Story - Mystory

By Karen Mitchell

Published on May 30, 1996



From Mon Jun 3 00:04:42 1996 Path:!!!!!!!!!usenet ~~Newsgroups: ~~Organization: I-Link ~Lines: 757 Message-ID: ~Reply-To: (Karen Mitchell) NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.

I remember when it all began. I was about 12 or 13 and a couple of friends of my moms were going to take me camping.

I had led pretty much of a sheltered life with just my mom and myself after my dad died. We lived in a well to do area but there were not any playmates my age so much of my time was spent by myself.

Mom thought that by having some of her friends take me out that I might find something that interested me.

Well, any way, these two friends were name Ted and Dan and had planned to go up in the mountains for a week and had agreed to take me with them. This was the first time that I had ever been camping, or for that matter overnight without my mom period.

Ted and Dan picked me up early in the morning and off we went.

We went pretty far out into the mountains. I pretty much got in the way while they pitched a tent and got the camp set up.

We spent the first couple of days around camp just lying around. It was so new to me I must have been a constant pain with all my questions. Things like were the restroom was, I was pretty embarrassed when Ted told me to just walk away from camp and do my business that there were no toilets around.

When we went to bed Ted and Dan shared one sleeping bag and I slept in another. I sometimes couldn't get to sleep right off and would lie there awake for some time. I could often here some strange noises from were they were sleeping but thought noting of it.

One day we went for a hike and were gone most of the day. When we returned we found that some animal had gotten into the tent. What few clothes I had brought with me were scattered all around, I guess my little pack must have been the easiest to get into because their's had not really been touched. My stuff was torn all apart.

I broke down and started to cry. When Ted came up to me he told me not to worry, that there was a town down the mountain and that we would go down and replace everything. We picked up what we could and found that my jeans were pretty much ok but I would need new shirts and underpants. This really worried me. I had tried to go a few times without underpants and it really bothered me to be without out them. I told Ted that underpants were really important and he told me that he was sure that he could find them. When he smiled at me everything seemed alright.

wHen we got into town Dan and I went and had some ice cram while Ted went shopping. He had taken my measurements so that he could get the right sizes.

dAn suggested that we take a shower while we were in town. This sounded good to me as I hadn't done any more than just wipe off in the stream by the camp. We found a place to shower and went in. There was only one stall, so Dan suggested that we all get in and get it over with.

I hesitated because I had never been naked in front of any one but my mom before and it kind of scared me. Ted could see the worry on my face and said not to worry because we were all men. Just talking to Ted made me feel alright. I watched as they got undressed.

DAn was the first to get undressed. The sight of him without clothes really started me. His big six foot body didn't have much hair and when he turned around his penis was just abut a foot from where I was sitting. This first sight of a man's penis was fantastic. Covered with thick black hair I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was so large. I felt really strange. Then Ted was undressed. I glanced over to where he stood. Although his penis was not as large as Dan's, it held my attention. Sticking out through the sparse blond hair it was really something.

Ted told me to get undressed. I really didn't want to because I was afraid that they would make fun of me. My penis was about half the size of theirs and I had almost no hair where they had a lot. Also, I was really feeling strange down there. My penis felt really stiff and my testicles tight.

Ted and Dan got into the shower stall so I finally undressed. Neither said a word when I got in. Ted handed me the soap and I lathered down. I brushed against Dan's penis and felt a very strange sensation come over me. Dan didn't even seem to notice. I got out before them and dried and got back into my clothes. I watched them dry. For some reason I paid close attention as they dried between their legs. I just couldn't take my eyes off them. I was really glad when they had their clothes on and it was time to go.

When we got back to camp it was almost dark. Ted got us some supper and we got ready to turn in.

Dan got my clothes out of the car and took them into the tent.

I really was glad, because I had been wearing the same underpants for two days and really need to change them.

Ted turned the lantern on in the tent and began to help me store my clothes. I looked around for the new underpants and couldn't find any. I asked Ted about them. A look came over him. He told me that he couldn't find anything but ones that were too big for me.

Again I broke down and started to cry telling them that I just had to have some.

Ted told me that although he couldn't find any boys he was able to find me something that might do, at least until we could get back to a bigger town.

