Story of Love

By priapus

Published on Feb 27, 2005


WARNING: This story contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adult Males. If material of this nature offends you, you're under 18, or a religious moralist you likes to be censored from the realities of life and the diversities of the human condition, you should not read this story. You can pray for my soul instead.

The following is a combination of fact and fiction. It is based on true life events as I remember them. Some names and locations have been changed for the purposes of anonymity and to protect the guilty.

The story of love 2 - Pramath.

After completing my first year at university, I went to visit my brother Sean, his wife Dana and their three children in Durban, South Africa. During my year at university I'd outgrown the last vestiges of puberty and matured to an impressive 6' 1'' (185cm) and weighed in at around 180lbs (80kgs). My hair went a little darker too, it was now a reddish-brown that contrasted nicely with my striking green eyes. I was always complimented on my hair and eyes, they were my best features. I'd kept in shape by playing soccer, running and swimming at least three times a week and visiting the gym as often as my schedule allowed. As a result I had a muscular build, not in that grotesque pumped-up 'Michelin Man' kind of way but in a trim well-defined swimmers kind of way.

I had yet to come out of the closet and tell the world I was gay. I'd confirmed my sexuality by having my first sexual experience the previous summer with Dr. Rakanja H. the father of my best friend Juma. After that memorable night with Dr. H. I'd found it difficult to get involved with anyone else. I continued to be emotionally attached to him or at least to the memory of that faithful night. I sort of lived in hope he'd call me, which meant I'd spent that year living in a kind of sexual limbo, leading a monastic lifestyle. As a result of this, I channeled all my sexual energies and frustrations into sports and studies. But all that was to change when I got to South Africa.

My brother Sean had been living in South Africa for eight years. He was the eldest, almost eighteen years older than myself. I didn't really know him that well. I was only a baby when he left England to study in mainland Europe and then eventually to work in South Africa. He came home occasionally, either on his own or with Dana and the children but we were never what you'd call close. So I was surprised and overjoyed when he phoned with the offer of a ticket to spend a month with them at there home in South Africa.

I flew from London to Johannesburg on 22nd of July. The flight took about eleven hours plus a couple of hours wait in Joburg for the connecting flight to Durban. This was a shorter flight, a little over an hour. I remember sitting at a window seat trying to read the in-flight magazine and finding it hard to concentrate. I was excited, a little restless and impatient for the plane to land. Out of sheer boredom I made my way to the W.C. at the front of the plane. I took a leak, washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face. I thought about jerking-off and becoming a kind of honorary member of the mile-high club but decided to wait for the future opportunity to achieve full membership.

As I made my way back to my seat, I could see that the plane was only about a third full. I took this opportunity to scope my fellow passengers. They were an assorted bunch; several business men in suits, an Indian family, a few tourists and two African women in colourful traditional dress but there was no one to spark my interest, no eye candy. Or so I thought, because as I drew nearer to my seat, I caught sight of what can only be described as God's gift to gay mankind, a vision of masculine beauty. He was sitting in an aisle seat a couple of rows behind mine. I was in seat 23A so I guess he was in 25D. I deliberately slowed my pace to get a good look at him. I could see he was checking me out too. He was tanned, clean-shaven, mid to late twenties, with a solid muscular build and blond hair. He looked tall but as he was sitting down it was difficult to tell. I remember our eyes locked for a moment before I sat down. There was nobody sitting in the seats next to me so I leaned forward to take what I thought was a surreptitious look but he caught me, smiled and nodded hello. I nodded back and quickly returned to the in-flight magazine in a moment of homosexual panic.

As the plane came into land and the lights dimmed, I took a few furtive glances and watched him put on a tie and comb his hair. He caught me looking again and his face broke out into the broadest smile, like he was suppressing the urge to laugh. I quickly looked away again as I felt my heart race and my palms become sweaty. I'm not sure if my reaction was from fear or lust or a combination of both but I knew I wanted this guy. I kept telling myself to be calm, don't panic and fuck this up, just relax and play it cool.

When the plane landed and came to a complete stop, we stood up to collect our things from the over-head lockers. He turned and said something like, "not a bad flight, nice soft landing". I mumbled something incoherent and quickly made my way up the aisle to the front of the plane to the exit. I was cursing myself for being so nervous and so bloody stupid. Luckily he was persistent and caught up with me on the way to passport control. "Looks like we're in for a hot day today", he said smiling. "Yeah but it's great, I love the heat", I replied, hoping I didn't sound too nervous. "Hey! I recognise the accent, your from London, right? what part?"

I told him I was from Radlett, just north of London and we chatted as we walked. We spoke about London, South Africa, university, work etc. I learned his name was John, he was American, worked for a financial company and had been living in Islington, London for almost four years. He'd been sent by the company to South Africa for ten days. We continued chatting as we went through passport control and again as we waited for our luggage. He made me feel relaxed and comfortable, I liked his warm friendly manner, his sense of humour and his broad smile. Close-up he was even better looking, at least 6' 4'' with the most striking blue eyes that sparkled when he laughed.

