Story - Weekend

By Karen Mitchell

Published on Jul 7, 1996



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I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.


I had been planning this weekend for a month, but my long weekend en femme actually started Thursday evening as I gathered a feminine change of clothes, a wig and a little makeup. I put these things in my gym bag and then put the bag back in the van where it normally stays. I'd be using the stuff in that bag Friday afternoon. I continued with setting up for the weekend Friday morning as I took my shower. I had been thinning out the hair on my legs all week and on Friday morning, I completed shaving them entirely. I drove my wife to work with her suitcases that morning, and by 1:00 P.M. she had taken a cab to the airport and was on her way to Florida, not to return until the following Friday afternoon. That afternoon at work was one of the longest I think I've ever spent, waiting for five o'clock to roll around. But it finally did, and I was off!

The first stop after work was a big empty parking lot near my office, where, in the seclusion of the back of my van, I changed from my masculine office attire of shirt, tie, slacks and cowboy boots to a more feminine outfit of black jeans short-shorts, oversized Hawaiian shirt, wide black belt and gold sandals. I also put on a little blush, a swipe of eye shadow, some mascara, lipstick, and a dab of perfume, topping it all off with a short natural wig. Ten minutes after stopping, I was back on the road in femme mode. The next stop was at my friend Mimi's nail salon. There I had a complete set of very long acrylic nails and a pedicure done. If you've never had a pedicure, you owe it to yourself to experience that treat. Ann, the lady who did my pedicure paid me a compliment that I never thought I would hear: she said that I have very nice feet. All twenty nails were topped off with a dynamite scarlet red polish with some gold overtones. Once again, I was amazed by how quickly I got used to having long nails on my fingers. By the time the polish on them had dried, I really did forget that they were there; they seemed totally natural to me. Mimi wanted me to come back by later in the weekend to show off, and I said I would if I had a chance.

I left Mimi's and drove home, deciding to take a bath and just lounge around the house and visit with my sister-in-law, Bev, once I got there. However, by the time I made it home and had eaten some supper, I really didn't have a whole lot of energy left, and Bev wasn't feeling well. So, I just removed what little makeup I had on, took a quick shower and did a quick styling job on my long curly wig before heading for bed in a new red and purple satin gown.

I didn't sleep very well Friday night, probably from a combination of excitement and having to sleep alone. I'm used to having another warm body in bed with me. But I was reasonably well rested by the time Saturday morning arrived. I got up about 8:00 and checked to see if Bev was feeling any better and if she wanted to watch my transformation. She was still feeling lousy and decided to stay in bed for the day, so one of my girl friends was now out of the picture. I took my bath, postponed from the night before, put on my lingerie with the appropriate pads and slipped into my lavender satin robe and slippers to nervously wait for my other girl friend, Mary, who was supposed to arrive at 9:00. I still wasn't sure just what to expect when she showed up, or even if she was going to make it. She called at 8:45 to ask if the coffee was on (it was) and to let me know that she was on her way. Mary arrived about 9:15, looked me over once and then gave me a long hug and a kiss, saying with a big smile, "Well, you don't look like your pictures right now, but you don't look bad, either." She wanted to see Jami's closet, so I gave her a quick tour, and then we went into the kitchen and had coffee while she admired my nails and asked questions about crossdressing in general and my CDing in particular. I answered her questions, we talked some more and finally ended up discussing what the upcoming day was going to encompass. The decision was reached that I would get ready while Mary observed, and then we would go back to her house so she could change clothes in order for us to go to lunch at a nice restaurant and then go shopping at the Galleria mall. By the time we headed upstairs so that I could get ready, over an hour had passed and neither one of us was nervous anymore. We were just two friends getting together for a Saturday.

