Straight and helpless

By Me yup me

Published on Dec 1, 2000



Well first of all I have to say the usual things, if your under age, which I believe is 17? well anyways if you think your too young to be reading this stuff, then u probablly are and if you do not find guys going at it to be all that appealing, then I strongly suggest that you travel no further! But I have to say that if you really do, then what the hell are you doing in the gay section anyways???

Now to those of you who enjoy this stuff I would like to say that as always, I love and I can't stress, LOVE feed back, just knowing that im helping people enjoy there days a bit better or causing em to unlease a load maken a sticky icky mess, totally makes me feel like it is worth writing these stories. So you can reach me at my email,, please feel free to just say hi even, always welcomed!! Enjoy!

Straight and Helpless

Marc was the hottest lad I had ever come across! 5-9, 165 pounds, short cropped brown hair with the cutest dimples to match. He was a very popular lad at school, all the girls wanted him and all the guys wanted to be him. He was perfect. I'm still not sure how I wound up becoming such good friends with him. I mean why exactly is a guy like him best friends with me, your average joe shmoe?? well anyways, the point is that he was, and I valued that friendship dearly. i'd never in my life want to do anything to break it, wouldn't want to do anything to complicate the beautiful thing we had, or anything to hurt him, however,(heheheh) that would soooon change...

Marc had injured himself during a soccer game. The doctors said it would be weeks before he could get back onto the field with his broken arm, fractured knee cap and severly sprang ankle so ofcourse the first thing I did when I got home from my two weeks at hawaii with my parents would be to visit poor marc.

It was actually quite adorable, the sight of Marc in a bed, his left arm hoisted high above his head in a cast, and his right just in a cast. He was wearing one of those hospital gowns that people were forced to wear, normally they don't do anything for me but marc was looking as hot as ever in it. He had been their for about a week and a half and as I entered the room, I looked at his face and found him just staring at the wall with a dazed expression.

"knock, knock, earth to marc...anybody home?"

"Huh?, oh hey Dave, good to see ya buddy, thanks for visiting me, sure could use some company about now!" and with that he continued to look into the wall. Half shocked as I had never really seen marc so humble and quiet, I soon realized that something was wrong. What could it be? He just sort of sat there, looking at me once in a while, smiling and then continued to stare at his wall...

"Whats the matter Marc?" I asked

"huh?.oh...yeah nothing man, its nothing, sorry just alots been on my mind bro"

"Well marc you know you can tell me anything right? Im your best friend man, if you can't tell me, who else can you tell?"

He looked around, avoiding eye contact with me the whole time trying to find something to say..

"aahh man, I dunno, its just, well its kinda embarassin man..." he croaked out as his face started to turn three shades red. Hehehe, he was so cute!

"Well marc, im not gonna force you to say anytihng, but just remember , im totaly open here ok?" Even though I said it, it was still bugging me. What could he be thinking of? We sat for a bit, in the silence, him still not wanting to tell me and me not wanting to bring it up as I could tell it was clearly making him feel uncomfortable. AAAA!! Suddenly it hit me! Although Marc was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, I had forgotten that he was also just about the horniest guy I had ever met! Everytime he'd sleep over when we were younger, i'd always catch him in the middle of the night with his hand down his boxers under the covers. What was scary actually was that once he finished up, he was at it again 15 minutes later, sometimes going 6-7 times a night!!! So ofcourse! With his hands all bandaged and casted up, he must have been dying to blow a wad.

It all started to make sense now. I stared at him, just to make sure my hypothesis was indeed correct and all the little things suddenly became all so much obvious. Firstly I don't know how I could of missed that bulge in his gown when I walked in, it was about the size of the Eiffel tower. He tried to cover it on occasion moving his right arm , although cast also but stilll free to move, over his now ever so more apparent tent. Now this was too much, I had to have some fun. Although marc was just about the horniest guy I had met, he was also the straightest too. Now don't get me wrong, he would never gay bash or make fun of queers, but it was simply against his morals personally. He'd never ever get together with a guy, or would he?

Ever so subtly, I started to see how bad he had it... "Yeah so marc, you'd never believe how awesome hawaii was, jjesus christ man, the chicks, the beach, the bikinis?!?! I have to tell ya, it was just all too much....seeing all those girls rubbin sun tan lotion all over each other, all over their bodies like that, wheeeewwweeeee...prretty kewl man!"

