Story - October

By Karen Mitchell

Published on May 3, 1996



From Tue May 7 00:25:52 1996 Path:!!!!uunet!!!usenet ~~Newsgroups: ~~Organization: I-Link ~Lines: 595 Message-ID: ~Reply-To: (Karen Mitchell) NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.


By Bobbi Cloud

Here in the north, the weather can, at times, be rather unpredictable when the seasonal changes approach. Mother Nature can play nasty tricks on those who are not quite prepared for one of her surprises. But sometimes things work out for the best.

"...and we can expect a high around seventy with plenty of sun. A weak cool front could move in some time after midnight...", the radio told me.

This is it, I thought to myself. I'm finally going to get out on the road for awhile. I had always loved taking road trips but my business and other sundry responsibilities had kept me from doing so for well over a year. I was on vacation. The first in a long time and I had hoped that I would be able to do it today. It looked as though the weather was going to cooperate.

After a couple cups of coffee and a leisurely bath. I went to my room to select my clothing for the day. I thought briefly about a skirt and a blouse, but then decided that I didn't want to take time to put on my make up. Today I would wear drab. I picked out a pair of walking shorts and a polo shirt, threw on a pair of athletic socks and tennis shoes, and headed out the door.

The weatherman was right. It was a perfect day. I fired up the engine and was on my way. I had no particular destination, but as I drove through town I noticed several people out raking leaves. It reminded me that the fall colors would be at thier peak a hundred miles or so to the south. At least now I had an idea of what direction I'd be heading.

Two and a half hours later I turned east to catch the river. There was a park there that I'd visited before. I liked it because it was rarely used. It amazed me that the area residents didn't use it. Granted, there weren't any fancy picnic areas and some of the undergrowth was rather thick, but it was on the bluffs overlooking the river and was beautiful. I turned off onto the dirt county road that lead to the park and ten minutes later I was there.

The fall foliage was magnificent! All the reds, oranges and yellows were vibrant. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun felt warm and soothing. A slight autumn nip kept it from getting too warm and I remember thinking that I should have brought a sweater or a jacket.

I found my spot under an ancient oak tree. I'd used this spot many times before but the squirrels that made thier homes in that tree made it clear that my presemce was not requested, thank you very much!! I couldn't help but chuckle at the severe scolding I was receiving from them. Then I laughed out loud when the cacaphony of chattering reminded me of a crotchety old woman. I sat there in the sun admiring the splashes of fantastic hues thinking amusing and totally frivolous thoughts. It was good to get away.

I hadn't kept track of time. I even had dozed for awhile naturally drunk on the beauty of just being. It must have been an hour and a half later when I was snapped back to reality by the realization that the temperature had dropped quite a bit. "I'd better head out", I thought.

As I walked back to my car I noticed a bank of angry black clouds to the west. By the time I reached my car the entire sky was a swirling mass of deep gray. The winds had picked up considerably and the temperature had dropped at least twenty degrees. It had turned cold and I wasn't dressed for it. The wind whipped the chilly air around my bare arms and legs raising goose bumps the size of mountains and caused the loose legs of my shorts to flap wildly.

There are two occasions that can cause identical feelings. One is when you see the red flashing lights in your rear view mirror and you know they're for you. The other is when you turn the key in your ignition and nothing happens. I had that feeling and there weren't any cops around. There's this male thing that causes us to look under the hood when our cars won't work. It's built in. It must be in testosterone. I haven't the foggiest idea what the hell I was looking for. I know about as much about fixing cars as I do about brain surgery but there I was with that hood up staring at this mass of metal, tubes and wires as if I could hypnotize the engine into running.

By the time I decided that I'd better start walking the temperature had dropped below forty five degrees, the rain had started and the wind velocity had increased even further. I reached the dirt road soaked to the skin and frozen to the bone. Mud caked to my shoes making my feet feel like lead. I was shivering like a Chihuahua in a room full of pit bulls.

I don't remember how or when I got to the main highway. I was pretty out of it by then. I remember it was dark and I vaguely remember climbing into that warm car with the voice. I was sure that it was an angel except that I didn't think that angels drove cars. In fact, the only coherent thought I remember having was that God must have modernized because this angel was driving a Porsche. I'd have laughed at that thought, but my laugh wasn't working too well at that point. I passed out.

