Good Luck Streak

By Swampland

Published on Dec 7, 1996



Organization: LavaNet, Inc.

Author is poster, send hate/love mail if you'd like, story is unfinished but up to part 4.

The Good Luck Streak

I soon turned out my lights and decided it was time for sleep. I was half asleep anyway, watching the end of Letterman. Im starting to find that his comedy was getting boring. It was always the same, he would do some goofy antic then repeat it throughout the entire show and even in subsequent days. You know he's just hanging in for the money and he's already said he'll retire in the year 2000. Afterall, one can only stay at a 14 million dollar a year job for so long. I usually stay semi-awake in bed after the lights are out as a little quiet think time. What occupies my thoughts is very varied, though tonight it was like the past few nights. I lay there in bed with the thought of a nice trim guy, naked lying on my naked body, our dicks pressed next to each other's. I don't know why but that particular fantasy has been with me for awhile and every-now-and-again it comes back to please me. I awoke, later than what other people would consider a "normal" time to wake up. About 9am, stumbled around, logged into the Internet, checked for mail (nothing interesting) and then opening the refrigerator looking for something to eat. This routine played itself out each day. I was drowning in dullness, there was nothing new anymore, living on my own has gotten quite boring. I, by the way, am a young guy, single and not looking, but horny. Twenty-five, 5' 9", brown hair and light brown eyes. Normal looking and plain, I was the average of all 25-year-olds in America. Though I did sport some muscles they were not something worth flaunting or raving about. I liked to think of myself as a down-to-earth everyday joe. "Damnit, just remembered, today is the first day of class", my inner voice told my brain. Today I was going to sit in class and listen to three different professors as they tried to impress me with their field, dazzle me with their flamboyant nature, and drill in their grading methods. I unlike several people I knew, decided to wait on school right after high school. It was just my second semester starting now, and I was not in the mood for this crap today. After I was done with my classes, about 2pm, I ran into some of the people I used to hang out with during high school. I said hello to them, and we made small talk. Blah blah blah. Then I went to my car. I got to my car and checked the trunk for my work clothes and stuffs to make sure they were there and clean. Good, now that I got my work clothes I didn't have to go home and I did have about half an hour to kill before work. I picked up some lunch and ate it in my car infront of my work place. I worked at this snack place, I was one of the people that packed the snacks into the plastic shelf bags. It was an ok job with ok pay and ok people, but it was a small operation for a local market and we had to weigh things and put them in bags by hand. I must also say that these snacks were delicious, they were a deep fried pasta-like thing, and just about all of the employees there eat a handful now-and-then. I pulled up on the opposite side of the main entrance. The place was inside a industrial park, the rent was cheap and the location easy to get too so it was a profitable idea to have it here. Paschico's (as the snacks were called) had a regular door for customers and a big loading and unloading door for distribution. The place was run by "the old man". Thats what we called Rich, we was an old guy who decided to make some bucks with this business, we was a nice boss to have but he wanted us to fill tight quotas each day. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Greg walk out the customer entrance with a soda and he knealed down and started to drink. He was a nice guy, calm and quiet, I never heard him yell or get angry, nothing phased him, like he was totally detached from everyone else. Make no assumption however that he was a wimp, he was after all taller than me, tougher than me, and if you didn't know him you wouldn't want to even look him in the eye. He had nice stubble from time to time and had his dark hair cut short, like a crewcut only without the flat top, like a spikey ball for a head. What was this? Who was this? I pondered, there was someone else that came out of the customer entrance, also with a soda, too young to be a vendor. He knealed down next to Greg. Ah ha! It was the new guy, Isaac, if I remembered correctly. I began to scope him out. He looked shorter than Greg, more on the pretty boy side than the tough guy looks of Greg. Isaac looked like the kind of guy who wore designer clothes, and was always looking for the new things. How did I know? I noticed him in one of my classes at school, even though that pretty boy bit didn't appeal to me he was different somehow. He was sorta a pretty boy rebel. He wore jeans, and tucked in his shirt to show his sleek lines and he had this unforgetable face with a straight nose line and a slight, faint, perpetual grin, giving his face a "all-knowing" look, like a constant poker face. I gather all of this because he was sitting one row to the right of me in class. Well oh well, so he's working here now? This ought to be interesting. I finished my food and put on my work clothes, Rich "The Old Man" was really adamant about uniforms and appearence, he didn't like our shirts to be untucked, or our hair to be messy, no hickies, no nose rings (though modest earrings in guys was ok). The uniform was a blue slacks and blue polo shirt black shoes. We looked like clones. But I must say we must look impressive, prim and clean, and that must draw in alot of people to carry our product. I went to the entrance and Greg and Isaac was now back to work. I got in, checked in for my shift and went to my station, which was weighing the snack and putting each lot into the plastic bags. We had about 6 different kinds and I had to do all of them, it took about 15 minutes to weigh, seal, and