Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 21, 2023


We're going to move this story along, gentle readers, and bring you past some of the less interesting stuff. Lyn DID come home, bringing Selma with her. She had told brad, the night before, that they needed to talk. When he told her about his relationship with Hal, it made things easier, and more difficult at the same time. Selma moved into the house, and brad moved in with Hal. The kids stayed with Lyn, at least for the present. A discussion of divorce didn't happen, because neither Lyn nor brad (nor, for that matter, did Hal or Selma) wanted that. They agreed to take this, bit by bit, and see where things wound up.

Brad realized he had never been happier. He got to experience all of his submissive fantasies to one degree or another. Hal proved to be very inventive at new ideas, combinations of old ideas, and just generally bringing brad to more sexual satisfaction than he had ever had.

Hal, in the meantime, was thinking of new ways he could have fun with this new sub, and also... well, you'll see.

Hal had spent some time looking over the magazines and books he had found in brad's "toybox." Some of them had been subject to some pretty hard use. Hal assumed that these represented some of brad's biggest fantasies. One of them seemed to be something he could fulfill... and also fulfill one of his. He smiled when brad wasn't around.

One night, after he had fucked brad's face while he was tied up, and during dinner, Hal brought it up. "You know that fantasy where you surrender so your friends aren't sold into slavery." brad blushed. He didn't know that Hal knew about that one. "Uh, the one in that novel, Sir? " "Yeah, that's the one. You wanna act it out?" Brad had been locked in chastity that morning and he still was. Hal hadn't decided if he'd take it off before bed. He felt his cock grow. "Uh, I think so. I don't know how I'll get my friends involved though." Hal smiled. "Don't worry about that. Your friends aren't gonna know. Just trust my computer skills, and go along with me. " "Ok Sir. Do I have any choice?" "No. I thought it was a hot fantasy. If you don't want to do it..." "NO NO. I do. God, I wanted to do that one for a long, LONG time." "Pick a day. I think the outfit is brad at his most conservative. Stiff white shirt, rep tie, blue suit." "DAMN that man makes my cock grow every time he speaks." "I love the idea of being tied up like that Sir" "So pick a day. After work? Sunday ? Take a day off softball?" "How about a Friday night Sir?" "Friday night it is. " A wicked smile crossed Hal's lips, and brad knew he was up to something, but the thought of fulfilling that one, was so hot, he didn't care." "Are you going to uncage me tonight , Sir?" "Yes, and then you're staying caged until Friday." When they went to bed, Hal jerked brad long and slow. He hadn't gagged him, so the animal moans came out loud and strong.

That Friday, when he got to work, brad got a call on his regular phone, not his cell. "This is Brad." "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, you sweet thing. Remember the guy who grabbed your ass at the gym." "YEAH. I sure do. How the fuck did you get my number?" Hal's voice was almost a purr. "Your friend Mitch gave it to me." He paused. "Not willingly, but that man has some sensitive nipples." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" "Check your computer, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Look at the email with the title 'you or them' Brad clicked on the email. There was a short movie of three handsome men, shirtless, bound and gagged, sitting on the floor, with a guard standing over them. "SHIT. I was with them last night. WHAT THE FUCK?" "And you'd be with them now if you didn't decide to visit your favorite gay bar, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. It was the easiest thing in the world to take them. " "What do you want?" He dropped his voice. "The correct question is WHO do I want brad? And that's you. I'll make a deal with you. You surrender yourself to me, they go free. You choose not to, I'll have them on the slave market before you can say SOLD." brad paused. "I'll get back to you." "Nope, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. This deal expires in... 60 seconds. 59 seconds. 58 seconds." "OK OK OK. You win. I'll do it. What do you want me to do?" "Very simple brad. The museum. 5 o'clock. Gallery 46. It's closed but the guard will let you in. Your friends will be there. Once I have you, then I'll take them off the market." "Ok, Ok. I got it. I'll be there at 5." "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, by the way, I've got you under watch. You call the police, you bring any help, they're going to the mideast. I have one buyer who'll take them all. So at least you know they'll be together." Brad's voice dropped. He was getting into the scene big time. "I'll be there. No tricks. Just don't hurt them." The phone went dead. When it did, brad had to adjust his pants. He hadn't been this hard in a long, LONG time.

brad didn't hear from Hal the rest of the afternoon. He just sort of stewed in the juices of his fantasy. So far, Hal had "nailed it." He hoped he was gonna nail him too. He got to the museum, and learned that gallery 46 was on the third floor. He got there, and there was no one around. There was a painting along side the entrance to the locked gallery 46, and he stared at it. He felt, rather than heard, Hal come up behind him. He felt his breath on his ear. "Some of the finest art isn't on the walls of a museum, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad." and he chuckled. "Let me see my friends. You've got me now. That was the deal." "SURE... " Hal reached into his pocket, and pulled out a key. He opened the door, and gently pushed brad in. He saw three guys, tied up, along the wall. "Must be Hal's friends" he thought. "Now, we're gonna get this done right. First, put your hands behind your back." "Ok. Don't hurt them, please." brad felt a pair of handcuffs lock on his wrists. "FUCK. He knew Hal preferred ropes, but the fantasy called for cuffs. " He hadn't seen Hal until now, and when he walked over to his friends, he saw he was wearing a uniform identical to what the guards in the museum wore. He walked over to the three guys, and smiled. They took their hands from behind them, and pulled off the gags. "He's hot Hal. Good choice." one said. He smiled. "Just get the hell outta here." "Yes sir. Have fun." They made out the door of the gallery. "Back stairs over there , brad. Let's go." "Yes sir. " Hal kept a firm hand on brad's shoulder as he led him down through a back entrance. "I got the better deal, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. You're more than three times as handsome as any of them are." "Thanks. I think." He saw Hal's car waiting. Was he going to? " He popped the trunk. "Get in brad. NOW." "But... but... " "I SAID GET IN." "Yes sir." "He's doing it all! " brad thought. "Am I gonna cum before we get home?" ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** *************************************************

