The Island of Fetish SLaves 1/6 TG, femdom

By A Dietrech

Published on Dec 11, 1994




Post-it Note: I didn't write this - AD

Dedication: I would like to thank all the members of the JSS

Bulletin board who have uploaded stories. After

being off the system for a year. I was surprised

at the number of fiction stories available when

I was re-instated. I immediately proceeded to

download almost everything in sight. The stories

were great and some, perhaps the ones by Mistress

Kay, and Dani O'Neill were inspired.

Now that I've read them all. I feel it's time to

"Do my share" as the saying goes. My last story

TVDOLL surprisingly was still on the board and

perhaps one of the largest of the fiction files.

Never to be outdone, I present my latest story.

"The Island Of Fetish Slaves".

I've taken great pains to make sure that the text

is pure ASCII, under 80 characters across so no

one should have any problem reformatting the file.

I hope you enjoy it. I think you'll find they is

all little something for everybody in here, no

matter what your tastes. I welcome any comments

whatsoever after your done. drop me a line on the


Prologue: Mistress Vera was age 45. She had started over

20 years ago as a call girl, almost immediately

specializing in Kinky Clients. Unlike most hookers,

prostitutes and call girls, she saved almost all

her money. Saving up whatever she could. In the

early days she even took a lot of kidding from

her friends. However most of the laughing stopped

when she announced that she was going to move to

California, and open her own house, that would

specialize in the kind of clients she handled so

well. Her house was an immediate success, discreet

well tended, and well stocked. As a result her

money continued and continued to grow. She

invested wisely, and made even more money, and

more, until she had enough to make even Donald

Trump blush. And so children begins our story.

Mistress Vera was ready to retire, and believe me

she was going to do it in style. She planned and

plotted with her life long friend Tanya,the things

that she wanted in her retirement. After 20 years

her sexual tastes ran to feminized men (I'll bet

you were wondering when we would get to it).

She was different then other dominants in that she

was not really interested in beating their brains

out, just in dressing them the way she wanted, and

being in control. Oh, she loved her bondage all

right but only for it's restrictive aspects not

for pain. And also unlike other dominants, she

had no objection to having actual sex with her

clients, as long as she as in control. And that

dear readers brings us to her plan. For retirement

she would purchase an island, built a huge house,

staff it with the items and people necessary to

run her operation, and then one by one select her

little victims.Tanya and herself decided on 8. One

for each of her moods and sexual diversions. She

would acquire them one by one until she had all

  1. Then her retirement would be complete. She

didn't want slick ultra feminine she-males, or

transexuals, or professional TV hookers. Want she

wanted was YOU! That's right I said you. I mean it.

You, the one who is reading this story. She wanted

(no offense) closet TV's. Those lovely little

feminine creatures who dress up in the privacy of

their homes, wishing their little feminine fantasies

would come true. Well cheer up because Mistress

Vera is about to make it happen........

The Cast:

Mistress Vera............ The Owner Of Fetish Island

Miss Tanya .............. Her close friend of 15 years.

Mary Ann ................ Victim #1 (The Little Girl)

Annette ................. Victim #2 (The French Maid)

Tina Tits ............... Victim #3 (The TV Whore)

Luscious Louise ......... Victim #4 (The Drag Queen)

Breathtaking Barbara .... Victim #5 (The High Fashion Model)

Hot Helen ............... Victim #6 (The Hooker)

Sissy Susan ............. Victim #7 (The Suburban Housewife)

Carla Cunt .............. Victim #8 (The Fetish Model)

Doris & Susie ........... The Salon Girls


"Well Tanya, what have you to report," Mistress Vera asked her lovely assistant? "I have definitely located the first person you asked for, and I have a candidate for #2 but I'm not sure yet," Tanya replied. "Splendid my friend, tell me about #1." "He's a very small boned person. In his late 20's. His name is Martin. And I believe he's an Insurance adjuster for a local company. Our detective in New York has followed him on several occassions to department stores, and seen him fingering the clothes in the little girl departments. Last week we entered his apartment while he was at work, and has found all the appropriate things. There's no doubt, he's a little sissy who likes to dress up in little girl things."

"Lovely, Tanya, great research...OK go ahead and do it". "Shall I use the standard method to kidnap him?" "Yes, by all means. The fake; my car broke down may I use your phone never fails to work. Men are always a sucker for the wide-eyed girl in trouble routine. Use the Ether, and then the needle once he's out. Have the detective help you get him on the plane, you know how to do the rest...."

Martin's eyes blinked open and he groggily looked around, he was completely disoriented. He looked around the huge living room, the ultra modern furniture, bare hard wood floors and fancy throw rugs. Then his eye caught Tanya & Vera sitting on the couch across from him. "You", he said, pointing at Tanya, "you asked to use the phone and then you attacked me, what the Hell happened? Where are we? Who are you?"

"Please calm down Martin", Mistress Vera spoke. "I will explain everything, would you like a drink?" "Tanya, please be so kind as to get Martin a drink." "Yes, A scotch & water please." Tanya bought Martin his drink and then settled back down on the sofa next to Vera.

"Martin, please do forgive the harsh methods, we employed, but we're dealing with a very touchy subject here, and we've found from past experiences that (A) Everyone denys their fetish when asked, and (B) they never seem to really believe who I am, or that I really do have the money and resources I claim to have. So we have found that action speaks louder than words. First to set one thing straight, please get up and look out the picture window."

Martin rose and stepped up to the picture window. Outside were vast grounds, well tended with several smaller houses, a marina and obviously a perfect view of the ocean. "Where the Hell Am I?"

"Well I can tell you two things, you're certainly not in New York anymore, in fact your not even in the United States anymore. You're on a private island in the pacific, you were bought here by private plane, and then to the island by private boat. I think you will agree by looking around that I am quite wealthy.

"OK, so I agree, you're very wealthy, but what does that have to do with me and why you kidnapped me?" "Ah yes, that brings us to the main issue," Vera said. "We've kidnapped you because you like little girls clothes." "That's a lie," Martin said, "Who told you that."

"Martin, please do you think I wasted my money and time to bring you 5,000 miles to have you deny it!" "We know you like little girls things, we've followed you, we've been in your apartment, we know Martin, beyond any shadow of doubt." " OK, I see, alright I admit it, are you going to blackmail me, that's silly I don't have any money, and you obviously have enough already."

"No we have no interest in blackmailing you, in fact we're here to make your dream come true, but you get only one chance. If you don't take it Tanya here will drug you again, you'll be put on the boat, and when you wake up, you'll be back in your apartment in New York. Alone, and you'll find $1,000 dollars for your trouble over the last three days."

"Remember only one chance...Would you like to live here as a little girl?" Martin looked around at the vast expanse of wealth, the house, then Tanya & Vera themselves. There appeared to be no doubt they were dead serious. Martin's mind raged with a hundred different options, but the truth was, he was dying to take their offer. "But my Job," he said. "Who cares, do you really care," Tanya asked? "No I guess not," Martin replied. "Do you think you could picture me as your Mother? Do you find me attractive?" "Well to be honest, yes I do find you very attractive." "Then stay with us Martin, we can make you happy, we will never really hurt you, and you can live your fantasy. A lovely little rich girl, but you must always follow my instructions and you must stay forever."

"Well, I'd like..." "Well nothing, Martin, yes or no, decide now!" Martin hung his head..."Yes." "We have your solemn promise to stay and follow instructions?" "YES", Martin replied. "Splendid, Tanya tell Doris and Susie in the salon their first customer is on the way. I want you to supervise everything personally. Tonight my little Mary Ann comes alive!"

Tanya lead Martin down a long hall to another wing of the house. "Just let us do everything", Tanya said, "and tonight will give you pleasure beyond anything you've experienced." She entered a feminine little girls' room, and told Martin to take off all his clothes. Everything! "This will be your room from now on.", Tanya said. Martin looked around the feminine little girls bedroom, all in pink, with a canopied bed, white furniture, deep carpeting, the mirrored vanity. God it's gorgeous he thought to himself, it's a little girls dream. "You like it don't you?", Tanya asked. Martin shuttered, and sputtered. "That's OK, you don't have to answer."

Martin undressed and was handed a robe to put on, while it was slightly feminine somehow he had expected more. It was obviously a girls, but rather plain. When Tanya saw his look of consternation she said, "Don't worry it's only temporary while your in the Salon.

Back out in the corridor Martin was lead further down the hall to the Salon. Inside was a typical beauty parlor. Doris greeted them at the door. She was a perky girl, perhaps about 25 years old, blonde hair up in a pony tail, minimal makeup. Susie the other girl was about the same age, with slightly shorter jet black hair, both were dressed in jeans, and loose fitting tops, with pink sneakers. "I'm going to leave you now, but I'll be back later", Tanya said. "The girls will answer any questions you have while they work."

After Tanya left, the girls helped him into a bath area where he was told to get into a sweet smelling bubble bath. He was a little shy and hesitant about taking off his robe, and stepping into the bath. Susie said, "Look, honey you're going to have to stop acting like this. There's nothing to hide anymore, No one is going to criticize you, or make fun or you, or call you names. Everyone here, is here because they love this kind of thing. Just relax and enjoy it. Don't you have any questions?"

"Well yes", Martin said. "I was kind of expecting something different. I, well, expected you girls to be dressed a little more exoticly, or something." "Oh, I see", said Doris, "you've been reading to many of those TV magazines of yours honey, this is real life. Nobody can actually work well like that. Susie and I are working now. Did you expect me to come mincing out in some tight Mini-Skirt, with huge dangling earrings, or something." "Well yes, I guess", Martin replied. "Be serious sweetheart, how could I possible give you a bath like that. Oh, it's not that we don't like those things. Susie and I both adore them, as I'm sure you'll get to see later on, but that's then and this is now." She continued to sponge Martin's back with the sweet smelling bubble bath.

After the bath Martin was lead back into the salon proper, and seated in the chair. Susie shampooed and rinsed his hair, while Doris painted his toenails a delicate shade of pink. Both girls chattered on gayly about Mistress Vera and how she got all her money. All the rules of the house, where everything was located, and a million other minor details. Martin was so intent on listening to them he finally did relax. So much so, that he practically forgot what they were doing. However that ending quite abruptly as Susie said, "all done", and spun his chair around to face the mirror. Staring back was a girl (at least to his eyes) with her hair all set in pink plastic curlers, and little pink picks to hold them in place. All at once, he was embarassed, exciting & humiliated. Even more so when he realized it was now blonde, instead of his usual brown.

His cock started to grow inside his robe with excitement. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Doris. "Oh, look Susie now we're finally getting somewhere". She reached out and casually stroked his growing bugle under his robe. "Just like the first time you came in here", Doris said. Both girls laughed, and it finally dawned on Martin that Susie wasn't really a girl. He looked back and forth between the two girls, and they laughed even harder. Merry laughter, not cynical laughter, Martin couldn't help laughing himself now. Doris gently stroked his cock and with the other hand patted his curlered head. "This more like what you had in mind little Mary Ann!"

