Straight Best Mate

By moc.tenretnitb@egarevag

Published on Dec 17, 2008


Ok first off, this is my first attempt at writing a story (since school) and it's mostly about personal therapy more than making myself or others "hard". That being said I hope you get some enjoyment out of reading this and feel free to drop me an email with comments or whatever. I'm not the best at writing, so sorry for any bad English!

This story is erotically gay (two guys) in nature, so if that offends you or you are not old enough to read this, then hit the "back" button and leave! This story is my real life, with names changed of course!



Ok, my name is Gary and I'm 27 years old. In terms of features, I'm 6ft, short dark hair; nice facial features and people tend to love my eyes for some reason (Elvis eyes, or bedroom eyes is what I get called). I used to be massively over weight, but I have lost nearly all of that and traded it in for some muscle instead. I'm not perfect, but who is? Ok, quite a few people are (in the physical sense) but most people are not, despite what TV and Films etc. tell us to believe.

I have known for some time that I'm Bi-sexual, although I have not admitted it to anyone else, I'm sure of it myself. I watch Gay porn, I get aroused and the usual explosion of cum shortly follows. But technically, I have never done anything with a guy. I have been in relationships with girls and fallen in and out of love. I know I want to get married and have kids some day, but at the same time, every now and again, I will see a guy and think "wow, fucking hot, would love to try some things with you!" On a personal level, I would never cheat on my partner, but right now I'm single so I don't see the harm in having certain urges!

I own a restaurant with my Dad and 6 months ago moved in and rented out my house.. It made sense to save the money. I am friendly with the staff, some more than others, and I suppose this is where it started.

3 years ago I met him, slim (or some might say skinny), 6ft, light brown hair, with a face that could melt anyone who would consider themselves cold. His name was Jake, and when we first met, he was only 15, nearly 16. We didn't really hit it off at first, but when he turned 17, we started to become friends. this also was around the time that I promoted him to become assistant chef, which meant that we needed to interact more at work.

Jake has a charm about him that cannot be denied, he can talk his way out. or in to any situation and even when he is bad, it is so hard to stay angry with him. We started hanging out after work together, having a smoke/drink. We enjoy chatting and laughing. most of the time we were joined by other friends and would have a lad's night in watching the box or listening to music etc.

When I moved in to the flat above the restaurant Jake moved in as well, for various reasons he was unable to drive and living above work was handy for him. I of course knew before this point that I found him attractive and was glad for the company of a fit young 18 year old!

What is really confusing with Jake is that, he is very metro-sexual. which I didn't understand what that meant until I got to know him! He also hasno problem with hugging his friends and being a bit flirtatious as well (this got me going a few times I can tell you!) He puts kisses (x) in text messages etc.

During our first week in the flat, before he had any bed sheets/covers, he only stayed over a couple of times. Consider at this point that we were quite close as friends, he told me things about his relationship with his girlfriend for example that he didn't share with others etc.

On one of these nights, our relationship changed, not from his point of view, but it did for me.

It was the second time he had stayed over since I moved in, we still had none of the usual bed stuff for him, and so it was going to be the sofa again. He convinced me to get "buzzed-up" with him so we ended up getting a bit wasted staying up for hours and going for a 5-mile walk at 2/3am.

When we got back we started to watch TV and he mentioned that his back was a bit sore, not in a hinting way, but just a passing comment. I was feeling a little wasted. ok, more than a little, but I was fine, I knew what I was doing and was not all over the place (I don't get like that).

I leaned over and said something like "poor baby, want me to rub your back?" It was in a kind of mocking/joking voice, but I started to rub his shoulders and then his back. I just carried on as he didn't say anything. Jake then discovered that I am a master at massages. I started to tell him how I had learnt to give them, and how I used to massage my old housemate (who was a girl by the way) and that she loved them as well.

We were both pretty gone at this point and I stopped rubbing his back for a while. After only a couple of minutes, he asked me to keep going. I honestly told him that it was too uncomfortable with him sitting next to me and that people need to lay down. With hardly any time to think about it, he got up and started to lie down on the sofa, this shocked me, until that is, he took his shirt off. Then I was truly shocked.

