Straight Bondage Slave

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 6, 2023


It wasn't often that Hal woke up before the alarm went off, but he was waking today. And he was horny. He always had morning wood, but today... Maybe it was thinking about what he had coming to him: his morning blow job. He had defeated brad: he surrendered, and he knew it. And part of that surrender, was the morning blow job. Brad was still sleeping. He'd have to see about that. Hal slipped a finger down to brad's ass. He ran it up and down over brad's ass crack. Instinctively, brad pulled his legs tighter. "No you don't sexy. No you don't." Hal whispered into brad's ear, and then began slowly, SO SLOWLY running his morning beard over that same ear. Brad began to moan a little, and Hal slipped his finger down, to between brad's legs.

"Open up boy. Open up for your Master.." He licked at brad's ear. He could tell that brad was beginning to wake up. His moans were getting louder. "OOOOH. OOOOH GOD. My ear. OOOOOH. " Hal chuckled to himself, and let his tongue run around that ear. This boy had so many places where he was sensitive. A few years with another man, and they might deaden, but for now... He managed to slip a second finger in between brad's legs.

"Come on, Sir. Why are you doing this to me?" "So many reasons brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. So many." Hal succeeded in getting brad's legs apart like opening a clam, and he grabbed the meat on the other side, slowly pumping brad. "Each time you push your ass back into me, I'll give you a pull, sweetcakes. " "OH FUCK. OH FUCK." brad tried to resist, but he had morning wood too. He gave in, pushing back against Hal's cock. Hal had no intention of fucking brad this early, but he wanted him to know: he could. He chuckled and rolled brad on his back. "How's my stud bitch this morning? " Hal was smiling, brad wasn't. "I can't fucking believe I surrendered to you." Hal just kept smiling as he moved his fingers to brad's nips. "Anytime you want to call fraud, tell me. We'll start all over... And I'll break you again." Brad sighed. "No Sir. You won, fair and square. I just can't believe I was such a pushover." "Ha ha. I didn't think you were a pushover brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. But I had SO MUCH FUN getting us here. Now, before we go on, you remember what your morning task is?" "Uh, I think so Sir." "Well, what are you waiting for?" Brad pushed the blankets off of Hal's lower body, and he moved down to his crotch. He licked Hal's cock first, like a lollipop, getting it even harder. "OH YEAH. That's the way str8 boi. Put your str8 lips around my big, hard cock. " Brad took it eagerly. He swallowed Hal's cock in one gulp, and he moved his tongue and lips around it. Hal was impressed. Brad was a good cocksucker when they started, and now, he was a GREAT one. Hal began moaning in spite of himself. "DAMN. I oughtta pimp out that fucking mouth." He braced himself on the bed, his palms flat against it as his hips bucked up. He began to fuck brad's face, and brad took it. He moved his hand to his own cock, but Hal shook his head NO and brad let go. Hal moved faster and faster, and then... brad was swallowing what Hal referred to as his "high protein shake." "FUCKING GREAT JOB studmuffin." Hal was trying to catch his breath. "Thank you Sir. Can I?" "When you take your shower. Get it down. The lock goes on today." He pulled brad next to him. "TGIF huh?" "Yes sir." "Playing softball this weekend?" "If you let me." "Oh, I'll let you. I've got that fantasy of fucking you in the locker room too." Brad had the same fantasy, but... with his teammates around?" "I got the whole weekend planned out for us brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. And we're gonna make some changes in your gym routine too." "What kind of changes Sir?" "You'll find out. Go get your shower. I'll get your clothes for today. Casual Friday. And you're gonna take advantage of it. "What does that mean?" "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. You know what it means. You're such a stick in the mud with what you wear, and it's a shame because you're so hot. Casual Friday? You're gonna start taking advantage of it." "You KNOW about taking advantage. SIR." Hal smiled. "Maybe I won't take off the cage when you come home today." He saw brad's face fall. "I'm sorry Sir. I lost my temper." "Seriously, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. Do you want me to just treat you like a slave cur, and stop getting you hot and bothered?" There was a longer pause. "No Sir. " "Then get your shower, get out here, and let's get you ready for work sexy." Brad knew that the only place he was going to get to cum was by jerking off in the shower. And he needed it. GOD did he need it. That combination Hal had done to him this morning: the fingers, and his ear. He didn't even use any cock, except maybe the threat of using it. But... " "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," came out of his mouth as his jizz shot all over the shower. He breathed hard. It was like a wind spring. What the fuck had happened to him? Thinking about what Hal did to him, was making him hard, all the time." He came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel around his waist, and he saw that Hal had left the cage out. He expected brad to lock it on himself, and to leave the key on the side of the bed. Brad had tried to figure out a way to sneak the key out, but hadn't been successful yet. And Hal checked the cage before he put on his pants, to make sure it was locked tight. He looked at what Hal had left out. The man DID have good taste. Today, there was a heavier weight oatmeal colored buttondown, and a pair of charcoal khakis. "I thought about jeans, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, but I figure we'll save those for next week." "Jeans for work Sir?" "Ha ha ha ha ha. If you knew how many of your colleagues come in looking for 'dad jeans' for work. No dad jeans for you. Sexy ones, for my sexy hot bottom." Brad blushed. He wondered when the expression "hot bottom" was gonna come up.

