Joan 1/5 TG, mild femdom

By A Dietrech

Published on Dec 11, 1994




Joan's Story Chapter One - A New Home

Most people think that Dec. 7, 1941 is a day that will live in infamy. That day was nothing compared to April 23, 1990. That was the day my parent's divorce became final. In my seventeen years I had never really known my father. What little I did know, I didn't like. He was drunk when he came around the house, he cheated on my mother with a number of women, and he was a loud, filthy-talking man. The years of abuse had finally taken their toll on my mother and she divorced him. After the last papers were signed, which granted her full custody, her emotional state became increasingly worse instead of better.

Through the month of May she cried continually. I thought she would have been glad to finally be rid of him, once and for all, but it didn't seem to help any. She stayed in her bedroom all day long, and rarely changed out of her flannel nightgown. I went to school, cooked at home, and did my best to take care of her.

On the last day of May, as I awoke, I was surprised to discover my mother's sister at the house. She lived on the east coast far from my home in Iowa. I learned that Mother was going away to a hospital, and I was to stay with Aunt Margaret for awhile. That was all I was told. My bags had already been packed and I left my home without being able to say more than goodbye to mom. I felt frightened and alone.

I didn't really know my aunt all that well. She lived by herself by the ocean. We only saw each other about once or twice a year. She always travelled west, I'd never been to her home. She had lost her husband in a car wreck a long time ago. She tried to be sympathetic and understanding with me. We were to fly from our town to hers. I had never been on a plane before, and that sounded like some fun.

"You'll like the ocean, John. You can fish, walk along the beach.... You do know how to swim don't you, dear?"

"Yes, Aunt Margaret."

She told me about all the sights and activities near her home, and some of the things she liked to do. Her soft voice put me at ease, and I actually thought I might have some fun again.

With great excitement I boarded the airplane. I sat down and looked out the window at all the activity going around outside the plane. The fuel was loaded, as was all of the baggage. It was really exciting to take off and watch the earth sink underneath us as the plane roared into the sky.

Soon I was watching the people inside the plane. Our flight attendant was gorgeous. She had dark hair, very full red lips, and a figure that was great. I spent some time watching her walk up and down the aisle.

"She's really pretty, isn't she John?"

I turned beet red knowing that Aunt Margaret had watched me stare at her.

Smiling, she took my hand in hers. Her nails were very long, polished in a soft pink shade. I began staring at her hands, and then her legs. I hadn't noticed what long heels her shoes had. They must have been at least four inches. And her stockings were black, with a seam going down the back. I felt a strange quiver from behind the fly in my pants. It was really exciting to look at Aunt Margaret. I'd never considered her looks before, but she was really pretty.

"Now what are you looking at?"

Turning red all over again, I managed to stammer out, "Your nails are so long. Isn't it hard to keep from breaking them?"

She held them out for me to see. "Not at all, if you're willing to work at keeping them nice. It just takes practice. I noticed you saw my high heels. Same way for them. If you want to learn to walk on them without falling over, you must practice."

I smiled and let out a sigh. The thought of me with long fingernails, and wearing high heels was pretty amusing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"When you said, `you' about having long nails and high heels, it sounded like to you were saying I could do that kind of thing."

"And you wouldn't want to do that would you?" she asked, very skeptically.

"Shoot, no!" I'm not a queer. I've seen those guys on Geraldo and Donahue. Sheesh!"

"John, most of those people are not gay. They just have found that by wearing women's clothes they could relax, and feel more at ease to express themselves. There's really nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"No, I guess not."

After that rather unusual conversation the pretty flight attendant stopped by our row. Leaning over Aunt Margaret she asked me if I wanted something to drink. As she leaned over I looked down her blouse and saw her boobs straining to be free from the lace of the beige bra she wore. I thought about what it would be like to unsnap that beautiful undergarment, and put my hands around her breasts.

"John, she asked you if you wanted something to drink. Are you in a trance?"

"No, Aunt Margaret. I'd like a coke, please."

The two ladies looked at each other and smiled. I felt like a complete idiot. When she returned with my drink, aunt Margaret reached out to take it. I let out a gasp when I saw her fingernail gently pass along the side of her breast. Neither spoke a word, and I sat there in amazement.

About a half-hour before we landed, Aunt Margaret made some announcements. "John, you'll have your own room of course, and I'll be glad to get you anything you need to be comfortable. But you will have some chores to do while you stay. I don't want you getting lazy and just spending all of your time staring at girls in skimpy bikinis along the beach."

"Yes, Aunt Margaret."

After the plane landed we had another hour in the car. I could not see the water because it was dark, but I heard the sound of the waves breaking along the beach. I could even smell the sea water. I was excited about learning my new surroundings.

I helped carry the bags in the house. It was a two story cottage. It was very soft in colors. Most of the things in the room were pink and other pastel colors. Everything was very dainty. My bedroom was right across the hall from Aunt Margaret's. She showed me the bathroom. It too, was very feminine, far from what I was used to back home. But it smelled so nice.

She ordered a pizza for us, and it was really good. I could tell she was going to be a lot of fun to be with. After our supper she had a suggestion. "Let's go for a walk along the beach. It will be pretty much deserted now."

We walked about a half mile up the beach. I saw some crabs running along the sand. Even in the dark, the water looked pretty. On the way back, Aunt Margaret took my hand.

"I know your parent's divorce was very hard on you, not to mention your mom's sickness. But everything will be all right. You just have to trust me, ok?"

"Sure, this is great."

As we came back into the cottage she said, "That walk has you all covered in sand. Let me fix you a quick bath, and then you can turn in. We'll have a busy day tomorrow showing you around."

I stood outside the bathroom while she started the water running. When she came out, I went in. Thick soapy bubbles filled the tub. I hadn't had a bubble bath in years. The water smelled so different, almost like flowers. I closed my eyes and let the soft water caress my body.

After I had all but turned into a wrinkly prune, I decided to get out. I then realized I hadn't brought any clean clothes to change into. I got out of the tub and dried off, wrapping the thick pink towel around my waist when I was through.

"Aunt Margaret, I forgot my clean clothes. Can you help me? I called.

My aunt came in, carrying a stack of garments, I noticed. I gasped as she held out to me a pair of pink, lace panties. She then unfolded a matching pink nightie.

"I think these will fit, John." If not, we'll get you some new things real soon."

"I'm not wearing those! They're for girls. Get real! I want my own clothes."

"John. I said you'll have to trust me. These are all you have to wear...."

"I'll just get my own clothes then."

Brushing by my aunt, I went in my bedroom and unzipped one of my suitcases. I couldn't believe what I saw. All of the clothes in there were my mother's! There were panties, bras, girdles, pantyhose, and dresses. I looked back to the door, Aunt Margaret was standing there, smiling at me.

"John. I live here by myself. It would not look proper for me to have a young man living with me. I've decided that you are to be my niece and...."

"There ain't no way in Hell that I'm going to...."

Aunt Margaret bounded across the room and slapped me hard across my face.

"There will be no foul language or disrespect in this home. You will be courteous to me at all times, or I'll paddle you, and don't think I couldn't do it!" she shouted. "Now you put your pink panties on right now, is that understood?"

Thoughts of running away from this crazy woman filled my mind, but I also knew that I was 1750 miles from home, with the grand total of $8 in my pocket. I tried to think of what options I might have, but there didn't seem to be too many at the moment. While I considered what my next move would be, Aunt Margaret made hers. She reached over and grabbed the towel from around my waist, and left me standing in the room stark naked.

"I said to put your panties on. I've now seen you naked, so there shouldn't be any problem with me seeing you in pink underwear, right?"

It was kind of hard to argue that point. What was worse being seen naked, or at least having something to cover me? While looking at the floor I reached out my hand and received the soft, smooth pair of panties, and I stepped into them. She handed me the nightgown and I put that on also.

"Tomorrow I'll expect much more cooperation and courtesy. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Aunt Margaret."

She turned around, turning off the light as she closed the door, leaving me standing in the clothes of a woman, with no parents, no money, and no way out.

Tears filled my eyes as I got into bed. I hadn't been slapped that hard in a long time. I had thought Aunt Margaret would have been fun and kind and now she slapped me! I remembered, though, that up until that time she had been very friendly and nice, and only after I raised my voice did she get angry. What a temper.

The softness of the panties and nightie felt good against my skin, even though I didn't want to admit it. I rolled over several times just to feel them tickle my skin. After such an event filled day, I finally fell asleep.

It hardly seemed like I'd been asleep when I was roused back into consciousness. The room was still dark as Aunt Margaret squeezed my hand and called my name.

"C'mon, John, let's go for an early swim. Its so invigorating. After that we'll have a good breakfast and have a good day."

Gone were the words of anger and the harsh tone. It was the same sound that Aunt Margaret had used until that nasty scene of last night. As I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful sight. Her long red hair had been let down, and it laid gracefully down past her shoulders. Her more than ample bosom was obvious against the black lace of her long nightgown. Even without her makeup her face was beautiful.

Cautiously, I allowed myself to smile back at her. Nothing was said about the unfortunate events of last night.

"I've laid your bathing suit on the foot of your bed. I'll go change into mine while you get yours on. Now hurry up!"

Without another word she left the room. I sat up and pulled my nightie off, and slid those pink panties down and reached for my swimming trunks.

What I found, however, were not my bathing trunks, but one of Aunt Margaret's swimsuits, a one-piece suit with cups that would have fit her 36-C breasts, and a wide pink stripe that accented the otherwise all black suit.

When I was just about ready to voice my obvious displeasure and protest, I remembered the slap I got the last time I tried, and knew I didn't want to start this day the way the previous one had ended. Perhaps, I thought, things might be a little better.

With some effort I pulled the suit on into place. The cups laid flat against my chest, but I couldn't help that. I opened the door to find my aunt waiting for me.

"Its a little big, but it will work. Isn't it pretty?"

Silently, I nodded my head. Grabbing my hand she led me out of the house and down to the sea. No one else was in sight. The water was freezing, but it did wake me up. We splashed around, and soon I had forgotten that I was in her swimsuit. We chased each other, and splashed, and carried on for the longest time.

As the sun came up cars could be heard. A panicked look came across my face. "I know, John. We'll get you home and changed."