The girls lead him over to the hair dryer were he sat for the next hour. Susie gave him a catalog, filled to the brim with little girls fashions. "If you see something you like, hon, just circle it, and Mistress will probably order it for you, if she approves.

After his hair was dry, the girls went on with his makeup. Light foundation, and pressed powder. They plunked his eyebrows until he had thin graceful feminine arches. A very light brown eyebrow pencil. Susie then added a pale light blue eyeshadow, for a hint of color, and just a wee touch of silvery white under his shaped eyebrows to enhance them just a touch. Next came the false eyelashes. Long, but delicate, befitting a little girl, and a small touch of mascara to blend them into his own eyelashes. She then did cheeks, a nice rosey pink color to highlight his blonde curls. A sweet little light pink lipstick followed by just a touch of lip gloss.

Again the girls spun the chair around for him to view his newly created image. A shiver pasted through Martin's body as he viewed his new delicate features. The sight of his beautiful face, and his hair still in pink curlers was so exciting his hands were actually shaking. "OK, OK, enough already", Doris said spinning the chair around again. "One last thing to do, then we'll call Tanya and tell her, her little girl is ready for dressing."

She took the curlers out of his hair, and started to comb out his new hairdo. When she was done, she spun the chair around once more for Martin to see. Now he truly looked like a little girl. The girls had styled a beautiful blonde pageboy hairdo that curled under on the sides, and had sweeping bangs across his forehead. Susie took a length of pink ribbon, and slipped it under his hairdo at the back of his neck, and then tied it just above his bangs into a little pink bow. "All done little Miss Mary Ann", Doris said.

Tanya was called and picked him up at the Salon, where he was lead back to his room. Once there Tanya wasted no time in starting on his clothes. "Dinner is in one hour Mary Ann and Mommy wouldn't want you to be late."

First she handed him a pair of pink ruffled panties, with ruffles all across the seat, and white lace all across the front. This was followed by a pink lace bra, delicate and small. She ordered him to hold out his arms in front of him. She slipped the straps up his arms and onto his chest, then went around back to fasten it. A little adjustment to the straps here and there and it was on to the next item. A lovely pair of pink satin bloomers with little bands of ruffles and lace at each of the legs, and a little drawstring, which Tanya pulled closed and tied in little bows. She ordered him to sit on the bed, and pink knee socks were drawn up his now smooth legs. The socks had little white lacy ruffles at the top. She produced a pair of black patent leather Mary Janes, and securely buckled his onto his feet.

"All right, stand up little lady". While Martin stood she went to the closet and produced the dress, a lovely feminine creation designed to delight the heart of any young girl. All pale pink satin with white lace trim across the bodice, and around the short sleeves, with big puffy shoulders. The dress was extremely short, just barely covering his hips and thighs. "OK, now just stand still", Tanya ordered. She walked over to the closet and was rooting around in there. Martin looked at himself in the full length mirror, and he was totally in love with the little girl who looked back at him. He turned on way and then the other, examining his image. Everything looked perfect except....except the dress, it fit right on top but the bottom just seemed to hang there limply, and there also seemed to be too much material, compared to the rest of the dress.

"Admiring yourself are we young lady!" Tanya surprised him, he hadn't realized how long he'd been staring in the mirror. "Oh, yes, I was just see how I looked." "Well your missing the main ingredient sweetheart. Something no discriminating little girl should be without. Martin turned around to look at her, and she was right. In her hands were the most extensive set of petticoats he ever saw. Nothing like the ones he used to finger in the little girls department of the department stores. These were huge.

"OK, hold your skirts up all the way", Tanya ordered. Martin raised them up. "All the way, Mary Ann, further, above your waist. Now lift your foot. Now the another one. Tanya slid the petticoats up Martin's legs all the way to the waist. "Alright, drop your dress." She tugged on the dress and adjusted everything here and here until she was satisfied. Martin was now enclosed in yards and yards of divine white petticoats. His dress now stood straight out for 2 feet in all directions. When he looked in the mirror again, he saw that the bottom of his bloomers showed if he made the slightest movement.

She put little pink short gloves on his hands, with delicate white lace trim at the wrist. She placed a pink beaded bracelet on his left wrist, and a little gold charm bracelet on his right. She added little pink earrings in the shape of a heart to each of his ears, and a matching little pink beaded necklace to match the one on his left wrist. She handed him a dainty pink patent leather little girl's purse, and showed him how to hold it over his arm.

She gave him detailed instructions on how to conduct himself at dinner, and what instructions he should follow, and what to expect from Mother this evening. "Won't you be there Tanya", Martin inquired? "No sweetheart, Doris and I have other plans, you and Mother will be dining alone"

Mary Ann was in the dining room when his new "Mother" entered. She swept in on a wave of black loveliness, trailing a cloud of intoxicating perfume. When Martin had first seen her she was obviously very beautiful, but she had looked a little older than he would have preferred. Now however she was the sum total of all the femininity in the world. A gorgeous black cocktail dress, white pearls, shoulder length black evening gloves, and black sequined evening purse clutched in her gloved hand. Her hair was up and pinned in a french twist in the back, and breathtaking diamond and pearl dangling earrings hung from her ears. Black patent leather 5 inch spike heels on her feet, with little black bows adorning each instep.

"Oh, Mary Ann, my little angel, you look so adorable", she clutched him to her ample bosom, and he was enveloped in her perfume. He was so excited his cock didn't start to grow in his pink ruffled panties, it started to twitch, almost as if he was instantly going to come. He looked up into her eyes, she was gorgeous, she made Joan Collins look like Little Orphan Annie. "Oh mommy, your so beautiful", he managed to stammer out. "Do you like Darling?" She did a sexy little twirl. "I thought you'd like to see Mother in this lovely little creation, but enough darling, let's eat I'm starved.

A maid served them dinner while the new mother and daughter chatted. Not a french maid, just a regular real life maid. Doris had told him that there were several regular servants around the house that had nothing whatsoever to do with Mistress Vera's little sexual fantasy land. He found it extremely difficult to concentrate throughout dinner. When the food was served it looked so delicious he hadn't realized how hungry he really was. While both eat heartily, Vera cautioned him, "Darling, don't get too carried away, or Mommy will have to put you on a diet, to fit into those lovely new corsets we're going to start training you in tomorrow."

Dinner wasn't over a minute to soon for Martin, and while the maid cleared the dishes Mother was drinking a Brandy. "Darling, why don't you go into the living room and relax, while Mother fixes her makeup." Martin spent the free time in the living room examining his costume in the living room mirror. He was so excited he felt as if his cock would explode, if he didn't get release soon. He then sat on the couch to await Mother's return.

Vera re-entered a sat on the couch next to Martin. "Oh, honey you looked so lovely today, you've made Mother so very happy." She ran her hands gently over his dress, and across his shoulders. "Do you like mommy?" "Oh yes Mother, your so beautiful." Vera slid the zipper on her dress down, and to Martin's surprise peeled down the top, revealing her 40D breasts, encased in a lovely black lace bra. She unfastened it, and let it drop, exposing her breasts in all their majesty. "Does Mother have nice breasts Mary Ann?" Martin was so excited words wouldn't even come out of his mouth. "Touch them darling, caress them, Mother likes that. Here sweetie, let me help you take off your little gloves."

She removed his gloves, and placed his hands on her breasts. Mary Ann did as requested and gently caressed Mother's breasts. A little moan escaped her lips, while he continued his massage. "Oh baby, your pink nails look so nice caressing mommy's tits, look at them darling." Mary Ann did. She watched her own feminine little fingers now caressing Mother tits, her little pink nails trailing across Mother's nipples.

That was it, he couldn't stand it, anymore. Inside his pink panties, his cock exploded with an earth shattering orgasm. He stiffened and twitched like a limp doll. He looked up at Mother with an ashamed expression on his face. "That's all right Mary Ann, Mother understands, I know you were very excited. Go to the bathroom, and clean up, and come back, when your done.

Mary Ann quickly ran to her room, pulling off her bloomers and panties. She went in the bathroom cleaned herself up, and searched the dresser for a new pair to put on. When she returned she was surprised to see Mother sitting just were she had left her. "Now where were we", Mother said.

They went through the same routine again, except this time Mary Ann was a little more in control. Vera peeled off her dress the rest of the way, and dropped it on the floor. She placed Mary Ann's hand on her black satin panties. "Doesn't that feel nice Mary Ann?" "Oh yes Mother", Mary Ann replied while caressing her panties. "Would you like to kiss them darling?" "Yes Mother."

Mary Ann got on her knees in front of Vera, while Vera spread her legs. Mary Ann placed her lips on mommy's panties leaving a faint trace of pink lipstick on the black satin. "pull them down darling, show Mother how much you love her."

Mary Ann needed no further invitation. She pulled them down and caressed Mother's cunt with her little pink tongue. Vera was moaning & groaning now, her head thrown back. She grasped Mary Ann's head, and urged her deeper. "Yes Darling, yes, lick Mommy's pussy, oh yes my little angel". She shuttered and collapsed much the way Mary Ann had done. Her body twitching until it finally was still.

After regaining her composure. She put her arm around Mary Ann, and kissed her. "Oh my lovely little daughter, you've been so good for Mother. Help mommy take off her Evening gloves, sweetheart." Mary Ann helped Mother peel off the lovely black gloves. Revealing long wicked looking dark red nails. "Stand up darling." Those long red nails disappeared up underneath Mary Ann's dress, and in a flash per panties were down, and her cock was free. She sat back down on the couch while Mother continued to caress her cock.

Petticoats hiked up, panties pulled down, Mary Ann was in ecstasy as Vera masturbated her. Her long red nails flashing up and down. "Now are you happy to stay with us Mary Ann? Aren't you glad to be Mother's little girl? Don't you want Mother to show you how to dress very pretty? Isn't Everything Mother said coming true? Do you love mommy? Would you like to kiss mommy's big beautiful breasts?"

Mary Ann was overcome with passion for the second time within an hour. Her cum coating Vera's hand. "Well now wasn't that fun darling", Vera asked?

Every evening, for the next several weeks Mary Ann was dressed and more or less the same routine took place. Vera & Tanya were discussing it on the couch on evening after Mary Ann had gone up to her room to watch T.V.

"God Tanya, it's so much fun. She looks so cute all dressed up in those little party dresses, and little blonde curls, and she's so easy to please. Just let her caress my body, lick my pussy, suck my tits, and all I have to do is masturbate her to get her off. However it is getting a little repetitious, it's time to move forward to the next step, is #2 ready."

"Yes, Vera I have #2 all selected. A computer programmer who goes to a prostitute about once every two months. She dresses him as a maid and then spanks him. From what the detective tells me it's really a pretty shoddy operation. The prostitute's not all that pretty, and the maid outfit is really second rate. We've been in his apartment and found the usual TV magazines, bondage magazines & dominant women magazines. He's single, and about 30 years old, I'm sure he'll go for it." "Fine, let's do it", Vera replied. "Isn't retirement great!"