I took my time putting on my face, explaining what I was doing and why, as I went along. The two of us just gabbed along as my makeover progressed, with Mary making one or two color suggestions. It actually took me about twice as long as usual to get ready because of our talking, but I finally got all done, put on my long hair and asked, "Well? What's the verdict?" Mary took both my hands, looked me in the eyes and said very sincerely, "You're beautiful." That almost did it for me. I got very choked up and my eyes started to overflow as I thanked her for her friendship and her opinion. She hugged me and replied, "You're welcome, but don't start crying now because I don't want to take the time for you to repair your makeup. I'm getting hungry, and I want to go to lunch." So I managed to stifle my tears and quickly fixed my eyes and moved on to getting dressed. Mary helped me pick out my outfit for the day: a red, yellow, purple and black city shorts outfit and low-heeled black ankle-strap wedgies with nude pantihose. As I took off my robe, Mary wanted to know about the pads that I was already wearing. I showed her the breast forms and the hip pads, and she vowed that if she ever had liposuction hip reduction she would donate the removed fat to me for a hip transplant. I quickly got dressed, put on my jewelry and some "First" perfume (another hit with Mary), loaded up my purse, and we were off in Mary's car to her house; two ladies off for a day on the town.

I had never been to Mary's house, so she felt obligated to give me the tour. It is a very nice three bedroom house. There was plenty of evidence of her two kids, but they were spending the weekend with their father, so we had the place to ourselves. I was also introduced to her cats and made immediate friends with them. It was my turn to help Mary pick out an outfit for the day, and we selected a skirt and top in a very colorful floral print on a white background and white heels. She wanted to wear heels so that the difference in our heights wouldn't be as noticeable. We were in her bedroom, sitting on the bed just talking away, and as she started to take off her shorts and sweatshirt to change clothes it suddenly occurred to us that we really weren't just two girl friends. We had both gotten caught up in the feeling of the moment and then had to admit the reality of it. With both of us laughing, I went out in the hall for the few minutes it took her to put on her bra and pantihose and the skirt and top. Then it was my turn to play observer while Mary put on her face and fixed her hair. She got her face finished very quickly, but I helped her with her hair. We took a moment to sit down in her kitchen and have a drink of water and finalize the plan for the day. We were going to stop at Mimi's for a few minutes and then go to Houston's for lunch and on to the Galleria for window shopping and maybe even some REAL shopping. We called Carol, another mutual friend, about meeting us at the Galleria, and she told us to call her when we got there since she had a previous engagement for a golf lesson, but would like to get together later. And then we were out the door and on the road again.

Mimi's salon was packed with women getting their nails done and everybody was very busy, so I just said "Hi" to Mimi and introduced Mary to her and then we left, although I promised to come back if I could. As we walked out and crossed the parking lot to the car, Mary said with a laugh, "Don't you know that that place is just buzzing right now? I think we were a hit." We went on to Houston's for a late lunch.

The food at Houston's was great, as always, and our waiter, Carl, was attentive, charming and funny. He was every inch the gentleman, constantly checking on us ladies and earning himself a great tip in the process. I noticed several other diners eyeing us as we had a drink and our lunch, but nobody was laughing and pointing. I don't think it would have bothered me even if they had been, because we were having such a good time. We called Carol before we left, but there wasn't any answer. And as we were leaving, Carl told us twice to come back soon. Little did any of us know that we would be taking him up on his offer.

The Galleria was packed with people, so we had a little trouble finding a good place to park, but we finally made our way inside the mall. Mary complained that she has always had a problem finding her car in a big parking complex, but I assured her that I had a very good sense of direction and that we could easily find her car again using my guidance. We cruised through the entire mall, stopping occasionally to comment on, and sometimes drool about, shoes, a weakness we both share. We stopped in Macy's and looked at blouses and skirts, but didn't see anything either of us liked. We also stopped at Caren Charles, a woman's boutique that advertises in our local Tri-Ess newsletter and is very accepting of CDs. I tried on a longer multicolored chiffon skirt that was on sale there and ended up buying it, but Mary didn't find anything that she liked. We also stopped for a little while and had coffee, but mostly we just kept walking and looking and talking. I was totally oblivious to the crowds. I was just having a good time. Mary finally found some potpourri that she wanted to put in her car, and I splurged and bought it for her since she hadn't let me help pay for the gas we were using. We called Carol a couple of times, too, but never got an answer, so we assumed that she had met some good-looking guy at the golf course. After several hours, Mary finally said, "We have to go now." I asked if she were tired, and she replied that she wasn't tired but that she was getting upset. Of course, I wanted to know if she were upset by being in public with me. She held my hand and answered, "Not at all, but I'm getting upset by the reactions that I see in other people. Actually, I'm getting pretty pissed off at the judgment that I see those people making of you when they don't have the slightest idea of who you are, and I find myself wanting to hit them to knock some sense into them. So, we have to leave before I say something or do something I'll regret. Yes, if you weren't here with me, I wouldn't be having these feelings, but that isn't your fault - it's those other people's." And so we returned unerringly to the car and left the mall.