He reached into a sack and pulled out some girls panties. I really went into shock then. I guess Ted could see the tears welling up in my eyes. He reached over and took hold of me and held me telling me that no one would ever know and that it would be alright.

Seeing nothing else to do I calmed down and said that it would probably be alright but just don't make fun of me. Both Ted and Dan grinned at that and said they would never do something like that.

I took the panties and looked them over. They were kind of silky, blue, pink, yellow and white. One of them had little bows on it and all of them had lace around the edges.

I picked out the simplest one and got out of my clothes and put them on. Much to my surprise I enjoyed the feel of them. The smoothness gave me a strange sensation all over.

As I pulled them on I could see Ted and Dan's faces. They couldn't take their eyes off the panties as I slipped them on. I enjoyed their eyes on me and kind of took my time. When I finally got them on Dan told me to turn around. I did and Dan said that they really looked good on me. He asked me how they flet. I said that they really weren't bad and that they felt good. Ted, sitting in back of me said that I really looked cute. I did notice that Dan had a large bulge in his underpants and I wondered what made that. I turned around to face Ted and heard him take in a deep breath. He was on his knees and he also had a very large bulge in his underpants. From his position I knows that that was were his penis was. I wondered about that.

Just then I felt Dan's hand on my back. He was rubbing up and down from my shoulders to my waist. I loved it and told him how good that felt. As he rubbed I could feel my penis getting stiff. It kind of scared me as I really didn't know what was happening.

Dan's hand moved down to my bottom and I almost passed out from the pleasure.

While this was going on I couldn't take my eyes off Ted's pants. I thought that pretty soon the bulge would tear a hole in his shorts.

I couldn't stand any more and had to sit down. My penis was really starting to get sore and the ache in my testicles was almost more than I could take.

I started to sit down and when I did Ted reached over and took hold of me and put me in his lap. He told me that I was the cutest person he had ever seen. Then he turned my face to him and kissed me. I think that I passed out for a second the pleasure was so great.

Ted suggested that it was time to turn the light out and get some rest. As warm as the night was, I laid down on top of my sleeping bag and could here them lay down on theirs.

I couldn't get out of my mind how good my panties felt or the pleasure of the kiss and Dan's hand on my bottom. I laid there a long time without sleeping. I don't know what time it was when I heard Dan and Ted whispering to each other. I couldn't actually hear the words. I could hear when they moved though.

I heard a sound that reminded me of when my mom would kiss me before I went to school. This sound went on for several moments. Pretty soon it was replaced by another sound. One that I had never heard before, it sounded kind of wet. I could hear Ted's breathing. It was coming faster and faster. Although the noise was not loud it was very strange. I reached for the flashlight next to my bag, pointed over to were they were sleeping and turned it on.

Ted was laying on his back with Dan between his upthrust legs. Both of them were naked. The surprise on Ted's face was startling. Dan got to his knees and Ted just laid there.

My eyes moved from Ted's face over to Dan. His penis was stuck straight out from his body. I looked hugh and swollen. I shot my eyes back to Ted. Although his penis was starting to relax I could tell that it had looked like Dan's. I loved the sight.

I asked what was going on. Neither answered for a moment then Dan told me that they would explain in the morning and that I needed to go back to sleep.

It took a while but I finally did get to sleep. It was noon before I woke up. As I did, I could hear a car coming up the path. As no one was in the tent, I looked out and getting out of the car was Dan. He must have gone to town for some supplies.

Ted was over at the cook stove. He was really a sight. All he had on was a very brief pair of shorts and his shoes. Again I couldn't take my eyes off the space between his legs. I wanted to rush out and find out about last night.

I got up and put my shoes on, I had decided that if Ted could walk around in his shorts I could too. Then I remembered that I was wearing panties, not underpants. I looked down and was surprised to see a stain on them. It was a large stain. I couldn't go out looking like that so I got out the rest of the my panties. I picked out the blue pair. It had lots of lace and bows on it. It was more like the bikinis that I had seen in magazines that women wear on the beach. I loved their feel as I pulled them over my hairless legs and stepped out of the tent.

Dan was just getting out of the car when I stepped out. He stopped in his tracks and just stared at me. The smile on his face was quite a sight.

I walked up to Ted and said good morning. He laughed and said it was afternoon. He leaned down and gave me a little kiss on the lips.