What a relief! Without even thinking I reached out and hugged this most unusual aunt of mine. She seemed most appreciative of the gesture. Taking my hand she led us back into her home.

"A quick shower will rinse off the salt water," she said as she led me into her room. She had her own private bathroom, which was not done in pink, but black.

"You can shower in here today. Take your suit off."

I waited for her to leave but she didn't.

"Its alright. Take off your suit. Remember, I did see you naked last night."

Embarrassment filled me again. But I slid off the cold, wet bathing suit and stood before my aunt completely naked.

I could not believe my eyes at what she did next. She took off her bathing suit and stood before me naked. She grabbed my hand and led me into the shower.

Her breasts were magnificent. Perfectly formed, a dark ring around her erect nipples. She knew how captivated I was by her beauty. Handing me her washcloth she asked me to wash her back.

Carefully I touched her and let the suds form on her back, washing her all over. Her hand caught mine, and slid it to her front. She wanted me to do her breasts. Barely able to breathe, I complied with her wishes. I had never touched anyone's boobs before, and it was great. I let my other hand come around her and stepped up close to her.

"Get them very clean," was all she said, as she turned and stood face to face with me.

The pain of last night was now all forgotten as I served her. Almost instinctively, I let my mouth fall upon her nipple, and began to kiss and suck her. I heard my aunt gasp with pleasure. My own excitement became obvious by the erection which I now had. For the first time, someone other than myself began touching and rubbing it. I continued to kiss that gorgeous breast as her hand worked faster and faster. Soon my body convulsed as she brought me to climax, and I shot myself all over her, the water rinsing it away.

I pulled my mouth from her breast to look in her eyes. She was smiling at me. Her lips came to mine, and we kissed. Her tongue entered my mouth, and it felt so good. My hand stayed on her breast, rolling the nipple between my fingers. I wanted to stay in that shower forever!

It was Aunt Margaret who ended the shower, but I was putty in her hands now. "You enjoyed that a lot, didn't you."

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

"When you obey I'll reward you very gladly. But when you disobey, you'll be corrected. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

After we dried off she led me to her bedroom, and sat me on the bed. Going to her dresser she found a matching bra and panty set, a garter belt and stockings. I gulped fearing I might be soon wearing them.

A sense of relief hit me as she pulled her panties up on herself, and snapped the bra in place. I watched as she rolled each stocking up her leg, and snapped it on her garter belt. Going to her closet she pulled out a jumpsuit which was also black and put it on. She then put on the same pair of black high heels she wore the night before.

I watched as she sat down at her vanity and began applying her makeup. I had seen mom do the same kinds of things before, but never paid attention until now. The foundation went first, then the eyes were lined, mascara and shadow applied. She outlined her lips, and put on red lipstick. When her face was done she curled her thick red hair. All of this was done without a word, but I didn't miss anything.

When she was done she turned to me and said, "What do you think?"

"You're absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you, dear. Now its your turn."

Again she went to her dresser, pulling out a bra and panty set, garter belt and stockings. I knew that these were for me. She instructed me to put them on. I remembered her words about obeying, and also the consequences of disobeying. She helped me as I dressed, for the first time completely as a woman. I was still scared, and embarrassed, but less than before, and still afraid of the consequences of protesting.

Soon I was in my white bra and panties, and my stockings had been put on. They were beautiful undergarments, I thought. I remained silent, but now captivated over what was being done to me and with me, and what it all could mean. I was still very hesitant, and didn't want to seem as if I enjoyed it. After all, that wouldn't be right, I thought. Yet I was intrigued, and my unusual aunt seemed to know it.

"We'll have to experiment with your makeup, dear, sit over here."

I was led to the vanity, and my aunt displayed a number of bottles, boxes, and cartons, filled with many kinds and colors of cosmetics. I knew that I would soon have them on me. I was thankful that I was so far from home, away from anyone who knew me. The makeup smelled, felt, and tasted so strange. Aunt Margaret obviously knew what she was doing as she carefully applied it to my face, eyes, and lips. I guess she was trying to put me at ease as she kept repeating how pretty I was, and how happy she was that I could stay with her, and how much fun we would have.

Walking to her closet, she produced a wig prominently displayed on a Styrofoam head. I sat perfectly still as she stretched it over my own hair, and began styling it. My transformation was all but complete now. I became excited by the girl with pretty, pouting pink lips, and by her long, curled eyelashes. The flowing blonde hair that hung past her shoulders made this new person very pretty.

Aunt Margaret found a pink dress for me to wear. It only went down a little way on my thigh, like a little party dress. Aunt Margaret said that was the way it should look. I was given a pair of shoes, hers, to wear. They didn't have a high heel, but she said that they went well with my dress.

Standing me before a full length mirror she said, "Oh, Joan, you look radiant. Aren't you a lovely young lady? Don't you just love it?"

I didn't know what to say. Why did she call me `Joan.' She should have known from our shower that I was not a young lady. Why would she think I loved it?

"Listen, you don't look like a `John' anymore. If people are to believe that you are my niece, a name like Joan will be more fitting, and I want you to get used to it."

I nodded in consent.

"Let's go fix our breakfast. You may look like a pretty girl, but I bet you have a boy's appetite, right?"

I found myself laughing, and we walked into the kitchen. I knew my way around any kitchen, having cooked so many meals for mom and myself. I had never thought of cooking and cleaning as "women's work," even though if it was, I at least now looked the part.

"Joan, please hand me the eggs and bacon."

It still seemed so odd to be called Joan, but I did as I was asked, and soon we were enjoying our breakfast together. I did a double-take when I saw the pink outline of my lips on my juice glass. Aunt Margaret just smiled and said I would need to put more lipstick on after breakfast, and this time I'd do it by myself.

After the breakfast dishes were done we sat out on her balcony and watched the surfers, fishers, and tourists on the beach. Every now and again someone would wave to Aunt Margaret from a distance, and I would cringe in fear of being discovered.

Suddenly Aunt Margaret exclaimed, "Just look at how pink your arms are getting. You're getting that soft white skin burned! Let's get you inside young lady."

My arms were rather warm, but the lotion she rubbed on them made them feel much better. I helped her inside the house, dusting and running the vacuum. She said little about my garments, and I did my best not to think about what I was wearing. I just kept myself busy, hoping no one besides Aunt Margaret would ever discover my secret.

My first day as Joan was spent very quietly. I thought about finding my clothes and running away, but to where? Mom wasn't home, and I had no way to contact her. There were no other close relatives to call, they all thought I would be happy at Aunt Margaret's. How could I explain to them that in less than a day, I had gone from John to Joan. What would they think of me? What would they think of her?

Throughout the day I was reminded to cross my legs when I sat, and to fold my hands in my lap. When I burped after I drank a coke I thought I was going to slapped again. Aunt Margaret sternly warned me that young ladies do not belch.

That evening, Aunt Margaret told me she was going out, and that I could stay in and watch TV. Her next words surprised me.

"You were a good girl today, Joan, so I'll reward you. You may put your some of your own clothes on..."

"Thanks Aunt Margaret," I said with excitement. Maybe this weird treatment was finally over.

"But there is one thing, Joan. You must keep your bra and panties on under your pants and shirt. You may remove your makeup and wig, along with your dress. But you must wear your pretty underwear this evening. Also, before you go to bed, I want you to put your nightie back on. Is this a deal?"

"But, if I can wear my pants and shirt, why do I have to keep the women's underwear on. C'mon, Aunt Margaret!"

"Do you want to be spanked?" she shouted.

"No, ma'am," I said.

"Then you'll be thankful for what you're allowed to wear, and no more arguments. I have a good mind to discipline you," she said.

"I'll keep my bra and panties on, and I'll wear the nightie to bed," I said in sad agreement.

Both of us went to our rooms to change. I was glad to take off the makeup, and wash my face. I put the wig on the Styrofoam head that had been moved to my room. I hung my pink party dress in the closet, and noticed a number of other dresses hanging there. What was I in for next, I remember wondering. Standing in just my bra, panties, garter belt and stockings I looked forward to getting some jeans on again. I pulled them on without even taking the stockings off. It was good to have my favorite sweatshirt on again too. Now I was John again, at least on the outside. I thought I would enjoy the evening alone.

Stepping outside of my room, I walked to the living room. Aunt Margaret was gathering her keys and purse. She looked radiant. Her red hair had been put back in a French braid, the dress she wore hung to the floor, yet split up the side. You could see the place where her black garter belt met the stockings. She wore black gloves that went up almost to her shoulder. I thought they were beautiful, and wondered to myself how they felt pulled way up like that. Her makeup was very exotic, glamorous looking. I found myself wondering who she was meeting, and what would be happening.

She must have known what I was thinking, because she smiled when she looked at me. "Do you like these gloves, Joan?"

"They're beautiful, Aunt Margaret."

She looked me over, and noticed that I still had on my stockings.

"Be honest," she said. "Its hard not to enjoy the feeling of nylon next to your skin, isn't it?"

It did feel nice, or else I guess I would have remembered to take them off along with the rest of the stuff. "It does kind of tickle my legs in a nice way," I said.

"I knew they would. And that tight feeling from your bra also feels good, along with the satin panties too, right? Now you be a good girl tonight. Remember your nightie, too. I'll probably be a little late getting home, but I'll check on you when I get home.

With a very delicate kiss from those full, red lips she left me. I put all of the unusual events out of my mind and prepared to enjoy the evening. I thought about taking my female garments off, but the thought of her coming home early and finding me not properly dressed frightened me. That red hair of hers probably gave her the temper, I thought. So I decided to keep my bra and panties on, and figured that with my shoes on, no would possibly see the stockings I was wearing. I would make the best of a bad situation.

As it turned out, no one saw me anyway. A spring shower came up, and the beach deserted, and I didn't feel like going out anyway. I watched some TV, ate some popcorn, and entertained myself. It was a nice evening, but I kind of missed Aunt Margaret, and found myself wondering what she was doing.

About 11:30, I decided to go to bed. I changed out of my jeans and sweatshirt, and decided to put my nightie on. I went into my bathroom, finding all the cosmetics on the counter. I smiled out of bewilderment at my predicament. But as I considered the day, it wasn't all bad. I just had to wear lipstick and women's clothes. As long as I went along with it, nothing happened, and it did seem to make Aunt Margaret very happy!