We took the long leisurely (non-freeway) route to my house, but during the drive home encountered Mary's former fiance in his car in the midst of traffic. She became rather upset at seeing him next to us and pulled into a small shopping center to collect herself. She went on to relate the story of their relationship and its end and the impact that it had all had on her emotions. After telling me the story and shedding more than a few tears, we hugged and she thanked me profusely for listening, for caring and for being her friend. Then we hit the road again. For the remainder of the trip, though, she held my hand. When I asked why, she said that she just needed some human contact, and I was one of the most human people she knew. I think that was a compliment. I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie that night, but she declined, saying that she had to clean up her house and yard before going in to the office on Sunday and then leaving town on Monday.

We got back to my house early in the evening, and Mary came inside to get a glass of iced tea before heading back to her place. I went to check on Bev, but she wasn't home, so evidently she was feeling better. Mary and I talked for the short time it took her to finish her tea and then she went to leave. We hugged each other for a long time, laughing about our day, and I gave her another hug and a goodbye kiss on the front porch. As I stood on the porch while she walked to her car, I heard a female voice ask her, "Is my mom here? Is there anyone home?" I immediately recognized it as Christine, Bev's 25-year old daughter. Mary was very surprised and a little flustered but managed to stammer out something like "Yes, I think so," before getting in her car. Christine hadn't seen me on the porch yet, and I was hit by an instant of utter panic, which passed as quickly as it had come. I just stepped back inside the house and held the front door open so she could enter the house. She walked in, glanced at me and kept on walking toward Bev's room. Then she stopped, turned around and stared and finally recognized me as I closed the door. She went on into her mother's room saying, "I was driving down to see my dad at my grandmother's house and I really have to pee and you guys were closest so I came here. I'll be back in a minute." With that, she disappeared into Bev's bathroom while I just waited in the entryway. When she came back out a few minutes later, she looked at me again and said, "You're not going to a costume party, are you?" I answered that I wasn't and asked if she wanted to know what was happening. She definitely did.

So, for the next hour I explained sex, sexuality and gender in general, concentrating on crossdressing and my own situation in particular. She was very accepting, but then again, she's a psychology major (graduating in December) and has always been a very open-minded person. For the second time that day, I ended up showing off Jami's closet and even offered Christine the use of anything she might like. She declined for the present, but said that she would keep me in mind, once she got used to the idea of possibly borrowing a skirt from her uncle. While we were talking, Bev came in and didn't even bat an eyelash to see her daughter calmly talking to me in the living room. She joined right in, and our conversation gradually got around to the reason for Christine's trip from college: to see her father to ask to borrow money from him to fix her car. Bev and I offered our opinions on the best way to beg Bev's ex-husband for the money. In the midst of our conversation, Christine suddenly stopped, took my hand, looked at me and said, "You don't LOOK like anyone I know, but you FEEL like somebody I love and trust." I thanked her for seeing the person and not the appearance. She left after a couple of hours to resume her trip. I asked Bev if she wanted to go to the movies, but she wanted to just stay home and read. That sounded like a good idea to me, so she and I whipped up a salad for supper and then headed off to our individual rooms to curl up with our respective books. I took off my makeup and wig, took a quick shower, and then put on some white leggings, an oversized red T-shirt and some white sandals before settling down. I read until the news came on TV. After the news I took the dogs out for their walk before putting on my nightie and crawling into bed to read a little longer before lights out. Saturday had been a very full day, but I was looking forward to Sunday, too. My Glamour Shots appointment was at nine in the morning!