I couldn't believe that my mate, who I cared about as a friend, but that I also fancied the hell out of, was topless and lying down waiting for me to give him a massage.

When the shock subsided, all that was left was excitement. I started to rub his back. This time my hands' touching his smooth skin and it was driving me wild. He was also enjoying it based on the moans he was making... Not sexual completely, more of total relaxation, but I'm sure there was some nice erotic feelings in there as well!

We were there, on the sofa for a good 90 minutes and I was moving all over his back, shoulders and neck, every now and again moving my hand under to reach his chest and stomach, after a few times he started to arch so I could get there, but it was not the right position and didn't last long because of that.

At about 5/6am we decided to go to sleep, I got up (after leaving time for my massive boner to go down - which had been leaking pre-cum all this time and I didn't realise!) and he then asked if he could sleep in my bed cause it was cold. This was not the first time that I had shared a bed with a mate (1st time in a while though). It's a massive bed and plenty of room.

I only sleep naked or in just boxers during the summer when it's hot. The rest of the year I sleep in t-shirt and shorts. I imagined that Jake was going to keep on his jeans and put his top back on.. I imagined wrong!

He got into bed and only had boxers on, the sight was mind blowing I could see how hot he looked and that he had a nice bulge, although he was totally flaccid.

In bed he got closer than he needed to in a bed this size, but not too close (not that I would have cared!). I said night and gave his arm a little rub and said I hope the massage helped his back.

I cant remember how it came about, but I think he may have said something about it still being sore or something, so I figured why not try and rub his back some more, albeit with one hand. We were both lying on our sides/front and I was behind him. After a few minutes of back rubbing, I was moving my hand bit by bit around to his stomach and chest (now more accessible! Ha ha). Just done the front for a few seconds then moved to his back again, after all his back was sore not his front, so I was a little nervous about rubbing his chest and stomach.

When I realised that he didn't seem to mind my hand on his front I started to stay there longer and longer until all I was doing was hugging him essentially and rubbing my hand over the front of his body. At this point I was not really massaging him, I was focusing all my pent up feelings for him into my right hand, letting the energy from my sexual desires for him flow into the rubbing. I even rubbed his nipples a few times, but was too nervous to be there too long!

We were both pretty out of it and that's why I imagine he said and done what he did next.

I was working away at his stomach, rubbing over his abs (not mega ripped, but I still love them!) when he said "your getting me hard doing that". I couldn't believe it and stammered a response along the lines of "yeah, yeah, very funny". He then grabbed my massaging hand and placed it on his boxers. My god I thought, is this happening?

My hand was only there for a second or two at the most, but those where the longest seconds of my life. I felt his cock, not at full potential, but it was hard enough for me to know that he was not joking. Then it was over, I can't recall if he moved my hand back to his abs or if I did. maybe it was a mix of the two, but either way it was over.

There was a real silence to the night then, the rubbing stopped and we both went to sleep. Jake was gone in the morning. He sent me a text saying he needed to get away. The text did not end with an "x", and I was in a right state.

Paranoid thoughts going through my head about him thinking I'm gay or not wanting to be my friend anymore. I have finally admitted to myself that I love him so much that I would settle to have him in my life as a friend, rather than not at all. He is my best friend and I love him in that capacity just as much as I love him romantically.

I eventually hear from him later in the day and things are ok, I felt better, but for a while we didn't get close on the sofa again.

Every now and again I give him a back rub while he's lying next to me on the sofa, most of the time his shirt stays on! In general he really doesn't seem to mind me rubbing his back or playing with his hair, he just lays there and watches TV; many times he ends up falling asleep.


End of the first diary entry.


Well guys, that's it. You're probably thinking, where's the sex.. Well, as much as I'm gutted to say it, there isn't any. I'm thinking of writing about a number of dreams and fantasies that I have had about Jake, but they are just in my head.

This was about me getting off my chest my feelings for him. Some more things/situations have come up since the "hard-on" incident and if you want to hear them let me know and I'll post a few more files. We can call it my diary!

I'm also open to writing about some sexual fantasy dreams etc. that I have had about him.. These may be more for this site and will get you hard.. They certainly do me!

Anyways, I'm done for now.. Feedback please if you want more!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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