Straight Best Mate

By moc.tenretnitb@egarevag

Published on Feb 20, 2009


Straight best mate - Part 7 - 20th Feb 2009

Hi. Sorry (again) for the delay, but I have been extra busy and not really felt the need to vent (which is a good thing!).

Thanks again to all those out there who are sharing their thoughts and comments. It means loads to know that there are others out there who have had similar feelings/situations/experiences. I'd also like to thank one reader who was the first (and only) to give some negative feedback. You know who you are!

Ok, so I'm afraid there is not much to tell really. Me and Jake have sort of come to an unspoken agreement and fitted into a nice little arrangement that suits us both. Ok, nothings perfect, but I say perfection once attained can only make things boring!

We don't have a session every night, but usually once a week, sometimes we might skip it for a week. Not long after my last update, I lost it a little; I became obsessed and wanted him around all the time. I also wanted to constantly check that he was ok with what we were doing. This was obviously not good on both counts. So I sat back and thought about things and realised that I was happy with our casual little sessions and if I wanted to keep them going for a while, I needed to pull myself together and realise that we are "fuck-buddies" (minus the fucking!). We are not in a relationship and I shouldn't get freaked out if he doesn't stay over one night.

After about a week of self therapy (which is the only way to go for me! And talking to really really good friends), I was feeling good. I was not getting pissed off for him not staying over etc. Then he told me that he and his girlfriend were getting a place in a couple of months. And you know what.. I was pretty ok. I would have thought that I would be crushed, but I'm fine about it. I was really worried because they were going for a joint mortgage, but when I found out that it's going to just be in her name, I was cool with it all. You need to understand that they are a funny couple. Everybody above the age of 20 that knows them, cant understand why she keeps taking him back and consider her to be one of the worlds greatest mugs, but then again they also can't see why Jake is still with her, he doesn't seem to love her like he should (especially if moving in together). But he has told me himself that it's a safe relationship for him (but this was a few months ago). I'm starting to think his constant cheating and being a bastard to her was due to him not admitting that he was curious/bi. I'm probably wrong, but everything that I know about psychology tells me that when you deny a part of yourself and don't embrace it, it usually finds a way to release itself indirectly or otherwise. He has told me on more than one occasion that he is not 100% straight (not that I needed the confirmation!). So basically I'm not worried for him anymore. If it goes wrong, he doesn't have to worry about a pain in the arse mortgage and house to sort out and split down the middle. We all keep trying to suggest they rent together for 6 months first to make sure it can work, but...

I got a little diverted there (little venting!). So basically, now that I know he is "moving out" in the next couple of weeks I have really started to feel better. The pressure is off.. I know that our times will soon come to an end or at the very least, happen less often. It's a healthy realisation and now I'm making the most of what time I have left! Lol lol. ;-)

Our routine is this. We lay on the sofa as normal I'll rub his back and hug him a little. If he's in the mood he will say so, or move my hand to his groin. It's a good little system that keeps me from worrying that I'm being pushy and unless he moves my hand, we are just the same as we have been for months just laying on the sofa (hence a symbol that our friendship is not being affected).

In addition to the above, there is also a set time each week (for the last 3 anyway, and I'm scared of cursing it!!) that we have a "session". Now we have not spoken about this, we have got discussed that it has happened 3 times in a row. And neither of us plans to!

Mondays. Mondays are the best right now! We both have the day off and tend to hang out and then go out for a bite to eat. Jake will lay in bed until 4 or 5pm sometimes unless he's pushed to get up. So he always gets me to give him a shout at around 12pm.

I will go in and wake him and sit on his bed to offer him a cigarette. I'll lay next to him and rub his back and chest. Work his nipples up a bit as he loves his nipples being played with (I don't get it, I don't like mine being played with!). For the last 3 Mondays he has quite quickly... within 5 minutes, moved my hand down to his cock. All he is wearing is boxers and he's always fully hard and tenting! It doesn't take long and before you know it I'm "slowly" wanking him and sucking on his nipples!

I have now got to the point where he has to ask me to suck him; I won't just go there.. Let's call it my way of keeping some self respect!! Lol. So after he's asked me, I go at it. The first week it was just sucking and a little kissing plus the nipples!

Second week was sucking, a little kissing (we don't do that as much as the first few times) and somehow I started stroking his hole with my finger. He seemed to like it and I gradually got a little of my finger in his hole. I stopped moving it and just kept on sucking him. He must have liked it because he was making an effort to get more in and with a little bit of unspoken teamwork we got my finger all the way in and I started to finger him while sucking. Once the fingering started for real he didn't last long and just after he told me he was going to cum, he started to shoot like a rocket. Honestly it was so much more powerful than normal and took me by surprise, the first 2/3 shots went down my throat and although I gagged a little, I couldn't stop myself from swallowing it. The rest was there, in my mouth (along with his cock!) in a split second I decided to swallow it all as I'd already taken a fair amount. He stayed hard for a while and I kept sucking. He didn't ask me to take my finger out, but when he finally went soft I did. Afterwards we didn't speak about it as normal and just had a laugh and a good day.

The last thing I have to catch you all up on was the 3rd Monday (just gone). Same as normal I was sucking him, but this time I decided to take my bottoms and boxers off.. Don't know why, just did. While I was laying on him, sucking his nipples and rubbing our cocks together, he took hold of my cock and started to stroke me. I was loving it (what a surprise!) after a few minutes he stopped and I stopped working on his right nipple which was red! But he was moaning and loving it! I was feeling a little bold so I moved up a little so that his cock was rubbing my ass crack a bit. He seemed to not mind so I angled a little more and a little more until I took told of his cock and guided it to my hole. I don't know what I was thinking at the time, but I edged him in about half, maybe an inch. He sighed and I grimaced as the pain was more than I expected. I pulled off and laughed. Told him "that's not gonna work without lube!". He laughed and I asked him if he wanted to try it? He said "na" so we carried on as normal. Afterwards we went about our day as normal then went out for steak!

It's all pretty much one way, and I'm ok with that. If he gets bold and wants to try doing more to me, then cool, but I'm not going to pressure him, there is no point.

So that's it, we have a little fun on Mondays (will see if can make it number 4 next week!).

Nothing much more to say, except another thank you and keep the comments coming. I like to read too!

Cheers again


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