I went to bed in a much happier frame of mind than the previous night, even though I was now wearing a bra, garter belt and stockings in addition to the panties and nightie I had on from last night. I was sleepy, and didn't bother tossing and turning, worrying about my bed clothes.

About 15 minutes after turning off the light, I heard the outside door open. I froze. I figured it had to be Aunt Margaret, but what if it wasn't? At first I didn't hear any more noises, but then I heard other doors opening, footsteps in the hall, and they were getting closer. I was hardly breathing when I heard the click of my doorknob turning. I thought I was dead!

"Joan, are you asleep yet?"

It was Aunt Margaret.

"No, but I'm so glad you're home," I stammered out. I didn't know what was going on for a minute there."

She came and sat on the bed, I sat up a little bit, my pink nightie on just like she had said. "I'm sorry I frightened you. Just look at you shake. Come here." She reached out and hugged me, stroking my hair. The scent of her perfume filled my nostrils, and I held her tight.

"It's alright, I'm here now," she said. I felt much better when she said that.

She pulled back my covers and said, "I think we'd both feel better if you were to sleep with me tonight. Come on, Joan. I see you've kept your bra and stockings on. I think you're getting used to them."

She escorted me to her bedroom, and began to disrobe. It almost seemed natural watching her take off her jewelry and hang up her beautiful dress. She asked me to help take the braid out of her hair, and then brush it for her. I could tell she enjoyed the treatment I was giving her. As I gave her hair a stroke I couldn't help but notice an unusual red mark on her neck, but couldn't quite figure out what it was. I said nothing about it, however.

In time she stood up, taking off her bra and panties, standing before me naked. She held her breasts and said, "Did you enjoy kissing them? I know you did," she said with a smile. She walked over to her vanity, taking a tube of lipstick. Wearing lipstick to bed helps keep your lips moist, she told me as she gave herself a generous coating. Looking at me she said, "May I do your lips, too?"

The way she asked seemed quite unusual. She normally commanded me to wear a bra, or stockings. Now she was asking me. Somewhat puzzled, I nodded in consent. Smiling, she came and put the creamy red substance to my lips. As if to seal the moment, she put her red lips to mine and gave me a long passionate kiss. Momentarily she turned out the light, and joined me under the covers.

In the dark, no one can tell what the other is wearing. All I knew was that I had a beautiful, naked woman next to me, even though I was wearing her lingerie and lipstick. I cautiously put my hand on her shoulder, as if asking permission to continue. Permission was granted as she guided it down to her breast again. I leaned my face over to hers, and she met me again with her mouth. I wanted her so bad. My tongue sought permission to enter her mouth, and it was granted. I found myself wanting to crawl on top of this woman, who was bewitching me. The only masculine thing I had strained for release from my panties....

"Slow down, Joan. No need to rush. But it is time for you to take off your panties. Then lay back down."

I had no intention of arguing with her. My panties came down over the garter belt and stockings. Aunt Margaret pulled the nightie off, leaving just my bra and garter belt on. She gently laid me on the bed, as she herself got up from the bed.

A match was struck, and candles lit. The room took on a romantic glow. Her breasts made a tremendous silhouette on the wall, her red hair shimmered in the candle's light.

"I know you liked my perfume, so you may wear some," she said as she sprayed my neck and wrists. Setting the bottle down, she again joined me in bed. I laid perfectly still.

"Tell me, Joan. Do you like being a pretty girl with red lips, and pretty lingerie, and wearing expensive perfume?"

Whispering, I said, "Yes, Aunt Margaret. I really do," I said as my desire for her grew.

"A woman wants her lovemaking very passionate. So I will be passionate with you, my little girl," she said.

Her mouth descended upon my erection. I moaned loudly. Up and down her mouth went upon me. I was on fire for her. When she stopped for a moment I thought I would scream for release. She put one knee on one side of me, the other knee on the other side. She placed her hands on my wrist, in effect, pinning me down to her bed. Her breasts fell almost to my mouth. I leaned up to taste them, but couldn't reach her erect nipple. I stuck my tongue past my own red lips to taste them, but could only barely touch them. She was driving me mad with desire. Slowly she came towards me. My mouth grabbed her eagerly. Then she slowly descended upon me. The warm moistness of her vagina enveloped me. She still held my hands down as she lifted herself up my shaft, and down again. The fire returned to me, as did the moans. I knew that in a few moments, I would no longer be a virgin. She began breathing a little heavier herself. I found it exciting to be exciting her. I felt myself reaching a climax, she sighed and told me to wait just a second. I tried my hardest but felt the first shots coming. It seemed like I must have filled her insides, but she kept right on working up and down, faster and faster, and then she began to moan saying, "Oh, Joan, yes, that's it, Joan, I love you, Joan, you pretty little lady."

Then she laid motionless upon me, I held her close. I saw the traces of my lipstick on her cheek, and then realized that was what I had seen awhile ago on her neck. She had been kissed by another woman that night. I wondered who she was, but said nothing. I think I remember pulling the cover over both of us before we went to sleep that night. I licked my red lips a time or two, and kissed my most unusual aunt. We both drifted off to sleep. I was hers now, a fact she well knew.

Chapter Two - A Day of Shopping

A beautiful day greeted me as I woke up. Aunt Margaret was already up and dressed. As she heard me stirring she said, "Joan, go ahead and take a shower, and then get dressed. I've laid a few things out for you, too."

I knew what that meant, but after last night, who cared? I enjoyed the shower, remembering the erotic adventures of the previous day, wondering what else would happen to me this summer. I dried off, and returned to my bedroom. True to her word Aunt Margaret had indeed laid out my clothes for the day. The set consisted of purple bra and panties, a slip, pantyhose, and a dress. I didn't even consider fussing about them, as I pulled the pantyhose up, and snapped the hooks to the bra. As I buttoned the front of my dress, I saw the wig on the dresser, along with all of the makeup.

I thought that Aunt Margaret would probably like it if I put those things on, so I did my best to do it right. It took some effort to get the wig on straight, but I finally managed it. My hands weren't near as steady as Aunt Margaret's as I tried to get my mascara and lip liner on, but I did the best I could. My lips took on a moist cherry color, and I found myself somewhat pleased by the results. I found a pair of sandals in the closet with a two inch heel, and put them on. I then opened the door and walked to the kitchen, hoping to receive a warm reception.

Aunt Margaret was not disappointed. Looking at me she almost glowed. "Joan, you look lovely. Just look at how well your makeup looks, and your hair too. That dress is you!" she exclaimed. She turned me around several times, complimenting me about my lips and eyes, and what a good job I did finding a matching pair of shoes.

"This calls for a celebration. Today, we'll go shopping and buy you some new outfits. Purple is such a good color for you, and I think I remember a lovely sequined gown at Taylor's Ladies Store. We'll have to go to the Lingerie Store, too." She quickly left me to sit at the table and write a list, presumably of things I would need. She did not see the look of panic and fear that came across my face. I had not yet been out of her house, and only seen from a distance on her balcony. I could not actually go into a store, could I?

"Aunt Margaret," I said very cautiously, remembering her temper. That's really nice of you, but you really don't have to go to any trouble. I have plenty of pretty panties and bras here, and that closet is full of dresses I haven't even worn yet. There's no need to...."

"Let me worry about that, Joan. I know you're worried about being outside of the house. But we'll be in the car most of the day, and I'll explain to the sales people that you're shy, so you won't have to do any talking. Look at the mirror. Do you see a boy? I don't, and neither will anyone else. Eat your breakfast, and then we'll go."

I opened my mouth as if to say something in rebuttal, but was given that look that said there was to be no further discussion. "Just trust me," Aunt Margaret stated.

Breakfast didn't taste too good. It was ruined by a sick feeling in my stomach that I was about to be embarrassed beyond belief. Aunt Margaret reminded me to redo my lipstick right before we left. She smiled, commenting on how well I had learned to do my makeup. We walked out the front door while a car load of boys my age, heading for the beach, drove by. They whistled and said, "Look at those legs." Laughing, they drove on, Aunt Margaret smiled, but I wanted to crawl under a rock.

When we parked at the Lingerie Store I didn't want to get out of the car. Aunt Margaret came around and opened my door, extending her hand. Although she had a smile on her face, the words she whispered were not friendly, "Get out of that car right now, unless you'd like me to pull your wig off and let you walk home like a little boy in her mommy's makeup. Let's see what those surfers would think then.

Sullenly, I got out of the car and followed her into the store. Thankfully, we were the only customers. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed one clerk behind the cash register, and another sales person on the floor. She came right up to us and said, "Why, Margaret, its so nice to see you. How can I help you today, and who is this gorgeous young lady with you?"

Aunt Margaret didn't seem to notice my face becoming beet red again. She just presented her list to the sales lady. "Alice, my niece Joan needs some new lingerie. I'd like to get her a waist cincher, a padded push-up bra, a long line bra, an all-in-one bra and girdle, and stockings, some with seams, some fishnet, and some regular.

Alice smiled at me and said, "Joan, you must love your aunt who would buy all of this for you, don't you?"

All I could do was nod.

The sales lady said, "Let me take you into the dressing room and get some measurements. We'll have to take that pretty dress off, though."

A look of terror replaced my red, embarrassed face. I look to Aunt Margaret for some help.

Some help. She just said, "Go with Alice, Joan. I know she'll take care of you well, and that you'll just love your new things." With a knowing smile she turned and walked towards the door and said, "I have some more shopping to do, but I'll be back in an hour. Treat Joan very special, Alice."

"I will," Alice called out after her. Putting her arm around my shoulder she escorted me to the dressing room. I was too frightened even to speak. Thoughts of being arrested as some kind of pervert came to mind. I've heard stories of what can happen in a jail, and especially to people dressed like I was. It was like I was in a trance, or some kind of a dream world. I now wanted to wake up and be at home, far from this place.

"Joan, I asked you to take your dress off." It was the voice of Alice beckoning me back into the world of reality. "Don't be shy, dear. I do this all of the time. There's nothing that would surprise me. Here. I'll even help you.

With just a pleasant look she began unbuttoning the front of my dress, and removed it from me. I just had on my purple slip, bra and panties. "Those are so pretty, Joan. I think we have some other dainty garments for you."