pack a carton of 16. We made about two palettes a day. Business was good and we were getting paid. Isaac was at the heat sealer with Greg who was training him. Greg usually worked the morning shift from 7 to 2, but it seemed he was training Isaac to work the sealer, Rich himself had to work the sealer for a few days after the last guy quit the afternoon shift. I was gonna be working with Isaac. I was happy, maybe we could get to be friends or something. I doubt he would like to get anything on with other guys, he seemed straight and "normal" like Greg. Greg was another guy that I often fantatized about. I was friends with Greg and we went places sometimes (Movies, Concerts etc.), nothing best-friend-like, just casual hanging out. He been to my place for some beers every so often. My shift was from 3pm to 7pm. The night guys had it easy, all we did was pack then clean up, the day guys had to inventory, vend and all that stuff. Rich came into the packing room and checked up on Greg and Isaac then called it a day. We worked and worked, Isaac soon got the idea with the sealer and Greg went to finish up the half-done inventory. It was just me, Isaac, and Todd now. Todd was nice guy but he was retired and wanted a job to keep busy, he also had a nasty mind. Real nasty, and he was alot of fun to be around. Todd went on break and it was just me and Isaac now, Greg was elsewhere working. The sealer was up against the wall and he took a tray of of bags and heat sealed them then placed them in another tray to get boxed, taped up, and labelled to go to the appropiate place(Todd's job). It was really quiet in there, I was too shy to say anything and I guess he was too. It started to get to me so I finally said "Hi" "Hey." He turned around and saw me. He then turned back to his job. Almost a minute went by of akwardness. Then he asked "So how long you worked here?" "About 8 months, though thats about how old this company is too." I said. He turned around look at me again. "So how you like it so far?" I asked. "Its ok, better than some other jobs I had. I don't know, this job is just too mundane, seal seal seal, all day." "Trust me, its good, it makes time go by faster, almost like sleep, after you go to sleep it feels like you just laid down a few minutes ago." I replied, and I admit it was like that, everything was a crispy fried pasta blur for four hours Mon-Sat. "Huh, I guess your right, soon I'll be completely bored with this and it won't seem like four hours." Greg came back, and Isaac returned to work. It was about 4:30 when Greg went home, Todd would stay till 7pm with us. Todd and I made small talk with Isaac, told stories and just had a good time while getting our work done, though Isaac, being new, was a slow link in the chain and we ended up leaving at 7:30pm. Rich wouldn't mind, he should be expecting a slight over run with new employees. Isaac, Todd and I got out and I saw that there was only my car and Todd's car there. The place was locked up and we all said goodnight. "Shit" Isaac said in breath only. I turned around, and he looked at me. "I forgot to use the phone to call up my girlfriend." "Sorry but its locked from the inside, only Rich can open it now." I said. Todd was long gone by now. "You need a ride home?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess." We went to my car and I took my books out of the passenger side seat and threw them in the back. He got in and drove out of the park. We made more small talk, he asked questions about the other employees and what not. I noticed he had an upbeat personality, sorta happy-go-lucky type. Made a joke or at least smiled about just about anything. All the while he directed me to his place. It seemed he lived with his parents still. I said bye and he got out and thanked me. I said anytime, this is, ironically on the way to my apartment. Went to work the next day, and Isaac was there on time. We worked and everything went by quickly. We got through ontime this time and his girlfriend was waiting outside when we left. Wednsday was school again, and I went into class and sat in the same seat, Isaac was in the same seat too and he saw me. And said "Wow, your in this class too?" I acted just as surprised as he was about the whole arrangement. We talked a bit and he ended up asking me for a ride to work. I agreed and told him I could do this every Mon, Wed, Fri. if he wanted. "Yeah that'll be cool, so you need gas money or somethin?" "Nah, I have to go to work too, don't worry about it." Class was over and he followed me to my car. He took his work clothes out of his backpack. I wore my work pants to class, they were quite comfortable and matched my clothes well, or sometimes I would wear shorts and just slip them over. Isaac was wearing jeans now, and I tried to get a sneak peek of his basket but couldn't without risking discovery. Maybe he'll take his pants off in the car on the way there, I could only hope. He didn't but he Did take off his shirt, and a smell filled the car. It was the smell of Isaac, a clean, fresh, but erotic smell. A smell that cannot be described. A smell of young guys. He had a nice chest, that was smooth and defined but not Mr. Universe muscleture. And there was a thin line of hair, like a guiding tease to his crotch. I got all of these great images because he was too busy looking in the right side mirror at his hair which was somewhat long and nice. With only one wave in it, in the front. He was hot, and my dick responded. How I wish time around us would freeze for an hour and he would somehow do me. Back to reality, we got to the snack place and he went into the bathroom to put on his pants. Greg was just finishing up his shift and he said bye to Isaac on his way out. About 6 pm, the power went out, and the sealer light went off, so did everything else electronic. The place was now dark, Todd said "ohh Shit". "This is fucking great." I said. "I'll go call Rich" Todd said, and he did. We stood there for 10 minutes and Isaac and me talked about school. "How old are ya anyway?" I managed to work into