Chapter Two (The French Maid)

There's really no sense denying it Andrew, we've already talked to prostitute that dresses you. There's no catch, no trick, no blackmail. We're simply offering you a chance to really do your fantasy properly. Andrew had no doubt that the two women were telling the truth, he still felt a little uncomfortable discussing it in such a frank and open manner.

"Alright, I'll do it", Andrew replied. "Fine, darling, I guarantee you it will be more fun then you've ever had with that prostitute", Vera said.

Tanya lead Andrew upstairs to one of the bedrooms and told him to get undressed and take a bath, meanwhile she would get the things he'd be needing together. Just as Andrew re-emerged from the tub Tanya was gathering up the last of the clothes she had picked out. "Your going to love this outfit, honey!". She Wrapped the black waist nipper around his waist as started to lace it closed. She yanked and shoved, and pulled until she had the laces meeting in the back, and then tied it off. She had managed to reduce Andrew's waist to 22". She added a strapless black lace bra to his chest and clasped it closed in the back. Next she ordered him to sit on the bed, and extend his legs. She slid the long sheer seamed black nylons up his legs, and gartered them to the waist nipper. The stockings felt divine, sheerer and finer than anything he had previously worn. He reached out to caress his leg, but Tanya slapped his hand. "Naughty, little bitch, you'll have plenty of pleasure later, but let me finish first." Next she produced the frilliest set of petticoats he had ever seen, there seemed to be dozens of layers. He stepped into them and she pulled them up around his waist. They flared out immensely and were so short they barely covered his hips. His penis rubbing against the taffeta petticoats gave him a hard on instantly. It was then he realized she hadn't put any panties on him, and that's why the petticoats were rubbing up against his cock.

"Aren't you going to give me any panties", Andrew asked. "Panties, no my naughty little slut, you want you freely displayed at all times sweetie, so we can do whatever we like unobstructed. Now go sit at the vanity, and we'll do your makeup."

Andrew seated himself on the red velvet bench at the vanity. The petticoats spread around him naturally without having to hold them out because they were so short. His bare ass on the velvet seat felt so enticing, and his cock dangling free under his petticoats also rubbing against the read velvet seat.

Tanya went to work on his face, first with a liquid foundation and then a powder puff. She plucked his eyebrows, until he had a nice gracefully feminine arch. She accented this with black eyebrow pencil, and then she opened a case with long, luxurious ladies false eyelashes in it. She deftly glued the long thick lashes to his eyelids and blended them to his own with mascara. They were so long and thick he could feel them brush his face when he blinked his eyes. It was a feeling that was indiscribable to anyone who had never actually worn false eyelashes. A feeling of intense femininity. She shadowed his eyes with a smokey green eye shadow, and then outlined his eyes with a liner pencil, and then added a rose colored blush to his cheeks, accenting his cheekbones. Last but not least she when to work on his lips. First she outlined them with a very, very dark carmine lip liner pencil and then she filled the lips in with a dark red lipstick, the result was a lavish pair of feminine lips. Tanya surveyed her handiwork, and said, "I luscious pair of lips like that sweetie, has only one use; sucking cock!" Her words, instantly bought the image of those lips wrapped around a cock, and his own cock immediately was hard again. He longed to rub his penis through the petticoats, and when Tanya went to get the wig, he saw his opportunity. Pressing the petticoats up against his cock, a small shiver escaped his body, but all no quite Tanya was back with the wig.

She fitted it over his head, and brushed out the ends. It was a black glossy page boy, relatively simply, with bangs across the front and it curled under on each side. It was much smaller and simpler than the teased up hairdo he wore when he visited his prostitute, but he realized this one actually was more in line with a french maid's real hairdo. Tanya added big heavy gold hoop earrings to his ears, and a gold bracelet to his arm. She placed a collar around his neck that looked very bizarre. It was 4" wide and appearing to be black satin, with white lace around the top edge ,and the bottom edge. However once Tanya placed it around his neck and locked it on, he realized it must have had boning in it similar to the corset because his neck was immobilized. He could barely look down a couple of inches. The collar held his neck erect so that he had to look straight ahead.

She placed a lacy white maid's cap on top of his black hair and ordered him to place his hands on the vanity. She proceeded to glue on long fake nails, about one and half inches long. Then she added dark red nail polish to match his lips. "Almost ready for your debut honey, just a few more things", she said.

She knelt in front of him, and slid the wicked pair of high heels he had ever seen, onto his feet. They were black patent leather with severely pointed toes, and 6" heels, they had little ankle straps which Tanya pulled tight, then to his surprise she placed a little padlock which slipped through the loop on each of the ankle straps. "Stand up, my little high-heeled sissy, one last thing." She had him step into the black satin french maid's uniform that he so adored, just this one was far better than anything he had ever worn before, it even smelled great, having been obviously perfumed. She placed the lacy white traditional french maid's apron around his waist, and tied it in a big bow in the back.

"Well go take a look at yourself in the full length mirror, my little sissy, and see what a naughty little french girl you've become." He tettered over to the mirror in the 6" spikes, taking short little mincing steps, and gazed at his new image. The girl that stared back was breathtaking. Glossy black hair, gorgeously made-up face, pumped-up cleavage spilling out of the top of her black satin uniform, tiny little wasp waist, and a flurry of petticoats. As his gaze continued down, he realized that the tip of his cock was actually showing beneath the petticoats, they were so short and fluffed out that even his crotch wasn't completely covered. "Very, very sexy, no", Tanya asked? She reached down and caressed his cock brushing the petticoats out of the way, her own long red nails wrapped around his cock, but instead of continuing to caress him she clenched his cock tightly and yanked him forward. "Come my little pet, it's time to become Annette." She propelled him forward leading him around by the cock. His earrings swaying, his petticoats swished, and his high heels clicked as she lead Mistress Vera's newer toy to an evening of pleasure.

Tanya lead him into the living room by the cock, and said "Mistress Vera, let me introduce you to Annette." "Oh my, isn't she charming now", Vera said. "Let me see you give a nice feminine curtsy for me darling". Annette did her best imitation of a curtsy, but apparently Vera was not impressed. "Didn't that stupid whore teach you anything", she asked. "That's a terrible curtsy." "No M'am", Annette replied, "she just dressed me, and spanked me."

Vera turned to Tanya and said, "You see what happens, when you deal with amateurs who charge by the hour and don't really understand the fantasy. Darling let Tanya show you how to do it properly." Tanya showed Annette how to hold the sides of her skirt daintily between her painted fingertips, and spread her skirt. She also showed her how to bend and place her right leg behind her to execute a better curtsy. She practiced several times for Vera, until she was satisfied.

"Now model for me sweetie", Vera said. "Model", Annette asked? "Yes, model, my God your hopeless!" "Remember your a swishy french maid on display, walks around and model for us. Show us how teasing and provocative you can be. Wiggle your cute little bottom and sway those swishy little hips." Annette started to walk around, hesitantly at first, but then really getting into it. Everytime he passed the mirror he could see his little bootie shaking, and see his gorgeous feminine image, and the sound of his spike high heels clicking on the floor. He could also see the tip of cock protruding from underneath the flurry of taffeta. His cock was rock hard and actually starting to twitch he was so hot.

"OK, dolly, that's enough", Vera said. "Now then darling, I'm not one of those dominant women who will stand there making up silly excuses as to why you should be punished. Like, you spilled the tea, or you forgot your chores. We both know why your here, you "like" to be punished, don't you?" "Yes, M'am", Annette replied. "Good, good, see isn't it much easier on both of us this way." "I also don't believe in normal dominant credo that you should be denied your sexual relief. This is foolish. That is the reason you are here, and that is the reason you are dressed like this, because it is sexually exciting. So denying you sexual relief makes the whole process pointless."

She instructed Tanya to seat herself in the middle of the couch. She then ordered Annette to stand in front of Tanya with their feet almost touching, then to bend over at the waist and place her hands on Tanya's shoulder's. Palms flat. She assumed this position in front of Tanya and while bent over, her short, short dress almost completely exposed her bottom. "You, are not to touch anything except Tanya's shoulder's for support, do you understand", Vera asked? "Yes, Mistress", Annette replied.

She felt Vera massaging her ass cheeks, and spreading her legs, then she felt Vera probing her anus with a dildo. "Want to take it like a good little girl", Vera asked? "Yes, M'am", Annette replied. Unexpected, she felt a sharp crack across her ass, and her hands almost slipped from Tanya's shoulders. "I can't hear you darling, speak up." "Yes M'am". CRACK, another slap ran across her ass. "Yes M'am, what", Vera asked? "Yes M'am, I want to take it." But again Vera smacked her ass. "Is that what I said", she asked? "Yes, M'am" "No, it is not what I said. What I said was do you want to take it like a good little girl. Say it properly, or I'll smack your ass all night." "Yes, M'am, I want to take it like a good little girl." LOUDER, AGAIN, LOUDER. After four or five repetitions of this Vera rammed the dildo home, and started to fuck Annette with it. "More darling", Vera asked. "Yes M'am", Annette replied. "Say, I'm a whore Mistress, I need more" CRACK, CRACK. "Yes, Mistress, I'm a whore I need more", Annette replied.

But wait what was this? Suddenly she felt a powerful vibration inside her body, it wasn't a dildo, it was a vibrator. It buzzed, and hummed and worked her into a frenzy, while Vera smacked her ass at random intervals. Bend her, she looked down at Tanya, and her long red nails resting on Tanya's shoulder's. Tanya reached up underneath her short dress, and began to stroke Annette's cock. Her mind reeled with a sensory overload. The pain, of standing bent over in 6" spike high heels, the vibrator in her ass, her heavy earrings swaying back & forth, while she was fucked, the sight of her long red nails on Tanya's dress. Just when she thought she was going to explode in Tanya hand, Vera withdraw the vibrator, and Tanya stopped her stroking. She was ordered to stand up straight.

Vera ordered her to walk over to the full length mirror on the opposite side of the room. She wobbled over. Her knees were rubbery from being bend over, the heels had become very painful, and, as she walked over her whole trembled from being brought to the brink of a climax, and then pulled back.

As she stood in front of the mirror, Vera ordered her to turn sideways. She raised up Annette's short skirt and ordered her to hold it above her waist. She placed Annette's cock in her hand, from underneath, palm up, and rapped her long nails around it, and gently started to stroke her again. "Now, wasn't that fun darling", Vera asked? Before she could even reply, Vera had taken a small stick perhaps about 6" long, and smacked her cock with it. She let out a shreik and wobbled, but Vera held her cock tightly. Tanya came up behind her and helped support her, while Vera alternately stroked her cock, and then gave it a resounding smack. After only a minute or two of this treatment, her legs were again trembling, and her whole body was shaking.

"I don't think she can take much more Tanya, Perhaps it's time to finish her off, would you like to do it or shall I", Vera asked? "I'll do it, Tanya volunteered. Vera released her grasp on Annette's cock and Tanya came around to the front and knelt in front of her. She quickly slide Annette's cock into her mouth, and started to suck her off. Within seconds Annette's whole body jerked and she came like she had never come before. Her whole body in a spasm.