I got up earlier than I needed to Sunday morning, but I was really excited about going to Glamour Shots. I forced myself to relax and eat a leisurely bowl of Cocoa Krispies (a no-fat cereal!) and drink a cup of coffee for breakfast. Since I would be getting a complete makeover shortly, I just washed my face and put on my long straight wig before getting dressed, starting with all the proper underwear and padding, of course. I had been told to wear a two-piece outfit with a top that I could remove without pulling it over my head, so I wore a pair of red silk shorts and a red and black short-sleeved silk blouse along with a wide black belt, a pair of dark pantihose and my low black wedgies. The Glamour Shots studio that I had found willing to take me as a crossdressed customer was not the closest one to my house, so I had to drive for a while to get there, but I arrived right on time. There were no other stores open in the mall at 9:00 on a Sunday morning, which was part of the reason I had selected that time, but I had also thought about having the remainder of the day available after I had had my makeover. There were two makeup artists and the manager in the studio when I arrived, and everyone was very nice and very professional. They all made me feel right at home. I was directed to change from my blouse into a black strapless stretch top which was then covered with a large black lightweight cotton jacket. I came out of the dressing room and was directed to a chair right in front of the window. As soon as I sat down, Maria, the makeup artist, started to work. While she was applying the foundation, she asked me about my favorite eye shadow colors and my skin type and if I had a sample of a lipstick I liked. I took my lipstick out of my purse, showed it to her and she just looked at the color and said, "I can do that." Everything she did while making me up was custom blended to suit my face and my preferences. The makeup was completed in about an hour. She said that she normally gets done quicker but since there wasn't any rush she wanted to take her time with me so everything would be perfect. Once the makeup was in place, she asked about how I wanted my hair to look. I told her that I was looking for something elegant, yet somewhat tousled looking and away from my face. That's all it took for her to start sticking hot rollers in my hair. I asked her if it would be easier for her if I took the hair off. She laughed and said that she was used to working on hair while it was sitting on top of a woman's head, so she'd just leave it where it was.

While I was sitting there in rollers, she touched up my makeup and did my lips with a custom-blended lipstick. She had added a little more mauve to the color I showed her because she said it went better with my eyes. As she was taking out the rollers, the photographer came in to work, and another customer came in, too. Neither one of them looked at me twice. It took Maria about 10 minutes to take out the rollers and pick and fluff and curl my hair into exactly the look I wanted. Like I said, she was a pro. Then she and I picked out the four looks for my poses. It was tough choosing from literally hundreds of tops, but I finally settled on a gold sequined halter, a purple feather boa, a black fur stole, and a turquoise/gold fabric wrap, which I started with. She had me take off the jacket but keep on the black top and she tied the wrap in a crossover halter style. All of the tops for the pictures are worn over the black strapless top so outfit changes can be made quickly. I sat down in the studio, and Maria hung up the other three outfits that I would be wearing as the photographer came in. I had my own special earrings to complete this first look, and as I was putting them on the photographer set up the first backdrop and the camera. I posed at his direction for the four different shots and then exchanged the wrap for the feather boa. He helped me pick out a pair of earrings to go with the new top, and then I sat back down for the next sequence of four pictures. As he was setting up, I asked "Do you take many pictures of guys?" He said, "Sure", and then stopped and just stared at me for a minute before continuing with a big smile, "But you're the first one to be dressed like that!" And if you hadn't said anything, I would never have known." I was appropriately thankful and we proceeded to go through the four poses with each of the remaining outfits in what seemed like no time at all. It really was fun playing fashion model. Once we were all done, I changed back into my own clothes and then undertook the really hard chore of deciding which pictures, if any, I wanted to have printed. The photographer captures each shot on film and in digital form on a diskette. The diskette is used to show a fairly good reproduction of the photograph on a 17-inch monitor in order for the clients to pick out which poses look good enough to turn into prints. I ended up picking 10 of my 16 poses to be done in a mix of wallet sized and five by seven prints, and they threw in a copy of all 16 proof prints. The bottom line for all the pictures, the makeup, the hair, the outfits, the jewelry and the just plain thrill and fun of the entire morning was right at two hundred bucks. (As I write this, I have since picked up the final prints, and I must say that the pictures turned out to be orders of magnitude better than I had ever anticipated!) I think it was money well spent.