I felt nauseous. I barely remember Alice lifting the slip over my head. I wondered if she knew I was wearing a wig. Did she know I was a boy? Would she yell, go into hysterics, or faint if she found out?

Now I just had my bra, panties, and pantyhose on. It was obvious that I had no breasts, just the chest of a boy. Alice only smiled and said, "You know, a good push-up padded bra would really help. She pulled out a measuring tape to go around my chest. When I felt her unsnap my bra, the last possible way I could keep my disguise, I pulled away from her, and covered my chest with arms.

"Joan, what's the matter? Being flat-chested isn't a problem if you know how to make the best of it." Pushing my arms to the side, she took the bra off. Now I was down to my pantyhose and purple panties. "Yes, a good padded bra will really look nice on you. What color would you like: Black, White, or Beige? I know," she said, answering her own question, "we'll get you one of each."

Alice left the room without another word. She hadn't caught on yet, I thought. Was she blind? Was she stupid? Why didn't she say something? She returned in a minute with several boxes, pulling from each the garment which would give the illusion that I had my own breasts. "Try this black one. It will match your panties underneath the pantyhose. You'll need to take those off anyway." I watched as she put the black bra on. It had lace around the cups, and a wide band with four snaps in the back. It felt so snug on me, but good. Alice straightened all the straps, and even pushed the cups up a little bit. I wondered if that was how it felt to be "felt up."

"That works, doesn't it, Joan?"

I allowed myself to nod, a little.

"After you get your pantyhose off I'll measure you for your waist cincher, girdle, and all in one."

I turned myself away from her and lowered the pantyhose, being careful not to put a run into them. I also hoped that she wouldn't see an unusual bulge in the front of the pretty purple panties. Again the measuring tape was placed around my waist, and then lowered to my hips. Had she noticed anything yet? She didn't say anything, and I couldn't tell by the expression on her face. Maybe I would get away with this after all.

She left me again, and while she was gone I looked at myself in the mirror. With that special bra on it actually looked like I had breasts of my own. I felt underneath my cups, closing my eyes, thinking about what it would be like to have real boobs. I wondered how Aunt Margaret would react. Would she kiss them with her red lips the way I had kissed her with mine? I found myself becoming very excited by this fantasy.

"That bra is very sexy, I think, Joan. Now let's try some of these other things too. Margaret will be back soon, and we don't want to keep her waiting."

That was the understatement of the year. Alice turned me around. She must have noticed the erection under the panties, but still hadn't said anything yet. She put the waist cincher around me, and fastened it. It was tight. Six garters hung from this beautiful black garment, matching my bra.

"That looks so nice, Joan. It perfectly matches your new bra. And as pretty as your purple panties are, I think you need black ones to have your outfit totally match. Your Aunt Margaret would agree," she said.

With those words her fingers came between my waist, and the top of the panties, before I could move back or protest in any way, she quickly pulled them down to the floor.

"Oh, no," I yelled. It was all over now. The secret was literally out, and straight out at that. I waited for the scream, the sirens, the fainting. I was headed for the slammer or the psych ward, I just knew it.

Alice didn't scream, call for the police, or faint. She looked in my eyes, noting my fear. She looked at my hard-on, noting my excitement. Without missing a beat she said, "As hard as that thing is, you'll have a hard time having a smooth appearance. I think I can help.

Alice went to her knees. She placed my hands on the tops of her shoulders and whispered, "I wanted to suck you from the minute you walked in the store."

With that she eagerly came upon me. She took it all in and vigorously worked on it, her tongue sending powerful shivers of excitement all through my body. I noticed traces of her lipstick streaked along the shaft of my masculinity. I wondered how she could have known, and why she would do such a thing. I bent over as much as I could and touched her breasts, and began to rub them. She kept right on with her service to me. I began to feel that release was imminent. I squeezed her breasts hard, and ejaculated at that moment.

She held me in her mouth, swallowing everything that I had put in there. When she released me from her lips she wiped me off with a tissue. After a moment, when we both gained our composure, she said with a smile, "I think now we can proceed with out any more intrusions." I stepped into the black panties she brought, and she pulled them up into place.

During my time with Alice I changed underwear three times for her, trying different bras (I found myself getting excited by the long-line one), girdles (they were tight, but still exciting), and even the all-in-one.

"Joan, with your all-in-one on you won't be able to wear your padded bra, so you'll need something else." Again she left me alone. A pile of garments had now been selected. I figured Aunt Margaret must have a pile of money to afford all of this.

Alice came in with two boxes. From each she produced an odd looking thing. "These are prostheses, Joan. Normally they're used by ladies who have had breasts removed because of surgery. They fit into bras, and give the appearance of having a natural breast. These are very good quality, and no one will know that they aren't real."

Alice put them into the cups of my all in one. She stood behind me, but I could see what she was doing as I looked in the mirror. Her hands shifted the devices into their proper places. She smiled and said, "Perfect." But she kept her hands on my "breasts" and began to squeeze.

"Oh, Joan, you are so pretty. What a special young lady you are."

She turned me around. I looked at her face. She now kissed me, her hands continuing to massage my breasts. It was a hard kiss. I put my arms around her, allowing her to do with me what she wanted. She held me close, kissing my lips, rubbing my breasts, as well as the crotch of my all-in-one.

"Margaret is probably waiting. You may wear your new things if you like. You should get your dress on now, and don't forget to fix your makeup. We've smeared it just a little," she said with a knowing grin.

She removed all of my purchases, allowing me the opportunity to dress, and check my makeup. When I came out of the dressing room, Aunt Margaret, Alice, and the other cashier all stood together smiling at me. It was obvious they had known my secret all along. But each one said how pretty I was as I came out. Even the clerk that I hadn't met yet said that she hoped to wait on me the next time. They all shared a giggle over that. Aunt Margaret paid for my new lingerie and we left.

When we got into the car Aunt Margaret said, "There. That wasn't too bad at all was it?" She reached over and touched my new breasts. "They're wonderful. Don't you like them, Joan."

I really did.

"Now we have to stop by the department store. Are you up for it, Joan?"

She laughed at her double entendre, but didn't seem to want any additional response from me. While we were driving to the next place, she stopped at a restaurant. "Let's go have some lunch while we're here."

I got out of the car and walked with my Aunt into the restaurant. It was very full from the noon crowd. I felt every eye was upon me as we made our way to the table. Thankfully enough, Aunt Margaret ordered for the both of us, so I didn't have to speak to the waiter. His eyes had checked me over from top to bottom, and I didn't like it one bit.

Aunt Margaret must have noticed him too, and she said, "The faster you get our order to the cooks, the faster we'll be eating."

The meal was pretty good, and it looked as though no one was going to discover me. I chatted freely with Aunt Margaret during lunch. I could tell she was having a good time. She asked me to tell her about all of my purchases at the Lingerie Store. She didn't ask about Alice, but I think she knew what happened, judging by all their smiles when I came out of the dressing room.

"The next store we'll visit is very elegant. They sell all kinds of formal wear, such as prom dresses, bridesmaid's outfits, and wedding gowns. They'll be very glad to help us, Joan."

When we arrived at this store I knew Aunt Margaret was right. The store's display windows were full of elegant gowns, and beautiful wedding dresses. The clerk who waited on us was a beautiful blonde, very petite, with such a soft, feminine voice. She had a southern accent that just made your heart melt.

"Miss Margaret," she said, "I'm so glad to see you and your niece here today. I've selected a number of things for her to try, let's all go see them."

Again I was led to the back room. Aunt Margaret told me to take my dress off, which I did in front of the ladies. I still had on my all-in-one with the breast forms in it. A number of garments were held up. Aunt Margaret took charge saying "yes" or "no" to each. The beautiful clerk took some things out, and brought others in. The purple sequined dress was tried first. It was as pretty as Aunt Margaret had said. It went all the way to the floor. I tried on a scarlet outfit, and an emerald green one. Each one, it seemed, was more pretty than the one before it. Aunt Margaret was very pleased.

"And now, Marilyn, I'd like you to bring in that last item I mentioned to you."

The pretty southern belle Marilyn left the room, as Aunt Margaret helped me out of the last evening gown I was wearing. I was quite surprised by what she brought back. It was a wedding gown. Aunt Margaret just looked so proud when she brought it in. I was puzzled beyond belief. I even voluntarily spoke when she brought it in, not caring whether or not my voice gave me away.

"Aunt Margaret, that's a wedding dress. I'm not getting married."

"Shh, don't fuss, Joan. Just try it on. Marilyn is here to help you."

"She'll have to put on the hooped skirt first, Miss Margaret."

The hooped skirt would hold the gown way out. It took quite a bit of effort to put the contraption on. But when the gown was finally zipped up, even I had to admit how lovely it was. I didn't know why I needed it, but it was beautiful. I turned this way and that way, noticing different views of myself in all the mirrors. Marilyn and Aunt Margaret kept raving how beautiful I looked in it.

Aunt Margaret said, "I'm going to go speak with the manager about all of these purchases, Joan. Marilyn, would you help her change, please?"

"Of course, Miss Margaret. You go right ahead.

When Aunt Margaret closed the door behind her Marilyn looked at me and said, "Joan, what a special bride you'll be someday. Any girl would be proud to look as pretty as you, and to be with someone so special as you are." She began to unzip my wedding gown, and helped me out of it. Her hands were so small and delicate, each nail painted in a soft rose color, very well manicured. She smiled such a pretty reassuring smile, and commented, "You have a gorgeous figure. I'm just a little jealous."

Had she mis-spoken? Didn't she mean any boy would think I was pretty and want to marry me? If she only knew what gave me my figure she wouldn't be jealous, I thought. I thought it best not to say anything but, "Thank you, Marilyn. I noticed how pretty you were when I came in too."

The pretty, petite clerk smiled, and leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Joan," she softly said. I wondered if she knew how beautiful I found her.

Aunt Margaret came back in. "Your dresses will be delivered to our house, Joan. Just put your dress back on and come meet me in the car when you're through. She left again.

Marilyn spoke next. "I know you're new in town, and not quite settled into your new circumstances yet, but I'd like to see you again, if you want."

"I don't know, Marilyn. You're so sweet and pretty, but things are kind of..." I didn't want to say too much. Actually, I didn't know what to say.