Tanya helped support her, and guide her back to the couch. The relief of sitting down, and taking the pressure off her heels was almost heavenly. She was given a few minutes to relax, fix her make-up and recover. Then she was ordered to kneel in front of Vera and eat her pussy, after a minute or so of this, she was ordered to switch to Tanya, then back again.

"I believe I'm growing tired of this", Vera said to Tanya. "Why don't you two play." "I think I'll pay a visit to little Maryann." "I feel the need to play the mommy part tonight."

She left Tanya and Annette on the couch. As soon as she left the room Tanya said "Ok, enough of this playing around, I want to fuck, lay down." Annette laid on her back and Tanya once again slide that cock into her luscious red mouth, but this time only to prep it. As soon as it was nice and hard she squatted over it and plunged it home. She pumped for all she was worth, while Annette underneath her weight, stroked her clad thighs. With a shivering orgasm she collapsed on top of Annette.

She smiled down and bend over to kiss her. "Now, aren't you glad we bought you here", she whispered in his ear.



Rather than bore you with the continuing details, of how Vera and Tanya keep obtaining they victims, I believe you've already gotten the picture. So I'll just get on with the rest of the story so you can enjoy yourself.

The latest victim was Tom, a 32 year old Electrical Engineer who loved dressing like a whore/slut. He also had a thing about super large breasts. In Tom's eyes this was the biggest turn-on. It was one of the main reasons he dressed, although there were others.

After hearing Vera's usual sales pitch and agreeing to everything Tom was deposited into the care of Doris & Susie for his complete transformation.

"I'm really going to enjoy doing this one because I can go wild", Doris said. They were in the mirrored back room of the salon trying to pick out underclothes for Tom who stood naked before them. "As far as I'm concerned there's only one type of lingerie for a slut, that's black", Susie said, "so let's stick to the basics. "I agree", Doris said, "OK black it is."

They placed a frilly black lace garter belt around Tom's waist and hooked it in the back. It had long garters and pink bows on each garter and a pink bow in the middle of the belt. Next they slid a pair of black satin panties up his smooth legs and made sure the garters hung down properly. Next came a pair of black seamed nylons. Then the crowning touch. A custom made black satin bra size 50MM. Huge torpedo shaped cups. Even Tom gulped when he saw it. Susie slid the straps up his arms and then pulled it very snugly on and clasped the row of 5 eye hooks that held it in the back. Doris produced a special set of inserts that went with bra and inserted them. Tom was immediately aware of the very heavy weight of the inserts.

Doris stood back to examine their handiwork, and said "Check it out Susie, the Hindenberg blimp!" They both laughed, but in spite of their ridicule Tom felt his cock quickly raising just by looking at the giant bra in the mirror in front him. Doris reached out to caress the front of Tom's panties. "Oh, check it out Susie, the blimp must be full of hot air, it's rising." Susie and Doris had an attack of the giggles, but when they recovered they took Tom. "Don't worry sweetie, we're only teasing you, actually we're having as much fun as you are."

Tom turned first one way then the other examining his black lingerie in the mirror. The bra almost looked silly, but not quite. The girls lead him out to the main salon and sat him in the chair. "No sense fussing with your hot tits, since you don't really have enough for the kind of style we have in mind. We might as well use a wig. We'll get to that later, but first make-up!!"

Tom's face was covered with a foundation cream, then a toner. Then pressed powder. Tom's real eyebrows had already been shaved off completely so the girls were free to paint in any style eyebrow they wanted. After a little whispered plotting between Doris & Susie, Doris went to work. "My idea", she said, "so I get to do it." The style she decided on was very high and very rounded almost resembling a half moon. They looked sort of like Betty Boop eyebrows in midnight black. They were outrageously feminine, more than any real girl would wear, but still Doris thought the looked very sexy. Susie quickly followed that with three different shades of eye shadow. Dark green, leading to a grayish green, leading to pearlized white under his eyebrows, enhancing them even more. Next Doris glued on a long thick pair of ladies false eyelashes and made Tom keep his eyes closed while they set in place. Next came the black eyeliner. Old fashion liquid eye liner, that Susie painted on with a tiny paint brush. After outlining his eyes dramatically she added little tiny painted lines simulating lashes under his lower eye. She was starting to get carried away with her paint the slut by numbers routine, but decided on one last touch. On his right upper cheek, she painted a black heart shaped beauty mark. She added blusher in a bright fuscia streak down each of his cheeks, and then decided to let Doris do his lips, she was great at that.

Doris outlined his lips in a dark purple, with a lip liner pencil, but the outline she draw was far inaccess of his normal lip line. Big voluptuous feminine lips. She filled it in with a dark purple lipstick. While Doris worked Susie was busy fitting almost 2" long nails to Tom's hands. These too were painted a deep dark purple. "Oooohhh, slut city if ever I saw one", Doris said. Tom started to turn his head to look in the mirror, but Susie snapped it back. "No way, babe, we'll let you see our handiwork when we're all done but until then no cheating", Susie said. Confident he wouldn't turn, she let go of his chin.

Tom was lead back to the back room again for the outer clothes. First a hot pink nylon see-thru blouse, that actually looked more like the top of a nightgown. His huge black bra was completely visible beneath it. It had 3/4 flowing sleeves that ended just below his elbow with nylon ruffles. Susie helped him into a tight black leather mini-skirt that barely covered his crotch. Doris added a 4" wide black patent leather belt with a huge diamond buckle to pull his waist in tight and accent it. Then last but not least 6" black patent leather spike heels, with buckling ankle straps.

They sat him down, and Susie added jewelry. A pink beaded necklace with large ornate beads, and a matching bracelet for his right wrist. On his left wrist she placed several shiney gold hoop bracelets, and for his ears large pink & black beaded dangling earrings that swayed back and forth with every head movement. Doris decided at the last minute to add a gold ankle bracelet around his ankle.

"Hang in there honey, we're almost done, just the wig", Doris said. And what a wig it was. All jet black, and teased over a foot in every direction. A fantastically wild hairdo. In fact it looked as if a hair stylist had teased it all up in preperation of turning it into a bouffant hairdo, and then just stopped instead of styling it into place. It made Tina Turner's hairdo look like a pageboy.

Doris lead him over to the full length mirror. "Introducing Tina Tits, Super Slut", she said with a flourish. Tom was astounded. He looked like one of the artist's drawings in the TV books he purchased. Never in his life did he think he could look that sexy. Every square inch of his body from head to toe was a sexual come-on. It was the tits however that really turned him on. Playing peek-a-boo under his pink see-thru blouse.

Susie slid up behind him and wrapped her hands around his tits from behind and caressed them with her hands. The sight of her long red nails flashing across his giant tits literally made him weak in the knees. She slid her hands from his tits down to his hips and across the front of his mini-skirt lightly caressing the bugle in it. "Oh Tina baby, you and I are going to have some fun tonight!" "You", Tom said? "Oh yea sweetie, me. I'll be joining you as soon as I can change into something a little more appropriate for a sex show."

Doris lead him down the hall back to the living room, but before they entered she gave him a little pat on the ass and said. "You're on your own now babe, Vera's waiting for you. Remember to strut your stuff like a hot little bitch."

Tina took a deep breath not knowing what to expect, but knowing no matter what she looked like to anybody else to herself she looked and felt wonderful. She strutted into the room and saw Vera & Tanya seated on the couch. Both women were dressed in black leather. Vera in a skin tight black leather dress, and the slightly younger Tanya in a leather mini-skirt and a black leather halter top with laces across the front.

"Well, well would you look at this Tanya. Now this is the way a TV slut should be dressed. Don't you agree Tina?" "Yes Mistress", Tina answered. "Susie & Doris are so talented in turning out your little angels aren't they", Tanya said. "Well let's get started, let's see her perform like a hot little cunt", Tanya said.

Vera ordered her to parade around for them, and she gave it her all. She Wiggled her way from one end of the room to the other, and then back again. Hips swaying, tits bouncing, ass wiggling. Vera & Tanya took turns ordering her about. Turn this way, walk over here, glance over your shoulder, turn around, walk aback again, bend over, put your hands on your hips. Order after order all designed to show off Tina's new outrageous feminine personality and tits. She loved it, she was a walking talking sex show.

"OK, enough preliminaries, let's see some real action, if your really a whore." Both women got off the couch and lead Tina over to the full length mirror. She stood facing the mirror. "Dance slut", Vera said. "I don't understand Mistress", Tina replied. "Oh I'm sorry, that's right there's no music. Tanya could you please put on some music so our little whore can entertain us."

Tanya put on the stereo, and the pulsing beat of Samantha Fox's "Touch Me" blared from the speakers. "Now dance, bitch", Vera said. Tina swayed a little to the music but obviously Vera wasn't going to wait for her to get into it. She signaled Tanya, and Tina felt the crack of Tanya riding crop across her ass, followed immediately by two more blows. "You heard her cunt, dance, come on, I've seen nerdy boys dance better than that." Three more blows rained down. Tina now was now doing much better, swaying to the beat, feet moving. Her huge tits bouncing up and down, her large dangling pink & black earrings bouncing off her fuscia cheeks. Everytime she slowed or wasn't good enough Tanya's crop smacked her a couple of blows to encourage her to do better.

"Look at yourself, slut", Vera said. "Go on, look at that tramp hairdo, that slut makeup, those cheap whore clothes, you love it don't you?" When Tina didn't answer immediately Tanya's crop came down again in a flurry of blows. "Answer me, cunt" "Yes Mistress." "Yes Mistress what?" "Yes Mistress, I love it" "What do you love slut, tell me" "I love dressing like a slut" "What else bitch" "I love my spike heels, I love my make-up, I love my tits." "That's right cunt, you love it. And now I think it's time for you to show us what you really like doing. Tanya, see if Susie is ready.

Susie entered from the hall, but it didn't appear to be the same Susie he had left a little over an hour ago. This Susie was decked out from head to toe in lavender. A lavender see-thru blouse like Tina's with her black bra showing just like Tina's and the tits almost as large. A black leather mini-skirt with lavender nylons, and 6" lavender spike high heels. Even her make-up was lavender. Lavender blush, and eye shadow, with heavily made up eyes, and dark lavender lipstick similar to Tina.

"Tina Slut, meet Susie Slut", Vera said. Susie took Tina's hand in hers. She had 2" long frosted lavender nails. She gave a little wiggle standing next to Tina, bumping Tina's hip. "Aren't they lovely", Vera Said to Tanya. "Our own little slut sisters, Tina & Susie." "Give your sister a little kiss Susie", Vera ordered. Susie slid her arms around Tina's belted waist, and gave her a quick tiny little kiss on the lips. "Let's see you two perform like good little whores."

It seemed Susie needed no further encouragement. As soon as Vera spoke she was all over Tina. Her hands and lips were everywhere at once. She rubbed her nylon covered tits up against Tina's. She ground her pelvis up against her crotch. She reached down and fondled his cock through the mini-skirt. Tina forgot everything except the girl in front of him, and responded to Tina's every move with abandon. She slid her hand up Susie's skirt and was shocked to be grabbing a hard on instead of a pussy. "Surprise, Baby", Susie whispered in his ear.

