Street Punk non-cons.

By Dewayne836

Published on Jan 7, 1995



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This file contains adult material and access should be restricted to adults only. The story contains explicit descriptions of Non-Consensual Sexual Acts between Adult Men. If you are under the age of 18 and/or are offended by such material then Do Not Read This Story.

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"Street Punk" by jamieson alexander

Shit. I knew I shouldn't have mouthed off in front of him. I knew better. He was a cop, and I was a punk, and we both knew the rules. You want out,

you suck cock. Trouble was, I was straight. Don't get me wrong; I'm all for a guy's rights and all, but I just didn't figure myself mouthing all over some ex-army braggart's hard, and uncut cop cock.

"That's it, Ayrn. Get your ass over here."

Fuck. I was news bait now. If only I'd kept my mouth shut. My girlfriend was right: If I fucked as good as I bitched and groaned, I'd have a wife for life.

"Ayrn, get your ass up here right now."

And now there wasn't a goat's-ass chance of my having a wife, because this was my second major fuckup, and when Sergeant Burke got ahold of my ass again,

this would be it for sure. I would be back in minimum — juvie wouldn't take me anymore. And my girl wasn't gonna wait for me to get out. She'd said so.

"At it again, Wolfe, huh?" The face behind that gruff growl belonged to Louie Sampson, the biggest, meanest law enforcer since Clint Eastwood. Let me assure you, this guy was no pussy. He was a fucking football team rolled up into a fucking bull and you could tell he was in a taking-no-shit frame of


"I said, 'Get up!' " Sampson shouted again, and suddenly I was getting up: The guy hoisting me by my jacket collar was Louie's partner, Cliff Reynolds, a blond, brick shithouse who loved making little street bait jump, and it looked like he'd set his sights on me.

"You know, we've been waiting for you to put your little dick in the wrong

place, and this time you've really fucked up, Wolfey," Cliff grinned as he threw me against the wall of the antique store and then pushed me inside.

"Now strip."

The two other guys with me, Winters and Vasquez, began to strip off their chinos quickly, and in a flash they stood in front of Officer Reynolds, naked. Cliff took a step forward and looked at their innocent, thieving faces. "All right boys, turn around and face the bannister, hands on the stairs. We have to check you out. Gotta see if there's anything illegal or contraband on you."

My partners trembled and quickly turned their butts to Reynolds, fearful of what was going to happen to them, but I remained motionless. Cliff then took a step back and looked over at me. "Why aren't you stripped and naked boy?"

"Because I don't play pussy with cop trash." Why was I saying shit like this? Winters and Vasquez turned and looked at me like they thought I was crazy.

They knew Reynolds and Sampson were the baddest crack hounds on the force, but I knew some things they didn't. We weren't being busted for crack possession, we were being rifled for the hell of it, and I wasn't too worried about it

either for two reasons: One, I'd been busted over 20 times, and, two, I knew most of the cops' raiding itineraries, and I knew what Reynolds and Sampson were going to do.

"Louie," Cliff called outside, "I'm gonna need some assistance in here."

At least I thought I knew what they were going to do until I saw my buddy Paolo, again.

Paolo was the instigator of this fucking mess of a heist and one of the baddest barrio leaders in the city. He was always kicking someone's ass to prove it. But when Officer Louie brought him inside from the freezing cold remembered I was in deep shit.

The reason I'd mouthed off to Officer Cliff just minutes ago was I hadn't wanted Officer Louie's monster cock down my throat. I had watched as it was plugged down Paolo's gaping throat until it splattered out three scalding wet cop loads that filled Paolo's stomach with rich, sticky cop sperm. But Paolo looked like things had only been getting started with that mandatory blowjob. Paolo groaned, and I gasped as Officer Louie dragged him into the center of the store and plopped him on an old wicker stool.

Paolo was limp and listless. I watched as Officer Louie walked by him, shucking his pants along the way. His cock was so hard that the veins twisting along it fleshed out and gnarled, overenlarging his already fattening come head. His chest and legs were barrels, and his body hair was glistening from the combination of sweat and cold that formed clear solid beads of wet on his abs and cock hair. He was a hairy fuck and it was obvious from the look on his face that he was far from drained.

'What's the problem, Cliff, buddy?"

Louie was looking at me mischievously, and while he leered I heard Cliff smacking the asses of my other partners. I couldn't help but watch Officer Louie as his dick shaft lengthened again. Officer Louie winked at me and thumped the tube of his prick with his hand. This caused his dong to lurch up and throb as it slapped against his belly, drooling out a heap of precome.

His bone was so fat and heavy. The new load of cock spit trapped in the mass of flesh and foreskin bubbled onto his navel. I had to stifle a moan as I

watched his quavering mammoth monster.

Cliff must have heard my reaction, because he stood up and walked over to his randy cop friend. I could tell from the tent in his pants that he was as hung as Louie and ready for the same kind of action Louie had just given Paolo.