I remember having a brief moment of panic when his bags arrived first. I was downhearted and prepared myself for the goodbye but he continued chatting and waited until my bags came around and even helped me load them onto a trolley. As we turned towards the exit, he said he'd hired a car and offered me a lift but I told him my brother was meeting me. I could see he was disappointed, I was too, I knew as soon as the doors to the terminal opened he'd be gone and I'd never see him again. I just couldn't let that happen, so I took courage and suggested meeting him for a beer. His face lit up, said he'd be delighted. He took out his business card and wrote a number on the back, made me promise to call him in two days. He smiled and said, "you will call, right? please call, I wont eat, I wont sleep, I'll be waiting by the phone". I laughed and promised I'd call. We shook hands as we parted, both of us holding the grip a little longer than necessary. I watched him walk through the exit into the terminal and felt a pang of longing and regret. I made my way out to find my brother Sean waving joyously from the crowds of people that lined the barrier, he had a huge smile on his face. After we embraced and had the usual chit-chat about the flight etc. we headed for the exit and the car park.

As we drove to Sean's house my thoughts were filled with John. I was looking forward to the prospect of meeting him and the possibility of having my second sexual experience. I thought about Dr. H but dispelled the image and replaced it with a vivid image of a naked John. I had visions of kissing those sweet red lips and running my hands through that blond hair. I wondered if he was large or average, cut or uncut. I hoped he'd be the first guy I got to fuck. But the guiding hand of fate intervened and altered the course of events, altered it in ways I never thought possible. And it turned out that John, that beautiful, blond haired, blue-eyed Adonis sent by the gods was not to be my first.

When we got to Sean's place, my three nephews came running out to meet me. Sean's wife, Dana, came too. I always liked Dana. Her full name was Chandana, she was a very attractive South African/Indian woman in her early thirties. Sean and Dana had initially met in Europe and had been married for almost twelve years. We chatted about home, family and university. Dana informed me that her brother Pramath and his wife Asha would be arriving the next day to spend a couple of weeks before going on to visit other relatives in Port Elizabeth further along the coast.

Sean gave me the grand tour of their very large house, I hesitate to use the word mansion as it sounds a tad pretentious. Let's just say, that for a guy you came from a three bedroom semi, it was huge. As we walked around the house he explained about apartheid - the system of racial segregation that existed in South Africa at that time. He said they had to keep a relatively low profile because they were living in a white's only area and they could be asked to leave at anytime. He told me by marrying Chandana - an Indian woman - he was essentially no longer white, but existed in a kind of racial limbo? He said they'd moved from Chatsworth - an Indian area of the city - a little over a year ago and so far there'd been no problems. It helped that Sean owned his own company that employed a substantial number of people. Plus the house was large with extensive grounds and well secluded in a wealthy neighbourhood where people generally kept themselves to themselves.

I found the system of apartheid difficult to understand, it didn't make sense. The whole thing seemed so bizarre, so fucked up. I'd vaguely heard about apartheid around campus but to my ever-lasting-shame I never took much notice. I fully admit that at twenty I wasn't very political, I was completely naive. But I quickly changed all that when I returned to England. I took an active interest and boycotted South African produce, went on demonstrations and spend numerous weekends protesting outside the South African embassy in Trafalgar Square.

Anyway, I digress...on with the story.

I was dog-tired after the flights, hadn't slept in almost 36 hours. I went to bed early that evening and awoke to glorious bright sunshine streaming in though the patio door of my bedroom. I leaped out of bed, donned a pair of speedos, and ran outside to the pool. Diving in I did several laps before showering and having breakfast. Later, I took a car and drove along the coast. I spent a couple of hours hanging round the beach, scoping the handsome surfers and the absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous life-guards. On my way back from the beach I dropped into a pub for a bite to eat and a cold beer. I thought about phoning John. I hadn't stopped thinking about him but I figured it would be better to wait and phone the next day as agreed. Besides, I was a little apprehensive, and I didn't want to appear too desperate, too pushy, I wanted to play it cool.

I arrived back at the house at about 4.30pm to be greeted by chaos. The kids were running around shrieking and the dog was barking incessantly. There was laughter coming from the kitchen so I headed in that direction to escape the turmoil. I was introduced to Dana's sister-in-law Asha, a small Indian woman in her mid to late thirties. Sean was outside with Asha's husband Pramath. I went to say hello, they were sitting drinking beer and chatting. Pramath initially had his back to me but turned around when he heard me approach and smiled broadly.

