Changed for Good 1/1 TG, femdom

By A Dietrech

Published on Dec 31, 1994





I had heard of guys getting turned into women by their wives or girlfriends, and usually they all wanted it to happen, but I never thought it would happen to me! I can't say that I'm unhappy now that it's all done, but let me tell you how it all came to pass...

My wife Cheryl and I were very good friends with Chuck and Beth. Cheryl is an endocrinologist and psychologist, and her friend Beth is a plastic surgeon. Both of them have very good practices and had often worked together with transsexual patients. Both Chuck and I had heard them talk about some of their patients. Chuck is a lawyer, and I operate my own computer programming business from my home. Money isn't a problem for either of us...both couples are very well off.

One night we were all together at Chuck and Beth's house, and you could say we were drinking quite a bit. At least Chuck and I were. About half way through the night, the girls started talking about a couple of their patients that they were turning into women. From the way they were talking though, these patients weren't actually transsexuals, but rather, were a couple of

guys being transformed into women by their wives, who were tired of their macho posturing and male belligerence.

Well, they started talking about how it seemed like a good idea, and started looking at us a little funny. Eventually, after a bit more to drink and a bit more discussion, mostly of us men saying that it could never be done to us, we men ended up making a bet with the women. The bet was that they could not only feminize us (and do an excellent job of it), but we would ultimately welcome our new gender identity and end up preferring it. The ladies were going to start feminizing us men, we men had to go along with it, and the first group to back out of the process had to do the bidding of the other for a year. There were several catches: First, it was the "males" as a team against the females. I couldn't back out unless I could also get Chuck to back out, and the same was true for the team of Cheryl and Beth. Second, the period of our feminization was to be for a full year. The women could do anything they wanted to us, physically, mentally, etc. for that year as long as what they did was meant to make us more feminine or womanly. Third, the

only thing they couldn't do was to give us the "final" surgery - they couldn't cut off our penises and balls. Chuck being a lawyer, decided that this was the kind of thing which should be drawn up into a contract, so he quickly pulled one together. Chuck and I made arrangements to put our respective businesses on hold, we signed the contract and we all decided that the process would commence immediately at midnight.

At the stroke of midnight, both women took us into separate bathrooms and stripped us of our clothes. After that, things became a blur for me, and for Chuck, too. It turned out that once the contract had been signed, the women had put something in our last drinks that would make us pass out.

When I next woke up, it was with a tremendous headache, as well as a dull ache all over my body. My chest felt like it had been trounced on, and my skin was extremely sensitive. I could remember nothing since going into the bathroom and losing my clothes. Just about then my wife came in and said "So how's my little girl today?". I didn't quite understand at first, but then I sat up and some of it started coming back. When I sat up, my chest felt funny, so I looked down and saw that I had boobs. They didn't look as good as my wife's, but there were definitely two boobs there. Beth had given me breast implants! My new boobs looked to be about a B-cup. Then I noticed thay my skin was hairless. I started exploring all over my body, and even felt my face, but I found no hair. It turned out that the wives had a couple of friends who were electrologists, and they had come in and cleared our entire bodies of hair. I later found out that they had also permanently plucked our eyebrows to a feminine thinness.

I climbed out of bed, dumbfounded, and started exploring what else they had done. My toenails were bright red, I had long red fingernails, and my ears

were pierced 2 times each. More work performed by friends of our wives. Beth then sat me down and showed me the contract that we had all signed. She said that she was totally serious in keeping the bet, and had already started both of us guys on female hormones to start our change to gals. She said that as the hormones started filling me out with real tits, they would soften around the implants, giving me much more realistic looking breasts than if I had had them enlarged after I had fully developed. She told me my new name was Susan and then told me that "She always wanted a boy named Sue!".

She then pointed out a clause in the contract that nobody was allowed to back out of the contract, even if they wanted to, until after 4 months had

passed. She then told me that the reason that I hadn't been fighting back so far was that she had been giving me post-hypnotic suggestions the entire time I had been out, which would make me not only accept what was going to happen, but that after I saw myself fully dressed up, I would actually want to become more feminine. I would start to revel in my newfound femininity, and would

want to flaunt the fact that I was a female to everyone. While I would have no real desire to be totally a true female, I would want to always look and act flawlessly female, and I would want all my friends and coworkers, etc. to know that I was really a male who enjoyed being ultra-feminine. It was already starting to work, too, for I was thinking that this was really going to be a turn-on.

