
By David A. Gillespie

Published on Apr 23, 1991




Party Time

Vince was a long time friend of mine, we'd known each other for almost ten years. We both went to the same high school and kept pretty close since then. In fact we both lived within a couple of miles of one another.

In all the time that I'd known him, I never knew he was gay. There were several times in gym at school I caught him checking me out in the shower. At his house he usually ran around in just a pair of loose shorts without even a shirt on. I remember absentmindedly catching a few quick glimpses of his hanging balls and cock thru those shorts, and although I didn't have any gay tendencies I looked nonetheless, and the thoughts lurked in the back of my mind. I never guessed that he wore those shorts on purpose just to let me see his cock. He'd just always wore stuff like that so I never gave it much consideration.

I remember one time I came over to his house looking for him, we were going to go out somewhere. I heard his shower running back in his bedroom so I wandered down the hall to yell something at while he finished his shower. I turned into the doorway to his bedroom and he was standing right next to his bed, not more than 5 feet away from me. He was still wet from the shower, I guessed that he had come out into the bedroom for something and didn't bother to dry off or turn the water off. I remember stopping in my tracks, and just staring at his naked body. His large soft cock was hanging between his legs, dripping water onto the carpet in front of him.

I guess my jaw must've dropped in surprise because Vince just apologized and went back into the bathroom to finish his shower. I remember my face feeling real warm all of a sudden as I watched his tight bottom moving away from me. I went into the kitchen and popped open a beer. I was embarrassed by the tightness that was growing between my own legs, but by the time Vince came out of the bedroom I'd blocked it out and was ready to go. Vince never brought up the subject and I sure never mentioned it again so it was forgotten.

All of those incidents were brought sharply into focus for me after Vince invited me to a party that was going to be at the house of another friend of his. He never mentioned this guy to me before but I didn't think a thing about it. If he was a friend of Vince then he was OK by me.

In fact, after we arrived at the party things were pretty much normal as far as I could tell. After a half hour or so of sipping on a beer and talking with a few people I noticed that there were no women around at all. I asked Vince where all the women were and he responded by telling me that these guys were all members of a health club he used to belong to. He said they all got together once in a while just to keep in touch.

Sounded OK to me so I dug into another beer and decided to just enjoy myself. I was feeling pretty good and the beer was starting to go through me so I started to look around for the bathroom. There were about 30 guys in all now roaming around the house and I was quickly pointed in the direction of a hallway heading toward the back of the house. The light were off in all the rooms down the hall so I picked a door that looked like the bathroom and walked in.

My jaw must've hit the floor this time as I realized I'd walked in on two guys in the bathroom. I'd found the right room all right, but it was definitely occupied! One guy was sitting on the edge of the tub with his pants around his ankles, and the other guy, still fully clothed, was on his knees in front of him, being fed a fully hard cock down his throat. The light was off but the whole scene was illuminated by light from the front room filtering down the hallway.

They both looked up at me and before either one said a word I could feel my cock straining against my zipper, and it was from a lot more than a full bladder. I managed to mumble something about using the john and the guy on his knees told me to turn on the light and go right ahead. I reached up and clicked on the light and they both burst into full color. The guy on the tub had a large cock and I could see the other guy's hand still stroking up and down on it. If fact I could see his cock was still covered with moisture, obviously saliva deposited there by the other guy's tongue.

But I hesitated to enter the room, I said I'd better wait until they were done. The guy on the tub said that they might be here for awhile, I'd better go while I had the chance. So I walked uncertainly over to the john and lifted up the seat. Both guys were less than 2 feet away from me although I wasn't really the shy type, I didn't really want to pull out my cock to take a leak, because they'd see what a hardon I had. I was beet red from embarrassment but I really did have to piss so kind of turned away and pulled out my dick so I could finish and get out of there in a hurry!

I didn't have much luck at remaining unnoticed. The guy on the tub leaned over and looked right at my hard cock.

"Hey, man." he said. "That's a nice cock you've got there. Nice and hard too I see. Is this the first party you've been to with the club?"

"Yeah, it is." I mumbled my response, my voice was almost a whisper as I started to piss. They both were now staring directly at my cock as I finally finished. I started to fumble with my zipper and stick my hardon back into my pants but I couldn't quite do it. My cock being solid stone probably had a lot to do with that problem.