"Joan, I really think you're sweet. Miss Margaret told me how shy you are. But I think we could become very close friends." She squeezed my hands tightly, and kissed me again. This time on my lips. She smiled and said, "I'll be thinking about you, and how beautiful you are in your new gowns."

With my dress on I left the store. True to her word Aunt Margaret was in the car. "Today was very special, wasn't it? Didn't I tell you that all you have to do is trust me, and I'll take care of it? You didn't have any problems today at all, did you?"

Nodding my head I said, "No, Aunt Margaret." I leaned over to kiss her cheek. She turned her head towards me and it was her lips I kissed. We smiled at one another. As we turned out of the parking lot and onto the street, I saw Marilyn looking out the window, and she waved to me.

Chapter Three - Joan Continues Growing

The next few weeks settled into a routine. Each day I would dress in my new lingerie, put on my own wig and makeup, and wear whatever dress Aunt Margaret wanted me to wear. Most days we would stay around the cottage. Occasionally Aunt Margaret would go out in the evening, and come home late. Every now and then we'd go to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a meal.

I was becoming more like the niece my Aunt wanted, and less like a boy. Most nights however were spent giving pleasure to one another. I think we both looked forward to our evening activities.

On one especially interesting night Aunt Margaret made an unusual request of me at suppertime. "Joan, I'd like you to put on your purple evening gown this evening. Wear your black bra, waist cincher, and garter belt. Put on your seamed stockings. Also, I'd like for you to paint your fingernails in the color that you'll find on your dresser. A matching lipstick is there too for you to use."

I had tried on the gown at the dress store, but had not worn it yet at home. After I helped Aunt Margaret clear the dishes, I went to my room to change. I had been wearing my all-in-one with the prostheses, and pantyhose. I took those off and put on what Aunt Margaret had requested. It was unusual for her to request that I polish my nails. She'd never mentioned that before, even though she had me watch her do her own. Mine had grown a little since I'd come to live with her. I did my best to copy what I had seen her do, and soon my nails were very pretty. It was now no problem to put my lipstick on, and it did match my nails shade for shade.

I had come to love the feeling of nylon stockings. The seam up the back was so sexy! I made sure my gown looked good, and then looked in the closet for some shoes to wear. A pair that I had not noticed before stood prominently in front. They were satin high heels, with a strap to go around my leg to fasten it. They had been dyed to match my gown perfectly. The heels reached almost four inches I guessed. I put them on and tried to walk. It was so hard. My ankle slipped, and I stumbled a little too. I almost gave up, but figured that these were the ones Aunt Margaret wanted me to wear. So doing the best I could, I hobbled out to the living room, occasionally having to grab the wall to balance myself.

I about did a double take as I entered the room. Standing before me in an identical gown was Aunt Margaret. I smiled a big smile. Even the shade of nail polish and lipstick were the same. The shoes were also. If it hadn't been for the fact that she was a redhead, and my wig was blonde, we might have been mistaken for twins.

"Are you surprised, Joan?"

"I sure am. You look so beautiful, Aunt Margaret."

"And so do you. You know you're so special to me. Have you gotten used to your high heels yet?"

"I'm not very sure footed yet."

Aunt Margaret went to the stereo and turned on some music. "Dance with me," she said.

Soon she took me in her arms, and swept me off my feet. At first she went very slow, helping me get used to the high heels I was wearing. But as the evening wore on the tempo increased. I had never had one dancing lesson, but soon found myself led in what Aunt Margaret called ballroom dancing. I was twirled from one end of the room to the other, complimented all the time. Aunt Margaret knew many kinds of dances, and knew them well. She led, and I willingly followed.

The music turned slow, and she guided me close to her. She wore the same perfume as she did the first night we slept together. I laid my head on her shoulder and let the scent waft to me, moaning softly as it did. I kissed her neck. Then I stopped dancing, stood up straight, and said, "Thank you, Aunt Margaret for taking me in, and for taking care of me." Then I said, "Thank you for my new pretty clothes. I feel so pretty tonight."

"You are so welcome, Joan, and you do look pretty." She guided me to the sofa and we sat down. I thought I noticed a small tear in the corner of her eye, but Aunt Margaret was smiling.

"Is everything alright," I asked.

"Everything is fine," she answered. "Wait here a moment and I'll call for you when I'm ready."

She left for the bedroom. I was looking forward with great interest to whatever she was going to surprise me with.

After about ten minutes (it seemed a lot longer) she called for me. "Joan, you may come in now."

As I opened the door to her room, I saw that the candles had again been lit. Aunt Margaret had changed from her purple gown into a very unusual costume. Her long red hair was hanging down her shoulders. She had a black cat-like mask over the top of her face. She wore a black bustier with fishnet stockings. She also wore those beautiful black shoulder-length gloves again. She was wearing black patent high heels which must have been five inches, if not higher. Aunt Margaret, I could tell, was not wearing any panties. She sat at her chair. She did not smile as I came in the room, but I thought I heard her making a purring sound.

"You look perrrrfect," she cooed. "Take off that pretty dress and let me see your lingerie." I did as instructed. While I did that she found a lipstick and said, "Put this on, little kitten." Again, I silently obeyed her. She had now reclined across her bed. "Come lay next to me, Kitten."

This experience was quite new. I laid on my side next to Aunt Margaret. She rolled over to her night stand and brought out an object I had not seen. It was a fleshtone color, about 8" long. It had the shape of a man's penis. I had no idea what was going on. At the bottom of the instrument was a small switch. I watched her push it, and it began to make a buzzing sound. She knew I was watching her, so there was no need for her to tell me to watch her. "Joan, this is a vibrator. It can give a woman a lot of pleasure. Watch me."

She touched it to her breast. I watched as she slowly licked her red lips. She raised the vibrator to her mouth and let her tongue go around the end of it. I noticed a vibration from underneath my panties when she did that. With her other hand she took mine. "See what you can do with it," she said.

The vibrator really was shaking. I took it and touched her breast as she had done. "Go lower, Joan" she purred again.

I figured out why she was wearing no panties. Slowly, delicately I put it to her bottom. "Put it on my pussy, little kitten" she whispered. Her fingers in the long black gloves parted the hair to either side. I found it to be no problem to insert the vibrator deep within her.

"Pull it out and push it in slowly, Kitten," she said. I watched her respond to each movement. I saw her hands grab the blanket on the bed and squeeze. Her purring became louder. I wanted to please this vixen behind the mask. I slowly increased the rate of vibrator's motion. It pleased her. I did everything I could to please her, I began kissing her neck, and rubbing her breasts. "I love you, Aunt Margaret. I want you to enjoy this. Thank you for letting me be your little girl" I said. Her groans became louder and louder. "Faster, pretty girl, faster." Up and down I went, watching my hand give immense pleasure to my Aunt. Soon she shouted, "Pump my pussy, pump me hard, harder, yes, ohhh."

She laid still, and I stopped my strokes, although I left the vibrator running inside her. In a moment or two her eyes opened and she looked at me. "You were very good. I'd like to reward you."

Aunt Margaret removed the vibrator herself and turned it off. It was wet, almost dripping, from her own juices. She held it to my mouth. "Taste it, Joan. Its time you learned to appreciate it."

I opened my mouth and she shoved the penis in. "Clean it all off, Kitten" she purred. It tasted so unlike anything I had ever ate. At first, it wasn't good, but after a moment or two I could tolerate it. By the end, I let my tongue eagerly search for every last drop. When I was quite through, Aunt Margaret removed the dildo from my mouth. "Take your panties off, Kitten" were her next words. Eager for my reward, I obeyed her.

She leaned over me and kissed me. Then she kissed the vibrator, then me again, and back and forth. The leather of her glove felt soft and cool against my erection as she worked her way down. Gently, she pulled my legs apart. Licking her lips she descended to my groin. I felt her tongue touching me in places she hadn't before, going down well beyond my scrotum. In a moment her tongue came back to my penis and I laid back. I knew I was in for a great time.

I closed my eyes and waited for the special tingles that came. I felt, however, a pressure from below. The pressure turned quickly into a pain, as I felt something go up inside me.

"Aunt Margaret, what is it, what...."

"Lay down, Kitten, just relax." I felt something go way, way, up. It hurt. Aunt Margaret held me down. At last it stopped. I began feeling her lips going up and down me again. The good feeling began to return. When I thought I could relax again, something began to stir and shake from deep inside me. Aunt Margaret had inserted the dildo in me and turned it on. Still holding me down with her hand, and still sucking me, she began to do to me what I had done to her. I thought I would scream, it hurt, it felt good, I wanted more, I wanted her to stop, I wanted it faster, I wanted it slower. My pelvis went up and down, in perfect synchronization with her lips and the humming vibrator. "Do it, Aunt Margaret, I want it so bad, faster, faster, oh yes...."

I exploded in ecstasy. More than any of the previous times. The dildo was removed. Aunt Margaret licked her lips, and I held her tight. I was spent, and near the point of passing out. She took off her mask, looked me in the eyes and said, "Goodnight, Kitten." Those were the last words I heard that night.

Another beautiful day came our way. I got up out of bed, and made my way to get cleaned up. I even thought I'd bring Aunt Margaret's breakfast to her in bed. After my bath I selected a fresh set of lingerie to wear, did my makeup, put on a pretty blue dress for the day, and was about to put my wig on.

"No need to worry about that today, Joan. You're not going to need that on today." I looked up to see Aunt Margaret in the doorway watch me at my vanity.

"But its so pretty, Aunt Margaret, and it makes me look so feminine." I could barely believe that I was trying to defend putting on a wig to look feminine.

"Your makeup and dress look fine, let's go fix our breakfast."

Instead of bringing her breakfast in bed, we took a tray out onto the balcony. It occurred to me that I had not even been to the beach during the day. On the other hand, I hadn't missed it that much either.

"My hairdresser will be coming today, Joan. She's going to give you a permanent. Your own hair is getting a little longer, so you won't need a wig any more. You'll look like a lovely girl without a wig."

Feelings of fear returned. The thought of being discovered were quite unnerving. Yet Aunt Margaret had not let me down yet, and in fact had made the other experiences more than pleasurable. Still unsure, however, I said, "Yes, Aunt Margaret."