As my mind slowly crept back to the edge of awareness the first fragment of reality was that soft hand stroking my head. The second was that I could hardly move and that I felt like I was on fire! A feeble attempt at thrashing did little to free me of the weight on my body and then, that voice again.

"Take it easy, Robert", the voice said. I recognized it as the angel. I moaned.

"Robert, can you hear me?" the angel asked.

"Wah ih ho ha? Um bur up!" my mouth managed to say. I opened my eyes. It took them a few seconds for them to focus. Even then it wasn't too good. Everything had a soft edge around it including the face that came into my field of view.

"Are you with me?" it asked. It was a nice face.

"Ah hink ho." My tongue felt like peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth. I realized my head was pounding. And, Jesus, it was hot!! "Um hoo ha."

"That's good." the face said. "You weren't in very good shape when I found you. My name is Nancy. I'm a nurse."

My ability to focus was coming back to me. I still wasn't thinking completely straight but that was coming too. I looked at the face again. It was a very nice face. It was a beautiful face. It had wide set impish green eyes, a smallish nose, big beautiful smiling lips that parted to reveal straight gleaming white teeth. The chin was divided by a slight cleft. The skin was a lovely peachy color. It all was framed by stunning straight dark hair with incredible auburn highlights.

"Em ah ih hahpihah? Wah keh ah hock?" My mouth was definitely not working right.

"No. You're not in the hospital. I brought you to my home. You can't talk very well because it looks as if you fell and bit your tongue. It's pretty swollen right now. Do you think you could drink some water?"

"Yeh. Um hah." She pulled back some of the weight that was holding me down, put her hand behind my head and helped me to sit up a little. As she held the glass to my lips I wanted to have all that ice water in me right then, but my tongue would not cooperate. I could only take small sips. Even that was pure heaven. I don't think I'd ever been that thirsty.

"I think I can take some of those covers of you now. Would you like that?"

"Yeh, pea. Wah yo ehm?"

"Nancy. Nancy Peale. I almost hit you out on the highway. I was going to take you to the hospital, but I could hardly see to drive here as it was. You were suffering from hypothermia. You've been out for quite a while. I brought you here to get you warm. Are you feeling better?"

"Ah hink ho. Mah heh huh a mah hung ih um."

"I'm sorry. Did you say that your head hurts and your tongue is numb?'

I felt like a fool talking the way I was. I like to think of myself as a reasonably articulate human being. I certainly wasn't being one now. "Yeh. Ih a pay ih uh buh."

Her laughter filled my ears. It was one of those infectious musical laughs. A laugh from the soul. "Well, your sense of humor is intact. I guess I don't need to worry about you so much anymore." Her eyes sparkled. "Would you like to try sitting up?"

She helped me to sit up. My head still pounded but getting those hot blankets off me was sheer pleasure. The air in the room was pleasantly cool. I realized that I was bathed in sweat. As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed something else hit me.

I don't know why I expected to be wearing the clothes that I had left my house in. Perhaps it was because I was still a little groggy, but I certainly wasn't wearing those clothes. Instead, I was wearing a pink flowered flannel night gown and long gray leg warmers. I didn't say anything. Oddly, neither did she.

"Can I get you anything, Robert?

I shook my head. "Ahm okeh. Caw me Bob. Okeh? Amih! Ah wih ah kooh ahk."

She laughed once again trying not to. " Okay. Bob it is. I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. I know it's hard, but you know something? I can understand you pretty well. And you're funny."

I managed a smile. It's said that men often fall in love with thier nurses when they're in the hospital. This was no hospital, but I think I was falling in love with my nurse anyway. Anybody who saves my life and thinks I'm funny has my vote.

The next several hours saw my tongue return to a more operable condition. Coherent speech became easier. I slept a lot and it seemed as if Nancy never left my side. She helped me to change out of the flannel night gown into a cotton babydoll nightie and a pair of cotton panties. Again, I thought it strange that she didn't seem to think what she was giving me to wear was out of the ordinary. I thought of saying something about it, but decided to leave well enough alone.

I stunk. I could imagine that I was overwhelming to her. I felt well enough to get up but I didn't want to put Nancy out any more than I already had. I felt it was time to get up and find out about getting my car back in running order and get home to take a shower. I got out of bed. Nancy was nowhere around. Standing up was strange. I felt weak and a little bit dizzy and had to sit back down on the edge of the bed.