The guy on his knees now leaned back over and slid hard cock in hand back into his mouth. I could hear him slurping loudly and could see his head bobbing up and down as he sucked that hard cock into his throat.

I didn't get my cock back into my pants quick enough.

"Hey, man." the guy on the tub said. (I found out later his name was Roger) "You look like you have a hard problem there, want some help with it?"

I turned to escape the room but in doing so I brought my still bared hardon right into his reach. Before I could get past him he reached out and wrapped his hand around my cock.

I froze! Unable to move in either direction. No man had ever handled my cock before. I never even openly considered the possibility existed. But my cock obviously considered it, it was jumping and throbbing in his hand and he slowly stroked his fingers up and down my length. I was dying to run out of the room and leave this whole scene behind but I was still unable to move.

"You've got a nice sized cock, pal. Why don't you move a little closer so I can take care of you better?"

His grip tightened on my throbbing cock and slowly pulled me closer to him. I didn't pull away, instead I allowed myself to be led closer to the tub. When I was right next to him, I could see his friend as he thrust his mouth down around his own hard cock. His saliva was making the cock he was sucking really wet and I still couldn't run away or even speak.

"Mmmmm, you do have a nice cock! I've got to suck on that steel beauty!" he moaned in a low voice.

Then he leaned over and I felt his tongue slide across the head of my cock. A shiver rushed up my spine and I unconsciously arched my back and moved my cock closer to his waiting mouth. He parted his lips and sucked my hard cock deep into his throat. A loud moan escaped my lips as I felt his tongue move over the length of my cock. He reached out and cupped my ass, digging his fingers into my ass and wringing my jeans into a tight knot. I could see the guy sucking Roger's cock (his name turned out to David) watching my cock sliding into Roger's mouth out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh yeah, you taste hot! Now fuck my mouth with your meat. Come on and feed me your cock."

As if I was programmed by remote control, my hips started to thrust back and force and my cock was thrusting in and out between Roger's lips and into his hot throat.

I felt I was going to explode after just a few thrusts. Everytime I sent my cock back into his mouth, his tongue played over my cock and sent spasms of pleasure down my back. My thrusts became more urgent and it wasn't long before I arched my back and my body went rigid. His tongue triggered a trememdous orgasm and I shot a huge sticky load of come into his mouth.

I tensed and shot another wad of come down his throat. My knees went weak and I had to reach out for David's shoulder to steady myself. Roger kept my cock in his mouth as he licked and cleaned it with his tongue. Little shivers of pleasure washed over me as his tongue played on my cockhead. After he had cleaned my dick off completely he slowly removed it from his mouth. Sucking on it tightly and stretching my now softening cock out to it's full length.

"Ohhhh, man." I finally managed to mumble. "That was incredible!"

Then I watched as David finally brought off Roger's cock. Roger thrust his hips up filled David's throat with his own hot wad of come. As David slowly withdrew Roger's cock from his mouth I stared at that hot piece of meat, still glistening from David's saliva and his own come. I watched as it slowly softened and dropped down between legs. I had a sudden urge to reach down and take it in my hands but I didn't. I looked toward the door as if looking for an escape. I still hadn't realized what was happening to me. I had closed the door earlier so I thought I might still manage to get out of this situation with any more embarrassment.

But before I could make a movement in that direction, David stood up and faced me. In one quick motion he unzipped his fly and pulled out his own stiff prick. It was large and throbbing for attention. He reached out pulled my hand toward his cock. I felt his hot meat under my fingers and David wrapped my hand around his pulsing member. My throat went dry as a sharp hunger suddenly hit me. I knew what I wanted, deep inside of me, something still unspoken.

"Go ahead, man." David whispered close to my ear. "It's all for you. My cock is your's to do with whatever you please."

I could feel it still throbbing under my soft grip and I started to move my hand up and down it's length. I closed my eyes as I played my fingers over the large mushroom head. I felt my other hand being pulled gently to his balls. They felt huge and full as I fondled and stroked them. I suddenly realized Roger was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. He leaned over till I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"That's it, man. Now you know what to do next!" Roger said in a husky, quiet voice. "Feel how hot that cock is? It's all yours, man. Look how it's throbbing for you!"

I felt myself behind pushed gently to my knees. They were to weak to resist and I felt my self giving way to the unconscious thought that were erupting from behind their hidden barriers.