"So, bradford, this is how I think we're gonna change your gym routine. You do squats at the gym." "Oh shit," brad thought. He knew where this was heading." "Yes sir. I do. At least 100. Every day." "Well there's no reason you can't do them here." He saw the look on brad's face. "There's actually no reason why you can't do them here, naked." Brad was going to say something smart, and he thought better of it. "I guess there isn't Sir." "So, I think that we'll start this way. You can do how ever many you like at the gym, but you're gonna come back here and do them in front of me." He smiled. "And I'll have my little ass paddle in case I think you haven't gotten down far enough. " "A spanking during squats. Can't get any better." This time the remark DID come out of brad's mouth, and he regretted it. "Oh yeah, it could. You could be wearing nipple clamps when you do them, bradford. Think of the bouncing. Or, I could shove a dildo up there ,and make you do 25 more every time it falls out." Brad just didn't answer. He finished getting on his clothes. Hal smiled. "Now now. Let's get those sleeves rolled back and get that second button opened.'" "Please Sir. It's the office." "You'll be fine. You're not wearing jeans with the ass ripped out and an opened shirt. You dress like this. " Brad was thinking he'd change things when he got to work.

"Now, for tonight and the weekend." Hal got up and started walking around. "I made a reservation at one of my favorite restaurants for us tonight." "Another gay one I bet." Hal frowned. "You know, to you brad, everything other than Olive Garden and Red Lobster is a gay restaurant. Lemme tell you sweet stuff. They're both gayer than you think. I bet you even blew someone in a Red Lobster restroom once or twice." "Twice" brad thought. "But it was Olive Garden." "I just don't want to be seen in front of gay people Sir. I'm married. I have kids.' "Brad.. you take cock up your ass. You get hot when I lick your ear. You jerk off to thinking of sex with men. You're gay." He gulped. He knew Hal was right.

"Saturday, you've got your softball game, I know . It's warm out . You can wear your tight red shorts and a tank to play. "BUT.. BUT.." "You wanna wear em with a dildo up your ass?" "No Sir. I don't wanna wear the cage either." "We'll see about the cage. Haven't decided yet. " Then a pause. "Now Sunday... AH, Sunday.... I pull out my clippers and.." "FUCK. You're gonna do that?" Brad was actually excited about it. He wondered how he'd look. But it was all overloading him again. He knew Hal probably had other things planned. "Yes sir," He muttered. Then he went to give Hal the required goodbye kiss, and headed to his car.

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"And Happy Friday to you" called brad's secretary as walked in. Brad tried not to blush but he didn't succeed. "Whatever your friend is telling you, keep listening you handsome man," she called out again, this time loud enough for people to hear. That's when the wolf whistles started. "Maybe we need to have a poll: who's the most handsome boy at school?" Ken was walking through as this happened. "Great. Just what I need" brad thought. "Morning Ken. You're looking smiley." "Of course I am sweetie. Guess who got it GOOD last night? I may not be able to sit. You?" Brad was embarrassed , and angry. "That's none of your business!" "OOOOH. Cranky pants. I guess not. Well, there's always the weekend. " He walked off. An hour later, the softball team captain came by. "Hey Shortie." That's what he called Brad because of his position. "Just making sure you're up for tomorrow." "Oh yeah. You bet. " "Hey. We're going out for drinks afterward. Just beer or something if you feel like joining us. I know Lyn's not around, so if you feel like being the bachelor at the table." "I appreciate it. I have a friend visiting." "So bring him." Brad then told a lie he'd later regret. "He's not much of a drinker. But we'll see." The reaction he got the rest of the day convinced brad that Hal was right (again), about what he was wearing. At about 3, he got a text from Hal "Thinking about my sexy brad and I'm getting excited about the weekend." Brad grimaced, but honestly, he found these messages so exciting.