From behind me a lilting voice said, "Well, look who's up!"

I turned around. Her smile lit up the room. I'd seen it in my dreams.

"Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better. I need to find out about my car.", I said. "Where are my clothes?"

"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.", she said. "Your shirt and shorts were covered with blood from your tongue. Your shoes and socks were saturated with mud. The only thing I could salvage were your panties."

My jaw dropped. In my stupor, I'd forgotten that I'd worn panties. That was the norm for me these days. I owned only two pairs of male underwear. Those were for my trips to the spa and anywhere else where I'd be disrobing in front of others. My face felt suddenly hot with embarassment. I didn't say a word. As I hung my head I thought, "She thinks I'm gay. Here I am, alone with one of the most beatiful women I have ever met and she thinks I'm gay."

"Hey. Hey! Don't be embarassed. I've seen a lot of men in my line of work who do the same thing. I love it! That's why I didn't think you'd mind wearing my nighties."

I looked at her in disbelief.

"I'll bet that's not all you like to wear. Is it?"

Words still escaped me. I shook my head.

She came around the bed and sat down next to me and took my hand. "It wasn't just your panties, you know. I couldn't help but notice that you shave your body. It's nice. I like it."

I looked up into those beautiful green eyes and saw sincerity there. "Yes. I do. I have for a long time." I wanted to stop talking about it, but her eyes compelled me to continue. I told her all about how I'd been cross dressing since I was a kid. I told her about how I'd been caught by my father when I was seventeen and kicked out of the house. I told her about my attempts at trying to reestablish a relationship with my parents and that though my mother was somewhat sympathetic, my father made it clear that they wanted nothing more to do with "thier faggot son". I spilled my guts. And I cried. I cried like I have never cried before. All the time she held me silently, rocked me, stroked my head and cried with me.

When my tears finally subsided I felt new. I'd been holding it back for years and it all came out at one time.

When she finally spoke her words were filled with such compassion. "That must have been so hard for you. Was there no one you could turn to?"

"My Aunt Jenny was very special to me. I told her about it right after my father had kicked me out. She was understanding and supportive, though she said that she didn't dare openly cross my father." I told her that Aunt Jenny had bought me a skirt and a blouse for my eighteenth birthday and was killed in a car accident two days later.

My Aunt Jenny was my fathers younger sister. There was a fifteen year difference in thier ages. Aunt Jenny had always been a bit of a rebel and was considered the black sheep of the family. At least until my secret was discovered. She had always been good to me. When I told her about what I liked to do, she told me that she always knew there was something a little bit different about me. That was why I was her favorite nephew. She felt that we were kindred spirits.

She had owned her own business and had been quite successful. When she died and her will was read, everything she owned had been left to me. It did nothing to improve my relationship with my family. They contested the will, but in the end I still wound up with everything, which included her house and a sizeable amount of money.

I was amazed at what I told Nancy. She was, for all intents and purposes, a total stranger and yet I'd shared my most intimate secrets with her. I don't think I could have stopped myself if I'd tried. Her compassion compelled me.

"Well, you can't go out in just a pair of panties." Nancy said with a grin. "I've laid out some towels and a robe in the bathroom. Why don't you go take a shower and I'll see what I can find for you to wear for the time being."

I tried to protest pointing out that she'd done enough already, but she wouldn't hear of it.

"Look. I don't wish to be rude, Bob, but you reek. Your clothes are ruined and I'm not having you wear mine smelling like you do. We have to go and get some new clothes for you before you can do anything about your car. Off you go. Go ahead and shave your legs, too and whatever else needs it. You've developed quite a case of stubble. My razor's there on the counter. There are fresh blades in the medicine chest and feel free to use my powder."

I went to the bathroom very curious about what she had in mind for me to wear. I was excited. I admit it. I was also amazed that this woman actually liked the fact that I wore women's clothing and was encouraging it.

As the hot water ran over my body I let my mind wander. The events of the past couple of days were a blur and I found myself wondering how I could go about not having them end. I knew realistically that I couldn't stay here with Nancy and I knew that my business couldn't survive too long without me. I had to get back and yet I wanted nothing more than to stay close to her.

I finished shaving, turned the water off and wrapped myself in one of the big soft towels she'd left for me. It felt good to be clean and smooth. When I finished drying and powdering myself I slipped into the fuzzy warm robe that had been put out with the towels.