And that's when I was hit with the thunder bolt, cupids arrow, whatever it was it hit me hard and took my breath away. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he wasn't what I was expecting at all. He was extremely good-looking. Words can't adequately do him justice. He was about 35, and like is wife was a little on the small side, about 5' 8'', but with a well defined muscular build, strong facial features, that real chiseled look. His good looks were enhanced by the most gorgeous brown eyes with long lashes that gave him a beautiful fawn-like appearance. And he had, what I thought, was the most beautiful skin, it was nut brown, made all the more striking by his perfect white teeth and two day old stubble. But he had something else too, charisma, a kind of unselfconscious confident manner. I guess you might call it sex-appeal. Whatever it was, it oozed from every pore of his muscular frame. As I looked at this beautiful virile man with such longing, such intensity, all thoughts of John were completely eradicated from my memory. (oh the fickleness of youth).

Pramath jumped up as soon as he realised I was Sean's brother. He was jovial and animated, taking my hand in both of his and saying how delighted he was to meet me. He grabbed me in a warm embrace and said how Sean always talked about his little brother with such pride. He embarrassed me by saying how tall and handsome I was, teasing Sean, saying I must have got the good looks in the family. How I kept my composure is a complete mystery. The rest of the evening went in a blur. We all sat down to eat at around 7pm, the conversation was flowing but I was oblivious, I only had eyes for Pramath. I tried hard not to make it obvious but I couldn't help myself. I had a constant tingle in my groin that at times became an almost unbearable ache. One thing that freaked me out was Pramath's continued propensity to be tactile. At first I had a vague hope he was hitting on me but as the evening progressed I realized it was just his nature, part of his personality, he was a touch-feely kinda guy. Also, he was 35, so I figured he was just being avuncular when he hugged me, caressed my face or squeezed my hand. I wasn't from a tactile family so I found his attention a little unsettling. I was totally embarrassed at times but I freely admit I liked it too. I liked his aroma, the roughness of his hands and the feel of his stubble against my cheek when he embraced me. But I was terrified he'd notice or feel my aroused state, I had a frequent erection that at times was impossible to control. I was so aroused, so horny. I remember going to bed that night and jerking-off twice and again in the early hours of the morning.

The next day was no better, if anything it was worse. Everyone was laughing, in high spirits, happy to be on holiday. Throughout the day I watched Pramath kiss his wife, his sister and the kids. At one point he even kissed Sean on both cheeks, who I noticed went bright red. Sean laughed about it later, he explained how it was just Pramath being Pramath, that he was always friendly and jovial and thought nothing of being affectionate. Sean was very fond of him, said Pramath was a great guy, the best. He told me that Pramath and Asha hadn't much financially but he was a sound guy and would do anything for you, would give you his last cent or the shirt off his back. I smiled to myself, thinking, "don't talk about his back, I'm horny enough as it is".

In the afternoon, after we had eaten lunch, we sat outside by the pool. I remember sipping beer and chatting with Sean about home. We talked about our parents and other members of the family. As we sat talking, Pramath came out of the house wearing only a pair of white shorts. Christ! I almost choked on my beer. He was such a hunk, so damned hot. He had a fantastic fit muscular body with a six-pack stomach and a well defined chest, and what a chest, it was the hairiest I'd ever seen, a huge mass of straight black hair that covered his entire chest and tapered down beautifully across his abdomen. Body hair was always something I found a little repulsive but on Pramath it was very attractive. I think it looked good because the hair was straight and dense and contrasted nicely with his dark skin. It wasn't short, sparse and curly like you find on some white men. I found it very distracting, I tried to listen to Sean as he droned on about home but it was all gibberish to me, I couldn't concentrate. I was far too busy trying to see how big a packet Pramath sported in those shorts. I wanted to run over, pull them down and bury my head between his massive thighs.

Eventually Sean went inside and left me in peace. I put on dark sunglasses so I could stare at my new-found hero with relative impunity. Pramath started kicking ball with the kids and I watched, as if in slow motion, his smooth, graceful movements. I watched each ripple of his muscular torso, his thighs, his biceps, it was almost like an erotic dance, a dance I found enthralling. I watched his beautiful swarthy skin glisten from his exertions until suddenly he winced and fell to the ground holding his side. I sat up in alarm as Asha and Dana ran to see what was wrong.

It turned out he'd recently had his appendix removed and only had the stitches out a few days previous so he shouldn't have been exerting himself. They helped him to his feet and sat him down close to me. Pramath pulled down the waistband of his shorts to see if there was any damage. I got a momentary view of the base of a very dark cock and a huge mass of black pubic hair, my heart skipped a beat. I know I should've been concerned for his well-being but seeing him like that just made me stiff. I was never so hard, so fucking horny, I thought I'd go mad. Once I knew he was okay, I got up and went into the house.

