Story - Mybaby.txt

By Karen Mitchell

Published on Apr 30, 1996



From Sun May 5 00:54:43 1996 Path:!!!!uunet!!!usenet Newsgroups: Organization: I-Link Lines: 204 Message-ID: / Reply-To: (Karen Mitchell) NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.

My Baby > by Lee X.

My wife's pregnancy had been a difficult one. Joyce had always been trim and athletic, and resented the physical inconvenience of carrying an unborn child. "Someone has to do it," I'd say disingenuously. She'd reply by baring her teeth and threatening to sit on me. I did try to equalize the burden as much as I could, though. In addition to attending the Lamaze classes with her, I started cooking dinners and washing the dishes - seeing as how it was getting more and more difficult for her to reach down into the sink. Just before the baby was due, a further problem revealed itself. For some some reason Joyce's breasts hadn't started producing any milk. Her doctor at the Women's Health Clinic prescribed special hormones to stimulate her milk glands, but they often made her nauseous. She was exasperated to no end.

"It's not enough that I had to take a leave of absence just so I could wear these damn maternity clothes around the house. NOW I have to be sick to my stomach so the baby won't grow up neurotic from being bottle fed! It's just not fair," she wailed! "I really think it's worth it, dear," I replied in my most soothing voice. "You know how cheap those commercial baby formulas are." Yes, you've told me all about it, thank you," she moaned. "I know how unfair it is for you to have to make all the sacrifices," I consoled. "It'll change though, after the baby's born. I really meant what I said about the diapers, you know." "But I'm still going to have to stay home to nurse the kid any number of times a day. YOU can't imagine how much that will do for my career," she whined. "But dear, the first few months of an infant's life are so..." "Well if you're so concerned about it, why don't you take the damn pills and do it yourself," she snarled! "I would if it would do any good." I replied calmly. "But for some things there's just no substitute ..." You know, I read an article in a paper at the supermarket once," she said with a gleam in her eye, "about a father who was left with a baby girl after his wife died in an accident. She was too young to be weaned so he had to let her suck on his breast just to keep her from crying. After a month he actually started producing milk" "You don't really believe a preposterous story like that, do you?" I demanded incredulously. "Well, it's possible, you know. The doctor at the Clinic said it was all just a matter of hormones and stimulation from the baby." "Even if it were, I couldn't very well walk around with a pair of breasts buldging through my shirt!" "They probably wouldn't be that noticable," she pressed on, "I asked my doctor and she said the pills wouldn't make my breasts get any larger. They just stimulate the milk glands." "Well, I have to admit that I have at times kind of wondered what it would be like to nurse a baby." "So you'll do it!" she cried. It was the first time I'd seen her face light up in a month. "Well ... I really ..." "Oh, I can't wait to go back to work!" she sang happily.

By the time that Katy was born I could already feel some tenderness around my nipples. But to my relief there was no change in my physical appearance. What had at first seemed like a crazy idea was becoming more and more a practical alternative. Especially since Joyce was so eager to return to her job at the advertizing agency and I had as little interest in working as ever. By then I had virtually taken over running the house anyway, so there was really no reason why Joyce shouldn't return to work as soon as she felt up to it.

Katy took to my breast right away, even though there was still no milk for her at that point. Reluctantly, I had no choice but to give her a bottle as well. By the end of the first month she came down with a bad case of colic, which I was sure was due to the formula. By that time, any thin hope that Joyce's breasts would develop a belated maternal interest had pretty much evaporated, and I was ready to give up on mine as well. Katy would wake up crying several times a night from the colic, and I would have to get up and take care of her. (Joyce would sleep through anything and it was my responsibility anyway). Katy would instinctively snuggle up to my breast and it would sadden me to think that I was unable to give her the nourishment she needed.

After two weeks, the lack of sleep finally took its toll on my health and I came down with the flu. For days I did nothing but lie in bed with a fever, oblivious to nearly everything. Katy liked it just fine though, as she got to snuggle up to me all day long. One morning I heard her gurgling happily and glanced down to find a thin stream of colostrum running down my front. I immediately jumped up and called Joyce at work.

"Honey you won't believe what just happened!" I exclaimed. "Katy got her first tooth and bit you," she guessed. "No even better than that." I said excitedly. "I just produced some milk!" "Oh, Les, you must be so proud of yourself! After all this time. Are you nursing her right now?" "No, I just got out of bed for the first time in days. I almost feel like a normal human being again." "Well you should let her suck all she wants now that it's starting to flow. That will keep it coming, you know," she suggested. "You're right," I said. "Will you be coming home early tonight?" "Well, I might have to work late again," she paused, "but I'll really try to get off as soon as I can." "OK, dear, I just can't wait to show you!" I hung up the phone and slid back into bed with Katy. She immediately went for my breast and started sucking. For the first time I began to feel the subtle flow of milk as it oozed out of my nipple. I felt a warm flush spread upward into my neck and face. A shiver of excitement tinged with embarrassment overcame me. I relaxed and fell asleep with Katy still nursing at my breast.