He was cringing. His head tilted back, eyes just about to pop out of his sockets The sweelling and throbbing of his cock was now more apparent, my test had worked, this boy had it BAD. "R-r-reeally Dave? th-that sounds r-real s-s-s-well..." he managed to croak out almost out of breath afterwards. "Yeah man, it was awesome, and you know what else? I saw these wicked tatoos on everyone their, I swear it was the new fad, they had them right above their navals, you know near the belly button, riiiiggggggghtttt here!" I said as I took my hand and uncovered the patch to his stomach. I took my finger and started slowly making circles, left to right, then right to left. He squenched his eyes and let out a moan. It was hilarious! it sounded as if he was going to die!

"OK!! Jesus christ dude, I can't take it anymore!!!"

"Why whaat do you mean Marc? is something the matter, did I do something wrong?" I said playing along

"L-l-isten man, just well, i've kinda been in this hell hole for close to one and a half weeks now, and well.....I haven't been able to do ...uh...well..stuff...u know?!"

"Hmm....stuff? what kinda stuff? what are you implying buddy oh pal?" I said, barely being able to hold in my laughter Ofcourse as I was saying this, I hadn't stopped encircling his bellly button with my fingers

"uhh..uh..u know man...stuff!!" he said trying to keep his hips from bucking off of the bed."Dave, I know your not a queer or nothing, and neither am I, its just that, well, do you think you could help me out?"

"Help you out? How? with what marc?". Hehe I had to here him say it, just seeing one of the straightest lads I knew, trying to get another guy to get him off was just too much for me! "I mean, I really don't know what you want me to do..if you told me, maybe i'd consider it" I said, now moving my hands closer to his naval.. "You know, most of the tattoos I saw on the girls were of snakes their, I dunno why though, they kinda wiggled from their belly buttons and all the way down, well to here!" I said, slithering my index finger up and down his lower abdominum.

"Jesus Christ!!!" he managed to choak out as his eye lids locked closed with his head now tilted all the way back..."L-l-isten man, god I dunno how to say this, but , I haven't been able to release any tension for days, weeks!! could you please help me out?!!"

"whha-what?" I said, acting totally astonished. "Marc are you asking me to jerk you off?" all the while not once stopping my fingers from exploring all of his delicious six pack

"Man I know its not right but cumon, your m-my best f--friend..right? I mean c-c- ant you pr-etend that its yours? comon just pretend its your own, i'll do fuckin anything, anything u want!!! just please touch it!" he squirmed.

"Well marc, I mean course you and me are like best buds and stuff, but do buds really do this stuff for eachother?? I mean can't u just, I dunno, use some of your right hand, something out?"

He closed his eyes and groaned "I can't, ts impossible..I haven't cum in close too TWO fucking weeks. Im going fucking nuts man."

" still not sure" I said, all this while my finger slowly working its way up to his nipples, starting to lightly , gently, relentlessly rub both of his nipples.

He had his eyes squenched shut and was openning and closing his hands , where they were restrained above his head, and his mouth was workin, showing me his clenched teeth. "Jesus!!!" he almost screamed.

"Awww gee golly gosh, im sorry Marc, sorry I wasn't thinking here, I mean your kinda in a bad way, u know with not coming and all, it must be tough having me touch you like that when you don't know whether anything is going to happen and all..." I said densely..hheheh I felt soo evil!

"Hey maybe I should just go, you know im sure im not helping you out anyways.."

Marc rolled his head from side to side. He had a look of encridble agony on his face and was sooo obviously frustrated.

"CHRIST if I don't fucking come!! I honestly think something horrible is gonna happen!!!!!!" he screamed managing to express all five exclamation marks. "You see these nuts?!?!" he said trying to point his swollen arm at it..."THERE GOING TO FUCKING EXPLODE!!!! literally going to die man!!! if you don't help, i'll have to comit suicide." he squirmed

"Jeeeze marc, no need to be daft now...lets see, well if I do help you out, what if word gets out you know? I mean I dont' want the guys at school to be thinking wrong things between us..."

"I SWEAR TO GOD, FUCKING GOD!! NO ONE WILL FIND OUT!!! if anyone does, you blame it on me k??? say I made you, it was me, im sick ok??!! comoooooonnnnnnnn man..... i'll do you bio and history for a month!!" heheh he knew I hated bio and he was really getting somewhere

I pretended to give his request some hard thinking, walking around the room, flicking my fingers as if it were some big drama production, "Alright " I chirped cheerfully "but remember...this stays between us k?"

"anything !!" he shouted

"So lets see here..and underneath door number one we havvvvve....." I said as I slowly undid the patch of cloth covering up his beautiful cock.. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH.....7 inches of hard, woody man hood. It popped out as soon as I undid the little strap..sticking straight up in the air at a perfect 90degree angle. I looked at it for a while, looking at the engorged head, precum just about leaking from all sides, and its beautiful pulsaiting shaft, covered with a foilage of thick dense limey viens. mmmmmmmmm....!!!