"I see Tina has discovered, Susie's real charm", Tanya said. "In that case it's time for the main event", Vera replied. "Take off your skirt Susie and sit on the couch." "And you whore, kneel in front of her"

Susie stripped off her skirt and Tina saw she was also wearing lavender panties, but those didn't last long. Susie peeled those off too and her cock spring free. Tina gasped. Her cock and balls were completed shaved as smooth as her legs. She knelt in front of Susie. "All right slut, now it's time for you to really earn that name, suck her cock."

Tina needed no further encouragement. She slid that beautiful smooth cock into her mouth all the way. Susie groaned and leaned back against the couch. Tina slid the cock in and out slowly, God how she loved that cock, so smooth, so white. Except, now it was covered with her purple lipstick. She felt someone grab her hips and pull her ass up. She was going to turn her head to see, but Susie placed her hand on the back of Tina's head, and pushed her down. "You just sucking sweetheart", she said.

Vera had strapped on a 7" dildo and Tanya was lubricating it. She positioned herself and slowly inserted it into Tina ass. Tina would have yelled, but she couldn't with her mouth full of Susie's cock. Slowly Vera started to fuck her, building in speed. Tina felt Susie start to tense, and knew she was going to come. She couldn't pull away. Her head was firmly held in place by Susie's long lavender nails. Vera pushed the dildo in as far as she could just as Susie came in Tina mouth. Her hot load sliding down Tina's throat. She had no choice but to swallow. It was either that or choke to death. Susie released her grip and Tina removed the cock from her mouth. A little cum escaping down the side of her purple lips.

"That was a lovely display, slut sisters", Vera said. "Did you like taking it at both ends like a whore Tina?" "Yes Mistress", Tina replied. Her breath coming in short gasps. "Well you lovely ladies, have had your fun, now it's time for our fun."

Vera & Tanya both removed their clothes and sat on the couch side by side. They ordered the two sluts to kneel in front of them. "Now show momma how good you are at eating pussy also Tina", she said pulling Tina's head forward. Susie did the same thing with Tanya. Both girls serviced their Mistresses. After several minutes they were ordered to switch. Tina now serviced Tanya, while Susie serviced Vera. This switching went on several times until both women orgasmed. Each grasping the head of her little slut and pushed it as deep into her pussy as it would go.

"Alright, you ladies did a wonderful job, but it's getting late and Tanya and I have some plotting to do. Your free to do anything you like. Your dismissed."

As they left the room, Susie stopped Tina by pulling on her arm. "Are you mad at me, because you didn't know?", she asked. "Oh no, Susie, I'm not mad. God your beautiful, even beneath all that make-up. I swear, I thought you were a girl, but I'm far from disappointed, you just took me by surprise." "I know, that was the whole idea. Mistress Vera ordered me & Doris not to make any reference to my sex. She wanted to see your expression, when I undressed." "Do you like me?", Susie asked. "Oh yes", Tina replied. "With or without the make-up?" "Both ways actually, your so pretty with regular make-up and clothes, I wish I could hug you and kiss you. But I'd be lying if I told you the make-up your wearing now didn't turn me on. Especially that big hairdo." "Would you like to spent the night with me?", Susie asked. "Yes I would very much", Tina replied.

"Great, let's go to my room, and I'll be your slut for a while. I got A+ in cocksucking at the sissy school." "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that, I didn't mean to offend you."

She really liked Tom/Tina. Me and my big mouth she thought. She didn't what to frighten him off. Maybe he was offended by the sissy remark. God, what's wrong with me she thought. I'm acting a school girl. But still, she thought, he's really very handsome as a man, an he's really cute all dolled up in his Tina Tits outfit I think I could really go for him in a big way. She looked questioningly into his eyes. He smiled, she smiled, his smile grew larger, her's got larger. He started to laugh, and then they were both laughing hysterically walking down the hall to Susie's room.

"Was that cocksucking 101, or advanced deep throat with Dr. Fellito?" They both started laughing again.



Vera's next "Girl", was Larry a 28 year old technical writer from L.A. He frequented all the female impersonator shows in the area. In fact most Fridays or Saturdays that's where he could be seen, right in the front row, openingly admiring the girls in the show. He wondered what it was like to be that outrageously sexy, and he wished he could look like that. Vera was about to make his wish come true.

He was easily captured coming out of the last show at one of the clubs on Friday night. Tanya waited in a long black limo, while the chauffeur told Larry that there was an impersonator who would like to meet him, he indicated the limo. Larry of course didn't even think, he just climbed into the limo, and the next day found himself on Vera's couch. After the usual dickering back and forth Larry admitted that is what he wanted out of life, and Tanya escorted him to Doris & Susie in the salon.

"Honey we're going to pull out all the stops with you", Doris said. "When we're through with you", Susie said, "Marilyn Monroe will look like a country hick." They started with pink satin panties and pink satin corset with back laces. No bra was necessary since the dress they planned would have it's own built in bra. The corset was laced to waist crunching dimensions, and soon Larry's 28 inch waist became a 21 inch waist.

The girls seated him in the salon chair and began a complete make-up job. First Susie applied a covering base and then beige liquid foundation. Doris had already plunked his eyebrows earlier and Susie started to pencil in beautiful tapered arched feminine eyebrows, forming a long graceful curve. While Susie was working on the top, Doris was busy giving him a pedicure and painting his toenails a bright Chinese red.

Susie shadowed his eyes with varying hues of dark and light gray, and then powder blue. She worked very slowly and carefully since eye make-up was all important to this role. Vera had instructed the girls that the make-up should be exceedingly heavy Las Vegas Show Girl style make-up, however even when viewed close up it should be obvious how painstakingly it had been done, there should be no flaw . Next Susie opened the draw on their work counter and withdrew a box. When she opened it, inside was the most exquisite set of ladies false eyelashes. Actually it was two pair of custom lashes glued to one another forming a thick, thick lash. They were just slightly over 1" long. An Susie had personally seen that every lash looked gorgeous. turning them over she deftly spread glue on the underside, and then holding them with twezzers she closely placed then on Larry's closed eyes. She poked and prodded them into place with a long thin plastic stick almost like an oversize toothpick. She instructed Larry not to move or open his eyes while the glue set.

When they were dry Larry was instructed to open his eyes and blink them a little. To him it felt as if a weight was on each eye pulling the lid down. Half of his previous view now seemed to be obstructed by the long black lashes, but Susie wasn't done yet. She retrieved another set of lashes that weren't quite as long or thick but heavy by normal standards. These she glued to Larry's bottom lashes. He was instructed to look all the way up, and keep his eyes open, and to try very hard not to blink. It was very difficult but he did manage to get through it only sort of half blinking once. Susie said he had done a good job.

She gave him a small break to give him a chance to get used to the lashes and have a cigarette, however the girls made him promise not to look in the mirror, they didn't want to ruin the surprise when he was fully completed. While chatting with the girls and getting some instructions as to what was expected that night from him he couldn't help but notice the lashes. He was constantly aware of them. Every second that passed made him aware of how girlish they felt. It was a feeling he savored like a fine wine.

Back at work Susie outlined his eyes with eyeliner while Doris went to prepare the wig they had chosen. Again working very carefully, like an artist creating a masterpiece painting, she was busy creating her masterpiece, Louise. Next she used two different shades of blusher, the difference in shading was almost impreceptible except when you looked close, you could see that one shade was lighter than the other. She used the darker red in the center as she stroked a sweep down his cheek, then the lighter one slightly above and below the center streak. Then she used her fingertip to blend them together forming a blush that tapered off smoothly blending with the facial make-up. So smooth was the blend that even close up one could hardly tell where the blush began and ended.

Now only the lips remained. She outlined these with a long thin paintbrush with dark red. She extended Larry's lip line just a little all around to give him the full luscious feminine lips that he would become famous for. She filled this in with a bright red lipstick, and then over this a clear dazzling lipgloss. She stepped back to examine her handiwork. "Oh honey, men are going to faint in the isles when they see you", she said.

She went to see how Doris was coming with the wig, or stood I say wigs plural. Doris had already previously styled two wigs. One was a beautiful platinum blonde wig, but while Susie had worked her make-up magic she had joined a wiglet to it in the same platinum blonde with huge banana curls. Together the two wigs formed a huge ultra feminine hairdo. "Befitting for a Queen's Cornation", Susie said, "no pun intended."

Larry was told to close his eyes, while the girls brought it in and placed it on his waiting head. Doris tugged it into place and styled and fixed here and there, until she was satisfied. "god it's gorgeous, isn't Susie", Doris asked? "Magnificent", Susie replied.

Doris worked on Larry's nails while Susie went to gather the outfit. Long tapered nails about an inch and a half long were glued to Larry's own nails, and then several coats of the same Chinese red nailpolish were stroked on. The nails now matched his toenails and lips.

They had one little preperation to made to prepare Larry's body for the gown. Susie produced white medical tape and pulled and taped his breasts. Since falsies were out they had to create a bust for the gown. The gown was strapless and was designed to display vast amounts of cleavage. So Susie and Doris had to create real flesh breasts to fill the cups.

The gown Susie produced was gorgeous. A pink sequined mermaid style gown. Skin tight the entire length of his body with a large ruffled bottom in silver lame, and silver lame accents at the waist and cuffs to set it off. The gown was so tight he could barely move his legs several inches at a time. "Get used to standing, Sweetheart, because in this gown, that's about all your going to be able to do", Susie said. And it was true Larry thought. He felt as if he was encased in a giant pink wrapping. His arms were free but the rest of his body was severely restricted. Ooopps, perhaps he spoke to soon. Doris produced a pair of shoulder length silver lame gloves with no hands. The gloves were tugged up his arms right to his armpits, and a tiny little elastic loop slipped over his middle finger to hold the bottom of the glove in place while still openly displaying his long red nails.

Doris helped support him while his high heels were placed on him. Since he couldn't sit. Susie slide each one on while Doris held him for support. The shoes were silver sequined 5" heels with severely pointed toes. When he tried to walk all he could do was wiggle forward a few inches at a time. Susie added large rhinestone bracelets to his wrists. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", she said. A large ornate necklace was placed around his neck, and then the earrings. Huge triple tiered chandelier rhinestone earrings hanging to his bare shoulders. These Susie screwed on with the old fashioned screw arrangement. "Oh, those hurt", Larry said. "Yes I know", Susie replied, "no doubt by the end of the night you'll have a raging headache, but it's necessary to support the weight of those large earrings. Welcome to the world of beautiful ladies, sweetie." Doris added the final glitter to his costume by pinning a diamond Tiara in blonde curls.

"Alright Luscious Louise, time for you to see the finished product. He turned to see the mirror, and was met with the most gorgeous feminine creature on the face of the earth. Susie sprayed him all over with perfume, enveloping him in a cloud of sweet feminine eroticism. She handed him a silver lame evening purse and Susie draped an pink ostrich feather boa over his arms, and showed him how to hold it cradled in his arms.