Dan walked over and told me how wonderful I looked. He knelt down, took me in his arms and gave me a kiss on the lips. I couldn't help myself as I kissed him back.

I asked Dan where he had been. He said that he had gone to town to get some things and that while he was there he had phoned my mom to find out if it was alright if we stayed out for another two weeks. He said that my mom had agreed.

Dan said that since Ted and I were getting some sun that he would too. He stepped into the tent and when he came back he was wearing only a brief pair of shorts like Ted's.

We ate some lunch and when we were done Ted said we really needed to talk about last night. He said we should all go into the tent and get comfortable.

When we got inside the tent we all sat down. I sat on Dan's lap and got comfortable as he wrapped me in his arms. Ted explained that sometimes men liked other men and that what I saw last night was the way they showed their feelings for each other.

I asked several questions and they both explained what they were doing. Ted asked how I felt about the things I had been experiencing. I told them how I was having all these strange wonderful feelings. How good it felt to wear panties and I loved the sight of them when we were in the shower. I told them of how my penis and testicles had ached the other day and of the stain on my panties this morning.

Both Ted and Dan laughed at this. I thought that they were laughing at me and my eyes welled up with tears. Dan gave me a big hug and said that they weren't laughing at me in a funny way but were enjoying my story. Ted said that they could tell that I was enjoying myself and liked wearing panties. He said that since they knew I liked panties, they though that I might like to wear some of the things that Dan had bought for me that morning. He said that sometimes men felt more free when they wore female clothes and that I might too.

I told them that I would like to try but I wanted to know more about why I had these aches between my legs. Ted began to tell me about how men get erections and that causes them to swell and if the swelling isn't relieved and it does cause an erection. I asked if I could see their erection the next time. Ted grinned and stood up. He pulled his shorts down and there sticking out was his very stiff penis. I just stared. It was a fantastic sight. The head all swollen and purple. I slid off Dan's lap and knelt in front of Ted. Slowly I reached up and touched Ted's stiff member. I heard him gasp and I put my hand around it.

Suddenly Dan said that was enough for now, that we would talk more later and that we could explore some more later.

He pulled out the packages that he had bought and told me that I needed to go through them and find something that I liked. After I got dressed we would go for a walk.

Ted and Dan took some clothes with them when they left leaving me to open the packages.

In the packages were all sorts of clothes. More panties, shorts, socks, a couple of short nighties like on the dummies at Penny's, and a couple of bras. There were also some boxes of things I didn't understand why but knew that women used them once a month. There were also some skirts and blouses and two dresses and some shiny shoes.

I decided the panties I had on were ok and picked out a pair of shorts that had flowers on them. When I pulled them on they fit tight and came up high on my legs. I next picked out a white sleeveless shirt. I didn't know what to do about the bra even though I knew where it went. I just didn't know how to get it on. I looked at it and saw that there was a hook in the front so I slipped the straps around my arms and fastened it in the front. Surprisingly it fit even though it didn't fill out the way I had seen in pictures. Maybe that was because I didn't have any breasts. That was ok I felt wonderful. It felt so natural.

I wish I had a mirror I wanted to see if I looked as good as I felt. I looked down and could see that the bra did push the shirt out in front just a little bit. As my gaze continued down my front I could see that my penis was making somewhat of a bulge in my shorts. It sure didn't look good so I slipped the shorts down and tucked my penis between my legs and pulled my panties up tighter. I decided that that was the best I could do and pulled the shorts back up. That did look better.

I stepped out of the tent and heard a gasp from both Ted and Dan. The smiles that spread across their faces told me more than any mirror could have. I must have looked pretty good.

Dan stepped over and turned me around. He told me that I was simply the cutest thing he had ever seen. Ted repeated what Dan had said, leaned down and gave me a resounding kiss on the lips.

We spent the rest of the day just wandering around the woods. We held hands and talked about the animals and things we saw. I did have to go to the bathroom once and instead of standing like I normally did, I squatted down like I knew girls did.

It was getting dark when we got back to camp. Dan fixed us some supper and we sat around for awhile until it was too dark to see any more. Ted said that I was time for us to get ready for bed. I went into the tent and found nightgown and put it on. It was white with rather brief panties and very sheer top that tied in two places in the front. Its silkyness made me feel so good I could hardly stand it.