She sat me down, did my makeup and then started dressing me. She gave me a pair of pink french cut panties and showed me how to tuck myself back between my legs to hide my penis. Then she gave me a matching bra which held up my

breasts and pushed them into the center. It was a demi-cup bra and it gave me wonderful cleavage. I also found out my estimate was correct - I was a B-cup. Then came a garter belt and gray stockings with seams up the back. Then she gave me a full slip, and a low-cut pastel blue sundress which showed off my boobs, and a pair of high-heeled sandals. After doing my hair, which was long anyway, she took me to a beauty salon where they put hair extensions into my hair to extend it down to the middle of my back, and made it all curly and

wavy and bright copper red. Then they redid my makeup, giving me sultry eyes and full ruby red lips.

Then came the meeting with Chuck, now called Charlene. Charlene looked great and she said the same thing about me. She had nice boobs, but she had nice hips, too. I asked about the hips, and Beth told me that she had decided at the last moment to give Charlene hip implants as well. That's when Cheryl decided I should have them too. I was in total agreement, so they set me up for surgery the next morning.

The rest of that day we spent with Cheryl and Beth making us stand, walk, sit, talk, etc. constantly criticizing how we did it, and praising us when we did it in a properly feminine manner. I was actually trying my best because I truly loved it. I found myself talking about how much I was enjoying it. Cheryl said, "You'll have plenty of time to get used to it, dear."

The next day, Cheryl took me over for my hip implants. I was excited at the prospect of having a better looking body. Just as I was going under, Cheryl told me that I would be very pleased with my new self the next time I saw myself. When I woke up my face was wrapped, I couldn't talk and I couldn't

even move. Cheryl came in and told me that she had not only had Beth put in my hip implants so that I would be more curvy, but that she had had vocal chord surgery done so that I would now have an ultimately feminine voice and that she had had my eyes brought out, my cheek bones raised, and my lips made fuller with collagen implants. Beth had also done some minor hair transplants to fill in around my hairline. She informed me that she had had my Achilles tendon shortened so that I would never again be comfortable wearing anything except high heeled shoes. She said that she and Beth had also decided that

Charlene and I were still entirely too masculine in our musculature and skin texture, so we were being immobilized by borderline doses of curare combined with an intermittent spinal block and more hypnotic suggestions while we healed. It turned out that Charlene had had her voice and face and tendons

operated on, too. During this time, we would be fed by means of a stomach tube and an IV, while our skin would be massaged with creams to soften and lighten it as our inactive muscles dwindled to more feminine proportions and our waists shrank. Of course, we would still be receiving our hormone doses, hypnosis and feminine deportment lessons. Someone came in daily and applied our makeup and did our hair and nails, all the while lecturing on these techniques to a totally receptive audience.

Finally, I was told that since we could not perform as men sexually because of the hormones, we were to be indoctrinated into giving sexual pleasure to others, both men and women, as women. Because of the liquid diet, our assholes were not being used, so they were slowly enlarged by the repeated insertion of ever larger plugs. At least once a day, a vibrator was inserted to massage my prostate until I came. When combined with the hypnotic suggestions, it wasn't long before I was getting excited when anyone even touched my asshole. And we saw videotapes of the best fellatio and cunnilingus techniques available, so we would know what to do and how to behave. As men, we had already known what blow-job techniques gave the most pleasure. Now, we would only have to apply those techniques to other men. And I've always liked to eat pussy and been

good at it, too, so that really wasn't a problem.

We lived in something of a twilight world for almost six weeks. After a few days the bandages came off, and a couple of weeks later, the swelling had subsided. When everything was healed, we were slowly returned to mobility, and I could see what I was really going to look like. I was gorgeously feminine! My skin was pale, smooth and supple. My arms and legs were thin and somewhat weak. My waist was tiny, but my breasts and my hips thrust out declaring my femininity. My lips looked like I could suck a man's cock so hard he would

turn inside out. Then I got to try out my new voice, and it was on the low

side of the female spectrum, but very soft, sensuous and sultry and definitely a sexy woman's voice. My nails had grown out and were perfectly manicured. My hair was long and soft. I was in love with every aspect of my new feminine