"I've laid some clothes out on the bed for you.", she yelled through the door. "I think they'll fit you and I'm sure they'll be warm enough. It's still a bit nippy outside. I'll fix us a bite to eat."

"Okay. Thanks." I replied suddenly realizing how ravenously hungry I was.

I was a little apprehensive as I walked into the kitchen. I'd gone shopping and to a couple of gay bars dressed on numerous occasions, but I'd never been around someone I knew. My apprehension was short-lived.

Nancy turned and exclaimed, "Wow! You look terrific!!

I smiled and blushed a bit.

"Don't give me that coy shit." she said with a big grin. "You love it and you know it."

"Yeah, I do." I admitted. "These are the type of clothes I like to wear. How did you guess?" I asked.

"I didn't really. I just thought they'd suit you and I was right." she stated. "I kept them after I'd lost some weight. I just didn't have the heart to throw them out and now I know why. I've got lots more were those came from."

Her last statement threw me a bit but I shrugged it off. I felt good in the things she'd put out for me. They were my style and they reminded me of the classic clothes the girls on the college campus had been wearing. The wool walking shorts were a dark plaid. The sweater was also wool in a deep gold that matched a stripe in the plaid of the shorts. Under that I had on a classic white button down shirt and under the shorts I wore a pair of black tights. She'd even put out a pair of black flats that were a little snug, but otherwise fit me very well.

Nancy was also wearing cuffed wool walking shorts in a red and green plaid, a red sweater over a white cotton turtleneck, white tights and tan Bass Weejuns. She was a stunningly beautiful woman. She was about five foot seven. My guess was that she weighed somewhere around a hundred and ten. She was slender without being skinny. She had a pert behind, small but firm breasts and an absolutely outstanding pair of legs. This was a fine looking woman.

I must have been staring, lost in absorbing the vision of her. She turned, smiled and asked, "Do you like what you see?"

"Sorry.", I said. "I didn't mean to stare. Yes I do. Very much. You are a very beautiful woman, Nancy."

She grinned. "Why thank you, sir!" she exclaimed in a whimsical manner.

"And that outfit your wearing..."

"You like?"

"Mmm-hmm. I've always loved that look."

Her smile broadened. "Me too. I dress like this a lot. It's me. It looks like it's you too. You look great. We look like a couple of college coeds."

" Well, you look good enough to eat."

That warm sparkling laugh of hers filled my ears. " Is that a promise or a threat?"

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"No problem. I may take you up on it after we go shopping." She was grinning but the look in her eyes told me she wasn't kidding. My already stiff member got just a little bit stiffer.

When we finished eating I put on the make up that she'd given me after which she did my hair in a french braid. She gave me some ear rings and a necklace to put on. I was still a little bit embarassed by having her see me dressed as a girl, but it was slowly giving way to an acceptable level of comfort. In fact I was beginning to enjoy sharing it with her. I definitely was concerned about going out in public dressed as I was, but Nancy seemed so confident it gave me more courage.

My knees were shaking and my palms were sweating as we walked toward the entrance of the mall. Nancy waved at a man and called out, "Hi Walt!"

"Well, hello there Nancy! I haven't seem you for a long time." he greeted as he approached us. "What's new?"

"Oh, the usual. And you?"

"Same shit...different day. Who's your friend?"

We hadn't discussed what I was to be called. My heart froze at the question. I felt sure that I was going to faint.

"This is my old college room mate Bobbi." She was quick on her feet. My heart started beating again. "Bobbi, this is Walt Freeman. Walt, meet Bobbi Cloud."

"Nice to meet you Bobbi", Walt said as he held out his hand. I gave him my best feminine handshake and nodded.

"Poor Bobbi's got a good case of laryngitis." Nancy bailed me out again. "She got caught in the storm on Thursday. Her car broke down out by Farber Park. She walked all the way back to the highway and the poor dear was half frozen."

"Wow. Bad news. That was a nasty storm. You're a lucky girl.", Walt said to me. I nodded my appreciation at his concern.

"Walt, could you tow Bobbi's car in and have a look at it?", Nancy asked.

"Sure.", he said. Turning to me he asked, " What kind of car is it?", then realizing he wouldn't get a verbal response from me he looked sheepish. "Sorry. I forgot."

Nancy was already handing me a pad and a pen. I wrote down the description of my car and the license number, tore off the sheet, handed it to Walt and opened the purse Nancy had lent me to give him my keys.