Dan and Ted came in just moments after I had changed. Ted told me how wonderful I looked. Both of them took off their clothes, except for their shorts and sat down. When Dan reached over and took me in his arm the hug he gave me took my breath away. He ran his hands up and down my back and pulled my head to him. His lips pressed against mine and our kiss lasted for a long time. It seemed natural for me to open my mouth slightly and I could feel Dan's tongue as he pushed into to me.

Collecting my breath I sat down in front of them and said I had some questions about what was going on and why.

Ted began to tell me how my mom had told them that she felt that I really didn't what to be a boy and how the things I was doing around home really more fit a girl. He said that they had told mom that inorder to find out that he and Dan had taken me on this trip. That really mom had left me in their care for the summer. I liked that. He said the accident to my clothes gave them an opportunity to provide me with the clothes I had now. Ted also told me that we would be going back to the city in a couple of days and that I would stay with them at their place.

Dan took over and said that there was a lot that I had to learn and they would teach me. He said that I would try everything being a girl and that anytime I wanted I could stop.

I immediately told them that everything that was going on now felt so good and natural and that I was looking forward to learning more and that I wanted to start tonight. I told them that the experience of seeing my first erection was one of the greatest thrills of my life. I also confessed that what I had seen last night really had me wondering. I asked them why my panties had become stained. The questions just poured from me.

Finally Ted reached over and took me in his arms. He explained all about the stain and how it happened. He also told me that he and Dan were making love and how they did it.

Dan came over and sat next to us. As Ted talked Dan put his arms around both of us. He said that I should just watch and learn.

Dan told me to get up and sit down a little apart from them. He then took Ted in his arms and laid him down. They kissed for a long time. Both their hand busy running down each others bodies. Dan reached down and slowly took Ted's shorts off. I could see the erection he had. His thick penis stood out from his body like a spear. Dan's hand slowly encircled Ted's shaft and he began to stroke it. Ted's body rippled with pleasure and the raptured look on his face told more than words.

After awhile Dan moved his face over Ted's quivering shaft and slid his mouth over. Ted's breath came faster and faster. All of a sudden Ted gave a little cry and his whole body stiffened. When Dan finally rolled off Ted I could see the bulge in his shorts was about to tear through his brief shorts. Ted leaned over and placed his mouth on Dan's and their kiss lasted for a long time.

I was beside myself. The ache I was feeling between my legs was about to drive me crazy. My penis was straining my panties. Even my nipples were hurting. I wanted very badly to reach over and grab Ted's softening erection. I wanted to feel it. Actually I wanted to taste it, to feel what Dan had felt but I knew that I didn't want to interrupt them. I wanted them to continue so I could learn more and experience more. But I felt that if this pain I was feeling didn't end soon I would pass out.

Dan laid there for another minute and then took off his shorts. His erection was even larger than Ted's had been. He placed is mouth over one of Ted's nipple and began to suck on it as he did his hand move down and began to spread Ted's legs apart. He then got a tube of something and squeezed some into his hand all the while going from one of Ted's nipple to another. Ted had raised his knees and placed his feet flat on the floor. Dan took whatever was in his hand and began to rub it into to Ted's bottom. I could see him sticking a finger into Ted putting it in and out. Then he put two fingers and stroked some more. Ted began to moan and tell Dan to hurry.

Dan rolled over and put himself between Ted's legs. Ted lifted his legs up and I could see Dan put his penis at the opening of Ted's bottom and begin to push. As his penis slipped into the opening Ted gave a big gasp. Dan began to move up and down, slowly at first and then faster and faster. Dan gave a cry and his whole body jerked. All this time he was driving his heavy shaft deeper and deeper into Ted.

As Dan quit pumping he gave Ted a deep kiss and then rolled over on to his back. Ted place his feet flat on the floor. I could see his bottom and a white sort of goo was leaking out, it was the same thing that Dan still had leaking out of the tip of his penis.

I reach over and placed my hand between Ted's legs and touch my fingers to the goo. Ted jumped as my hand touched his bottom but he said nothing. I looked at the goo and then reached over to Dan and took some off the end of his penis. The feel of it felt wonderful on my fingers. Its slick, milky white consistency, its odor was driving sensations through my body. I place my fingers to my lips tasting the sharp flavor of the stuff from Dan, then I did the same from fingers that had gathered the stuff from Ted. They both had the same taste and I knew that what ever was leaking out of Ted had come from Dan's penis.