Joyce got home that night as late as usual, but brought some Chinese food for dinner. I was still in bed with Katy. "Les!" she exclaimed as she walked in the bedroom. "You look absolutely radiant. I'd never of guessed you'd been so sick just a few days ago." "Well, I still feel a little dizzy," I said, "and my sinuses are pretty stuffed up." "But your skin looks so soft and healthy, and there's so much color in your face," she went on. "I wonder if it's those pills?" "Oh, I haven't really noticed any side effects," I replied. "Your doctor seems to know what she's talking about. My breasts have gotten tender, but not really any bigger." "Umm, let me see," she said pulling back the covers, "Why you're right, Les, I would never have known. It really is a miracle! Katy is so lucky to have a father like you!" "And I'm lucky to have such a hard-working wife." I whispered as I kissed her on the cheek. "Oh, that reminds me, dear," she said, raising her head. "I have to go on a business trip with my group for the rest of the week. Do you think you feel well enough to take care of the house without me?" "I'm sure I can manage," I said with just a hint of disappointment in my voice. Joyce must have noticed, for she looked at me and started unbuttoning her blouse. When she finished slipping off her clothes she crawled into bed and wrapped her legs around me. It was the first time we made love since about five months into her pregnancy.

I took a shower the next morning and noticed, as I was drying myself, that I didn't need a shave. Having a light beard, I only had to shave a couple of times a week, but this was definitely a change. "Well, this kind of side-effect I can certainly live with," I thought to myself. I examined my breasts and noticed that though they weren't exactly swollen, small drops of colostrum were already starting to seep out of the nipples again. I still didn't have enough milk to last Katy all day, however, and wound up giving her a bottle that evening. She immediately came down with the colic again, and kept me up the whole night. THAT was enough to give me a relapse of the flu, forcing me to spend the next day barely concsious in bed. I woke up the following morning and pulled off the covers, grazing my chest with my hand. I gasped and felt my heart pound into my rib cage. Looking down, I saw that my breasts had swollen to the size of a teenage girl's. They were moist with colostrum so I set Katy to work with her mouth. "Probably just a build-up from yesterday." I thought, nervously trying to reassure myself. They DID seem somewhat smaller after she had her fill. By evening, however, I had to admit that my breasts weren't getting any smaller. They still weren't too noticeable, though. The next morning I was almost afraid to look. When I finally did I almost fainted. They were not JUST swollen, but rounded, with a definite cleavage down the middle. As I raised up they shifted forward and the weight of the fluid pushed them outwards. A thin stream of milk spurted out on the bed. I pulled Katy over to catch it and took a deep breath. I could feel sweat start to form on my upper lip. I relaxed a little as her sucking began to reduce the internal pressure but felt my mind racing. "How can I hide them now?" I thought frantically. Joyce wouldn't be back for two more days. Until then, I wouldn't even be able to leave the house for fear that someone would notice. I got up, pulling on a robe instead of a shirt. The thick folds would make them less noticeable, I reasoned. After making breakfast, I sat down in the reclining chair and tried to gather my thoughts. My nose felt cold and my hands were trembling. I started to shiver and felt my stomach contract. I knew I was going to lose it and rushed into the bathroom. As I was bending over the toilet, I saw my breasts hanging down thru the opening in the robe. They looked just like a woman's. I washed my face and stumbled back into bed. Katy snuggled up to me and started cooing happily. Exhausted, I fell asleep. I was awakened sometime later by a sound. The doorbell. "Who on earth could that be," I thought sleepily. I got up, pulling the robe around myself, and wandered to the front door. As I was opening it I began to think more clearly and realized that I could have pretended no one was home. "Too late now," I mused, and looked up into the face of a young delivery boy. "UPS, Ma'am. Could you sign here?" he mumbled, shoving a clipboard under my face. I froze, staring at him in terror. He seemed to have no idea who I was. "Uh, it's OK, Ma'am. You can just sign your husband's name if you want." he suggested, trying to be helpful. I took the pen and scrawled something on the form. He handed me a package and I almost dropped it. "Um, sorry to bother you like this, Ma'am, we can just leave 'em inside your screen door from now on if you like," he almost tipped his hat for me. I whispered something in assent and shook my head up and down. I was staring at him the whole time. I must have looked like a ghost; he was starting to get scared too. Anything as long as he would leave and stop calling me that name! "Well...good day, Ma'am..." he turned and lumbered off, not sure just what had happened. I shut the door immediately and collapsed against it.

When I caught my breath, I staggered into the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. The robe was kind of long, of white terrycloth with a light blue border. Beneath it lay the vague outlines of my breasts, the material pulled tight by the drawstring around my waist. But it was my face that shocked me. It was fuller than before, with a sort of soft flush in the cheeks. My beard was nowhere to be seen; it seemed to have disappeared entirely. Uncut for months, my hair fell in my face in disarray. And my eyes, round and moist, stared back in disbelief. I looked like a hungover housewife.

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