterwards, like they were "right." For example, one night, after Hal had tied brad to the "torment chair," and hadn't gagged him, but was using his lap (and crotch) as a foot rest, he announced. "Know what I think you need brad? I think you need a new supply of porn?" "Oh, I agree sir. I just haven't had a chance to order any." That's when the smile came out over Hal's face "Order? NAH. We're gonna go to the shops and buy the stuff." He smiled when he saw brad's face whiten, and gently dug his heel into the caged cock until brad winced. "You have a problem with that, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad? Afraid someone's gonna see you?" "Uh, yeah Sir. Clients, or co-workers, or parents of my kids' friends." "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, you are SUCH A WIMP. You can take cock for half an hour and you're afraid of being seen buying porn. Lemme tell you stud: if anyone sees you in the store, they're there for the same reason. " "Can't you go for me , Sir? You know what I like." Hal pushed his heel down just a bit harder. "I could, but I'm not. This weekend. Porn town. HEY. Maybe we should invite Lyn. After all, the family that stays together.." "NO. NO. I don't want her to know what I buy." Hal laughed. "She already does handsome. She found your box. You afraid she'll find your tastes changed?" "Uh, no." "OH MY GOD. I just figured it out. You don't wanna know what SHE likes. HA HA HA HA HA HA. ." He got up, and ran his hand through brad's hair. "It's ok stud. We'll go just you and I. Get some lunch afterward. Act out our favorite scene that night. It'll be great."


Two nights later, brad found himself chained down to the bed, right after he had come home from work. It wasn't a planned session, but Hal did this a lot. He had gotten as far as loosening his tie before Hal grabbed him and locked down the restraints. He was wearing a pale orange buttondown shirt that fit him snugly - one of Hal's favorites, and a pair of dark green pants. He had pushed the sleeves back, and now...