My whole body was now aching. I looked down and my penis threatened to tear a hole in my panties. I could see a dark wet spot appearing on my panties.

I looked at Dan with an emploring face. I guess he could read my thoughts. He rose to his knees and untied the top of my nightie sliding it from my shoulders. He laid me down on the sleeping bags between he and Ted. As he placed his lips on mine I felt Ted place his hand on my leg and begin to run it up and down the inside and outside of my thigh.

Dan's tongue explored the inside of my mouth. The pleasure I was getting was driving me nuts. Dan moved his mouth from my lips down to my nipples. I never knew that I could get so much pleasure from my nipples.

Dan rose back up and reached down and slipped my panties off. As I looked my hairless penis was sticking straight up and leaking a clear liquid. Dan touched the end of my shaft and placed some of this liquid on his finger and placed it in his mouth. He then did it again and placed the finger to my lips. I hungrily licked it from his finger savoring the taste.

Dan lowered his head back to my body. His tongue slid from the center of my chest downward. I could feel his hot breath as his tongue lapped around my navel. On down he traveled his tongue sliding farther and farther. He shifted his body and spread my legs apart. His tongue slid down the crease between testicles and my inner thigh. aGain shifting his body between my legs he placed my feet flat on the floor and used his tongue to lap at my testicles.

The ache I was feeling was becoming unbearable. I could feel my testicles tightening and I knew that if my penis got any harder it would snap off. All of a sudden I could feel the contractions and I began to shoot the goo out of my body. My whole body jerked with the pleasure and the more I jerked the more my penis erupted with the goo. Finally, with all the pressure released my body felt spend and I relaxed.

I looked down and my belly and the area around my penis was covered with the same creamy white stuff that I had seen on Ted and Dan. I no longer ached and my body felt wonderful.

Ted came close to me and began to lick the goo off my body. Dan's face appeared before mine and he leaned down and we kissed long and hard. Ted lifted my legs and I could feel him sliding my panties back up my legs. Dan raised my shoulders and put my top on and tied it together.

I started to question Dan but he place a finger to my lips and said that it was time to go to sleep and in the morning we could talk. I rolled over and was asleep instantly.

When I awoke in the morning I could see that either Ted or Dan had placed a pair of shorts, a blouse and my bra and panties out for me. I removed my nightie and dressed and went out into the crisp morning air. Breakfast was waiting me and I hungerly wolfed it down. Nothing was said until I was finished and we had cleaned up the camp.

I sat down in one of the camp chairs and Dan came and sat in front of me. He told me that instead of me just asking question he wanted to tell me all about what had occurred last night and when he finished I could then ask anything I wanted.

He explained that he would use common terms, many I had heard at school but didn't understand. As he told me about how my body worked and such things as fucking and comming Ted stood behind me and combed my long hair.

Dan talked for a long time and when he had finished I really didn't have anything to ask. His explanations were very clear.

I did ask about why I enjoyed dressing up like a girl and what caused it to feel so natural. Again he explained how this could happen. I asked him why he didn't fuck me last night and he told me that he didn't feel that I was ready for that just yet. He said that there were may things that I could experience about being a girl before that should happen but that he realized I had to have some sexual relief.

I sat there for a long time just thinking about it all. Finally I told Ted and Dan that I wanted to try everthing about being a girl but that someone would have to tell me more about how girls behaved and how their bodies worked.

Ted began to tell me about girls. He explained that as girls got older their bodies developed breasts and that they experienced monthly periods. He explained how they had vaginas and how they were able to have babies.

Again more time passed while I thought it all through. After lunch I said I wanted to ask some questions so we all sat down again.

I asked how I could ever be a girl if I couldn't have breasts and could never experience having a period. Ted said that if I wanted to grow breasts that I could take something called hormones and as far as a period goes I would just have to pretend that once a month I was having one.

After walking around by myself for the rest of the day, I returned to camp. I told Ted and Dan that I wanted to have breasts and I wanted to experience everthing about being a girl. They both said that they would help me and that we would start immediately because it would take time for it all.

I started on hormones that day and since it was the first of the month I told them that I was going to start my period today also.