the conversation without seeming to interested in him personally. "22." he said. "Starting school late too huh?" I asked to cover up the question. "Yeah." Hmm interesting, he was pretty close to my age. I thought he was fresh out of high school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into the teen scene, but this guy was so mature and manly but had that late teen over confidence and free spirit. Hell, I never ever was romatically involved with anyone, olny had a one night stand and then a two day sex fest. That was about 2 years ago, and I was now getting hornier and hornier. He then reached around for something, I heard two quick thumps and he jumped back and yelled "OW!" I got up and went towards the darkened shape that was Isaac. "Fuck, I burned my thumb and my elbow. I got the flashlight and shined it on him. He looked at his thumb there was a line running through the fingerpad that was quickly becoming a blister. He looked at his elbow and saw the same line running for about 4 inches up his arm. "Fucken Sealer shit is still hot, aww man, fuck.." Isaac continued. I knealed down next to him on the floor, and grabbed his arm to get a better look. He lifted his elbow. Somehow my clutsy hands dropped the flashlight onto his lap. He was sitting cross legged, I went for the flashlight and grabbed his thigh instead. Feeling the fleshy thigh I released instantly and he said "Hey.." "Sorry." I got the flashlight, but I was shaking, luckily the place was too dark, my arms and knees were quivering. Man this guy must think im somekind of weirdo or something. He laughed "I know you want it" I said "no, shutup" and he playfully jested with me a little more. He seemed to enjoy it, like he wanted to see me deny it. At 6:15 Todd came back and said that we could go home. "The boss says we can go, just lock up, theres no need to clean up." We all left and locked the door, but before that I asked Isaac if he needed to call his girlfriend to come early. He said no, his girlfriend was at night school. "Wanna ride home?" I asked "Sure, again..." We got in the car, and he asked where I lived. "Not more than a mile from your house, my apartment is in the VanHesson complex." It was a nice place, cheap too, but it had a seedy atmosphere outside, with convience stores on the ground floor and the occaisional hooker strolling out front. It was a blue collar part of town. "Cool." I then asked him, boldly, if he wanted to hang out at my place for awhile. "Hmm, Yeah sounds good. Gotta have some free time from my parents, they drive me up the wall, and so do my girlfriends parents." It seemed our friendship, however odd, was growing fast. And I didn't mind that at all. We got to my place about six-thirty. Luckily I still had power. He stepped in to my apartment, which was a mess as usual and I sat down on the couch. I got the remote and turned on the TV. After flipping through several shopping channels, the news, some reruns, and the wheel of fortune I asked if he wanted a beer. "Hey free beer too... I like this." He said sarcastically and I grinned. I came back with two beers and we drank and made fun of wheel of fortune. We were sitting side by side on the couch, there was a deck of cards on the coffee table. He picked them up and began to shuffle. "What are you doing? Wanna play cards?" I asked. "Yeah, wheel of fortune sucks anyway. Lemme go call my girlfriend" "The phone is in the kitchen." He went to go call her up. I tuned my ears into the soft conversation. I picked out a few words that sound like he was saying he was at home. Then he hung up. I dealt out blackjack. He came back. We played a deck and it got too quiet so I put on some music, the local alternative rock station was automatically on and the mood was a laid back lazy mood. "Wanna place bets?" "Yeah, ok" I said. So he wanted to make things a bit more exciting. "How 'bout 5 dollars a hand." I asked. "Ok". I dealed him two and one of mine was a 4, he said hit me and I gave him one more card. "BlackJack" he said. He won 20 bucks from me in that deck. I wasn't too happy and was getting low on cash in my wallet. "Damnit, I can't do this anymore, wont have enough money." I siad. Things were somewhat tight for me anyhow and that was twenty down the drain. "Ok, go, deal another deck." he said. I dealt him two and I had an Ace showing. He wanted a hit and he had to fold. Then he took off his watch. I gave a puzzled look. "Strip Poker?" NOW HE WAS TALKING! STRIP BLACKJACK? NO WOMEN AROUND? This was a nice twist. But I remained wary. I looked at his face to see if he was gonna burst out laughing. Maybe he was testing me after that thigh incident earlier. "Ok" I said with a deep breath. I lost the next hand, I procceded to take off my watch. He won the next hand too, I took off my socks. I won the next three hands and he took off his belt, and his socks. I won the next hand again and he took off his shirt, I looked at his great chest and grinned. "Ok now this is more like it." I said. I spoke too soon, he won the next hand. So I took off my shirt and he looked at my chest too. He looked into my eyes and said "Deal." He really enjoyed this feeling of power I guess, he seemed to thrive off making people do things. His smile was resiliant as I lost the next hand and had to take off my pants. Now I was in my jockey briefs, He once again looked me over. And my dick was awakening. I won the next hand and he had to take off his pants too, he was also wearing jockey style underwear, for the first time I could see his cock. It looked like it was becoming bigger too. I saw a outline of the cockhead, it must have been about 4 inches long, resting in his jocks. I dealt his two and I had an 8 showing, he said "hit me", and I did, he said "again". He then said "I stand". Now I dealt myself a 4, then another 8. "I stand" I said. His nipples seemed to get harder and more pointy by the second. "Call" he said. I threw down my hand, a 20 and he threw his down. He had a 19, I looked at his face, there was just a grin. I was so excited with anticipation. I was