The next day was a very eventful one, each detail is etched into my memory. Sean, Dana, Asha and the kids went to spend the day at an uncles house. Pramath was in bed resting, he was taking it easy after his scare the day before. I'd already told them I wouldn't be going, I joked and said I'd play nurse and look after the invalid. They left, saying they'd be back at around 9pm. As it was only noon, it meant I had nine hours to spend with my hero. As soon as I waved them off and closed the electronic gates, I raced upstairs to Pramath's room.

I approached his bedroom door with a measure of trepidation, my heart pounding slightly in my chest. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, I just wanted to spent time with him and bask in his beauty but I was still nervous. I knocked on the door and he roared, "come in stupid boy". He laughed as he asked "why did you knock like that". "...em...because I was brought up with manners...I was being polite, besides you could have been pulling your plum, I said smirking. He roared laughing and said "stupid boy, my wife takes care of that, only twenty year-olds with no girlfriends resort to plum pulling". I shrugged, "So tell me, how's the scar, the ol' war wound", I said smiling. "It's fine thanks, just itching a little", he replied grinning. "Come on Pramath, be honest, you're just faking so you don't have to spend the day with some crusty old uncle". Again he roared laughing, "you're like Sean, you have the same sense of humour". Then he said, "okay stupid boy, make me tea, you have to take care of me today".

That's when I got angry, I kind of over-reacted and shouted "Hey! What the fucks with this stupid boy crap? The first time was funny, the second was vaguely amusing but now it's old and stale, well passed it's sell-by-date, so stop it, okay!" I could tell he was taken aback by my outburst and a bit embarrassed. He quickly sat up, his mouth opening and closing, like a fish, as he struggled for words. "I...I...I...that's not...Come on Mike!, I...I was kidding, you know I didn't mean to offend" "Yeah, yeah, people always say they never mean to offend, when they clearly do. I know what's goin' on here, you think because your older you can say what you like. I know in your culture, age is revered and respected but I'm not stupid and I'm not your boy, remember that and we'll get along just fine, okay!".

With that I stormed out slamming the door behind me. (always the drama queen). I was shaking as I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee, I brought it outside and sat down by the pool. I knew I was being irrational, behaving foolishly. Ironically I was nothing more than a stupid boy for over-reacting. But I was hot for Pramath big-time, so it wounded me to the very core when he insulted me and treated me so shabbily. I wanted him to like me, to treat me as an equal and that meant treating me with respect. Now I felt I'd fucked up, that he'd think I was nothing but a stupid boy.

I heard him call my name as he came downstairs, going from room to room. I went into the kitchen just as he came in and he said, "there you are, look I...I'm sorry Mike, really I am. was nothing, nothing at all, please Mike, why...why are you so angry with me, we are friends...we are good friends...yes?" I bit my lip to suppress the grin that threatened to break out on my face, he looked so lost, so sincere, I so wanted to embrace him, to kiss him, but most of all I just wanted to bend him over the kitchen work-top and fuck him senseless. He took my hand in both of his and continued, "we are friends, it is silly to fight, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just being funny...really...honestly Mike, it was noth...". "Okay Pramath...relax, I'm not angry with you", I said smiling. "If anything, I'm embarrassed for loosing my temper over something so trivial, I guess I overreacted. Can we just forget the whole thing? "You are not angry with me?" he asked, smiling broadly. "No, I'm not angry" I replied, smiling back. He was so happy he hugged me, jumping up and down like a little kid. "Okay, lets make coffee and go watch TV, it's too warm to sit outside. I smiled to myself thinking it was far hotter inside with him in the house.

We made coffee and went into my room - which was on the ground floor close to the kitchen - and I switched on the TV. We propped up some pillows and half sat, half lay next to each other on the bed. I tried to watch TV but it was extremely difficult with him so close, that hairy muscular chest called out to be caressed and his aroma was so intoxicating it made me light-headed. Pramath picked up a newspaper and began reading. I switched through the various channels not really interested. He was lying on his side with his back to me but after a couple of minutes he dropped the paper on the floor and turned over onto his back. I could see in my peripheral vision he was staring at me so I turned to look at him and said, "What!?" "Nothing'" "What ja starin' at me for? Is my nose dirty or somethin'?" "No, I'm just're not like Sean, you''re better're eyes are green, and you've reddish hair and you''ve paler skin", he replied, touching my arm and then looking up at me with those big brown doleful eyes. "Well...em...that's cos Sean takes after my mom. I'm more like my dad, I have his eyes, his hair and his Irish Celtic think I'm good-looking?" I asked sheepishly. "Come on Mike, you know you're handsome, people must look at you all the time, it is the first thing Asha said to me...such a good-looking young man". I must admit, I was embarrassed and didn't know how to respond, the silence seemed to stretch forever. Pramath broke it by talking about his appendix scar, saying it was itching. He suddenly and without warning pulled down the waistband of his shorts to show me. I could see the scar among the small dense hairs on his lower abdomen, it was a lighter colour then the surrounding skin. Tentatively, I ran my fingers down the length of it as I offered advise and then took my hand away. I expected him to let go of the waist-band, continue reading or watch TV, but he didn't. Instead, he took my hand and guided it back to the scar again, saying, "feel the rough skin". As I ran my hand along the scar again, he pulled the waistband down just a little further and that's when I noticed the head his penis, it was beginning to swell. It seems foolish now, but seeing the dark folds of foreskin was like a jolt of electricity, I immediately withdrew my hand, not knowing how to respond, I was all fear and confusion. But Pramath took the initiative, guiding my hand and making some comment about the scar. My hand was trembling as I touched it again and I kinda choked as I said, "your getting a stiffy". He laughed nervously and whispered "yeah". So I moved my trembling hand from the scar, took hold of his growing dick and whispered stupidly, "is this okay?" I remember his exact reply, " first time...with a guy" (yeah right!).