"When you find out what's wrong would you give me a call? Bobbi's staying with me for a few days.

"You got it. Nice to meet you again, Bobbi. I hope your voice gets better soon.", Walt said as he took my keys. "I'll talk to you later."

I let out a sigh of relief as he departed. "Thanks, Nancy. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"No problem. I was glad to do it."

"As long as I've been wearing women's clothes, I've never been able to figure out how to get beyond the male voice. I can raise the register of my voice, but I think that I sound like a man trying to sound like a woman."

"Well, we'll just have to work on it."

Again I was taken aback by her statement. There had been a lot of little things she'd said that confused me. That and the fact that she was acting as if we'd known each other for years. I felt that it was time I said something to her about it, but I didn't know how to approach it and right now was not the time. I also felt as though I was not in control of what was happening to me. She wasn't forcing me to do anything. She was a little insistant, but everything she insisted upon made perfect sense. My health was back to normal. It wasn't as if I was incapacitated. She just seemed to know all the right things to do and all the right things to say. I felt a bit powerless.

Funny, we never bought an article of men's clothing. When we got back to Nancy's house with quite a number of bags and packages, there wasn't a single masculine stitch in any of them. I'd been having so much fun shopping with her, I'd hardly noticed.

Nancy kicked off her shoes and flopped on the couch. "Be a dear, Bobbi, and fix us a couple of drinks. Would you? I need a break."

"I'd be glad to. What'll it be and where is everything?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I've become so used to you being here I sort of forgot you haven't been here but a couple of days. The booze is in the oak cabinet in the dining room. Everything else is in the fridge. I'll have a scotch and water."

I went to fix the drinks. As I did I found myself thinking that it was time to talk to her about my being here with her. She'd been so kind to me. She accepted me as I was even though we knew little about each other. She'd gone out of her way to make me feel at home. I liked her a lot, but I had a life of my own that I had to get back to eventually. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I had to say something.

As I handed her the drink our eyes met and locked together for a few seconds. It seemed like hours and the look said so much. She smiled and patted the couch next to her. She took a sip of her drink and said, "Thank you so much. I needed this."

I sat on the couch next to her. She set her drink down on the coffee table and reached down to fix a wrinkle that had appeared in the knee of her tights. I opened my mouth to begin the conversation, but she beat me to it. "I know. We need to talk. Right?"

Her uncanny perceptiveness threw me a bit. It had become quite evident over the past couple of days. She always seemed to know just what to say or do in any given situation. I shouldn't have been surprised. "Yes." I said. "I think we do."

"And I've been avoiding it."

"I think we both have." I took a sip of my drink and a deep breath. "Nancy, I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. Your kindness and your willingness to help me is far beyond what I what I would have expected from a friend. Much less a total stranger. I've shared with you my most intimate secrets. I've even gone out with you dressed as a girl, for cryin' out loud! And I don't really even know you." I paused for another breath and a big gulp of my scotch and water. Nancy opened her month as if to say something but I held my hand up. "Let me finish." She closed her mouth. Her face showed little emotion but she was paying total attention to what I was saying. That much was evident.

I continued. "I don't know how I can ever repay you. You rescued me, nursed me back to health, fed me and clothed me in a way that I love, but would never have shared with anyone. I haven't heard a negative word come out of your mouth since I've been here. What's that worth."

"Oh, how 'bout $5,000,000.00?" she said with a grin.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Believe me if I had that kind of money to spare, you'd have it. You saved my life."

"Bobbi, listen to me." I relinquished. "I did what I felt I had to do under the circumstances. You were sick and injured. I wanted to take you to the hospital, but I couldn't. The weather was just too bad. So I brought you here. As you got better I found myself liking the fact that you were here. It gave me something to do. Bobbi, I am a registered nurse who hasn't worked in almost six months. I'm not hurting for money. I was unjustly fired from my position at the county hospital. I took them to court and won a large settlement. When I brought you here something woke up inside me that I haven't felt in a long, long time. It felt really good to take care of someone who needed me. Now that I've come to know you better something else woke up that I haven't felt in a long, long time." She down the last of her drink.

I knew what she was going to say. Fear gripped me. I seized the opportunity to escape, if only temporarily. "Let me get you another drink."

"Oh, yes please. Make it a double."