It was around 11:30 when I walked out into the mall, still wearing my "glamourous" makeup and hair and excited after the picture-taking session, so I called Mary from a pay phone just to share my upbeat mood with someone. She said that my morning sounded like a real fun time, but that she was on her way out to lunch with Carol before heading to the office. She then asked me to join her and surprise Carol. I readily agreed and then asked where we were meeting. Mary laughed and said, "Houston's of course. Where else would we go?" So I drove to Houston's, stopping for gas on the way, and arrived about 30 seconds after Mary. We walked in together, figured out that we had gotten there before Carol, and got a booth seat. And of course, OUR waiter, Carl came over to see us, although we weren't sitting in his area, since we had taken him up on his offer to come back so soon. He chatted for a minute and then left to get back to work, but promised to return before we left. Then Carol arrived. She was astounded, to say the least, since she had only seen pictures of me beforehand. She sat on my left (Mary was on my right), and kept touching me during the entire time we were there because she said that she didn't quite believe it and wanted to make sure that I was real. We ordered drinks and a light lunch of soup and salad and then Carl strolled back by the table and dropped off a big order of french fries, saying as he passed, "Don't say anything - you don't know where these free fries came from." Lunch and the fries were great, again. Carol kept asking me questions that all basically boiled down to "Why?" I kept trying to explain that even if I knew why, I couldn't change anything, so why ask why? She asked what I would do if someone from work walked in and recognized her and Mary and then me. I replied, "I'd deal with it. I'm prepared to do that or I wouldn't be here with you two right now. But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy being here and not worry about it." That appeared to be good enough for her. We finished our lunch without any incidents, paid the check and then headed out the door. Just as we got outside, we heard someone say, "Hey! Were you just going to sneak out without saying goodbye?" Carl had followed us out, so we all gave him a big hug and told him goodbye, again promising to come back soon. Carol hugged me and got in her car that was parked right outside the door. I walked with Mary to her car, gave her a quick kiss and a big hug and then she headed off to the office.

I got in my car and was going to head straight home, but then thought of Mimi. Her shop was kind of on the way home, so I decided to stop by and visit with her, if the shop wasn't busy. When I got to Mimi's, she didn't have a customer right at that instant but was expecting one in just a few minutes, so we sat and talked until she showed up. Actually, Mimi did most of the talking about how good I looked. I told her that the makeup and the hair had been done by Glamour Shots, and she replied that all that looked very nice, but that the total look came from me and it was excellent. She also told me that when Mary and I had stopped by yesterday, no one who had seen us in the shop could tell that we weren't exactly what we appeared to be: two ladies headed out to go shopping. We hadn't created much of a stir after all. While we were talking, all of the women in the shop had gotten the word about me from the manicurists and everyone was checking me out. I noticed a couple of them looking at me and smiling, so I smiled right back, and one of the women complimented me on how feminine my appearance was on her way out. Needless to say, by the time I left, my ego was a couple of sizes bigger than when I had arrived! From Mimi's, I headed home.

Once I arrived home, I took a couple of pictures of my own and then changed into a pair of pink cotton shorts, a white tank top and white huaraches: comfy clothes. I took off all the stage makeup from Glamour Shots and my wig, poured myself some iced tea and sat down to just read, relax and "vege out" for a couple of hours. At five o'clock, I started to get ready to go out to dinner with Susan, a TS friend of mine whom I had initially met three years ago as my boss, Rick. I took a bath, did my own makeup and wig and put on my new purple suit with matching hose and gold dressy flats. I said goodbye to Bev and headed for Steak And Ale to meet Susan for dinner. I was a few minutes early and had a seat in the bar to wait. I ordered a margarita and opened my purse to pay. The bartender had a big smile on her face and winked when she handed me my drink and took the money. I smiled right back, since I assumed the smile meant that she approved of something about me. Susan arrived shortly after that, and we were shown to our table. This was Susan's first time to meet me en femme, and she was duly complimentary. She's had almost half a year of RLT and looks very good herself. We had a very pleasant evening, talking about a lot of things, including people at work, the local gender community and her upcoming surgery at year-end. She has found a doctor in Belgium that is highly recommended by other TS's in our area, and even with doctor's costs, air fare, hospital and hotel stay, the total fee to go to Belgium is still several thousand dollars less than any doctor in the U.S. And our mutual friend, Ruth, has volunteered to act as a recuperative nurse for her once Susan gets back from Belgium. Susan had a full day on Monday and a long drive home, so we parted company about 9:00 after many big hugs and promises to keep in touch. After Susan left, I waved at the bartender on my way out to see if she still remembered me. She evidently did, because she smiled and waved for me to come back into the now-deserted bar. Never one to pass up an opportunity to talk to a good-looking woman, I went in and had a seat at the bar again.