One afternoon soon after my recovery, Cheryl told me she had another special treat. She took me back to the salon, and one of the attendants started working all over my face with some sort of needle gun. She started

under my eyes, then over my eyes, then my cheeks and finally my lips. When she was done, she turned me around to look at the mirror. I had almost full makeup on. I didn't quite understand at first, because I didn't feel like I had makeup on. But I looked like I was wearing red lipstick, pink blush, dark eyeliner and golden brown eye shadow on my lids. That's when Cheryl told me that it was permanent. She had had most of my makeup tattooed on. Then even if I decided to go back to being a man, it would be impossible to take off the makeup. But all I could think of was that I was thrilled to cut down on the time I had to spend putting on makeup or lipstick after kissing or sucking or licking.

The next time I saw Charlene, the same things had happened to her. We talked and I found she also was experiencing the same weird feelings. I loved the feel of long earrings pulling on my ear lobes and brushing against my neck and how my long nails made my fingers look and how my hair felt gliding down my back. My nipples were starting to really bloat on the ends of my boobs and were tender and sensitive, as was my asshole. My boobs were looking softer, fuller and rounder, and had started to actually sag, looking more realistic. I also stated that I had grown a full cup size and was wearing a C-cup bra already! My hips had also put on another couple of inches, but I was being

careful about my waist and that I loved it all. Charlene agreed wholeheartedly.

Once I started spontaneously gushing about how I loved mimicking a female and feeling soft and sleek and pretty, Cheryl started letting me dress myself entirely, including my hair and makeup. All the months of training and changing were paying off. She never let me wear pants, or bulky female clothes, but I never really had any desire to. All the clothes and lingerie in the wardrobe I had acquired were designed to show off my new sexy ultra- feminine body. Even my shoes were all at least 3 inch heels, even my slippers and sandals. I wasn't just physically uncomfortable wearing flats, I also didn't think they made my legs and feet look sexy and delicate enough. After 10 months, I decided to have fun with my desire for others to know that I was a male, so I dressed up in just green bikini panties, an emerald green low-cut skin tight mini-dress which barely covered my gorgeous ass, and a pair of 5- inch high-heel pumps. I strolled into a local tattoo shop and the guy in the shop just about dropped his needle. I could tell he was thrilled to have a

woman like me in his shop. I told him I wanted two tattoos and where I wanted them. Then I slid out of my dress, so that I was wearing nothing but my panties and heels. I bent over, slid down my panties and on my butt, where

everyone could see when I wore my french cut bikini, I had the words "I'm a man" tattooed. Then on the inside of my thigh right under my crotch, I had the word "Surprise!" tattooed. I loved it, and so did Cheryl.

When I got home, I told her that to celebrate my new self, I'd love for her to invite her friends over on the anniversary of my transformation, so I could show off my feminine mimicry. She loved the idea and immediately invited over a bunch of our friends for a "coming out" party. After everyone had gathered at the party and had a couple of drinks, she announced the surprise of the

party, and introduced her "husband, the female mimic". That's when I came out in a long slinky red dress which clung to every curve, but was slit up the

side to my thigh. I started doing a strip tease, and slinking around all the men and women in the audience. Shortly, I was out of my dress, and was strutting around my lingerie and 6-inch red sequined heels. Nobody could believe my body, and I loved it! I quickly removed my bra and started shaking my now D-cup tits everywhere I could.

When I was done, I was standing there wearing only my red garter belt, black stockings and my high heels. Everyone loved it.

That's when Cheryl announced that I would be servicing any and all comers to the party. A couple of my old friends actually took up the offer and took me upstairs to fuck my brains out. I took both men at the same time, one up my ass, the other down my throat. When all was done, I had a sizeable load of cum up my ass and had swallowed what I thought was a gallon of the stuff, and I wanted more. I was in heaven!

After that evening, my wife asked me if I wanted to waive any and all abilities to back out. I quickly agreed, and she set me up with a job as a

female impersonator and stripper at a local bar. From that night forward, I've spent almost every night shaking my boobs and balls in front of every man I can, and even showing one or two of them that my feminine talents aren't all in my looks...that I can perform in other ways that will really light up their lives. Charlene, by the way, is working as a lingerie model for a local fashion designer. I service my wife whenever she wants and she doesn't have to put up with any more male domineering. We both are very much in love with each other and our lives. My change is for good, and I couldn't be happier with the results...

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