And oh man! it was incredible, so completely awesome, it's difficult to fully recall the experience and do it justice here, to clearly express the sensation of holding and running my hand up and down that beautiful dark shaft. And he was enormous, fucking huge!, I know when guys write stuff like this the guys is nearly always big but with Pramath it was absolutely true, I'd say he was clearly ten inches if not more. And fat, so fat I could barely get my hand round it. The only downside was because of its sheer size, it didn't get rock-hard but I didn't care, just holding him in such an intimate way, a way I never thought possible, was enough for me. That first time was over quickly, too quickly, I just jerked him to climax and then grabbed a towel and cleaned him up. I didn't cum myself, he never touched me or gave any indication he wanted to, he just rolled over and went to sleep. I remember I lay there listening to him breath and thinking about what just happened. I had mixed emotions, on one level I was extremely happy, I'd just jerked my hero, the hottest guy in the Southern Hemisphere. But on another level I felt used and kinda dirty. Eventually I dozed-off and slept for a couple of hours.

I woke and opened my eyes to find Pramath smiling at me and gently stroking my hair. I got the impression he's been watching me as I slept. "Did you sleep well", he asked. "Yeah", I said, yawning audibly and stretching...what time is it?" "Just after four", he said, as he continued running his fingers through my hair. I smiled and reached under the sheet to grasp his already swelling cock and we did it again, only this time, after he came, I took his hand and placed it on my erection. I could tell by his body language that he didn't like it but was in no position to complain, after all, I'd just jerked him off, twice, so expected him to return the favour. But he didn't, instead he rolled over onto his side and guided my dick towards his ass. I assumed he wanted me to fuck him and I must admit I was a little panicked, not sure how to proceed. I made a half-hearted stab at his ass-crack but again he took the initiative and guided my dick to the space between his upper thighs and scrotum. I remember thinking this was strange and I got the impression he'd done it before. Anyway, I was so hard, so horny and the sensation of my dick going in and out of the warm moist space between his thighs was so overwhelming, I came in no time, spurting copious amounts of cum onto his upper thighs, his scrotum and onto the sheets.

We went to the bathroom to clean up. Pramath turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and we got in under the running water. I watched in fascination as the water cascaded down the length of his swarthy muscular frame making the dense hair on his chest and abs cling to his torso. I made me hard again. I soaped him up and washed his hairy chest, muscular shoulders and broad back. I soaped between his legs before inserting my cock into the warm space. He squeezed his thighs together and I started thrusting in fast urgent movements. I was so hot, so fucking horny, my whole body was electrified as I wrapped my arms around him thrusting faster and faster until I came with such intensity that it made my knees buckle. I kissed his shoulder, his neck, I gently turned him around and went to kiss his lips but he turned his face away and I ended up just kissing his cheek.

Later as we dried off, I could see he was getting hard again, so I fell to my knees and took him in my mouth. He gasped in total surprise. I couldn't resist, he had such a huge fat cock and so perfectly formed. Also, his cock was a lot darker than the rest of him which was something I found very attractive, very erotic. So big, so black, and so beautiful, I loved how it felt in my mouth. Unfortunately, because of his size, I had difficulty sucking him properly, I would have loved to take him completely in my mouth and push my lips right up against his pubes but it was impossible, he was too big, it made me gag. So I just sucked on the huge mushroom head, running my tongue over it in circular movements. He must have liked it because he grabbed my head and broke silence for the first time by groaning loudly, "oooh man that feels sooo good, sooo damn good. Oh yeah Mike, oh yeah, just there, just there, yeah Mike that's the spot, oh man that feels great, so fucking great...don't stop, please don't stop...oh it's good, so good. I alternated between sucking and jerking, pulling his foreskin across the mushroom and inserting my tongue between foreskin and head. I ran my tongue across the sensitive part along the rim and flicked my tongue were the base of the head meets the shaft. Before long he was screaming. Oh Jesus Mike, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna...oh yeah man...don't...don't sto...I'm...oh Jeeeessssuuuussssss.

