Docking cons. gay adults, first time

By Dewayne836

Published on Jan 7, 1995



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Docking by D.V. Sadero

The foreskin, thick and long and richly golden-brown slowly heaved forward

over the blunt pink head of my stiff cock. I felt my prick head hard against, Tony's, warm and moist iii in the grip of his Smoothly stretched flesh.

His hand, big and tanned, its back covered with a lot of black hairs, took our flesh connection in a firm grip and began to glide his skin back and forth on my cock.

I was almost in ecstasy; in fact, I worried I might pass out from the sheer pleasure burning in my cock and spreading throughout my young body. Which sounds exaggerated, I know. But consider: This was my very first time doing this and almost my first time having sex with another man. And Tony was the hottest, best-looking man I knew.

One of the floor counselors for the university's men's dormitory, he was a

graduate student in his middle 20s, warm and easygoing. And he was good- looking in a richly Italian way, with big dark eyes, an olive complexion deepened by an even tan, lush lips, and a lot of very black curly-wavy hair. His big body was solidly muscular, his well-defined chest extremely hairy.

We made a great contrast. I'm blond, fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and not especially furry, and my summer tan was fading from my swimmer's build type of body.

Half an hour before, I had been on the way back from the shower, wearing only my undershorts. Tony was coming the other way, and I figured that since he was wearing only a towel around his waist and carrying a shaving kit, he was going into the shower. Secretly, I regretted my bad timing, because I really liked 'Po seeing Tony's powerful, well-defined body, and his cock too: It was darkly golden and hung straight down, heavily burdened with the thick, wrinkly, deep- brown foreskin. It was so long that in the shower spray it shook like a windblown leaf.

That too was in contrast to me: My foreskin was a thin, pale membrane and even longer than Tony's. It ended far more neatly, in a nice round hole. The base of Tony's skin hung the lowest, forming a fat lower lip sticking out from underneath the rest of the thick gathering of skin meat.

All this I'd observed super discreetly. I was a little over 18 and a freshman at the university, and I had admitted to myself that I was gay. This gave me a strange sense of liberation, of freedom from all those definitions that other people laid on me and that I had known for a long time didn't fit.

Still, I was extremely antsy about actually doing anything sexual with another man. Partly, it was all so new; partly, my experience was limited to getting several blowjobs the summer before; and partly, I was a very shy young man. In short, that first fall quarter of college, I was in the closet but with the door wide open. All I had to do was step out and be like Tony, openly gay and perfectly relaxed about it. That seemed extremely difficult for me somehow.

A little while later, while I was still in my undershorts, there was a knock on the door. It was Tony, wearing only a white towel.

I let him in, and my whole chest and torso suddenly got nervous way down deep inside. But it was a good-feeling kind of nervous.

Tony got right to the point: "I saw your name on the sign-up list for the Gay Student Union. I'm on the membership committee. I didn't realize before-"

"Oh, yes, I signed up," I said, feeling confused, foolish, and suddenly warm all over my body.

"Great. It's a good group." He eyed me up and down. "Urm, listen, maybe you and me could, you know, get it on some time."

For me just then, Tony was moving at the speed of light. I said, "Uh ... well ... uh, sure."

"Like when?" Tony asked. "What about now? Nothing fancy, we could just sixty- nine."

"Now?" I asked. My mind trying to find some excuse to get out of this, all the while every cell of my body screamed for me to say yes. "I ... well, I..." was the best I could manage.

Tony's handsome, kind-eyed face brightened with a sudden understanding: "You're new to all this, right?"

"Yeah," I said. "And kind of nervous."

"Well, we can do something sexy but not so ... committed," Tony said. "I noticed you have a foreskin, like me. We can do some docking. That's a good place to start."

"Docking?" I asked.

"Like this," Tony said. As casually as if he were getting something out of his pocket, he put his hand in the fly of my wrinkled boxer shorts and pulled out my cock, which I could feel was filling out pretty fast. I stood there in near-shock staring at my dick in Tony's hand.

"Hey, really extra fine, extra large size too," he said. "No reason to be shy with a dong like this." His towel fell to his feet as if by magic (though,

looking back, I am sure he gave it some help). I gazed at his length of dark cock. It still hung down, but now it was longer and thicker. The foreskin dangled less, and it lay stretched around a big, bulging purplish cock head.

'Why not strip down?" Tony said gently.

I at once shucked my shorts.