Then David's hot, throbbing cock was pointing directly in my face. I reached out with my tongue and ran it over big cockhead. It felt soft and hot as my tongue roamed over the slit on the tip. Then my lips parted as I drew that big cockhead into my mouth.

I couldn't believe it! I was on my knees with another man's cock sliding into my mouth! I could feel it pulsating in my mouth and the idea that I was sucking a real cock was making me hard again. My own cock was still hanging out of my pants, still dripping remnants of my last come onto the floor.

Then slowly David started to rock his cock, just the head to start with, in and out of my mouth. I felt his cock pull out till just the tip was trapped between my lips, and then he slowly slid it in 2 or 3 inches. He kept up this rhthym until he was thrusting 5 or 6 inches of his hot cock into my throat. I was not only sucking a cock, but I was being mouth fucked by big one.

David put a hand on either side of my head and was moaning as he thrust his cock into my mouth again and again. Roger was still leaning close, I knew he had a perfect view of my lips being spread by David's hot cock as it penetrated my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, man!" Roger urged me on. "You suck cock like a natural. That meat fits your mouth like a glove. Take it deep! Fill your throat with manmeat!

His hot talk was making me real hot again and I wanted David's cock in my mouth badly now. I strained and pushed against him until his pubic hair was pressing against my upper lip with every thrust. I was taking his full 8 inches down my throat completely now and he was fucking my mouth with strong impatient strokes. I could tell he was close to coming!

His swollen cock grew harder and I could feel his muscles suddenly tense. Then that wonderful cock was pulled from between my lips and stream after stream of hot man juice was sprayed into my face. I felt 2 hot spurts hit my chin and another splattered off of my open lips. I pulled David's cock back to my mouth and rubbed his cum slick cockhead over my chin and around my face.

My face was soaked now as I milked the last of his cum from the tip of his cock. I collapse onto the floor, half sitting and half kneeling and tasted the come on my face with my tongue.

"You're really hot, guy!" It was David speaking as he put his cock back into his pants. "Hope we see you around later."

With that Roger and David strolled out of the john, leaving me on my knees to fend for myself. I managed to go over to the door and lock and then I returned to the sink and cleaned my face off. After several minutes I unlocked the door and looked out into the hall. I clicked off the light and hoped no one would notice how long I'd been in the bathroom. I was sure every face in the room would be staring at me as walked back into the front room to join the party.

But no one was looking, no one even noticed me as I retrieved another beer and tried to look nonchalant. I guess I'd been trying to look so inconspicuous that I really didn't notice what was going on around me when I returned to the party. Several guys were paired off and more than a few were involved in some deep wet kisses. One couple on the couch were really going at one another and both their hands were in the other guy's pants.

It was then I noticed my cock had grown hard again and I tried to manuever myself into a position that wouldn't be quite so noticeable. Things were starting to get hot all over and I tried to keep my eyes buried in my beer. I was taking a big gulp when I felt a hand slide up my leg and come to rest on my bulging cock. I nearly choked on the beer as the hand squeezed my bulge through my pants.

"Hi, my name's Curt. I don't I've seen you at one of our parties before. First time?" His hand never left my crotch and his fingers continued to squeeze my balls.

"Uh, yeah," I managed to mumble. "my name is Jerry."

My cock grew even harder under his strong grip. I stood still and wondered what I had gotten myself into. The strong desire I had felt in the john was returning and my cock was responding accordingly.

We chatted for several minutes. My own responses were mostly mumbled ramblings. My attention was still on his hand as he stroked and fondled my cock and balls through my pants. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Vince across the room. He was talking to a young blond guy who couldn't have been more that 20 years old. Our eyes met for a second and Vince nervously turned away, obviously trying to ignore me.

It was then that realized Vince was gay. All the little things that had ever happened between us came into focus. I was actually impressed that he had never made a pass at me. And more so impressed by the fact that he had been able to keep his being gay from me, since we had been such close friends. I think this realization dropped most of my inhibitions and I set down my beer and reached out gripped the bulge between Curt's leg.

He let a low moan escape from his lips. Then he leaned close and brought his cheeks close to mine. His tongue move to my neck and started to kiss and stroke the soft skin there with his tongue. He hit a particularly sensitive spot and I squeezed his cock harder. He picked up on my response right away and hovered there, teasing me with his tongue and tickling me with his soft lips.