Dan walked into the tent and came out with a small package. He explained that girls had to stop the flow of blood from their bodies and they used things like this to do it. He open the box, which said O.B. on it, and took one out. He unwrapped it and showed it to me and told me how it worked. I knew immediately what had to be done. I took it and pulled the string so it was loose. Dan gave me some clear gel from a tube and I covered the OB with it. I asked Dan how I did this and he told me to take my pants off and place one of my legs on the edge of a chair, which I did. I carefully insterted it into my bottom making sure the string stayed out. I then dressed myself. Everthing felt perfect.

When I woke up the next morning I felt like a new person. I knew that the hormones had not had time to start working but I actually felt like my breasts were growing. I removed my nightie and rubbed by hands over my breasts, they actually tingled when I did so. I loved the feel as I ran my hands over the rest of my body. I felt the string of the tampon I had placed in my bottom the night before and decided that I probably should change it. Not having anything to put my foot on I squatted down and pulled on the sting. I was more difficult to remove than it had been to put in. It was swollen with the moisture from my body and actually hurt as it came out. I got another out of the box and placed some gel on it. It slipped in easier than yesterday.

I looked around for something to put on. I found among my panties a pair that I liked and slipped them on, then got my bra. I located the dress that I had seen and slipped it on. It left my shoulders bare except for the straps and fit real good. I really liked the feeling of not having any restrictions on my legs and the airy feeling the dress gave me.

A low whistle from Dan as I stepped out of the tent told me how I looked. With a kiss from both of them I sat and ate my breakfast.

Ted told me we were going to town for supplies. I said that I had better change but Dan said he didn't see why that I looked just fine and no one would be able to tell if I was a boy or the wonderful looking girl I was. I decided he was right.

When we got to town Ted went shopping and Dan said that I should have my hair done. It made me nervous to go into the beauty shop but my fears were soon calmed as the hair dresser made a big fuss over me. I got my hair styled, my nails done, even my toe nails.

Next we went over to where we had taken or shower and while Dan waited I let the water run over me.

We window shopped, with Dan hurrying my past an adult bookstore.

We went back to the car and found Ted waiting. He said that before we left he wanted to shower. I said that I would wait at the car so they went off to clean up.

I loved the gaze of the boys as they passed by. Several of them tried to start a conversation but I was still nervous.

When Dan and Ted returned we went back to camp. I helped unload the packages. Dan told me that many of them were mine and to go and see what new things I had.

I could hardly believe the clothes and makeup they had bought. New panties, bras, skirts, blouses, slips, fingernail polish, lipstick, a bikini and some spandex shorts.

The next week was a period of wearing new clothes, learning how to put on my makeup and take care of my hair. I watched Ted and Dan have sex one evening, carefully studying how careful Dan was with Ted.

Dressed in a silky red teddy I waited until Dan had finished. I reached out and took Ted's swollen member in my hand. I loved its smooth fullness, how it jumped at my touch. The clear liquid oozing from the now purple end called me and I slowly leaned down and took the drop on the end of my tongue. The taste was exotic. I wanted more. I moved my lips down over the head putting as much of his shaft into my mouth as possible. Glancing up I watched Ted, his expression was one of pure pleasure to me. I moved my lips up and down the head, slowly at first then faster and faster. I could feel the head touching the back of my throat but could only get about 3/4 of it in my mouth. Ted was groaning loudly now. I placed one of my hands on his tight balls gently rubbing them. I could feel his contractions and then he erupted. His cum spewed into my mouth and I began to wonder if I could hold it all. I started to swallow marveling at the taste. I kept sucking until Ted's penis began to relax.

Ted took me in his arms and laid me down on top of him. He began hugging and kissing me.

I could feel hands on my hips and my panties being slid down my legs.

I was a little startled when I felt Dan's tongue on my bottom. He was licking in little circles, then his tongue was sliding up and down my crack. He spread my legs apart and his tongue roved from the base of my balls to my little hole.

Ted rolled me over and removed my top. He began to suck my nipples. Dan raised my legs up and continued licking, forcing his tongue into my hole.

I was beyond reality. My little penis was rock hard. I reached out and got hold of Dan's engorged member. He was leaking and I spread the goo over the head.