"Ooh," Tony said, "that foreskin! Just what I like, long and thin and smooth

nd with that neat little hole. And so pink! You're whole big dick is so pink, and those big, bright-red balls... I think you'll make a lota guys happy in years to come."

By this time my shyness was pretty much overcome by excitement, which grew

stronger when Tony came very close and I could enjoy his male odor.

"Lets see the head of your cock," he said.

With two fingers I slid my parchment-like foreskin off the deep-cut flange of my pink-headed cock.

"Real fine," Tony said, his voice a E whisper, his eyes gleaming as they gazed at my dick. He put one hand around his surprisingly big cock, aimed it so its head touched mine, which I held steady, and then pushed his cock skin forward until it moved over the head and up the shaft of my cock.

Tony gently eased my hand off my cock and onto his back, and while I was steadying myself with that light embrace, his hand began to work his foreskin flesh back and forth on my dick.

I got hotter and hotter as the golden flesh engulfed my pink prick, then glided off again, only to reach higher the next time. Tony did all this with a slow, insinuating rhythm. I could only stare in fascination, especially at the way his pubic skin flowed upward from the base of his cock, coating almost a third of my stiff dick with his rich, dark hairs.

In words spoken in cadence with the movements of his hand and foreskin on my cock, Tony half whispered, "This is what they call docking. Something I really like. Feel good to you?"

"Wuh-wuh-wonderful," I managed to gasp out.

He went on and on, and after a while I felt his grip become tighter. I felt him press himself more forward, forcing my super-hard cock to stab deeply into his flesh and my iron-hard cock head to bulge under his taut, shiny golden

foreskin. Good as that felt, I liked even better the feeling that my cock was being firmly pressured back into my body. Now I could sense, better than ever before, that deep within me was a whole new world of feelings-rich, fantastic, and deeply pleasuring.

I began to groan and held Tony tighter as I fought the impulse to grab his

hand and make him stop. The feelings in my cock were almost unbearably pleasurable.

"Oh, shit!" Tony said all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Gotta go! Forgot. I have to meet somebody. I'll be late." Tony grabbed his towel and flung it around his waist as he ran out the door.

I stood there in a daze. My body was a raging torrent of sexual excitement... and I was alone. I flopped naked onto the bed, feeling incredibly frustrated, and tried to enjoy the quickly fading sensual warmth flowing all through me.

My cock stood up a little off my torso, gleaming with moisture. Tony's moisture, his sweat, his cock smell, his precome. I had to have it.

I turned around on the bed and raised my legs up against the wall. Since I

hung long enough and was lithe enough to do it, I was able to suck my own cock. I had done it well into my teen years until I came to prefer the easier postures of jacking off with my hand.

To give my ass support on the little backboard of the bed, I let my legs down so my knees were in my face. Holding myself in a strong two-arm embrace, I

could still manage to get the head of my cock and barely a little bit of the shaft into my mouth.

The lack of practice made itself felt at once: My back began to ache, and long lines of strain throbbed in my thighs. But I didn't care.

I put my mouth on my cock. It did taste different, spicy and darkly rich. I knew I really was tasting Tony. I sucked excitedly, and all too soon I started to get the flavor of my own sweat and prejuice on my tongue. But now I was all hot and bothered, and feverishly I forced my mouth upward and my hips downward. I sucked my cock harder and harder, tonguing back my foreskin to get at the supersensitive head.

Suddenly I let go and flopped back flat on the bed. The pain had become too much; my body couldn't stand it another second. I gasped in several lungsful of air, then opened my eyes.

I saw a big golden cock, completely stiff, almost in my face. The head, its skin pulled back, was a tall, dark cone, deeply slitted. Too shy to look up at Tony, too shy to meet his eyes, I took his cock in my mouth.

At that moment, nothing seemed more natural. I began to suck, with enthusiasm if not finesse. My nostrils filled with a warm, musky-sharp odor from the depths of his hairy crotch and the masses of curlies only inches from my face. A lime voice told me that Tony had faked his sudden need to exit and knew what he'd find on his surprise return. I was glad he'd played that game, because all I felt was joy.

Tony rearranged me on my side on the bed, and I felt my cock head, foreskin and all, taken into the pulsating, powerful, velvety muscularity of his cock- loving lips and powerful, busy tongue.

I reached down with one hand and drew back my foreskin. When my supersensitive cock head met his firmly caressing tongue and lips, I gasped, feeling pleasure beyond anything I'd ever known before.

I thought I might shoot then and there, but Tony slowed down. I took a hint and did the same, taking my time now, backing off a little and lollipopsucking his big, wonderful cock. I tried to see it too, but it was too close and blurry.