I was told my appointment was set for 11:00 that morning. Aunt Margaret washed my hair and wrapped a towel around it. She made a place in the kitchen for me to sit. Promptly at the designated hour the doorbell rang. Aunt Margaret went to answer it. I was relieved to hear the voice of another female, and soon the two ladies walked in.

"Joan, this is my hairdresser, Mrs. Erickson."

"Hello, Joan. So you're getting your first perm today?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Aunt Margaret added, "And could you perhaps give her a facial and manicure while her hair is setting?"

"I'd be delighted, Margaret."

A number of smelly solutions were put into my hair. It hurt when all of the rollers were added. They showed me what it looked like in the mirror. I could have done without that. While my hair was doing whatever it was supposed to, Mrs. Erickson began my facial. She first washed off the makeup I was wearing, and put on something she called a mud pack. It was cold, heavy, and slimy. Before long, it dried right up. After the last residue of the pack had been removed, she began giving me new makeup. She complimented my skintone, and said I had a very versatile face, for whatever colors I wanted to wear, either in cosmetics or haircolor.

When she was completed with my makeup both she and Aunt Margaret were very pleased. She started on my nails next. I was still wearing the polish from the previous night. That was removed, and she began giving me the promised manicure. My nails were filed and buffed, the cuticle was removed, and a new very wet look polish was applied. About the time she finished with my nails, she said my hair was done, and ready to be rinsed and styled. Mrs. Erickson wanted to make sure that my face wouldn't get wet as she rinsed me out, so as not to ruin my pretty makeup.

"Can I see what I look like?" I was actually quite interested in seeing the results.

"Not yet, Joan," Aunt Margaret said.

Mrs. Erickson used a blowdryer, and then a curling iron. It seemed like they were taking forever getting my hair dried. It never took me that long. I was getting anxious.

Mrs. Erickson finally finished her work. "Let's see the mirror, Margaret. I know Joan wants to see how pretty her new hairdo is."

Aunt Margaret handed me the mirror. I brought it up to my face. I knew it would be pretty by the nice smiles the two ladies had. I was not prepared for the shock which came. My hair had not only been curled, it had also been colored. I now had deep red hair, just like Aunt Margaret. My mouth must have hit the table when I saw myself. It was like looking at a total stranger. She was very pretty, but who was she now?

"Mrs. Erickson, Joan is speechless. She loves it as much as I do, I can tell. You work miracles every time," she said with a laugh. I sat there in stunned silence. "Joan, your hair will be as long as mine in a month or so. You may keep this curling iron in your room on your vanity. And all these new cosmetics are yours too." Aunt Margaret was almost giddy with excitement. "Don't you want to thank Mrs. Erickson."

"Yes, ma'am," I said in a bewildered voice. "I can honestly say I don't believe it, Mrs. Erickson."

"You're quite welcome dear. You're a beautiful woman." She clasped my hand and gave it a squeeze.

After she left, Aunt Margaret had some more news for me. "Later this afternoon we're to have a guest for supper. I'd like you to wear your new emerald green dress. And I have another surprise for you too. She held out a long, thin box to me. "Go ahead, open it."

In my excitement about a gift, I forgot about my new red, curly hair. I opened the box and found a pair of long, black gloves, just like the ones Aunt Margaret wore. She knew how attracted I was to them, and I was glad to get them. "Thank you, Aunt Margaret," I said. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, leaving an imprint from my new shade of lipstick. "That really is a nice color," I said mischievously. "Who is our guest tonight?"

It didn't bother me so much that another woman would see me as Joan. It had not mattered yet, so I didn't think it would tonight either. But Aunt Margaret was being coy. "I'm not saying just yet, it is a surprise."

About 5:30 I was instructed to change for the evening. I put on one of my padded push up bras and fresh panties. I selected stockings for my garter belt, and also decided to wear my waist cincher too. Aunt Margaret came in to help me zip my dress, and watch as I put my gloves on. They looked beautiful. I looked beautiful. Aunt Margaret handed me a purse which matched my outfit. I thanked her for still another gift. I looked inside and found a compact, lipstick, a brush, and the bottle of perfume I loved so well. "Your hair looks so pretty, Joan. Try on some of your perfume."

At 6:30 the doorbell rang. Aunt Margaret told me to get it. I opened the door and there stood Marilyn. She wore a royal blue evening gown, obviously without a bra, and high heels which matched her outfit. I didn't know quite how to greet her. But Marilyn just smiled and said, "Surprise, Joan! You look so beautiful tonight. Aren't you going to ask me in? I just love your gloves." And then she squealed, "I absolutely love your hair. You have the perfect complexion for a redhead."

Her soft voice won me over again. "Marilyn, its so nice to see you. Aunt Margaret wouldn't say who our guest was to be. I'm so glad its you!" I reached my hand out to her, pleased that she thought my gloves were pretty. Aunt Margaret stood back from a distance and welcomed our guest.

"Dinner will still be a little while, girls. Why don't you have a seat and listen to some music."

Both Marilyn and myself offered to help with the meal, but Aunt Margaret insisted that we get to know one another better. Marilyn softly, and somewhat shyly said, "Joan, do you like that song that's playing?"

I nodded and said it was pretty.

Almost in a whisper Marilyn said, "Would you want to dance with me?"

The thought of holding this beautiful girl thrilled me. "I'd love to dance if you want to."

It was a very slow song. At first I stood back, not wanting to hold her too tight, or scare her off. We moved slowly at first. I was thankful that Aunt Margaret had taught me about dancing. Marilyn moved closer to me. Although we both wore high heels, I was still a little taller. I held her close. I felt her lips kiss my neck. "I love your perfume, Joan."

We slowly danced for the longest time. As the song ended I slowly raised Marilyn's head and touched my lips to hers. I felt her tongue play across my red lips. "You are a very pretty woman, Joan."

"No, not really. You're the pretty one, Marilyn." It was obvious we were attracted to one another. I started wondering if I was being honest with Marilyn, not actually being the girl she was attracted to. She kissed me again, holding me tight."

"If you girls are ready, dinner is served." Aunt Margaret's voice startled me. I didn't know what she would think about Marilyn and me kissing. She just said, "You don't want your dinner to get cold do you?"

It was a delicious dinner, and the conversation was delightful. Both Aunt Margaret and Marilyn made me the center of attention. I was having the time of my life with them. "Miss Margaret," Marilyn started, "The department store is having a big sale on Monday. Maybe you two would like to come in again."

"That would be fun, don't you think, Joan?"

"Sounds great," I said.

"Why don't you two ladies take care of the dishes," Aunt Margaret said. "I have an errand to run and I'm already late."

"You just go right ahead, Miss Margaret," Marilyn said. "Joan and I will get all this taken care of. Now don't you worry about anything." Marilyn's southern accent was so pretty. I could listen to her for hours.

Aunt Margaret's car left the driveway and Marilyn and I began to clear the dishes. We talked about so many things. In no time at all the dishes were done.

"Joan, your dress does look lovely. But I brought along some more comfortable clothes to change into. Do you want to change your clothes too?"

"That sounds like a good idea, Marilyn. Why don't you change in my room, and I'll change in Aunt Margaret's."

I found a sun dress from my closet and put that on. Marilyn wore one too. The sun had set and all but a few die-hard fishermen had left the beach in front of the house. "Would you like to go for a walk, Marilyn?" I asked.

We spent a long time on the beach. I felt like I should say something to her, about myself, but the opportunity never presented itself. When it was almost totally dark, I grabbed her hand, and pulled her to me again. We began to kiss each other. While her tongue explored my mouth, her hand began to explore my breasts. I was too far in to back out now.

"Take me back to the cottage, Joan."

I led her by the hand. Aunt Margaret had not returned yet. As soon as I closed the door behind us, Marilyn pulled off her sun dress. Her soft, little breasts were so pretty. "Take your dress off, Joan" she said.

Frowning a little, I took mine off. She saw me standing in my padded, push-up bra. "You're so pretty, Joan." She came to me and we embraced. Her nipples felt so good on my chest. I felt her unsnap each of the four snaps on my bra. "Marilyn, I need to, I mean I should say,..."

"Joan, its alright. Let me continue." My bra was removed. I felt naked without it on. Marilyn's lips kissed my chest, leaving a little ring around my small nipple from her lipstick.

"I'm sure that your breasts will grow one day. Some are just a little slow. Mine were too." Somewhat relieved, I held her again, kissing her softly, and gently playing with her breasts.

Marilyn took me by the hand and led me to my own bedroom. When we entered she sat me on my bed and stood in front of me. "Joan, would you help me lower my panties?"

As much as I wanted to do that, I was hesitant. If I took hers down, she would want mine down. I didn't know what to do. I wished Aunt Margaret would have told me about this before she left.

Marilyn spoke again. Her tone was a little more stern. "I asked you to help me take my panties down. If you were a good hostess you would do it without hesitation. I don't think your Aunt Margaret would appreciate this type of rudeness, do you?"

I knew that Aunt Margaret would hit the roof if I insulted our guest. I had to do some fast thinking and acting. "I'm so sorry, Marilyn. I just want to do the right thing. You're so pretty, I want to be with you tonight. I'm just nervous, that's all. I'm sorry."

"Just take off my panties, Joan."

With resolution, I removed her panties. She did not have any pubic hair. She was clean shaven, and soft as a baby's bottom. I momentarily forgot my fear as I examined this new sight.

"That's better, Joan." Marilyn's soft voice returned. "Now I'll take your panties off, and we can go to bed."

"Marilyn, there's really something I need to tell you...."

She didn't wait to find out what it was but just pulled my panties down. She gave me the same type of close scrutiny I had given her.

"Joan, I don't see what the problem is. I knew about this all along."

"And you don't mind?"

"Not at all. To me, you're a beautiful woman with some extra equipment. That's all. Now that we have that out of the way can we continue."

I nodded my head.


"Yes, Joan."

"When you took my bra off, did you know then that I wasn't a natural born female?"


"Then why did you say that one day I'll have my own breasts?"

Marilyn smiled at me, and then she kissed my lips again. "Its been a long day, and a great evening, Joan. I'm getting sleepy though." It was obvious that she either could not or would not answer my question, so I decided not to press the issue further.

"Normally I put on some lipstick before I go to bed. Would you like some?" I asked.