gonna have this hot guy naked in my apartment for me to look at. We stared at each other for a few seconds, he had that poker face on. He took off his earring. "You fucker! shit...." I yelled. He was laughing and smiling, he managed to outsmart me, that bastard. "Thought you had me huh?" he was still chuckling. It was about 8 pm by now, and we gone through three beers a piece, and we were both slightly drunk by now and almost giddy at the prospects now. Now he definately only had one thing left, and I only had one thing left and this was the last, deciding hand. I dealt him two. I had a King showing. He said "BlackJack". "Aww shit... man." I turned over my cards, I had an Ace. "Ah HA!" There was a a burst of laughter from both of us and it seemed he forgotten about being half naked in front of me and he hit me on my shoulder. I decided to bite the bullet, and I stood up and pulled down my jock at looked at him. He stopped laughing, and looked at my dick, which was really rising fast. I grabed it and held it. He wasn't laughing now, but got up and took his off too. There we were, both naked and horny. He had a nice 7 inch cut dick rising fast too. Mine was uncut and 6 1/2". His dick looked so smooth like it had no viens in it. He grabbed my arm and I pulled him close. He were now standing very close and there was a feeling of something electrical flowing between our close bodies, a hot energy. Now or never, I knealed down and got to his balls. There was that smell again, fucking delicious smell. My mouth was watering. I licked the head. Then I grabbed his butt. He stepped away and pushed me gently down to the floor. I was now laying next to the couch with hard cock and he was standing over me looking down. He turned around and put his ass in my face as he knealed down over my face. I felt his breath on my dick, the warmth was intense. His dick was hovering over me and his ballsack draped on my forehead. I let my tongue reach up to lick his shaft which was hard and pointing to his torso. I licked his dick to get it wet then tried my best to take him in in my odd position. He went down on me and I felt his sucking and his tounge around my dick. It was amazing. We were both in a state of complete ectasy and we rolled over onto our sides, still connected like pisces. All I remember are slurping sounds and heaving breathing. We slowly began thrusting together. A pulsating mass of lust lay there on the floor. I was gonna come real soon, I tried to hold back and I gasped for air, releasing his dick. He kept on going at it. I let go and I felt everything in my body go limp for a second. He kept on sucking, even harder now and pangs of pleasure still echoed through me. I got back to sucking him off and I decided to be like him, apply more and more pressure until he bursts. He was licking my head getting the last drops out of my dick and I was making sure he would give up his juice for me. He grabbed my ass and squeezed and pumped his dick into my mouth. He was cumming, I felt a thick, hot, viscous rush burst into my mouth and I swallowed. I kept on sucking harder, burst after burst then he slowly calmed down. He let go of me and we fell apart on the floor. Breathing hard and excited. We laid there for five minutes before we began to move. Our dicks were soft. Isaac sat up off the floor and I looked at him from my half shut eyes. He put his hand on my leg and ran it up to my chest. "Thanks." "Thank you." I said in reply. I was still stunned and my brain shut off all reason and concern, it was too busy dealing with what was at hand. He got up and put on his jock. I did the same and we smiled at each other. Things were painfully silent as we continued to put on our clothes. I asked if he wanted another beer. "No, I really should be getting home." "Yeah, ok." I replied. Again silence fell on us. It was so akward that we shared something so personal and yet we tried to retain a face of casuality. "I mean it, Thank you, that was fun." He said. I smiled and said, happily "Anytime." I meant it, I definately wouldn't mind having this guy over at my place now and then. "Let me give ya a ride." I said We got to the car and I drove to his place, I told him bye and he got out infront of his house. The next day at work he smiled at me and said hello. I did the same. Things it seemed, although akward, were still the same. I talked with me on my break about school and all that crap. He got picked up by his girlfriend. I saw him the next day at school, we talked story and I gave him a ride. About two weeks past and things seemed to return to normal. Though I would have to jag off to get off whenever I thought of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part 2 - There was the Phantom!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About a month after that hot evening with Isaac, about 5:30 pm at work on a friday, everything was normal. So it seemed. Isaac had grown into a fine employee and everything seemed to settle down nicely. We became better friends and Todd was as crazy as ever. Right after work I went to the bathroom and Todd and Isaac left for the night and told me to lock up. "Ok, no prob." I said. Things were quiet around the place and I decided for some reason to hang around in the dark. I guess I kinda like the feel of being in the dark at someplace where im familiar. Just relaxed and sat in the swivel chair at Rich's desk. I was looking at some orders and invientory sheets out of curiosity. It was about 7:20 by now and I was just goofing off out of lack of anything better to do. I played with the rubber gloves I wore for weighing and filled them with water. Squeeek wick wick eerp, the chair sounded as I moved about in it, even with little movements it made certain sounds. I began looking in the drawers out of complete nosiness. Then the lights by the desk went out. I jumped. What the hell? I went to the light switch around the corner. I turned it on and the drawer slammed shut. I did not see it move but I was definately a noise of a drawer and it was loud. By now I was very