His tongue played hard all over my cock. I tried not to shoot, but it wasn't long before I was overwhelmed. My body shivered and humped and bucked. I sighed and moaned and shot the juice into Tony's warm, eager mouth.

It took a while to catch my breath and just generally recover from the experience. Beside me on the bed, his body aglow with a thin, even sheen of sweat, Tony asked, "How do you feel?"

'Wonderful!' I said. "Just wonderful!"

Tony grinned.

"You didn't come, though," I said.

'That's OK, man. I'll get around to it."

We talked for a little, me enjoying a lot how Tony was so totally relaxed and frank about our nakedness and our sexuality.

"Funny,' he said, "I really like a foreskin on a guy, but I don't meet too

many that have 'em. And hardly any with the big, gorgeous heavy curtains you have."

"Thanks,' I said, feeling shy. Nobody had ever complimented my fore-skin before.

"I know you came a little while ago," Tony went on, "but would you mind if I just kind of licked your foreskin? Just slow and easylike?"

"Sure, Tony," I said. "But it's all gooey with my come. I'll go wash."

'That's OK," he said, pressing me gently back onto the bed. "Come tastes good."

With that, Tony had moved down between my legs. He started flicking his tongue around the head of my fatly limp cock. I could feel the tongue's tip moving around the edge of my foreskin's opening, now a small circle, and I sensed it easily when the warm, pressuring flesh began making polishing, smoothing movements over my cock head as it dug deep under the foreskin.

I found I was getting hard again, and my cock ached as it got erect, but it ached good. I gazed down at Tony's handsome, subtly moving head as he kept his mouth busy on my cock. When I was completely stiff, he backed off from my cock and held it in one hand like a candle and just looked at it. Then he blew a thin stream of air across my cock head. The feeling I got was something I'd never felt before, like my cock was being licked from both inside and out at the same time. I gasped in surprise and pleasure.

Tony's hand moved down the last inch or so of my stiff prick, pulling the shaft skin with it and causing my foreskin to move slowly downward. The foreskin opening widened as the prick head was revealed, then stretched to its limit as it reached the thick flange that was the base of my cock head. Moving with sudden speed, it slid down to the shaft, revealing all of my head and

surrounding it with an encircling mound of thick, dark flesh.

Tony suddenly got on his knees and straddled me. His cock touched mine, and his hand pulled my skin over his big cock head.

"Oh, yes," he said over and over, sighing more than speaking. "So beautiful. Feels so great." Holding my pale clamped skin over his darkly amber prick, he pulled my flesh back and forth, back and forth, up and down his cock and across his head.

My prick was so stiff, I didn't see how he found so much loose skin to pull it high over his long cock. It felt incredibly good and sexy, just as it had before. This time I had no nerves, no fears ... just desire, hot and pure and rooted deep between my legs.

Harder and faster, Tony jacked off his cock inside my stretched foreskin. Suddenly he grunted, his hand whipped back and forth at superspeed, and I felt a blast of blazing hot wetness all over the head of my cock.

Groaning and pumping, Tony milked himself dry. It took some time, and by the end I was dripping with come. It was oozing from the fingers of his still- pumping hand and running down my shaft into my curlies, and I could feel it drooling warmly down my balls.

At last Tony stopped, much to my relief. He grabbed his towel and dried us


Still straddling me, our cocks and balls relaxing warmly together, Tony said, "Wow! Really fine.... Hey, listen. You're new at all this gay stuff, right?" I nodded. "Look, I can show you around, teach you a few things. We could kind of hang out together. Interested?"

I looked up at his dark beautiful eyes in that handsome face. "Sure," I said. "Very."

"Great," Tony said. "It'll be fun." He looked down at my now almost completely soft cock. He moved his body down my thighs a little ways, then took my foreskin between his finger and thumb and raised my cock up in the air. A little come oozed forth and ran down the skin. "And maybe you'll let me play with this once in a while."

"Pretty much anytime you want, Tony," I said. I imitated Tony and took his

thick, dark foreskin in a finger-and-thumb grip, just the way he had mine.

"But you gotta let me play with yours too," I said.

"Sure," Tony said, his big warm smile the biggest and warmest I'd ever seen on his face.

"What's this foreskin fucking called again?" I asked.


"Docking," I said. "I'll have to remember that."

Tony stretched my prick's skin over one finger, which he used to tickle my

cock head inside. Smiling, he said, "I'll keep you reminded."

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