Marilyn's pretty smile returned. I handed her my lipstick and she did my lips for me. She did her own also. She laid in my arms and we talked for the longest time.

We did not make love that night, even though we slept together. We just held each other close, kissing, and fondling one another. I knew, however, that one day we would go farther in our relationship. It also surprised me that I had not heard Aunt Margaret come home that night. I didn't know if that should worry me or not. I was glad that Marilyn was around to spend the night with me.

It was my pleasure to get up before Marilyn the next morning and prepare her breakfast. I brought it to the bedroom, and watched as she ate. She had to work that morning, so she left soon after she got dressed. On her way out I said, "Thank you for last night. You are so pretty. I hope we'll see each other soon."

Marilyn gave me a big hug. With a straight forward look she said, "Joan, you're the prettiest girl I know. Thanks for being my girl friend. We kissed one another one last time. As she left I felt even prettier.

Aunt Margaret came home an hour or so later. Although she didn't offer any information about her evening, she was very curious about mine. I told her everything we did, and how accepting Marilyn had been, and how much I liked her, and how she told me that I was pretty, and special too. Aunt Margaret held me close and whispered, "My little kitten is growing up."

Chapter Four - Joan's Transition

Aunt Margaret and I were becoming more and more alike every day. We went out for dinner to celebrate our fiftieth day together. I had now lost any fear of being discovered or ridiculed. In Aunt Margaret's eyes I was her niece, and that satisfied me.

Marilyn and I saw one another occasionally during that time. She was always so sweet and understanding. We would go for long walks on the beach together. I especially enjoyed our dates when we could dance and be close to one another. I started considering her one of my best friends.

One evening, after Marilyn had went home for the night, I came in the house to discover Aunt Margaret on the phone, a quiver in her voice, and tears streaming down her cheeks. She had obviously been quite shaken up by this phone call, and I was anxious to find out what the problem was. When she finally hung up she sat on the couch, buried her head in her hands and sobbed.

I sat down next to her, put my arms around her and asked what had happened, and why was she crying.

"John, I have some bad news."

I knew then that it was my mother. Aunt Margaret had not called me John since the second day I came to live with her. From that time until now I had been Joan.

"Its mom, isn't it?"

She looked me in the eye and nodded. Soon, I joined her in tears. In all my new adventures with Aunt Margaret I had hardly even considered my mom's condition. I had been told that contact with her would be limited, but I always thought that I'd be able to see her again. I felt very sorry that I had not been there for her, and that while she was alone back at the hospital, I was having all this fun out here.

I wondered about what had happened to her son in these past fifty days. She wouldn't have recognized him, that's for sure. That began to make me mad too. My identity and personality had been completely altered. My hair was now red and curly, and it used to be very straight and brown. My nails were long and polished, and I gave the appearance of having a feminine figure, complete with lifelike breasts. I felt guilty for abandoning my mother, and for what I had allowed myself to become. "I'm so ashamed," I cried.

Aunt Margaret now held me as I cried. "I know what you're thinking, dear, but there are some things you don't know. Your mother loved you more than anything else in the world. She always appreciated how much you were able to do for her, but she knew that her time was coming to an end, and that you would not be able to help her anymore. You see, she had been sick with a cancer for about a year before her divorce. The reason she never told you was because she felt you had enough to worry about in light of your parents breaking up."

"But," I said.

"Let me continue. As part of the divorce settlement, your father signed a paper giving full, total custody and parental rights to your mother. In effect, he permanently gave up any claim which he might have on you. Since your mother knew what was happening, she gave custody and legal guardianship over to me. She knew that I would love you as my own child, and that she would not have to worry about you having any need. Your mother was a very smart woman. She planned well for you. You really ought to be very proud of her.

"What would she think of her son now," I asked, somewhat bitterly.

Aunt Margaret stood up and asked me to follow her. I walked behind her into her bedroom. From a writing desk she pulled out an envelope. It was not sealed, but the name in the address space said, "To my beloved child."

Tears came down Aunt Margaret's cheeks as I took the envelope and began to read Mom's final words to me. It read:

Words cannot express how much I love you, and how special you have always been to me. But I know that I won't be able to take care of you any more. I wanted you to be in a place where you can find love and acceptance, without the abuse that we've had to live through these past few years.

By the time you read these words I'll be gone. I want you to be strong, and remember always how much I love you. You will find love and happiness with your aunt. She's a special woman. Trust her, and do the things she'll ask you now to do. Love her as you have me.

As I write these words to you I can almost see how beautiful you've become. Aunt Margaret and I have discussed your new role and life. I only wish I could have been there to see you. I want you to know how proud I'd be of you. You will meet many of Aunt Margaret's dear friends. Let them become your friends as well.

In time your tears will cease. A smile will return as you remember our good years together. I'm smiling as I write these words knowing of the many happy years in front of you. I love you, Joan.

"Mom knew what was happening here, Aunt Margaret?" I couldn't hardly believe it.

"Yes, dear. She had grown tired of the abuse and sadness of her life, and wanted you to know as I did the joys of being with women. It was your mother who packed the suitcase full of her lingerie for you."

"But I just don't understand."

"You will in time."

We cried together through most of the night, and fell asleep together in her bed. There was no one who I'd rather have been with in such a time of crisis as Aunt Margaret.

The morning brought many arrangements to be made which Aunt Margaret handled in her typical organized fashioned. I might have stayed in bed all morning, but she made me get dressed. "Joan, there are lots of things to do, and people will be coming over. Help me clean up. It will get your minds off things."

Aunt Margaret arranged a private memorial service. We attended together. Marilyn came, and a few of Aunt Margaret's friends. They were very supportive of both of us, and we grew closer together.

The day after the service, Aunt Margaret came into my room to wake me. "Joan, this is now your permanent home. You will stay with me now, I guess you've figured that out. It's what your mother wanted."

I nodded my head. "I know."

"I've arranged for a private tutor to come to help get you ready to pass the GED test. You'll have to finish school here too."

"Tomorrow you and I are taking a trip."

"Where to, Aunt Margaret."

"We're going to a medical clinic in New York together."

"You're not sick too are you?" My voice was raised in concern.

"No, this trip is for you. You are going to meet a special doctor who will help you. She is a very close personal friend of mine. She knows all about you and your condition. She wants to help you."

"What will she do?"

"Dr. Anderson will help you to have something you do not have yet."


"Your own breasts."

"Surgery? I don't think so. I have these push up bras, and also the prostheses. I don't need to...."

"Joan. I'm your guardian now. My decision stands. I know these days have been hard on you, but now is not the time to disobey me. They've been hard on me, too. Didn't your mother say to trust me?"

"Yes, Aunt Margaret."

"Very well. Now let's pack for our trip."

I had never had surgery before, and I was pretty scared. I knew that Aunt Margaret had my best interest at heart, and that my mother would approve. It all seemed so odd."

The morning of the trip Aunt Margaret help me choose some clothes to wear. "Since we're flying today, why don't we wear something in blue? Put on your navy panties and bra. You can borrow my navy blue slip. Put on your blue skirt, and you can wear this pretty blouse with it."

Aunt Margaret helped me curl my hair, it now reached to my shoulders. When she was done, she clipped some earrings on me. I had no problem walking in the heels I was wearing.

Our flight was enjoyable. In the airport we noticed two men smiling at us, but just kept walking by them.

My appointment was at the Longview Women's Clinic. We arrived promptly at 3:00. Aunt Margaret filled out all of the papers. Soon I was called to the examination room. A nurse told me to take off my clothes. "Its alright, Joan. Don't be shy. I have to get a little information before Dr. Anderson comes in. Just hang your clothes over there and lay down on the table."

I removed my jacket, skirt, blouse and slip. The nurse complimented me on how pretty I looked. I didn't know how much more she knew about me, and was embarrassed when she asked me to take off my bra and panties. She didn't seem to register too much shock when I took off my bra, but she did register a curious look when she took off my panties.

"Well, I guess you can put this on," she said as she left the room. She handed me a hospital gown, telling me to wait for Dr. Anderson.

Dr. Anderson came after a few minutes. She looked to be the same age as Aunt Margaret. Her brunette hair was pulled back into a tight bun. Her skin was chalky white which made her red lips very noticeable. She extended her hand to me as she came in, while in the other hand she held a notebook.

"Joan, I'm Dr. Anderson. Margaret has told me all about your situation. I have your medical records here, but I'll have to give you an examination just the same. Lay back on the examination table please."

I did as I was instructed. I was poked and prodded from head to toe. She spent an unusual amount of time feeling my chest, and touching my little nipples. She made numerous notations all along. I was asked questions about different scars I had, what type of medications I took recently, and numerous things like that.

Dr. Anderson extended some stirrups from the examination table and told me to put my feet in them. Then she took a pair of latex gloves from the cabinet. She reached under my flimsy gown and began examining my privates. She felt all around my scrotum, squeezing just a little bit, noting my reaction. It felt good, and I began to get an erection as she touched my manhood. Soon I had a full erection. She smiled for the first time and said, "Now Joan, that's a reaction we don't get around her very often." She seemed quite intrigued by her ability to arouse me so quickly.

After that she put some lubrication on the glove, and I knew what was coming next. I wondered if she knew what else had gone up there recently, or if she could tell. Her finger slid easily up inside me, which added to my excitement. I moaned and sighed a little bit. She worked her finger back and forth, checking for anything unusual she told me. While her one finger went in and out, her other fingers wrapped themselves around my erection and went up and down. The latex felt so good against my. "Tell me, Joan, do you really want breasts? Do you want big ones, or tiny ones. Do you want tiny or erect nipples? What do you want me to do for you?"

She kept working me up and down, in and out, telling me how pretty I was, and how much prettier I'd be with some big boobs to squeeze. It was like I was having intercourse with her, and finally ejaculated all over her latex gloves. It was very intense.

She spoke out loud what she wrote in her notebook: "Sexual response - normal," she said with a smile.

"Seriously, Joan. Let me tell you what is to happen. You will spend the night here. About 6:30 tomorrow morning you'll be receiving some medication. At 7:00 you'll be moved into the operating room where you'll be put to sleep. When you wake up, your mouth will be very dry, and your chest will hurt. That's normal. You'll be able to rest for the remainder of the day, and if all goes well, you can go home the following morning. Do you have any questions?