Taking one look at Paolo proved to me what I already knew: Reminiscing with Cliff about the day I saved his ass was just about as lame a plan as me trying to bust my way out of this. And the look on Officer Louie's face said it all: I was gonna get fucked and fucked royally for all I was worth.

"Gee, Louie, it seems our pal Wolfey here doesn't want to cooperate."

"Oh, no? Well, let's just show these fucks what happens to 'em when they don't give it up, hmm?"

Officer Louie walked back over to Paolo and slapped his ass. Paolo grunted and turned over onto his back, leaving his shirt open and hanging at his sides. Officer Louie rubbed his hard stiff man rammer over Paolo's belly.

The tits on Paolo stood up hard like diamonds, and it looked as if Paolo's

entire body was responding to the rock-hard touch of Louie's cock. Paolo mumbled something unintelligible and rolled over onto his stomach.

"That's it, Paolo, show your friends here what I taught you outside."

Paolo's dark body was practically dwarfed by Officer Louie's chest. Paolo

sighed meekly as Officer Louie stripped off his jeans. Paolo was definitely a stud, and I never would have thought of him looking so good, but his hairy

legs and straight unruly hair were a definite sight. He looked like real dark chocolate. His entire body was flushed. He reminded me of an angel waiting to be taken ... but for what?

Cliff recognized my confusion and decided to help clear my mind by pulling me by my collar again and pushing me up to where I could see the tip of Louie's cock. It was swollen and distended, and it was starting to crawl out from its protective sheath. I shuddered and tried to pull away, but Louie grabbed my hand and held it up to Cliff. Cliff took a pair of handcuffs and unlocked one side.

"No," I muttered. "Please."

Cliff flashed me his pearly whites and proceeded to handcuff me. I struggled, and Louie pinned me down on top of Paolo with his hand. I thrashed and wiggled as Cliff held me down with his chest and pressed my head over Paolo's ass. I blinked as I saw Louie's cock pointing straight at me. A drop of cop come hung on the end of the tip and dangled near my lips, beckoning.

Cliff spread my lips and laughed, "Yeah, it's gonna get real sweet after this, ain't it, honey?" Louie laughed and pushed his dick all the way into me. I choked and gagged as Louie laughed and snorted and rammed his thick fuck tube down deep into my throat. It tasted rich. Kinda thick, but nothing worse

than I'd had at juvey, and my girlfriend had said it was protein, but, fuck! Officer Louie was really gonna fuck me!

"Yeah, that's it, baby. How does it taste?" asked Louie as he gave my mouth a real hard time plunging that fat tube of steak over my tongue and into my tonsils. It was all I could do to keep from swallowing him. His balls were dripping with sweat, and his pubes were reeking of man funk. I inhaled on his upstroke, reeling from the aroma of piss and sweat.

"Yeah, that's right, Ayrn. Work up and down on my uncut meat so I can plug it up this friend of yours." I couldn't believe it. I couldn't breathe, yet I could, all at the same time. More amazingly, I was getting accustomed to the size and girth of Louie's prick. I groaned in my new found pleasure.

"Listen to that, Cliff, he's groaning. The little fucker's getting' into it."

"I knew he would, Lou," Cliff chuckled. "Here, let's give him a little more room to move. You like this, fellas?"

Cliff was addressing my buddies now handcuffed to the stair railing. They

were panting and twisting, trying to free themselves from their restraints. Cliff seemed to be enjoying their torture and surprised me with a hard swat on the rump. I squealed and instantly lifted my hips in protest. This gave Cliff all the maneuverability he needed to peel my jeans off me, leaving me clad only in shirt, jacket, and stompers.

"You like this ass, fellas? Huh?" Cliff asked my buddies while massaging my ass cheeks and prying them apart. I felt a cold gust of air blow up against my chute as Cliff moved another pair of handcuffs to my ankles. I gagged in protest, but that only encouraged Officer Louie more, and he proceeded to plow my mouth with a couple more inches of uncut cock which invaded my mouth like a tongue depressor. "Well, will you looky here..."

Cliff was commenting on my prick, which had gotten hard and slippery, seeping as much juice from its distended come hole as Louie's irrepressible beer can was spilling down my throat. I was losing it. I always knew there had been reasons why I daydreamed about Clint Eastwood while fucking my girl, even when I didn't recognize what I was doing, but now I was fully aware and ready for anything.

I coughed and spat out a wash of precome from my throat when Louie pulled his cock out of me. I watched in amazement as his piss hole opened wide, heaving out more precome in front of my face. I moaned and licked my lips with anticipation, but Cliff had other plans.

"Oww!" I cried. He'd smacked me on the ass! "Ouch!" He did it again. Then Cliff deftly handcuffed my right ankle to Paolo's left wrist, and while I was sprawled out over him, he did the same thing to my left hand with Paolo's right ankle. I groaned as I watched Louie's cock. It was beautiful, all shaking and heaving. I couldn't wait to see him shoot.

"Ohh," Paolo moaned, a low, steady groan that started in the pit of his stomach and rolled through his body. I shook as I felt him shiver and wailed softly as Cliff continued to slap my ass.