frightened and was getting ready to leave. I got to the little alcove where the entrance is located and there was the phantom. Isaac was standing at the door smiling then just laughing his ass off. "You mother fucker!" I yelled shaking my head. "Haahaha, shit , hahaha you didn't see me? hahaha." he reeled, then proceded at mocking my startled nature. "Just shutup you goddamned shithead." I said, irritably. "Yeah yeah, so easy to scare ya." "Isn't your girlfriend supposed to be here?" I asked. "Yeah but she paged me saying she had to go to some play or something and it was too late to get tickets for me." "Sure, thats what they all say." I jested. "Ahh yaa yaa." he brushed that idea off. "So I guess you want a ride home?" "Well, you wanna go somewhere?" He proposed. "I don't care, like where?" "What about your place. I'll buy some beer." I liked where this was heading! "No I got plenty in the fridge" I answered. We walked out and I locked the door. It was damned cold and our breath was like steam. I got into my car and turned on the heater. He got in next to me and we went to my house. "Frick why don't these stupid lights ever work right?" "Cause if they did you would get to where you wanted to go to faster, and the state can't let that happen." I said sarcastically. Things just sort of hazed themselves over, topics breezed by. Until we got to my front door. I became nervous, because I had the feeling that before he left we would have had sex together. It was anticipation and fear. After all we never really discussed it, but I knew it was a fluke, or was it? Once again we settled down on the couch and I brought out the beer. This time we didn't turn on the TV, we just played cards. No stripping or games, just plain old poker. He asked if I smoked and I said no. He didn't like it either. I showed him all sorts of crap that was just lying around my place, like a JCPenny women's underwear ad. All of the women didn't have their navels showing one way or the other, it was like a bizzare feat, clone women. We both had a good laugh and the oddities kept coming. We even tried to moon people out of my window. Things were getting a little noisy and we both felt like kids again. I decided to calm down. I went into my bedroom to get somemore dementia. He followed me in. I just said it, err asked. "You horny?" "Yeah. Well, you see, I was wondering what would you like to do." "Anything." We inched closer and closer to each other. I was breathing hard and I reached for his pants to unbotton them. I got down there and undid them percisely. He started on my shirt. I was really excited and nervous all at once. Isaac was hot and I would do anything, anytime with him but having to face him and the world afterwards was the hard part. We then got ourselves out of our clothes completely. I was the first out and I got down on the bed. My cock was already hard and throbbing. I was laying belly up on the bed, watching him take off his last sock. Then Isaac laid down right on top of me, our chests in complete contact and my dick next to his, throbbing between us. It was just like my dream! There was something about the feeling that was timeless and erotic. His face was right next to mine and for a moment I thought he would kiss me. I didn't think he was into that kind of thing, and I was right he just looked at me and told me that this was more than he expected. "In what way?" I questioned. "All of these good feelings, can't describe them, its like a whole bunch of them at once." he said. I put my hands on his firm ass and played with his cheeks. He slid down a bit and laid his head on my chest, listening to my heart beat. I felt his tounge go after my nipple and it tickled. My cock raged on. I felt him thrusting his hips. He was gaining more and more motion with each thrust, slowly rising a bit higher each time. I felt his dick flow through my pubic hairs. His nipplework got vicious, using his teeth and rapid licking. I put my knees up and his cock found my asscrack and was sliding about that area. His thrusting was getting more and more powerful. A few times I felt his cock at my butthole. I'm not sure if the thought of fucking my ass was on his mind or if he was having fun just doing what he was doing. I put my legs completely upwards. I was now in a position to get fucked. He stopped what he was doing. "You want me to do that?" he asked. I just nodded. I reached over to the little lampstand that had a drawer next to my bed, which had a box of condoms packed all the way back in some corner, I got one without having to get up from my position. He put in on. Again he went at my nipples, and his cock, this time, found my hole and just pushed lightly. Each time he came forward he pushed a little harder. Then I felt him strech me open, and in one fell swoop he put his body up and thrust forward. It was amazing! It was pain and pleasure at once, together. I groaned, and he exhaled deeply. We stayed still. I began flexing my ass muscles and he started to move. My hole began to heat up as he went faster. Precum spewed from my cock and I just looked in his eyes as he screwed me. He would glance at me then look around in complete pleasure. I was now his, and he was mine, we were now doing things that "normal" people just don't do. He touched the inner reaches of my ass and my prostate was getting rubbed into oblivion. He must have screwed my ass for about 6 minutes until he stopped, and pulled out. He was sweaty and was moaning as he breathed. "I musta cummed twice, fuck." Between breaths. He took the condom off and his cum slimed dick was placed on my chest. I looked at it with open eyes as it began to shrink, satisfied. I however was still hot and bothered. I neglected to touch my dick and it was jealous. Erupting precum every now and then. I felt him lay next to me. We just laid still for about 10 minutes, in a dreamy calm state. I got up and went to his nipples and began to imitate his nipple worship. I awoke and got up quickly and went down on me. My dick erupted another spurt of precum into his mouth and I felt