I loved the way the big underside vein throbbed and convulsed against my lips and tongue as he spurted a surprisingly large wad of creamy cum into my mouth. I savored the taste, kinda salty but sweet if a bit gooey. I kissed all the way up his muscular abdomen, his hairy chest and brought my face close to his and tried to kiss him again but he turned away and once again I just kissed his cheek. He smiled and said, "that was awesome mike, I've never experienced anything like that...have you done this before?" "Yeah, once...last summer". "Who with? "em...I don't wanna talk about it". "Okay...okay, that's cool...but it was awesome". "Well I couldn't resist, you've such a big dick", I said as I gave it a playful tug. "...em...don't laugh but my name...Pramath, means horse", he said as he laughed. "No way!, you're kidding". "No, honestly, that's what it means". "Are you're kidding...anyway, if it's's very appropriate, you're hung like a fucking horse", I said laughing. "Well you handled it very well", he said giggling. " I'm not such a stupid boy after all eh?" I replied grinning. "Hey! You promised to forget about that" he said sheepishly. "I'm just teasing, come one, lets go get something to eat, they'll be back shortly and I'm starving".

We heading to the kitchen and I watched him in total amazement, not just because he was only wearing a sarong that showed off his body perfectly, but also by the way he prepared dinner. He chopped onions, ginger and chillies like a professional chef. He walked round the kitchen snatching things from the shelves, the cupboards, the fridge and before long had a delicious curry cooking in the pot. We cracked open a couple of beers and sat on the patio. We chatted about incidental stuff until it grew too cold so we went inside to eat. I told him I was impressed with the food, was there anything he couldn't do. Before he could reply the phone rang, I ran to pick it up, it was Sean. He asked how things were going and if I'd mind if they spent the night at the uncles place. He said it was a two hour drive and they were having a get-together, he wanted to drink and enjoy himself. It seemed all the aunts, uncles and various relatives had pitched up to visit. I said it was no problem, not to worry about me, just have fun and enjoy yourself. He asked to speak to Pramath, I called him and handed him the phone and then went back to finish eating. After a couple of minutes Pramath returned grinning broadly, "looks like it just you and me kiddo". "Great", I replied smiling, "I get to sample more of that monster in you pants." He laughed and called me a horny bastard.

We finished eating, cleared up and went back to my room. I put the TV on mute, just to use it as a light source. We removed the scant clothes we were wearing and got into bed. I could feel the heat emanating from his body as I ran my hands through his dense hairy chest, down passed his six-pack and grabbed the growing monster between his thighs. I couldn't get enough of it. He asked me to suck it again so I did. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft and he moaned with obvious pleasure. I licked his ball-sack, carefully taking one in my mouth and he squealed in delight. "Oh man, that feels wonderful...keep doing that...oh man it feels awesome". I continued sucking on his balls, moving from one to the other before going up and enveloping the dark mushroom head again with my mouth. I sucked him hard and fast, pumping my head up and down like a piston. He placed his hands on the back of my head and felt him swell a little more and I know he was close "Oh God Mike, I'm gonna cum again, oh man I can feel it, don't stop...oh please don't stop...yes...just there...just there...oh my god! Miiiiiiike.... His hips rose up as he arched his back, thrusting more of his meaty cock into my mouth. I gagged a little and felt it swell and throb as he shot a small but tasty wad of man juice against my throat. He fell back down on the bed and said breathlessly, "wow, that was awesome, it's along time since I came so many times in a row". I looked up and grinned mischievously, "now it's my turn, roll over, I wanna fuck between you legs. He giggled and rolled over onto his stomach. I ran my hands down the length of his smooth back, to his hairy ass-cheeks. I massaged the tight muscular buns, parting them to see the exquisite dark rose-bud illuminated by the flickering TV set. I buried my face between those beautiful orbs and proceeded to rim him, he screamed in rapturous delight as he thrashed his arms and legs. "Oh man, what the fuck are you doing to me Mike, you're killing me, that feel sooo fucking good. I giggled as I ran my tongue round in circular movements, shoving as much as I could up his ass. I continued for several minutes before running the tip of my tongue along the crack and slowly up his back, stopping only when I reached the top of his spine. I kissed and nibbled his shoulders and neck. I moved over to his ear and whispered softly "Pramath...I wanna fuck you...I wanna fuck your ass" No way Mike!!!, I can't, I've never done anything like that!" "Neither have I Pramath...but I want you to be my first, I whispered. "You'll like it, haven't you liked everything else, hasn't this been fun??" "Yes, but it's different, it's crossing a line, it's queer stuff". "Come on man, I'll be gentle, I'm so horny and I want you to be my first", I said as I nibbled his ear. "I'll get some moisturizer from the bathroom". Before he had a chance to respond, I slid out of bed, ran to the bathroom and returned with a bottle. "I don't know about this Mike". "Look, lets give it a try, if you don't like it I'll stop and just fuck between your legs". As I said this, I was already smearing some between his ass crack, he flinched, "Hey! That's cold", he said, giggling. He got up on his knees, pushing his ass in the air, keeping his head on the pillow. It was an impressive sight, his dark hairy ass looked so hot and inviting in the light of the TV set. I smeared some moisturizer onto my 7'' throbbing cock and guided the tip towards his dark rose-bud. "Okay Pramath, I'll go real slow, if you want me to stop just tell me. I positioned the head of my cock at the entrance and proceeded to push. It took several attempts, there was a lot of resistance but with a little perseverance it eventually popped passed his sphincter. He gasped as I very slowly and gently entered him to the hilt.