It was a warm day, and brad was sweating when they got home and Hal popped the trunk. He smiled and pulled out his camera. "This is worthy of a porn movie, brad. You tied up, helpless, successful businessman. About to become a cock bitch." It was still a fairly quiet day, so Hal added an element to the fantasy. No one on the street? He hoisted brad up over his shoulder and carried him into the house like a sack of potatoes. "What're you gonna do to me?" brad said, feigning surprise, knowing full well what Hal was going to do to him - or what he THOUGHT he was gonna do to him. Hal unlocked the cuffs. He motioned to the bed. "ON IT. FACE UP. Hands up at the corners." Brad sighed, as Hal locked him in. He bent down, and undid brad's necktie. "You're such a fucking sexy man, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad." He began to run his thumbs over brad's nips, through the heavy oxford fabric. No matter how many times he did that, brad's tits never became immune. He began to squirm and then moan. "OOOOOOH. OOOOH GOD." He closed his eyes, and then he felt Hal's lips on his ear. "I'm gonna FUCK you brad. " He pulled back and smiled. "But first.... I have a surprise for you. MY twist on the story." He turned and smiled. There was someone there, who brad hadn't seen. It was Ken. "You're right Hal. He looks HOT tied down." He smiled. "How you doing brad?" "WHAT THE FUCK? DAMN. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" "He's here for a great blow job, bradster. " "You gonna give it to him? Cause I'm not." Hal laughed. "Yeah you are." He reached down and grabbed brad's balls and cock through his pants. He squeezed. "OWWWWWW SHIT. C'MON HAL. YOU'RE THE ONLY MAN I BLOW." Hal squeezed harder. "Now, you see brad, you don't quite understand your role as my sub. You do what I TELL you to do. You do WHO I tell you to do. And I'm telling you, blow my bud." Ken had already pulled his zip down. His cock was thicker than Hal's, and shorter. It looked familar. Had he?" "I remember the time you blew me at Pockets brad. Remember the guy who blindfolded you?" brad did. It was one of the hottest scenes there. "THAT WAS YOU? SHIT!" "Yup brad, it was me. I knew before Hal did. And when the blindfold was off, you pretended you didn't know me. Well, now you know me. And I know you. OPEN UP" brad heard what his Master had said, and he did. He took Ken's cock, like the good sub he wanted to be. It was odd, tasting a cock different from the one he had sucked so many times. But it was good. He saw the smile of contentment on Ken's face. "Damn, Hal. If you ever get tired of him..." He began to pump faster. And then he stopped. "No. I wanna watch." "Watch what?" brad asked. He thought he knew, but he hoped he didn't. "Ken's gonna cum ON you, while I cum in you, manbitch." Brad felt his shoes pulled off, then his pants lowered. Sometimes Hal ate out his ass, and sometimes not. Tonight he did. Deep. And Ken moved his right hand around brad's balls, just gently cupping them. "So nice and soft. So sweet. Maybe I'll blow you." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" brad bleated out. Hal looked up. He sneered. "I think you just guaranteed he will." He positioned himself to slide into brad. Hal's cock moved like a machine. brad closed his eyes, and thought through the whole scene. DAMN. What other scenes had he always wanted to do? Would Hal agree? Right now, Hal seemed to be very agreeable to plowing brad's formerly straight ass. He took him hard. REAL hard. And with the last push, he came in brad, just as Ken , who was playing with himself, shot all over brad's chest. "Now, brad, it's your turn." Ken knelt down alongside the bed, and his long tongue circled brad's cock. "HOLY JESUS MOTHER OF GOD" brad yelled. He hadn't been blown for so long. And Ken was doing a DAMN good job. It didn't take long. brad's jizz joined Ken's, all over brad's body. As brad heaved for breath, he got out some words. "OH GEEZ SIR. That was AMAZING. You made my fantasy better." Hal smiled as he moved in and started playing with brad's nips again. "There are a lot of them in those books, brad. I'm gonna start picking some out and..." he laughed. "Sir, can I choose too?" "You can make recommendations, subboi. I make the choices." "Yes sir. I understand." Ken is staying for dinner tonight. I think everyone needs a shower. And you know what? I think we all have to eat dinner wearing nothing but.." he reached into a bag at the side. "A pair of speedos that I bought today." He had three different colors. When brad put his on, it didn't surprise him that it was a size too small. And it didn't surprise him that Hal advised him that he was gonna get tied up after dinner, and after Ken had left. Brad kind of wished that Ken would stay (That would come later). That night, after he was bound, and Hal necked with him for more than a half hour, he forgot about Ken. He couldn't forget about his cock, though. It was locked up, and getting harder, and harder. He couldn't remember the last time he had gotten hard at home with Lyn, without something on the computer.

Next: Chapter 13

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