Susie placed his cigarettes, lighter, lipstick, and klennex in his purse while Doris gave him his final instructions. Basically what she told him was to perform in a manner befitting his costume, as if he had a choice as restrictive as the costume all he could do was wiggle and jiggle about. She told him to act charming, flirtatious and feminine. "Remember at all times now, you are a lady on display. Display yourself proudly. Mistress Vera will be awaiting you in the living room."

Larry was told to walk back down the hall to the living room on his own. The hallway at least gave him a chance to practice walking in his gown. As he neared the living room he heard voices as he entered the living room he stopped frozen. Vera was there all right but so were about 50 other people. Obviously a cocktail party was in full swing. Tanya magically appeared at his side and grasped his arm propelling him forward and whispering in his ear. "Louise you look simply gorgeous child. There's someone one I want you to meet. She introduced him to a gentleman in a white dinner jacket that matched his silver white hair. He was in his 50's but very distinguished looking. "Louise this is Charles Fletcher, Charles owns a chain of drug stores. Louise held out her hand, and to her surprise, Charles took it and bowed slightly and placed his lips to the back of her hand, kissing it softly. "Louise, what a beautiful name, may I get you a drink?"

As he left in pursuit of a couple of drinks Tanya leaned close and ran her long red nail across Louise's breasts, where they bugled from the gown. "Treat him nice, and you'll find he's very generous, and very loving", she whispered in Louise's ear." Then as quickly as she had appeared she melted back into the crowd of people.

Left alone to contemplate her situation, Louise was in heaven. She felt like queen of the world. Sure her heels hurt, her ears were beginning to ache a little, her waist was crushed, but still it was worth it to see to way several men looked at her as they past by. The yearning in their eyes clear. She opened her purse to take out her cigarettes. She had just gotten one in her hand when a man appeared at her side. "May I give you a light, Miss..." "Louise", she replied. He held out his lighter and she held the back of his hand lightly to steady it, slowly pulling it away in a smooth caress the way Susie had showed her. "May I get you a drink?" "No, I'm afraid I'm already waiting for Charles to return" "Perhaps later", he said. "Yes, perhaps later", Louise replied softly. The man briefly held her free hand, then turned and left. Charles returned with two glasses of champagne. "Would you like to drink this out on the terrace, it's a lovely view, and we can talk?"

As Louise followed Charles out to the terrace, she thought. My dreams have come true, that and even more. I have never felt more beautiful in my life, and even better, obviously others find me attractive and desirable too.



We'll skip the usual rhetoric and just tell you Bob who was now going to become Barbara had made a deal with Mistress Vera. She would supply his transformation, his new wardrobe and he would be given an apartment in L.A., and use Mistress Vera's contacts to be passed off as a model and get modeling assignments. At night she would use her even more extensive contacts to get him jobs with a kinky escort service that specialized in supplying gorgeous she-males for out of town businessmen. In return Barbara would return 50% of her income to Mistress Vera until the clothes, car, apartment and other things Vera supplied were paid for. Then she would be an established model and 20% of her income would be returned to Vera. In exchange Vera would set her up in the life she had always dreamed of but never had the courage to do.

Susie and Doris were in the extensive bathroom in the back of the salon preparing everything for Bob's visit. When he entered they were just running the tub.

They helped him strip off his male clothes for the last time amid lots of giggles. Into the sweet smelling tub he went. Doris scrubbed his back, while Susie shaved his legs. Both girls were starting to get a little wet with all the splashing around in the tub area, but they were both wearing jeans and sweatshirts so it didn't really matter.

Next they shaved his underarms. Then out of the tub and into the shower. Doris stripped off her clothes with coy remarks like "don't peek" and stepped into the shower with Bob and her trusty razor. Meanwhile Susie cleaned up the tub, and proceeded to refill it. In the shower Doris teased and caressed Bob all over his body while her deft little hands were busy shaving his arms, chest back, and even his pubic hair got a trim into the shape of a more feminine pubic hair patch. His hair and eyebrows were left alone.

Then back into the tub with Susie, to soak in the sweet smelling bath oils she had prepared. As he got out of the tub and Susie was drying him off, she told him to hold still. Bob felt a prick, but Doris held his hip steady. "All set", she said. He turned around to see she was holding a needle in her hand with a cotton ball swab. Judging some the quizical expression on his face Doris figured he didn't understand. "You're first injection of female hormones", she said laughingly.

Into the salon now dressed in a pink dressing robe. The girls really went to town. His eyebrows were plunked and shaped, and his rather longish hair was shampooed, then set in curlers. While under the hair dryer Susie did his toenails, then added long fake nails to his hand and cemented them on. She filed and shaped them into perfect feminine ovals, about an inch an a half long. Then added three coats of a very dark red nailpolish.

When his dry was dry he was taken from under the dryer, but they left his hair in the rollers. Seated in the salon chair Susie started on his make-up. Everything was ultra feminine, but very discreetly done. Smokey tones in the eyeshadows, grays, browns, and very pale green. Delicately applied blush, just enough, but not too much. Mascara very delicately done, but no false eyelashes. Lipstick a deep red, but somehow it still appeared to have a very discreet touch, nothing overdone. Susie was a genius with her cosmetic masterpieces.

Doris started to take the curlers out of his hair, and style it. When she was done, she swung the chair around with a flourish to face the mirror. "Ta Da", she said. Bob stared back at a woman of haunting beauty. The kind of woman who takes your breath away. He see that in addition to setting his hair the girls had obviously darkened it. He used to be a medium brown, now the hair was a deep dark brown, almost bordering on black. He had always sort of pictured himself as a blonde Farrah Fawcett if he ever went all the way. He he saw how wrong he had been. Doris obviously had the eye for the right style and color for the right purpose.

"Alright, alright, enough with admiring yourself lady, let's get you dressed like a fashion model", Susie said. "This is going to be a little uncomfortable", Doris said, "but unless you want to do this for the rest of your life honey, you'd better start dieting. For a man your slim, but for a fashion model, you have to be even slimmer. So remember when your in L.A. none of those rich power lunches with Hollywood producers, stick to your salads or the only modeling you'll do is for Goodyear as their blimp", Susie said. The girls started lacing him into a black satin corset. They yanked and tugged until Doris was satisfied they couldn't get any more. She tied off the laces, and Susie measured his waist. "Twenty Two", she said, "passable but it could be better."

The satin and lace cups pushed the flesh up and he had a little mini-cleavage. Susie added a couple of inserts to fill the cups the rest of the way. "Hopefully in a couple of months you won't need these", she said. Next came ultra sheer black nylons, no seam. These were hooked to her garters and then panties in black satin were added. A black nylon half slip was added next and then came the crowning glory for a fashion model, the outfit.

First a white silk blouse with a silk bow in the front, very plain except for the tie bow. A black cotten skirt tight at the waist that came to just above her knees. The classic straight skirt. Next the matching black cotton jacket was added. It was nipped in at the waist, and contained a little flared skirt of black satin ruffles around the bottom, that appeared to flare her hips out and made her waist look even skinnier than it was.

Doris added her jewelry. A single strand of pearls that laid daintily over her white silk blouse. Small but thick gold hoop earrings were added. A large thick gold bracelet on her wrist, and a slim gold ladies watch on the other. Two small dazzling but yet discreetly feminine rings were placed on her fingers. Susie helped her slip her feet into the classic 4" black pumps, and handed her a small black purse. "You look breathtaking Barbara", Doris said. "The men are going to faint dead away, when they see you", Susie added.

Barbara walked to the mirror to view her image. She girls were right she was breathtaking. Classic feminine beauty at it zenith. Her head started to spin, her knees grew weak, the room seemed to be so bright, no not bright; white......

"Jesus Christ", Doris said, "you scared the shit out of us, here sip this", she handed Barbara a glass of water. "What happened", Barbara asked? "You passed out", Susie said. "Are you sick", Doris asked? "No it's not that, it's just that I...well.. know...I was so dreams. She was sputtering, She started to cry. "Jesus, don't cry too, you'll screw up my masterpiece, and your not good enough on your own to fix it yet, God damn", Susie said as she dabbed at Barbara's eye. "Looks like instead of a hormone shot, we should have given her a tranquilizer shot", Doris said. "We can't fix the first shot, but I think I know a way to fix the second one", she said. "Hold on I'll be right back." A minute later she returned she took the water glass out of Barbara's hand, and replaced it with a smaller glass with brown liquid and two ice cubes. "What this," Barbara asked? "A double shot of Jack Daniels on the rocks," she said. Susie & Doris started to laugh, and soon Barbara joined them. "Drink up girl, then I'll fix your lips and your make-up," Susie said.

Fifteen minutes later Barbara entered the dining room for supper as she had been instructed by Doris. When she entered Vera was being handed a drink by a saucy French Maid. "Oh Barbara, Darling, there you are. You look charming." She extended her hand. She nodded her head toward the maid. "I don't believe you've met Annette. Say hello Annette," Vera Ordered. "Hello Miss Barbara, would you like me to bring you a drink?" As soon as she spoke Barbara realized she as a man also. God she looks pretty Barbara thought.

Over dinner Vera & Barbara discussed their plans. It was decided Barbara would spend a month with them before leaving. This would give Vera time to arrange things in L.A., and it would give Barbara a chance to stick close to Doris & Susie and learn as much as she could from them about make-up and hairstyling, because after she left, she's be on her own. Vera gave her the name of a salon in Los Angles owned by one of her friends. so she could get her hair done once a week.

"Vera how can I ever thank you, or repay you?", Barbara said. Vera stood up and moved over to Barbara. She ran her nail across Barbara's silk covered breasts. "Oh, I think I can think of a couple of ways." She took Barbara's hand and lead her out of the dining room. "I can never seem to find the proper words to express my needs," she said. "But I'm sure your much better orally..."



Vera's next victim was easy to find. Tanya simply picked up a couple of the TV magazines in an adult book store in New York. She picked out several ads that said the TV's like dressing like a whore or a hooker, and were looking for dominant women. After receiving several replies. She chose her candidate. She showed up for her "Private" date, and the next thing her little TV hooker knew she was in Vera's living room.

After the usual bickering and claims. Harry age 26, and a car salesman from New York found himself in the capable hands of Doris and Susie.

"I think this is one of my favorite roles to fit somebody up for," Doris said to Susie. After all the usual preparations, they were busily dressing Harry in a black & red garter belt, and a black bra with red trim to match. This was followed by red polish for his toenails. While that was drying Susie pasted on long fake nails to be polished later. They slid his black fishnet nylons on him, attached them to the garters and be was ready for makeup.

And did they ever make him up. First his eyebrows were completed shaved off. "Painted ones will look so much nicer, don't you think Doris", Susie asked. After applying his foundation & powder that's exactly what see did. She painted on eyebrows. Very high, tapering from medium to very super thin, and with a very severe arch. "My, oh my, He looks like the wicked witch of the west," Doris said. "Not yet, but she will be by the time I'm done with her," Susie replied.