I didn't even flinch when he moved up and kissed me right on the mouth. I felt his tongue slide between lips and explore against my own tongue. I responded warmly by thrusting my body against his and matching his fervor with my own tongue.

Curt's hand moved to my shirt and slowly started to unbutton the front. I looked around and saw a few open zippers and the like but no one was getting undressed. I was nervous but didn't make a move to stop Curt as he finished unbuttoning my shirt and slowly slid it off my shoulders.

Then his tongue pulled from between my lips and he started to kiss and lick his way down my stomach. I let a moan of pleasure escape from my lips as he tongued a sensitive area below my belly button. He moved up again and drew each of my nipples roughly into his mouth one at a time. They hardened as he expertly manipulated then between his teeth and with his tongue.

I managed to notice that several people had stopped their own ministrations and were watching Curt and me. I quit worrying about seeing me by this time. Even Vince was staring openly as Curt caressed and kissed by bare stomach and upper body.

I knew what was going to happen next and I stood up as Curt reached for my belt. He deftly undid my belt and slid my zipper down, then slowly pulled my pants down around my ankles. Another pair of hands gently lifted my legs one at a time and completely removed them, now I was standing there with only a pair of jockey shorts on, being watched by at least 25 guys, and my cock was throbbing and straining inside my shorts for release. My hardon was obvious, it bulged out as my cock strained to it's full 7 inches.

Curt had been slowly maneuvering me into the middle of the room and now he slowly lowered me onto a big wooden table. He was squeezing my cock and balls through my shorts and kissing me with obvious intensity, I felt myself respond to every move he made with an intensity of my own that I didn't know that I had. When he reached for my shorts I lifted my hips to allow him to remove them completely. As my hard cock shot into view, I was only turned on more by the fact that everyone was watching me. I knew it was only the beginning.

After my shorts were removed and I was completely naked in front of the entire room, Curt sat down on the table and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me wetly on the lips and I thrust my tongue into his mouth. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass through his jeans. It felt big and I knew that shortly it would be sliding into my mouth so that everyone in the room would see me sucking his cock. As we kissed and tongued his hand roamed between my legs and grasped my bare, throbbing cock. My hips arched out and my legs spread wide to allow him complete access. His strong hands slowly jerked my cock off as he continued to pry his tongue into my mouth.

God, was I hot! I wanted cocks! Big cocks! Little cocks! It didn't matter whether they were hard or soft! I started to stand up so that I could suck on Curt's cock but he pushed me back until I was laying on my back on the table. Then he knelt between my spread legs and slowly lowered his mouth onto my cock. My hips rose to meet him again as hip lips parted to suck in my throbbing man meat. I was surprised I didn't shoot my wad right there but I managed to hold back.

As Curt continued to suck my cock I lay on my back with my eyes closed. The pleasure was magnificent and I had never felt to turned on. As I opened my mouth to let out a moan it was suddenly filled with a hot, hard cock. I opened my eyes and stared up at a hairy set of balls as some hot stud fed me his hard, come filled cock. My wrists were grabbed by strong hands and forced away from my side. More hot cocks filled my fingers as things suddenly heated up. I looked around and I was surrounded by hard, throbbing cocks. Everyone in the room was now naked and was circled around the table I was laying on. Curt was still sucking on my cock, the blond guy I'd seen talking to Vince later was now stuffing my mouth full of young hard cock, and everyone else was jerking off in a circle around me. The sight of all of these hot cocks brought me to an overpowering orgasm. Curt pulled his mouth off of my cock but continued to stroke it with his hand as my balls erupted a huge stream of cum into the air. I groaned loudly but the cock in my mouth muffled my moan almost completely. I thrust my hips into the air as another string of cum shot from my cock. Most of my come had landed on my stomach and chest and Curt now rubbed it into my skin as he continued to milk my cock with his other.

As the tremors finally subsided from my body, the young blond guy who was fucking my mouth with his beautiful cock came as his own intense cum erupted into my throat. I felt his cock tense and spasm as he emptied his man juice into my mouth. He pulled out his cock and it was quickly replaced another, just as hot and just as hard.