"Well, yes. What will they look like, or feel like?"

The implants that will be used will be totally lifelike, and I can assure you, 100% safe. They will give you a full C size cup. The scar will be very small, and should not be very noticeable. I'm sure you'll be pleased."

She turned to leave, but stopped short of the door and looked at me again. "Just one last question. Are you absolutely sure you want this done. There is no turning back, the operation is designed to be permanent. You must tell me right now if you want to change your mind."

Time froze for an instant. I had nothing to go back to in Iowa, no family or real close friends. My new home was with Aunt Margaret, and my friend Marilyn was very supportive. I had resisted becoming a woman at first, but at each stage found it to be more enjoyable. I glanced down at my chest thinking how wonderful it would be to have breasts of my own. I looked down further and became concerned.

"Doctor, you're only adding something tomorrow, right? You're not planning on taking anything off, are you?"

She smiled again and said, "No, Joan. You get to keep everything below the waist. You have the opportunity to enjoy the best of both sides."

"Then I want to have the operation."

She left the room, and I was shown in to a regular hospital bed. Aunt Margaret stayed the night with me, and we talked about our life together. She smiled as she said that we would go back to the Lingerie Store. Wouldn't Alice be surprised at how Joan had changed?

I fell asleep both anxious and excited about my new breasts. I awoke long before 6:30, but they wouldn't let me eat anything. They made me take two pills, and gave me a shot in the rump at about 6:45. I began to feel very heavy and drowsy. I think I remember Aunt Margaret giving me a kiss and saying she'd see me after awhile. The ceiling was spinning as they wheeled me into the operating room. And then I was out.

"Can I have something to drink." My lips moved, but no sound came out. It felt like there was a car parked on my stomach. Everything seemed to ache. I tried to wet my lips with my tongue but it was as dry as dust. I tried again, "Please, will someone get me something to drink?"

A strange face approached. She wrote something on my chart, and then looked at me and smiled. "So, you finally decided to wake up. Listen, everything went fine. We're going to take you back to your room now, and then you can have a little drink. I tried to thank her, but no words came out.

Finally I was returned to my room. One of the nurses poured some water in a cup, and lifted the straw to my mouth. "Take it easy, slow down," she said. It tasted so good, and it brought my voice back. "My stomach hurts."

"That's what I said would happen." It was Dr. Anderson's voice. "Joan, your procedure went just fine. I'm very satisfied with the results, and so will you be, and your Aunt Margaret too."

"When can I..."

"Its best to keep the bandage on for a day. You'll get an ice pack and some medication to keep any post-operational swelling down, and to take care of the pain. Tomorrow morning we'll all take a look."

I looked around for Aunt Margaret, but she wasn't in the room. She said she would be here, but she wasn't. I asked some of my nurses, but they said they didn't know where she was either. After another drink of water and a pain killer, I fell back to sleep.

"Joan, do you want your lunch?" I opened my eyes to see a different nurse looking at me. I began to realize that I had seen about 10 different nurses, who all wanted to take a look at me from head to feet, but they were especially interested in my middle part! Each would come and give it a touch, all in the name of thorough record keeping, I guess. They would all look at it, and then me, and smile. It was quite unnerving, actually.

"Hello, sweetheart." It was Aunt Margaret's voice. She was now sitting beside the bed.

"Hi. Where were you?"

"Once they told me everything went fine I remembered a little shopping I wanted to do while in New York. You're not upset are you?"

"No, I just missed you."

"Well, I'm here now. Dr. Anderson says that by 11:00 tomorrow morning you and I will be on our way home."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what they, I mean, what I look like now."

"Me too."

Aunt Margaret helped me eat. It really still hurt to try and lift my arms. It was kind of fun being "spoon-fed." Aunt Margaret was always there to take care of me. I felt very safe and secure with her.

By suppertime I wasn't in near as much pain anymore. The nurses came in and helped me get out of bed. I walked up and down the hall, each nurse looking at me, and each one got a big grin on their face. When I got back to my room I told Aunt Margaret about it. "Why are they all smiling at me," I asked.

"First, Joan, this is a women's clinic. You must admit that you're not their typical patient. Secondly, they might be just a little bit jealous of you. Third, I imagine that some are quite attracted to you. You are very special. When they smile at you, just smile right back. I understand that Dr. Anderson thought you were special."

"I guess she did," I said as I remembered my "thorough examination. "I guess I should thank her, shouldn't I?"

"I think now you're beginning to understand, Joan. If it's alright with you, I'm going to let you sleep by yourself, and I'll be staying with Dr. Anderson this evening. Do you mind."

"No, but I wish I was with you," I said coyly.

Aunt Margaret smiled and said, "Some day, Joan. Some day."

The next morning I felt totally great. It wasn't hard at all to move my arms all the way above my head. I really wanted to take the bandage off myself, before anyone else did, but decided to wait until Dr. Anderson came in.

She got there right after breakfast, followed by Aunt Margaret. "Did you sleep well, Joan?"

"Sure did!"

"Let's take a look, and see what you think."

In addition to the doctor and my aunt, there were now five nurses in the room looking at me. I felt like I was on display. I looked at Aunt Margaret who gave me a knowing smile. I remembered what we had talked about.

"Are you ready, Joan? Remember there might be a little black and blue marks, but it will go away in a week or so."

"I'm ready," I said as I nervously bit my lip.

I sat straight up on the bed. It didn't even look like my cleavage was as big as what it was when I wore my push up padded bra. Slowly, Dr. Anderson loosened the long ace bandage. It seemed that my chest expanded as the bandage became looser. I noticed that I could now no longer see down to my waist. At last the bandage was totally removed. The nurses all let out a collective, "OOOOH." Dr. Anderson smiled, and Aunt Margaret looked like she was brushing away a tear.

They stood me before the mirror in my room. I saw my breasts for the first time in their fullness, and they were full. I had nipples, and areolas, and more than a handful to squeeze. They were still a little sore, but they weren't hardly bruised at all. I was greatly excited by what Dr. Anderson had given me.

Dr. Anderson came from behind me and put a hand under each breast, squeezing a little bit. The nurses stood back and watched me being felt up. "Pardon my boasting, but I did a fine job here," she said as she touched each of my nipples. They tingled with excitement. "And now, Joan, are you ready to go home?"

"I sure am, but first I want to tell you, and to all these nice nurses how happy I am now, and thanks for all your good treatment."

"You're quite welcome. You are a special patient for us!" Now we'll let you get dressed, let's go ladies." Everyone left the room except for Aunt Margaret. It was her turn to examine me.

"Joan, these are wonderful." Her hands cupped them the way Dr. Anderson's did. "I love them, don't you?"

I nodded.

She turned me around to her, bent her knees slightly and kissed each nipple. "It doesn't hurt, does it?" she asked in a moment.

"No, it feels wonderful. Please don't stop."

Her mouth took hold of my new left breast. Her hand reached under my hospital gown and grabbed my growing member down there. I felt my knees grow weak from the pleasure I was receiving. Aunt Margaret touched me with great intensity. Neither one of us heard the door open again, and Dr. Anderson come back into the room.

"Margaret, it would be best not to hold one too tight, it might change its shape here in the early stage. You'll have to do the other one too," she said.

Pulling away from me momentarily, Aunt Margaret said, "I only have one mouth. What do you suggest?"

Reaching into her lab pocket, Dr. Anderson took out her tube of lipstick and replenished her lips. "I guess I'll have to help. No extra charge," she said laughing. Both women took my new breasts in their mouth. Aunt Margaret began pumping me with her hand. "Oh yes, oh yes," I moaned. "Suck me harder," I yelled, as I erupted in Aunt Margaret's hand. I wondered if any nurses heard me out in the hall.

When the two ladies released my nipples from their mouth, they did an amazing thing. They began kissing each other, and fondling one another also. They were filled with passion for each other too. They obviously knew I was watching. It was almost as if they were teaching me something. They caressed each other for several minutes. When at last they parted Aunt Margaret said, "Thank you, Victoria, for all your help with Joan. I can never thank you enough."

Dr. Anderson kissed her again and said, "You thanked me last night. And besides, you haven't got your bill yet." They both laughed again.

Dr. Anderson left again, and Aunt Margaret turned to me. Let's get you dressed, Joan. I bought a few things for you, and we have to get some makeup on you, and curl your hair."

I had not seen the bags she had brought in. "These are to celebrate your new beginnings, Joan. I just couldn't resist."

She handed me a pair of black panties. They were trimmed in lace, and looked so pretty. The next item was a long line bra. When she snapped it in back, my new boobs provided a very envious cleavage. I wore new black pantyhose, and then I was given a new red dress, to wear. My shoes were black patent opera pumps. Aunt Margaret produced some new expensive cosmetics and did my face for me, something she hadn't done in several weeks. I could tell she was just about bursting with pride at her creation. She lined my lips and made them look very full with the lipstick. For the first time she French braided my long red hair. My nails were polished a shade of red that matched my dress, and we were ready to go. "You're a vision," she said as she handed me a mirror. She gave me a spray with that wonderful perfume, and packed my bag.

It were as if I was being given a send-off with full military honors. All of the nurses stood against the wall and smiled as I walked by. I thanked each one of them again for their help. I heard them whispering things like, "Can you believe how lucky she is? Isn't she the most beautiful woman? Wouldn't you like to be with her?" I think I knew how Cinderella must have felt the night of the ball. I was told how pretty I was. I felt pretty. I am pretty.

When we got in the waiting cab and started for the airport, I grabbed Aunt Margaret's hand. "Thank you again. I love you."

"I love you too," she said as she leaned over and gave me a peck on my cheek.

The cab driver watched all this in the mirror, a fact that Aunt Margaret became aware of. Winking coyly to me she leaned over again and kissed my red lips. I responded by opening my mouth and inserted my tongue past her red lips. We teased that poor guy all the way to the airport. Looking back on it now, I'm surprised we didn't have a wreck. I don't think he ever looked at the road once he saw us. When we got to the airport Aunt Margaret asked what the fare was. "No charge, lady," he said. "You gave me something I won't ever forget."

We were back on the plane and headed for home. Now it wasn't just Aunt Margaret's home. It was our home, my home too. John no longer lived there. Joan did. Aunt Margaret and I held each other's hand all of the way home.

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