Next came eyeshadow, this time not Susie's usual intricate job, but one whole solid color, making his whole upper eyelid deep green, under his severely arched eyebrows. This was followed by long, thick black false eyelashes. Susie examined her handiwork, adjusting things here & there. Next was eyeliner. Black liquid eyeliner, tons of it. Susie filled in the entire crease of the lower eyelid with black eyeliner, and draw sloping lines out toward the edge to met the severe brows. Then it was blusher, actually it was more like old fashion rouge, then blusher, because they was hardly anything daintily about this. It was just a bright red streak painted down the side of her cheeks. Very garish, but simply it implied the image they were looking for. Next Susie used a dark red lip pencil to extend Harry's lips, making them much larger then they really were. Then she filled it in with bright red carmine lipstick. "Honey, when a man sees these lips he knows they only have one use...popping his cock right in there for you to suck," Susie said.

Make-up completed, they moved on to the clothes. "I think we should stick with the traditional look, don't you agree," Doris asked? "Oh yes," Susie said, "traditional is always best." So Doris helped their would be hooker into a black wet look miniskirt, super tight, and super short. The garters from the belt showed as well as a very small patch of white skin above the fishnet tops. He sat while they strapped silver glitter high heel platform pumps to his feet. They had open toes to show his red painted toenails, and a 3" platform, with chunky 8" heels. All in silver glitter. Little silver ankle strap secured them to his feet. While he was seated Doris figured she might as well do the wig. The one she chose was a bright flaming red hairdo in an afro style. It looked emence once it was on his head. Not much combing was necessary, just sort of make sure it was in position.

She placed a red plastic beaded necklace around his neck, and fastened it in the back. It had 5 strands of bright red plastic beads. They added huge red plastic hoop earrings, and a matching red plastic bracelet to his wrist. Susie did his nails the same bright red. As he stood up they added the "traditional" white rabbit fur hooker jacket. "What about a blouse," he asked? "Be serious cunt, you don't need a blouse. A whore has to be able to get in and out of her clothes quickly. For you a blouse is unnecessary, besides we want to advertise the merchandise."

The newly created Helen practiced walking around in her platform shoes, and was then lead to the party that awaited.

The whole group was present at the party except for Maryann. Vera said that this "adult" entertainment was to advanced for her, but Annette the maid, Tina Tits, Luscious Louise, and Barbara were all there at Vera's orders to participate. "Ah, the entertainment arrives," Vera said.

Without so much as a greeting or anything, she said "Do your job Whore, kneel & suck." When Helen hesitated Tanya's riding crop whistled through the air to smack Helen's black mini-skirted ass. Tanya's hands then pushed down on Helen's shoulder's. Kneeling on the floor she was order to open her mouth in a nice big round "O." When she hesitated again Tanya's crop fell two or three times in rapid succession. The pain was intense and she needed no further encouragement to obey. She opened her mouth. Vera lead Annette up in front of her, stood behind her, and reached in front to raise Annette's dress. She had on no panties. From behind Vera pushed her forward and Helen held her red lipsticked mouth open while Annette's cock slid in.

She sucked slowly at first, leaving a trail of bright lipstick the entire length of Annette's cock, but if she slowed down even a little. Tanya's crop fell again, encouraging her to go faster. When she felt Annette cumming in her mouth, she tried to pull away, but Tanya's hand at the back of her head, held her in position. She was forced to swallow the entire load of cum. Vera replaced Annette with Tina, and they went through the same routine again, then Louise, then Barbara.

Helen sucked one cock after another with no rest, only a few seconds between blow jobs to put on additional red lipstick each time. She girl's load sliding down Helen's hot throat. When she finished each of the other TV's Vera said, "well we can see that we certainly knows how to suck cock now, like a whore, but is she any good at eating pussy."

Vera removed her dress and panties, and sat on the couch. "Eat my cunt you worthless slut." Helen jumped to obey, her head buried in Vera pussy, licking away happily. Tanya and Vera took turns using their little private whore to bring them pleasure. Something Helen was quite happy to do.



Vera & Tanya talked for a long time before deciding to bring in Stanley. First of all Tanya said he was completely willing and didn't need to be hustled off. That sort of ruined half the fun Vera thought. Additionally Wondered if the TV would really be any fun. Her particular fetish was not really the sort of thing Vera could put together a scenario for, for her own amusement or entertainment. It seemed Susan nee Stanley enjoyed feminine things, but all feminine things, particularily those things concerned not with dressing up, but feminine maintenance. He was happiest in pink curlers, and a pink quilted housecoat, like a suburban housewife.

Vera finally decided if nothing else he could provide entertainment to the others, or help Annette in her serving when there was a party. Vera called in Doris & Susie and some plans were formulated to maximize Susan's particular fetish for bizarre feminine things. It seemed a little silly, but Tanya pointed out that it would be fun to watch this guy squirm in feminized humiliation....

Fresh from one of Doris's sweet smelling bubble baths, Stanley relaxed in the salon chair. He was 28 years old, relatively slim for a man, and he had previously worked in a retail computer store selling software. He had long brown hair, so fortunately Doris would have no trouble styling his hair. His legs, arms, and eyebrows had already been taken care of during the bath, so the girls were ready to begin. His cock was already rock hard, something that didn't escape Doris & Susie.

"You really enjoy this don't you," Doris asked? "Yes, I'm a little nervous, because I've never done this in front of people before. I use to just pick up things in the supermarket or stores, and then do it at home. Also I never really did this much before, I'm really excited." "Yes, I can see that," Susie said giving his cock a little caress. His cheeks turned bright, bright red. Susie had never before seen that extreme a blush without make-up. It was obvious he was acutely embarassed. Perhaps this would be fun after all.

His hair was shampooed and rinsed, and Doris started to set it in pink curlers. Vera had instructed her to use the maximum amount of rollers possible, and to wind them as tightly as possible. Doris carefully separated each little tuft of hair, placed the pink curler in his hair and wound it up to his scalp. Then secured it with a little pink plastic pick. Row after row of pink rollers were added. Doris rolled each one tight enough to pull on his scalp severely, but he made no comment. He just sat there submissively. When she was done over 40 curlers were in his hair, and Doris was sure his scalp must have hurt something awful. She figured in a couple of hours he would have a raging headache if the pressure wasn't removed.

"Are you alright darling," Doris asked. "Yes M'am," he replied. "Oh please sweetie, say that M'am stuff for Vera. Just call us Doris and Susie. If you really feel the need call us Miss Susie and Miss Doris." "Yes Miss Doris", he replied, as he submissively lowered his head. Oh boy, this one is real submissive Doris thought to herself as she cleaned up. Susie was now ready to do his make-up. She added all the standard feminine stuff foundation, powder, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, mascara, blush , and lipstick, but nothing was really overdone, just a light touch of make-up. Enough to soften his features and give them a feminine appearance. Susie did her usual marvelous job and even with that minimal make-up he looked very cute and girlish. She decided it was the curlers. Let's face it she thought to herself, it's pretty difficult not to look feminine with your hair set in pink curlers. She was beginning to see exactly why it turned him on.

Susie turned the chair around for him to see. "Meet Susan", she said. He gazed at the feminine image that stared back and he raised one hand to touch the rollers, his now girlish red painted nails daintily touch the curlers, and when he saw that in the mirror his entire body shivered. Doris watched him. She whispered to Susie, "He's never going to even make it to Vera at this rate. I think I know what to do, watch me, and maybe we'll learn something for later in the evening if my hunch is right."

"Stand up and come into the bathroom with me Susan," Doris said. "Yes Miss Doris," he replied. She positioned him completely nude with only his makeup and curlers in front of the full length mirror on the bathroom door. "See how pretty you look now Susan, aren't you happy mommie put your hair in curlers." Susan seemed zombie like, like she was in a trance. She fell right in with Doris's little role playing and replied, "Yes mommie." "Touch your curlers Susan, see how it feels to be a girl." She slowly reached down and started to stroke Susan's raging hard on. The girl was so mezmerized see didn't even see Susie enter and seat down on the closed toilet seat to watch them.

Doris slowly stroked Susan's cock. "Tell mommie darling, wouldn't you like to be a girl all the time. Mommie will show you how nice it is to be a girl. That's it, Susan pat your curlers, into place. Let mommie show you what you look like in a kerchief." She motioned Susie with her free hand to hurry and get one. Susie passed it to her, and she folded it into the familiar triangle, and placed it over Susan's curlers and tied it in a knot under her chin. She gave Susan a little peck on the cheek and said "Mommie's girl is so pretty." That was more than the mezmerized girl could stand she came with great force. So much in fact, that her cum shot the distance between her and the mirror and stained the mirror. Doris hadn't even been holding her cock when it happened. Doris held her around the waist until she stopped shaking, then sat her on the toilet seat where Susie had just sat. All she could say was "I'm sorry, I didn't expect... I'm sorry." "Honey, there's nothing to apologize for, don't worry." But Susan just repeated herself, "I'm sorry Miss Doris, I...I'm Sorry." "Hey!" Doris gave her a little shake, "cut it out, I told you there's nothing to apologize for."

The shake seemed to bring her back to reality, and she blushed again. She started to say I'm sorry then caught herself, and only said, "Thank you," instead. "It was really fun, actually," Doris said. "Let's get some clothes on you though. Susie would you please clean the mirror," she said. "Why me," Susie asked? "Because I was right," Doris replied. Doris stuck her tongue out at Susie as they walked back to the salon. Susie gave her the finger, but she only laughed.

She placed a pink nylon bra, and pink panties on Susan. A pink garter belt with white lace ruffles, and tan nylons on Susan's legs. Little pink bedroom slippers were placed on her with 4" heels, and little fluffy maribou pom poms. Doris took a brand new pink quilted ladies housecoat from the box, sprayed it with some perfume and placed it on Susan. It was obvious from the expression on her face, she was in ecstasy. Thank God Doris had "Relieved" her once already. The girls quickly changed their working clothes for some skirts and blouses, and fixed their makeup. Then they accompanied Susan down the hall to the living room.

Vera smiled when she saw Susan in her high heel bedroom slippers, pink housecoat, and curlers and kerchief. Doris leaned over and whispered into Vera's ear for a while. Obviously she was relating the story of what had just happened to Vera. Vera kept nodding and listening. "Yes, I see, it is good information to know, thank you Doris," Vera said. "Susie, would you get all the items we talked about last week, please," Vera said. "Why me all the time," Susie mumbled to herself. Tanya joined her. "What's a matter Susie, having a tough day, I'll help you get them." "Thanks Tanya, yea I guess so."