And oh my God! The feeling was beyond description, it was the most intense, exquisite feeling ever. No amount of books, magazines or porn movies had prepared me for such a sensation. It was like my whole body was enveloped in warm indefinable pleasure. I slowly withdrew and gently pushed back in again, I moaned as he howled, "Stop, Mike...stop, stop, stop, this feels too fucking weird" "Okay...okay...just relax...relax your body, it is painful? Does it hurt?" "No, it just feels weird, like I wanna take a dump". "Okay, I'll stop", I said, mournfully "No wait...wait, stop moving...em...just give me a second...just it...but go slowly". So I went extra slowly, thrusting gently in and out. I had to fight the powerful, almost overwhelming urge to grab his hips and just fuck him with absolute abandon. I increased the speed a little, each time pushing up to the hilt and back again. I heard him moan in what could only be described as a sound of pure pleasure. I took it as a good sign and started pumping a little faster. My whole body tingled as I thrust deeper into his wonderfully tight ass. His moans grew louder as my pounding grew faster, he started jerking on his cock and groaning, "oh Mike that feels so good, fucking weird...but good, oh man, I can't...I can't believe I'm do...Oh yeah...oh yeah...just there...that feels good...fuck me Mike, fuck me...oh yeah! fuck my ass Mike...harder man...harder!". I grabbed his hips, thrusting fasted and deeper, pushing in as far as it would go. He continued, "Oh man that feels fucking wonderful...oh your...your doing something, hitting something...go faster Mike...deeper...harder man!...harder!...oh Jesus I'm gonna cum again...oh man it's not possible". He started to rock back and forth to match my now urgent, salacious, animalistic thrusts. It wasn't long before I left the beginnings of my own climax building deep within my body. I pushed him down flat on the bed and lay across his body as I continued pumping my cock in him in fast urgent movements. He moaned as I bit his shoulder, his neck, his ear. And just as I reached the most intense orgasm of my young life he let out a resounding barrage of obscenities that would clearly wake the dead, if not the neighbours. "Oh Jesus mother-fucking Christ Mike!!!, I'm cummiiiin!!!...oh...I can't's not poss...oh good god miiiiike...miiiike, awe Mike yeeeeesss, awe...yeeeeessss...".

We slumped together, breathless and drenched in sweat. I lay stretched out on top of him and felt his back rise and fall as he fought for breath. I started giggling and said in his ear, "Mike, Mike awe Mike I'm cummin'" and we started laughing uncontrollably. We laughed until we had tears streaming down our faces. "Well I couldn't help it", he said. "It was so good, so fantastic, I never in a million years thought I'd ever do". I giggled as I replied, I don't know why I never did that before, I never realised what I was's so damned good". Our laughter stopped abruptly when I leaned in to kiss him and saw him grimace in disgust as he turned away saying, "Don't do that, I don't like it". "Why? It's just kissing". "It's too gay". "What!?" "That's queer stuff". "You amaze me Pramath, you really do, I've jerked your cock, sucked you off and I've had my cock in your ass and you think kissing is gay!" "Kissing is gay, it doesn't seem right somehow...two men kissing". 'No Pramath, what you mean is you think you maintain your sense of masculinity by not kissing is somehow too womanly and that by not kissing you're somehow more manly or even less gay, which of course is a crock of shit!". "Whoa! Where the fuck did that come from?, I didn't understand half of that" "It's true". "Maybe but I'm still not gonna kiss you". "Your loss, lets shower and get some sleep".

The next morning I woke up with my usual woody but this time it was a little different, there was a hand slowly moving my foreskin up and over my cock-head. It felt amazing, "Mmm that feels good, I'm surprised you're doing this". "I noticed you had a stiffy, thought I'd help out". "That was very thoughtful of you Pramath...very obliging". "Don't be a sarcastic bastard" I laughed, "sorry Pramath, just pulling your leg". "I'd prefer if you could pull something else", he said laughing back at me. "I'd rather fuck you again". "No, my ass it too sore and it's been leaking since last night, I hope it stops before Asha gets back or there'll be hell to pay, and I mean hell boy". "Just take a shower and you'll be fine", I told him.