As he packed up his stuff for the weekend, making sure his gym stuff was in the bag, he found that Hal had switched out his t shirt with a tank top. "DAMN. This man was deliberately humiliating him. When the text followed that said "I want a picture of you in that shirt, sweaty. Dripping. Don't disappoint me.," he knew. "Hey, you know that shirt is right on the edge of regulation" one of the trainers said, as Brad started working out. "I'm sorry, Gabe. I didn't have anything clean today, and I just grabbed something. Won't happen again." Gabe laughed. "Just teasing ya brad. There's a lot worse in here regularly. But with Lyn gone, you must have PILES of smelly laundry." He laughed. "Actually no. A friend is staying and, well, he's kinda rigorous about keeping things clean and orderly. If I don't do the laundry, I know about it." "Ha ha ha ha. Is Lyn actually coming home to a changed man?" "Oh, if you only knew," brad thought. When he finished his workout, he took that picture. He texted it to Hal. He knew better than to forget it. "DAMN. I'm gonna make you do a sprint around the block in that outfit. If anyone grabs you, remember: I'm waiting." For the second time that day, brad got hard in his cage, from one of Hal's texts.

Brad changed and got home. Much to his surprise, he didn't see the torture chair set up, or any toys. He didn't see Hal either. He wondered: was this one of the break in and kidnap scenes Hal liked so much? "How's my handsome bottom?" Hal walked out from the bedroom. He was smiling, but in a strange kind of way. He had a paddle that looked a lot like a fly swatter in one hand, and a belt in the other. What was up? "That photo you sent me from the gym... It sent chills through me, studmuffin." Hal moved very close, but instead of kissing, he rubbed his beard over brad's neck. "MMMMMMM" came the response. "So I'm still thinking of whether or not to give you a hickey for when Lyn comes back." He kept rubbing brad's neck, and brad was in ecstasy. "Please Sir. Don't. Don't.. OOOOH" Hal pulled back. "ha ha ha. We shall see. We shall see. SO. Time for squats." "Ok Sir, let me change. " "No need. Just open your shirt and step out of your pants." Brad looked embarassed. "Really Sir?" "Really. I've seen you naked. You can exercise in your shorts. Get moving!" Brad gulped. He unbuttoned his shirt, remembering what Hal had told him about wearing nipple clamps. So far not, but.... He hadn't put his briefs back on after working out, so he was standing there, naked from the waist down. "PERFECT! Oh, you're gonna give me a splendid show. Now, hands behind your head. Gimme 100." Brad started his squats. He got through one, before he felt the fly swatter on his butt. "OUCH. What was that for Sir?" "I want PERFECT squats. If you don't go low enough, out comes the paddle." "Sir, it's..." "It's my way or the clamps. MOVE." "Yes sir" Brad got back to his squats, paying more attention to form. It seemed to please Hal. He only felt the paddle four or five times, for no real reason other than Hal wanted a smack to his ass. When he finished, Hal stood up as brad caught his breath. "GOOD SHOW. GOOD GOOD SHOW. You need to get rewarded. BEND OVER." Brad thought he was gonna get fucked. He was desperate to get fucked. Instead, he felt Hal's hot, pointy tongue entering him, moving up and down and around, hitting his nerve endings as brad moaned. "OH GOD. OH YES. OH YES. OH. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE . UNCAGE ME. PLEASE." Hal stopped and laughed. "Not yet, bradford. Not yet." He came around, and he looked brad in the eye. "Lyn ever get you excited like that?" He felt Hal's fingers go to his nips. "No Sir. Never." "Or like this?" He began twisting brad's nips, and brad let out a moan like a wounded animal. "OH GOD SIR NO." "That's because you're not HER bitch. You're MY bitch." "Yes sir. Yours. My Master's bitch." Hal laughed. "Taste your ass, bitch. TASTE IT." He forced brad's mouth open, and shoved his tongue in. When he was done, he smiled. "I changed my mind. Get on the bed. Face down. " Brad preferred to get fucked face up, but he'd take anything right now. He couldn't see Hal, but he braced himself. Then he felt the belt come down. "OW. HEY. THAT HURT.." "SHUT UP MANCUNT. " The belt came down again. "No, seriously Hal. That hurts. What did I do?" Another whack. "What did you do? Oh, let's see. A chat with your captain today about your friend who doesn't really care for drinking. WHO THE FUCK MIGHT THAT BE, BITCH?" The belt came down hard, 4 or 5 times. Brad began to cry. "Sir. I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm embarassed." More whacks. "OF WHAT? OF ME?" "No sir, no. Please. Please stop for a minute, please." Hal stopped and took a breath. "You've got one minute. Then I get the clamps and I get back to work." "I'm embarassed of ME Sir. Of me. " He began to cry. "I mean, I mean, I LOVE being your sub . I do. I love knowing you broke me, and that I belong to you now, but, but.... My wife. My kids. My career. What are people going to think?" Hal put down the belt. "It's about time you started being true to yourself brad. Tonight, at dinner, know what you're gonna do?" "No Sir, what? " "You're gonna introduce me to at least one person as your boyfriend. No. As your lover." "I... I don't know if I can do that Sir. " "I know you CAN. Cause if you don't, we're done." "I'll try Sir. I'll try. " "Go clean up your face. And get dressed. You can't go to this restaurant looking like that."