They returned with a whole pile of feminine things which they uncerimoniously dropped in the corner. "Well now, let's see what we can find for Susan to wear," Vera said. She again found herself in front of a full length mirror. Only in panties and bra now. The girls took turns dressing her in various feminine articles. But everything was mismatched. They just picked up things at random. All the while they dressed her they took turns masturbating her. The outfits were bizarre and varied. First it was shoulder length black evening gloves with her housecoat. Then a silver glitter evening purse to go with that. Then it was a diamond necklace and huge dangling diamond earrings. Then the housecoat was removed and it was an lacy white apron. Then that was removed and it was a pair of pink hip-huggers, and a sequined tube top. Then that was removed and the kerchief was replaced with a lacy roller bonnet. Then later that too was removed, and it was a ladies one piece bathing suit. When Tanya saw the bathing suit, she added a ladies pink bathing cap with flowers. She struggled to pull it down over the curlers, but she finally somehow tugged it into place. Snapped the strap under Susan's chin and continued her manual stimulation. Susan looked ridiculous in the the cap, because she was still wearing the diamond earrings, and necklace. Each article on it's own had a sort of feminine fetish value. A very girlish type of girl would wear a pink rubber bathing cap with rubber flowers on it, but she certainly wouldn't wearing it with rhinestone dangling earrings.

The girls seemed to take delight in seeing what bizarre combinations they could come up with. The bathing suit was exchanged for a black evening gown, and the bathing cap was removed. Now the evening gown matched the evening gloves, but the curlers in her hair certainly didn't. Neither did the little girl's pink purse they gave her to hold. In the intervening hours she came three more times while the girls jerked her off. They told her pretty or adorable she looked in each of her outfits, and continually changed things. 6" black patent spikes with her pink housecoat again. Susan seemed to be wearing out, and the girls decided on one more addition to get her through one more time. Vera produced a red harness ball gag. She popped it into Susan's mouth and secured the straps tightly right over Susan's curlers pulling them down even tighter, the bottom strap was buckled under her chin, and while Vera spanked her with a ladies hairbrush, Tanya masturbated her. She was ordered to keep her hands on her curlers and look at herself in the mirror. Again she came, nearly exhausted.

But Vera had one last sadistic pleasure in mind. She called for Annette. Annette sat in one of the easy chairs and Susan was ordered to kneel in front of her. "Now, Susan I understand that housewives sometimes wake up in the morning to a horny husband. I don't happen to have any horny husband's handy, so Annette will have to do. I further understand that in order to stop their mate's whining they suck him off to get him off, and shut him up. So I want you to show me how a good little housewife sucks cock while her hair is in curlers in the morning."

Tanya removed her harness gag, fixed her lipstick and shoved her head forward. She grasped Annette's cock and slid it into her mouth. Annette placed her hands on Susan's curlers as order by Vera an pushed down, forcing her head down, and pressing the pink curlers into her scalp. Susan's curlered head bobbed up and down as she sucked Annette's cock. Soon Annette exploded and cum shot into Susan's face, hair, and curlers.

"OK ladies, everybody has had their fun. Annette please help Susan get cleaned up, and then it's time for bed. It's been a long day."



Vera's last victim, to round out her stable of TV party toys was Carl, a stock broker age 32. Tanya had spotted a picture of him in one of the TV magazines that featured ads. His ad had stated that he was into tight corsets, very high heels and fetish clothes. He was also looking for dominant women who enjoyed this type of thing. Vera was going to see to it that he got exactly what he wanted.

Tanya continued to correspond with him. Pictures were exchanged, and a meeting was set up. Three weeks later on a Friday night Tanya rang his bell. He opened the door to she Tanya all decked out in a tight black leather dress, and a full length sable coat. That was the last thing he saw. Tanya reached in the coat's pocket and sprayed something in Carl's face. He barely had time to say "What the hell..." before he slumped to the floor. Tanya whisked him off to the Island, and he was kept sedated the entire time. Even during his transformation process he was kept in a zombie like state with a drug Vera had obtained from a friend. The mind was left sort of blank but the body obeyed. A new drug her friend assured her that was currently very popular wit the CIA .He was mobile but completely docile. Vera & Tanya personally supervised his transformation.

Standing in the living room Tanya administered the antidote into his upper arm. Within seconds his eyes blinked and his mental facilities returned. He looked at Tanya, "It's you", he said, "what the hell happened?" Then he realized how he was dressed. Vera gave him a second to take it all in and then she spoke. "Welcome to the Island. As you can see, we've given you what you asked for. You asked for a dominant woman who would dress you in fetish clothes. We have given you not only one but two, you've already met my associate Tanya, I'm Mistress Vera. If you behave yourself we will show you all the pleasures you long for, if you don't you'll be punished, not the sexual type of punishment that turns you on, but real punishment. Pain. Will you cooperate or is this going to be difficult?"

Carla decided cooperation was the best bet. "Good, let me see you model for us so we can see what you look like. And model, she did! Although it was very difficult.

Carla was wearing red satin midi-skirt that came to her mid- calf, it was skin tight, barely allowing her any movement. On the top she wore a black satin short sleeve top. Her curvy body with it's hour glass figure literally strained at the outfit in all directions. Her breasts measured 50DD and her waist a mere 20 inches. Her hips flared to 38 inches. Her ass was full a protruding. Hidden underneath her exotic outer clothes were a waist crushing black leather corset, and black lace bra that were custom made. Her panties were also special. Black satin with a small round hole in the front for her cock to fit through. Hidden beneath even that was the dildo. Inserted up her ass all the way and harnessed in with a leather strap attached to the front and back of her corset. Whether Carla walked, sat, or stood she would always have the feminine feeling of a cock up inside her.

Her arms were tightly encased in shoulder length black leather evening gloves that laced up her arm. They were open handed so her 2" long dark carmine nails could be displayed. Sheer black nylons with seams graced her legs, and on her feet were red 7" spike high heels with ankle straps, and little tiny locks. There was no bondage equipment, none was necessary all of Carla's clothes were her bondage. Each piece was designed with only two purposes in mind. Displaying her womanly attributes, and restricting her movement.

Diamond bracelets closed over her wrists, a diamond choker encircled her neck, and huge diamond chandelier earrings swayed from her ears. No pierced ears, that would be too comfortable. These earrings were special. They screwed on, and front part facing inward to her lobe had a dull but pointy mound, the back part a slight hollow. This allowed the earrings to be tightly screwed on until the pointy mound dig into her ear. Each of her fingers had a feminine ring, one or two of them very large cocktail rings. With every movement she was a flashing, glittering feminine display, even as small as her movements were.

Her make-up was an artist's dream. Heavily made up exotic eyes. Her whole lids covered with hues and designs. Ultra long thick black false eyelashes, and very, very high pencil thin feminine brows. Her cheeks severely blushed, and her lips, dazzling in their dark red brilliance. Her hairdo was a platinum blonde wig, teased into a bubble style hairdo. A small gold chain necklace also around her neck beneath the diamond choker hung between her black satin covered tits. It appeared to be one of those name necklaces. Until you stepped up close to her. It had only one word spelled out in diamonds...."CUNT". She looked like an artist's conception drawing of the ultimate in womanhood.

She model back and forth across the living room for Vera & Tanya. Her tiny mincing steps in the 7" heels making her hips sway and her ass wiggle provocatively. Her giant tits thrust out proudly. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well Carla proved that rule because it would take an encyclopedia to describe all the sexuality that a viewer could take in, in one glance. She didn't need to speak, her message was clear. It said "I am a sex toy, please use me!"

She was in pain...the pain of being a beautiful woman and dressing to please. Her waist was crushed, her heels painful and difficult to walk in, her earrings hurt her ears, the skirt restricted her step, The phrase "women's clothing is so soft and comfortable" didn't apply to Carla. As she minced about Tanya and Vera caressed her ass, felt her tits, rubbed the front of her skirt.

"She's such a pretty little cunt, aren't you Carla," Vera asked. When she didn't reply Tanya pressed her hand hard against Carla's skirted ass driving the dildo even deeper. "Miss Mistress," she panted. "Yes Mistress, what?" "Yes Mistress, I'm a pretty little cunt." "That's better," Vera replied.

"Bring Mr. Johnson in Tanya," Vera said. A middle aged man was lead in naked. "Carla, this is Mr. Johnson. He was previously one of my male slaves before I started the island. However he's done me many personal favors recently and you are going to repay them for me. You'd like a nice blow job from Carla, wouldn't you Arthur," Vera asked? "Yes Mistress Vera, I would." "Kneel Carla!"

"But Mistress...I...can't...the skirt is too shoes are...I can't." "Yes you can, you little slut." Tanya wielding a leather paddle smacked Carla's ass several times very hard. The pain was intense, and the dildo was driven further up her ass. She struggled to figure some way to kneel in the 7" spikes and the hobble skirt. Using the side of the couch for support she tried lowering herself a little at a time. Vera & Tanya watched. "That's right struggle, go on you fuckin' cunt suffer in your femininity," Vera said. Several times Carla aborted her attempt, and had to stand again, only to try and find and easier way to lower herself. Finally she managed to get into a kneeling position. Mr. Johnson silently watched the display while stroking his growing hard on. "Go ahead Arthur, you may use my little toy."

He stepped in front of Carla, his cock inches from her mouth. "Kiss it Carla," Tanya demanded. Carla puckered her lips a placed a sweet kiss on the head. "Oh, how sweet," Vera said, "Do it again." Again Carla kissed it. "Now suck it Carla, show Mr. Johnson that your a good little slut."

Carla grasped his cock with her long red nails, and slid it between her red lipsticked lips. Her long dangling earrings swayed as she sucked cock. Her blonde hairdo bobbing up and down, a trail of bright red lipstick on Mr. Johnson's cock. Tanya and Vera conversed as if they were watching a movie. "Doesn't she look so nice with a cock in her mouth...look at her makeup...I think she the perfect image of a whore...notice the feminine way she holds the cock...aren't her nails sexy.

Mr. Johnson was starting to breath heavy and sway a little. He withdraw his cock and seated himself in one of the easy chairs and Carla was repositioned to continue, when it was obvious the end was near Vera said, "Shall we show him the last little sexual fetish." "Yes, I think it's time," Tanya replied. "Stop for a second Carla." Carla raised her head, and Tanya stood behind her. With one swift movement she plucked the huge bubble hairdo off of Carla's head...She was bald! Her head had been shaved. The dazzling earrings and exotically made up face, and long black lashes looked truly bizarre next to gleaming bald scalp. "Place your hands on your head," Tanya ordered. Carla slowly raised her hands until the rested on her bald head. The sight of the long red nails and the exotic make-up, and the bald head were truly a fetish lover's delight. "Slowly caress your head with your nails, Carla," Vera said, "But do not removed your hands." Carla slowly ran her long red nails over her bald head, from behind Tanya pushed her head forward, until Mr. Johnson's cock was again firmly lodged in her mouth. She sucked cock, while her long red nails slowly caressed her head. The sight was so bizarre within seconds Mr. Johnson was coming. Shooting a hot load of fresh cum into Carla's waiting mouth.

Vera's complete line of sex toys was done. Everything from little girls to Fetish models. A different toy for whatever mood she was in. All with the sole purpose in life of pleasing her. She felt she had almost everything she wanted. There was however one type of TV she hadn't found yet. She would just have to send Tanya out to find her, and bring her back to the island.

Excuse me I'll have to finish the story later. The doorbell rang, I think someone's at the front door.................

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