As I made our drinks I tried to determine how I was going to respond to what I knew was coming.

When I returned to the living room with our drinks nancy was looking through one of the bags of items that we'd bought. I took the opportunity to speak first. "Nancy, I have to leave. I have a business to run. I can't stay here."

"How soon do you have to be there?" she asked without turning around.

"I should go back today, but my car probably won't be ready 'til Monday, being that today is only Saturday. Would it be okay with you if I stayed 'til then?"

"I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't leave at all." Her voice began to quaver. "Bobbi, I know you probably don't want to hear this but I think I love you." She didn't turn around and I was sure that she was crying.

I went to her and put my arms around her. As soon as I did she began sobbing. I just held her from behind for a couple of minutes. When she regained her composure a bit she turned around and hugged me.

Still crying she said, "I know it's not fair for me to expect you to stay. And I know that I'm being selfish but it's just that I've been looking for a man like you for so long and now that you're here, you want to go away again." A fresh crop of sobs came from her. "I guess that I thought that if we didn't buy you any men's clothes today you couldn't leave."

"Nancy...I don't really know what to say." I had to stop and think. So many things were swirling in my head. I loved what she was doing for me. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met. She loved the fact that I wore women's clothing and liked to wear the same styles as I did. She seemed to feel perfectly comfortable with my being here in her home. In fact she wanted me to stay. Yet, I had responsibilities. I couldn't just chuck everything for her.

"Look Nancy. I can't say that I love you. I don't know you well enough yet. But I can say that I love the things that you've done for me. And I can say that leaving here will be very hard for me to do. I really like what we've got. I'm not saying that I don't ever want to see you again. I'd love to continue seeing you. But I have responsibilities.

Her tears had subsided, though her nose was running. I retrieved a box of tissues and handed her a couple. After she blew she said, "I know what you're saying is true, Bobbi. I know that I'm being selfish, but it's so painful to let you go. Come sit down. I think it's time I told you a few things.

I sat on the couch with her at my side. I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She was silent for a moment. Then she began.

"When I was young I used to dress my little brother up in my clothes. I was 12 and he was 5. We used to play with dolls. He was the closest thing to a girlfriend that I ever had at that age. I was not a pretty girl when I was young. I was the brunt of a lot of teasing. I was taller than anyone else in my class. I reached puberty and developed breasts earlier than any of the other girls in my class. They were unmerciful in thier harassment. I withdrew and wouldn't have anything to do with anybody. My only solace was the time I had with my brother. It was then that I could feel like I was loved. My brother did love me. He died of lukemia. I was devastated. When you told me about your Aunt Jenny all I could think of was how I felt when Peter died. It was the same. You had somone who loved you unconditionally who died and so did I. I knew how you felt."

As I went to pour us fresh drinks she continued. "When I was in college I developed a strong friend ship with a boy who was, like I had been, the brunt of a lot of teasing and jokes. I felt sorry for him. He was rather effiminate. He didn't participate in any sports. He didn't go to any parties. He just kept to himself. I managed to break through the wall he'd built up around himself and he confided in me that he liked to wear women's clothing. I helped him in any way I could. He loved me, but like my brother, he died. His parents told me that he had written letters to them about me and that they were glad that I had made his last few months so happy."

She went on to tell me how angry she was that he hadn't told her that he was terminally ill. She had dated over the years since then, but had never found anyone who could give her what she needed. Her life had been one of loneliness...of one meaningless relationship after another.

"When I found you, it was like I was able to save Peter and Greg all over again. I was afraid to love you because anyone I have ever loved has died. Having you go away will be like you died. I don't want that to happen." She started to cry again. "Bobbi, I do love you!!" I simply held her.

I don't know how long we stood there in each others arms. Time seemed to lose all meaning. I know it's nuts. You, dear reader, are going to say that I am a fool and perhaps you are right. I am not going to try to justify anything with a lot of explanations, but there in Nancy's arms, I did fall in love with her. I offer no apologies. I offer no excuses. I was, at that moment, the happiest girl in the world. This world could use much more of such foolisness.

I suppose I could end here, however I am quite sure that you would curse me for having done so. I did leave. I went back to my home and my business. I will leave to your imagination the events of the two days prior to my departure. It is better that way. Suffice it to say that when I did depart, I was not alone.

Two years have past since the events of the tale you have just read. I am still the happiest girl in the world.

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