I was mesmerized by the slow rhythmic undulations of Officer Louie's sleek and hairy body as he fucked Paolo. Hunched over his ass, I could see his tiny ass hairs that traced the outline of a V which split from his tailbone into two round, firm globes. Pulling back somewhere below them was Officer Louie's

cock. It was huge, and I could see him growling and shoving, pummeling Paolo's virgin ass with fast, furious cop meat strokes.

My ass was sore and begging for relief. I felt spasms in my tiny pucker with each hard slap Cliff gave my ass. He had shucked his clothes somewhere along the way, and I could see his shiny cop boots flanking my ears as he stood over my head. I looked up and saw Louie's mustache, riding up and over Cliff's

more than average police cock. Cliff's balls were golden and hairy, and I

could feel his boots clamping tight around my ears.

"Oh, Louie, I'm coming!" Cliff's legs shook, and I listened as Officer Louie gulped and swallowed, making his throat undulate with the same rhythm of his fucking. He took all his partner's creamy load and then had the nerve to burp. He looked down at me and then over at the two guys cuffed to the stairs.

"Hey, hadn't you better release Wolfe's buddies over there?" Louie panted. He was huffing and puffing, and from the way Paolo was sweating and his upturned ass shook, I could tell he and Louie were close to letting go of one huge fucking load.

"Oh, fuck me," Paolo moaned.

"Holy shit," one of my friends cried.

"That's right," Cliff croaked, real huskylike, "Your buddy over there is getting the ride of his life, and if I ever catch either one of you raiding this section of town again, / am gonna be the one who does the fucking. You get me?" Cliff unlocked the dudes' handcuffs and let them go. "Now get the fuck out of here."

"But what about our clothes?" the other guy asked.

Officer Cliff looked down at the guy's cock and twisted his cock and balls in his gloved hand. The little fuck raised up on his tiptoes and winced in pain. A thin trail of fuck juice seeped from his piss slit. Officer Cliff saw this and gave my innocent-looking bud a shit-faced grin. "You want me to fuck your cherry ass now?"

My buddy winced and just stood there as if he was pondering his options! Jeez! My pal next to him was looking down hard at his buddy's dick. I swear I thought they were enjoying all of this.

"What are you looking at?" Cliff threatened. The other guy stumbled backward into his buddy's side, and Cliff let go of his prick just in time for them

both to tumble to the ground.

"Oh!" Paolo was close to the brink, and Officer Louie was near to bustin' his hot cop load too. Cliff stepped up to the dudes, looming over them and fisting his cock with his gloved hand. It moved up and down his steely shaft like a well-oiled piston. I got so turned on by this, I was moaning out loud with Paolo too. Both my buddies turned to look at me.

"If you tell anyone or any of the gang leaders about what happened tonight," roared Cliff, "we'll have you so far back in the bowels of county that you'll wish you'd had some of this hot police cock for free when you could have. Now move!" Officer Cliff flicked his wrist along his shaft one final time, and a steamy spray of man come shot out of it, making him step backward from the

sheer force of his orgasm. It shocked my buddies off their asses and sent

them running down the street, butt naked.

"That'll take care of them," Officer Cliff chuckled, choking the crown of his cock with a heavy fist. Then he came over to me. "How you doing, Wolfey?"

I was rattled beyond belief. Officer Louie was coming, and I was seething, and it was all I could do to keep from coming with him. Louie's fat and heaving cock was spitting out so much come that it was shooting back out of Paolo's ass each time he rammed it in to the base, and Paolo had come for the second time, shaking himself and me with his orgasm. He was mumbling something about feeling awesome. Then Louie's glazed eyes unclouded and fixed on me.

Cliff cupped my chin with his hand and pulled my eyes to his. "You think I forgot about that time you saved my life, but I've got news for you. You're a smart ass, but you're free if you want."

Cliff unlocked my cuffs and pulled me up to him. "But I promise you that if you stay, you and your gang buddy Paolo here will be protected for life. What do you say?" Then he kissed me.

That did it. My cock started twitching, and I started coming, and it was the best and wildest orgasm I ever had. It started from under my balls and ripped through my belly. I panted and thrashed under Cliff's kiss as he held on to me.

"Well, what do you say?'

Was he kidding? This was the best sex of my life. "Do you really follow your motto, Reynolds, man? 'To serve and to protect' ?"

"For my tight-assed, smart-mouth little thief? You bet your cherry ass." I

smiled for a moment then looked into Cliff's eyes. He had that shit-eating grin on his face again. I was his.

So long, wifey.

"Yeah, Cliff."

"Excellent. Lou buddy, you mind cleaning up our latest convert to society?" Louie was way ahead of him. He had licked up every drop of sperm from Cliff's cock and Paolo's ass and was now working on mine. I leaned my head back onto Officer Cliff's butch shoulder. "Now," Cliff growled in my ear, "let me have some of that cherry ass of yours."

"Excellent," I grinned.


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