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Hal had pulled out a very tight fitting blue and white window pane shirt. "I saw a photo of Chris O'Donnell in that shirt. He got fat, but you look GOOD in it, you sexy beast. " Brad blushed. Lyn never told him he looked good in his clothes. "Thank you Sir." Then he squeezed into the almost white pants Hal had chosen. "Sir, with all due respect, but I look like a slut." Hal smiled. "Then my work is done here. Except for... " He opened the second button, pushed brad's sleeves back and pinched his nips through the shirt. "What are you brad?" "Your bitch Sir. Your slave." "What about tonight?" "Your... your lover Sir." Hal smiled. The mind fuck was working all too well. He changed into a dark set of clothing: navy and black. "I oughtta tie you up before we go, but that's ok." He led brad out to the car, and started driving.

He took them to a part of town brad had never been in before. It was mostly desolate, except for a corner with a large building, lit up with a red sign saying "Patsy" Brad saw a regular stream of men going in and out. "Yup. That's where we're going, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad. A private club. You're my date." "Just gay men Sir?" "Just gay men. Who knows who you'll meet?" It was crowded. This was, apparently, the place to go if you had money, on Friday night. Brad felt Hal's hand on his ass, as if he belonged to him. He had never felt so glad to have a hand on his ass. Everyone was looking at him like he was dinner. "OH SHIT" he thought. There's Ken and Marshall. And they're with four other people from work. "FUCK." "Ah. What a perfect place to begin. Let's go say hello." "No sir. Please. Not them. " "MOVE." "Yes sir." Hal and brad walked over to Ken's table. "Please ladies, don't get up," Hal smiled. "Hey, I know you, one of the other guys smiled. You're the guy at the clothing store." "That's right. He held out his hand. The other guy looked at brad. "About time you showed up here brad. I don't know who you thought you were fooling. You here with Hal?" "I am. Hal is my lover." He couldn't believe he said it. But he did. "Well, I wish we had more seats at the table. We could have a REAL good chat. " "It's a special night for us, guys, so we'll pass. But maybe next time. Enjoy your dinner." As they walked back to their table, brad asked "What's special about tonight, Sir?" "Well, let's see. You just came out to people at the office. You called me your lover. And you know what else is special about tonight? " He smiled. "You look so goddamn hot if you came in here by yourself, you'd be leaving with three guys." "I'm leaving with you Sir." "Damn right you are. " He did. After dinner, and a quick drink, Hal drove them back. He held brad's hand on the way to the car. "Know what brad? We each get to where we should be. It just takes longer for some of us." He laughed, stopped, and stared at brad. "you took your time, but welcome here." He kissed brad, kissing him hard. It was the first time that brad had moaned during a kiss.

Back at the house, Hal slid the restraints on brad's wrists and tied him to the bed. Then he undressed him slowly, kissing brad's nips, his navel, his whole body, before he opened his pants. "I'm gonna FUCK you boi. You ready for it?" "Yes sir. Yes. OH YES. I'm SO ready for it." brad felt Hal lift up his legs, and he felt Hal's cockhead aimed right at his ass. He began sliding in. "OOOOOH. I waited all day for this. ALL DAY. " Then just enjoy it, stud. Take it. Take it the way my lover should." Hal's cock started pumping. He realized that, on a lot of levels, the easy part of the game was over now. Brad was his. The hard part was going to begin: how was Lyn going to react? How about the kids?

He needn't have worried about Lyn. At that moment, she was sitting at a bar, drinking pinot grigio, with a curly haired woman of color named Selma. Selma's hand curled around hers. "So, you haven't enjoyed sex with your husband in how many years?" Lyn laughed bitterly. I lost count. He thinks I don't know about the box under the bed. Or the websites. Does he think I don't look at the credit card lines and check them? " She took a breath. "On one level, I can't complain. He's always provided for me and the kids, and provided well. I just wish he had told me. I'm good with it. " She paused. "I love him, but I hate sex." Selma smiled. "Maybe I can change your mind about that, Lyn. "

Next: Chapter 11

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