I introduced myself and she did likewise; her name was Sandra. She wanted to talk to me because she said that she had seen many of the daytime talk shows about crossdressers and transsexuals and other gender folk, and she was really fascinated by the whole thing. So I had a beer (on the house) and proceeded to give her my by-now standard lecture on sex and gender and the world in general. She said that my appearance and everything else was truly feminine, which of course prompted me to ask how she knew I wasn't really a woman. She said that my voice and my height were clues, but what had really clinched it was that she had seen my driver's license earlier when I took out my wallet to pay. I guess I really do need to go down and get an alternate license done en femme (Texas allows that) if I'm going to be spending much time that way in public with my wallet open. I spent a very nice hour with her until closing time, at which point she asked me to wait around while she closed up so we could walk out to our cars together. "We girls can't be too careful at night, you know," she said with a grin. Since the bar hadn't been very busy, it didn't take her very long to finish and close out her register. We walked out to my car since it was closer to the door, and she thanked me for spending time with her and answering her questions. I thanked her for her honesty and her openness. She then gave me a long hug and kissed my cheek and wanted me to promise to come back next time I was out "all dolled up". I told her that I would do my best, but I couldn't guarantee when that might be. I got in my car, but waited until she got to hers before leaving. She waved goodbye as she started up and drove away. I drove back home, a very tired but very happy lady. Once I got there, I took off all the finery and scrubbed my face before putting on my teal satin nightshirt and crawling into bed. Then I realized that I hadn't asked Bev to take the dogs out, so I got up, put on my gold slippers and a pair of shorts under the nightshirt and took the beasts out around the block. By the time I got back and collapsed into bed again, I had no trouble dropping off and sleeping all night long.

I took a day of vacation on Monday and slept in until about ten in the morning. The day was rainy and dismal outside, and I was all by myself in the house since Bev had gone to work. I made myself some coffee and had a bagel while sitting in the kitchen in my nightshirt and slippers, just enjoying the morning. Since the weather was lousy and everybody was at work or out of town, I decided to just stay home and play dress-up and take some pictures. So, I took a long bubble bath and shaved my legs again before putting on my makeup and then killing most of the afternoon modeling several fabulous outfits for myself and the camera. Bev got home about 5:30, and I went in to talk to her for a little while. She had talked with Christine during the day about our visit on Saturday, and said that Christine's greatest fear had nothing to do with my crossdressing; Christine's immediate fear upon seeing a strange blonde woman leaving our house when Cyndi was out of town was that I was having an affair. She told Bev that she was very relieved to find out that I was not being unfaithful, but that I was only a crossdresser! Bev asked if I wanted to go out to get something to eat, since she and I hadn't really had much of a chance to do anything together during the weekend. I accepted her offer, and we decided to go to a nice Italian restaurant in the mall closest to the house. I put on a short white denim skirt and a green silk blouse with white flats and freshened up my makeup, while Bev changed out of her work clothes into jeans and a blouse. We drove to the mall and walked to the restaurant, doing a little window-shopping on the way. The restaurant was almost deserted and we had an uneventful supper, and although I'm certain that our waitress knew there was something different about us, she was always courteous. I asked Bev if it bothered her to be seen in public with me, even when I didn't always pass. She said that she didn't have any problem with other people's attitude, and that if I didn't feel uncomfortable with a given situation, then she didn't either. We left the restaurant and the mall and drove home. Once there, Bev said good night and went to her room, and I started the process of removing my acrylic nails (but leaving my toes painted) so that I could go back to work the next day. It didn't take long, and I finished the evening by taking off my makeup and taking a long shower. I put on my robe and slippers and watched TV for a while. After the news, I changed into shorts and a tank top to walk the dogs, and then I put on my nightgown and hit the sack.

Although my full-time femme time weekend was now over, I still spent the remaining evenings after work at home in at least a partial feminine mode. Bev said she had some problems with the partial presentation; she had no problems with my full-fledged female appearance but the in-between appearance was unsettling to her. So, those times when I wasn't 100 percent femme, I avoided disturbing her. Of course, I slept in a nightgown every night. Finally, after a week of slowly winding down and disengaging from the feminine life, I took the polish off my toes, put all the makeup and the clothes and the shoes back in their places and picked up my wife at the airport. My fabulous weekend was officially over, but so were my nights of sleeping alone.

Jami Ward

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