him lick it off my head. He then turned his back towards me and put his leg up, exposing his ass. "You want me to? Did you ever try?" I asked. "Yeah, I want to feel it. I only fingered myself before, but I want you in me." I put on a condom and put my dick at his entrance, then pushed it forward. It was now at his backgate and he had to let me in. I nudged forward onto his ass a few times. Nothing, then I pushed with more force and got it with a quick slide forward an inch. He yelped. I stayed still. Then I began to go deeper. Along the way I felt his muscles in his ass flex, the warm flesh around my dick was alive and excited. After about a minute of gentle nudging, I got it all the way in. "Ready?" I asked He answered, in a airy voice "Yes, com'on, do it." I pulled out an inch then pushed in an inch very slowly. I went faster and deeper on subsequent strokes. I was *fucking* Isaac! He put his had on my flexing ass cheeks and I went at it varociously. The bed was squeaking and he was making manly groans and grunts. Finally I stopped, and felt his ass pulsate with the old fast rhythm. My cock was now gonna give up with cream into his ass. I pulled out a bit and the movement sent that final blow to my balls and I shot. I relaxed for a few moments and began to fuck him again. My dick was semi-soft but still rigid enough to push its way around. "Give it to me again." He said. With that I built up speed and hardness to fuck him a good one once more. After about a minute the ridge on my cockhead felt like fire and ice and I blew my wad again. I stopped completely while my body jerked about a few times, coping with the overload of sensations. I didn't pull out but went soft and let my dick ooze its way out. Again we lay there for a few minutes. Relaxing in the calm fullfilment. We must have dozed off because when I woke up it was about 11pm, and Isaac was still asleep. I woke him up and he got dressed. "Fuck I never could've imagined that. That was knarly." What archaic words. "Yeah, I liked that very much." I told him and gave him and nod. I dropped him off at home, Im quite sure he won't forget this night in awhile. Neither will I. All I hope for now is more, I want to do more with Isaac. The Good Luck Streak Part 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Man that's some solid beer!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greg came to work late, and so, he had to stay late. About an hour after he was supposed to go home he finally did. We chatted during our job and Isaac jumped in here and there. There wasn't much excitement otherwise. It was a typical day. Todd had to leave early that night so it was just me and Isaac from 6pm on. I guess Rich trusted me enough to take care of the place. Around 7:15pm we both finished out jobs and just sorta relaxed around the place. It was a dark, still, quiet warehouse and only the ventilation fans could be heard. Isaac and I took our time cleaning up and we joked around and goofed off. We weren't ready to leave until 8pm. Then it happened. We were on top of each other, going at it like rabbits. I was sucking his dick and pulling his balls next to the desk. He laid down onto the desk and I ravaged him. I sucked his dick for such a long time my mouth was numb. His crotch was very strong smelling after a day of work and school. I felt his jism hit my mouth with force and I lapped it all up. He leaned up and piched my nipples and began to take off my shirt. It was getting uncormfortable doing all of this on the desk so I sat on the chair and he began his work on me. We didn't say much, we knew what we wanted and we knew what the other wanted as well. I got out of my pants and pulled down my briefs. He sucked me off. This time he was much more vicious, he didn't just clamp down and suck away. He was moving, licking and pulling my dick in all directions. I tensed up and fought off an orgasm, I wanted this to last. I felt him wiggle his finger between my buttcheeks to get to my butthole. He penetrated me. Now this was getting nasty! I made it easier for him to finger me and the resulting pleasure was unreal. I came immediately. He sucked my cum all up. Then he kissed me! What the hell was that? I wasn't into kissing either but he just did it. He even slipped me a little cum slimed tounge. We got up, and cleaned ourselves off. The warehouse smelled like young manlust now. I hoped it wouldn't linger until morning. I ended up giving him a ride home. We didn't talk much on the way back. I was still very nervous with the whole setup. Not to mention the rather lack of feedback from Isaac. Turns out we did that sort of thing about every other week. Who knows, maybe he wasn't getting any pussy from his girlfriend, or maybe he was bi, or maybe even gay. Who cared, I loved it too much. He always made sure we were alone, alwasy made sure there was little foreplay just nasty low down dirty sex. Sometimes his devious side would emerge, he would make me lick his dick after he coated it with crumbs from the snacks(wonder if the customers would be pissed? haha). He screwed me while he was on the conveyer belt, I fucked him while we were both totally naked and on the loft. Aside from our kinky escapades, our friendship was growing. He was my best friend, it seemed our sex, and our friendly relationship had two sides, one for sex, and one for the friendship. He even brought me out with his friends and his girlfriend a few times. "So what about a movie thursday night?" I asked him. "Yeah ok, What you want to see?" "I don't know, how about 'Direct Orders', that looks pretty good." "Yeah, thats sounds good, about 9?" We talked and yacked before we went to work, we hung out in front. Greg was throwing some stuff into the baler and he overheard us. "You guys are going to that movie?" Greg asked. "Yeah" "Hey, Can I go? I want to see that too." Greg was quiet but he wasn't a wimp either. He could be assertive if he wanted to. Sometimes he gave me the creeps, not as in spooky halloween creeps, but in a i'll-beat-you-up if you aren't nice sort of way. He