I grabbed his exceptionally beautiful, well cut cock head and slowly, excruciating started to move my fist up and down over it...sliding perfectly with its thick coating of precum. Imeedietly he started to moan , "mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, yaa- huh.." it was so loud I was almost afraid some orderly would come on in to check up on whether or not he was ok. I broght my second hand on his prick now, forming a double fist stroking it, one over another almost creating an endless vagina. I could tell he loved it with his constant little wimpers, and the heaving of his chest.

" thi-is is..fu-cking..inncred-di....awwwwwwwww god!!"

After about thirty seconds, he had graduated now to "Ohyes ohyes godgodgod ohyesohyes fuckingyes..yeah faster, godgodgodgod...please...puh-please.." which he kept on chanting over and over like some magical mantra

I brought my head down to his waste, still both fists going up and down over his beautiful tool which was as slimey as I had ever known a cock could be at this point. I took away my left hand, a thick thread of goo stuck to it and fell onto his naval. I licked his naval, my tongue taking in all its salty goodness..and slowly worked my way down to his cock. "AWWWWW CHRIST" he screamed breathing even heavier, as if that were possible. " U-u du-un't have to d-di-do th-thi-this man...chhrist..b-ut g-od it ffe-fu-feels sooo gooood"

I grabbed hold of his cock, sitting it straight up now holding it at its base and brought my lips up to it. With one gigantic lick after another, I started to devour all of the cum juice that had previously been formed. It was soo hot.. my big sloppppy licks, me slobbering all over his drizzling prick...still holding it by its base, I started to shift it from side to side, letting gravity work its magic. The head became heavier, swaying from one corner to the next, with me still trying to bob up and down on it from occasion, cum smeared all over my lips at this point.

I looked up at his beautiful face. His eyes clenched so tightly, his head tilted straight back with his chest heaving in and out, trying to even the amount of oxygen from coming in as it left his body. His sexy almost half bearded face now, covered in sweat, with his legs spread so naturally. Suddenly, to my expereinced eyes, he was pretty much on the brink of exploding, arching his back now, workin his nouth and his fingers opening and clsing, his ability to form recognizable words had gone to the wind, his eyes squeezed closed. I did a horiible thing next...................i stopped.

His eyes ofcourse sprang open, "Whut whut wh-wa-why!!? HUH!!!? helloo?!!?!? hello hello helloe!??!?! Man why'd u do thaaat!!?! You can't stop man, you can't stop now!! " he shouted with his hips now thrusting into the helplessly

"whatcha mean I can't stop?, I belive I just did". I grinned

"He threw his head from side to side, and I thought that I saw tears in his eyes, "YOU can't you gotta fi-inish me off!! pleeease fucking for the love of god!!! i'll do anything, i'll fucking pay you!! how much? how much? huh?!?! huh huh huh..just say!!! anything pleeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"ok then, anything??"


"alright, but on my terms!" I chirped as if nothing had happend

I went back to my handiwork/lip service on his tool , taking my time, making sure to show off all of my deepthroating skills which im sure he had never expected...I felt his cock head really start to bloat up now, and I could tell by its rhytmatic fastening pulstaion that he was now very close. I mercilessly bobbed up and down, faster almost as if trying to beat myself, each time going down a fraction of a second quicker. His mouth, his nostrils, and his eyes allbecame about forty times their natural size now and his body became a whirling devlish and almost lifted me up to the ceiling. But I held my ground, not backing off. "YEAH FUCKING CHRIST, HERE,,H-H-HEE-HERE IT FUCKING COMES!!!!"

his moans hurricained onwards as all this white , hot, sticky creamy cum spurted out of his piss slit with such sure he must have set a record. it was all over my hand and wrist and his stomach chest, throat and face.

I gave him a couple of minutes to regains his composure, while his chest leaped wildy up and down and his eyes went in and out of focus.

"t-the-thanks man..." was all he could mutter. He continued laying there, his half beard covered with cum.

"Sooo then marc, as for my end of the bargain?"

"sure , anything, what's it gonna be? bio , physics, history?? laundry just say it.."

I smirked and went up to his face, I smiled and licked him once, taking in some of the cum stuck to his stubbly chin..."well lets just say that I wouldn't mind doing this again some time.....lets say tomrrow?"

he was totally shocked, but giggled in true delight, "Sure man, whatever the fuck you want!" he said....

to be continued?? wel i'll see if this story is a hit or not, I might continue it... email me!

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