Dan took something and smeared it on to my hole. He began to probe with his finger, gently pushing it into my hole. I felt myself relaxing and as I did I could feel him pushing two fingers into me.

Ted was whispering that there was going to be a little pain but it would soon go away.

Dan raised my legs higher placing them on his shoulders. I could feel his penis at the entrance to my hole and then he was forcing it in to me. I cried out as he did. He immediately stopped.

Please Dan I cried, please. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I knew that it would not only bring me great pleasure but that it would be one more stage in fulfilling my girlhood.

Dan said that he couldn't continue that I was just too tight and even though he had tried to loosen me and too widen me he was afraid that he would hurt me just too much. He said that I would just have to wait. That tomorrow he would do something that would start making sex possible for me.

Ted laid down between my legs taking my penis in his mouth and began sucking as he sucked he stroked with his tongue. It took just a few seconds of this pleasure and I began to spew forth my creamy white cum.

Both of them helped me dress and I laid down wondering how Dan was going to make it possible for me to have sex with him.

When I woke up in the morning I dressed in my bikini intending to go down to the stream and take a bath. Dan was gone and Ted said he had run down to the town. I loved Ted's morning kiss, ate breakfast and went to clean up.

When I returned Dan was back. He kissed me and told me to come into the tent.

DAn told me that what he was going to do to me would be uncomfortable for a while and that there were several stages that I would have to go through before I would be ready for him.

He untied the string to my bikini and let them fall to the floor. Next he laid me down and told me to get on my hands and knees. I could feel him lubricating my hole, using his finger as he did last night. I then felt him forcing something into me. As he pushed it in he explained that it was a small butt plug and that having it inside of me would stretch me out and that he would replace it with a larger one after a time.

The pain was not too great but it was uncomfortable and I felt full, like I had to go to the bathroom. Dan gave me a kiss on the bottom and told me to get dressed.

I kept the butt plug in for about a week. For the first few days Dan had to take it out of me when I went to the bathroom but I found that later I could take it out myself without too much trouble.

When I told Dan he replaced with a larger one and when I was able to take it out myself he replaced it with a still larger one.

A few days before I had the larger butt plug put in we went back to the city.

I stayed dressed as a girl enjoying the stares of the boys when we would stop. I wore short shorts with a blouse tied just below my developing breasts. My breasts were now beginning to fill my bra and were ultra sensitive. Just having Ted or Dan suck on them would cause me to cum now.

The trip down the mountain and into the city was a ride of my life. Every bump seemed to drive the butt plug deeper and deeper into my bottom doing things to me that was driving me crazy. I came in my panties several times on the ride.

It dark by the time we arrrived at their house. We ate a lite dinner and I changed into a nightie and got ready for bed. Ted showed me my new bedroom, kissed me good night and left me alone. In my room was a full length mirror. This was the first time I had gotten a good look at myself. I knew that I would never return to the boy I had been. I loved the image before me.

After the house had quieted down, I laid in bed marveling at the change that had over taken me. I could hear Dan and Ted in their room and knew tonight was my night.

I slipped out of bed and removed the butt plug. I then crept down the hall and stood outside their open door. I could see them on the bed making love. Dan was taking Ted's penis in his mouth sliding up and down on it making Ted moan in pleasure.

I went on in and sat on the edge of the bed. I leaned over and took Dan's penis between my lips, lapping at it with my tongue. Neither one said anything. Dan rolled over on to his back his wonderful penis sticking straight up. I removed my nightie standing there nude. Ted ran his hand down my side. I crawled up on the bed and strattled Dan. I reached over on the night stand and got the tube of lube placing a generous amount on Dan's throbbing, stiff shaft. I then place some in my bottom and slowly lowered myself on to Dan. There was no pain, just pleasure, as his shaft slid deeper and deeper into me.

I began a rhythmatic rocking feeling that fantastic manhood filling me. When Dan came and his seed flushed my insides I also came, spurtting out over Dan's's chest. I felt wonderful, fullfilled like this was the most natural thing in the world.

Not wanting to leave Ted out, I slid over to him, again placing my self over his quivering penis. Lowering my self on to him I brought him to climax.

I laid down between them and immediately went to sleep.

Many years have passed since then. My breasts have developed to full womanhood and I found someone who loves me for myself. I will always be thankful to Dan and Ted for knowing what I hand to do to have a complete life.

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