was one tough cookie. "Sure, 9 o'clock, Ill pick you up." I said. Thursday night came and I dropped Isaac at home to freshen up while I went home to do the same. I went to go pick up Isaac, then Greg(who was too lazy to drive). I got aprehensive, I saw the long line in front of the theaters but turns out that was for another movie. The movie was ok, after the first hour and a half it was more likely to make you sleep than to make you excited. It got to political, too confusing. I tuned out of the movie and just sorta relaxed until it ended. After the rather crappy movie we all decided it was too early to call it a night. Isaac had really taken to Greg. They both chatted and joked. As diplomatic as I was, I asked what they wanted to do. Greg didn't care, neither did I. The decision rested on Isaac. "Lets go rent a movie." "Where are we gonna watch it?" I asked. "My place, right?" I glared. Isaac just smiled, we got to the video store a few minutes too late though. Things started to wind down. I asked if anyone wanted to go back to my place. Everyone agreed...and when we got there... "Shhh" I said giving the finger to the lips. Everyone took a few seconds to stop and shut up in the stairwell. -Ring- "My phone" I said. I ran up the last flight of stairs to my floor and then to my door, it was still ringing. My keys, no I couldn't drive my door, or use it to make ice, bingo the right key, a little jiggle and turn. I got the door open and the phone, as if starled by my dramatic entrance, stopped ringing! After all the melodrama, "Who was it?" Isaac popped in, Greg easing in after him. "How the fuck should I know, they hung up." Everyone settled in, on the couch, on the kitchen chair, in the frige with beer. Almost as if they lived here, might I add that would be interesting. All the noise got to me in five minutes, the TV, Isaac showing Greg my dementia, the phone. The phone, which I picked up motioning them to shut up, thankfully, had a rather surprising person on the other end. "Hey, Isaac, its your girlfriend." I said cheerfully, and put the phone down then went to sit next to Greg on the couch. There was so much to do other than do nothing at my place, so why are we stuck here? Why not play pool, I mean billards. Why not just walk the streets, why not a strip joint? Nah, to wild, but pool sounded like fun. Too bad Isaac's voice doesn't travel, I had no idea what was going on but it didn't look good, it sounded all heart-to-heart talk. Little snippets I would pick up were "I know, I love you too but..." or "Aww I can't believe you're saying that..." Greg, what a mystery he still was, I couldn't tell if he was eavesdropping like I was or if he was ice skating on saturn's rings, one spacey dude. Then Greg turns to me and said "Heh, well umm you wanna go play pool or something? Billards whatever?" weird! -Click- Isaac said nothing, sorta bummed but retaining a sorta happy attitude. "So, what?" I asked. "You don't think this is kinda boring?" Apparently, real friends don't appreciate free beer like they used to. With all the innocence of a lamb, he threw an idea on the floor. "Heh, well umm you wanna go play pool or something? I, I mean Billards whatever?" I turn to Greg and he says "Man, this beer is solid!" I try to shake the dillousion from my head and decide to let that one pass. Yeah, solid beer I think to myself. "Sounds good" I say. "Can we stop by and pick up my girlfriend?" Isaac jumps in. I just get my keys and say "Come on." So anyway, 11:45pm at the tip of the day we make our way into the neighborhood whorehouse, punk stash, and stinking poolhall. This place had a lot of balls. I think Tanya, you-know-who's girl, is the closest thing to a proper girl this place has seen in awhile despite her tounge-ring. We get a game going, we all admit that we REALLY can't play pool for beans. So, everyone even Tanya gets into the fun of screwing up. I managed to get two balls into one pocket. Isaac gets his cuestick and manages to somehow nudge it against my butt. I play stupid and ignore, but he gives me an eye and then goes on to do the same to Tanya. What a pig. What a sexy horndog! She jumps then with a clam grin plays ignorance. He too managed to get two balls into one pocket, pretty slick fucker he is. I think he hustled us all. Me and Greg are partners, losing partners by the way. Lucky for me Greg is here to eye up the other punks. Either way, we're stuffed on a corner table and out of the way of payphones(the prime punkmagnet) and the pornographic videogames. "You dont like to smoke either?" I ask him between his wheezes. "Nah, My dad got lung cancer from the stuff, thats enough to scare me off it." "Oh...." It gets really quiet...... then he says "He's still alive though, that's all I know." The place seemed to pick up again. Man that's some solid beer. All night things have been more dramatic than they really are, the little things look big, maybe I'm just a wimp or what but Greg seemed he'll of alot older than me. He's not. Isaac seemed to be interested in Greg, well that is still up in the air, but he has taken to Tanya well. Tanya seemed tough and all, but she squeals and giggles and is oh so bubbly. Must've been a bad batch of beer. All of us three guys were at the table when I notice something, and I KNOW this was real. Isaac had two balls at the end of his cue stick while he "humped" them witht he cuestick. He looked like he was just fidgeting, you know anxious like. Then Tanya comes back and somehow, someway, he managed to goose Greg with the stick. Greg little more than jerks in surprise and laughs it off. We are all closer friends, all hope to do this again. The love birds, Tanya and Isaac seem happier than ever and Greg, well....weird! Good Luck Streak Chapt 4 Author is poster, send hate/love mail if you'd like. This part is the latest and is only partial. "Well oh well lookie what we have here Greg" So anyway, many beers, and perhaps a month after our night out the new "group" of friends sure became an efficent team at work. School's winter semester was almost over