It was a day where Hal let him be unlocked, and the minute the chains went on his wrists, brad got brutally hard. When Hal walked in, wearing jeans and a black t shirt, he got even harder. And when he straddled brad, with a big grin on his face, well.. "So, brad. Two ticklish spots. And you won't tell me." "No. You have enough ways to torment me " "Like this?" Hal began moving his fingers over brad's nips , moving very, VERY slowly. Somewhere, brad had read that the more your nipples got worked, the more sensitive they got. Seemed accurate to him. He began to squirm almost right away. "C'MON SIR. That's unfair!" "Heh heh. No brad. THIS is unfair..." Hal loosened brad's tie, and put it to the side. His shirt buttons popped open, and Hal took one of brad's nips with his thumb and forefinger. "Good old fashioned nip torture." Then he lowered his mouth to the other nips, and began working brad good. "OH SHIT. OOOOOH. FUCK. This isn't fair Sir. If you can do that, why do you need to tickle me?" "Because I want to brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. As long as you have secrets that I can exploit, I don't have you 100%. So I'm just gonna keep on doing this until you tell me one of them." The moans that came out of brad were getting louder, and louder. "PLEASE. Let me have some secrets Sir." Hal put his head down to brad's ear. He rubbed his chin over the ear, and then whispered "No." When he got up, his chin scraped against the exposed underside of brad's forearm, and brad jumped. Hal smiled. "Well, well, well.. Did I just discover one of them?" "C'mon, just fuck me like you want Sir. You know that's what you want." "What I want, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrradforrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd, is for you to realize that I control EVERY bit of you." He opened brad's shirt and ran his hand over his torso. "Hmmm. You been cheating and shaving so I don't get to you?" brad was breathing harder. He HAD, because when Hal shaved him, he kept him locked up and the agony of having to shoot, was just too much. "You're not answering me brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Maybe I'll give you a choice... how about you wear the cage for two solid weeks.. OR... He pinched brad's right nip. "Maybe you should be the family member on the cutting edge and get pierced." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. People will see it at the gym." brad had increased going to the gym to every day, because as he was getting older, he was finding it hard to keep off the weight, even though Hal seemed to love his belly. "Well, then, let's try... this." Hal pushed back one of brad's shirt sleeves so that his forearm was exposed. brad tried desperately to twist that arm so that the underside wasn't exposed. Hal just grabbed his wrist and turned it over. He laughed as he began singing "The itsy bitsy spider......" and slowly moved one finger tip over brad's arm. brad broke out into hysterical laughter. "STOP. PLEASE PLEASE STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK. YOU FOUND ONE YOU GOT ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." brad hadn't seen the look on Hal's face there now, since the first time he had tied him up. "Well, well, well... If we can get THAT kind of reaction from ONE forearm, what's gonna happen with two?" "NO. NO. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. PLEASE" "Well, I'm gonna do it. UNLESS... you tell me the other place." "OH SHIT. Why are you doing this to me Sir?" "Because it's so much fun. You remember what an arrogant prick you were?" "I WAS NEVER AN ARROGANT PRICK!" Hal's finger went back to his arm. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, ok. yes, I remember. I remember." "And I took you down. You were a challenge, but I broke you." Catching his breath, brad remembered. He felt precum forming. "You did Sir. You broke me. I remember. " "And I'm gonna break you again. Only this time... I'm giving you a chance. " He paused. "You know, if I tie you the other way, the head post is not in the way, I can keep those arms up with my knees on your hands, and I'll just tickle you until you give it up." brad pulled at the restraints. He didn't know why: if he got loose, Hal would just put him back down again. He thought about the possibility of being in that position. How long could he hold out? Not long. "The backs of my knees sir. Where they bend. Worse than my arms. Please don't do that. Please." Brad was breathing harder and harder. "DANG. Why didn't I think of that. The arms? Yeah, I could miss that. But your knees." He whispered into brad's ear. "you're gonna be hogtied a LOT more than you have been, big boy. But right now, you're just gonna have your legs in the air with my cock in you." He moved his mouth over and flooded brad's mouth with his tongue. His fingers kept on working on brad's nips, and he felt brad bucking under him, getting crazier and crazier. "SIR. I'm gonna cum before you do. I am. I am. I can't help it. GGGGGAAAAAAGGGGG" Hal saw the dark spot spreading over brad's pants. "Oh, you broke a fundamental rule, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Top man comes first. Gonna have to be punishment for that. AFTER I get my prize. He got the stained pants off of brad, and then lifted his leg. brad's well used hole was right there. Hal again remembered the first time he had taken brad. He never knew what kind of flood of submission he was going to tap into. He'd think about that later. For now... He needed to cum. Badly. He slid into brad. "This is my sub. This is the sub I chose," he said to himself, as he began going in further and further. "My dream of dominating, OWNING a str8 guy. All mine." He came out of his reverie and said out loud, without thinking. "ALL.. FUCKING... MINE..." before he flooded brad's ass. "Yes sir. All fucking yours. All the time. That's me. Your cum whore. Your sub. Your bottom. "

Hal was now excited. He went and got a bit cleaned up, and then untied brad. "Get undressed. We're not done yet." "But Sir. We both came." "I SAID GET UNDRESSED" "Yes sir. " brad gulped when he saw the three pair of cuffs: one for his ankles, one for his wrists, and one to hold them together. "Sir, you're not gonna hogtie me, are you?" "GET ON YOUR BELLY BRADBITCH" "Gulp. Yes sir." Out came one of the ascots. Hal liked to use them because brad could get sound out. They were safer than the big gags when he wanted sound. And he wanted sound now. He wet a finger, and ran it across the back of brad's right knee. He heard the garbled sound of helplessness. "OH WOW. This is gonna be fun brad." "Why the fuck did I tell him," brad thought, before he realized "because I'm his sub." That was the last coherent thought he had for about twenty minutes, as Hal tickled him mercilessly.

"You better get cleaned up. Time for you to go back into the cage, and then some dinner, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Softball game this weekend?" "Yes sir." "GOOD. I got a tighter pair of shorts for you to wear. I heard a woman in the stands talking about what a great ass you had last week. We should let her know that you appreciate your fans. " Brad could only sigh. "Yes sir."


Well, gentle readers, we're coming dang near close to the end of this adventure. There's one, maybe two, more installments left on this one, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share them. Also, I've said this with my other stories. Anything you read in these stories you want to pick up and work on, is yours. No hoarding here. So, let me hear from you, and see you in about a week.


Next: Chapter 16

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