Several other guys in the circle surrounding me came also, covering with a sticky coating of come. I was being drenched in a fountain of juice and I was wanting more.

Curt had moved from between my legs and was now licking come from off of my chest. He scooped up a big string of it and started to rub it into my balls. My legs were still spread wide and the next big gob he removed from my chest was deposited between the cheeks of my ass. His cum lubricated finger found my tight hole and slowly forced it's way in. I moaned through my cock filled lips as his finger found the depths of my hot ass. No one had ever touched me there before and the forbidden pleasure I was feeling were apparently going to cover the full spectrum. He started to move that finger in and out of my ass now with long deep strokes. My hips thrust against him when he penetrated me and I was moving along with him. I was really enjoying it when he pulled his finger out and moved up to give me another deep wet kiss. While his tongue was exploring my mouth I felt another body move between my legs. Curt kept me busy with his hot tongue as I felt my legs being lifted over someone's shou lder. As Curt fell back, Vince came into view above me. It was his cock I now felt at the entrance to my straining hole.

"You're my guest," he grinned. "So I get to be the first. This whole party was set up just for you. Every cock here is just for you. But if you don't want this, just say so. I'll understand."

"Slide that cock into my ass!" I moaned through tightened lips. "Fuck me, Vince. Fill my ass with you big cock."

And then that big cock that I had gotten so many inadvertant glances at pressed against my tight hole. A short quick thrust, and the big head opened me up and then the head was inside. I cried out in surprise and pain as his cock was suddenly spreading my ass.

Then he slowly slid his hot rod deep into my ass. I felt the big head slip completely past my tight spinchter as it forced my hot ass open. I could only grunt in pleasure and pain as that fat head found the bottom of my deep ass. He had his full 8 inches buried deep inside me now and he held it there, filling me completely and allowing me a little time to grow used to his insistent presence up my butt.

Then Vince started to slowly stroke that wonderful man meat into my ass with a slow, steady rhthym. As he started to fuck my ass in earnest he brought his mouth down close to mine and licked my lips and the cock that was still being thrust down my throat. The cock was pulled from my mouth and I watched as it shot several long strings of come onto Vince's face. Still dripping with come, Vince brought his lips to mine and covered them with come as he kissed me deeply.

His cock was now working magic on my ass with his hard insistent stroking deep inside me. More cocks erupted with come as Vince and I were covered with another layer of man juice. I felt my own slick, come covered cock throbbing between my stomach and Vince's as he slid back and forth with each thrust. Vince threw back his head with a deep thrust and I knew that he was going to fill my ass with come very soon.

"Come on, Vince! Fuck my ass, buddy! Fill me with cum!"

I was loudly begging him to fuck me now, I wanted to feel his cum fill my ass as he sprayed me with his hot cock!

"OHHHH, yeahhh. Split me open, man! It feels sooooooo good!" I was close to coming with the friction of my cock rubbing between our bodies. More cocks shot long white strings of cum onto us as Vince rocked my body back and forth with hard, urgent thrusts.

Suddenly he pulled that big cock from my ass and shot his big, hot load of man cum towards my chest like a cannon. The first volley hit me right on the chin and the rest landed on my chest as his cock erupted again and again. His still hard cock was now stroking against my own as he slid it between my legs.

My own orgasm hit me like a freight train as my balls spasmed and added my own cum to the froth now covering my body. Vince slid down and jammed his cock back into my ass with a quick thrust and added even more pleasure to the second string of cum and flew from my cock!

Vince kept moving his cock slowly in and out of my ass as it slowly started to soften. Every stroke sent little waves of pleasure up my spine. Now several pairs of hands were on my body, rubbing in the come that I was covered with and fondling me gently. Vince collapsed onto my chest and I leaned up and kissed him wetly on the mouth.

"Oh, man, Vince!" I whispered in a hoarse voice. "That was awesome. You should have done this to me sooner. MUCH sooner."

"I didn't really know how you'd react. It wasn't until I say you staring at my cock when I came out of the shower last month that I knew you'd like. That's when I started to plan your party. We do this a couple of times a year, whenever we find a new guy to initiate. You were great! You've got the hottest ass I've ever felt."

"It's yours, Vince. Whenever you want!"

And I knew it was going to be true. Vince and I were going to spend a lot time with our cocks buried in each other's assholes. I always say, better late than never!

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