"How often do you work-out Mike", he asked, running his hand down my back". "Not as often as I'd like, I use the gym on campus but I don't always get time", I replied, rolling onto my back to look at him. "You've a great build, nice chest and arms...and you're so white", he whispered, running his hand across my smooth chest. "It's nice...I like it". "Hey! what about your own body, you've a fantastic build and your colour looks great" I said, taking hold of his hand, "I love your skin, it's so sexy", I kissed the back of his hand. " looks's..." "Jesus Pramath!, that's so fucked-up, how can you think like that, you're a good-looking man and your skin colour's part of that, part of who you are. You've just been fucked-up from living in this country with it's twisted ideas about've been conditioned into believing that white is right, that it looks best....and that's complete bollocks. "I know...I know, I guess your right...but you do look good", he said, grinning. "Do you think I could kiss you? I really want to..." "No, I told you last night, I don't kiss". "Come on one little kissie", I said laughing, moving in closer. He pushed me away with such force, I fell back against the small bedside table, "I said no and I mean no!", he shouted angrily. "Bloody hell Pramath, it's just a kiss for fuck sake!, it's no big deal!". "It is a big deal, That's fag stuff". "Well what about the things we did yesterday and last night, was that fag stuff too?" "Look Mike, your a good kid and don't take this the wrong way, I was horny and I was you''re white. "Oh my God..." "Let me finish...let me finish!...look, I've always had a curiosity with white skin, it just looks so different and I'll be honest...I...I fooled around in my teens with mostly but also with an older cousin...and they were Indian like me and I always wondered what it would be like to do it with a white person, guy or girl. "You had sex with guys?", I asked in amazement. "Don't get all sex, just mutual jerking and sometimes fucking between the thighs. It was all perfectly innocent, just a healthy and normal part of growing up. But I like women, I love my wife, I'm not gay or even bisexual so don't read something more into what we did, you'll only end up getting hurt".

That's when the world turned red. "You fucking hypocrite!, you lousy low-life son-of-a-bitch! How the fuck do you think I feel hearing you spout such fucking bullshit. I had your cock in my mouth for fuck's sake, I swallowed your cum, the most intimate act anyone can do, and I did those things because I'm gay. I fucked you, and you liked it, don't try to deny it, you fucking loved it, you were begging me to fuck you and now in the cold light of day you feel guilty and have the audacity to tell me what constitutes gay behaviour, I'm sorry but taking a cock up your ass is not considered straight in anyone's book". "Look Mike!!!" he hissed angrily, "what we did was great, the best ever, but it was sex, just sex, nothing more...and it doesn't make me gay. And no! I don't feel guilty, I really don't and I have absolutely no regrets. But if you continue prattling on like that I will have regrets...I'll regret everything.". "But still doesn't...I

And that's when the buzzer sounded. "Shit, there back!", he said jumping out of bed. "What?" "Someone's ringing the buzzer, Jesus, it's only 09.30, I didn't think they'd be so early", he said in panic.

"Relax, it can't be them, it's too early and they have keys...they live here remember!". "Well who the fuck is it then?" he replied, pulling on his shorts "I don't know, go answer the fucking thing". He headed for the door, "hey!" I shouted at his retreating figure, "look at the monitor and talk on the intercom before you let anyone in faggot!

I laughed as I headed for the bathroom, I took a piss and as I brushed my teeth I adjusted the shower and stepped under the warm water. In a few minutes the shower door was drown open, it was Pramath, I thought he was coming to join me but he stood there breathless and panting, "it''s for you, th...there's a guys...down...downstairs, says he's a friend of yours". "What!...what guy? I don't know anyone in South Africa". "Go...go see, go talk to him". "You're kidding, right?, this is a joke, it was a couple of bible thumpers or someone selling something, I don't know anyone in...". "Mike for Christ sake, I'm serious, he's downsta..." "...Pramath if you're lying I'll cut your balls off and you'll be presenting your wife with a new set of dangly earrings", I said as I dried off, laughing. I quickly pulled on a pair of denims and a T-shirt and headed for the lounge. There was no one there, it was empty. I checked the hall, the kitchen, the TV room but there was no one there either. I was about to head back to the bedroom and give Pramath some verbal when I noticed the outline of a man through the lace curtains on the patio doors. I headed outside and walked gingerly towards him. He had his back to me looking into the pool. With a measure of trepidation I approached, "hello...em...can I help you?" He turned and it took me a brief moment to recognise him before I smiled broadly, as I looked up into the handsome, smiling face of god's gift to gay mankind...John.

To be continued.

(c) I've just reread this and hope it's not to long winded or sentimental? Fact is supposed to be stranger than fiction, it's not, I think it's just harder to write. And it can be even more difficult when you combine the two. Anyway, let me know what you think. Send your comments to Mike,

Next: Chapter 3

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