Story of Us

By Ashton Meyers

Published on Jun 9, 2011


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are real, but the names have been changed. The events in this story and fictional. This story contains consensual sex between teenage boys, and it may be illegal in your area. If so, please do not read beyond thes point. Or else, go ahead.


"Ashton, we need to talk." Tom said look at me with a worried look as he was holding Samantha's hand. We were standing in the middle of a park.

"What is it? What is Samantha doing here?" I asked.

"I don't think we can carry on our relationship anymore because I have a secret to tell you?"

"What secret?" I was really worried. Why does he want to break up with me? May be he found me boring, like other people do. I could feel myself sweating very hard.

"We're getting married." He said. My eyes widened up.

"WHAT????" I shouted.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on my bed. What the hell!!!!! I was sweating all over my body. I got up and sat on my bed. It was just a nightmare. A wierd one. I sat on my bed for a while. I looked at the clock and it was almost 10am. Maybe this is what happens when you sleep so long. Lazy me. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a bath as I was all sweaty and went downstairs.

"Morning mom." I said to her. She was watching some cookery show.

"Morning honey. You got up very fast."

"Go ahead. Make fun of me." She laughed. I went inside the kitchen and looked inside the fridge.

"There's some grilled sandwitch in the fridge." She shouted.

"I got it." I replied. I heated it in the microwave and ate it. Then I went to my room and switched on my laptop. I logged in my facebook account. There were some notifications about being tagged in some pictures and friend requests from some of my schoolmates.

Tom: Hi Ashy.

The chat box popped out.

Me: Ashy?

Tom: Yeah, Ashy. That's ur new nickname.

Me: Ok, Tommy.

Tom: that sounds cute.

Me: 'cause u r. :-p

Tom: Thanx. u r cute 2.

Me: U r welcome. got ny plans 4 2day?

Tom: I was just about 2 ask u. Do u wanna hang out at the mall with me?

Me: Sure. I would luv 2.

Tom: Cool. I'll pick you up at 12. Mom's calling. Gotta go. Luv u.

Me: luv u 2.

Then he logged out. There was still an hour and a half left untill he came to pick me. I played some games like Farmville, Cityville, blah......blah.......blah......... Then I played some MIG - 29 Fulcrum, a combat flight simulation game. Soon I got bored playing. I opened up iTunes and played some songs as I layed on the bed. Ten minutes before 12, I got ready, wore a white shirt and levi's jeans. Then I headed downstairs and sat down in front of the tv and surfed through the channels. Soon the door bell rang. I opened the door and saw Tom standing. He looking as gorgeous as ever. He was wearing a green T-shirt and jeans. As usual, he had a messy hair, which I found sexy. OMG, this guy was my boyfriend.

"Hi Tommy." I said giving him a hug.

"Hi Ashy."

"You look amazing." I said breaking the hug.

"You look Okay."

"That's it? Just okay?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just kidding." He said laughing. I punched his arm. "You look very.....very sexy." We both laughed.

"Ash, who is it?" My mom shouted.

"Wanna meet my mom?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

We came inside the living room.

"Mom this my b......friend, Tom." I said being careful at what I was going to say.

"Hi Mrs. Meyers. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Are you Martha's son?"

"Yes, I am."

"That's great."

"How do you know his mom?" I asked.

"I met her at Mrs. McGuire's house." She replied.


"Are you guys going somewhere?"

"We're going to the mall." I replied.

"That wonderful. At least you'll start moving that lazy butt of yours'."

"Mom!!!" I said, being embaressed. My face became red.

"Sorry honey, but its true. You're lazy as hell."

"Mom, when I say 'Mom', it means you need to zip it." Tom and my mom started to laugh. I was completely embaressed.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you Tom. Hope to see you again."

"I'm sure you will, ma'am."

We got in his car and he drove us towards the city mall.

"You're mom is really hillarious, lazy butt."

"I'd rather appreciate to be called as Ashy."

"Sorry. You're not mad, are you?

"Ofcourse not." We both laughed at that.

I then turned on the radio.

"Called you for the first time yesterday

Finally found the missing part of me

Felt so close but you were far away

Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless, over the edge

I'm just breathless

I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again

Hopeless, head over heels in the moment

I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again"

I also started to sing along with it.

"You like the Jonas Brothers?" He asked.

"They-Rule. What do you think?" I asked

"They're boring." He replied.