with, classes it as it turned out were a breeze(in the case of Harriet "Highheels" Jenner, Isaac and I's Eng 100 professor, breeze was a fashion). The local community college was sure a zoo. It was right before the holidays and to fulfill the expectant merriment, we had to pack tiny red or green bows in the bags. I can only imagine the headlines if some hapless consumer accidentally swallowed a bow and is suing for a couple of million. Kinda pisses you off, don't it? Why couldn't I get the Pepsi can with the hyperdermic needle! At least it would have been easier to see instead of those lucky numbers the print on the bottom. As you can see, some of the odd thoughts I thought as I was packing. What a bore it was becoming. I'm exhausted with my job. School was fine, friends were fine(and so was Isaac's libido), the Pastachio's...were tasteless. EXCITEMENT! I NEED EXCITEMENT! My brain SCREAMED in its tiny shell. It sent a chill down my back. Oh wait, it could of been the multiple flash of lightining and the nearly earthquake level rumble that followed. More rain, it had rain like a motherfuck all week. We had more rain in one day than the average for the entire month of November since 1830-something. I kinda enjoyed the dismal grey and the airy noise of rain. It's such a quiet noise but so loud you can't hear anything else. "So what...Tanya Girl is gonna come pick ya up in this rain?" I asked sorta hope she wasn't. "No, her car's headlights are waterlogged and she can't see a thing, her car is useless." He had to yell it to me. YES! I could only hope. "I dunno cause she said she was gonna spend the night at her aunts, the whole family is going, because you know they live near the canal and they don't want to be there if it overflows." Isaac yelled. I just gave him a big smile. As you could've guessed he got the hint and a grin formed. Planning...what what what....devious planning... I know maybe we could get naked and do it in the rain somewhere, afterall it was still warm outside. Maybe he could sleep over. Rain rain rain, pounding rain.... oh wait...someones pounding on the door. Ted, you know our old friend, went to see who it was. He came back with a completely rained out Greg. "Shit, mud flooded my building's lobby, the elevators broke, electricity is out, phones are out, no hot water, everything was soaked!" Greg explained. "Holy shit!" "So where are ya gonna stay?" I asked. Why did I even ask that, now I'll feel obligated to have him over which puts out the fun with Isaac. Crap, shit-for-brains wellfare-for-all mind! "I" "Umm, why don't you stay at my place, I called the landlord on my break she said its rainy but fine at my place." I said. "You sure man?" "Yeah, don't worry 'bout it, besides it'll be a bore otherwise." "Can I come over too?" Isaac beamed over. "Why even ask!" About two hours later, my place..... "What a son of a bitch!" "Hey, thanks for letting me stay." Greg said. "No prob, I hope my couch works for you." "Nah it looks to small I think the floor will work better." "Whatever you want." I said shaking my head. My furniture wasn't all that bad. Speaking of which, Isaac was all set with beer in hand. What to do now...... sat on the floor near the TV. I decided to stay off the brew for tonight. "What shit!" thats what we all pretty much thought about what was on TV. "So when can you get back into your apartment?" "They said they could get the lobby cleared in no time if the rain would just stop. If its too much I can stay somewhere else after a bit." "No no don't sweat it." I told Greg. Isaac was quiet, he looked pretty tired. No one talked for quite awhile and it got really still and quiet except for the rain. Must be the weather -yawn-. I laid down a bit on the floor, Greg had started to knot off on the couch too. After about 20 minutes I got up to use the toilet. So, I'm there half alseep with my willie in hand trying to pee when FLICK. The lights are gone, the word "fuck" or something close to it came from between my teeth. I finished up, the whole place was pitch dark. I mean I had to feel for the couch, the walls everything! I walked to the front end of the couch to where I was and I hit somebody. "Oh heh....sorry." I said. Greg moaned. "Greg?" I asked. All I heard was something like a "Whut". I turned 180 degrees, if Greg was there then the couch must be about 1 pace from him. Got it....ok there was Isaac, I sat next to him. He was barely snoring. I tried to get comfortable and decided to wait out the blackout, sometimes it comes back on quickly. Everything was silent. The loud lights and bright noises of the city streets below were gone. I wondered how long Greg would end up staying. Maybe just a day, two, three. Isaac's snoring was making me tired, that rhythmic noise and the rain was a definate recipe for sleep. Then, for some reason he stopped. He yawned and streched a bit. I didn't say a word and was in such a relaxed state that talking would ruin it. I felt him grope me a few times on my leg to see if someone was there, I just sorta moved a bit and played sleepy. I felt his side of the couch go up, he must've stood up. Silence. Then I heard him make and aching sigh and the sound of skin of carpet. Was he lying down? Not quite sure. It was a few mintues then I heard a sigh. It was hard to hear anything with that rain. I decided to strech out on the couch and gradually leaned over slowly. I tried to get comfortable, I'll probably wake up in an hour anyway, and I was tired so I decided to make time for sleep. Then all sorts to things happened, a humming noise sounded, rising in pitch quickly. The glare on the windows turned white and red, motors started running and the lights went on. I opened my eyes. Isaac was on the floor with his head resting on Gregs' crotch, Greg was up. He just looked at me in surprise. Isaac was groggy but up. He didn't move though. Now I was getting a look like "What the hell is he doing?" from Greg and a "Oh, thats your crotch" act from Isaac. Both of which I didn't buy.

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