"Never insult the Jonas Brothers in front of me!" I said with an angry look on my face. He started to laugh.

"Cool down, hot guy."

In about half an hour, we reached the mall. After ten minutes of finding a parking place, we went inside. It was fully air-conditioned. A perfect place to spend a hot day. The place was really crowded. It was like as if the whole town had come to spend their summer vacation over here. We went around many shops. There were toy shops, clothes line, pet shops and music stores. I bought SimCity 4 Rush Hour from the music store. We stopped in front of the pet shop and saw those cute little guinea pigs looking at us.

"Aaaawwwwww........" I moaned.

"Wow. They are the cutest things I've ever seen in my entire life." Tom said.

"Uh...hum" I made a voice clearing my throat.

"I.....I mean cutest next to you."

"Nice try." We both laughed.

After two hours of roaming around, we were both hungry.

"Hey I want to take you somewhere to eat. You know, our first date."

"Okay." I said giggling with excitement.

He drove us in front of a fancy restaurant which was about 3 miles away from the mall.

"Woah........ Are we going to eat here? This is the coolest restaurant in town."

"Yup. And no complaining about the prices, got it?"

"Got it."

We went in and sat in the table that was towards the corner. We didn't want people staring at us. Ofcoures, they might think that two friends are just hanging out, but rarely do high school friends come for dinner in a fancy restaurant like this one. My eyes popped out seeing the price in the menu. It was like as if there is some printing mistake in the menu. A young waitress, who seemed to be in her 20's took our order.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Ofcourse. I enjoy every moment being with you. It all looks perfect. A few days ago, I longed to see you or talk to you. And now, we're on a date."

I felt his leg rub against mine. We both smiled looking at each other.

"Hey, Ashy. Before I forget, I need to tell you a something, its kind of a secret." Suddenly I realised about the dream I had today in the morning.

"Please tell me you are not married with Samantha." I wispered closing my eyes.

"What?" He asked. I don't think he heard me.

"Nothing. You were saying?"

"But promise me you won't tell this to anyone. Its about your best friend Ryan." He said, lowering his voice. 'I hope he isn't maried to Ryan.' I thought. Oh, what nonsense am I thinking.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." I said.

After a pause of a few seconds, he said

"I once saw Ryan kissing Ed." I was shocked at what I heard.

"You mean Ryan is........"

"Gay? That's right." That was like impossible. Yesterday he told me that he was looking at Amanda. Whatever it be, I had to find it out.

"C'mon, lets not ruin our day with those thoughts."

"Yeah, right. We'll talk about that later." I said.

After about fifteen minutes, our dinner was served. Its was fantastic. After all we were in the coolest restaurant. We talked while we ate about different topics. He asked things about me like my interests and all that and I asked him about his about his.

We left the restaurant after like an hour or so.

"Hey, you wanna meet my parents?" He asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Ofcourse, I mean your mom and my mom know each other, so I think its cool."

"Ummm......Okay." I said nervously.

Soon we reached in front of his house.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked looking at me.

"Whenever I meet someone new, I get nervous. That's why most of time I am inside my house."

"Well, its high time to move out 'lazy butt'."

"Shut up" I said punching him.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. May be a kiss will make you feel better." He said kissing me. And I really did feel better. I get this amazing sensation whenever I kiss him. We kissed for like twenty seconds. Then we broke it.

"Maybe some more of it will make me feel more better." I said. He smiled and kissed me some more.

"C'mon lets go in. I don't want people to catch me kissing in the drive way and say that 'we have a homo in the neighbourhood'". I laughed and went in with him.

"Hi mom, I'm home. I brought a friend with me." He said. His mother came in from the kitchen.

"Hi Mrs. Saddler, I am Aaron Meyer."

"Hello, Aaron, nice meeting you. You're Christina's son right?"

"Yes I am, nice meeting you too."

"Where's dad?" Tom asked his mother.

"He'll be a little late today. He called and told me."

"Is it okay if Aaron stays over here today?"

"Are you sure?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I mean if you are okay with it."

"I think that's a great idea." His mom said.

To be continued......

*********************************************************************** Songs Featured::

Lovebug - The Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers Lovebug lyrics found on

I really loved all the e-mails that you sent me. I got so excited that immediately I started to write this chapter. I really love you guys. Keep sending me your love at

Love and Peace.

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